Unified State Exam subjects for admission. Where and how to choose a university based on Unified State Exam scores. How to choose a university according to the Unified State Exam

Choosing a profession is a responsible matter, because it determines a person’s future life. The beginning of a career path is laid in the learning process. Therefore, success in the labor market depends on the choice of specialty. To enroll in an interesting field of study, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in subjects that are needed at the qualifying stage.

Features of choice

Why do you need to choose the right subject for the state exam? Mathematics and Russian are mandatory throughout the country. All other subjects are chosen by students independently. At the same time, to enroll in certain areas of study, you need to pass specialized disciplines.

The main reasons motivating a deliberate decision about what Unified State Examinations will be given to schoolchildren, the following should be included.

  • Preparing for exams requires a lot of work. Changing the decision to select a subject in last weeks before the exam, there is a risk that the result will be low.
  • Subjects can differ significantly between undergraduate profiles, even within the same direction. For example, in management, a university may offer programs in government and municipal government and regional studies. Entrance exams will vary accordingly.
  • Promptly retake the subject that was required for admission to educational program, impossible.
  • If you pass the most popular combinations of subjects in the Unified State Exam, you can apply for admission not only to different universities, but also to different areas. If a student adds physics to the compulsory subjects, he can enroll in air navigation, instrument engineering, and biotechnology.
  • By choosing disciplines for the Unified State Exam in advance, the student can determine those where his knowledge is better. If he does extra work, you can count on more high score and a beautiful certificate.

What to study before choosing subjects?

Before choosing disciplines for the Unified State Exam, you should study a large amount of information:

  • university training programs;
  • entrance examinations and conditions for admission to specific training profiles;
  • the prestige and prospects of the profession that the student wants to get (there are statistics on the most popular specialties in a few years);
  • demand in the labor market for representatives of the chosen profession;
  • the level of remuneration usually offered to those who have received an appropriate education.

Studying this data will allow you to understand which exams you need to apply for.

How to determine your specialty based on passed state exams?

It happens that the Unified State Examination exams are passed, but for some reason the student changes his mind about enrolling in a previously chosen university or direction. This may even be due to the reorganization or liquidation of an educational institution in a region or city. In this situation, you need to quickly determine what can be done. The conditions for admission to universities determine the following opportunities:

  • submitting an application to a university in another region under the same conditions;
  • changing the profile and direction of study;
  • graduates of previous years can take exams during the admissions campaign;
  • enter a university in a field that is less interesting, and then switch to another educational program. Most of the first year subjects are the same for different educational institutions. The student will have to pass several subjects in order to catch up with fellow students.

Knowing which direction their child gravitates towards, parents can help him determine his specialty.

Additional tools for self-determination

Choosing a future specialty is not easy. It is difficult for a student to understand his inner feelings and understand who he wants to become. Therefore, the following tools can help him:

  • tests for professional orientation;
  • self-determination tests;
  • trainings that allow you to understand your goals and desires in the future;
  • ability tests in various areas;
  • occupational ratings;
  • excursions to future places of work to get a feel for the atmosphere in which you will work.

Parents must take an active part in determining the list of subjects in which their child will take the Unified State Exam. After all, they know his strengths and weak sides, can help with in-depth study subject. The student must take exams that are taken into account when entering a program of study that interests him, even if the number of points in them is expected to be lower than in other disciplines.

If there is no motivation to acquire knowledge, then success in building a career will not be possible. When a student knows that he must pass exams with “excellence”, that this will help him get into prestigious university, he will want to do more. Self-development will allow him to achieve other goals in the future.

The minimum number of Unified State Exam points in each subject required for admission to a university is established annually by the Ministry of Education and Science. According to the law on education, universities and institutes have the right to independently increase the threshold values, therefore, often, in order to get into a prestigious educational institution, even on a contract, it is necessary to score significantly more than prescribed by the ministry and Rosobrnadzor or the departments to which specialized academies and universities (legal, military) are subordinate , medical, agricultural, etc.). Universities’ rankings, information blocks on their websites, and automatic search systems designed specifically to help applicants select a university based on Unified State Exam scores help assess their chances of admission.

