What could cause World War III? An American professor told where the third world war could start. Forecasts of military and politicians

Global military conflict. Today, questions like “will there be a Third World War and when will it start” are no longer fantastic inventions, but very real fears of citizens.

In addition, now, given the growing tension on the world stage, such questions are more relevant than ever. All the conditions in the world lead to a new extensive war. It would seem that in our time no one will ever utter the words “Third World War”, because this very concept seems to have been erased with the liquidation of the “evil empire”.

And, it seems, there is no one with whom to wage a continental struggle (as it was in the Second World War) or a nuclear one (it is assumed that this is how the Third will take place). Some people think in images and imagine the Third World War like this: trenches, cracks in the black, ash-ridden earth, the “enemy” somewhere beyond the horizon...

These ideas are copied and formulated on the basis of many films and stories about the terrible and so distant war of our fathers and grandfathers. This is Great Patriotic War. Or World War II. But . Many are confident that a future war is already underway. The media, at least, daily and tirelessly, with the importunity of a boring fly, tell us about this. The so-called information battle.

So who are we fighting with and why? History repeats itself, bringing into the world a new global conflict over the right to own land. However, now this land, in addition to population and territories, must have one more important quality: resources. Gas, coal, oil. These raw materials are the engine of all the economies of the world. And the central ones actors in a future war, experts believe, there will be “sworn friends” - two powers that have every opportunity to mutually destroy each other and the entire planet, using their reserves nuclear weapons.

Where can we expect war?

One should not think that the threat should come from Europe. She is busy with deep introspection and eliminating “economic fleas.” Europe does not pose any danger to Russia. The true enemy will come from afar, he will come from overseas.

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the assumption, because since the time of the Fulton speech in 1946, the future enemy has been clearly defined and his name is no secret to anyone in Russia. It would seem, well, what does America care about us? What will Russia do wrong again?

What benefits will the United States want to gain and what will it try to teach the “simple Russian peasant”? The answer is simple - the resources and, perhaps, the ambitions of an equally powerful country that does not tolerate competition. We also cannot forget the “peacemaker” represented by the EU. Now this peacemaker is more like a provocateur who cheerfully dances to the tune of the United States.

It’s as if a repeat of the USA’s cries are heard echoing from the countries of Europe - sanctions, sanctions, sanctions again and... The Third World War. The worldwide integration of societies and economies has led to widespread and inevitable new war, which will cover the whole world. The ability to receive news virtually “first-hand”, online or through satellite television, has given humanity the amazing privilege of learning everything much faster than a dozen years ago.

It is worth noting, however, that the flow of information has completely discouraged people from critically evaluating and analyzing the events and facts provided. Indeed, for most users, a string of democratic revolutions, coups d'etat and local military skirmishes are simply scattered parts of world politics that will eventually become history. But is it?

This is a question that will remain unanswered. Whether we believe in the Freemasons, “world puppeteers” and “almighty rulers of the entire planet”, whether we hope for the sanity and prudence of rulers in using or not using nuclear weapons - all this does not in any way affect the events taking place in the world. It is quite possible that the Third World War is being fought only on computer monitors, televisions and in the headphones of radio fans.

But it is a fact that it is already beginning, unleashing, as if in a spiral, a global conflict. At the same time, armed conflicts of a local nature in different parts of the planet clearly tell us that the Third World War is just around the corner, the only question that remains is when it will start.

It is also worth understanding that this will not simply be a military conflict on a global scale, but quite possibly a real nuclear war, the result of which could be the almost complete extinction of humanity. According to the conspiracy theory, the Freemasons intend to reduce the number of people on the planet to 1 billion.

According to members secret society This is precisely the number of inhabitants that will be optimal for reasonable consumption and complete control of natural resources. In any case, using biological weapons to reduce the population is too dangerous. We must not forget that substances can mutate and, quite possibly, the Masons themselves will not be able to protect themselves from their own “seeds of evil”, since they will not have a vaccine.

Thus, it is the nuclear Third World War that is the most considered by experts for the development of further events on the part of the Freemasons with their desire to establish world order with total control.

World War III: clairvoyant predictions

In a world frozen on the threshold of something global and frightening, people listen to everything that gives even the slightest plausible picture of the future. It seems that a war that will engulf the countries is inevitable.

Just look at the confrontation between different civilizations, radical ideologies and the threat of terrorism. We should not forget about natural disasters and catastrophes that occurred due to the fault of humanity itself.

