How does a chemical reaction differ from a nuclear reaction? Hydrogen bomb and nuclear bomb differences. What is the difference between nuclear weapons and atomic weapons?

Nature develops dynamically, living and inert matter continuously undergoes processes of transformation. The most important transformations are those that affect the composition of a substance. The formation of rocks, chemical erosion, the birth of a planet, or the respiration of mammals are all observable processes that involve changes in other substances. Despite their differences, they all have something in common: changes at the molecular level.

  1. During chemical reactions, elements do not lose their identity. These reactions involve only the electrons in the outer shell of the atoms, while the nuclei of the atoms remain unchanged.
  2. The reactivity of an element to a chemical reaction depends on the oxidation state of the element. In ordinary chemical reactions, Ra and Ra 2+ behave completely differently.
  3. Different isotopes of an element have almost the same chemical reactivity.
  4. The rate of a chemical reaction is highly dependent on temperature and pressure.
  5. The chemical reaction can be reversed.
  6. Chemical reactions are accompanied by relatively small changes in energy.

Nuclear reactions

  1. During nuclear reactions, the nuclei of atoms undergo changes and, therefore, new elements are formed as a result.
  2. The reactivity of an element to a nuclear reaction is practically independent of the oxidation state of the element. For example, Ra or Ra 2+ ions in Ka C 2 behave in a similar way in nuclear reactions.
  3. In nuclear reactions, isotopes behave completely differently. For example, U-235 fissions quietly and easily, but U-238 does not.
  4. The rate of nuclear reaction does not depend on temperature and pressure.
  5. A nuclear reaction cannot be undone.
  6. Nuclear reactions are accompanied by large changes in energy.

Difference between chemical and nuclear energy

  • Potential energy that can be converted into other forms, primarily heat and light, when bonds are formed.
  • The stronger the bond, the greater the chemical energy converted.

  • Nuclear energy is not related to education chemical bonds(which are caused by the interaction of electrons)
  • Can be converted into other forms when a change occurs in the nucleus of the atom.

Nuclear change occurs in all three main processes:

  1. Nuclear fission
  2. The joining of two nuclei to form a new kernel.
  3. High energy release electromagnetic radiation(gamma radiation), creating a more stable version of the same nucleus.

Energy conversion comparison

The amount of chemical energy released (or converted) in a chemical explosion is:

  • 5kJ for every gram of TNT
  • Amount of nuclear energy in a released atomic bomb: 100 million kJ for every gram of uranium or plutonium

One of the main differences between nuclear and chemical reactions has to do with how a reaction occurs in an atom. While a nuclear reaction occurs in the nucleus of an atom, the electrons in the atom are responsible for the chemical reaction that occurs.

Chemical reactions include:

  • Transfers
  • Losses
  • Gain
  • Electron sharing

According to the atomic theory, matter is explained by rearrangement to give new molecules. The substances involved in a chemical reaction and the proportions in which they are formed are expressed in the corresponding chemical equations underlying the performance various types chemical calculations.

Nuclear reactions are responsible for the decay of the nucleus and have nothing to do with electrons. When a nucleus decays, it can move on to another atom due to the loss of neutrons or protons. In a nuclear reaction, protons and neutrons interact within the nucleus. In chemical reactions, electrons react outside the nucleus.

The result of a nuclear reaction can be called any fission or fusion. A new element is formed due to the action of a proton or neutron. As a result of a chemical reaction, a substance changes into one or more substances due to the action of electrons. A new element is formed due to the action of a proton or neutron.

When comparing energy, chemical reaction involves only a low energy change, whereas a nuclear reaction has a very high energy change. In a nuclear reaction, the energy changes are of magnitude 10^8 kJ. This is 10 - 10^3 kJ/mol in chemical reactions.

While some elements are transformed into others in the nuclear, the number of atoms remains unchanged in the chemical. In a nuclear reaction, isotopes react differently. But as a result of a chemical reaction, isotopes also react.

Although a nuclear reaction does not depend on chemical compounds, a chemical reaction is highly dependent on chemical compounds.