Methods for choosing a university based on Unified State Exam subjects

There are three effective methods:

Not a bad reference point to get general idea about the competition and the level of results of the unified state exam, with which the average applicant is enrolled in an educational institution - all kinds of ratings. In them, universities are ranked last by Unified State Exam scores, but this indicator is directly dependent on the authority, prestige and popularity of the university*:

*The table uses RAEX data.

In 2012, for the first time in the Russian Federation, Expert RA presented a consolidated list of universities’ popularity, compiled on the basis of data from the country’s rating agencies. The top twenty were (excluding positions):

  • 12 Moscow universities: MGIMO, MSTU, MSU, MEPhI, MIPT, NUST MISIS, First Medical University, Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation, RANEPA, Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Russian National Research Medical University, RUDN University;
  • 3 educational institutions of St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, ITMO;
  • 5 regional universities: KFU (Kazan), NSU (Novosibirsk), TSU (Tomsk), Tomsk Polytechnic, UrFU named after. B. N. Yeltsin.

Student anti-rating

Most negative reviews in a survey conducted by “ Russian newspaper"(RG) among applicants, students and graduates of universities, received:

  • St. Petersburg State Power Engineering University;
  • UrFU named after Yeltsin.

Respondents are not satisfied with useless, boring lectures, insufficient level of teaching professionalism, low quality of seminars, not very strong student colleagues, problems with the hostel, indifference and incompetence of the dean's office staff.

Information on university Internet sites

The most reliable option for selecting a university based on scores and Unified State Exam subjects- explore websites educational institutions. Official university portals contain reliable information reflecting the current state of affairs. Information is posted in sections such as “Admission campaign”, “For applicants”, “Applicants” or “Admission rules”. Usually these are summary tables indicating specialties, areas required for admission to exams and the minimum passing score.

For example, this is what the selection service looks like on the Moscow State University website:

If you select the option “For Unified State Exam subjects”, after entering the results, the system will offer options for faculties for admission and tell you which exams are needed:

Almost all other institutes organize their search much simpler than the Russian flagship higher education, but quite informative, and it’s easy to find the necessary information in the relevant sections:

Automated systems

There are many online guides on the Internet designed to make it easier to find a university based on Unified State Exam scores and assess the chances of being admitted to a budget or contract. So-called calculators are programs whose work is based on a comparison of entered information about grades for the unified state exam and data from last year’s competition in different educational institutions.

There are two types of search engines:

  • universal - allow you to make a choice among the universities included in the list;
  • local - demonstrate results within one institute.

In calculators, as a rule, after entering data, the applicant receives a list of universities indicating:

  • specialties;
  • faculties;
  • passing and average scores for admission to free study and under a contract;
  • cost of contract training.

Selecting a university based on Unified State Exam scores: the best services

In order not to waste time, it is better to choose reputable sites that work exclusively with up-to-date and verified information.

“Do the right thing” Ministry of Education and Science

The application was developed and launched with the support of the Ministry of Education in 2017. This is perhaps the best service for choosing a place to study based on subjects and final exam scores. It contains the most relevant and reliable information confirmed by universities. The data is issued based on an analysis of information submitted to Rosobrnadzor by 700 subordinate to the ministry and 1,000 departmental educational institutions (including branches). The database is constantly updated.

Using the calculator, users will quickly and easily find:

  • admissions committee contacts;
  • accreditation data;
  • list of specialties and areas of study;
  • cost of contract training;
  • passing scores from previous years, etc.

The application searches according to several criteria at once and allows you to compare universities according to selected parameters.

Its database contains a comprehensive list of 520 universities, institutes and academies of the Russian Federation. Combines the function of selecting a university by specialty, subject and Unified State Examination score.