They also provoked a struggle for necessary resources - energy sources and clean water. Both today and many years ago, sages, scientists and amateurs tried to decipher ancient records, predictions and prophecies of famous psychics and sorcerers in order to find answers to many questions of interest to the people. The most important question to which we so want to find a reassuring answer is whether there will be a Third World War.

Hermit Kasyan predicted a tectonic catastrophe, after which people would pour into the remaining territories in hungry crowds, causing even greater destruction, bringing the final death of nations.

According to Alois Ilmayer at the very beginning of the Third World War, bacteriological and chemical weapons will be used, atomic missiles will be launched. The East will declare war on Europe. Diseases, as if from a cornucopia, will begin to fall on people, producing terrible, unprecedented epidemics. Due to the movement of tectonic plates, many areas will become uninhabitable and this will cause attacks by Muslims and Asians. The seer also says that Syria will be the key to either peace or the start of a world war.

Forest Seer Mühlhiazl, in turn, noted that the main sign of the coming war would be a “construction fever” - like bees in a hive, peoples would build huge honeycombs, filling the planet. It is quite possible that the prophet meant that humanity is preoccupied with the material side of life more than the spiritual.

The great predictor Nostradamus in his quatrains he wrote that the war would begin in the 21st century and would last for 27 years. This bloody and destructive war will come from the East.

Blind clairvoyant Vanga said that a global war would start from Syria, spread to Europe and go further. A massive battle is coming between the Christian and Muslim worlds.

Grigory Rasputin spoke of three snakes that would bring great destruction. There have already been two world wars, which means that humanity faces new challenges. The situation is truly threatening. But, despite the fact that the whole world is now wondering when there will be war, we must not forget that it has quite possibly already begun. And the war began in our souls.

Nowadays, material wealth has been put in first place, not the laughter of a child or the smile of a mother. Sincerely loving, sympathizing, helping has long become irrelevant. But if we begin to think more often about our own souls and the common good, perhaps we will be able to avoid a bloodbath.

In light of the escalation of the military conflict in Syria, in which a dozen countries are already involved and each has its own interests, ominous prophecies about the beginning World War III are becoming more and more relevant.

Some of these revelations are quite old, some are modern, but each tells of future terrible cataclysms and upheavals caused by human weapons and the thirst for blood.

“I don’t know with what weapons the Third World War will be fought, but in the Fourth, stones and sticks will be used!” wrote Albert Einstein in a letter to US President Harry Truman in 1945, and for 73 years now these words have frightened the whole world, but alas , do not stop politicians from wars.

The Portuguese mystic and prophet Horacio Villegas reported this back in 2017. Villegas said a nuclear war involving the United States, Russia, North Korea and China could begin on May 13, the 100th anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal. And “this will last” until October 13th.

Many were sure that the Portuguese was talking about 2017, since last year the United States also violently bombed Syria. But since there was no nuclear cataclysm in 2017, and this year two more countries, France and Great Britain, bombed Syria together with the United States, many people now think that maybe we were talking about 2018?

Horacio Villegas is famous for predicting Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election back in 2015, although all the media supported Hilary Clinton and assured that victory was already in her pocket. Villegas also called Trump “the king of the Illuminati.”

Mother Shipton's alarming prophecy

Mother Shipton lived in a small English village at the beginning of the 16th century. Her mother, Agatha Southale, practiced divination and they whispered about her that the Devil himself came to her house. After one of these visits, Agatha gave birth to a daughter, Ursula, who was very ugly in appearance, but already had childhood unusual abilities, and at the age of 16 she began making predictions.

Many of her prophecies went wrong. She predicted the great plague of 1665, the invasion of the Spanish Armada (“The wooden horses that will come from the West will be smashed to pieces by Drake’s forces”), the attack of Henry VIII’s troops on Normandy, and much more.

According to her prediction of a terrible war, it will begin in the East and apparently the United States will be the main destructive force.

“Alas, the war will come from where the Turks and pagans live, who will bury themselves in a cruel quarrel. When the north is separated from the south, and the eagle has the jaws of a lion, burdens, blood and war will come to every home. The yellow people will receive great power from the mighty bear they will help. Tyrants will not be able to divide the world into two parts and these actions will pose a great danger. And intermittent fever will leave behind many deaths.”

There are a couple more lines to this prophecy.

“The kingdoms will become jealous and fearful and the trap will turn against them when the dear black worm leaves behind only a few lives.”

Prophecies about the Third World War from Nostradamus

Nostradamus has at least 12 quatrains that can be interpreted as predictions of a third world war.

“The braid will connect with the pond in Sagittarius,
In his very high point.
Plague, famine and death by armed hands,
The century is approaching its renewal.”

