What subjects are taught at school? Educational subjects in Russia. educational institutions of the Russian Federation

The transition from primary to secondary school is not easy for all children. Of course, every thing is new for them: new subjects, new teachers, perhaps new classmates. Changes are always very difficult, because even an adult does not always like sudden changes. And the child’s psyche is much weaker than an adult’s. Parents should be faithful companions of the child, always taking an interest in his affairs. Therefore, many people are concerned about the question of what subjects are studied in the 5th grade. After all, you want to prepare for training.

5th grade: what subjects are studied?

  • Natural history.
  • Mathematics.
  • Music.
  • ISO.
  • Russian language.
  • Physical Culture.
  • ODNKR.
  • Foreign language.
  • Story.
  • Literature.
  • Technology (labor).
  • Social science.
  • Geography.
  • Computer science.

It is worth noting that subjects such as geography, social studies and ODNCR were recently included in this list. Also, some schools study other additional subjects, because, according to the new rules, educational institutions can now add lessons authorized by the Ministry on their own.

For example, some schools teach civics and local history. This is not to say that these items are useless. Every person should know the history of their region, the geography of the area, and have information about the minerals that exist there. And civics is useful in that a child from an early age will know the basis of Russian legislation, because every citizen must be legally literate. And it is better to instill this property from an early age.

What subjects have not been studied before in 5th grade? Geography and social studies have been studied for a long time since the 6th grade high school, but the Ministry of Education decided to change the system and gradually introduce these subjects from 5th grade. Educational programs in this case do not involve learning something new and complex; this year serves as an introductory period for children and is an introduction to the discipline.

Many parents are interested in what subjects their children study as electives in the 5th grade. The answer is simple: global artistic culture, rhetoric and visual geometry.


Not so long ago, this subject was included in the school curriculum, at least in modern form. Previously, this subject was called “singing.” During lessons, the kids learned songs, sang them, and that was the end of it all.

Now more time is allocated to studying musical culture and history. Teachers are engaged individual development creativity every child.

During music lessons, children consider biographies of world and domestic composers, singers and singers, and study the history of opera.and ballet, learn to hear and distinguish the sounds of various musical instruments.

In order to develop the hearing of each child, the music teacher works in groups, conducting lessons in the form of a game. For example, each student is given any object that is capable of making sound (this could be pots, plates, pens, and toys). The teacher gives a command, and each child begins to make his instrument create music, and all the sounds merge together. Gradually, children begin to hear even the most subtle notes.

Therefore, if we talk about which subjects in the 5th grade are considered the most necessary for a child, we can safely say about music.


This subject also applies to those that develop the child’s creative potential. After all, not all parents have enough time to do this with their children at home. That's why the school charges this function to myself.

But not all teachers plan the art subject correctly (grade 5). What subjects and techniques do children study at this age? Almost none. The teacher should not convince the child that, for example, he cannot draw or that he is not good at something. After all, creativity is a very subtle and subjective matter. Therefore, teachers should only instill in the child a love for the process itself, and not turn the lesson into another fear of getting a bad grade.


Many parents are horrified when they see this subject on their child's schedule. But there is no need to be afraid. As part of this lesson, children study the culture of the peoples of Russia: read fairy tales of the North, study the preferences that have formed among the citizens of our country, and trace the history of specific regions and peoples. We can say that this is history and ethnography merged together.

And if you ask the question about what subjects were introduced in 5th grade in Russia (2014-2015), then this is definitely ODNKR.

Program "School of Russia"

On this educational program everything switches large quantity schools with every new one academic year. The program provides for the study of social studies in grade 5, as well as geography and biology. But biology and geography are studied in one textbook for 2 years.

The main advantage of this program is that each discipline contains a large number of didactic materials, exercises and workbooks, and this increases the child’s potential and desire to learn.

