What is environmental protection summary. Environmental protection in the modern world. Legal and regulatory framework for protection

Protection environment- one of those global problems, the solution of which requires a comprehensive and widespread solution, the introduction of a set of effective recovery measures natural resources, preventing pollution of the world's oceans and atmosphere, etc. For centuries man has spent thoughtlessly natural resources, and today the time has come when we realize that the planet’s reserves are not endless and require not only rational use, but also restoration.

The main factors that environmentalists pay attention to are the provoking thinning of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and leading to “ greenhouse effect", the discharge of harmful substances into the world's oceans, which causes the death of its inhabitants, an increase in the volume of industrial waste that does not decompose. The incident at the BP oil development that led to this one showed how much more extensive protection is needed in the oil and gas complex. After all, it is in this sector of industry that any accident leads to horrific consequences from which nature cannot recover for years.

Today, environmental protection is one of the most important issues addressed by governments and most countries of the world. Scientists are looking for more gentle technologies for the production and processing of raw materials, developing complexes for their subsequent disposal or reuse, and exploring the possibilities of reducing the quantity and concentration harmful emissions into the atmosphere, they are trying to use safe energy sources and more environmentally friendly types of fuel.

It is the unfavorable environmental situation that affects not only natural

resources, but also on human health: the average life expectancy of people is decreasing, the number of babies born with developmental pathologies or congenital diseases is increasing, the number of infertile couples and cancer patients is growing. It was these disappointing statistics that became the reason for developing a set of measures aimed at changing the current situation.

Protection in Russia in last years has become one of the priority areas of the state’s domestic policy. It involves the development and implementation of new, safe production technologies, measures for the restoration of natural resources (new forest plantings and limitation of logging, restoration of the number of inhabitants of reservoirs, rational use of subsoil, reuse of various raw materials, etc.). Along with these measures, the number of environmental protection zones is increasing, national parks and nature reserves.

The State Committee for Nature Protection is called upon to regulate and control the use of resources. His direct responsibility is to develop regulations, requirements and rules. Only in our country are the norms environmental law included in the basic law of the state - the Constitution. In addition, in order to properly use resources in various sectors, the Subsoil Law, as well as the Water, Forestry and Land Codes, have been developed. Despite the fairly large number of environmental departments, environmental protection in our country is not yet sufficiently developed. And this is not so much a failure of state power as own attitude every person to the world in which he lives.

Russian Federation

Environmental legislation in

Lecture 7


1. “Report on the state and protection of the environment in the Saratov region.”

2. Journals: “Ecological Bulletin of Russia”, “Ecology”, “Use and protection of natural resources of Russia”.

4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise” (as amended by the Federal Law of April 15, 1998 No. 65-FZ).

5. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements GOST 12.1.007-76 SSBT.

6. Atmosphere. General requirements to methods for determining pollutants. GOST

7. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control. GOST

8. Sanitary rules and safety standards surface waters from pollution. SanPiN 4630-88.

9. Environmental passport GOST

10. Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects SanPiN 2.2.1/

Environmental protection is a system scientific knowledge and a set of state, international and public activities aimed at the rational use, protection and restoration of natural resources, at preserving biological diversity, at protecting the environment from pollution and destruction to create optimal conditions for the existence of human society, satisfying the material and cultural needs of the living and future generations.

Main objectives of environmental protection:

1. rational use of natural resources;

2. protecting nature from pollution;

3. conservation of biological diversity.

The main goal of environmental protection is to improve public health, maintain and improve natural conditions in the process of environmental management, consistent reduction of sources of pollution, as well as continuous monitoring of the state of the environment and the factors influencing it during various types human activity.

Environment– set of components natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects.

Components of the natural environment– land, subsoil, soils, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, vegetation, animal world and other organisms, as well as ozone layer atmospheres and near-Earth space, which together provide favorable conditions for the existence of life on Earth.

Favorable environment– environment, the quality of which ensures the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects.

Natural object– a natural ecological system, natural landscape and their constituent elements that have preserved their natural properties.

Natural-anthropogenic object– a natural object modified as a result of economic and other activities and an object created by man, possessing the properties of a natural object and having recreational and protective significance.