“After a great misfortune, humanity faces an even greater one,
When the great cycle of centuries is renewed,
Blood and milk, famine, war and disease will rain.
A fire will be visible in the sky, followed by a tail of sparks.”

"Mabus will soon die, then it will be accomplished
Terrible extermination of people and animals:
Suddenly retribution will come,
A hundred hands, thirst and hunger, when the comet flies by.”

Baba Vanga

Bulgarian Vanga, also known as Baba Vanga (1911-1996), is considered one of the greatest fortunetellers of the 20th century. She is credited with many prophecies about the beginning of the Third World War, but in reality she did not express most of them.

For example, Vanga did not say anything about “deserted Europe” and “chemical poisoning.” And her famous last years the expression “Syria has not yet fallen” is rather taken out of context and is associated more with crises than with a global war:

“Many more cataclysms and turbulent events are destined for humanity... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come to the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet..."

But such statements took place in reality: “The apocalypse will come,” “Evil will burst out of the ground and destroy everything,” “Only Russia will be saved, not everyone,” “There will be both water and peace in Russia.” Perhaps this is due to the coming big war.

However, in an interview that Vanga gave to Russian journalist Sergei Kostorny in 1995, Sergei asked Vanga, “Will humanity expect big wars and natural disasters in the near future?” And Vanga replied, “There will be individual outbreaks, but it won’t affect everyone at once.”

Words from the Pope

In 2014, Pope Francis said that World War III had “already begun, in part.” Before this recent months The Pope has repeatedly called for an end to armed conflicts in different parts world: in Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, the Gaza Strip and African countries.

And in 2017, Francis said that the shortage fresh water could lead to a new world conflict.

“The right to water is fundamental to human survival and the future of humanity. And I ask myself whether we are not moving towards a great world war over water,” the pontiff said.

According to the UN, there is currently a shortage water resources affects more than 40% of the world's people; 783 million people on the planet lack access to clean water. By the middle of the 21st century, the number of people living with constant water shortages will exceed 4 billion people.

Carefully studying the geopolitical situation in the world today, one can often hear the opinion that the Third World War will begin in 2017. Some make the bold assumption that the war is already being waged and it is invisible, but effective. And it is not waged by the special services, but by the media, since the war is an information war. Which statement is true?

Will World War III start in 2017?

Political scientists around the world agree that at the current stage of development of statehood, many countries will not agree to a conscious armed conflict on a global scale, as this will entail great human losses. Instead, a return to the Cold War model, which was observed almost immediately after the end of World War II, is possible. Then the confrontation was between two superpowers: the USA and the USSR, which had enormous nuclear potential capable of destroying half the planet. Today the threat of a nuclear strike is not so great, and the public opinion on this matter is clear. However, the current adversaries - Russia and NATO - have something to shake each other down.

It is argued that the constant escalation of the situation, which will occur with the help of a variety of media, small clashes and major clashes in the territory of Third World countries, can lead to the declaration of war and its outbreak.

However, along with this, there is an opinion that World War 3 2017 is already underway, and it is the means that are waging it mass media, providing citizens different countries a varied version of the same events, presenting them in a light favorable to one or another political force. This theory is supported by world news coverage and the economic and political situation in the world.

Possible causes of war

If the opinion about the possibility of starting a new world war is more or less clear: it will either happen or not, then the reasons for its start are not so clear. Thus, there are several possible causes of the Third World War:

  • War on religious grounds: the constant clash between the Christian and Muslim worlds, which today, thanks to the capabilities of weapons, has reached a new level, can develop into a real military conflict, and then Europe will be overwhelmed not only by a wave of terrorist attacks, but also by real military attacks. If this scenario comes true, Europe will be destroyed, and the “center of the world” will be transferred to one of the Muslim countries, which will be the leader in this confrontation and lead the holy war against the infidels.
  • A war between two super-states for the right to world influence and domination. Many still believe that the Cold War was never completed and the successors of the old political regimes only disguised the existing confrontation under imaginary friendship and now the real state of affairs is being revealed: there is no peacetime. Thus, the United States will enlist the support of the EU and Israel to oppose Russia’s alliance with China and India. With such a balance of power, many countries will enter into a “neighborhood conflict,” such as South and North Korea.
  • War for resources. Researchers have been saying for years that Natural resources Our planet has been significantly depleted, and therefore the strongest influence on the economies of countries will be exerted by those who possess them. The most valuable resource today is oil, since it is not only a source of income for entire states and the basis of economies, but also an important component Everyday life citizens. It is believed that it will be the United States that will start the war, since its oil fields are almost depleted, and the country will face bankruptcy in the coming years. And then Russia will be in a defensive position and will act as a defender of the peoples and countries that the States will attack.
  • War is a Masonic conspiracy. The existence of Freemasons, who rule the world like puppeteers, has long been debated. And many discussions have already been made about whether they really have such a huge influence as they are credited with. However, one of the reasons for the Third World War in 2017 is called a conspiracy by the brotherhood of masons, according to which they intend to reduce the population of the Earth in this way. The reason for this was the same lack of resources for so many people. That is, than less people will remain alive, the longer the necessary wealth of the planet will last. In addition, such a war is associated with the apocalypse, necessary to cleanse the earth of humanity mired in vices. Once cleansed, the survivors will build a new, enlightened society. Naturally, under the leadership of the Masons.