What subjects are compulsory in the 5th grade according to the School of Russia program? This question worries many parents. Of course it is:

  • Russian language.
  • Literature.
  • Mathematics.
  • Biology.
  • Geography.
  • Social science.
  • Music.
  • ISO.
  • Story.

Thus, parents who read this article should not have any questions about what subjects their children will study in 5th grade.

The new education law was adopted at the end of last year and came into force on September 1, 2013. The law introduced some changes to the education system and consolidated several innovations. Including, According to the new law on education, compulsory subjects in school have changed.

The changes affected preschool, secondary (complete), primary vocational, higher and family education. Today, parents in kindergartens pay 20 percent of the total cost of maintaining their children in a preschool institution. According to the new law, educational services will be provided free of charge, and additional ones will be paid. Add to list paid services includes childcare, food, communication expenses, property, and so on.

The most serious concerns among parents are the provisions regarding the new state education standards. These standards are expected for each educational level. New federal education standards in primary school are already in effect, and from 2013 they will be launched at the middle level. As for the Unified State Exam, what will be new is that there will be another compulsory subject - a foreign language. All high school students will be required to take it starting in 2014.

It is very important that legislators turned their attention to the non-state sector in education. Now state and non-state institutions have become equal in rights, which allows us to hope for the development of private initiative in education. The law also allows home education.

In accordance with the new law on education, the concept of education in high school is specialized education. Two-thirds of the plan will be compulsory subjects. Their students must choose from eight subject areas (mathematics and computer science, philology and foreign language, social sciences, natural sciences, art, life safety and Physical Culture, technology). From each subject area, the student must choose at least one academic discipline. There should be 9-10 such items in total. Rest academic disciplines the student will choose based on their learning profile.

According to education experts, thanks to new system, the burden on children should be reduced. Now schoolchildren will have the opportunity to study those subjects that they do not particularly need, only at basic level. Some parents, in turn, are confident that the level of schoolchildren’s training will also decrease. A particularly catastrophic situation can be considered when a high school student is studying in-depth study physics and mathematics, and ultimately decides to enter the Faculty of Humanities. In this case, basic knowledge of humanitarian subjects will not provide an opportunity to enter a university, and parents will be forced to hire tutors.

The communists, led by the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, submitted for consideration draft amendments to the basic law “On Education”, according to which a single syllabus for all subjects Russian Federation, containing a list of compulsory subjects, courses and disciplines, as well as their maximum volume. The communists propose sixteen subjects as compulsory. According to the Communists, compulsory subjects in school according to the new law on education should be the Russian language, literature, mathematics, computer science, foreign language, social studies, history, geography, physics, fundamentals of natural science, biology, chemistry, technology, art, life safety and physical education. The authors are confident that the innovation will solve the problem of “inconsistency in curricula.”

From September 1, 2013, the conditions for admission to the university have also changed. Now only winners of all-Russian competitions will be able to enter the university without exams. school competitions, members of Russian national teams taking part in international Olympiads in general education subjects, champions or prize-winners of Olympic and Paralympic games. Disabled people are enrolled in a university without competition, having passed entrance tests. The remaining categories of beneficiaries have the right to take advantage of two support measures: free access training courses V educational institution and receive an advantage in admission if there is an equal number of points.

Parents are very concerned about the question: will school tuition be paid, because new law allows the development of paid services at school. It is necessary to understand that the state provides a guarantee of affordable and high-quality free education within the framework of the state standard. The standard gives the student extensive knowledge that allows him to enter a higher education institution. At the same time, the new law on education also envisages an increase in paid educational services in schools. For knowledge that goes beyond educational standards, parents will have to pay. It is quite easy to check whether this or that knowledge is included in the educational standard. As for the cost of the service, it is determined by the school, and an economically sound calculation of this cost, together with a draft contract for the service, is posted on the institution’s website.

