Where is the Sumerian country located? Sumerian civilization. Ancient Sumerian, last centuries of the state

The sensational discovery occurred quite by accident in the spring of 2008, during the construction of a pit for the foundation of a house in Kurdistan, Iran. According to press reports, a mausoleum with an incorrupt body was discovered king of the Anunnaki. During further excavations, archaeologists found three more burials, the remains of the ancient Sumerian civilization and the ruins of an ancient city. The map shows the trade route connecting Sumer with , ancient city .

Sumerians is the first written civilization to exist from IV to III millennium BC. e. in the southeast of Mesopotamia in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Today this territory contains the southern part of modern Iran.

In Cosmogonic ideas of Sumerian-Akkadian mythology god Anu was considered the oldest and most powerful god of the Mesopotamian pantheon, closely related to goddess of the earth Ki, from whom he was born god of air Enlil, separating heaven from earth. Anu was considered the "father of the gods" and the supreme god of the sky. The symbol of Anu is the horned tiara (crown).

Anu is often hostile to people; there is a legend that, at the request of goddess Ishtar sent a heavenly bull to the city of Uruk and demanded the death of the hero Gilgamesh.

Sumerian snake-legged goddess with arms raised up

About the Anunnaki We were told by ancient Sumerian texts that talk about gods who arrived on Earth from the sky and brought people wisdom, knowledge, crafts and other benefits of civilization.

The word "Anunnaki" has several meanings, the most common translation of this word is " those who came to earth" or "those of noble blood", who came about 400 years ago.

Sumerian texts attribute the creation of the first man to the Anunnaki, and the Sumerians describe in sufficient detail the engineering and genetic actions of the Anunnaki, as a result of which the first man appeared on Earth.
One of the most revered deities of Sumerian mythology was the first ruler of the Earth is Enki (or Eya).

Enki is one of the triad of great gods: Anu - patron of the heavenly world, Enlil (lit. "Lord of the Wind", Akkadian Ellil) is the lord of the wind, the elements and the god of fertility. Enki - deity of the World Ocean, groundwater, wisdom, cultural inventions; kind to people. Enki was revered as the patron god of all people and the city of Eridu, where the main temple of Enki stood, which bore the name E-Abzu (“House of the Abyss”). The goddess Damkina (Damgalnuna), mother of Marduk, was revered as the wife of Enki.

Anu - patron of the heavenly world, “father of the gods”

In the etiological Sumerian-Akkadian myths, Enki is the main demiurge deity, the creator of the world, gods and people, the bearer of wisdom and culture, the deity of fertility, the good creator of all humanity. Enki is cunning and capricious, and is often depicted as drunk.
The first written information about the Sumerian god Enki dates back to the 17th–26th centuries. BC e. Enki was also revered by the Hittites and Hurrians.

Later, power over the land was divided between Enki and his brother Enlil, who ruled Northern hemisphere Earth. Enlil became the supreme god of the pantheon of Sumerian-Akkadian gods in 2112 BC. e. - 2003 BC e. The temple of the god Enlil in Nippur - E-kur (“House on the Mountain”) was the main religious center in Babylon.

After analyzing the layer of soil in which the burial and ruins of the city were found, as well as thanks to the artifacts found inside, archaeologists determined that the age of the unique finds is about 10-12 thousand years. Shortly after publication in the Russian press, Iranian authorities publicly stated that the ruins and bodies were only 850 years old, which is obviously not true.
What was inside the sarcophagi found in the mausoleum? Two videos can be found showing incorrupt bodies in two sarcophagi, the contents of the third are unknown.

In the video it is quite difficult to determine the height of the man who lies in the first sarcophagus, but he is clearly not a giant, as the Anunnaki are commonly considered to be, but a common person. Considering that he has a royal crown on his head, we can assume that he is the ruler of the city. In the second sarcophagus lies, as scientists believe, his court magician. The third would probably contain the king's wife.
In ancient times, there was a widespread custom when, during burial, gold coins were placed over the eyes of the king so that he could pay for the transition to afterlife. Most likely, this misled the Iranians regarding the age of the mausoleum.

Those buried in the mausoleum clearly exhibit "Caucasian features ", which translates as « white race traits», what does it mean "white-skinned", and not as “Caucasian features”, while the skin of the mummy of the king of the Anunnaki is copper-colored, like that of Egyptian pharaohs who were white-skinned, which was proven through genetic analysis of their remains.
Both people were buried in luxurious clothes and gold jewelry with precious stones. Visible on jewelry cuneiform, which is not yet decipherable. The royal sarcophagus is lined with gold or similar metal. Next to the body of the monarch stands a golden chest inlaid with stones that appear to be luminescent.
It remains a mystery to scientists how the bodies of the dead were able to remain in perfect condition for such a long period of time - it seems as if they were alive.

Double Sumerian ax - similar to the vajra of the god Indra - 1200-800 AD. BC.

First appeared in Sumer cosmogony and cosmology, appeared first a collection of Sumerian proverbs and aphorisms, were conducted for the first time literary debate.

King Ashurbanipal

In Nineveh, the library of King Ashurbanipal The works of the first historians were stored, the first “farmer's almanac” was created and the first book catalog with a clear order and divisions appeared. In the large medical department there were several thousand clay tablets. Many modern medical terms are based on words borrowed from the Sumerian language.

3rd – 2nd millennium BC Double-headed eagle. Bactria and Magdiana - middle Iran

Medical procedures were described in special reference books containing information about hygiene rules, operations, for example, the use of alcohol for disinfection during surgical operations. Sumerian physicians made a diagnosis and prescribed a course of therapeutic treatment or surgery using scientific knowledge and medical reference books.

Scientific knowledge of the Sumerians

The Sumerians were the inventors of the world's first ships, which allowed them to become travelers and explorers. One Akkadian dictionary contains 105 Sumerian words for Various types ships by their size, purpose, passenger, cargo, military, trade.

The breadth of the range of goods transported by the Sumerians is amazing, in household cuneiform tablets goods made of gold, silver, copper, diorite, carnelian and cedar are listed. Often goods were transported over thousands of miles.
The first kiln for firing bricks and other clay products was built in Sumer.