Of course, today it is too early to say which of the reasons will become the very trigger that served as the beginning global cataclysm. However, we should not forget that geopolitical preconditions have existed for quite some time.

Possible scenario and outcome of World War 3 in 2017

Today the world is transparent thanks to new technologies: satellites that make it possible to take pictures of the planet’s surface from space, unmanned aircraft, surveillance cameras installed everywhere. All this and even a photo of a fighter against the background of equipment, posted in social network, allows you to estimate the approximate firepower of a potential enemy. And if you supplement this with intelligence data, you can get a more complete picture. In addition, some countries keep such information in the public domain, both for intimidation and for boasting.

It is based on the number of equipment and soldiers that forecasts are made about how the Third World War could develop in 2017.

Based on the available data, the NATO bloc significantly exceeds the Russian Federation in the number of weapons and soldiers. But the main feature of the bloc's troops is their location: they are scattered throughout the world, while Russia's military forces are concentrated on its territory.

Also worth considering technical progress, which has improved the weapon since its last use and now the distance between armies can be several tens of kilometers, and the destruction hundreds of times greater, since, for example, long-range missiles are capable of flying across entire continents to their target. In this case, it will not be possible to avoid civilian casualties. And this main reason, according to which such a war scenario is denied by most politicians. It is also considered unlikely that the use of biological and chemical weapons mass destruction.

Proponents of the Masonic conspiracy theory, who bet on 2017 and the Third World War, will not agree with them. In their opinion, this is exactly how events will develop, and if not at the beginning of the war, then quite soon the leadership of one of the parties in this war will come to this conclusion.

There are also several theories about how exactly the war will start. So, one of the main scenarios for today: Russia will attack the Baltic countries, and NATO will respond to this attack with an armed clash. It is believed that after this, Russia’s hands will be untied and it will be able, hiding behind the version of defense and response to the enemy’s aggressive actions, to launch a full-scale attack on European countries. According to supporters of this theory, Russia will win the war by establishing its dominance in the world for a long time. Not only the old world will be destroyed, but the USA, Canada, China, Korea and some countries in Africa and South America.

Another version says that the war will begin within Europe with protests by Muslims against governments, and Russia will enter into this confrontation much later, when it is necessary to contain the aggressor. According to this scenario, the Russian Federation will face defeat, but Muslim countries will strengthen and begin to gradually spread their influence over the entire territory of the planet.

One way or another, most researchers of this issue agree that war will be tantamount to war, and this is its main danger for humanity.

Prophecies about World War III

The theory that the Third World War will nevertheless begin in 2017 is supported not only by military-political forecasts and observations of the situation, but also by the predictions of authoritative clairvoyants of ancient and modern times. And, although this is not the most reliable source of information and predictions do not always come true, one cannot discount the words of Vanga or Nostradamus, whose warnings have been repeatedly confirmed by events in history.

Vanga's prediction

At the end of the last century, Vanga predicted terrible war between peoples, in which everyone will participate. She spoke of great and widespread destruction that would entail many deaths, famine and devastation for many years. The cause of the war was supposed to be religion, and the starting point was the moment when people ceased to have compassion. Since the seer spoke in images, it is quite difficult to interpret her words, but researchers believe that she could be talking about the east and the terrorist organization ISIS, which has recently become more active.

However, Vanga never named exact dates, but mentioned this event that it would be witnessed by the children of the listeners, that is, presumably today’s youth.

Matrona of Moscow about the war in 2017

The blind seer saint also did not give exact dates, but we are inclined to believe that her last prophecy refers specifically to 2017. It said that everyone would die without war, and that war goes on without war. At one moment everyone will fall to the ground, and at dawn they will rise. And salvation awaits those who repented and managed to cleanse themselves before the Lord. Since Matrona was a deeply religious person, it is believed that this is how she predicted the Apocalypse.