The search is carried out based on the analysis of a number of individual parameters:

  • conditions of study (form - full-time, part-time, evening; cost; availability of a military department, dormitory);
  • location (city, district, distance from the metro);
  • readiness to take an additional exam;
  • presence of personal achievements.

Website "Russian Education"

We can say that the list of universities based on USE passing scores presented on this federal portal is the predecessor of the more modern, convenient and informative project of the Ministry of Education and Science “Do the Right Thing.”

Website High school Economy offers to use its own service, which is among the top 10 similar resources. The service provides step-by-step tips:

and predicts the likelihood of enrollment in budget and contract education.

  • choose the direction of training;
  • region of study;
  • enter Unified State Examination points (the service will automatically highlight the required cells for the selected direction or specialty).

To personalize the search and find, for example, the university closest to your home, you can specify the name of the specific university, the form of study (budget, contract).

Get the most full information You can use several different services at once. The listed options will be complemented by an online calculator.

When choosing a university based on Unified State Exam scores, do not forget about additional entrance tests that must be passed when entering many higher educational institutions. Often their results make significant adjustments to the applicant’s final grade.

Students must select subjects to take the Unified State Exam before February 1, 2018. It's time to decide on disciplines or think about the choice you've already made: there's still time to change your mind. Add an item to your application passing the Unified State Exam until February 1, 2018.

Sometimes high school students cannot choose a future profession, so they follow the advice of parents, teachers and friends. Some go with the flow and enter the same specialty as their friends. Such situations result in a person devoting time, energy and resources to a direction for which he has no ability or interest for at least four years. Approach the choice of subjects for the Unified State Exam, and therefore training future profession, it is necessary consciously. If you don’t have a dream or a clear idea of ​​where you see yourself in five to ten years, don’t be discouraged, but try to make an informed decision. We have collected some tips for students and graduates that will help when choosing subjects for the Unified State Exam.

First step: self-analysis

At the first stage, you need to conduct a deep self-analysis, to do this, answer the following questions:

– What field of science or what disciplines do I like?

– In what area would I be interested in developing?

– What working conditions would I like?

– What salary level will suit me in the future?

– What capabilities, abilities and talents do I have?

– In what area can these opportunities and talents be realized?

These simple questions will help you analyze your wishes for your future specialty and objectively compare them with your capabilities.

Second step: choosing a direction

After the graduate has decided on the area of ​​interest, his capabilities and desired working conditions, he can begin to choose the direction of study. This way you can narrow down the number of options for admission and decide on the disciplines in which you should begin intensive preparation for passing the Unified State Exam.

The Unified State Exam is held in 14 subjects: two of them must be taken - Russian language and basic mathematics (if you are not going to take the specialized one). The remaining disciplines are optional, they are necessary for admission to a certain profile at a university:

  • Physics and mathematics majors require physics and specialized mathematics.
  • For natural sciences – chemistry, biology, specialized mathematics.
  • For the medical field - chemistry, biology, Russian language.
  • For the humanitarian profile - Russian language, literature, history, foreign languages.
  • For social sciences– Russian language, history, social studies, foreign languages.
  • The “Education and Pedagogy” profile requires exam results in the Russian language, specialized mathematics, social studies and the Unified State Exam in the profile.
  • For the “Culture and Art” direction, you need literature, Russian, and a creative entrance exam for the profile.
  • For the “Economics and Management” profile, you will need to pass specialized mathematics, social studies, and a foreign language.
  • For “Service and Tourism” – Russian, history, English.
  • For computer science and computer technology - Russian language, specialized mathematics, computer science.
  • The “Earth Sciences” direction is available to those who pass specialized mathematics, Russian language, physics, and geography.
  • For the direction “Geology, exploration and development of mineral resources” you will need specialized mathematics, Russian language, physics, and computer science.

We have listed only a few areas of training and sample exams that will need to be passed for each profile. Information about entrance exams It’s worth finding out on the website or in the admissions office of the chosen educational institution. Some universities conduct their own entrance tests, which will require additional preparation.