    A nuclear reaction occurs in the nucleus of an atom, the electrons in the atom are responsible for chemical compounds.
  1. Chemical reactions involve the transfer, loss, gain and sharing of electrons without involving the nucleus in the process. Nuclear reactions involve the decay of a nucleus and have nothing to do with electrons.
  2. In a nuclear reaction, protons and neutrons react inside the nucleus; in chemical reactions, electrons interact outside the nucleus.
  3. When comparing energies, a chemical reaction only uses a low energy change, whereas a nuclear reaction has a very high energy change.

To answer the question accurately, you will have to delve seriously into such a branch of human knowledge as nuclear physics— and deal with nuclear/thermonuclear reactions.


From the course general chemistry we remember that the matter around us consists of atoms of different “sorts”, and their “sort” determines exactly how they will behave in chemical reactions. Physics adds that this happens due to the fine structure of the atomic nucleus: inside the nucleus there are protons and neutrons that form it - and electrons constantly “rush” around in “orbits”. Protons provide a positive charge to the nucleus, and electrons provide a negative charge, compensating for it, which is why the atom is usually electrically neutral.

From a chemical point of view, the “function” of neutrons boils down to “dilute” the uniformity of nuclei of the same “type” with nuclei with slightly different masses, since Chemical properties Only the charge of the nucleus will affect (through the number of electrons, due to which the atom can form chemical bonds with other atoms). From the point of view of physics, neutrons (like protons) participate in the conservation atomic nuclei due to special and very powerful nuclear forces - otherwise the nucleus of an atom would instantly fly apart due to the Coulomb repulsion of like-charged protons. It is neutrons that allow the existence of isotopes: nuclei with identical charges (that is, identical chemical properties), but different in mass.

It is important that it is impossible to create nuclei from protons/neutrons in an arbitrary manner: there are their “magic” combinations (in fact, there is no magic here, physicists have just agreed to call especially energetically favorable ensembles of neutrons/protons that way), which are incredibly stable - but “departing “From them, you can get radioactive nuclei that “fall apart” on their own (the further they are from the “magic” combinations, the more likely they are to decay over time).


A little higher it turned out that according to certain rules it is possible to “construct” atomic nuclei, creating increasingly heavier ones from protons/neutrons. The subtlety is that this process is energetically favorable (that is, it proceeds with the release of energy) only up to a certain limit, after which it is necessary to spend more energy to create increasingly heavier nuclei than is released during their synthesis, and they themselves become very unstable. In nature, this process (nucleosynthesis) occurs in stars, where monstrous pressures and temperatures “compact” the nuclei so tightly that some of them merge, forming heavier ones and releasing energy due to which the star shines.

The conventional “efficiency limit” passes through the synthesis of iron nuclei: the synthesis of heavier nuclei is energy-consuming and iron ultimately “kills” the star, and heavier nuclei are formed either in trace quantities due to the capture of protons/neutrons, or en masse at the time of the death of the star in the form a catastrophic supernova explosion, when the fluxes of radiation reach truly monstrous values ​​(at the moment of the explosion, a typical supernova emits as much light energy as our Sun over about a billion years of its existence!)

Nuclear/thermonuclear reactions

So, now we can give the necessary definitions:

Thermonuclear reaction (also known as fusion reaction or in English nuclear fusion) is a type of nuclear reaction in which lighter atomic nuclei, due to the energy of their kinetic motion (heat), merge into heavier ones.

Nuclear fission reaction (also known as decay reaction or in English nuclear fission) is a type of nuclear reaction where the nuclei of atoms spontaneously or under the influence of particles “outside” disintegrate into fragments (usually two or three lighter particles or nuclei).

In principle, in both types of reactions energy is released: in the first case, due to the direct energetic benefit of the process, and in the second, the energy that was spent during the “death” of the star on the emergence of atoms heavier than iron is released.

The essential difference between nuclear and thermonuclear bombs

A nuclear (atomic) bomb is usually called an explosive device where the main share of the energy released during the explosion is released due to the nuclear fission reaction, and a hydrogen (thermonuclear) bomb is one where the main share of energy is produced through a thermonuclear fusion reaction. An atomic bomb is a synonym for a nuclear bomb, a hydrogen bomb is a synonym for a thermonuclear bomb.

