Read the book Strange People for free - Vasily Shukshin. “Strange People” in the works of V. M. Shukshin Summary of the story by Garshina Chudik

Early in the morning, Chudik walked through the village with a suitcase.

To my brother, closer to Moscow! - he answered the question where he was going.

How far is it, weirdo?

Go to brother, rest. We need to sneak around.

At the same time, his round, fleshy face and round eyes expressed an extremely careless attitude towards long roads - they did not frighten him.

But his brother was still far away.

So far, he had safely reached the regional city, where he had to get a ticket and board the train.

There was a lot of time left. The weirdo decided to buy gifts for his nephews, sweets, gingerbread...

I went to the grocery store and stood in line. In front of him stood a man in a hat, and in front of the hat was a plump woman with painted lips. The woman spoke quietly, quickly, passionately to the hat:

Imagine how rude and tactless a person must be! He has sclerosis, well, he has had sclerosis for seven years, but no one suggested that he retire.

And this guy has been leading the team for a week without a year - and already: “Perhaps, Alexander Semenych, it’s better for you to retire?” Nah-hal!

The hat agreed:

Yes, yes... They are like that now. Just think - sclerosis! And Sumbatich?.. I also haven’t kept up the text lately. And this one, what’s her name?..

The weirdo respected city people. Not everyone, though: he didn’t respect hooligans and salesmen. I was afraid.

It was his turn. He bought sweets, gingerbread, three bars of chocolate and stepped aside to put everything in his suitcase. He opened the suitcase on the floor and began to pack it away... He glanced at something on the floor, and at the counter where the line was, there was a fifty-ruble note lying at people’s feet. This little green fool lies there, no one sees her... The weirdo even trembled with joy, his eyes lit up. In a hurry, so that no one would get ahead of him, he began to quickly think about how to say something more fun and witty about the piece of paper in line.

Live well, citizens! - said loudly and cheerfully.

They looked back at him.

For example, we don’t throw such pieces of paper around.

Everyone got a little worried here. This is not a three, not a five - fifty rubles, you have to work for half a month. But the owner of the piece of paper is not there.

“Probably the one with the hat,” the Weird said to himself.

We decided to put the piece of paper in a visible place, on the counter.

Someone will come running now,” said the saleswoman.

The weirdo left the store in the most pleasant mood. I kept thinking how easy it was for him, how fun it was:

“For example, we don’t throw such pieces of paper around here!”

Suddenly he was suddenly overcome with heat: he remembered that he had been given exactly such a piece of paper and another twenty-five ruble note in the savings bank at home. He just changed the twenty-five-ruble note, the fifty-ruble note should be in his pocket... He put it in his pocket - no. Back and forth - no.

It was my piece of paper! - Weird said loudly. - That's your mother!.. My piece of paper! You are an infection, an infection...

My heart even began to ring with grief. The first impulse was to go and say:

Citizens, this is my piece of paper. I received two of them from the savings bank: one for twenty-five rubles, the other for fifty. I have now exchanged one, a twenty-five-ruble note, but the other has not.

But just as he imagined how he would stun everyone with this statement of his, many would think: “Of course, since the owner was not found, he decided to pocket it.” No, don’t overpower yourself - don’t reach out for that damned piece of paper. They may not give it back yet...

Why am I like this? - Chudik reasoned bitterly. - So what's now?..

I had to return home.

I approached the store, wanted to look at the piece of paper at least from a distance, stood at the entrance... and did not enter. It will really hurt. The heart may not be able to bear it.

I rode on the bus and cursed quietly - gaining courage: there was an explanation to be had with my wife.

This... I lost money. - At the same time, his snub nose turned white. Fifty rubles.

My wife's jaw dropped. She blinked; A pleading expression appeared on his face: maybe he was joking? No, this bald bastard (the Freak was not bald like a villager) would not have dared to joke like that. She asked stupidly:

Here he involuntarily chuckled.

When they lose, as a rule...

Well, no-no!! - the wife roared. - You won’t be grinning for a long time now! And she ran for the grip. - Nine months, well!

The weirdo grabbed a pillow from the bed to deflect the blows.

They circled around the room...

Nna! Freak!..

You're dirtying your pillow! Wash it yourself...

I'll wash it! I'll wash it, bald! And two ribs will be mine! My! My! My!..

Hands down, you fool!..

Ott-shades-short!.. Ot-shades-bald!..

Hands down, scarecrow! I won’t get to see my brother and I’ll sit on the ballot! It's worse for you!..

It's worse for you!

Well, it will!

No, let me amuse myself. Let me take your darling away, you bald bastard...

Well, it will be for you!..

The wife dropped the grip, sat down on the stool and began to cry.

She saved and saved... she saved it by a penny... You're a well, a well!.. You should choke on this money.

“Thank you for your kind words,” Chudik whispered “poisonously.”

Where was it - maybe you remember? Maybe he went somewhere?

I didn't go anywhere...

Maybe he drank beer in a teahouse with alcoholics?.. Remember. Maybe he dropped it on the floor?.. Run, they’ll give it back by now...

I didn’t go to the tea shop!

Where could you have lost them?

The weirdo looked gloomily at the floor.

Well, now you’ll have a little something to drink after the bath, drink... There, raw water from the well!

I need her, your little girl. I can manage without her...

You'll be skinny for me!

Will I go to my brother?

Another fifty rubles were taken from the book.