700 BC - Scythian running deer, fragment of a gold plaque-patch. Iran.

Special technology was used for smelting metals from ore at temperatures above 1500 degrees By Fahrenheit in a closed oven with low oxygen supply.

Researchers of ancient Sumerian metallurgy were extremely surprised that the Sumerians knew the method of ore enrichment, metal smelting and casting.

These advanced metal processing technologies became known to other peoples much later, several centuries after the emergence of the Sumerian civilization.

The Sumerians knew how to produce alloys from various metals, the process of chemically combining various metals when heated in a furnace.

The Sumerians learned to alloy copper with lead, and later with tin, to produce bronze, a hard but easily workable metal that changed the entire course of human history.

The Sumerians found a very precise ratio of copper and tin - 85% copper to 15% tin.

Tin ore is not found at all in Mesopotamia, which means it had to be brought from somewhere and extracted from the ore - tin stone - tin, which is not found in nature in its pure form.

The Sumerian dictionary contains about 30 words to represent various types copper of different quality.

To designate tin, the Sumerians used the word AN.NA, which literally means "Heavenly Stone" - which many consider evidence that Sumerian metalworking technology was a gift from the gods.

Thousands of clay tablets, called ephemerides, were found with hundreds of astronomical terms, precise mathematical formulas with which the Sumerians could predict solar eclipse, various phases of the moon and the trajectories of the planets.

« The Sumerians measured the rising and setting of visible planets and stars relative to the Earth's horizon, using the same heliocentric system used today.

We adopted the division from the Sumerians celestial sphere into three segments - northern, central and southern; among the ancient Sumerians these segments were called “the path of Enlil”, “the path of Anu” and “the path of Ea (or Enki)».

All modern concepts spherical astronomy - a complete spherical circle of 360 degrees, zenith, horizon, axes of the celestial sphere, poles, ecliptic, equinox, etc. - all this was known in Sumer.

In the city Nippur - all the knowledge of the Sumerians about the movement of the Sun and Earth were united in the world's first solar-lunar calendar. The Sumerians considered 12 lunar months to be 354 days, and then added another 11 additional days to get full solar year- 365 days.

The Sumerian calendar was composed very precisely so that the main holidays, e.g. New Year always fell on the day of the vernal equinox.

Mathematics of the Sumerians had very unusual “geometric” roots. The Sumerians used a sexagesimal number system.

Only two characters were used to represent numbers: "wedge" meant 1; 60; 3600 and further degrees from 60; "hook" - 10; 60x10; 3600x10, etc.
In the Sumerian system, the base is not 10, but 60, but then this base is strangely replaced by the number 10, then 6, and then again by 10, etc. And thus, the positional numbers are arranged in the following series: 1, 10, 60, 600, 3600, 36,000, 216,000, 2,160,000, 12,960,000. This cumbersome sexagesimal system allowed the Sumerians to calculate fractions and multiply numbers up to millions, extract roots and exponentiation.

In many ways this system is even superior to the decimal system we currently use.

Firstly, the number 60 has ten prime factors, while 100 is only 7. Secondly, it is the only system ideally suited for geometric calculations, and this is why it continues to be used in modern times from here, for example, division of a circle into 360 degrees.

We rarely realize that not only our geometry, but also modern way We owe the calculation of time to the Sumerian number system with a sexagesimal base.

Division of an hour into 60 seconds was not at all arbitrary - it is based on the sexagesimal system. Echoes of the Sumerian number system were preserved in dividing a day into 24 hours, a year into 12 months, a foot into 12 inches, and in the existence of a dozen as a measure of quantity.

They are also found in modern system an account in which numbers from 1 to 12 are highlighted separately, and then numbers like 10+3, 10+4, etc. follow.

Now we are no longer surprised that the zodiac was also another invention of the Sumerians, an invention that was later adopted by other civilizations.

The Sumerians used the signs of the zodiac in a purely astronomical sense- In terms of deviations earth's axis , whose movement divides a complete precession cycle of 25,920 years into 12 periods of 2160 years. During the twelve-month movement of the Earth in orbit around the Sun the picture of the starry sky, forming a large 360-degree sphere, changes. The concept of the zodiac among the Sumerians arose by dividing this circle into 12 equal segments (zodiac spheres) of 30 degrees each. The stars in each group were then combined into constellations, and each of them received its own name, corresponding to their modern names.

5th-4th centuries BC. - bracelet with winged griffins

Knowledge received from the gods.

There is no doubt that the concept of the zodiac was first used in Sumer. The outlines of the zodiac signs (representing imaginary pictures of the starry sky), as well as their arbitrary division into 12 spheres, prove that the corresponding zodiac signs used in other, later cultures could not appear as a result of independent development.

Studies of Sumerian mathematics, to the surprise of scientists, have shown that their number system is closely related to the precessional cycle. The unusual moving principle of the Sumerian sexagesimal number system emphasizes the number 12,960,000, which is exactly equal to 500 great precessional cycles, occurring in 25,920 years.

This system is undoubtedly designed specifically for astronomical purposes.
The Sumerian civilization lasted only a couple of thousand years, and scientists cannot answer the question How were the Sumerians able to observe and record the 25,920-year cycle of celestial movements?? Does this not indicate that the Sumerians inherited astronomy from the gods they mentioned in their epic?

2400 BC animal style in Sumerian art

Goddess Mother-nurse, ancestor, mistress of animals. Goats are a symbol of the goddess of the nurse.

5 thousand years BC falcon or eagle. Sumerians, ancient Iran

fibula - clasp with an eagle from the Crimean mound. 2500 BC

Mesopotamia, which was extremely swampy in the pre-agricultural period, was the first in history to be inhabited by the Subarean tribe, which, most likely, was not related to either the Sumerians or the Semites. The Subareans came to Mesopotamia in the 6th millennium BC from the northeast, from the foothills of the Zagros ridge. They created the archaeological Ubeid culture of the “banana language” (5th – early 4th millennium BC). Already at a fairly high level of development, the Subareans knew how to smelt copper (later they taught this to the Sumerians). In war, the subarei used armor made of leather belts with copper plaques and pointed helmets in the form of reptile muzzles that covered the entire face. These early Mesopotamians built temples in honor of their deities with "banana" names (with the repeated last syllable– as in English “banana”). Subarean gods were revered in Mesopotamia until the ancient era. But the art of agriculture did not advance very far among the Subareans - they did not build large irrigation systems characteristic of all later Mesopotamian cultures.

