Why can anyone just do this? Nothing in life just happens like that. How things really are

I got into the “Universe of Happiness” Academy for a reason! It was not for nothing that I met my friend Lena Dolphin after almost a year of silence. To her question: “how are you?” I answered with anger and tears in my eyes that it was bad and it was better not to live than to live like this. I had DESPAIR that was just pouring in from all sides! I didn't want to live! Yes, I didn’t see the joy of life, I didn’t see a way out of situations that were simply covering me from all sides. I felt alone and with a whole bunch of problems.

Lena calmly listened to my “whining”, and then said: “you need to finish the school that I graduated from,” to which I again angrily replied: “I graduated from many schools, I wanted to be useful, do something for the soul, but what what's the point???" But tactful Lena continued, as if not noticing my irritation, and on the same day she introduced me to Irina Tsyganenko, who told everything about it so clearly, accessiblely and convincingly, as if she sorted everything out, that after thinking for almost half the night, I couldn’t I could wait until the morning to say: “YES, I will study, and I want to change. That’s how I got into the “Spiritual Healing” course.

Yes! Nothing in our life happens for nothing! We just need to figure it out, understand the meaning of the situations that befall us! I understand now that then the Lord gave me another chance in life to “LIVE.” Find yourself and understand the meaning of my life and why I am on planet Earth! To understand the depths of my Soul. Who am I? And it will change! Don’t blame others, don’t be offended, but thank God for sending them to me! With all my Soul, I am grateful to the Lord for sending me such a great teacher-healer and “doctor” of our souls, a woman of the subtlest soul, from whom comes immeasurable energy of love, understanding and kindness - Elena Nikolaevna!

I had the feeling of a “little girl” who is just beginning to learn to walk and with every movement she comprehends something new, amazing, not always understandable and even frightening. And with every step there is a desire to take more and take further steps. And when I, like Small child I stumbled and fell, Elena Nikolaevna’s light and confident hand lifted me and put me back on my feet! And I walked on. Her patience and understanding helped me move further and further. I am a naughty and restless child, but with the help of wonderful teachers, their faith and patience, I believe that over time I will grow from an “ugly duckling” into a beautiful “swan”.

In my life, I was constantly learning, was I always in search of something? FOR THE FIRST TIME at the School of Parapsychology, I came into contact with the fact that the basis is practices, not theory, and most importantly, they work!

At first, oh, how difficult it was to be diligent, patient, do practice and believe that everything was working out for me. I didn’t always have enough patience, although I understood that it was necessary, as the proverb says, “you can’t pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty.” How many times have I had thoughts, maybe this is not for me, I don’t see, I can’t, I don’t understand, they rolled in like sea waves from time to time, and at the beginning of my studies, and even now, I had to discard them, change them your consciousness, change your beliefs.

And our teachers – “WIZARDS” – always came to the rescue! I regained faith in myself and the desire to move forward! Now the same practices that at first seemed intangible are obtained easily, although many still need to be done for more than one day, or even years, to achieve perfection. Yes, there is still no full awareness, no boundless faith in God! BUT I believe that everything will come, it just takes time, work and patience.

After completing the course, a lot has changed in my life! I became calm, and my husband became more understanding. I started looking at myself in the mirror! My breathing problems have gone away, sometimes blocks come out - I do the practices given by Elena Nikolaevna, and everything returns to normal. Only now I began to see and thank the Lord what a beautiful place I live in. For the first time in many years I started swimming in the sea. I find time to look and hear the world around me: the sea surf, the singing of birds, smell the trees, flowers, admire the world around me! And this list goes on! And all this thanks to the International Academy “Universe of Happiness”!

I thank the Almighty that I am studying at school! I thank fate for the meeting with the great master Elena Nikolaevna, for the invaluable knowledge, openness, and patience. For support and help at any time of the day or night and in any situation. I love her for her rigor and understanding. Irina for her gentleness, warmth and clarification. Mikhail for his tangible work, for Personal Area and website. I also want to thank Lena Dolphin, because thanks to her, I am studying at school and for her comprehensive support! And to all students for group support!


And I’m just learning how to do miracles!

I wish you all success, Lyudmila Koshchuk (Bournemouth, UK)

Ilya Bogdanov,

senior specialist of the brokerage operations department of Peter Trust Investment Company

We learn trading from other people's mistakes. On my own.