The transition of children from primary to secondary school is stressful in itself, not only for students. Parents sometimes experience considerable stress from the new educational level. In addition, subjects in 5th grade in 2018-2019 different schools may differ, which does not always meet parental learning requirements. There are also mothers who want to minimize the number of disciplines, so they may be unpleasantly surprised by the number of new subjects the child has. However, both of them should know exactly what children are supposed to take in 5th grade, and for which subjects the time has not yet come.

Basic familiar set of disciplines

Many parents remember that the range of subjects in 5th grade has increased, but not everyone is able to reproduce their list. Although “Foreign Language” comes to mind for most, this subject was definitely one of the new disciplines at the beginning of the secondary level 15 years ago. Now second-graders are being introduced to it, but soon children will expect innovations in this matter.

Attention! Some schools will begin introducing a second foreign language starting in 5th grade starting in 2018-2019. Those schoolchildren who have already entered the 6th year of study will continue to study one foreign language, and fifth-graders will also receive a second language.

In addition, many are unable to remember most of the new subjects, although there were not very many disciplines. And before that, “friendship” new lessons was more pronounced, i.e. disciplines were introduced everywhere. Now the situation is somewhat different - the basic set of lessons remains unshakable. In a number of subjects, variability appeared that is not typical for every school. It’s just that somewhere they continue to preserve the plan for introducing new lessons, proven by many years of practice.

At any Russian school Without exception, the following disciplines are required in grade 5:

  1. Literature.
  2. Technology.
  3. Mathematics.
  4. Russian language.
  5. Foreign language.
  6. Musical culture.
  7. Physical Culture.

In general, parents may have questions about this set of lessons only because of 2 disciplines. We are talking about “Technology” and “Foreign Language”. With the last subject, not everything is clear, you just need to remember one thing - Foreign Language will continue until the end of school, regardless of whether it is studied from the second grade or from the fifth. With “Technology” everything is a little more confusing, but this is the same “Labor” known to parents from their school years. Although now this discipline is variable not only in its name, but also in its content, like a number of other school subjects for study in the 5th grade.

Variative and optional disciplines

Among the variable disciplines, the most frequently identified subjects are “ The world", "Natural history", "Natural history" and even "Biology". Much depends on the specific curriculum and the sequence of presentation of similar material, but in any case one of these subjects will be on the schedule. In most cases, this is either “Natural history” or “The world around us”.

The relatively new subject “Ethics and Foundations of Religious Cultures” will also be variable. This discipline itself can be included in 1 or 2 years of teaching. That is, this subject can only be taught in the 4th grade or only begin in the fifth, although sometimes it is taught in both years.

Don’t forget about computer science - this is one of the most variable subjects; it “walks” across the school grid on the scale of several classes. Moreover, sometimes this discipline is called differently - “ICT”. In addition, sometimes the time gap between its introduction can reach 2 years - in a number of schools, “Informatics” appears only in the 7th grade. The situation is similar with “Civics” and “Social Studies”. These disciplines can be a replacement for part of the subject “Local History”, dealing with issues of civil relations in a particular region. Also, some schoolchildren may simply have a new subject related to the activities of society.

In addition, there are elective subjects:

  1. Rhetoric and oratory.
  2. General physical fitness and various sports disciplines.
  3. Additional classes for the development of logic.
  4. Rhythmic, dance and creative activities.

This is just a small list of additional disciplines and electives. Much depends on the location of a particular educational institution, the availability of the necessary teachers, the capabilities of the school, and even on its leadership. At the same time, there are disciplines that are practically mandatory for all students in grade 5, but are not taught in primary school.

New subjects in secondary education and in the education system as a whole

Fifth-graders change their status—not only do they move to a higher year of study, but they also change from elementary to high school. This, by default, requires expanding the requirements in terms of increasing the disciplines studied. For schoolchildren, two new subjects can be introduced at the beginning of the year: geography and history.

Sometimes they are part of a discipline within a block of lessons on studying their own region, or “Geography” can be taught on the scale of the “World around us”. These are “new subjects”, but they are such only for fifth-graders; next year “History” and “Geography” will become familiar disciplines, although other previously unknown lessons will also appear.