The beginning of the history of the Sumerians

At the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. e. A new stage in the history of Mesopotamia has begun. The Sumerians, a tribe of unknown origin, settled in the south. Various researchers have tried to connect the Sumerians linguistically with the peoples of the Caucasus, and with the Dravidians, and even with the Polynesians, but all the hypotheses on this matter are still not convincing enough. It is also unknown exactly which geographical route the Sumerians took to Mesopotamia. These new inhabitants did not occupy the entire Mesopotamia, but only its south - the areas close to the Persian Gulf. The Subarean culture of Ubaid was replaced by the Sumerian culture of Uruk. The subareans, apparently, were partly displaced, partly assimilated. In subsequent centuries, they continued to live in the north and east of the Sumerians (Upper Mesopotamia was called the “country of Subartu” in the 3rd millennium BC), until by 2000 BC they were assimilated by their even more northern neighbors - the Hurrians.

Mesopotamia from ancient times to the end of the 3rd millennium BC. Map

The history of the Sumerians in the 4th millennium BC, before the catastrophic flood that occurred around 2900 BC, is poorly known. Judging by vague, semi-legendary memories, Eridu (Eredu) first came to prominence among the Sumerian cities, and then Nippur with its temple received special religious significance Enlil(god of air and breath). In the 4th millennium BC, the Sumerian region was, as far as one can understand, a fairly united “confederation” of many independent communities (“nomes”). Mesopotamia, where the Sumerians developed a large agricultural economy, was rich in grain, but poor in forests and mineral resources. Therefore, extensive trade developed with neighboring countries through commercial agents - Tamkarov. In the middle - second half of the 4th millennium BC. e. Sumerian colonies of the same type appeared on vast spaces outside Sumer itself: from the Upper Euphrates to Southwestern Iran (Susa). They served there not only as trade centers, but also as military centers. The creation of colonies at such distances would have been impossible without the pan-Sumerian political unity embodied in the aforementioned “confederation.”

In Sumer of that historical period there already existed a noticeable social stratification (rich burials) and a written language created primarily for economic accounting. Individual communities were usually headed not by a secular monarch, but by a high priest ( en- “Mr.”) Natural and economic conditions contributed to the establishment of theocracy. Unlike the Subareans, the Sumerians began to conduct agriculture based on large irrigation systems from many canals. Their construction required large-scale collective work, which was carried out in large temple farms. Due to these geographical features In Lower Mesopotamia, the Sumerians early began to establish “socialist” forms of economy, the forms and examples of which will be discussed below.

The Sumerians and the “World Flood”

Around 2900 BC, Sumer experienced a gigantic flood, which remained in folk legends as a six-day “global flood.” According to Sumerian legends (borrowed later by the Semites), many people died during the flood. “All humanity has become clay” - only the ruler of the city of Shuruppak, the righteous Ziusudru (in Babylonian legends - Utnapishtim, a prototype of the biblical Noah), survived, to whom the god of wisdom Enki (Ea) revealed the approach of a catastrophe and advised him to build an ark. On his ark Ziusudra landed at high mountain and gave rise to a new human race. The flood is noted in all Sumerian king lists. Its actual archaeological traces were discovered during the excavations of Woolley (early 20th century): thick layers of clay and silt separate the city buildings and date back to the beginning of the 3rd millennium. In Sumerian literature there are many references to the period “before the flood,” but stories about it apparently greatly distort the true history. The later Sumerians did not retain any memories of the extensive Nippurian alliance of the 4th millennium BC. They believed that at that time, as well as a thousand years later, their country was not united, but fragmented.

Sumerian figurine of a man praying, c. 2750-2600 BC.

Sumerians and Akkadians - briefly

Even before the flood, tribes of Eastern Semites unrelated to the Sumerians began to penetrate into Lower Mesopotamia from the east and south. After the flood (and, according to a number of archaeologists, even before it), the former Sumerian culture of Uruk was replaced by a more highly developed one - Jemdet-Nasr. The arrival of the Semites, apparently, did not happen without military clashes with the Sumerians (excavations reveal traces of destruction on the fortresses). But then both nations, each retaining its own language and not completely mixing, formed a “symbiotic” community of “blackheads”. One branch of the Eastern Semites (Akkadians) settled in close proximity to the Sumerian area, and the second (Assyrians) settled in the Middle Tigris. The Akkadians borrowed from the Sumerians a higher culture, writing, and cults of the gods. Sumerian writing was hieroglyphic pictography, although many of its symbols became syllabic. It contained up to 400 characters, but even knowing only 70-80, it was possible to read well. Literacy was widespread among the Sumerians.

Sample of Sumerian cuneiform - tablet of King Uruinimgina

Struggle for hegemony in Sumer

Agriculture was still carried out not in individual, but, above all, in large, collective temple farms. In Sumerian society there was a very large layer of slaves and proletarians who worked exclusively for food, but there were also many small tenants on the lands of large owners. In the middle of the 3rd millennium BC, the former rulers of the priests ( Enov) were increasingly replaced lugali(in Akkadian - sharru). Among them were not only religious, but also secular leaders. Sumerian lugali resembled Greek tyrants- they were more independent of the civilian community, often seized power by force and ruled relying on the army. The number of troops in a single city then reached 5 thousand people. Sumerian squads consisted of heavily armed infantrymen and chariots drawn by donkeys (horses were unknown before the arrival of the Indo-Europeans).

The close-knit Sumerian “confederation” that existed in the previous period of history disintegrated, and a struggle for hegemony began among the cities, in which the victors did not completely take away the independence of the defeated “nomes”, but only subordinated them to their supremacy. Even during this period, the hegemons sought to obtain religious sanction for their primacy from the Nippur temple of Enlil. The first hegemon of Sumer after the flood was the city of Kish. A legend has been preserved about the Kish king Etan (XXVIII century BC), who, on a divine eagle, ascended into the heavens to the gods in order to get himself the “herb of birth” and acquire an heir. His successor En Mebaragesi- the first king of Sumerian history, from whom not only legendary memories, but also material monuments remain.