Third step: labor market research

After self-analysis and choice of direction, several options will appear that you have identified for yourself as a future profession. At this stage you should find out:

– Are these specialties relevant: are they in demand in the labor market, are they in demand in the country of residence, what is written about them in forecasts about the future of professions.

– What working conditions and pay, guarantees and bonuses are provided to specialists in this professional field.

This small study of the labor market will allow us to weed out professions that have lost relevance, in which there are already too many specialists. Also at this stage, you can determine whether the proposed working conditions are suitable and whether the salary level corresponds to your ambitions.

Fourth step: choosing an educational institution

After two stages of selection, the list of desired professions has narrowed, so it’s time to consider educational institutions that teach in the specialties of interest.

Visit the day open doors at a university of your choice - this will help determine whether you would like to spend at least four years of your life within the walls of this educational institution. At such an event you can meet teachers and students, see the educational institution from the inside, learn about the quality of education and student extracurricular life. It is useful to study reviews of graduates, contact them at in social networks– this will help to find out opinions about the learning process and its results. The main thing is to interview several people: the point of view of one graduate may be radically different from the views of another; the more opinions, the more complete the picture.

So, in order to make an informed, balanced choice of your future profession, you need to follow three simple tips:

  1. Have an honest conversation with yourself: identify true desires and preferences, compare them with your mental, physical and material capabilities.
  2. Decide on the direction of future professional activity.
  3. Study the labor market: find out more about the professions that you have identified after the second stage.
  4. Choose a university or college: get to know the educational institution and its graduates in more detail.

And, of course, it’s difficult to get into your dream university without good results, which...

Work takes up a third of your life: it is important that it brings pleasure and contributes to self-development, so choose your field of study and exam subjects wisely!

Decide on the specialties that interest you and choose universities for which they are specialized. Make a choice in favor state institutions, if possible. Assess the prospects of each educational institution. Find out the opinions of students and graduates, look at employment statistics. Specify the admission algorithm, list of documents, features educational process. Assess your strengths, sort out your desires and take into account the advice of teachers and employers. And now about everything in more detail.

Key selection criteria

And immediately a warning: you should not make a choice in favor of an educational institution just because it is within walking distance from your home, your close friends study there or your acquaintances work there. This approach rarely leads to anything good. Use useful criteria as a basis, in particular:

  • Prospects for learning.
  • The quality of education.
  • Comfort of students.
  • State accreditation.
  • Budget form.

Prospects learning is measured in solving the problems that you set for education. Most often, this is an opportunity for quick employment in a specialty and a salary level at the start of a career. It is no secret that employers snatch students from some institutes already in their 2nd or 3rd year, and from some they don’t want to hire them at all. Find out about the fate of the majority of graduates - evaluate their prospects.

The quality of education again, you can measure the popularity of students at a particular university and a particular specialty with employers. In addition, it is worth looking at their academic achievements.

Over the past five years, only two teams have won the International Student Programming Olympiad - St. Petersburg State University and ITMO University. And this is an indicator not only of the individual talent of the winners, but also of the quality of education in this specialty in these institutions.

Student comfort level. It consists of a developed university infrastructure, ease of learning, multilateral support and the opportunity not only to learn, but also to develop as individuals. Ideally, the institute should have a dormitory with a sufficient number of places to accommodate all first-year students. Convenient location of buildings; the opportunity to receive scholarships and grants; science, creativity and sports activities; trips to conferences and competitions are important indicators of learning comfort.

State accreditation. Ideally, a university should be state-owned. But when we talk about accreditation, we also consider non-state educational institutions. Check its availability before submitting documents. Also look for information about any scandals and incidents related to attempts to deprive the chosen educational institution of accreditation. If there were precedents, then there is a high probability of their repetition.

Budget form. It's not only free education, but also many other bonuses - the right to scholarships, dormitories, and additional benefits. Moreover, state-funded students always have a special status for some teachers, and sometimes for employers. And even if this is not written down anywhere, it is a fact.