The weirdo, killed by his insignificance, which his wife explained to him, was traveling on the train. But gradually the bitterness went away.

Forests, copses, villages flashed outside the window... They went in and out different people, different stories were told...

The weirdo also told one thing to some intelligent friend when they were standing in the vestibule, smoking.

In our neighboring village there is a fool too... He grabbed a firebrand and went after his mother. Drunk. She runs from him and shouts: “Hands, she screams, don’t burn your hands, son!” He also cares about him. And he rushes, a drunken mug. To the mother. Can you imagine how rude and tactless you have to be...

Did you come up with it yourself? - the intelligent comrade asked sternly, looking at the Weird over his glasses.

For what? - he didn’t understand. - Here, across the river, is the village of Ramenskoye...

The intelligent comrade turned to the window and spoke no more.

After the train, Chudik still had to fly by local plane. He once flew once. For a long time. I boarded the plane not without some timidity.

Will anything go bad in it? - asked the flight attendant.

What will go bad in it?

You never know... There are probably five different bolts here. If one thread breaks, hello. How much is usually collected per person? Two or three kilograms?..

Don't chat. They took off.

Next to Chudik sat a fat citizen with a newspaper. The weirdo tried to talk to him.

And breakfast healed,” he said.

They provide food on planes.

The fat man remained silent to this.

The weirdo began to look down.

Mountains of clouds below.

“It’s interesting,” Chudik spoke again, “there are five kilometers below us, right? And I - at least henna. I'm not surprised. And right away in my mind I measured five kilometers from my house, put it on my butt - it will be to the apiary!

The plane shook.

What a man!.. He came up with an idea,” he also said to his neighbor. He looked at him, said nothing again, and rustled the newspaper.

Fasten your seat belts! - said the pretty young woman. - We're going to land.

The weirdo obediently fastened his belt. And the neighbor - zero attention. The weirdo touched him carefully:

They tell me to fasten my belt.

“Nothing,” said the neighbor. He put the newspaper aside, leaned back in his seat and said, as if remembering something: “Children are the flowers of life, they should be planted with their heads down.”

Literature lesson in 7th grade

“Strange people” in the works of V. Shukshin

Prepared by: Lutz A.P.

Lesson type: research lesson.

The purpose of the lesson:

    study the biography and heroes of V. M. Shukshin’s stories “Space, nervous system and a lot of lard" and "Boots";


a) educational: get acquainted with the biography and work of V. M. Shukshin;

b) developing: develop analytical and critical thinking;

c) educational: to cultivate in students independence, activity, ability to work in a group, formation social qualities personality, as well as the development of research skills.

Equipment:multimedia board, photographs of the writer, sheets with tasks, sheets for making collages and portraits (A3), felt-tip pens.

Methods: analysis, synthesis, search method, comparison, research, citation.

During the classes.

    Org moment.

    Teacher's opening speech.

Hello guys. Today we will study the life and work of the Russian writer, actor and director Vasily Makarovich Shukshin.

    A student reads a poem.

The village scattered in the foothills,
Where the Katun splashed brightly,
There was plenty of hardship and grief.
This is an ancient village.

Siberian region.
The landscape is discreet.
A wave hits the shore of the Katun.
Everyone in Russia knows that Srostki is
This is Shukshin's homeland.

    Teacher's word. Indeed, each of us has heard the name of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. Despite the fact that the writer lived only 45 years, he accomplished a lot.

Today we have a research lesson, and you guys are divided into research groups. The names of the groups are “Biographers”, “Literary Critics” and “Critics”. There are sheets of assignments on your tables. Select the main and responsible person in the group. After you complete the tasks, one of you will have to present the result of the work to the whole group. Try to distribute the work in such a way that you can get everything done and complete it most efficiently. Before you begin, write down the date and topic of the lesson in your notebooks.

    Completing tasks - 20 minutes.


Group 1. Biographers

Prepare your speech according to the following criteria:

a) date and place of birth, full name writer;

b) life circumstances in childhood and adolescence;

c) the writer’s career;

d) creativity (literature and cinema).

Make a collage about the writer using his photographs and biographical material.

Biographical material (handout):

Vasily Shukshin was born in a peasant family. His father, Makar Leontievich Shukshin ( -1933) was arrested and shot in , during , rehabilitated posthumously in 1956. Mother, Maria Sergeevna (nee Popova; in her second marriage - Kuksina) ( - ) took on all the worries about the family. After his father’s arrest and before receiving a passport, Vasily Makarovich was called by his mother’s surnameVasily Popov .

IN Shukshin graduated from a seven-year school in the village of Srostki and entered the Biysk Automotive College. I studied there for two and a half years, but did not graduate from college. Instead, in went to work on a collective farm in the village of Srostki. He worked on the collective farm for a short time, left his native village. IN - Shukshin worked as a mechanic at several enterprises of the Soyuzprommekhanizatsiya trust: at a turbine plant in , on in . Shukshin was called up to serve in the army from the village .

IN Shukshin was called to serve in . Served as a sailor on , then the radio operator on . Shukshin's literary activity began in the army, it was there that he first tried to write stories that he read to his colleagues.

In his native village, Vasily Makarovich passed matriculation exams in srostinskaya andPwent to work as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Srostkinsk school for rural youth. For some time he was even the director of this school.