Anthropogenic object- an object created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects.

Environmental protection

Environmental protection - a system of measures aimed at ensuring favorable and safe conditions for human habitat and life. The most important environmental factors are atmospheric air, home air, water, soil. Environmental protection involves the conservation and restoration of natural resources in order to prevent direct and indirect negative impacts of human activities on nature and human health.

In conditions scientific and technological progress and intensification of industrial production, environmental problems have become one of the most important national tasks, the solution of which is inextricably linked with the protection of human health. For many years, the processes of environmental degradation were reversible, because affected only limited areas, individual areas and were not of a global nature, so effective measures to protect the human environment were practically not taken. In the last 20-30 years, irreversible changes in the natural environment or dangerous phenomena began to appear in various regions of the Earth. In connection with massive pollution of the environment, issues of its protection have grown from regional, intrastate into an international, planetary problem. All developed countries have identified environmental protection as one of the most important aspects of humanity's struggle for survival.

Advanced industrial countries have developed a number of key organizational, scientific and technical measures for environmental protection. They are as follows: identification and assessment of the main chemical, physical and biological factors that negatively affect the health and performance of the population, in order to develop the necessary strategy to reduce the negative role of these factors; assessing potential exposure to toxic environmental pollutants to establish appropriate public health risk criteria; development effective programs prevention of possible industrial accidents and measures to reduce the harmful consequences of emergency emissions on the environment. In addition, of particular importance in environmental protection is the establishment of the degree of danger of environmental pollution for the gene pool, from the point of view of the carcinogenicity of certain toxic substances contained in industrial emissions and waste. To assess the degree of risk of mass diseases caused by pathogens contained in the environment, systematic epidemiological studies are necessary.

When addressing issues related to environmental protection, it should be taken into account that a person from birth and throughout his life is exposed to various factors (contact with chemicals in everyday life, at work, use of medications, ingestion of chemical additives contained in food products, etc.). Additional exposure to harmful substances entering the environment, in particular from industrial waste, can have a negative impact on human health.

Among environmental pollutants (biological, physical, chemical and radioactive), chemical compounds occupy one of the first places. More than 5 million are known. chemical compounds, of which over 60 thousand are in constant use. The global production of chemical compounds increases by 2 every 10 years. 1 / 2 times. The most dangerous substances entering the environment are organochlorine compounds, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and asbestos.

The most effective measure to protect the environment from these compounds is the development and implementation of waste-free or low-waste technological processes, as well as waste disposal or recycling. Another important area of ​​environmental protection is changing the approach to the principles of location of various industries, replacing the most harmful and stable substances with less harmful and less stable ones. Mutual influence of different industrial and agricultural industries. facilities is becoming increasingly significant, and the social and economic damage from accidents caused by the proximity of various enterprises may exceed the benefits associated with the proximity of the raw material base or transport amenities. In order for the problems of object placement to be solved optimally, it is necessary to collaborate with specialists of different profiles who are able to predict the adverse effects of various factors and use mathematical modeling methods. Quite often, due to meteorological conditions, areas remote from the direct source of harmful emissions become polluted.

The most important problem of all discussed earlier iswater protection problem . One of the main tasks is the regulation of water relations in order to ensure the rational use of water for the needs of the population and National economy. In addition, there are other tasks:

Protection of water from pollution, clogging and depletion;

Prevention and elimination of harmful effects of water;

Improving the condition of water bodies;

Protection of the rights of enterprises, organizations, institutions and citizens, strengthening the rule of law in the field of water relations.

Placement, design, construction and commissioning of enterprises, structures and other objects affecting the state of waters.