To achieve anything, you need to put in a lot of effort. To achieve your goal, you need to make a plan and strictly follow it step by step.

We all understand these truisms very well.

But how often do we move away from them, give ourselves slack, be lazy and hope for a lucky break?

As in any business, the same rules apply when working on financial markets, following which you will inevitably achieve results. Be it portfolio investing or speculation in financial instruments.

And, as usually happens, we learn from the mistakes of strangers, and only by stepping, and sometimes more than once, on the same rake, do we learn the lessons that the Universe never tires of patiently teaching us.

About seven years ago, while graduating from university, at one of the courses on world financial markets I was introduced to forex trading through the efforts of a very encouraging teacher. The moving quotes and changing charts, which were the result of the efforts of millions of participants around the world, certainly fascinated me.

It seemed that by participating in the general process, albeit speculative trading, you were joining something global, big, influencing planetary processes.

As you understand, I had a highly romanticized perception of this area, which I could not get rid of for a long time.

Having graduated and already thinking seriously about the field professional activity, I decided, since I was interested in the area of ​​​​the foreign exchange market, to see how the companies themselves work, providing access for individuals to trade currencies, to see the whole “kitchen” from the inside, to understand the rules of the game and, in principle, to look at this area from the inside out.

As you may have guessed, I was very disappointed with what I saw. I am disappointed with the chaos that was happening then in an area where there was no regulation in Russia, and even now, let’s be honest, it is pretty lame.

And then I found out that there are companies providing access to Forex in countries with serious regulators, for example, the American NFA or the British FCA.

But that is another story.

But it was during that period that I began to take my first timid steps in the speculative field.

And as happens with all those who set foot on this path, I encountered the main driving forces in the world of financial market transactions: fear and greed.

In fact, as practice shows, making money by speculating in the markets is not so difficult. You need an understanding of market movements, the actions of its participants, some basic knowledge of technical analysis of charts, the influence of fundamental news indicators, a clearly defined action plan, how to use this knowledge and, most importantly, strict rules of risk management, without which all of the above makes no sense.

And it would seem that it sounds good, plan everything, act and start shoveling money. But in practice, everything looks, of course, differently.

We are all human, and as soon as we start trading, our analysis immediately includes emotional reactions to what is happening, projections of our “mind” with speculation about what could be, regrets about what could have been, drive from what There is. Which, in a word, clouds your vision and prevents you from seeing the situation soberly and trading the market, rather than your expectations and imaginary prospects.

And when the work system was formed and I started trading with real money, the first thing I encountered was fear. It’s scary that the profit that I already have will melt if the price suddenly reverses without reaching my goal. I close the deal, and the price reaches the target, but without me, and I get less profit than I planned according to the system.

It’s scary to hold a position when there is a current minus on the deal, because suddenly it will be even greater. I close, and the price turns around, goes towards the target, and there would be a profit, but I have already exited, having recorded a loss.

Over time we learn. We also learn to work with fear. And I began to trust the system more, not to leave ahead of time, unless the market situation changed dramatically. And it bore fruit. And the account grew smoothly with an average return of 5-7% per month.

But then the companion of fear appears - greed, which can make you make even more serious mistakes than fear. Mistakes that can be simply fatal for your account, because due to greed we often begin to neglect the rules of risk management - the cornerstone of any trading system.

Most beginners, like me, not having at the beginning of their trading journey deposits of sufficient volume so that 5-7% per month would allow them to live comfortably, they cherish and cherish the hope of finding the coveted “grail” - a miracle trading system that will allow “ “accelerate” a modest amount of money to millions in a short period of time. It’s so boring and “hungry” to see 5% of the result from your initial 100, 300, 500, 1000 dollars at the end of the month.

“But your system works, you’re a super trader! So why don’t you just increase the volume per trade, and the profit will flow like a river!?”, whispers greed paired with your inflating Ego.

That's how I lost my first deposit.

Then there was an extremely difficult, but very important period of experiencing this loss, self-flagellation, disappointment and detachment. As a result, the idea of ​​​​earning money through speculation was shelved until rethinking and recognition of one’s own mistakes came.

And at this stage there is a significant fork in the road.

Some people give up the idea of ​​trading forever, having become disillusioned with the opportunity itself or having analyzed it and realized that this way of making money is simply not suitable for them. And these are extremely happy people).

