Maidan will be renamed Mordor. Main uses of negative particles

Lynn Taylor, author of Taming the Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Deal With Your Infantile Boss and Succeed at Work Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job., talks about some common behaviors that can harm your career. And although mistakes are certainly useful - because we learn from them - some of them can be avoided.

1. You take everything upon yourself and carry it alone

Everyone has probably encountered such a lone wolf at work. He tries his best to prove that he is the only warrior in the field here, completely ignoring teamwork. This “hero syndrome” usually doesn’t lead to anything good.

At first, such solo work can really make an impression and earn recognition from management, but this will quickly pass, but after this you can’t count on the help of colleagues.

For the success of the company, the work of the entire team is important, not just your personal contribution.

2. You are willing to suffer for the sake of money and career.

It's no secret that in most cases people leave a company due to disagreements with their superiors. At the same time, if a company's values ​​and principles diverge from yours, it is almost always noticeable from the very beginning. However, many brush aside their inner voice for the sake of tempting prospects.

By deciding to stay in such a company, you are acting very short-sighted. It will be difficult and unpleasant for you to work in it; very soon you will want to quit everything.

Before accepting a high-paying position, weigh the pros and cons. Consider whether you want to work with these people.

3. You quit without bargaining.

A spontaneous decision to quit is rarely the right one. If you are unhappy with something about your current job, the smartest thing to do is first discuss it with management and try to find a compromise.

A smart leader always sees when his subordinates agree with him only out of a desire to please their superiors. Such fawning does not work in your favor.

5. You avoid risks

Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Of course, it is much easier and safer to do what is familiar and familiar. The problem is that you will never get anywhere this way. Yes, you won’t do it, but at the same time you will remain where you are now.

Speak at a meeting and propose new system, come up with a non-standard solution. Of course, you shouldn't do anything rash.

If you have something to offer, offer it and demonstrate a willingness to bear the consequences. This will not only give you the opportunity to prove yourself, but will also earn the respect of the team, even if you don’t succeed.


Short-sighted I adv. qualities

II predic.

An evaluative characterization of someone’s actions or actions as not distinguished by foresight or foresight.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova.

T. F. Efremova.:


    Synonyms See what “Shortsighted” is in other dictionaries: Short sighted...

    orthographic dictionary -directory

    Myopic, improvident Dictionary of Russian synonyms. short-sighted unism. improvidently Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012…

    Synonym dictionary I adv. qualities Being unable to correctly calculate, foresee, foresee the consequences. II predic. An evaluative characterization of someone’s actions or actions as not distinguished by foresight and foresight. Dictionary… … short-sighted

    Synonym dictionary- adv... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    - see short-sighted; adv. To act short/bottom... -directory

    Dictionary of many expressions -directory

    Short-sighted, myopic Dictionary of Russian synonyms. improvidently unism. short-sighted Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012…

    Imprudent, short-sighted, blindly Dictionary of Russian synonyms. short-sighted adv, number of synonyms: 5 short-sighted (4) ... - (Otariidae)* * Family of aquatic predators, including 7 genera and 14 species. They differ from other pinnipeds by the presence of a rudimentary auricle and the ability to move on land using flippers. Distributed in arctic, temperate and... Animal life

    I adv. qualities 1. Poor recognition of distant objects. Ant: farsighted 2. trans. Short-sighted, undiscerning. II predic. An evaluative characterization of someone’s actions as not distinguished by foresight or insight. Dictionary… … Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova


  • Whispers and screams of my life
  • Whispers and Screams of My Life, Bergman I.. Bergman, with the bloodthirstiness of Jack the Ripper and the caution of a surgeon, dissects the soul of the viewer who has short-sightedly trusted the director. His task is to renew it, cleansing it of vice. But life...

    There were a lot of questions of this type asked here, for example, such questions, although they are about adverbs, the rule is the same.

    1) If the not + adjective is replaced by a synonym without the prefix not-, then the spelling is continuous.

    Failed tactic = tactic that led to failure.

    Bad remark = blunder, stupidity, nonsense.

    Bad joke = flat, clumsy.

    Unsuccessful trick = eccentricity, strangeness.

    2) If a particle is not used to strengthen a statement, then it is written separately.

    Your prank is not a successful prank, but complete idiocy.

    His surprise is not a successful impromptu, but quite the opposite.

    3) In constructions not at all, not at all, not at all + adjective

    the particle is also not written separately.

    He is by no means successful or effective.


    Correct writing:


    Stressed vowel:


    the accent falls on the letter: a

    Unstressed vowels:


    unstressed vowels are underlined

    Word forms:

    unsuccessful; cr. f. -chen, -chna

    Number of letters in the word unsuccessful:

    total number of letters: 9

    so the place

    Unsuccessful is written together when we can find a synonym that does not have the particle NOT-.