Commissioning is prohibited:

New and reconstructed enterprises, workshops and units, utilities and other facilities that are not equipped with devices that prevent pollution and clogging of water or their harmful effects;

Irrigation and watering systems, reservoirs and canals before carrying out the measures provided for by the projects to prevent flooding, flooding, waterlogging, land salinization and soil erosion;

Drainage systems until water intakes and other structures are ready in accordance with approved projects;

Water intake structures without fish protection devices in accordance with approved projects;

Hydraulic structures until devices for the passage of flood waters and fish are ready in accordance with approved projects;

  1. Types of environmental pollution and directions for its protection.................................3
  2. Objects and principles of environmental protection............................................4
  3. Environmental activities of enterprises................................................................. .....8
  4. Regulatory and legal framework for environmental protection.........10

Literature................................................. ........................................................ ....................16


Various human interventions in natural processes in the biosphere can be grouped into the following types of pollution, meaning by them any anthropogenic changes undesirable for ecosystems:

Ingredient (ingredient is an integral part of a complex compound or mixture) pollution as a set of substances that are quantitatively or qualitatively alien to natural biogeocenoses;

Parametric pollution (an environmental parameter is one of its properties, for example the level of noise, illumination, radiation, etc.), associated with changes in the quality parameters of the environment;

Biocenotic pollution, which consists of an impact on the composition and structure of the population of living organisms;

Stationary-destructive pollution (station is the habitat of a population, destruction is destruction), which is a change in landscapes and ecological systems in the process of environmental management.

Until the 60s of our century, nature conservation was understood mainly as the protection of its flora and fauna from extermination. Accordingly, the forms of this protection were mainly the creation of specially protected areas, the adoption of legal acts limiting the hunting of individual animals, etc. Scientists and the public were concerned primarily with the biocenotic and partially stationary-destructive effects on the biosphere. Ingredient and parametric contamination, of course, also existed, especially since the installation treatment facilities there was no talk at the enterprises. But it was not as diverse and massive as it is now, it practically did not contain artificially created compounds that were not amenable to natural decomposition, and nature dealt with it on its own. Thus, in rivers with an undisturbed biocenosis and a normal flow rate, not slowed down by hydraulic structures, under the influence of the processes of mixing, oxidation, sedimentation, absorption and decomposition by decomposers, disinfection by solar radiation, etc., contaminated water completely restored its properties over a distance of 30 km from the sources of pollution .

Of course, individual pockets of natural degradation have been observed in the past in the vicinity of the most polluting industries. However, by the middle of the 20th century. the rates of ingredient and parametric pollution have increased and their qualitative composition has changed so dramatically that in large areas nature’s ability to self-purify, i.e., the natural destruction of pollutants as a result of natural physical, chemical and biological processes, has been lost.

At present, self-purification does not occur even in such deep and long rivers as the Ob, Yenisei, Lena and Amur. What can we say about the long-suffering Volga, the natural speed of which is reduced several times by hydraulic structures, or the Tom River (Western Siberia), all the water of which industrial enterprises manage to take for their needs and release back polluted at least 3 - 4 times before how it gets from source to mouth.

The ability of the soil to self-purify is undermined by a sharp decrease in the amount of decomposers in it, which occurs under the influence of the excessive use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers, the cultivation of monocultures, the complete removal of all parts of grown plants from the fields, etc.


Environmental protection is understood as a set of international, state and regional legal acts, instructions and standards that bring general legal requirements to each specific polluter and ensure its interest in fulfilling these requirements, specific environmental measures to implement these requirements.

Only if all these components correspond to each other in content and pace of development, that is, they add up to unified system environmental protection, you can count on success.

Since the task of protecting nature from the negative impact of humans was not solved in time, now the task of protecting humans from the influence of a changed natural environment increasingly arises. Both of these concepts are integrated under the term “environmental protection”.

Environmental protection consists of:

Legal protection, formulating scientific environmental principles in the form of legally binding laws;

Material incentives for environmental activities, striving to make them economically beneficial for enterprises;

Engineering Protection, developing environmental and resource-saving technology and equipment.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”, the following objects are subject to protection:

Objects of environmental protection from pollution, depletion, degradation, damage, destruction and other negative impact economic and other activities are:

Lands, subsoil, soils;

Surface and underground waters;

Forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their genetic fund;

Atmospheric air, the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space.

Natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes that have not been subjected to anthropogenic impact are subject to priority protection.

Objects included in the World Heritage List are subject to special protection. cultural heritage and the List of World Natural Heritage, state natural reserves, including biospheres, state nature reserves, natural monuments, national, natural and dendrological parks, botanical gardens, health resorts and resorts, other natural complexes, ancestral habitats, places of traditional residence And economic activity indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, objects of special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other valuable significance, the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as rare or endangered soils, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their habitats.