There are also several other versions of interpretation. “War goes on without war” - refers to the concept information war when there is no destruction, but a clash of minds and opinions is already occurring. It is also believed that death without war could mean a collision with a cosmic body, or a global environmental disaster, or even the spread of a deadly disease.

Nostradamus's prediction

Nostradamus encrypted his predictions in quatrains - quatrains, find out secret meaning which they have been striving for for several hundred years. However, the interpretation is not always successful or has the same meaning. Thus, there are cases when more than one event is assumed under one quatrain. Skeptics argue that this happens because researchers simply “summary” the event that happened.

And meanwhile, Nostradamus prophesies the beginning of the conflict in France on the Rhone River in 2017, which could serve as the starting point for a global conflict. And for 2018, he gives an equally gloomy prediction, which is interpreted as a warning: a threat should be expected from Iran, and the United Nations will be the first to suffer, as the main one that can fight back and prevent further war.

Predictions of Pavel Globa about the World War

The famous astrologer claims that the war will not cross the border of cold confrontation and it will never come to real armed clashes, since countries will be too busy trying to maintain their economic well-being at the proper level. However, he predicts financial losses and periods of need for the USA and Russia. True, Russia will soon recover from the crisis thanks to energy resources and will be able to unite with several former Soviet republics.

Also, the world will be shaken by natural disasters, which will already cause large losses among the population of different countries, and this will most likely unite humanity around another, more important problem - survival in conditions of changing terrain, climate and depletion of natural resources.

Prediction by Malakhat Nazarova

Another modern prophetess believes that an armed conflict will never happen and for several reasons. According to her, 2017 is a turning point not only in the history of humanity, but also the universe as a whole. Although leap year– previous, in 2017 the next period of chaos caused by the change of the millennium should end. And how it will end depends entirely on those in power, since the chance to reach consensus and resolve all conflicts through compromises is still quite large.

Just like Globa, she predicts earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes that will cause major disasters on the ground. This should unite enemies and distract from international political problems, as more will come to the fore current issues, requiring immediate solutions and together.

More and more global problems are arising on the planet. But the most important of them was the intensifying arms race and confrontation between countries. Therefore, the question of whether in 2017 becomes very relevant.

Some reasons for starting wars

  1. Countries strive for leadership.
  2. The struggle for natural resources, which have the problem of decreasing every year. These are oil and natural gas.
  3. War is a means of enriching individuals whose business is built on the production of ammunition and weapons.

There is no need for any fancied idea that Muslims will rise up against Christians, because there will always be some religious differences. Two superpowers are invading their established world in an attempt to bite off a piece of territory with large oil reserves. Several hundred years ago, battles took place in open fields with piercing and cutting weapons. Now the battles are taking place on the streets of villages and cities. Therefore, civilians are dying, homes are collapsing, and there is an increasing flow of migration to more peaceful areas of the Earth.

In addition, weapons have become a means of mass destruction. And if we also take the bacteriological, chemical, nuclear, then it becomes clear that even if the third world war begins, then, most likely, it will end very quickly and detrimentally for the entire planet. What kind of winners could there be here? Only the defeated.

None of us expects war. We live our lives: we work, we live, we love, we raise children. And if the question is whether the Third World War will break out in 2017, then we are looking for answers on the pages of various publications, studying the prophecies of clairvoyants and astrologers. We think about our loved ones and are very worried, still hoping for the prudence of the leaders of developed countries. After all, more than once the world has stood on the threshold of the beginning of this catastrophic event, but was kept on the very edge of the abyss. A clear confirmation of this is the Caribbean Crisis. At that time, only by miracle and the will of the leaders Soviet Union and the United States prevented the outbreak of World War III.

"Hot spots" of our planet

There are reasons for the start of any war, and there are territories from which they begin to flare up. On this moment there are several of them. These are the countries of southwestern and western Asia. Türkiye, Iraq, Iran, Syria. And, sad to say, this is the east of Ukraine. Asia is far from us, it’s like another world. Other countries, different religion. But Ukraine is very close and this, of course, is alarming. The Ural seer Varvara in her treatises predicted a conflict at the junction of two Slavic countries. She even indicated the time frame. Although in the seventies of the last century this seemed like a completely wild forecast, so few people believed the clairvoyant. But life confirmed her words. The war will last about five years, but will not develop into a world war.

