Heroes of the Great Patriotic War from Buryatia. Golden stars of warriors of Buryatia. Who are they: heroes of the USSR and heroes of Russia

And therefore on the eve of the Day Great Victory we decided to take a walk through the city streets and remember some of these names - both well-known and not so well-known.

Hero Aseev Street

On May 12, 1965, by decision of the executive committee of the Ulan-Ude City Council, Zavodskaya Street became Aseev Street. At the same time, by order of the USSR Minister of Railways, school No. 65 of the Ulan-Ude ESR station, where the Hero of the USSR studied, received his name, and a memorial tablet appeared on its facade. In 1993, when transferred to the balance of the city education department, this name was in the title educational institution lost due to paperwork for more than 20 years and returned through the efforts of concerned citizens relatively recently (“Lost in the bureaucracy,” “MK” in Buryatia,” No. 39 of September 23, 2015).

When the Great Patriotic War broke out, Grigory Aseev served in one of the aviation regiments Pacific Fleet. At the end of 1941 he was transferred to the naval aviation of the Northern Fleet and already from January 19, 1942 he participated in combat operations as the leading gunner-radio operator of the Air Force. On his account - 81 combat missions, 23 torpedo attacks, flooding of 10 transports, 2 patrol ships, 1 coaster and 7 armed enemy motorboats. On October 16, 1944, together with other crew members, he sank an enemy destroyer ship on a burning plane and died. Awarded the Order Patriotic War II degree, Order of the Red Star and Red Banner.

Hero Borsoev Street

One of the longest streets in Ulan-Ude. It runs through the entire Sovetsky district: it starts at Batareika behind the city garden and ends at Steklozavod. It used to be called Zheleznodorozhnaya - and not by chance. Houses for railway workers were built here, strikes, mass protests and secret meetings of workers were held, and battles were fought with the retreating invaders. In 1965, it was renamed in honor of the Hero of the USSR, a talented military leader of the Second World War, who marched from Voronezh, the Kursk Bulge to the Oder, Vladimir Borsoev. A monument was erected to him, and a memorial plaque was installed on one of the houses.

From the very first day of the war, Vladimir Borsoev, a graduate of the Leningrad Artillery School and the Combined Arms Academy named after M.V. Frunze, went to the front, and on the second he wrote to his homeland: “I am using every opportunity to carry out the tasks of the party and government and the orders of the Red Army command. If necessary, I will give my whole life.” Words did not diverge from deeds. On July 21, 1941, as the commander of an artillery division, he repelled the Nazi offensive near the city of Fastov. In August, he became chief of staff of the 966th artillery regiment of the 383rd Donbass Division, which was then formed from former miners. She stood on the Mius River for 260 days and staunchly defended native land, despite the fact that leaflets were falling from enemy planes with the order: “Do not take the miners prisoner!” Shoot on the spot!” In June 1942, he was appointed commander of the artillery regiment of the 8th Fighter Brigade, which repelled the Nazi attack on the southern part of Voronezh, brought down artillery fire on their tanks, first near the village of Ivnya, then near the village of Prokhorovka and did not allow them to break through to Kursk. Battle of Kursk, the liberation of Right Bank Ukraine and the Carpathian region, the crossing of the Dnieper... Everywhere the guard colonel demonstrated an example of courage and courage. He was seriously wounded three times, and the last time, in the battles for the Oder near Ratibor on March 8, 1945, fatally. He was buried on the Hill of Glory in Lviv. Awarded the Orders of the Red Star, Red Banner, Patriotic War and Lenin.

Hero Vakarin Street

In 1985, at the behest of the same body, Arshanskaya Street in the village of Arshan became Vakarina Street. In 1941, boilermaker Izot Vakarin joined the army and completed courses command staff Trans-Baikal Military District and was sent to the Kalinin Front. Directly from the train he was sent by the platoon commander to one of its units near the city of Bely. In February 1942, this platoon showed courage and tenacity in battle and held its position despite fierce attacks. In 1943, Izot Vakarin became a senior lieutenant and was appointed commander of the 8th Infantry Company of the 940th rifle regiment 262nd rifle division 43-1 Army. On September 21, he was ordered to quickly break through German fortified positions and reach the outskirts of the city of Demidov, and on the night of September 23-24, in complete silence, knock out the enemy from the village of Zyatenki Smolensk region and occupy advantageous heights to the west of it. Both orders were carried out, and Vakarin awarded the order Red Banner. He was wounded four times, one very seriously. It was for this reason that he died in September 1945. But on July 16, 1944, he managed to receive the Order of Lenin, the Gold Star medal and a certificate of conferment of the title of Hero Soviet Union.