The basic principles of environmental protection should be:

Economic and other activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, legal and individuals impact on the environment should be carried out on the basis of the following principles:

Respect for the human right to a favorable environment;

Providing favorable conditions for human life;
scientifically based combination of environmental, economic and social interests of man, society and the state in order to ensure sustainable development and favorable environment;

Protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources as necessary conditions for ensuring a favorable environment and environmental safety;

Responsibility of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments for ensuring a favorable environment and environmental safety in the relevant territories;

Payment for environmental use and compensation for environmental damage;

Independence of control in the field of environmental protection;

Presumption of environmental danger of planned economic and other activities;

Mandatory environmental impact assessment when making decisions on economic and other activities;

Mandatory state environmental assessment of projects and other documentation justifying economic and other activities that may have a negative impact on the environment, create a threat to the life, health and property of citizens;

Taking into account the natural and socio-economic characteristics of territories when planning and implementing economic and other activities;

Priority of conservation of natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes;

The permissibility of the impact of economic and other activities on the natural environment based on the requirements in the field of environmental protection;

Ensuring a reduction in the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment in accordance with standards in the field of environmental protection, which can be achieved through the use of the best existing technologies, taking into account economic and social factors;

Mandatory participation in environmental protection activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals;

Conservation of biological diversity;

Providing an integrated and individual approach to establishing requirements in the field of environmental protection for economic and other entities carrying out such activities or planning to carry out such activities;

Prohibition of economic and other activities, the consequences of which are unpredictable for the environment, as well as the implementation of projects that may lead to the degradation of natural ecological systems, changes and (or) destruction of the genetic fund of plants, animals and other organisms, depletion of natural resources and other negative changes environment;

Respect for everyone’s right to receive reliable information about the state of the environment, as well as the participation of citizens in decision-making regarding their rights to a favorable environment, in accordance with the law;

Responsibility for violation of environmental legislation;

Organization and development of the environmental education system, education and formation of environmental culture;

Participation of citizens, public and other non-profit associations in solving environmental problems;

International cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.


Environmental protection is any activity aimed at maintaining the quality of the environment at a level that ensures the sustainability of the biosphere. This includes both large-scale activities carried out at the national level to preserve reference samples of untouched nature and preserve the diversity of species on Earth, organize scientific research, train environmental specialists and educate the population, as well as the activities of individual enterprises to clean up harmful substances Wastewater and waste gases, reducing standards for the use of natural resources, etc. Such activities are carried out mainly by engineering methods.

There are two main directions environmental activities enterprises. The first is the purification of harmful emissions. This path to pure form» is ineffective, since with its help it is not always possible to completely stop the flow of harmful substances into the biosphere. In addition, a reduction in the level of pollution of one component of the environment leads to increased pollution of another.

And For example, installing wet filters during gas purification can reduce air pollution, but leads to even greater water pollution. Substances captured from waste gases and waste waters often poison large areas of land.

The use of treatment facilities, even the most efficient ones, sharply reduces the level of environmental pollution, but does not completely solve this problem, since during the operation of these plants, waste is also generated, although in a smaller volume, but, as a rule, with an increased concentration of harmful substances. Finally, the operation of most treatment facilities requires significant energy costs, which, in turn, is also unsafe for the environment.

In addition, the pollutants that huge amounts of money are spent on neutralizing are substances that have already been worked on and that, with rare exceptions, could be used in the national economy.

To achieve high environmental and economic results, it is necessary to combine the process of cleaning harmful emissions with the process of recycling captured substances, which will make it possible to combine the first direction with the second.

The second direction is the elimination of the very causes of pollution, which requires the development of low-waste, and in the future, waste-free production technologies that would allow for the comprehensive use of raw materials and the disposal of a maximum of substances harmful to the biosphere.

However, not all industries have found acceptable technical and economic solutions to sharply reduce the amount of waste generated and their disposal, so at present it is necessary to work in both of these areas.