The explosion occurred in 1961. Within a radius of several hundred kilometers from the test site, a hasty evacuation of people took place, as scientists calculated that all houses without exception would be destroyed. But no one expected such an effect. The blast wave circled the planet three times. The landfill remained a “blank slate”; all the hills on it disappeared. Buildings turned to sand in a second. A terrible explosion was heard within a radius of 800 kilometers.

If you think that the atomic warhead is the most terrible weapon of mankind, then you do not yet know about the hydrogen bomb. We decided to correct this oversight and talk about what it is. We have already talked about and.

A little about the terminology and principles of work in pictures

Understanding what a nuclear warhead looks like and why, it is necessary to consider the principle of its operation, based on the fission reaction. First, an atomic bomb detonates. The shell contains isotopes of uranium and plutonium. They disintegrate into particles, capturing neutrons. Next, one atom is destroyed and the fission of the rest is initiated. This is done using a chain process. At the end, the nuclear reaction itself begins. The bomb's parts become one whole. The charge begins to exceed critical mass. With the help of such a structure, energy is released and an explosion occurs.

By the way, a nuclear bomb is also called an atomic bomb. And hydrogen is called thermonuclear. Therefore, the question of how an atomic bomb differs from a nuclear one is inherently incorrect. It is the same. The difference between a nuclear bomb and a thermonuclear bomb is not only in the name.

The thermonuclear reaction is based not on the fission reaction, but on the compression of heavy nuclei. A nuclear warhead is the detonator or fuse for a hydrogen bomb. In other words, imagine a huge barrel of water. An atomic rocket is immersed in it. Water is a heavy liquid. Here the proton with sound is replaced in the hydrogen nucleus by two elements - deuterium and tritium:

  • Deuterium is one proton and a neutron. Their mass is twice that of hydrogen;
  • Tritium consists of one proton and two neutrons. They are three times heavier than hydrogen.

Thermonuclear bomb tests

, the end of the Second World War, a race began between America and the USSR and the world community realized that nuclear or H-bomb. The destructive power of atomic weapons began to attract each side. The United States was the first to make and test a nuclear bomb. But it soon became clear that it could not be large. Therefore, it was decided to try to make a thermonuclear warhead. Here again America succeeded. The Soviets decided not to lose the race and tested a compact but powerful missile that could be transported even on a regular Tu-16 aircraft. Then everyone understood the difference between a nuclear bomb and a hydrogen bomb.

For example, the first American thermonuclear warhead was as tall as a three-story building. It could not be delivered by small transport. But then, according to developments by the USSR, the dimensions were reduced. If we analyze, we can conclude that these terrible destructions were not that great. In TNT equivalent, the impact force was only a few tens of kilotons. Therefore, buildings were destroyed in only two cities, and the sound of a nuclear bomb was heard in the rest of the country. If it were a hydrogen rocket, all of Japan would be completely destroyed with just one warhead.

A nuclear bomb with too much charge may explode inadvertently. Will begin chain reaction and there will be an explosion. Considering the differences between nuclear atomic and hydrogen bombs, it is worth noting this point. After all, a thermonuclear warhead can be made of any power without fear of spontaneous detonation.

This interested Khrushchev, who ordered the creation of the most powerful hydrogen warhead in the world and thus get closer to winning the race. It seemed to him that 100 megatons was optimal. Soviet scientists pushed themselves hard and managed to invest 50 megatons. Tests began on the island New Earth, where there was a military training ground. To this day, the Tsar Bomba is called the largest bomb exploded on the planet.

The explosion occurred in 1961. Within a radius of several hundred kilometers from the test site, a hasty evacuation of people took place, as scientists calculated that all houses without exception would be destroyed. But no one expected such an effect. The blast wave circled the planet three times. The landfill remained a “blank slate”; all the hills on it disappeared. Buildings turned to sand in a second. A terrible explosion was heard within a radius of 800 kilometers. The fireball from the use of such a warhead as the universal destroyer runic nuclear bomb in Japan was visible only in cities. But from a hydrogen rocket it rose 5 kilometers in diameter. The mushroom of dust, radiation and soot grew 67 kilometers. According to scientists, its cap was a hundred kilometers in diameter. Just imagine what would have happened if the explosion had occurred within the city limits.