Hero Garmaev Street

Garmaev Street became Kyiv Street in the village of Myasokombinat in 1985. In 1937, Garmazhap Garmaev was drafted into the Red Army and served as a private in the 41st Cavalry Regiment near Leningrad. He graduated from junior command courses, became a squad commander, then an assistant platoon commander, and then an acting commander. He showed courage, ingenuity, discipline and integrity when he participated in the liberation of Western Belarus in 1939, and in the fight against the White Finns in 1940. He obtained valuable information about where their firing points were located, blew up enemy warehouses and saved his comrades. During the storming of Vyborg he was seriously wounded, and after being hospitalized at the age of 24, he was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR along with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. When the war began, he went to guard eastern border with Mongolia, and in 1944 - western in the Belarusian border district and the Brest Red Banner border detachment. Buried near Brest Fortress.

Hero Denisova Street

In 1987, a street in the village of Melkombinat was named after Hero of the USSR Osip Denisov. He began his combat career as a private near Moscow. He fought on the Don, Stalingrad, and Baltic fronts. In one of the sections of the latter, when crossing the Aiviekste River, he performed a heroic feat. German units held the defense along it and opened dense machine-gun and artillery-mortar fire on parts of the division. They blew up all the bridges behind them so that Soviet troops did not cross quickly. However, under cover of darkness, a group led by Denisov moved to the opposite bank and stopped the Germans’ crossing with heavy fire. The recaptured small bridgehead was used to cross our rifle regiment. For his resourcefulness and high understanding of military duty, Sergeant Denisov received the Order of Lenin, the Gold Star medal and the highest rank in the Soviet Union.

Hero Zhanaev Street

One of the streets on Batareika and the factory cultural park are named in honor of Darma Zhanaev. Being a senior engineer at the Ulan-Ude aircraft plant, at the beginning of the war he volunteered for the front. He was appointed commander of a sapper platoon of the 197th separate battalion of the 26th Guards Rifle Division. I went through a long and harsh battle path. At the end of the Second World War he became the head of the engineering service guards brigade, where he was valued for his courage and resourcefulness. Among his awards are the Order of the Patriotic War, I and II degrees, the Red Banner, and the medal “For Courage.” In the battles for Berlin on the Neisse and Spree rivers, Zhanaev led the construction of crossings and ensured the rapid transfer of units. On April 25, 1945, he died while providing passages in a minefield, and the next day he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the USSR. A former front-line soldier and classmate at the Irkutsk workers' faculty, the poet Danri Khiltukhin dedicated a poem to his exploits.

Hero Otsimik Street

On Batareika there is a street named after Hero of the Soviet Union Konstantin Otsimik. From June 1943 he went to the fronts of the Second World War. In 1944 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. He was the commander of a battery of an anti-tank destroyer regiment (21st Army, 1st Ukrainian Front), which on March 19-20, 1945, fought off six enemy counterattacks in the battles for the city of Hindenburg (Zabrze, Poland). When the Nazis broke through to her firing position, Konstantin led the soldiers into hand-to-hand combat. On May 6, being surrounded, he called fire on himself. The Germans retreated in panic and left dozens of dead and wounded on the battlefield. By Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR dated June 27, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions and the courage displayed, Otsimik was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. After the war he was transferred to the reserve. Lived in Ulan-Ude, worked at Kirzavod. Died on June 21, 1963. He was buried at the Zaudinsky cemetery, reburied at the memorial to soldiers who died of wounds in hospitals.

Hero Senchikhin Street

On April 14, 1971, as follows from the minutes of the executive committee of the Zheleznodorozhny District Council of People's Deputies of Working People, Amurskaya Street in the village of Shishkovka was renamed Senchikhina Street. Since 1940, Prokopiy Senchikhin worked as a mechanic at an automobile and tractor plant. When the Second World War began, I wanted to go to the front with my older brothers, but was refused due to my age, but still dreamed of going there. When he tried to board a train heading west, he was detained. But in February 1942, he was finally accepted into the army and was soon sent to study at the divisional artillery school. The young man successfully completed it, received the rank of junior lieutenant and went to the Voronezh Front, and then to the 1st Ukrainian Front, where he covered the crossing of the rifle regiment across the Dnieper with the fire of his battery as part of the 261st separate anti-tank fighter division of the 340th Sumy Rifle Division. On January 10, 1944, he was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. In Poland, Procopius accomplished his last feat. When the artillerymen fell under machine gun fire during an unequal battle, he was left alone, he was both a loader and a gunner. Was wounded in right hand and continued shooting with his left. And when ordered to retreat, he shouted: “There’s nowhere!” and died from a shell explosion. He was only 21 years old.