IN Shukshin went to Moscow to enroll in . Shukshin decided to enroll in the directing department and graduated from (workshop ). While studying at , on the advice of Romm, Shukshin began sending his stories to metropolitan publications. IN In the magazine " "his first story was published" ».

While studying at V Shukshin starred in his first major

roles in the film « " In his diploma work « » Shukshin acted as a screenwriter, director and performer leading role. His acting career was going quite well; Shukshin had no shortage of offers from leading directors.

IN Shukshin started working . In the same year in the magazine " “The stories “Cool Driver” and “Grinka Malyugin” were published. Based on them, Shukshin wrote the script for his first full-length film “ " The director's classmate starred in the title role. - . The film received good response from the audience. Experts paid attention to Shukshin’s directing style, restrained and a little simple-minded.

Shukshin’s first book, “Rural Residents,” was published in 1963 by the publishing house “Young Guard.”

A staunch supporter of auteur cinema, V. Shukshin himself was the screenwriter and director of all six of his films, in two of them he played leading roles ("Stoves and Benches" - 1972, "Kalina Krasnaya" - 1974). It is significant that the trinity (screenwriter – director – actor) took place already in his first graduation film, “They report from Lebyazhye” (1960). Shukshin's stories gained wide popularity. This was partly facilitated by his films, since the scripts of most of them were based on his stories, and by the theaters that staged his stories (V. Mayakovsky Theater - “Characters”, Maly Theater - “Conversations under a Clear Moon”, etc.).

But V. Shukshin worked in all prose genres. He is the author of two novels and several stories.

- became very fruitful for Shukshin. His film " ", received first prize . A new collection of short stories, “Characters,” has been published. IN Shukshin accepted the invitation to star in a new film . But Vasily Shukshin has long been tormented by attacks who had been pursuing him sinceyouth. BThe disease progressed. Even on the set of “Kalina Krasnaya” he had difficulty recovering from severe attacks.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin died suddenly during the filming of the film “ "on the motor ship "Danube". He was found dead by his close friend .

So, we see that Vasily Shukshin’s life was short but bright, filled with work, creativity and thoughts about the fate of Russia. His fate can serve as an example to any person, because thanks to his work and talent he achieved well-deserved fame.

Group 2 - Literary scholars


Based on the works you read at home and giving examples from the text, characterize Shukshin’s characters. Prepare a speech (with quotes from the author's text). Speech time limit is 5 minutes.

Response form.

    Heroes of the story “Space, the nervous system and fat”:

a) Naum Evstigneevich;

b) eighth-grader Yurka.

    Main character story "Boots".

    What do Shukshin's heroes strive for?

Analysis Plan

    Age, appearance, occupation


    Interests. Life goal(if there is).

So we heard what the heroes of two stories by V. M. Shukshin were like. The way they appear in the story to the eyes of an ordinary reader. Now let's listen to the opinions of our critics who worked with additional material and had to see something new in these characters.

Critics. 3rd group.


1. Using the material given below, prepare a speech describing the heroes of V. M. Shukshin. Prove the validity of the critics’ opinions (see below) using the texts of the stories “Space, the nervous system and the fat pile”, “Boots”. Make a general portrait of the hero V. M. Shukshin (based on two stories):

1) what kind of life does V. Shukshin’s hero lead?

2) what ideals does it pursue?

2. Find the definition of the word “weirdo” in the dictionary. Do you think any of Shukshin’s heroes are suitable this definition?

3. Draw a portrait of the hero Shukshin - the “eccentric”.

Material for critics:

According to critics, Shukshinsky’s hero “wears tarpaulin boots” (S.Zalygin)"blows dust along country roads"(L. Anninsky).The writer knew Altai drivers, mechanics, and tractor drivers well and often met them on the Chuisky tract, leading from the city of Biysk to Mongolian border, passing by the village of Srostki, located in the foothills of the Altai steppe, on the banks of the Katun River. Now the writer's native village Srostki is spoken of as Shukshin's open-air museum.

Shukshin's heroes are from that "Shukshin life" that the writer himself lived. Both M. Sholokhov on the Don and V. Shukshin in Altai found their heroes.

However, not only the hero is important, but also the perspective of his image. In the simple, ordinary hero “in tarpaulin boots”, about whom many have written, Shukshin is interested in what everyone passed by - the soul. “I am more interested in the “history of the soul,” and for the sake of identifying it, I consciously and greatly omit from the external life of the person whose soul worries me,” said Shukshin. But not every “soul” is close to the writer. "...The so-called simple, average, normal, positive person I'm not happy with it. Sickening. Boring... – wrote Shukshin. – I find it most interesting to study the character of a non-dogmatic person, a person not trained in the science of behavior. Such a person is impulsive, gives in to impulses, and therefore is extremely natural. But he always has a reasonable soul."

Non-Dogmatic Man (i.e. behaving contrary to generally accepted traditions) in everyday life he often looks like a strange person, not of this world. Shukshin wrote quite a lot of stories about these people ("The Master", "Choosing a Village to Live in", "Microscope", "Strokes to the Portrait", "Alyosha Beskonvoyny", etc.); Moreover, it was about these people that his film “Strange People” (1969), which included his short stories: “Freak” (in the script – “Brother”), “Mille pardon, madam” (in the film – “Fatal Shot”) , "Dumas". Critics took the definition of this hero from the prose of Shukshin himself - an eccentric.