Caring about improvement engineering security environment, we must remember that no treatment facilities or waste-free technologies will be able to restore the stability of the biosphere if the permissible (threshold) values ​​for the reduction of natural systems that have not been transformed by man are exceeded, which is where the law of irreplaceability of the biosphere manifests itself.

Such a threshold may be the use of more than 1% of the energy of the biosphere and the deep transformation of more than 10% of natural territories (the rules of one and ten percent). That's why technical advances do not eliminate the need to solve the problems of changing the priorities of social development, stabilizing the population, creating a sufficient number of protected areas and others discussed earlier.


The legal basis for environmental protection in the country is the RSFSR Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” (1999), in accordance with which sanitary legislation was introduced, including this law and regulations establishing safety criteria for humans, environmental factors and requirements for ensuring favorable conditions for his life. The requirement for environmental protection is fixed in the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Citizens’ Health” (1993) and in the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (1992).

The most important legislative act aimed at ensuring environmental safety is the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” (2002). The law establishes a system of environmental legislation, the basic principles and objects of environmental protection, and the procedure for its management. The law establishes the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to favorable environment habitat. The most important section of the law “Economic regulation in the field of environmental protection” establishes the principle of payment for the use of natural resources. The amount of the fee depends on whether the established limits for environmental management were exceeded or not, what was the scale of environmental pollution (within limits agreed with the relevant government agencies or not). In some cases, payment is provided for the reproduction of natural resources (for example, forests, fish stocks, etc.). The law establishes the principles for regulating the quality of the natural environment, the procedure for conducting state environmental assessments, and environmental requirements for the location, design, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of enterprises. Certain sections of the law are devoted to environmental emergencies; specially protected areas and objects; principles environmental control; environmental education, education and scientific research; resolution of disputes in the field of environmental protection; liability for environmental violations; procedure for compensation for damage caused.

Other legislative acts in the field of environmental protection include the Water Code of the Russian Federation (1995), the Land Code of the Russian Federation (2000), the Federal Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” (1999), the Federal Law “On Environmental Expertise” (1995), the Law of the Russian Federation “ On the use of atomic energy" (1995), Federal Law "On production and consumption waste" (1998).

One of the most important components environmental legislation is a system of environmental standards. Its timely scientifically based development is a necessary condition practical implementation of adopted laws, since it is precisely these standards that polluting enterprises should focus on in their environmental activities. Failure to comply with standards will result in legal liability.

Environmental regulations include sanitary standards and the rules of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, ensuring the necessary quality of natural resources (air, water, soil); SNiPs of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, establishing the procedure for taking into account environmental requirements during the design, construction and commissioning of national economic facilities, administrative and residential buildings; Gosgortekhnadzor documents defining the principles of environmental protection during subsoil development; general federal regulatory documents (OND) of the State Committee for Ecology, establishing the principles of monitoring natural environments, calculations of expected concentrations of pollutants in them, etc.

The main type of regulatory legal acts on environmental protection is the system of standards “Nature Conservation”.

Industry regulatory documentation and documentation of enterprises on environmental protection include, respectively, OSTs, STPs, guidance documents (RD), regulations, etc.

The most important environmental standards are environmental quality standards - maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances in natural environments.

MACs are approved for each of the most dangerous substances separately and are valid throughout the country.

Recently, scientists have argued that compliance with maximum permissible concentrations does not guarantee the preservation of environmental quality at a sufficiently high level, if only because the influence of many substances in the future and in interaction with each other has not yet been well studied.

Based on the maximum permissible concentrations, scientific and technical standards for maximum permissible emissions (MAE) of harmful substances into the atmosphere and discharges (MPD) into the water basin are being developed. These standards are established individually for each source of pollution in such a way that the combined environmental impact of all sources in a given area does not lead to exceeding the MPC.

Due to the fact that the number and power of pollution sources change with the development of the productive forces of the region, it is necessary to periodically review the MPE and MPD standards. The selection of the most effective options for environmental protection activities at enterprises should be carried out taking into account the need to comply with these standards.

Unfortunately, at present, many enterprises, due to technical and economic reasons, are not able to immediately meet these standards. The closure of such an enterprise or a sharp weakening of its economic position as a result of penalties is also not always possible for economic and social reasons.