Hero Tulaev Street

In the village of Melkombinat there is Tulaeva Street (until 1985 - Dorozhnaya), and on the building of school No. 12 there is a memorial sign in memory of this famous sniper. From childhood, Zhambyl Tulaev was a sharp shooter, a cold-blooded and courageous person. In September 1941 he was drafted into the Red Army, in a short time he mastered the basics of military service in a reserve regiment and received the rank of junior commander. Became a sniper in the 580th Infantry Regiment of the 188th Infantry Division of the 27th Army. At the beginning of 1942, he went to the North-Western Front to defend Leningrad. During the Second World War, he destroyed 313 Nazis, 30 times entering into mortal combat with specially trained enemies and each time ending them in his favor. His motto was “Every bullet goes into the heart of a fascist!” He trained 30 snipers, who, in turn, destroyed 1442 Nazis and among whom were natives of Buryatia - Dondok Budaev, Banoi Erboev, Ananiy Gyneev, Semyon Darkhanov, Dmitry Zagnoev, Vladimir Vartanov. He taught them marksmanship: “Outwit the enemy, make false positions,” and talked about careful camouflage. In February 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR, awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal, and in May he was demobilized for health reasons. Died on January 17, 1961.

Hero Chertenkov Street

In 1965, Sadovaya Street was renamed Chertenkova Street, which stretches from the Elevator to Shishkovka. His name is inscribed in the Railwaymen's Book of Honor, and a memorial plaque with him is mounted on the wall of the storage room at the station. Since May 1937, Ivan Chertenkov worked here as a storekeeper, and in January he went to the front: first in the Amur Flotilla, then in the 71st Separate Naval Brigade of the 25th Chapaev Division. Her infantrymen sowed terror in German troops, were called “black devils” and as soon as they appeared in their caps and black peacoats, they came under fire from all types of weapons. Our fellow countryman, together with his comrades, accomplished an unprecedented feat. On the approaches to Kharkov, 25 guardsmen met 25 tanks and 15 armored vehicles of the enemy, died in an unequal battle, but did not let it pass and posthumously became Heroes of the USSR.

The feat of Aldar Tsydenzhapov, immortalized in the memory of his fellow Buryats, is not the only thing that people in Aginsky, Buryatia and Ust-Orda are proud of. It so happens that there are many heroes among the Buryats. Starting from the first military exploits of Garmazhap Garmaev, the Buryats in Russia are known not only by their culture, traditions or Lake Baikal, but also by their special attitude to life. Our fellow countrymen often take risks and sacrifice their lives to save others. About the most famous heroes of recent times - and the phenomenon of Buryat heroes - in the material of the online magazine "Respublika".

Thousands of rose petals for Darima

Darima Alikova-Bazarova was a history and world teacher artistic culture at school number one in Beslan. On that ill-fated day of September 1, 12 years ago, Darima, like hundreds of other residents of the city, found herself hostage to terrorists. Darima died during the capture. Her death was not unique or heroic, however, Darima’s surviving students say that their teacher performed a real feat of courage.

“Darima Batuevna really calmed us down all three days,” says her student Soslan Gusiev. “She stroked the kids on the head, said that everything would be all right, no one would kill anyone. Then, when there was not enough water, Darima never went out to drink herself. I gave all the water to the children.

Only occasionally did she go out with the teachers. In the toilet, she wet rags and discreetly gave them to her students to suck on. When the terrorists began to go berserk and stopped letting her go to the toilet and forbade her to drink water, Darima gutted the bouquets that the guys brought her as a gift. She collected rose petals and distributed them to the children. She said: “Chew them, and there will be moisture in your mouth. Just don’t swallow.”

Many of the fifth grade students, where Darima was the leader, survived. Psychologists said that after the news of Darima’s death, they painted the teacher with thousands of rose petals around her.