Someone is working on mistakes, learning to work with their inner world, emotions and Ego, and again sets out to storm the market peaks. And such internal work is extremely useful not only in trading, as you understand, but also in life in general. But it is worth noting that such work of self-knowledge can be accomplished not only through self-doubt from market losses, but in a host of other ways.

And there is a third group of people who decide to automate their trading system and isolate their trading as much as possible from the influence of emotions.

I decided to take the third path.

Together with a fellow programmer, we selected one of the trading systems, which in the back test showed a graph of growing profitability, and wrapped it in a software shell. We launched it on a remote server and began to wait for mountains of profits to flow to us.

The system behaved quite steadily, and over time we decided to entrust it, in addition to our modest capital (by the way, of course, not the last one), with the funds of third-party investors.

Trading was going briskly, the current profitability was approximately equal to the previous indicators of the system according to the back test, and in six months the trading robot brought us 300% profit, which made us extremely happy, and everyone quietly in their minds began to draw beautiful pictures of their new life, with which was associated with future profits.

At this moment, as usual, our attention lost concentration on the main thing, and a gap appeared in our system, which greed, directed by our Ego, did not fail to take advantage of.

And I made a mistake. An old mistake. I stepped on the same rake, after which the bump only managed to heal.

The risks were mine. According to tests in previous periods, the system showed the required results for 9 months of the year, but at the end of the year, starting in November, it did not achieve the required results. And the initial rule, which could not be deviated from, was to turn off the robot at the end of October and beginning of November.

When November began, there was an unrecorded loss on current open transactions of 3% of the total deposit amount, taking into account 300% of the previous income. We began to discuss what we would do: fix the loss and end trading for this year, or wait until the trade turns into a profit, and only then turn off the robot, which was contrary to our original rule.

We decided to wait for the profit on the transactions, because what will change one or the other day.

But my colleague still trusted me more in this matter, believing that my past experience gave me an advantage. But, as I wrote above, at that time I missed the second option fork with deep reflection and immediately decided to assign responsibility for the success of trading to the automatic system, trusting it more than myself.

After all, the system can be practically autonomous in the process, but there is still someone who turns it on and off. Well, at least for now).

In a word, I made a mistake, broke my own rule, and left the robot to trade. Processes began in the market that my colleague and I had not adapted to, and the balance of trade began to fall sharply. And so abruptly that we did not have time to notice when all the profit earned over six months was eaten up by negative transactions, and the question arose not of making money, but of preserving the initially invested funds, ours and those of investors.

And it was necessary to make a decision what to do next. Close immediately without looking, or wait for the optimal moment to exit. We closed the trades and turned off the robot. In the end, the profit remained about 1% plus the initially invested funds.

And even here greed made us waver in our decision.

Judging by the chart, the price was at strong monthly support, and there was a temptation to leave everything as it was in the hope that the price would turn in our direction. And I must say, the price turned around and went. If we had not closed it, then in the end we could have left the market with even more than 300% interest. And even here, our crippled trader pride managed to be wounded by the omnipresent regret.

In general, then I received another slap in the face, and learned the most impressive lesson in my practice. That sometimes it is better to sacrifice a little for the sake of more. That there are rules that must be strictly followed, especially since you set them for yourself. And if you don’t agree with yourself, then where can you come to agree with the world around you?

And that there are no “grails”. There is no magic wand. That only a few succeed in achieving a goal overnight, if it is truly high, and then only by a lucky chance coupled with their efforts. But the rest need to follow the intended path for a long time and persistently, and over time, if you do the right things, there will certainly be the right result.

For me, it is better to spend years building a trading history with an average return of “5% per month”, and with this impressive history and self-confidence, supported by practice, to attract third-party funds for management, than to spend the same years searching for a chimera, a mythical grail , and in the end be left with nothing, a damaged psyche and an uncontrollable ego.

Sasha Chichikova is 21 years old. I first noticed her at the presentation of projects of the creative media workshop “Egalite”. I liked her as a person precisely because she didn’t try to please her. She behaved so naturally and calmly. But what was more striking were her thoughts, observations, the author’s, deep, accurate. I realized: Sasha is not a person from the majority.

“I grew up in a large family, there are seven of us,” recalls Sasha. “And so all seven of us with my mother went on vacation to the dacha. Every summer, my mother got someone for us: ducks, a goat. When they bought us the goat Belochka, we played with her like a dog. They were going to the forest and hanging knapsacks and scarves on Belochka. And this is the most unique warm memory when you are in the forest, your family is with you. You can sit on a pine log, lie on the green moss, look at the sky and just think. And most importantly, feel this log or moss with your whole body. And Belka walks above you and pokes your face with her tender muzzle. And you are happy that you picked a half-liter jar of blueberries, strawberries!