Modern dangers of using the hydrogen bomb

We have already examined the difference between an atomic bomb and a thermonuclear one. Now imagine what the consequences of the explosion would have been if the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been a hydrogen bomb with a thematic equivalent. There would be no trace left of Japan.

Based on the test results, scientists concluded the consequences of a thermonuclear bomb. Some people think that a hydrogen warhead is cleaner, meaning it is not actually radioactive. This is due to the fact that people hear the name “water” and underestimate its deplorable impact on the environment.

As we have already figured out, a hydrogen warhead is based on a huge amount of radioactive substances. It is possible to make a rocket without a uranium charge, but so far this has not been used in practice. The process itself will be very complex and costly. Therefore, the fusion reaction is diluted with uranium and a huge explosive power is obtained. The radioactive fallout that inexorably falls on the drop target is increased by 1000%. They will harm the health of even those who are tens of thousands of kilometers from the epicenter. When detonated, a huge fireball is created. Everything that comes within its radius of action is destroyed. The scorched earth may be uninhabitable for decades. Absolutely nothing will grow over a vast area. And knowing the strength of the charge, using a certain formula, you can calculate the theoretically contaminated area.

Also worth mentioning about such an effect as nuclear winter. This concept is even more terrible than destroyed cities and hundreds of thousands of human lives. Not only the dump site will be destroyed, but virtually the entire world. At first, only one territory will lose its habitable status. But a radioactive substance will be released into the atmosphere, which will reduce the brightness of the sun. This will all mix with dust, smoke, soot and create a veil. It will spread throughout the entire planet. The crops in the fields will be destroyed for several decades to come. This effect will provoke famine on Earth. The population will immediately decrease several times. And nuclear winter looks more than real. Indeed, in the history of mankind, and more specifically, in 1816, a similar case was known after powerful eruption volcano There was a year without summer on the planet at that time.

Skeptics who do not believe in such a coincidence of circumstances can be convinced by the calculations of scientists:

  1. When on Earth will happen the temperature drops by a degree, no one will notice it. But this will affect the amount of precipitation.
  2. In autumn there will be a cooling of 4 degrees. Due to the lack of rain, crop failures are possible. Hurricanes will begin even in places where they have never existed.
  3. When temperatures drop a few more degrees, the planet will experience its first year without summer.
  4. This will be followed by the Little Ice Age. The temperature drops by 40 degrees. Even in a short time it will be destructive for the planet. On Earth there will be crop failures and the extinction of people living in the northern zones.
  5. Afterwards the ice age will come. Reflection sun rays will occur without reaching the surface of the earth. Due to this, the air temperature will reach a critical level. Crops and trees will stop growing on the planet, and water will freeze. This will lead to the extinction of most of the population.
  6. Those who survive will not survive the final period - an irreversible cold snap. This option is completely sad. It will be the real end of humanity. The earth will turn into new planet, unsuitable for human habitation.

Now about another danger. As soon as Russia and the USA left the stage cold war, as a new threat appeared. If you have heard about who Kim Jong Il is, then you understand that he will not stop there. This missile lover, tyrant and ruler of North Korea all rolled into one could easily provoke a nuclear conflict. He talks about the hydrogen bomb constantly and notes that his part of the country already has warheads. Fortunately, no one has seen them live yet. Russia, America, as well as its closest neighbors - South Korea and Japan, are very concerned even about such hypothetical statements. Therefore, we hope that North Korea’s developments and technologies will not be at a sufficient level for a long time to destroy the entire world.

For reference. At the bottom of the world's oceans lie dozens of bombs that were lost during transportation. And in Chernobyl, which is not so far from us, huge reserves of uranium are still stored.

It is worth considering whether such consequences can be allowed for the sake of testing a hydrogen bomb. And if a global conflict occurs between the countries possessing these weapons, there will be no states, no people, or anything at all left on the planet, the Earth will turn into a blank slate. And if we consider how a nuclear bomb differs from a thermonuclear bomb, the main point is the amount of destruction, as well as the subsequent effect.