While robotics, 3D modeling and programming are included in the scope of other subjects. The first 2 relate to “Technology”, and the last one is included in the study of “Computer Science” and “ICT”. So far they are not planning to be separated into separate disciplines, but you need to understand that the very fact of their presence seriously changes school subject in a more innovative direction, which many parents know almost nothing about. In fact, the discipline is old, known to parents, but its content will change seriously.

The Ministry of Education and Science monitors the start of secondary education. Officials formulate minimum requirements for studying compulsory disciplines and recommendations for teaching elective, variable and auxiliary subjects.

Despite persistent attempts at standardization schooling the very nature of education is subject to constant change and innovation. Difference real possibilities The region does not allow all schools to simultaneously introduce the most modern trends or switch to new teaching methods. If we add to this certain powers school leadership By changing the schedule due to variable parts, a different picture of the subjects taught is obtained. As a result, even in one region or city, there may be a situation where there is a complete absence of the disciplines “Nature Studies” or “Art” among the subjects in the 5th grade in 2018-2019 in some schools, while in others “The Environment”, “MHC”, etc. will not be taught. . P.

It is clear that all schools will have a basic set of subjects, and you should find out about other disciplines in a specific educational institution.

School is a place where a person receives a knowledge base that will help him find his occupation in life and calling. The list of subjects at school is very diverse, and this helps the student decide on the direction in the exact or

The first place learning begins is the Russian language, reading and mathematics. The main task in the first months is to accustom the child to perseverance and patience, diligence and accuracy, and the desire to learn something new.

In addition to the main subjects, they also include disciplines such as drawing, technology, the environment, singing and physical education, so that the child expands his horizons and so can find his own hobby.

From grades 4-5, a foreign language, religious culture and secular ethics are added, which expands the boundaries and opens up new directions.

Russian language and mathematics lessons

Russian language and mathematics are the main subjects that start from the first and end in the 11th grade. These two subjects are considered the basis of all basics, because without them it is difficult to write or calculate anything, and in life it will be difficult to cope without studying these subjects. A person will only be able to speak, but his speech will be illiterate.

Unlike the Russian language, which is studied throughout the school years, mathematics is divided into 2 areas in the 7th grade: algebra and geometry.

In elementary school, the student learns basic skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, operations with fractional numbers, and only then algebra appears with the study of coordinate systems and systems of equations, as well as geometry, where vectors, stereometry, and planimetry are studied.

Lessons in biology, geography, history and computer science

The list of subjects at school does not end with the basic subjects. Sciences such as biology, chemistry, physics, history and social studies or geography lessons where you can learn about the whole planet can be very interesting and exciting: in classes, children study types of soils, minerals, climate and population globe, continents, countries and much more.

Thanks to such subjects, the student understands more and more what he would like to do after receiving basic education, where he would like to go to study after school. Russian language and mathematics identify humanists and people with a precise mindset, and additional compulsory subjects help to find direction.

For example, if a child fell in love with “The World Around us”, then biology and chemistry, then perhaps he will want to become a doctor or go to study to become a pharmacist in order to create new medicines.

What subjects are missing at school?

All subjects that are taught at school today, starting with Russian language and literature and ending with geometry lessons and second foreign language, must form an educated personality who will find his way in life. But some scientists argue that there should be an additional list of subjects at school that will definitely be useful in life:

  1. Applied Mechanics - Many children find subjects like algebra and geometry very boring. But if all the rules and new topics were put into practice, surely more people would become interested in the exact sciences.
  2. Latin is the basis of the Romance group. Thanks to your knowledge of Latin, you can easily learn not only English, but also French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
  3. The history of philosophy is a complex discipline that may not be understood even after school. However, such a subject will teach you to think more comprehensively, systematically and will help you gain some ideas that may be useful in life.

In addition to these subjects, you can also add the study of martial arts, film production, familiarity with areas of religion, and music.

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