Break down

I just graduated from school, we had our graduation ceremony. I immediately tried to enter the Institute of Culture, but did not pass. Then I decided to go to Kyiv to the Theological Seminary. I entered and studied there for a couple of months, and for the weekend I decided to go home. We live in a private house. On the 3rd floor there is a window, a floor and a very small distance between them. And still unsealed slabs with stakes. Inadvertently, I caught my toe on a stake and, due to the short distance, turned over and fell through the window. Thank God that my brother Tamil’s wife was nearby, she is a nurse. It’s good that it was she who approached me first, and not someone else. They would start turning me over, lifting me up. And she put a towel under her head, and we waited for the ambulance. I remember everything that happened in fragments. I open my eyes, I’m on the ground, Tamila strokes my face and says: “Sasha, everything is fine, the ambulance is on its way.” And I have a feeling: I’m lying on my back, and my pelvis and legs seem to be twisted. Then I remember how in the ambulance they asked if I had taken anything. I won’t forget how they cut my favorite cool T-shirt. Resuscitation…

Do not understand

When I was in intensive care, I didn’t understand what was happening. A few days later I was transferred to a ward, a council of doctors met, but they didn’t really say anything. I was 17 years old at the time, and they just asked: “How are you feeling? My feet were pricked with a needle - can you feel it? - Do not feel! I didn't realize until the end how serious it was. One doctor came to me, and then I cried. “Why are you crying?” - “I’m crying because I can’t turn over on my own, I’m lying like a vegetable, everything hurts, my back is cut.” - “Oh, don’t be upset, if you don’t walk, you won’t!” And then I just settled down. I called my mother, and she cried with tears: “Sasha, you have a serious injury.”

As a result, Sasha suffered a fracture of the thoracic spine. The 11th and 12th vertebrae and compression of the spinal cord caused complications in my legs. They say that if only the lower back had been injured, there would be no such consequences.


It's great that our family is a believer. During that period, living communication with God helped me a lot. When you lie there and say what it really is. I talked to God and always felt that He was nearby, never leaves me and really supports me. I wouldn't say I was severely depressed. I remember that my dad and I prayed for an understanding of why this happened. This doesn't just happen.

A person goes through life and meets people who along his path talk about God. And he, let’s say, has a superficial attitude towards faith: I go to church on holidays, I pray and everything is fine with God. It happens that you want to do something not very good, but inside you: don’t do it, don’t do it! And through this inner voice God can speak. But the man insists on his own: I’ll live like this for a while, then I’ll listen. When “later” comes, the Lord can move away from a person and remove protection. I think this happened to me intermittently.


I spent four months in hospitals. When I arrived home, I was on bed rest for another six months. Although the doctors insisted that she stay in bed for the whole year. And these six months are the time when you think. But you don’t think that life has failed, you just think. I started keeping a diary, making notes on the computer: “The first snow has fallen, I’m lying on the bed. I look out the window, but I don’t see where the snow is falling. It’s like he’s falling into oblivion.” That is, I see the snow swirling in the air, but I don’t know what’s happening below. Our life is the same: you see what is on the surface, what is happening now. But you don’t know what will happen next, you don’t see all the depth and where, in the end, your life will come, where it will slow down, where it will stop.

Be together

Very often in large families there is division: everyone is on his own. In our family, we have achieved that we are all together. We support each other if there is any problem. We try to always make it clear that we are one big happy family. It's great when there are a lot of children! We are all so different, but at the same time very similar. We have four sisters in a row. And one sister is not similar to the one behind her, but one after another. I also look like a sister who goes through one. If it weren’t for my parents, there might not have been such cohesion. They taught us from the very beginning that we need to stand for each other, that we need to protect each other.


Recently returned from Scotland. The country is magnificent and the people are the same. If I walk around Minsk, they don’t look at me like, “Oh, beautiful girl!” And they look: poor, unhappy. I used to catch these glances, always pay attention, and it was uncomfortable. Now I don’t react to these views, I don’t care. I remember walking, smiling, and a guy meets me, and he’s so gloomy. I accidentally caught him: “Oh, sorry!” And I smile myself. He looked at me: “It’s okay.” And he answered me with a sincere smile, wishing me a good day. I saw that a light had turned on in this man.