Shukshin, as a rule, avoids long introductions and introductions. Like Chekhov, he strives not to describe the hero’s state of mind, but to make it clear from his actions. The heroes of Shukshin's books and films are Russian people, observant and sharp-tongued. Many of his heroes can be called eccentrics, people “not of this world” (the story “Microscope”, “Crank”).

Shukshin’s works provide a laconic and succinct description of the Russian village; his work is characterized by a deep knowledge of language and details of everyday life; deep moral problems, Russian national and universal values ​​often come to the fore (the stories “The Hunt to Live”, “Space, the Nervous System and the amount of lard"

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


A, m, (simple). Same as weirdo.


Ah, m. Strange, wonderful person - * Eccentric person (colloquial) - benevolently about an eccentric (usually in address). Yes, you understand, eccentric man, I’m trying for you! II eccentric, and...


WEIRD -A;m. A person with oddities, whose behavior and actions cause bewilderment and surprise to others.Be considered an eccentric. eccentric (ampl.). Odd man (colloquial). // Silly, stupid man; fool.

Weird girl, -and; pl. genus. -check,date -chkam;and. That's it! Chudachina, -y;and. Will strengthen. Oddball, -chka;m. Will soften.

6. Student answers - 15 minutes.

7. Answer the problematic question: do you think there is a conflict between the city and the countryside in V. Shukshin’s work?

(students should come to the conclusion that there is no such conflict in the works of V. M. Shukshin)

8. Written assignment. Write an essay on the topic: “Why do you think our society needs “weirdos”?”

Students' answers. Problematic question: in which of the works you have read have you encountered a similar type of hero - a “strange person”, a “crank”?

9. Student assessment.

10. Homework. Read the fairy tale by A. De Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince” in the anthology.

Chudik is a story by Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, created in 1967.

His hero is an eccentric projectionist, “professionally close” to Shukshin himself, an actor and film director.

Chudik (according to his passport, Vasily Egorovich Knyazev) is an ordinary Soviet “rural intellectual”, projectionist. His nickname is quite consistent with his character: he is unlucky, eccentric and constantly finds himself in some strange and comical situations. The story is dedicated to such adventures.

It all starts with the fact that he decided to go to the Urals to see his brother. “Miracles” begin even before departure. He enters the store to buy gifts for his nephews, and accidentally notices a fifty-ruble bill on the floor.

Like "honest" soviet man", he picked it up and left it at the checkout, hoping that the owner would return for it. And soon he noticed that it was his pocket that the money fell out of. But he did not return for them - he thought that they would speak badly of him as a person who wanted to steal other people's money.

The weirdo finally flew to the Urals. He was flying on a plane, which landed not on the runway, but on a potato field. Because of this, Chudik's neighbor lost his false jaw. The weirdo picked it up, but the neighbor attacked him with abuse, because he didn’t like that someone touched his jaw.

Then Knyazev decided to send a telegram home. In a non-serious style, he informed his wife that he had arrived safely. However, the telegraph operator turned out to be a strict woman and demanded that the text of the telegram be changed. Vasily comes to his brother. Together they drink, reminisce about their younger years and talk about various topics.

However, his daughter-in-law definitely doesn’t like Chudik, so much so that in the end both men were forced to move from the house to the street. There they continued their conversation. The next morning Vasily woke up and saw that he was completely alone in the house. Apparently, he thought that his daughter-in-law was offended by him, so in order to do something nice for her, he painted bright colors stroller

Having done his job, he went shopping. And when I came back, I heard that my brother was arguing with his wife about the stroller. It was then that Vasily finally realized that he was not welcome here. He got ready and went home, as his daughter-in-law wanted. Why is Knyazev a weirdo? The eccentric rural projectionist is a colorful figure. His trouble is that his ideas about the world around him do not correspond to what this world really is.

Story Analysis

On the other hand, he is very kind, sociable and simple-minded. Kind not just to the highest degree, but downright to the point of stupidity. Shukshinsky’s hero, at first glance, is related to other famous heroes of Russian literature:

  • Prince Myshkin;
  • Gogolevsky Bashmachkin;
  • Chekhovsky Epikhodov.

In his story, Shukshin confronts “ natural man» Knyazeva and the world, “spoiled” by civilization. Both sides cannot understand each other because they are guided by different rules. However, the author does not at all idealize Knyazev, unlike Dostoevsky, who was definitely sympathetic to the Idiot. A weirdo is a person with his own advantages and disadvantages.

Nevertheless, this character is quite extraordinary, although his originality manifests itself only in those moments when he falls into certain emergencies, V usual time Knyazev is the most ordinary, average person, who does not stand out from the crowd in any way. The weirdo doesn't bring trouble on himself at all, they are just a chain of random coincidences. But the world around us also suffers from the same shortcomings as the hero: at the end of the story, at the moment when the hero simply needed understanding (in the episode with painting the stroller), society chose to sharply turn away from him, not appreciating his good intentions.

Shukshin Vasily

Strange people

Vasily Shukshin

Strange people

Early in the morning, Chudik walked through the village with a suitcase.

To my brother, closer to Moscow! - he answered the question where he was going.

How far is it, weirdo?

Go to brother, rest. We need to sneak around.

At the same time, his round, fleshy face and round eyes expressed an extremely careless attitude towards long roads - they did not frighten him.

But his brother was still far away.

So far, he had safely reached the regional city, where he had to get a ticket and board the train.