In addition to a clean environment, for a normal life a person needs to eat, dress, listen to a tape recorder and watch movies and television shows, the production of films and electricity for which is very “dirty”. Finally, you need to have a job in your specialty close to your home. It is best to reconstruct environmentally backward enterprises so that they stop harming the environment, but not every enterprise can immediately allocate funds for this in full, since environmental protection equipment, and the reconstruction process itself, are very expensive.

Therefore, such enterprises may be subject to temporary standards, the so-called TEC (temporarily agreed upon emissions), allowing increased environmental pollution above the norm for a strictly defined period of time, sufficient to carry out the environmental measures necessary to reduce emissions.

The amount and sources of payment for environmental pollution depend on whether or not an enterprise complies with the standards established for it and which ones - MPE, PDS or only VSV.

Environmental protection management in the Russian Federation is carried out by legislative and executive authorities, local self-government and specially authorized bodies, the main one of which is the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (MNR). The Ministry of Natural Resources is entrusted with the development and implementation of environmental policy in the country, legal regulation of relevant work. The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia also ensures rational use of natural resources (extraction of mineral resources, use of water, wildlife), the safety of reservoirs and hydraulic structures, the protection of surface and groundwater, as well as water in economic water use systems, protection and protection of the forest fund and performs a number of other functions. The department has territorial bodies.

Environmental protection management in the constituent entities of the federation, in territories, regions and cities is carried out by representative bodies ( legislative assemblies, city councils, etc.) and the executive branch (government, city hall, etc.).

State environmental control bodies include executive authorities, Rostekhnadzor of Russia, as well as the Federal Service for Natural Resources Management and Rospotrebnadzor of Russia, one of whose functions is to conduct sanitary and epidemiological supervision, and some others that exercise state control in a rather narrow direction (protection from diseases of livestock and agricultural plants, protection and rational use of fish resources, etc.). Representatives of these bodies have the right to issue mandatory instructions, hold officials who have violated environmental legislation administratively liable, file claims in court for compensation for environmental damage, and much more.

The most important supervisory body for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources is the environmental prosecutor's office.

Departmental environmental control is carried out by environmental protection services of ministries and departments,

Public environmental control is carried out by trade union organizations. Collective agreements provide for measures aimed at protecting the environment. In addition, this type of control is carried out by public organizations and associations.

A special form of environmental control is environmental monitoring. The following types of monitoring are distinguished:

Global, carried out on everything globe or within continents;

National, held on the territory of one state;

Regional, carried out over a large area of ​​the territory of one state or adjacent areas of several states;

Local, carried out in a relatively small area (city, water body, area of ​​a large enterprise, etc.).

In the Russian Federation, monitoring is entrusted to the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. In the atmospheric monitoring system, sea ​​waters, land and soils, flora and fauna, surface waters of land, groundwater and waters of water management systems, as well as the geological environment and mineral resources, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation is involved.

The organization of environmental protection work at enterprises and organizations is carried out, as a rule, by one of the services of chief specialists (OGM or OGE). Most often this is the service responsible for the operation of ventilation systems. It is possible to create a special service for environmental protection. In any variant of the organization of work, the department responsible for its implementation monitors the implementation of environmental protection legislation at the enterprise, conducts inventories of sources of emissions and discharges, as well as energy pollution, and ensures control of atmospheric, hydrosphere and soil pollution created by the enterprise. The same department is responsible for filling out the environmental passport.

The most important area of ​​work of services related to ensuring the environmental safety of residential areas adjacent to the enterprise is production control. It includes an assessment of the level of pollution in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and soil, as well as the condition of gas and dust collection systems, water purification systems, noise attenuation, etc.

Since 1999, a set of international standards ISO series 14000 “Environmental Quality Management System” has been operating in the Russian Federation as Russian standards. GOST RISO 14001-98 establishes requirements for environmental systems in order to assist an organization (enterprise) in determining its policy in a specified area and the planned environmental characteristics that can be achieved when implementing this policy, taking into account their actual values ​​and the requirements of laws and other regulations,

Most effective way Determining the effectiveness of such management systems is their audit, a systematic and documented process of checking objectively obtained and evaluated data to determine the compliance of the organization's environmental management system with the audit criteria of such a system established by the organization. If necessary, the organization's management adjusts its environmental policy, relevant tasks and work plans.