In Scotland you are equal to everyone else. In a bar, a guy came up to me to meet me, and in his eyes I didn’t see pity or desire to get to know me, because supposedly no one was getting to know me. I saw interest in me. Then why do most Belarusians, Russians, and Ukrainians have such an incorrect perception of us? I really want our society to change its perspective.


When I compare myself “before” and “after” the injury, it’s heaven and earth. Before, I didn’t think much about what would happen next? I wasn't serious. I was seventeen years old - the wind was in my head. And then suddenly you break down. And at first, life changes catastrophically: you give away all your beautiful things, because you will never wear them again, beautiful shoes, because they no longer suit you. When you are left alone with your thoughts, you think: yes, this happened to me, but what next? When I started to get up, sit in the stroller, and do something, I comprehended everything. I don't want to waste time on empty things. I want to see the result of my work and how I can use this result further.

I became very cautious towards people. I look more and more closely at the person to see if I can open up to him. That is, I begin to evaluate and think: what is possible and what is not. I also became very serious for being 21 years old. When I communicate with people from my past life, I often hear: “Sasha, why are you so serious? Simpler, simpler attitude!” - “What’s easier?..” Life is given to us for self-development, improvement, so that you find your place and realize yourself. And most importantly, I would not follow fashion, but would be guided by my abilities and desires.


It touches me when they say: “You are so brave, strong, you don’t lose heart!” I don't want to be perceived as a strong person.
Take me simply as a person, and not as an example to follow or admire. I a common person. And there is nothing supernatural about the fact that I am in a wheelchair and still smile. Or you meet a young man, you communicate, and the moment comes when he says: “How can I get you back on your feet? What can I do to get you to walk?” Why can’t I just communicate, just to like me? Why do I need to be healed and not accepted as I am?


It was very difficult for my parents at first. Now they have learned to look at me as a full-fledged independent person. My mother is a kind and trusting person. When we have heart-to-heart conversations, she learns from me that there is no need to blindly trust people. And she became much stronger. Previously, she could go and cry, but now she understands that she shouldn’t cry. My sisters have become stronger in spirit. When I broke down, everyone was stressed and shocked. In the hospital I said: “Don’t touch me, I don’t want anything.” The sisters pulled themselves together: “No, Sash, we have to. We need to eat, we need to give up painkillers.” And we all began to take seriously and consciously what was happening, because, I repeat, nothing in life just happens.


To be honest, between “I want” and “I need” I often choose “I want”. For now, I can’t bring myself to devote myself entirely to a task if I don’t like it. I'm not talking about some household chores, but about serious things. I wanted to go study speech therapy. A list of professions was opened in front of me that I could study according to the disability group: lawyer, linguist, accountant... Of all those offered, psychology turned out to be the closest. But I stood my ground: “Why can’t I go to a speech therapist?!” - “How will you massage the child’s larynx?” - “My hands work!” - “How will you get things to teach children?” - “I will place everything I need near me.” But they only work within the list. Therefore, I chose the specialty “psychologist and social educator”.

Now I am focusing on self-development, so I want to go to study in the Czech Republic after I finish my studies here. In the Czech Republic there is free education if you know Czech. I want to try myself in the modeling business as a model. I find it interesting and enjoy it. I myself love taking photographs, because a photo frame is a moment, an instant and that’s all! And you don’t know what happened before this frame and what will happen after it.

Realize yourself

I am active, and this activity comes from within. I need movement. When a person needs dynamics, he gets ready to go to the store, then gets on the bus and takes a walk. You can’t easily go to the store or walk the dog in a stroller. These are not the same feelings. Therefore, you try to realize yourself in projects. But I don't rush here, there, there. I choose only what is really interesting to me. And I approach this responsibly.

When I feel sad, I lie down on the floor like an asterisk, turn on music, or simply open the window wide open to hear the sound of the wind and the rustling of leaves. I lie there and start thinking as if about nothing. Then I’ll get up and say to myself: “During all this time, I’ve met many unusual, interesting people, I participated in the “Goddess of Femininity” project, I had a cool photo shoot, I went to Poland, I’m not indifferent to social issue of our city...” Why am I so sure that if I had walked, I could have achieved all this?