There was a lot of time left. The weirdo decided to buy gifts for his nephews, sweets, gingerbread...

I went to the grocery store and stood in line. In front of him stood a man in a hat, and in front of the hat was a plump woman with painted lips. The woman spoke quietly, quickly, passionately to the hat:

Imagine how rude and tactless a person must be! He has sclerosis, well, he has had sclerosis for seven years, but no one suggested that he retire.

And this guy has been leading the team for a week without a year - and already: “Perhaps, Alexander Semenych, it’s better for you to retire?” Nah-hal!

The hat agreed:

Yes, yes... They are like that now. Just think - sclerosis! And Sumbatich?.. I also haven’t kept up the text lately. And this one, what’s her name?..

The weirdo respected city people. Not everyone, though: he didn’t respect hooligans and salesmen. I was afraid.

It was his turn. He bought sweets, gingerbread, three bars of chocolate and stepped aside to put everything in his suitcase. He opened the suitcase on the floor and began to pack it away... He glanced at something on the floor, and at the counter where the line was, there was a fifty-ruble note lying at people’s feet. This little green fool lies there, no one sees her... The weirdo even trembled with joy, his eyes lit up. In a hurry, so that no one would get ahead of him, he began to quickly think about how to say something more fun and witty about the piece of paper in line.

Live well, citizens! - said loudly and cheerfully.

They looked back at him.

For example, we don’t throw such pieces of paper around.

Everyone got a little worried here. This is not a three, not a five - fifty rubles, you have to work for half a month. But the owner of the piece of paper is not there.

“Probably the one with the hat,” the Weird said to himself.

We decided to put the piece of paper in a visible place, on the counter.

Someone will come running now,” said the saleswoman.

The weirdo left the store in the most pleasant mood. I kept thinking how easy it was for him, how fun it was:

“For example, we don’t throw such pieces of paper around here!”

Suddenly he was suddenly overcome with heat: he remembered that he had been given exactly such a piece of paper and another twenty-five ruble note in the savings bank at home. He just changed the twenty-five-ruble note, the fifty-ruble note should be in his pocket... He put it in his pocket - no. Back and forth - no.

It was my piece of paper! - Weird said loudly. - That's your mother!.. My piece of paper! You are an infection, an infection...

My heart even began to ring with grief. The first impulse was to go and say:

Citizens, this is my piece of paper. I received two of them from the savings bank: one for twenty-five rubles, the other for fifty. I have now exchanged one, a twenty-five-ruble note, but the other has not.

But just as he imagined how he would stun everyone with this statement of his, many would think: “Of course, since the owner was not found, he decided to pocket it.” No, don’t overpower yourself - don’t reach out for that damned piece of paper. They may not give it back yet...

Why am I like this? - Chudik reasoned bitterly. - So what's now?..

I had to return home.

I approached the store, wanted to look at the piece of paper at least from a distance, stood at the entrance... and did not enter. It will really hurt. The heart may not be able to bear it.

I rode on the bus and cursed quietly - gaining courage: there was an explanation to be had with my wife.

This... I lost money. - At the same time, his snub nose turned white. Fifty rubles.

My wife's jaw dropped. She blinked; A pleading expression appeared on his face: maybe he was joking? No, this bald bastard (the Freak was not bald like a villager) would not have dared to joke like that. She asked stupidly:

Here he involuntarily chuckled.

When they lose, as a rule...

Well, no-no!! - the wife roared. - You won’t be grinning for a long time now! And she ran for the grip. - Nine months, well!

The weirdo grabbed a pillow from the bed to deflect the blows.

They circled around the room...

Nna! Freak!..

You're dirtying your pillow! Wash it yourself...

I'll wash it! I'll wash it, bald! And two ribs will be mine! My! My! My!..

Hands down, you fool!..

Ott-shades-short!.. Ot-shades-bald!..

Hands down, scarecrow! I won’t get to see my brother and I’ll sit on the ballot! It's worse for you!..

It's worse for you!

Well, it will!

No, let me amuse myself. Let me take your darling away, you bald bastard...

Well, it will be for you!..

The wife dropped the grip, sat down on the stool and began to cry.

She saved and saved... she saved it by a penny... You're a well, a well!.. You should choke on this money.

“Thank you for your kind words,” Chudik whispered “poisonously.”

Where was it - maybe you remember? Maybe he went somewhere?

I didn't go anywhere...

Maybe he drank beer in a teahouse with alcoholics?.. Remember. Maybe he dropped it on the floor?.. Run, they’ll give it back by now...

I didn’t go to the tea shop!

Where could you have lost them?

The weirdo looked gloomily at the floor.

Well, now you’ll have a little something to drink after the bath, drink... There, raw water from the well!

I need her, your little girl. I can manage without her...

You'll be skinny for me!

Will I go to my brother?

Another fifty rubles were taken from the book.

The weirdo, killed by his insignificance, which his wife explained to him, was traveling on the train. But gradually the bitterness went away.

Forests, copses, villages flashed outside the window... Different people came and went, different stories were told...

The weirdo also told one thing to some intelligent friend when they were standing in the vestibule, smoking.

In our neighboring village there is a fool too... He grabbed a firebrand and went after his mother. Drunk. She runs from him and shouts: “Hands, she screams, don’t burn your hands, son!” He also cares about him. And he rushes, a drunken mug. To the mother. Can you imagine how rude and tactless you have to be...