Forecasts from the past

There is not a single clairvoyant sage who has not tried to predict the future. True, this is easy to do - contemporaries will not check the veracity. But oddly enough, there is confirmation of the predictions. And the percentage is not small.

It was about the Third World War in 2017 that I casually noted that the confrontation between Russia and the United States will not develop into a nuclear disaster. But this confrontation will upset the precarious balance in the world. Most of all, she hoped that even very small military actions in Muslim countries would cause large migration of people. People will move to Europe and American countries. Life without work and housing will lead to indignation and open confrontation with the indigenous population of European countries.

Pogroms will begin both from emigrants and local residents. Places of temporary settlement of immigrants from Asia will be set on fire and this will provoke retaliatory actions. Not only the personal property of citizens will suffer, but there will also be human casualties. A world war will not break out, but the deterioration in the material well-being of Europeans will provoke them into mass protest demonstrations against the governments of their countries. Several very high-profile scandals will follow and some of the brightest politicians of this century will simply remain out of work. Gradually, the dominant religion may become Muslim.

There are also words about the war between big countries, into which other states will unwittingly be drawn. But Russia will not take any part in the Third World War in 2017. Because the astrologer assumed its beginning only in the fifties of this century. He wrote that the Antichrist will come to earth and there will be a terrible judgment, because no one tried to peacefully resolve the conflict that plunged the countries into the abyss of hostilities. Therefore, higher powers will intervene.

Feofan, who lived a thousand years ago in the Near Caves of the Pechersk Lavra, also spoke about the Third World War. They predicted the end of the reign of the Romanov dynasty, three large all-consuming wars. He predicted the final catastrophe for earthlings in the second half of the twenty-first century. Why a disaster? Many inhabitants will die and the earth will become infected with something so frightening that it will no longer allow it to “give birth to grain.”

Elders about the upcoming tragedy

Who are the elders? These are people who have moved away from worldly life and devoted themselves only to serving God. In every old temple there are such personalities, but we rely on the predictions of the elders living on Mount Athos. The prediction of the elders about the Third World War in 2017 should be considered a warning about the flaring up conflicts in different parts of the planet. Every religious seer does not indicate the time and territorial scope of military action. They only want to warn that emerging conflicts can develop into a big snowball that will roll, destroying everything and everyone in its path. No country will be able to stay away from the confrontation between two worlds, two systems. True, in their predictions there are also words that the PRC, which has the largest population in the world, will experience famine, because the Great Chinese Plain will not be able to feed so many inhabitants and this country will get involved in a war with Russia. We already see that this cannot be a priori, because great Russia and China, which feels confident in the world’s top ten, are pursuing a friendly policy aimed at strengthening the economies of these countries.

2017 will come. Will World War III become a reality or will we still live in peace? Let us hope with all our hearts for the wisdom of world politicians. And that the predictions of the most terrible of all wars will simply remain predictions. Because so many weapons have been accumulated that there will be no winners in the event of this catastrophe. They say that if only a tenth of a nuclear weapon is detonated, the Earth will simply fall out of orbit. So is it worth following this very dangerous path, confidently approaching the abyss?

The results of the activities of terrorist organizations, armed conflicts, disagreements between the leaders of leading states - these and other negative events have begun to occur more and more often these days. This circumstance worries not only politicians, but also ordinary citizens, forcing us to think about a new war that will not spare any country. According to some people, the mechanism called "Third World War" has already been launched. But the battles are not fought on land and sea, but on the Internet: some users “fight” among themselves verbally, while others deliberately write false information in order to set citizens of different countries against each other. If these battles move to real life, then they will be carried out using nuclear weapons and other modern technologies. This will lead to increased mortality and a lot of destruction. Will World War III come to Earth? To this question in different times Many have tried to answer. We have collected all available material to present the overall picture as accurately as possible.

Predictions of psychics and clairvoyants

In difficult times, even those people who do not believe “neither in God nor in the devil” turn to the works of predictors of different eras to find positive forecasts in them. As practice has shown, these sources cannot be trusted 100%, because there are scammers who publish made-up predictions under popular names. The Internet is replete with many detailed “prophecies” of Vanga, Messing, Nostradamus and other soothsayers known throughout the world.

The main topics of most predictions are the Third World War, events in Donbass, relations between Russia and Ukraine, etc. Such information should be carefully verified. The earlier the forecast was made, the more difficult it is to understand, but at the same time there is a high probability that it is true. The fact is that real soothsayers receive information about the future in the form of symbols, which makes it impossible to interpret it accurately and unambiguously. Below are several such predictions, and you can decide for yourself whether to believe them or not.