Now a small conclusion. We figured out that a nuclear bomb and an atomic bomb are one and the same. It is also the basis for a thermonuclear warhead. But using neither one nor the other is not recommended, even for testing. The sound of the explosion and what the aftermath looks like is not the worst thing. This threatens a nuclear winter, the death of hundreds of thousands of inhabitants at once and numerous consequences for humanity. Although there are differences between charges such as an atomic bomb and a nuclear bomb, the effect of both is destructive for all living things.

What is the difference nuclear weapon from nuclear?

The issue is resolved and closed.

Best answer


      1 0

    7 (63206) 6 36 138 9 years

    In theory, these are the same thing, but if you need a difference, then:

    atomic weapons:

    * Ammunition, often called atomic, during the explosion of which only one type of nuclear reaction occurs - the fission of heavy elements (uranium or plutonium) with the formation of lighter ones. This type of ammunition is often referred to as single-phase or single-stage.

    nuclear weapon:
    * Thermonuclear weapons (in common parlance often - hydrogen weapons), the main energy release of which occurs when thermonuclear reaction- synthesis of heavy elements from lighter ones. A single-phase nuclear charge is used as a fuse for a thermonuclear reaction - its explosion creates a temperature of several million degrees at which the fusion reaction begins. As source material For synthesis, a mixture of two isotopes of hydrogen is usually used - deuterium and tritium (in the first samples of thermonuclear explosive devices a compound of deuterium and lithium was also used). This is the so-called two-phase, or two-stage type. The fusion reaction is characterized by a colossal energy release, so hydrogen weapons exceed atomic weapons in power by approximately an order of magnitude.

      0 0

    6 (11330) 7 41 100 9 years

    Nuclear and atomic are two different things... I won’t talk about the differences, because... I'm afraid of making a mistake and not telling the truth

    Atomic bomb:
    It is based on a chain reaction of fission of nuclei of heavy isotopes, mainly plutonium and uranium. In thermonuclear weapons, the stages of fission and fusion occur alternately. The number of stages (stages) determines the final power of the bomb. In this case, a tremendous amount of energy is released, and a whole set of damaging factors is formed. Horror story of the early 20th century - chemical weapon- left to sadly undeservedly forgotten on the sidelines, it was replaced by a new scarecrow for the masses.

    Nuclear bomb:
    explosive weapons based on the use of nuclear energy released during a nuclear chain reaction of the fission of heavy nuclei or a thermonuclear fusion reaction of light nuclei. Refers to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) along with biological and chemical ones.

      0 0

    6 (10599) 3 23 63 9 years

    nuclear weapon:
    * Thermonuclear weapons (in common parlance often - hydrogen weapons)

    Here I will add that there are differences between nuclear and thermonuclear. thermonuclear is several times more powerful.

    and the differences between nuclear and atomic are the chain reaction. like this:

    fission of heavy elements (uranium or plutonium) to form lighter ones


    synthesis of heavy elements from lighter ones

    p.s. I could be wrong about something. but this was the last topic in physics. and it seems like I still remember something)

      0 0

    7 (25794) 3 9 38 9 years

    "Ammunition, often called atomic, upon explosion of which only one type of nuclear reaction occurs - the fission of heavy elements (uranium or plutonium) with the formation of lighter ones." (c) wiki

    Those. nuclear weapons can be uranium-plutonium, and thermonuclear along with deuterium-tritium.
    And atomic only fission of uranium/plutonium.
    Although if someone is close to the explosion site, it won’t make much difference to him.

    principle of linguistics g))))
    these are synonyms
    Nuclear weapons are based on an uncontrolled chain reaction of nuclear fission. There are two main schemes: “cannon” and explosive implosion. The “cannon” design is typical for the most primitive models of first-generation nuclear weapons, as well as artillery and small arms nuclear weapons that have restrictions on the caliber of the weapon. Its essence is to “shoot” two blocks of fissile matter of subcritical mass towards each other. This detonation method is only possible in uranium ammunition, since plutonium has a higher detonation speed. The second scheme involves detonating the bomb's combat core in such a way that the compression is directed to the focal point (there may be one, or there may be several). This is achieved by lining the combat core with explosive charges and having a precision detonation control circuit.