Did you come up with it yourself? - the intelligent comrade asked sternly, looking at the Weird over his glasses.

For what? - he didn’t understand. - Here, across the river, is the village of Ramenskoye...

The intelligent comrade turned to the window and spoke no more.

After the train, Chudik still had to fly by local plane. He once flew once. For a long time. I boarded the plane not without some timidity.

Will anything go bad in it? - asked the flight attendant.

What will go bad in it?

You never know... There are probably five different bolts here. If one thread breaks, hello. How much is usually collected per person? Two or three kilograms?..

Menschen und Leidenschaften(p. 5). - Written in 1830. The date is indicated by Lermontov himself on the title page of the manuscript: “Menschen und Leidenschaften (ein Trauerspiel) 1830. M. Lermontov"., .,

The play makes extensive use of autobiographical material. The main character Yuri Volin is a character close to Lermontov's; in many cases, Volin’s monologues correlate with Lermontov’s lyrics from 1830.

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The background of the events that make up the plot of “Menschen und Leidenschaften*” also has a real basis: the family feud between the old woman Gromova and N.M. Volin, which the maid Daria talks about, repeats valid relationship that developed between Lermontov’s grandmother and his father. Some minor characters in the play have prototypes: the maid Daria is the housekeeper in Tarkhany, Daria Grigorievna Sokolova; Ivan - Andrei Ivanovich Sokolov, husband of Daria Grigorievna, lackey, “uncle” of Lermontov.

The play reproduces pictures of the life of a landowner's estate, which was well known to Lermontov. At the same time, the poet’s attention is focused not only on family and everyday conflicts, but also on social relations; in his field of vision are ugly manifestations of serfdom; cruelty, servility, hypocrisy, lies. Confrontation with the vicious society of a pure-hearted, high-minded romantic hero, powerless against the evil reigning in the world, constitutes the main conflict of the drama.

P. 5. Dedicated. - After this word in the manuscript there is a colon, a dash and the name of the addressee, which remains unknown, thickly crossed out.

P. 7. ...finally he was appeased, and he, leaving his son, went to his homeland. - Just like the hero of the drama N.M. Volin, Yu.P. Lermontov, having received his wife from E. after the death. A. Arsenyeva, Lermontov’s grandmother, a promissory note for 25 thousand rubles, left her son and went to his estate.

Even though he will become an important person. - To become ambitious is to strive for something.

P. 9. ...If life deceives you... - Poem by A. S. Pushkin (published in the Moscow Telegraph, 1825, No. 17),

Mortal, imitate me... And rest over the cup. - The source of this quatrain was Pushkin’s poem “The Tomb of Anacreon” (1815), its later edition, published in the collection of Pushkin’s poems in 1826:

Mortal, your age is a ghost! Catch happiness quickly! ...Enjoy, enjoy! Fill the cup more often! Weary yourself with ardent passion, and rest with a cup!

P. 10. ...became so gloomy - like Doctor Faustus! - Doctor Faust - the hero of the tragedy of the same name (1808-1832) by J. V. Goethe, life path who goes through a difficult search for the meaning of life.

P. 12. Believe me, there is no more beautiful and sweeter country... - Inaccurate quote from I. A. Krylov’s fable “Two Doves” (1808):

But, believe me, you won’t find a more beautiful land, Where your sweetheart is, or where your friend lives.

P. 14. ...I was at the Trinity Lavra...--Trinity-Srgnsia Lavra ---a monastery FOUNDED in the middle of the 14th century. (now Zagorsk, 71 km from Moscow). Lermontov visited the Lavra in mid-August 1830.

P. 21. All sausage makers, shmertz!.. - Disparaging nicknames for the Germans.

P. 22. Was Kant really a fool?.. - Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) - German philosopher; laid the foundation for German classical philosophy.

The one who knows that he knows nothing... - Here N.M. Volin cites a judgment attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (he. 470-399 BC), who believed that it is impossible to have positive knowledge.

P. 32. If I die, then brother Pavel Ivanovich will be the guardian of the estate... - It is known that Lermontov’s grandmother E. A. Arsenyeva ordered, in the event of her death, to transfer custody of the estate to her younger brother Afanasy Alekseevich Stolypin (1788-1866) until her grandson comes of age. ); If he also died, then the other brothers had to take guardianship. Arseieva’s grandson, M. Yu. Lermontov, became the owner of all her movable and immovable estate only on the condition that he would live separately from his father,

P. 40, ..if Cupid has ever looked into your heart... - Cupid is the god of love in Roman mythology, P. 45. ... motionless, like Lot’s wife... - As the biblical legend says, at the moment Fleeing from Sodom, Lot's wife, despite the prohibition of the angels, looked back at the abandoned city and was turned into a pillar of salt (Genesis, 19, 26).

P. 47. Away, away... siren... away from me... - Sirens in Greek mythology are fantastic creatures, half-women, half-birds, who captivated sailors with their magical singing and destroyed them. In a figurative sense - seductive beauties, bewitching with their voices.

pp. 57-59. Apparitions 8 and 9 were introduced with minor changes into the play "Strange Man" (scene XI).

P. 61. and I were not created for people. - These words of Yuri almost completely coincide with the final line of the poem “Epitaph” (1830): “He was not created for people.”