    Example: bad shot.

    If there are special words and opposition, this adjective must be written separately with the particle Not-.

    Example: far from a good day.

    It was not luck, but a happy accident that brought us together again on this road.

    Unsuccessful or unsuccessful: which is correct?

    In order to answer this question, you need to have a context, because this will determine whether the word will be spelled combined with NOT or separately.

    Writing NOT with adjectives is regulated by the rules of the Russian language.

    Here is the rule itself, with examples there:

    Now let's give some examples:

    It was very unsuccessful negotiation option: the deal did not take place.

    It was a good day not successful, but ill-fated.

    The word not successfulunsuccessful exactly falls under the well-known provision about Not with adjectives and is no exception.

    Not successful.

    A separate writing method is possible if:

    1. In the sentence with not successful, we will see a contrast (most often with a conjunction in the meaning of a). For example: Today was not a good day for Bartholomew Ivanovich, but simply disgusting.
    2. In the context before the one we are interested in, there are no words that reinforce not (in the sense of not at all, not at all). For example: Yesterday evening was not at all good in terms of weather.


    It is written together in other cases.

    For example: An unsuccessful day ended with a successful evening.

    This word needs to be written together if it denotes only quality, for example: bad experience, bad example.

    If the word unsuccessful is used in a sentence such as: It was not a successful, but a disastrous performance of a famous singer that was remembered by the public. In this case, we do not write separately.

    To answer the question of how to correctly write a word together or separately - unsuccessful or not successful, you need to remember the rule of the Russian language - How to spell NOT with adjectives, since the word unsuccessful/unsuccessful is an adjective and answers the question Which?. In order not to rewrite the rule, let’s turn to the table, where everything is popular and described in detail, besides, the table version is somehow better absorbed and remembered than solid text:

    In accordance with this rule, it can be used as continuous writing, and separate, it all depends on the sentence in which the word is used.

    Usually unsuccessful is written together, since this word is synonymous

    failed, erroneous, dead-end, miscalculation.

    It will not be written separately when contrasted to strengthen it.

    His speech was not just successful, but absolutely brilliant.

    In combinations like not at all

    the particle is not written separately.

    This is not a good move at all.

    • Today was kind of a bad day.
    • Not a good day for a walk.
    • It was not a good day, but an ordinary one.

    Thus, we see that both spellings of this word are possible (combined and separate.

    We will write together if the word can be replaced with a synonym, if there is no opposition.

    If there is a contrast (with the conjunction a) or it is implied, and also if the following combinations belong to the word: not at all, not at all, far from, etc., then we write the word separately.

  • Good afternoon, let's figure out how to write the word correctly: not successful or unsuccessful.

    First, we determine the part of speech of a given word, you can ask a question Which?, so it's an adjective. Adjectives have their own rules for writing words with particles Not, here they are:

    Since the word successful exists in Russian, which means two options are correct.

    Then we write unsuccessful, if in the text you can replace it with a synonym.

    Second option not successful when there is a contrast with conjunctions Not, or there are words that strengthen negations, such words include: far from, not at all, etc.

    Remember this rule, it will be very useful to you.

United States politicians established a new world
anti-record - for impudence. If earlier on the diplomatic front from the US side
at least clumsy attempts were made to maintain decency, now even about attempts
was forgotten. Apparently, the most offensive defeat from the Finns in a hockey match for
the Olympic “bronze” was knocked out of track, so much so that his nose was in strangers
Washington began to pry into affairs quite openly.

US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Payette, having disgraced himself the other day with
telephone consultations with superiors,
said with a blue eye that the American government does not consider Ukrainian
events of a coup d'état. But, it seems, he was embarrassed again, because a little later
National Security Adviser to the President of the United States Susan Rice for even more
blue eye explained the official point of view regarding the president
Yanukovych: they say, that’s it, Yanukovych left his post: “ He left…
He lost a lot of legitimacy by going against his own people... He
left Kyiv, packed his things, took his employees and furniture with him... He didn’t
is the current leader

True, this was said on the air of the NBC channel, but from
Now you can’t throw out the words of the song. How can you not erase other words?
Obama's press secretary: Jay Carney hastened to say that Washington
“welcomes the release of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia

By the way, about the lady. They acted very short-sightedly
overseas directors staged a play with a sick auntie in a wheelchair
chair. The heartbreaking scene of the rebels taking the oath at the patient's bedside
It would look much grander. Apparently, they took a chance on improvisation - but at the same time again
got caught up in a farce. Carrying a walking symbol of orange in a stroller in the cold
revolution turned out to be as absurd as letting Yatsenyuk into the garden... excuse me -
to the uprising square. As soon as the newly emerged parsleys came out with verbs about
people's happiness, how the same “people” blocked their exit from the stage and
asked not to grab the banner of the revolution with your little hands, which have no
attitude towards the victory of Maidan democracy

The first act of the tragicomedy was certified by the newly appointed “acting director.”
President" Mr. Turchinov, who threw up his hands in helplessness and
publicly admitted that the Ukrainian treasury is empty: “The situation in the economy
Ukraine is catastrophic. There are no funds in the treasury account at all... We have
colossal problems with the pension fund, with the banking system..."

Of course, the “authorities” are to blame for all this.
Yanukovych." And who else should we now write off debts and shift the blame to, because the first
and the main rule of Western-style democracy is to avoid responsibility,
pinning it on the nearest scapegoat. By the way, considering the previously leaked
information about the five billion dollars spent by the United States on
organization of a coup in Ukraine, the appetites of the rebels can only
envy, but the multi-million population of the republic - on the contrary,

The circus is back, there are more clowns...

However, the presentation of invoices from the main sponsor of Maidan affairs is just around the corner. Extreme vanity observed in the speeches and actions of individuals
characters are proof of this.

The balm most obsequious to Washington spewed into
public opinion leader of the Moscow community of Crimean Tatars Ernst
. Speaking about the current situation in Crimea, he said: “... We'll have to do it a little
turn to history. Firstly, the Crimean Tatar people are an indigenous people.
Secondly, he is repressed. That is, in 1944 there was not a single Crimean
There are no Tatars left. Stalin decided to destroy the Crimean Tatars because it was not
a servile people, they have never known slavery. But Stalin was used to ruling
slaves. That's why he really liked Russians - former slaves, hereditary slaves.
Thousands of years of slavery, nothing can be done about it...
". In the same speech, Mr.
Kudusov also produced other pearls, such as “... Crimean Tatars helps in Crimea
there is enmity between Ukrainians and Russians..." and also assured that
addressing the owners directly: “ Those who are now in favor of joining
Crimea to Russia is a purely Russian-speaking population. Neither Ukrainians nor Crimeans
the Tatars do not want this and will do their best to prevent it

Judging by the experience of mass desertion that the Crimean
the Tatars distinguished themselves during the war with the Nazis - for which they were punished as
wartime law - the Americans in Crimea now have worthy

The rest of the clowns on the backing vocals distinguished themselves on a smaller scale

In Latvia the author documentary film"Soviet
history" someone Edvins Shnore(let's say this is a very ancient aristocratic
originally a Latvian surname, whose current offspring was educated in Norway)
appealed to the National Electronic Media Council of Latvia with a demand
stop broadcasting Russian TV channels on the territory of Latvia. Explained it like this:
« State-controlled enterprise Lattelecom broadcasts stories
Russian television, which can hardly be called anything other than military
propaganda of another country

In the capital of Bulgaria, vandals again smeared paint on a monument
Soviet soldiers, repeating the hooliganism of painting in the colors of the national Ukrainian flag. Just like last time,
Bulgarian authorities again helplessly shrug their shoulders and promise to investigate

There was no boredom in Russia either. A certain citizen Pavlensky,
calling himself an artist, along with several other idiots who call
himself anarchists, staged another “performance” in St. Petersburg.
The action involved burning car tires, supposedly symbolizing
the struggle of the Ukrainian Maidan for freedom and democracy. By the way, citizen
Pavlensky had previously distinguished himself in front of the public with his previous
“numbers” - either he sewed his mouth shut in support of “Pussy”, or
wrapped naked in barbed wire, or even nailed down his testicles
on Red Square in Moscow...

There is an opinion that with such “masters”
performance" must be handled with nothing less than extreme delicacy. For
the slightest rudeness excites their psyche to astronomical limits, and every
The sound of this hysteria is then carried at lightning speed by the pro-Western media.

It’s great with such completely “Maidanut” people
A certificate from a psychiatrist helps. And then let them figure it out for themselves who has more
stepped on the throat of his own song - well, or, like Pavlensky, not on the throat...

It remains to wish the people of Ukraine to quickly disperse the
hairdryer of all bandits and militant thugs who have not played enough with power. And take
example from Russia, which after a difficult, huge planetary holiday
peace, sport, goodwill and bright hopes moves on to everyday work and new
humanitarian projects that call not for destruction but for creation.

Text: Vasily Pastukhov, especially for the Information Bureau

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