King of Lagash Gudea

III Dynasty of Ur

The dominance of the Kutians was crushed by a popular uprising raised by a fisherman Utuhengalem, which restored the "Kingdom of Sumer and Akkad" with the official Sumerian language and its capital at Uruk. Lagash, friendly to the Gutians, was brutally defeated, and its kings were not even mentioned in the list of Sumerian rulers. Utuhengal unexpectedly drowned while inspecting the canal (perhaps he was killed), and was succeeded by one of his comrades, Ur-Nammu, governor of Ur (in whose area Utuhengal drowned). The capital of the new Sumerian state now moved to Ur. Ur-Nammu became the founder III Dynasty of Ur.

Akkadian Empire of Sargon the Ancient and the power of the III dynasty of Ur

Ur-Nammu (2106–2094 BC) and his son Shulgi(2093–2046 BC) settled in Sumer socialist system, based on huge state farms. Most of the population worked there for very low rations. bad conditions from dawn to dusk in the form of proletarian brigades of Gurusha (men) and Ngeme (women). A man received 1.5 liters of barley per day, a woman - half as much. The mortality rate in this kind of “labor army” sometimes reached 25% per month. A small private sector in the economy, however, still remains. More documentation has reached us from the Third Dynasty of Ur, which lasted less than a century, than from the rest of the history of Mesopotamia. The barracks-socialist management was extremely ineffective under her: sometimes the capital went hungry, at a time when individual small towns had large reserves grains Under Shulgi, the famous “Sumerian royal list” was created, which falsified the entire national history. It stated that Sumer had always been a single state. The borders of the possessions of the III dynasty of Ur were close to the Akkadian state. True, they did not enter Asia Minor, Arabia and South-Eastern Iran, but they spread even more widely in the Zagros. Ur-Nammu and Shulgi waged constant wars (especially with the Kutians), accompanied by false troubadours about “continuous victories,” although military campaigns were not always successful.

Temple part of the Sumerian city of Ur with a large ziggurat

The end of the Third Dynasty of Ur was sudden: around 2025, when its king Ibbisouen waged a stubborn war with Elam, he was attacked from the north and west by the Suti-Amorites. In the midst of the military confusion, the workers of the state latifundia began to scatter. Famine began in the capital. Official Ishbi-Erra, sent by Ibbisuen for grain to Issin, captured this city and declared himself king (2017). The war lasted for another 15 years after that. Ibbisuen was captured by the enemies. The terribly defeated south of Mesopotamia recognized the power of the new “king of Sumer and Akkad” Ishbi-Erra, to whom the Amorites who settled to the Persian Gulf also submitted. The Sumerian socialist system collapsed with the Third Dynasty of Ur. Small tenants of state and temple lands became the predominant class.

The kings of Issin considered themselves successors to the empire of the Third Dynasty of Ur, still calling themselves the sovereigns of “Sumer and Akkad.” The fall of Ur was considered under them great tragedy, about which tragic literary laments were composed. After the settlement of the Sutiev-Amorites in the south of Mesopotamia, the share of Semites in the local population increased so much that the Sumerian language ceased to be used in living speech, although official and temple documentation continued to be conducted in it for a long time, according to historical tradition.

The end of the Sumerian story

Having plundered the southern and central part of Mesopotamia, the Suti-Amorites initially settled in their rural areas. There, these Semitic nomads continued to engage in their usual cattle breeding, at first penetrating little into the cities, but only trading with their inhabitants. At first, the Suti recognized the power of the kings of Issin, but little by little their tribal alliances began to subjugate some small cities. Some of these centers began to grow and acquire strong political significance. Particularly prominent were Larsa (in the south), which became the capital of the oldest tribe of Suti-Amorites - Yamutbala, and the hitherto insignificant Babylon in the center of the country. Babylon submitted to the Sutite tribe of Amnan, part of the Biniyamin tribal union, most of which several centuries later formed the Jewish “tribe of Benjamin.”

The Sutian leaders began to strengthen, and to early XIX century BC Mesopotamia disintegrated into more than a dozen states. The Sumerians were gradually absorbed by the Semites and dissolved in their mass. Their existence as a distinct nationality was over. The beginning of the 2nd millennium BC marked the end of Sumerian history, although the south of Mesopotamia for several centuries retained some cultural differences from the center and north, constituting a special region “Primorye”.

Lower Mesopotamia(now the southern part of modern Iraq) is the area where this ancient community arose.

Who are the Sumerians?


Sumerians is the first, urban and developed civilization on Earth, in which:

  1. There was a first, bicameral parliament. Sumerian civilization is the bearer of democracy and parliamentary government.
  2. Trading activities were dynamically improved. The Sumerians were the oldest merchants. They were the first to form trade routes both by sea and by land.
  3. General philosophical topics were discussed. The philosophers of the Sumerian civilization developed a doctrine that became a postulate throughout the Middle East, creating the power of the divine word.
  4. The legislative and executive framework functioned. They introduced the first laws, established taxes and had trials by jury.

The Sumerians had skills in such sciences as:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Astronomy.
  3. Physics.
  4. Medicine.
  5. Geography
  6. Construction.

It is the Sumerian civilization:

  • She developed the well-known zones of the Zodiac circle.
  • I divided the year into 12 months.
  • A week for seven days.
  • Day for 24 hours
  • An hour for 60 minutes.
  • She calculated the coordinates of celestial bodies with amazing accuracy.
  • Calculated the phases of lunar and solar eclipses.
  • It was the Sumerian civilization that compiled the lunar calendar.

Already in those days, the aesculapians of this race organized psychotherapy sessions, healed cataracts, gave recommendations and told people about the benefits healthy image life.

Thus, relying on the above, we can say that the Sumerians are a race that possessed knowledge of the highest level at that time.

The breakthrough in science that the Sumerians made in such a short period of time does not fit into the minds of scientists.

Also, scientists do not agree with the interpretations provided by the Sumerians themselves. In this case, it will be necessary to admit that the knowledge that the Sumerians possessed was shared by an extraterrestrial race - the Anunnaki. The Sumerian public called them gods because, appearance and technological capabilities inspired fear and awe.

On this moment, The Anunnaki are conquerors and a direct threat to all humanity.