A strange man(p. 63). - The drama was written in 1831. The original version was completed on July 17, as evidenced by Lermontov’s note on the cover of the notebook: “A strange man. Romantic drama. 1831 ended on July 17th. Moscow". In August - October, two more scenes and a monologue by Arbenin were introduced into the play; the need for these additions became obvious after the end of the play and was recorded in the following entry: “Method: add to “The Strange Man” another scene in which they read the story of his childhood, which Belinsky accidentally came across.” Lermontov rewrote the text again; On the cover of the white manuscript he made the inscription: “Strange man. Romantic drama. Moscow, 1831."

In the play “Strange Man,” the dramatic conflict is built on the clash between the hero, who is independent in his thoughts and actions, and society. Ideologically and thematically, it is in many ways related to Lermontov’s tragedy “Menschen und Leidenschaften” written a year earlier; a number of lines, monologues and even appearances in “Strange Man” are borrowed from “Menschen und Leidenschaften”.

P. 63. I decided to present a true incident dramatically... - The drama “The Strange Man” reflected the history of Lermontov’s relationship with Natalya Fedorovna Ivanova (1813-1875), the addressee of the lyrical cycle of 1830-1832. (about her, see the note to the poem “N.F.I...howl” (“I loved from the beginning of my life...”; present ed. vol. 1, p. 662). First meetings with Ivanova , her friendly attention to the poet, goodwill and friendly participation allowed Lermontov to hope for her reciprocal feeling; meanwhile, these hopes were deceived; the motive of betrayal and treachery becomes the main one in the works dedicated to Ivanova, the name and patronymic of N.F. Ivanova, the features of her external and internal appearance. The image of Vladimir Arbenin is also largely autobiographical; Lermontov’s poems dedicated to N.F. Ivanova are deliberately introduced into the text - in the drama they serve as Arbenin’s poetic appeal to Zagorskina. Story line, associated with Arbenin’s parents, is quite far from the real facts of Lermontov’s biography; What is common is only the very fact of family discord and the hero’s experiences caused by it.

The sense of authenticity of the events depicted is emphasized by the dramatic construction of the work, consisting of dated scenes that give the play the character of a diary.

P. 64. The Lady of his love was wed with one... - J: Byron’s poem “The Dream” (“Dream”, 1816), an excerpt from which Lermontov took as an epigraph to “The Strange Man”, is organically included in the artistic fabric of the play and represents, as it were, its lyrical subtext. In his workbook, containing scenes from The Strange Man, is a “record for memory”, recording Lermontov’s intention to make a prose translation of “The Dream” for his cousin Alexandra Mikhailovna Vereshchagina (this translation was either not made or has not survived). “Dream” is inspired by Lermontov’s poem “Vision”, included in the text

“Strange Man” as a “play” by Arbenin, about which one of the heroes of the drama, Zarutskaya, says: “Arbenin describes what happened to him, Simply, but there is something special in the spirit of this play. She is, in a sense, an imitation of “The Dream” by Byronov.”

On the morning of August 26. - The dates indicated before each scene were included in the white manuscript along with the division of the text into scenes. Perhaps they marked memorable days for Lermontov, dating back to the time of his infatuation with N. F. Ivanova.

; P. 67.; Enter Belinskaya... - The surname Belinskaya probably comes from the name of the village of Belyn, Npzhpelomovsky district, Penza1 province. The surname of the critic V.G. Belinsky, apparently, is of the same origin, but nevertheless has nothing to do with the above acting person dramas by Lermontov. It is possible that Lermontov’s fellow student at Moscow University, Dmitry Pavlovich Tilicheev (1812 - after 1860), is depicted under the name of Belinsky in “The Strange Man”. ""I; P. 69. Mohammed said that he put his head in the water and took it out, and at that time he became fourteen years old. - This episode is not mentioned either in the Koran or in the legends about the founder of Islam. Lermontov used the legend of Mohammed, which in the 18th century. was recorded in the English satirical and legal magazine “The Spectator* (“The Spectator”), 1711, No. 94, June 18.

P. 73. ...gentlemen, would you like to play Mushka... - Mushka is a card game.

P. 75. I was not created for the people of the present century and our country... - Wed. in the poem "Demon":

The Creator wove their living strings from the best ether, They were not created for the world, And the world was not created for them!

Soon grief will happen to me, not because of my wits, but because of stupidity!.. - Lermontov could have known A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” not only from productions (in a distorted version by censorship) on the St. Petersburg and Moscow stages (January - November 1831); he was probably also aware of the numerous lists of “Woe from Wit” that circulated around Moscow.

Like last time at the Assembly, one gentleman dropped a disguised lady... - Costume balls were held in the hall of the Moscow Noble Assembly (the building was built by the architect M. F. Kazakov in the 1780s. Nowadays it is the House of the Union).

P. 76. And it happened, I remember (he was still three years old), it happened that the lady would sit him on her lap and start playing the piano. something pathetic. Lo and behold, the child’s tears are rolling down his cheeks. I cried: I can’t remember it now, but I’m sure that if I had heard it, it would have had the same effect. My late mother sang it to me.”