One on one with the elements

Lance Sergeant Bair Banzaraktsaev became the only one who died during the flood in the Khabarovsk Territory in 2014. While fulfilling his military duty to eliminate the consequences of the flood, Bair died. His car, as part of a convoy, was carrying sand to a temporary dam on the Amur River, the level of which by that time had already reached 8.5 meters; the river threatened to flood many settlements, including Big City Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Thousands of people could have been injured. Bair moved at the tail of the column. On a difficult road section covered with water, the KamAZ car driven by Banzaraktsaev slid off the road. The driver tried to save the military equipment until the last moment, but the car sank.

Banzaraktsaev’s feat was highly noted in the Kremlin, and our fellow countryman was posthumously presented with a medal for courage. In the winter of the same year, President Putin, on his way to a New Year's Eve party in Khabarovsk, picked up Banzaraktsaev's family, his wife and children, on the presidential plane in Chita. On the way, the president drank tea with the military family, and gave the youngest, six-year-old Galsan, a radio-controlled car.

"Vakha" from Donbass

The story of a militia in Donbass Vladimir with the call sign “Vakha” controversial from the point of view of heroism, however, we included “Vakhu” in the list of Buryat heroes due to the fact that on the Buryat Internet users, especially young people, consider “Vakhu” a hero. He is called a prominent representative of the myth of Putin’s “fighting Buryats” in Ukraine.

“Vakha” easily became a media personality in the Ukrainian conflict, without having any official status. Despite the threat to his life and the lives of his loved ones, “Vakha” does not hide his face, does not hesitate to give interviews, does not hide his life, last summer he even came to Ulan-Ude on leave. Here's what he told the local publication Ulanmedia:

I grew up in the Transbaikal region. He grew up among Russians. Sometimes I felt pressure from them and sometimes I wanted to live only among the Buryats. And when I came here I realized that I am against nationalism in general. This far-fetched division into Western and Eastern Buryats has always been incomprehensible to me. It got to the point that some families demanded that a person choose a wife “but not from Irkutsk.”

In general, I am against nationalism in any manifestation, including intra-Buryat, “territorial”. We have traditions, and they must be respected. Otherwise we will just be a pale spot on the map Russian Federation, the whole world, if there is no unification among the people themselves. We will simply be on par with central Russia. Well, there are some Buryats, but how do they differ? And nothing, just the shape of the eyes. And their mentality is the same as everyone else’s. I would not like to live to see such times. I would like people to come to us and see our national characteristics. Not to become Indians on a reservation is our own task.

Farmer Babu-Dorzho Mikhailov

Shepherd Babu-Dorzho Mikhailov from the Chita region twice saved a large flock of sheep. The first time from a fire in the taiga, the second from armed bandits. The price of a twice rescued flock is 4 million rubles. Shepherd Babu-Dorzho became a Hero of Russia in 2007.

On April 15, 2007, Babu-Dorzho single-handedly managed to stop a steppe fire that could have destroyed a flock of 525 sheep, agricultural equipment and tanks with fuel and lubricants. Mikhailov conveyed a message to the fire department with a driver passing through the parking lot. He himself, without wasting time, drove the sheep beyond the plowed strip. Then he started the tractor and plow and plowed a few more strips in front of the approaching fire. The animals remained alive.

The second time, the sheep had to be recaptured from criminals with weapons in their hands.

“As they call them, brothers, the thieves have arrived. I simply explained to them: we’re leaving, guys, nothing will work out here,” Babu-Dzhorzho said then.

Hero of Russia, senior shepherd of the State Unitary Enterprise "Experimental Production Farm "Ononskoe" of the Shilkinsky District Babu-Dorzho Mikhailov was born into a family of hereditary sheep breeders in the village of Novoye on March 12, 1953. He studied at school, lived in a boarding school, and during the holidays he helped his parents take care of the flock. Before serving in the army, he received a specialty in electromechanics at the Shilkino Technical University. After the army, in 1975, Babu-Dorzho returned to the Shilkinsky district and a few months later adopted an elite breeding flock in the largest farm in the region - the State Unitary Enterprise "OPH" Ononskoye", which is a breeding plant for breeding sheep of the Trans-Baikal fine-fleece breed.

Sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov

Today, on the territory of ethnic Buryatia, it is perhaps impossible to find a person who does not know the name Aldara Tsydenzhapova. A 19-year-old conscript soldier saved the lives of 299 crew members of the destroyer “Bystry”. But he himself died. Monument to the young hero installed in its homeland in Aginsk, this summer another one appeared in the capital of Buryatia.

On September 24, 2010, a fire broke out on the destroyer Bystry, when almost the entire crew of the ship was on board. Aldar Tsydenzhapov, who took up duty as a boiler crew operator, immediately rushed to plug the fuel leak. Aldar understood that if it was not blocked, the remaining 299 people on the ship could die. 10 seconds in flaming clothes with terrible pain - and he managed to put out the fire.

Experts say if a boiler exploded on a destroyer, the entire crew could have died. “This would threaten the ship with developing into a massive fire with the most severe consequences. It’s hard to predict how the boiler would behave,” confirms the commander of the divisional movement of the destroyer “Bystry” Alexey Konoplev.

After the fire, Aldar was taken in serious condition to the Pacific Fleet hospital in Vladivostok. Doctors fought for his life for four days, but, unfortunately, on September 28, at the age of 19, he died. Aldar had less than a month to serve. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1431 of November 16, 2010, Aldar Tsydenzhapov was posthumously awarded the title Hero of Russia.

As part of the 46th, 97th, 109th, 142nd rifle, 13th, 17th and 57th tank divisions formed in Transbaikalia, the envoys of Buryatia steadfastly fought the hated enemy for Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad , Kurs and Orel, Sevastopol and Odessa, liberated Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states and a number of countries in Eastern Europe, participated in the storming of Berlin and the defeat of the Kwantung Japanese Army.
For their courage and bravery, tens of thousands of Transbaikalia soldiers were awarded orders and medals. 35 warriors, including 8 Buryats, were awarded high rank Hero of the Soviet Union.

Yes, former teacher high school No. 12 and a graduate of the Ulan-Ude flying club, pilot of the 158th fighter regiment of the 7th air defense fighter corps, junior lieutenant Pyotr Kharitonov, on the fifth day after the start of the war, in an air battle for Leningrad, rammed and shot down a fascist bomber. The Trans-Baikal resident, together with his fellow soldiers, junior lieutenants Stepan Zdorovtsev and Mikhail Zhukov, became one of the first heroes of the war.

Vasily Mikhalev, an instructor at the Ulan-Ude flying club and a native of the capital of Buryatia, shot down 25 enemy aircraft and carried out two air rams.

Former worker of the Ulan-Ude LVRZ Sergei Oreshkov, in a battle near Kharkov, repeated the immortal feat of A. Matrosov, covering the bunker embrasure with himself.

A graduate of Ulan-Ude secondary school No. 65, Grigory Aseev fought in the naval aviation of the Northern Fleet. In October 1944, the crew of his burning vehicle attacked and sank a large enemy sea transport.

In August 1943, in heavy, grueling battles near Kharkov, at the Taranovka junction, a platoon of Lieutenant Shironin fought to the death. 25 Shiron soldiers repeated the feat of 28 Panfilov soldiers. Among them was a worker railway station Ulan-Ude Ivan Chertenkov.

Famous sniper Northwestern Front Zhambyl Tulaev destroyed 313 fascists, trained more than 30 students who exterminated 1,442 Nazis.

A native of the Zaigraevsky district, a former worker at the Ulan-Ude meat-packing plant, a sniper of the 83rd Guards. SD Nikifor Afanasyev exterminated more than 300 fascists.

The commander of the anti-tank gun squad, Pavel Bannov from the Kyakhta region, personally knocked out four tanks in the battle on the Kursk Bulge, two of them while wounded.

IN offensive operation in Ukraine, when crossing the Dnieper River, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Ivan Kotov, Mikhail Markhaev, Vasily Istomin, Bazaar Rinchino, Prokopiy Senchikhin, and when crossing the Danube - Georgy Moskalev.

During the storming of Berlin, many envoys of the republic went into battle as part of the 82nd Guards. divisions and other formations of the 8th Guards. army led by General Vasily Chuikov. Konstantin Otsimik and Vasily Khantaev distinguished themselves here.

The combat path from the Kursk Bulge to the Oder, from the division commander to the commander of the anti-tank fighter brigade, was traversed by Guard Colonel Vladimir Borsoev.

The first Buryat general Ilya Baldynov passed through the difficult roads of war from private to general.