At the end of the 19th century, the so-called Sumerian question was raised, which is still relevant today.

Eden's paradise

A group of archaeologists Henry Layard in 1849, at the site of the ruins of the city of Sippar, recorded more than 20 thousand clay, handwritten tablets that belonged to the Sumerians. Some of them described the mythical Garden of Eden.

A researcher of Sumerian-Akkadian cuneiform, Anton Parks, studied them and put forward his own interpretation of the translation:

Garden of Eden- this is the area where people worked for the benefit of the gods and were used as slaves.

One of the most mysterious places in the Sumerian-Akkadian and Egyptian epics is the myth about the creation of man by creatures from other planets.

According to one popular version, an alien race was defeated in a space war and was forced to look for a new planet suitable for life.

Having landed on Earth around 4000 BC. e., creatures from the planet Nibiru began to actively develop the territory. Having appreciated all the delights of physical labor, the alien guests had an idea - to create a human being. Which was later implemented by the Anunnaki.

Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin is an American writer, cryptohistorian and journalist who coined the concepts of the Nephilim and the Anunnaki. He independently studied the cuneiform script of the Sumerian civilization.

Sitchin said that he found the origins of the Sumerian civilization and connected them with the Anunnaki, who arrived from the planet Nibiru.

Genetic engineering methods

Chromosome No. 2 - used by every human cell in DNA by 8%. Its unexpected origin could not possibly be the result of evolutionary movements. Then where did it come from?

The answer is found in the texts that the Sumerians left behind. Chromosome number 2 appeared artificially. Its emergence is the result of genetic engineering, experiments controlled by the Anunnaki.

As a result, man acquired “divine” genes and began to stand out among any existing forms of life on Earth. These genes primarily affect the CORTEX (cerebral cortex), which means they affect such qualities as:

  • Logics;
  • The ability to be aware of what is happening;
  • Include self-healing processes of the body.

If you rely on this ancient source, you can draw the following conclusion:

It is not evolution that should be expressed gratitude for this information, but the enlightened alien inhabitants. But, taking into account the opinion of the scientific community, the word “IF” is fundamental in this picture.

We recommend watching the movie “Battlefield: Earth (2000).” A delightful film with a certain meaning. Obviously, the Sumerians and other cultures observed some more highly developed creatures. A person is designed this way: when he sees incomprehensible phenomena, something that goes beyond his understanding, he attributes some kind of divinity to it.


The Sumerian civilization and their founders - the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru


In conclusion, I would like to repeat:

  • The Sumerian civilization possessed a number of modern knowledge.
  • They were the first to invent the calendar.
  • In mathematics, the Sumerian civilization used the sexagesimal number system. Such a system made it possible to find fractions and multiply millions, calculate roots and raise to powers.
  • The Sumerians believed in afterworld And

Archaeologists have already found about one million Sumerian tablets... Now only patience and hope that the pendulum of truth will swing in one direction or another. That's all! Share your thoughts in the comments.

(c. 26th century BC). Juris Zarins believes that the Sumerians settled along the coast of Eastern Arabia, which was flooded at the end of the Ice Age.

The Sumerian civilization itself took shape in the Uruk period (4 thousand BC), and it entered the historical arena already fully formed, as if there was no era of prehistory. But already during 3 thousand BC. e. there is a synthesis of the cultures of the Sumerians and Semites - carriers of the Akkadian language. The mutual influence of Sumerian and Akkadian is noticeable in all areas from massive lexical borrowing to syntactic, morphological and phonological convergence. This prompted scientists to postulate a hypothesis about the linguistic union of Sumerian and Akkadian in 3 thousand BC. e. OK. 2270 BC (short chronology) Sumer was conquered by the Semitic-speaking kings of Akkad, but Sumerian retained the status of a sacred language for some time.

The Sumerians retook power during the Third Dynasty of Ur c. 2100–2000 BC e., which was destroyed by the Amorite Semites and Elamites.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Sumer and Akkad (Russian) History of world civilizations

    ✪ Vladimir Emelyanov: “Mysteries of Sumerian civilization”

    ✪ Sumerians. Mysterious and mysterious civilization of the ancient world

    ✪ Ancient Sumer.wmv

    ✪ Secrets of ancient empires - First civilizations


origin of name

The term "Sumer" was used by the East Semitic inhabitants of Akkad to designate the pre-Semitic population of Mesopotamia. The Sumerians called themselves ùĝ saĝ gíg-ga (𒌦 𒊕 𒈪 𒂵), /uŋ saŋ giga/, which literally means “black-headed people”, and their country - ki-en-gi(-r) (place + lord + noble), which roughly means "land of noble lords". The origin of the Akkadian word remains unclear, but it is likely that the Hebrew Shinar, the Egyptian Sngr and the Hittite Šanhar(a) go back to it.


The cult center of the Sumerian-East Semitic cities was Nippur. It is possible that initially it was the name of Nippur that was called Sumer. In Nippur there was E-kur - the temple of the common Sumerian god Enlil. Enlil was revered as the supreme god for thousands of years by all Sumerians and Eastern Semites (Akkadians), although Nippur never constituted a political center either in historical or, judging by Sumerian myths and legends, in prehistoric times.

Analysis of both the “Royal List” and archaeological data show that the two main centers of Lower Mesopotamia from the beginning of the Early Dynastic period were: in the north - Kish, dominating the network of canals of the Euphrates-Irnina group, in the south - alternately Ur and Uruk. Outside the influence of both the northern and southern centers were usually Eshnunna and other cities of the Diyala River valley, on the one hand, and the nome of Lagash on the I-nina-gena canal, on the other.

Stage II of the Early Dynastic period (c. 2615-2500 BC)

In the south, parallel to the Avana dynasty, the First Dynasty of Uruk continued to exercise hegemony, whose ruler Gilgamesh and his successors managed, as evidenced by documents from the archives of the city of Shuruppak, to rally a number of city-states around themselves into a military alliance. This union united states located in the southern part of Lower Mesopotamia, along the Euphrates below Nippur, along Iturungal and I-nina-gene: Uruk, Adab, Nippur, Lagash, Shuruppak, Umma, etc. If we take into account the territories covered by this union, we can , probably, attribute the time of its existence to the reign of Mesalim, since it is known that under Meselim the Iturungal and I-nina-gena canals were already under his hegemony. It was precisely a military alliance of small states, and not a united state, because in the archive documents there is no information about the intervention of the rulers of Uruk in the affairs of Shuruppak or about the payment of tribute to them.