What did Vanga warn about?

At the end of the twentieth century, the world-famous soothsayer from Bulgaria spoke about the imminent outbreak of hostility between peoples, which would develop into a big war. Vanga clarified that these will not be isolated battles in individual countries. Their scale can only be compared with the Apocalypse described in the pages of the Bible. This outcome will result from people losing the ability to sympathize with each other. The conflict will begin due to religious differences.

Taking into account the current state of affairs, we can make the assumption that the danger to humanity is posed by the Islamic East, where not so long ago a well-known terrorist organization arose, banned in Russia. Vanga warns that during the period described, the population will die not only from military operations, but also from natural disasters and catastrophes, the frequency of which will greatly increase. The seer did not indicate the dates of all these misfortunes, she only made it clear that it would not be her contemporaries who would see the war, but their children, that is, today’s youth.

Matrona of Moscow about the possibility of World War III

The forecasts of our blind, perspicacious compatriot coincide with the prophecies of the famous Bulgarian. One of her predictions caused a lot of controversy. “There will be no battles, and without them everyone will die, the number of dead will be large, the earth will be covered with corpses... Although there is no war in the literal sense of the word, it is being waged!” - this is the meaning of the words of the saint. How to solve this? According to one of the transcripts, we're talking about about trouble coming from outer space; according to another, about a new incurable disease that will wipe out a significant part of the population from the face of the earth; the third interpretation allows for a natural disaster. You can find information online that Matrona’s prophecies concern 2017. You shouldn't believe this. The clairvoyant, like most of her colleagues, rarely indicated exact dates. I wonder what terrible prophecy has a continuation that says that with the sunset, humanity will fall to the earth, and when the luminary rises again, the world will become different. The saint predicted salvation and rebirth for Russia.

How did Nostradamus see the events of our days?

The seer, famous for centuries, looked into the future, observing the movement celestial bodies. He shared the knowledge he gained on the pages of almanacs consisting of poems called quatrains. The following quatrain speaks about the events of 2017:

“Out of the riot, some will hope for water,
The army is disturbed by great fury,
The nobles were placed on 17 ships
Along the Rhone; The messenger didn’t make it in time.”

Apparently, the soothsayer in this quatrain described a disaster on the water. The Rhone River flows through the territory of France, and it is this state that the described events speak of. But the content of the verse does not indicate a large-scale conflict. If you look into the next quatrain concerning 2018, you can find more dangerous forecasts. Here are two lines from it:

"The citadel is weakened, and the free-thinking old man
will show the Genevans the traces of Nir

By the name “Nira” our contemporaries mean “Iran”. This means that the danger of World War III may be associated with this state. The Non-Aligned Movement can be considered as a possible instigator of the war. The term "Genevians" here is most likely a generalization and refers to the United Nations, whose headquarters are located in the Swiss capital of Geneva.

Forecasts by Pavel Globa

A modern Russian astrologer believes that the confrontation between the superpowers will remain within the framework of “ cold war" The planet's population faces another misfortune - serious economic shocks. In most countries, poverty and unemployment levels will reach critical levels. The USA and Europe will fall from their high positions on the world stage, and Russian Federation, on the contrary, will strengthen them due to the presence of rich energy resources. Later, Russia will be reunited with some countries of the post-Soviet space: Kazakhstan, Belarus, and maybe even Ukraine. Russia's eastern ally, China, will also become stronger. In different corners Globe the elements will rage. As for the Third World War, it will not come to that.

Malakhat Nazarova about the near future

The fortuneteller from Baku also often gives reliable forecasts. For 2017, she foretells that this year will become a turning point not only on the scale of our country, but also the world. Nazarova believes that the events of September will shed light on whether World War III is worth waiting for or not. At the end of every century, give or take 10 years, our planet plunges into chaos. The coming year will be the last in this period of time.

The impetus for the outbreak of hostilities could be a difficult situation in the political arena. If the heads of the conflicting superpowers find mutual language, then the danger will pass. According to the Baku seer, in 2017 many countries will suffer from a large number of natural Disasters. All efforts and means will be aimed at eliminating their consequences. According to Nazarova, the coming year will bring aggravation in relations between China and Japan. Whether other states will suffer from this is unknown.

The seer excludes the possibility that an armed conflict will lead to the Apocalypse. In her deep conviction, life on our planet will never end. But if you believe the theory of hierarchical catastrophes, then the coming year is destined to be the last in the existence of the world. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that almost every year followers of various teachings prepare for the “end of the world,” but in vain. Therefore, one should not completely trust clairvoyants. It is better to pay attention to the opinions of authoritative experts and politicians.