In total, 17 natives of Buryatia were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for their exploits during the war. These are Nikifor Afanasyev, Pavel Bannov, Boris Bystrykh, Garmazhap Garmaev, Osip Denisov, Dashi Zhanaev, Vasily Ivanov, Nikolai Klypin, Ivan Kotov, Vasily Mikhalev, Vasily Morozov, Konstantin Otsimik, Alexey Pesterev, Prokopiy Senchikhin, Zhambyl Tulaev, Mikhail Fedotov.

14 brave Russians were called up from Buryatia, where in the 30s of the last century they arrived on party and Komsomol vouchers for shock construction projects, and subsequently became Heroes of the Soviet Union.
Before the war, Grigory Aseev, Grigory Bersenev, Izot Vakarin, Yuri Garnaev, Dorofey Levchenko, Georgy Moskalev, Sergei Oreshkov, Nikolai Redkovsky, Ivan Rublenko, Efim Solomennikov, Ivan Trofimov, Boris Ushchev, Pyotr Kharitonov and Ivan Chertenkov lived and worked in Ulan-Ude before the war. .
After the war, Heroes of the Soviet Union Ivan Potekhin and Ivan Skokov came to Buryatia.
In the cemetery of the aircraft plant there is a grave of a native of the Khabarovsk Territory, Hero of the Soviet Union, Viktor Yashin, who came to work for him in 1951. aircraft factory and died in 1952.

On May 6, 1994, for their exploits during the Great Patriotic War, the title Hero of Russia was awarded to a native of Mordovia, who lived in Ulan-Ude after the war, military pilot Sergei Vandyshev and a native of the village of Bolshoi Kunaley, Tarbagatai region, tanker Georgy Guslyakov.

The names of the heroes are immortalized in the names of villages, towns and streets; they are borne by schools, children's art centers, and border outposts. Sports competitions and tournaments are held for Heroes' prizes.
Today, unfortunately, none of the Heroes of the Soviet Union - participants in the Great Patriotic War - are alive. On March 3, 2011, at the 86th year of his life, the last of the glorious cohort to pass away was Georgy Moskalev, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist and Honored Artist of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

... Time is inexorable. It takes its toll, but the sacred memory of our exploits will forever remain among our people and will be passed on from generation to generation.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic sent more than 120 thousand people to defend the Motherland. The Buryats fought on the war fronts as part of three rifle and three tank divisions of the Transbaikal 16th Army. There were Buryats in the Brest Fortress, which was the first to resist the Nazis. During the war years, 37 natives of Buryatia were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 10 became full holders of the Order of Glory.

Photo by Robert Diament

Buryat snipers became especially famous during the war. Which is not surprising - the ability to shoot accurately has always been vital for hunters.

Hero of the Soviet Union Zhambyl Tulaev destroyed 262 fascists, and a sniper school was created under his leadership.

Another famous Buryat sniper, senior sergeant Tsyrendashi Dorzhiev, by January 1943, destroyed 297 enemy soldiers and officers and shot down a German plane.

Another hero, Buryat sniper Arseny Etobaev, destroyed 355 fascists and shot down two enemy planes during the war years.

And this is another real fighting Buryat

Soviet sniper, Buryat Radna Ayusheev from the 63rd Marine Brigade during the Petsamo-Kirkenes operation in 1944. Here's his story.

Radna Ayusheev was born in 1922 in the village of Inzagatuy in Buryatia. The Ayusheev family of peasants raised 11 children. The head of the family was a good hunter, so he taught his sons to do this from childhood. There were three of them in the Ayusheev family. Radna is the youngest. In 1940, the young man was drafted into the army. The first year he served Far East, and during the war he ended up in the Northern Fleet. It's not surprising that the former hunter became a sniper.

— My grandmother received the last letter from him in 1944,- says Namzhilma, the sniper’s niece. — Then he sent me a photo. It can be seen that he is standing on a boat with a rifle. Since childhood, I remember that a similar photograph always stood in a prominent place, next to the shrine. Later, after the death of Radna’s mother, his photograph was multiplied and distributed to relatives.

More news from youngest son I didn’t receive Badma-Dari. However, there was no funeral either, so the mother hoped that he would return. The family did not forget him.

— Mom was very sorry for her younger brother,- Namzhilma recalls. — He went to war so young, he barely saw life.