In the 24th century BC. e. Most of Sumer was conquered by the Akkadian king Shurrukin (Sargon the Ancient). By the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. Sumer was absorbed by the growing Babylonian Empire. Even earlier, by the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. , the Sumerian language lost its status as a spoken language, although it persisted for another two thousand years as a language of literature and culture.


Sumer is one of the oldest known civilizations. The Sumerians are credited with many inventions, such as the wheel, writing, irrigation systems, agricultural implements, the potter's wheel, and even brewing, although it is not known for certain whether these drinks were similar in structure to later hop liqueurs.


Philosophy begins in Sumer, one might say, to paraphrase the thought of S. N. Kramer regarding history. The first ethical code, “Admonitions of the Wise Sharuppak to His Son,” predates Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics by hundreds of years. [ ]

Main article: Sumerian philosophy and ethics


Main article: Sumerian art

Although the Sumerians left behind a huge amount of works of art, this very concept did not exist in their culture, as in all peoples of the period before Ancient Greece, since all objects of art had certain functions: memorial, cult and pragmatic. The pragmatic function consisted of demonstrating the high social status of the owner of a thing, for example, a seal; the cult function meant the participation of the product in religious rites, and the memorial function meant that the product was supposed to remind descendants of their ancestors, encourage them to honor their deeds, make sacrifices to them, etc. d. Sumerian products did not have an aesthetic function.


Southern Mesopotamia has few trees or stones, so the first building materials were mud bricks made from a mixture of clay, sand and straw. The solution was a mixture of sand, silt and liquid clay.

The basis of the architecture of Southern Mesopotamia consists of secular (palaces) and religious (ziggurats) monumental buildings and buildings. The first of the temples that have reached us date back to the 4th-3rd millennia BC. e. These powerful cult towers, called ziggurat (holy mountain), were square and resembled a stepped pyramid. The steps were connected by stairs, and along the edge of the wall there was a ramp leading to the temple. The walls were painted black (asphalt), white (lime) and red (brick).

The design feature of monumental architecture was going back to the 4th millennium BC. e. the use of artificially erected platforms, which is explained, perhaps, by the need to isolate the building from the dampness of the soil, moistened by spills, and at the same time, probably, by the desire to make the building visible from all sides. Another characteristic feature, based on an equally ancient tradition, was the broken line of the wall formed by the projections. Windows, when they were made, were placed at the top of the wall and looked like narrow slits. The buildings were also illuminated through the doorway and the hole in the roof. The roofs were mostly flat, but there was also a vault.

Residential buildings discovered by excavations in the south of Sumer had an internal open courtyard around which covered rooms were grouped. This layout, corresponding climatic conditions country, formed the basis for the palace buildings of the southern Mesopotamia. In the northern part of Sumer, houses were discovered that, instead of an open courtyard, had a central room with a ceiling.


One of the most famous works Sumerian literature is considered to be “The Epic of Gilgamesh” - a collection of Sumerian legends, later translated into Akkadian. Tablets with the epic were found in the library of King Ashurbanipal. The epic tells the story of the legendary king of Uruk Gilgamesh, his savage friend Enkidu and the search for the secret of immortality. One of the chapters of the epic, the story of Utnapishtim, who saved humanity from the Flood, is repeated in the biblical story of Noah's Ark.

The Sumerian-Akkadian cosmogonic epic “Enuma Elish” is also known, as well as the series of tablets “Urra-Hubullu” (which in Sumerian and Akkadian, respectively, means “debt” or “interest-bearing loan”), which is a kind of encyclopedia of 24 books.



The Sumerian pantheon functioned as an assembly headed by a god-king. The collection of gods was divided into groups, the main of which is known as the “Great Gods”, consisted of 50 deities and, according to the beliefs of the Sumerians, decided the fate of humanity. Also, deities were divided into creative and non-creative. The creative gods were responsible for the sky (An), the earth (mother goddess Ninhursag), the sea (Enki), and the air (Enlil). Cosmic phenomena and cultural phenomena were maintained in harmony thanks to the so-called "Me" (or "Me"). Me is a set of rules given to each cosmic function and cultural phenomenon, with the purpose of eternally maintaining their function according to the clans of the deity that created them. Me rules:

  • en - priestly power
  • true
  • royal power
  • law
  • art

The universe in Sumerian mythology consists of a lower and upper world and the earth between them. In general, the lower world was considered a huge space underground, a counterweight to the heavens. The lower world was ruled by the gods: Nergal and Ereshkigal.

The Sumerians believed that they were created to serve the gods, and there was a very close connection between them and the gods. With their labor they seem to “feed” the gods, and without them the gods could not exist in the same way as the Sumerians without the gods.