To help

Today I can say that I am making a difference. Recently I had my first experience: I was at a camp for children from problem families who live in rural areas. I was invited to the last evening so that I could tell the children something and communicate with them. I spoke simply, naturally, easily. She shared some of her experiences with them and told them how she got injured. Then they come up to me and say: “Sasha, we liked you so much. We have arms and legs, but we don’t do anything like that in life. Let’s communicate and correspond!” Now we are communicating, some of the guys write about their problems. I start talking to them, and it makes me feel better that I can help them with something.


Archive 12/15/2014

Dear readers, today I am completing the “Recipes for a Good Mood” competition, which took place on my blog. We meet the latest competition entries. And information from me to all the competitors: follow the news, one of these days in the very, very near future we will be summing up the results of the competition. Be attentive, stay in touch. And our readers have room for thought - after all, our participants sent so many recipes for a good mood. I hope we all feel positive.

Today I publish competition work from Nina Vilisova. It is called “Nothing in this life happens for nothing”, she participates in the nomination “Soulful recipes for yourself, your loved one, family and hearth.” Many of my blogger friends know Nina Vilisova very well. I myself often correspond with her, communicate and never tire of being amazed at the tenacity of this fragile mother’s character. Nina runs her own blog Healthy image life, releases electronic journal"Bereginya", let's get acquainted with her work. I give the floor to Nina.

Nothing in this life happens for nothing

Hello dear readers! I probably won’t say anything special or wise in my article, but once again think about why situations happen to each of us in life in which we ask ourselves the question: “why?”, “why did this happen to me?” , we blame ourselves, those around us, our loved ones... Believe me, nothing happens to us in this life for nothing! This is my firm belief. Everything that happens is a lesson given to us that we must learn. If we do not pass it with dignity, it will be repeated until we solve it correctly. And if we still don’t understand something from this lesson, we can step on the same rake all our lives.

I want to tell you about my story, personal life experience. It so happened that I alone am raising four wonderful kids, one of whom has been sick since birth with such a serious disease as cerebral palsy and epilepsy. To be honest, we all had to go through a lot of good and bad. But this thought never left me, it seemed to always go ahead of me, and I saw it in capital letters - I am the happiest person on Earth and the Lord loves me, but I am so ungrateful... I grumble, I get discouraged, I despair, I swallow pills ( yes, this happened before).

But it’s true: I’m not alone, ALL my children are with me (there are families in which, during a divorce, husbands take their children together from their wives), I wouldn’t survive this; also with a child who has cerebral palsy, there are children with the same disease who cannot walk or talk at all, and my child, even with some disabilities in the body - while he walks, runs, and enjoys life along with the other children.

And thirdly, in fact, the father of my children can live peacefully with us, because there, in another house somewhere, he still lives alone with his 14-year-old son, but, alas, it turns out that for more than a day He cannot be under the same roof with us. It takes him out of his seat like a demon, it becomes very difficult for him. Why is that? I've asked myself this question more than once. Or maybe this is God’s providence? After all, if he had stayed with us, our life would have been completely different, just imagine a family where the husband drinks alcohol every day without getting dry, there is a constant smell of alcohol and tobacco in the house, he chases his wife, and all this in front of four young children.

Out of naive love, I waited for 12 years, hoping that the time would come and he would finally want to stay with us, he wouldn’t behave with me like he did with his first ex-wife, everything would be different with us, because we love each other very much. Stupid and funny, isn't it? But seriously, there is still that bitterness and resentment in my soul for unfulfilled hopes. But now I have every opportunity to start living my real life - a new home, a new village, and I believe that these times will be better for us than before.

I have been blogging on the Internet for over 4 years now, and they regularly write letters to me here, asking where I find the strength to raise four children on my own?! Well, I think the moment has come to tell about all this.

What makes me feel good

Sometimes we feel apathetic, deprived of strength, unprepared for any activity. Perhaps there was a loss of something important, something that formed the basis of our idea of ​​ourselves and of life. When dreams collapse, prospects break, each of us must realize one thing: everything happens for our good, personal growth and well-being.

1.Smile more often. It has been said more than once that a smile is like a vitamin, a medicine for health. A smile filled with good feelings inspires people to good deeds and business. What to do when, instead of smiling, you want to shed a tear? Don't hold back. When you feel bad and want to cry, it’s better to go to a place where others won’t see your tears and cry. There is no need to suppress an emotional cry. Tears help ease the state of mind. Tears bring cleansing.