In 1979, a multi-part series was shown on television documentary about the Great Patriotic War. Imagine the surprise of Ayusheev’s fellow countrymen when, in the 12th episode “War in the Arctic,” they suddenly recognized Radna in one of the sailors!

“He flashed for just a couple of seconds, but we recognized him!”- says Namzhilma. — It was the same as on the photo card. The voice-over announcer said that sailors of the Northern Fleet were going on a campaign to liberate the city of Pechenga near Murmansk. The relatives managed to make out the boat's number - 219 and remembered the date of shooting - October 19, 1944. We sent a request to the military registration and enlistment office, but received no response. This is where the search ended.

“Who knows, maybe he died on this campaign?” — suggests the sniper's niece.

- Only it was written there that it was an unknown soldier,— says Anatoly Dambinimaev, a traumatologist, a native of the village of Inzagatuy. — I myself was not on this trip, but I was told that it was not possible to find out where this photograph came from in the museum. None of the museum's administrative workers were on site, and the schoolchildren themselves were only passing through. When the guys arrived home, they said that they had seen the photo.

And now, almost thirty years later, people started talking about Radna Ayusheev again. Recently, Ulan-Ude resident Bair Etagorov, while looking for the necessary photographs on the Internet, came across a photograph of a sniper. It was posted on a website dedicated to sailors of the Northern Fleet. Ayusheev was photographed by Robert Diament. During the Great Patriotic War, he served as head of the photo bureau of the political department of the Northern Fleet. On duty, together with torpedo bomber pilots, he carried out combat missions, went on campaigns with submariners, in attacks with Marine Corps, with boats on missions, accompanied allied convoys.

Apparently, Ayusheev was captured on one of these business trips. The photographer wrote down the sailor's name, but made a slight mistake in the name, which was unusual for him. In Diament's photo archive he is listed as Rashna. Literally one line is written about the fighter: “In the October battles of 1944 near Murmansk, Ayusheev destroyed 25 Nazis”. After the photo was published, several of the sniper’s fellow countrymen responded. However, none of them knows about the fate of Radna Ayusheev.

During the Great Patriotic War, the glorious sons of the Buryat-Mongolian people (the republic at that time was called the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), like the entire Soviet people, heroically fought on the battlefields against fascist Germany and militaristic Japan, selflessly defending their great homeland- Soviet Union. Many fighters in battles with the Nazi occupiers and Japanese militarists performed heroic deeds, not sparing their lives in the name of the great victory over the fascist plague.

Many of them were nominated by the command for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their courage and bravery. But what is surprising is that there were officials who either underestimated the heroic deeds of soldiers or completely hushed them up, or downgraded them to less significant awards than the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And, at the same time, officials referred to the limit established from above for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And, as we see, 12 people from Buryat-Mongolia, nominated for the Golden Star of the Hero, fell under this notorious limit, but due to the bureaucracy of the bureaucracy, they never received a high rank.

In addition, on each subsequent Victory Day the authorities repeated many times: “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.” But, as the famous journalist Pavel Nataev wrote in the publication “Contribution to Victory” in the newspaper “Buryatia” (04/06/2010) that the exploits of many war heroes are not appreciated, that is, forgotten. And why? For example, the feat of Innokenty Batorov, who covered the embrasure of a Japanese pillbox with his chest in the battle near Hailar in 1945, that is, he repeated the feat of A. Matrosov. As you know, all the soldiers who repeated Matrosov’s feat in the Patriotic War were awarded (except for I. Batorov) the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

It must be said that the command of the Trans-Baikal Front nominated I. Batorov for his heroic feat to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But, apparently, again the same limit did not make it possible to award the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to I. Bator. And only 20 years after the accomplished feat, Batorov was awarded “posthumously” with the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. That is, the reward was underestimated by Moscow officials. This seems to be a great injustice to the heroic son of the Buryat-Mongol people, I. Bator.

It is necessary that justice prevail in relation to the heroic feat of Bator with the awarding (posthumously) of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on the day of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory Soviet people over fascist Germany and militaristic Japan.

The noble sniper, Lieutenant Arseny Mikhailovich Etobaev, was twice nominated by the command for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But he was never given the reward. As a sniper, he killed 356 Nazi soldiers, officers, and snipers. Shot down a German Henkel-111 plane and a Junkers-87 bomber in 1942. In 1942, on all fronts there was a postcard “Lieutenant A.M. Etobaev is a notable sniper” (during the war, 100 fascists killed were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union).