  1. From Akkadian Šumeru; in Sumerian the name of the country was 𒆠𒂗𒂠 - -ĝir15, which roughly means "land of civilized kings" or "native land". See The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary; Stiebing Jr., William H. Ancient Near Eastern History and Culture. Pearson, 2008. ISBN 10: 032142297X / ISBN 13: 9780321422972.
  2. King, Leonid W. (2015) "A History of Sumer and Akkad" (ISBN 1522847308)
  3. Joshua J. Mark. Cuneiform. Ancient History Encyclopedia.
  4. . Oriental Institute in collaboration with Chicago Web Docent and eCUIP, The Digital Library.
  5. "The Ubaid Period (5500–4000 B.C.)" In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. 
  6. Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art. 
  7. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (October 2003)
  8. "Beyond the Ubaid", (Carter, Robert A. and Graham, Philip, eds.), University of Durham, April 2006
  9. "Sumer (ancient region, Iraq)." Britannica Online Encyclopedia.
  10. Kleniewski, Nancy; Thomas, Alexander R (2010-03-26). "Cities, Change, and Conflict: A Political Economy of Urban Life". ISBN 978-0-495-81222-7 .
  11. Maisels, Charles Keith (1993). "The Near East: Archaeology in the Cradle of Civilization" . ISBN 978-0-415-04742-5 .
  12. Maisels, Charles Keith (2001). "Early Civilizations of the Old World: The Formative Histories of Egypt, the Levant, Mesopotamia, India and China". ISBN 978-0-415-10976-5.
  13. Shaw, Ian; Jameson, Robert (2002). "A dictionary of archaeology". ISBN 978-0-631-23583-5.
  14. Margarethe Uepermann (2007), "Structuring the Late Stone Age of Southeastern Arabia" (Arabian Archeology and Epigraphy Arabian Archeology and Epigraphy Volume 3, Issue 2, pages 65–109)
  15. Hamblin, Dora Jane (May 1987). "Has the Garden of Eden been located at last?" . Smithsonian Magazine. 18 (2)
  16. K. van der Toorn, P. W. van der Horst (Jan 1990). "Nimrod before and after the Bible". The Harvard Theological Review. 83 (1): 1–29. doi:10.1017/S0017816000005502.
  17. , With. 139-140.
  18. Kravchenko A.I. Culturology: Study. manual for universities. - M.: Academic project, 2001.
  19. Magazine "Around the World" Discovery of the Zodiac .2006.
  20. Belorussian State University computer science and radio electronics Electronic educational and methodological complex for the discipline “Culturology”. Minsk, 2007.

additional literature

  • Antonova E. V. Mesopotamia on the way to the first states. - M.: Publishing house. firm "Oriental Literature" RAS, 1998. - 224 p.: ill. - ISBN 5-02-017934-5.
  • Bader N. O. The most ancient farmers of Northern Mesopotamia. Research of the Soviet archaeological expedition in Iraq at the settlements of Tell Matsalia, Tell Sotto, Kultepe. - M.: Science, Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature, 1989. - 368 p.: ill. - ISBN 5-02-009429-3.
  • Bardeschi Chiara Dezzi. Mesopotamia. Cradle of Humanity / Trans. T. N. Grigorieva. - M.: Niola-Press, 2008. - 128 p. - Series “Secrets of History”. - ISBN 978-5-366-00327-8.
  • Belitsky Marian. The Forgotten World of the Sumerians / Trans. D. S. Galperina. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 398 p.: ill. - Series "".
  • Bibby Jeffrey. In search of Dilmun / Transl. from English N. Eliseeva. - M.: Science, Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature, 1984. - 369 pp.: ill. - Series “In the footsteps of the disappeared cultures of the East.”
  • Woolley Leonard. Ur of the Chaldeans / Transl. from English F. L. Mendelssohn. - M.: Publishing House of Eastern Literature, 1961. - 256 p.: ill. - Series “In the footsteps of the disappeared cultures of the East.”
  • Glassner Jean-Jacques. Mesopotamia / Transl. from French L. S. Samuilova. - M.: Veche, 2012. - 464 p. - Series “Guides of Civilizations”. - ISBN 978-5-9533-3403-7.
  • Gulyaev V. I. Sumer. Babylon. Assyria: 5000 years of history. - M.: Aletheya, 2004. - 440 p. - Series “The Hidden History of Civilizations.” -

Not much is known today about the most mysterious people of the ancient world. It is believed that the Sumerians in the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in the south of modern Iraq at the end of IV - beginning of III millennium BC e. Some historians note that Sumerian was many times superior in technical and cultural level. development of the then local peoples. Until now, scientists cannot give a clear answer as to where ancient civilizations got accurate knowledge in mathematics, physics and astronomy, not inferior to the modern level of human development... And the main question is why they needed such complex, sometimes even scientific, knowledge.

It is believed that the Sumerians appeared in the Southern Mesopotamia (Lower Mesopotamia), in the territory located in the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in the south of modern Iraq, at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. 3. They mixed with the local inhabitants, who united here in agricultural communities 8,000 years ago. Where the Sumerians came from is still not clear. Judging by their own legends, “from across the sea,” from the east or southeast. They called Eredu, the southernmost of the cities of Mesopotamia, now the site of Abu Shaykhrain, their oldest settlement. The Sumerian language also remains a mystery, since it has not yet been possible to establish its relationship with any of the known language families on the ground.

Ancient Sumerian jewelry that belonged to Queen Pu-Abi. One of the most valuable sources reporting on the life of the ancient Sumerians is the “Royal List”, in which one woman is listed among the Sumerian rulers. The list says that Pu-Abi strengthened her kingdom and became the ancestor of an entire dynasty of kings who reigned for 100 years.

According to Sumerian mythology, a certain creature, half-fish, half-man named Oannes, played a decisive role in the formation of their civilization. This is what the priest of the temple of the god Marduk, the Babylonian historian Belrushu (in Greek Beros), who lived at the turn of IV-III BB, says about his role in the earliest period of Sumerian history. BC BC: At first they (the Sumerians) lived in great need and had no power over themselves, as if wild animals. But a creature appeared with a human mind, which they called Oannes.

Oannes emerged from the Erythraean Sea, in the place where it adjoins Babylonia. His whole body was that of a fish, but on top of the fish's head he had the head of a man, and from under the fish's tail were human feet. His voice was the same as that of people, and people still remember his appearance. He spent whole days among people without food, explained to them how to use letters, taught them the ability to do various things, build houses, cities and temples, measure and cultivate the land, sow and harvest crops, and gave them everything that makes life comfortable and pleasant " Belrushu adds that Oannes could not eat the food that people ate, but at night he returned to the depths of the sea, because he knew how to breathe under water.

Based on what he said, it can be assumed that Oannes is a collective image: apparently, he and intelligent beings like him arrived to the Sumerians from somewhere outside on some unknown object that remained in the sea and on which, in particular, there was food suitable for them . The comparison with a fish suggests that Oannes was wearing a fish-shaped protective suit made of a material unknown to the locals. A number of researchers studying the history of the emergence of the Sumerian civilization believe that Oannes and his brothers are real beings and were residents of Atlantis or aliens...

The assumption about the existence of the Sumerian civilization in the distant past was first expressed not by historians or archaeologists, but by... linguists. When deciphering Assyrian and Babylonian cuneiform texts, consisting of ideogrammatic, syllabic and alphabetic language symbols, they encountered texts in an unknown language and ideogram signs that went back to some much more ancient, originally hieroglyphic writing. This is how the first indirect, but completely scientific evidence of the existence at the turn of the 5th-4th millennium BC appeared. e. in Lower Mesopatamia of the Sumerian people.