As a rule, specialized organizations that have a license to conduct it, issued by specially authorized bodies, are involved in conducting environmental audits.


  1. Demina T. A. Ecology, environmental management, environmental protection. – M.: Aspect Press, 1998
  2. Life safety. Under the general editorship. Belova S.V. - M.: graduate School, 2006

Municipal Educational Institution

Average Comprehensive school №2


Environmental protection.


Student of grade 11 "B"


ENVIRONMENT - the habitat and activity of mankind, surrounding a person the natural and created material world. The environment includes the natural environment and the artificial (technogenic) environment, i.e., a set of environmental elements created from natural substances by labor and the conscious will of man and which have no analogues in virgin nature (buildings, structures, etc.). Social production changes the environment, affecting directly or indirectly all its elements. This impact and its Negative consequences especially intensified in the era of modern scientific and technological revolution, when the scale human activity, covering almost all geographical envelope The earth has become comparable to the action of global natural processes.

Protection of Nature.

NATURE CONSERVATION - a set of conservation measures, rational use and restoration of the Earth’s natural resources, including the species diversity of flora and fauna, the richness of the subsoil, the purity of waters and the atmosphere.

The danger of irreversible changes in the natural environment in certain regions of the Earth has become real due to the increased scale of human economic activity. Since the beginning of the 80s. on average, one animal species (or subspecies) disappeared daily, and a plant species disappeared weekly (over 20 thousand species are under threat of extinction). About 1000 species of birds and mammals (mostly inhabitants of tropical forests, being reduced at a rate of tens of hectares per minute) are in danger of extinction.

Every year, about 1 billion tons of standard fuel are burned, hundreds of millions of tons of nitrogen oxides, sulfur, carbon (some of them return in the form of acid rain), soot, ash and dust are emitted into the atmosphere. Soils and waters are polluted by industrial and domestic wastewater (hundreds of billions of tons per year), petroleum products (several million tons), mineral fertilizers (about hundreds of million tons) and pesticides, heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.), radioactive waste . There is a danger of violation of the Earth's ozone screen.

The biosphere's ability to cleanse itself is close to its limit. The danger of uncontrolled changes in the environment and, as a result, the threat to the existence of living organisms on Earth, including humans, required decisive practical measures to protect and preserve nature, and legal regulation of the use of natural resources. Such measures include the creation of waste-free technologies, treatment facilities, streamlining the use of pesticides, stopping the production of pesticides that can accumulate in the body, land reclamation, etc., as well as the creation of protected areas (reserves, National parks etc.), centers for breeding rare and endangered animals and plants (including for preserving the gene pool of the Earth), compiling world and national Red Books.

Environmental measures are provided for in land, forestry, water and other national legislation, which establishes liability for violation of environmental regulations. In a number of countries, government environmental programs have significantly improved the quality of the environment in certain regions (for example, a multi-year and expensive program has restored the purity and quality of water in the Great Lakes). On an international scale, along with the creation of various international organizations on individual problems of environmental protection, the UN Environment Program operates.

The main substances that pollute the environment, their sources.

Carbon dioxide is the burning of fossil fuels.

Carbon monoxide is the work of internal combustion engines.

Carbons - the work of internal combustion engines.

Organic compounds - chemical industry, waste incineration, fuel combustion.

Sulfur dioxide - combustion of fossil fuels.

Nitrogen derivatives - combustion.

Radioactive substances - nuclear power plants, nuclear explosions.

Mineral compounds - industrial production, operation of internal combustion engines.

Natural and synthetic organic substances - chemical industry, fuel combustion, waste incineration, Agriculture(pesticides).


Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and thoughtful actions will be needed. Responsible and effective environmental policies will only be possible if we accumulate reliable data on current state environment, grounded knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if it develops new methods to reduce and prevent harm caused to nature by humans.


  1. Romad F. Fundamentals of applied ecology.
  2. Dictionary.
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