And sniper Arseny Etobaev destroyed 356 fascists and shot down two planes. For this feat, he was twice nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but was not awarded this high title. And sniper Etobaev is worthy of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his feat!

I would also like to say that the commander of the 4th squadron of the 35th Guards Cavalry Regiment, Captain Lopson Ivakhinov, was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But also due to the limit, he was not awarded the title of Hero. Fellow soldier L. Ivakhinova, doctor, wrote about this in the book “War Through the Eyes of a Soldier” philological sciences Ulzy-Zhargal Dondukov.

B. Dugarzhapov writes about those fellow countrymen nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but who did not receive this high title, in the newspaper “Buryaad Unen” (04/08/2010) in the article “The unsung exploits of our fellow countrymen - They could have been Heroes of the Soviet Union” from the village of Suduntui, Aginsky district.

One of the heroes of the Patriotic War is Daba Garbuev, who shot down 8 fascist planes. He was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but he did not receive the award. They awarded him the Order of the Red Banner of Battle.

Another hero of the war was junior sergeant of the 93rd Infantry Division Namdak Tsybenov, who in the last battle, completely surrounded by the enemy, destroyed over 100 fascists with a heavy machine gun. The wounded, unconscious man was picked up by soldiers who came to the rescue. The division commander, Colonel Zanyulev, nominated him for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but he was awarded the Order of Lenin without the Golden Star of the Hero.

Lieutenant D.-D. Untanov, platoon commander of the 764th joint venture, distinguished himself in the battles for Kyiv. He was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but due to the fact that he was a minister of cult, he did not receive the Hero's star. And here is Lieutenant B. Dashizhapov and L.I. Bambuev, R. Pokhonov, Matvey Badanov were also nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition, commander partisan detachment in Belarus G.V. Ochirov, sniper Ts. Dorzhiev, who destroyed 287 fascists.

V. Tsydenzhapov, who participated in battles in hot spots, was nominated for the title of Hero of Russia.

Here B. Dugarzhapov writes that the Yakut sniper F. Okhlopkov, at the request of the government of Yakutia in 1965, that is, 20 years later, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

And the front-line writer Karpov received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union only from the fifth performance, and Porgorbunsky from the third performance. And the Tungus (Evenk) S. Nomokonov, as a sniper, was also nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Nanai Passar received the gold Hero Star only at the request of the Nanai village to the President of the Russian Federation of that time D.A. Medvedev, who signed a decree conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on Nanai Passar. A good petition from the public to award the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to submariner Marinescu was crowned with justice. As a result, Marinescu was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

And in this regard, as we see, at the request of the governments, the public, and the village collective, justice was restored in relation to the heroes who accomplished the feat and were duly appreciated by the government with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Based on this, the question arises: why are none of the 12 war heroes from Buryatia nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union awarded the gold Hero Star for their heroic feat? Apparently, the government of Buryatia did not petition like the governments of other regions, where many soldiers of the Fatherland were awarded the gold Hero Star.

It seems that a big anniversary is approaching, when in 2015 a great anniversary will be celebrated - the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over the brown plague of fascism. And for this anniversary date, it is necessary to petition the government of the Republic of Belarus and its head V. Nagovitsyn, the People's Khural of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of War Veterans, the Council of Elders under the head of the Republic of Belarus, the city authorities to petition the government of the Russian Federation, personally the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on restoring justice in conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on the sons of Buryatia who performed heroic deeds during the war. These are I. Batorov, A. Etobaev, L. Ivakhinov, D. Garbuev, N. Tsybenov, D-D. Untanov, B. Dashizhapov, L. Bambuev, R. Pokhonov, G. Ochirov, Ts. Dorzhiev, M. Badanov and the hero of Russia V. Tsydenzhapov.

In the newspaper “Russian East” (No. 7, 1992) in the essay “My Friends the Buryats,” Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Chita Medical Institute V. Sikerin wrote: “During the Great Patriotic War, the sons of the Buryats experienced all the hardships of war, knew the horror of captivity and concentration camps . But they endured all the trials with honor; history has not recorded a single case of treason or betrayal of Buryat soldiers and officers. What respect the Buryats deserve for this!”

Yes, indeed, why not include in the Victory Memorial all the sons of Buryatia who were nominated by the command for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but who never received the high award. And also to perpetuate their memory in busts, names of streets, squares and so on. Then it will still be possible to say that “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.”

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