And we should give a smile to those around us. What can a smile do to a person??? It lifts the mood of the one who smiles and the one to whom we smile. Strengthens the aspiration for good in the one who smiles and in the one to whom he smiles. Helps to establish people's trust in each other, makes it possible to establish close spiritual relationships. Helps to cultivate faith, hope, and love in people. A smiling person wins people over, makes them spiritually rich, heals their souls, possessing healing powers.

A smile influences the character of people, kills anger, hostility, enmity, hatred. A smiling person is a beautiful, healthy person. A smile is a mirror of health, remember this. Look at these smiles of sweet children, how happy they are, isn’t it true that your soul becomes light and joyful.

2. Physical education and sports are great for lifting your mood. In the summer, I really loved to shower myself in the morning and go for a morning jog. And in winter time— I really like skiing. Since childhood, during my school years, I went to the ski section three times a week, and physical education lessons were always held on the ski track.

When the weekend or holidays came, home and her two younger brothers always went skiing in the forest for the whole day. It was very interesting to look and observe the amazing traces of forest inhabitants. I remember seeing fox tracks and walking for kilometers past various trees and bushes. It was an amazing time.

Now I’m trying to instill in my children a love of sports, physical education, and in winter - skiing and skating.

3. Delicious and healthy recipes to lift your spirits. The mood and condition of our body mainly depends on how we eat. You can increase the body's resistance to all kinds of diseases using simple and proven folk remedies.

a) Be sure to make it a rule to drink a glass of boiled warm water every day on an empty stomach with the addition of freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey. This drink cleanses the body and gives you energy and vigor for the whole day.

b) Especially in winter and spring, be sure to take a vitamin mixture. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body and strengthens memory. It is prepared like this:

Take 200 g of dried apricots, figs, walnuts, raisins, prunes, lemon and a glass of honey. Grind dried fruits and lemon through a meat grinder (be careful not to get any seeds), add honey, place in a glass jar and keep in a cool place. This mixture can be consumed one tablespoon in the morning and at night every day.

Eating lemon will restore digestion and disturbed microflora in the intestines, strengthen the immune system, add strength and energy to the body, strengthen bones, nails and hair, and improve skin condition. This vitamin mixture of dried fruits was recommended to my son and me during his illness many years ago by a very good neurologist. Since then, every winter I prepare it for future use, and not only for a sick child, but also healthy children gladly take it instead of sweets to maintain immunity.

c) You shouldn’t forget about yourself being beautiful either. After all, if you look at yourself in the mirror and like yourself, that already means a lot. Involuntarily, the mood rises. For these purposes, I will share with you my favorite women's miracle medicine for rejuvenation.

A miracle mixture of honey, garlic and flaxseed oil

This magical composition helps cleanse the body of toxins, instills good spirits and health in a person, smoothes and refreshes the skin, burns fat, improves metabolism in the body, enhances hair growth and even restores its original color, fighting gray hair. Preparing a miraculous composition is quite simple.

For 1 kg of honey you need to take 180 grams of flax oil, 4 small lemons and 3 medium-sized heads of garlic. A couple of lemons should be peeled, the other two are used with the peel. Garlic and lemons are ground in a meat grinder or blender, then mixed with butter and honey. The mixture is stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark place. Consume shortly before meals, about half an hour, a tablespoon. A month after you start taking it, you can take a break for a week, then start “rejuvenating” again.

4. Staying stuck in a state of grief and apathy is dangerous for the individual, who actually stops living and fully developing. Therefore, you need to find a hobby, something you like, something that would bring you joy, and devote yourself to it. It is known how an interesting hobby can cheer up a person, fill him with new meaning, and help him re-believe in himself and his strength.

When I was overcome by fatigue in the summer, I had to do a lot of things in the gardens and around the house with one hand, and other times simply out of a feeling of loneliness, pain and resentment towards someone, at such moments I went to my bees or simply went into nature to hug birch tree You know how great this helps, to forget past bitterness, gain strength and energy. Everything seems to be clearing up in my head.

5. If all the ways to put yourself in order and cheer up have been tried, but your soul remains the same not calm and some kind of blackness, then the best way helping yourself is helping other people. Start helping those in need. These could be charity events, performances, assistance to orphanages and the disabled. Start with those who are nearby, whom you see every day, start with your loved ones! Take care of your parents, your own children, let them have enough for a happy life. If possible, help financially. But even if this is not possible, only sincere love can perform miracles and heal wounds. Give them your warmth and affection, show love with generosity and selflessness. The meaning of life will immediately return, even after experiencing a very great loss, as soon as you begin to take care of those around you. You will thereby help yourself cope with the enormous feeling of fear, anxiety and uselessness.