What do the military and politicians predict?

Both ordinary citizens and the mighty of the world this. In 2015, the GlobalResears portal published an article by a former military man and now an authoritative political analyst from the United States, Joachim Hagopian. A military expert says there are warning signs that war is approaching. Hagopian believes that the leading states - the Russian Federation and the United States - are preparing for a possible conflict. At the same time, the parties secure the support of their allies. The United States hopes for the support of the European Union, and Russia – for China and India.

The depletion of natural energy resources, which form the basis of the well-being of many states, is also a prerequisite for military action. According to the expert, the United States may very soon become bankrupt. This will determine the beginning of the conflict. The forces will be distributed as follows: on the one hand - the United States, the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Israel, and on the other - the Russian Federation, China and India. Australia will also support the United States. A conflict between North and South Korea is also possible. Hagopian believes that if the scenario he predicted comes true, then some peoples will completely disappear from the face of our planet.

Another American officer, ex-NATO chief Alexander Richard Shirreff, offers to get acquainted with his vision of the near future on the pages of the book “2017: War with Russia.” In his work, the former military man did not describe real events at all, but behind the fictitious stories one can easily discern the main idea: due to the frivolous policy of the United States, a clash with Russia becomes inevitable. As a result of the conflict, the United States will lose. According to the plot, the war will begin with Russia capturing the Baltic countries that are members of NATO. One of the main reasons for the defeat of the United States, according to Shirreff, will be a significant reduction in the budget intended for the needs of the army. It is noteworthy that, according to Western media, this version of events is quite plausible. But few Russian citizens believe in the capture of the Baltic countries. This conclusion will be reckless for the Russian government, whose authority is now higher than ever.

How will the war between the USA and Russia end?

If you believe that it will happen as described, then it makes sense to estimate the power of both sides. Ian Shields, a British air colonel, says that the number of military units of the North Atlantic Alliance far exceeds the resources of the Russian Federation. In order not to be unfounded, we present the figures: over 3.5 million soldiers serve in NATO, and 800 thousand in the Russian Federation; The number of NATO tanks is 7.5 thousand, which is almost three times the number of Russian tanks.

But victory in a war is ensured not only by superiority in the amount of resources. Various circumstances may be decisive here. Shields believes that World War III will be little like World War II. The battles will be fought using innovative technologies, including computer ones. Despite the fact that the battles will be much shorter, the losses will be simply enormous, incomparable to any of the previous wars. At the same time, Shields is one of the few who believes that, despite the seriousness of the issue, there is no need to fear nuclear war. Application atomic weapons will cause global destruction, which all parties fear. He thinks the same way about the use of chemical and biological weapons. If they put it into use, it will only serve as an auxiliary weapon. But this, unfortunately, will not reduce the scale of the consequences of the war. According to Shields, confrontation will penetrate into all areas of people's lives. Here, one of the main roles will be played by information battles that will unfold on the Internet, on television and on the pages printed publications. The war will also penetrate into such areas as economics, finance, politics, etc. According to the expert, the battles will even go beyond the “earthly boundaries”, touching outer space.

Forecast from Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The possibility of World War III worries not only Americans. In the spring of 2016, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky suggested that Western politicians were preparing for a world war, and they dreamed of fighting it “with the hands of the Slavs.” He believes that the United States will do everything to ensure that Ukraine wages war with Russia, because it is very beneficial for them.

Zhirinovsky emphasized that the United States took part in all wars only from the moment when the final result was already known. At the end of the conflict, America has always imposed conditions on other countries that were beneficial to itself. According to Vladimir Volfovich, the events of today will unfold according to the same scenario. The United States will intervene in the conflict when the Russian Federation captures Kyiv, and will begin to tell us which regions of the defeated state to annex to neighboring countries. What dates does the politician indicate?

Zhirinovsky believes that the conflict could break out between 2017 and 2025. At the end of the war, a technical breakthrough awaits us, comparable to human space flight. The Russian Federation will have such resources in its arsenal that no state will be able to resist us. Such a radical prophecy is fully consistent with the style of the LDPR and, most likely, will not come true, like most of Zhirinovsky’s other statements. The thought of the likelihood of a Third World War has haunted many people in recent years. Earthlings are worried about the question: will this event cause harm to the planet? But is it worth believing everyone who calls themselves an expert or soothsayer? Indeed, because of this, we, being in tension from the expectation of fatal events, do not notice the joys that accompany us at every step.

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