G.-80-*-86. Scene IV.- Scene IV depicts the student circle to which Lermontov belonged during his stay at Moscow University (from September 1830 to June 1832). At the same time as Lermontov, the following students studied at the university: G. Belinsky, A. I. Herzen, I. A. Goncharov, N. P. Ogarev, N. V. Stankevich. No information has been preserved about Lermontov’s connections with the circle of Herzen and Ogarev, which arose in 1831. The poet's close friends included A. D. Zakrevsky, A. A. Lopukhin, V. A. and N. S. Sheishin - they were sometimes called the “Lermontov Five.” There is reason to believe that the character of “The Strange Man,” named Zarutsky, is to some extent copied from A.D. Zakrevsky, who really liked Lermontov’s poems (Arbenin’s poems are read by Zarutskaya in the play) and who was known for his passion for Russian history; in the article “A Look at Russian History,” published in the 20th issue of “Telescope” in 1833, Zakrevsky specifically focused on the problem of Russian national identity, emphasizing the special significance Patriotic War 1812 “The year 1812,” he wrote, “is the beginning of the original, national life of Russia.” Before the publication of the article, these ideas could have been expressed by him at meetings of a friendly circle (cf. Zarutsky’s final monologue).

P. 80. Schiller's Plucked Robbers - Mention is made of the Moscow production of F. Schiller's drama in the adaptation of I. II. Sandunov, which was a variant adapted to the requirements of censorship and theater administration engaged in “beneficial productions.” Lermontov’s negative attitude towards the tradition accepted in the theater of staging plays of the classical repertoire in an “arrangement” that distorts the meaning is known from his letter to Aunt Maria Akimovna Shan-Girey (February 1830 or 1831); it expresses regret that the theatrical public’s acquaintance with the works of the great Shakespeare occurs through the translation of “the distorted play of Dusis, who ... changed the course of the tragedy and produced many characteristic scenes.”

pp. 80-81. Mochalov was terribly lazy; It’s a pity that this wonderful actor is not always in good spirits. It might have happened that I would have seen him yesterday for the first time and last time: in this way he loses his reputation. - These words of Chelyaev reflected the general passion of Moscow student youth for the inspired romantic game II. S, M0CH1 lova (“beautiful act])”); here the “unevenness” of the game, characteristic of Mochalov, is noted, a well-known feature of his acting style, about which V.G. has always been dependent on the disposition of his spirit: he will find inspiration for him - and he is amazing, incomparable; there is no animation - and he falls not only into mediocrity - that would go anywhere - no, into vulgarity and triviality... It was these kind of performances that were unsuccessful for him that people saw him in, having the idea of ​​him as a bad actor . These are especially visitors to Moscow, and especially St. Petersburg residents.”

P. 81. My soul, I remember from childhood... - Lermontov conveys to Arbenin his poem “June 1831, 11th day” (1, 2, 5 stanzas; individual lines of the poem introduced into the text of the drama are slightly changed) .

P. 82. Why a magical smile... - As an independent poem - unknown.

P. 83. I saw a young man: he was on horseback... - The beginning of Lermontov’s poem “Vision” (see about this, vol. 1, p. 668). The text of the drama is given with some changes.

P. 88. ...I saw her in the theater: tears shone in her eyes when Schiller’s “Cunning and Love” was played!.. Would she really listen indifferently to the story of my suffering? - For Lermontov and the youth of his day, Schiller’s drama meant a passionate protest against all injustice, social inequality, spiritual limitations, hypocrisy and hypocrisy. The performance of Mochalov, who played the role of Ferdinand in Schiller’s drama “Cunning and Love,” made a huge impression on romantically minded young people. Arbenin regards the reaction of Natasha Zagorskina, shocked by the performance, as a sign of the nobility and spirituality of her nature.

P. 89. ...I have no more patience. We endured it for a long time, but the end came... even in the water!..- Pictures revealing serfdom, written largely based on Lermontov’s own impressions, who was well acquainted with the life of rural nobles living in the neighborhood of Tarkhany (grandmother’s estate located in the Penza province), where the poet spent his childhood.

P. 92. It will be boring today at the French Theater: the performance is bad, cramped, stuffy. There's nothing to do! all beau monde! - This reflects the impressions from what was active in 1829-1830. in Moscow, a private French theater created on the initiative of S. S. Apraksin, foreman of the Noble Assembly, D. V. Golitsyn, Moscow Governor General, Minister of the Court P. M. Volkonsky, etc. Despite the fact that the troupe was weak, and The premises rented for the theater were inconvenient for both spectators and actors; visiting French performances was included in the mandatory entertainment program of the “big world”.

P. 112. A glorious musician will play the harp... haven’t you heard yet? She is from Paris... - “Glorious Musician” - S. Bertrand, French harpist. In March 1831, her tour took place in Moscow.

P. 114. When only memories... - Individual lines are transferred to this poem from “Romance to I...”, originally introduced into the drama. As a result of further processing of the text, the poem “Justification” (1841) arose.

pp. 117-118. In what novel... from what heroine did you adopt such wise admonitions... you would like to find Werther in me! spiritually close to the central character of Lermontov's play, experiences a love drama similar to the one played out between Zagorskina, Arbenin and his lucky rival. Werther finds it possible to maintain good relations with his beloved and her husband. Arbenin indignantly rejects such a system of relations.

P. 123. You, of course, are not a student of Lavater? - Lafatsr Johann Caspar (1741-1801) - Swiss pastor and writer. In his main work “Physiognomische Fragmente zur Beforderung der Menschenkenntniss und Menschenliebe” (“Physiognomic fragments that promote knowledge of people and love for people,” 1775-1778) he developed the theory of the correspondence of a person’s spiritual world to his appearance.

Updated: 2011-04-23

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