When hearing the word “taiga”, everyone will have their own association and will probably imagine a forest that has no end and no edge. And I still see an endless series of hills covered with this very forest, between which large and small rivers meander. When you still see the gifts of nature that are given for nothing: mushrooms, berries, fishing! Here the desire will flare up to spit on this civilization, rush into this silence, kneel down and say: “Forgive me for betraying you, exchanging all this for the bustle of the city, where you can’t breathe right!”

Now we are not talking about this, but about how our thinking unit, which we carry on our shoulders, grinding through what we have lived, sometimes gives out something like which way to approach what we saw in a dream - only God knows and will we be able to use the information provided? - the question is, of course, very interesting.

And so, one day I see that I live in the taiga, I was getting ready to go pick up some currants with a bucket, and when I filled it up and was returning back, along the way I turned to the river, where it makes a turn near steep cliffs and flows between boulders. A place of fabulous beauty, you can watch and listen to the sound of the water for a long time.

Not far from the shore there was a large bush, I walked up to it and then noticed that behind it, at the very edge of the water, were three guys standing and talking about something. I stopped, they didn’t notice me and I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Suddenly one of them, who stood with his back to the water, clasped his hands and, as it seemed to me, jumped into the water.

What did he think of swimming in such cold water, and did he jump with his back? - came to mind, but when I saw that he was being carried by the current and was not performing any actions - red streaks were coming from him, I realized that a murder had occurred and I was seized with horror:

If they notice me, I will swim next to the one whose current has carried him far away, he has already buried himself in one of the boulders, began to turn around... I was standing there, not breathing, and suddenly I realized: I have a gun with me! I got it, cocked it, stood there, waiting. The two walked away. At that moment I came out from behind the bush and after them I said:

Guys, you’ve forgotten your comrade here,” and pointed to the river. They turned around, the neighbor immediately headed towards me and he should have tripped over a stone, making a movement as if he wanted to tie a shoelace, and I muttered:

Why do you need laces now? - He pulled the trigger. He buried himself in the stones, and the knife that he dropped from his hands even “jumped” over the stones. The other one at that moment tried to take something out of his pocket with trembling hands, but now it was my turn to get rid of the witnesses - I put him down too.

He ran to see if the one that swam to the boulders was still alive. He was no longer there, he returned, dragged the corpses to the water, pushed them down, then found a knife, threw them further into the river, picked up a bucket of currants and walked home.

Soon something happened that spoke of what the dream was about. My place of work was not far from the house where I lived. I walked to it along the same route, using the sidewalk that was adjacent to the road, and in one place, about fifty meters away, the sidewalk and road were heavily sandwiched by old buildings.

One evening, on my way back, I passed this place and my shoelace came undone. When I bent down to tie it, at that moment something flashed over me, I raised my head and was stunned: a car with a trailer loaded with boards overtook me, one of which moved to the side and with its beveled end rushed over the sidewalk, swinging up and down. It so happened that when I bent down to tie the lace, the board made an oscillatory upward movement without catching me, and there was a concrete pillar in front, the board hit it, came back and took its place. The driver didn’t even notice that his load wasn’t all right, and he almost blew my head off.

Less than a couple of days of gratitude for allowing me to live on, I’m walking along this section again and literally with a difference of no more than ten meters from the section where I almost went to the Almighty to tie my shoelaces, I hear something crash from behind, and this I was overtaken by a dump truck loaded to the brim with huge tree stumps. They were uprooted somewhere, and now one fell off and, as it happens, fell from behind, without catching me with a single root. Hit me with such a huge thing on the top of my head! Just lucky twice in the same place!

Only now it became clear what the dream was warning me about, and it had to do with the taiga, the river, the lace, the knife and the murders. Although it was presented exaggeratedly, it was more or less believable.


God forbid that sleep should be in your hand. But all the same, I think that this dream or dreams are not in vain - someone is warning you of danger. Maybe I'm wrong. But at first I thought that you were describing reality. The taiga itself is very interesting and so mysterious that the desire is great to be in the very thick of it - Wow!

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