The Sumerians created the world's first schools, the education in which was not inferior (and in some places even superior) to modern ones. They studied writing, reading, mathematics, history, mapping, linguistics, medicine, and learned how to perform operations. However, the question of the existence of the Sumerians remained only a scientific hypothesis until, in 1877, an employee of the French consulate in Baghdad, Ernest de Sarjac, made a discovery that became a historical milestone in the study of Sumerian civilization. In the Teplos area, at the foot of a high hill, he found a figurine made in an unknown style. Monsieur de Sarjac organized excavations there, and sculptures, figurines and clay tablets, decorated with previously unseen ornaments, began to emerge from the ground.

Among the many objects found was a statue made of green diorite stone, depicting the king and high priest of the city-state of Lagash. Many signs indicated that this statue was much older than any piece of art hitherto found in Mesopotamia. Even the most cautious archaeologists admitted that the statue dates back to the 2nd or even 3rd millennium BC. e., that is, to the era preceding the emergence of the Assyrian-Babylonian culture.

The most interesting and informative works of applied art found during the ongoing excavations were Sumerian seals, the earliest examples of which date back to approximately 3000 BC. 3. These are stone cylinders from one to six centimeters high, often with holes: apparently, many seal owners wore them around their necks. Inscriptions (in a mirror image) and drawings were cut out on the working surface of the seals.

According to the French scientist Maurice Chatelain, one of the finds - a round Assyrian tablet, a copy of an ancient Sumerian tablet, stored in the British Museum - is nothing more than... a guide to space flights with the corresponding map-scheme attached! Here is, in particular, a schedule for the implementation of the successive stages of the landing of the ship, the moment and place of passage of the upper and lower layers of the atmosphere, the activation of the braking engines are indicated, the mountains and cities over which it should fly over are indicated, as well as the location of the cosmodrome where the ship should land. All information is accompanied big amount numbers containing, probably, data on altitude and airspeed that should be observed when performing the steps mentioned above. Planisphere (Sumerian star map). Assyrian tablet with instructions for space flight. The tablet also indicates that the people of Ancient Mesopotamia developed an incredible complex shape trigonometry - a mathematical system that describes angles, with the help of which many generations of schoolchildren have been tortured.

In the first sector of the tablet, you can see how the crew turns on the landing system equipment, starts the braking engines and guides the ship over the mountains to a predetermined landing site. The flight path between the astronauts’ home planet of Marduk and the Earth passes between Jupiter and Mars, as follows from the surviving inscriptions in the second sector of the tablet. The third sector describes the sequence of actions of the crew during the landing on Earth. There is also a mysterious phrase: “The landing is controlled by the deity Nini.” The fourth sector contains information on how to navigate by the stars during a flight to Earth, and then, already above its surface, guide the ship to the landing site, guided by the terrain.

It is known that both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations arose suddenly and that both were characterized by an inexplicably vast amount of knowledge in the most various fields human activity, in particular in the field of astronomy. After studying the content of texts on Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian clay tablets, Zecharia Sitchin came to the conclusion that in the countries Ancient world There must have been several places where spacecraft from the planet Marduk could land. And such places, most likely, were located in territories that ancient legends speak of as centers of the most ancient civilizations and in which traces of such civilizations were actually discovered.

The Sumerians were the first to invent the calendar. And their mathematics and system of measures are still used today - the idea that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour comes from ancient Mesopotamia. According to cuneiform tablets, aliens from other planets used an air corridor stretching over the Tigris and Euphrates river basin to fly over the Earth. And on the surface of the Earth, this corridor was marked by a number of points that served as “road signs”, along which the crew of the landing spacecraft could navigate and, if necessary, adjust the flight parameters. The most important of these points was undoubtedly Mount Ararat, rising more than 5000 m above sea level.

If you draw a line on the map running from Ararat strictly to the south, it will intersect with the imaginary center line of the mentioned air corridor at an angle of 45°. At the intersection of these lines was the Sumerian city of Sippar (literally “city of the Bird”). Here was the ancient cosmodrome, where the ships of “guests” from the planet Marduk landed and took off from. To the southeast of the city, along the centerline of the air corridor ending over the swamps of the then Persian Gulf, strictly on the center line or with small (up to 6°) deviations from it, at the same distance from each other, a number of other control points were located: Kish , Nippur, Larsa, Badtibira, Pagash, Eridu. The central place among them - both in location and in significance - was occupied by Nippur (“Place of Intersection”), where the Mission Control Center was located, and Eridu, located in the very south of the corridor and served as the main landmark during approach spaceships for landing. All these points have become, to put it modern language, “city-forming enterprises”, settlements gradually grew around them, which later turned into large cities.

Sumerian relief depicting the Anunnaki. As for the Sumerian cuneiform, it was used for 3 thousand years and most modern writing systems originated from the Sumerian cuneiform. For a hundred years, the planet Marduk was at a fairly close distance from the Earth, and it was then that “older brothers in mind” regularly visited earthlings from space. Moreover, Deciphered Cuneiform Texts suggest that some aliens remained on our planet forever and that the inhabitants of Marduk could have landed troops of mechanical robots or biorobots on some planets or their satellites.

In the Sumerian tale of Gilgamesh, the semi-legendary ruler of the city of Uruk in the period 2700-2600. BC e., the ancient city of Baalbek is mentioned, located on the territory of modern Lebanon and known, in particular, for the ruins of gigantic structures made of stone blocks processed and fitted to each other with high precision, weighing up to a hundred tons or more. Who, when and for what purpose erected these megalithic buildings remains a mystery to this day. For us, but not for the authors of the said epic narrative. They knew for sure that ancient city the gods lived:

“It was a city where those who commanded lived. And the Anunnaki lived there, and they were guarded by deadly rays.”

According to the texts of the clay tablets, the Sumerians called the Anunnaki “alien gods” who arrived from another planet, taught them to read and write, and passed on their knowledge and skills from many fields of science and technology...

Based on materials from @Terra Incognita

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