    The power of a nuclear charge operating exclusively on the principles of fission of heavy elements is limited to hundreds of kilotons. Creating a more powerful charge based only on nuclear fission, if possible, is extremely difficult: increasing the mass of the fissile substance does not solve the problem, since the explosion that has begun disperses part of the fuel, it does not have time to react completely and, thus, turns out to be useless, only increasing mass of ammunition and radioactive damage to the area. The most powerful munition in the world, based only on nuclear fission, was tested in the USA on November 15, 1952, the explosion power was 500 kt.

    Wad not really. Atomic bomb is a common name. Atomic weapons are divided into nuclear and thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons use the principle of fission of heavy nuclei (uranium and plutonium isotopes), and thermonuclear weapons use the synthesis of light atoms into heavy ones (hydrogen isotopes -> helium). A neutron bomb is a type of nuclear weapon in which the main part of the explosion energy is emitted in the form of a stream of fast neutrons .

    How is it Love, peace and no war?)

    It makes not sense. They are fighting for Territories on earth. Why nuclear contaminated land?
    Nuclear weapons are for fear and no one will use them.
    Now it’s a political war.

    I don’t agree, people bring death, not weapons)

  • If Hitler had atomic weapons, the USSR would have atomic weapons.
    Russians always have the last laugh.

    Yes, there is, there is also a metro in Riga, a bunch of academic towns, oil, gas, a huge army, a rich and vibrant culture, there is work, everything is there in Latvia

    because communism has not taken off in our country.

    This will not happen soon, just when nuclear weapons will be ancient and ineffective like gunpowder now

To the question: How do nuclear reactions differ from chemical reactions? given by the author Yoabzali Davlatov the best answer is Chemical reactions occur at the molecular level, and nuclear reactions occur at the atomic level.

Answer from Battle Egg[guru]
In chemical reactions, some substances are transformed into others, but the transformation of some atoms into others does not occur. During nuclear reactions, the transformation of atoms occurs chemical elements to others.

Answer from Zvagelski michael-michka[guru]
Nuclear reaction. - the process of transformation of atomic nuclei that occurs during their interaction with elementary particles, gamma rays and with each other, often leading to the release of colossal amounts of energy. Spontaneous (occurring without the influence of incident particles) processes in nuclei - for example, radioactive decay - are usually not classified as nuclear reactions. To carry out a reaction between two or more particles, it is necessary that the interacting particles (nuclei) approach a distance of the order of 10 to the minus 13 cm, that is, the characteristic radius of action of nuclear forces. Nuclear reactions can occur with both the release and absorption of energy. Reactions of the first type, exothermic, serve as the basis of nuclear energy and are a source of energy for stars. Reactions that involve the absorption of energy (endothermic) can only occur if kinetic energy colliding particles (in the center of mass system) above a certain value (reaction threshold).

Chemical reaction. - transformation of one or more starting substances (reagents) into substances that differ from them in chemical composition or the structure of a substance (reaction products) - chemical compounds. Unlike nuclear reactions, chemical reactions do not change total number atoms in the reacting system, as well as isotopic composition chemical elements.
Chemical reactions occur spontaneously when mixing or physical contact of reagents, with heating, with the participation of catalysts (catalysis), or with the action of light (photochemical reactions), electric current (electrode processes) , ionizing radiation(radiation-chemical reactions), mechanical action (mechanochemical reactions), in low-temperature plasma (plasmochemical reactions), etc. The transformation of particles (atoms, molecules) is carried out provided that they have energy sufficient to overcome the potential barrier separating the original and the final state of the system (Activation energy).
Chemical reactions are always accompanied by physical effects: the absorption and release of energy, for example in the form of heat transfer, a change in the state of aggregation of the reagents, a change in the color of the reaction mixture, etc. It is by these physical effects that the progress of chemical reactions is often judged.

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