Which university to choose in Russia

First of all, state. The facts speak about this: state educational institutions have practically no problems with accreditation and have large resources for conducting high-quality educational activities.

That is why the first positions in the TOP best universities Russia occupy state universities. By the way, according to the results of research by the RAEX rating agency, the top 5 are as follows:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  • MIPT.
  • MEPhI.
  • St. Petersburg State University.
  • MGIMO.

Many indicators on the basis of which the rating was formed remained classified. But it’s difficult to argue with the conclusions, because the universities listed are truly elite Russian system higher education. By the way, such ratings are easy to find in an expanded version and in structuring by constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Find out which institutes are ranked as the best in the region where you want to study. Use this information to make the right choice.

How to choose an institute abroad

What should interest you first:

  • Is there a scholarship available?
  • Is housing provided?
  • Does the university help with obtaining a visa?
  • Tests and exams to be taken.
  • A set of necessary documents.

The results of the Unified State Exam will be of little use when applying to foreign institutions - only some of them seriously take into account the achievements of applicants in their home country.

You will have to take internal exams in the prescribed form - you need to prepare for them. Also be prepared to take a language test (usually IELTS or TOEFL) and provide an impressive package of documents. Preparation for admission must begin 1-1.5 years in advance.

How to choose a university according to the Unified State Exam

If foreign institutions almost never take into account the results of the Russian state exam, then choosing a university based on Unified State Exam scores in Russia is the optimal solution. All educational institutions publish data on the sums of points of applicants admitted to budget-funded and paid places in previous admissions. They cannot be considered passable, but it is quite possible to establish approximate guidelines.

To select a university based on exams and approximate scores, go to the official website of the institute of interest and look at data on last year’s enrollment. After this, you will be able to measure your strength against the stated level. Using the same algorithm, you can select a university based on the subjects that you plan to take as part of the Unified State Exam. It is no secret that it is necessary to declare the list of exams in advance. Look at what is required for admission to the specialties you have chosen and pass them.

A common mistake many graduates make is panic fear of taking additional subjects. They choose 3, maximum 4, and absolutely do not want to take anything else.

And it is clear that it is extremely difficult to purposefully prepare for 5-6 subjects. But why not pass the maximum even without preparation? Still, 11 years of schooling were preparation, so there is a high probability that you will be able to gain a decent amount. Do not limit the range of subjects and specialties suitable for choosing to a minimum.

Points calculators and past experience

There are a lot of services on the Internet that allow you to select a university based on the points received or potentially obtained. Unified State Exam results. They have a fairly simple algorithm of work: data on the total scores of applicants admitted to specific universities for certain specialties is loaded into the database. The user enters his score, after which he can choose the university to which he will be able to enroll.

The idea is interesting and useful in many ways. You can use these calculators to collect a number of guidelines in the form of suitable options and understand which institute to choose for admission. But it is not recommended to take the data obtained as absolute truth. Firstly, this year applicants may “bring” completely different amounts of points. Secondly, calculators do not generate all the information, and you may miss important points. Use these services, but double-check the data received.

1. Don't put yourself in a box

The Unified State Exam, for all its shortcomings, has many advantages. The key one is the opportunity to apply to any university in Russia without the need to pass internal exams. Choose as many educational institutions as possible and send documents to each of them. Don't limit yourself to just one institute. Don’t be afraid to apply to elite universities - nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence.

2. Pass as many subjects as possible within the Unified State Examination

Submit as many items as you can. At the same time, be sure to concentrate on preparing for the key exams and give yourself a rest before the main exams - you cannot take them non-stop. But if there is an opportunity to take some additional subjects, take them even without preparation. They don’t charge you money for the sample, and you risk absolutely nothing.

3. Choose public universities

State institutions are in many ways better than non-state ones. And if there are exceptions, they confirm the rule. State educational institutions in Russia do not experience problems with accreditation and the level of education here is almost always higher.

4. Check the information

The websites of many higher educational institutions provide incorrect information, in particular about the list of entrance tests. Feel free to call admissions committees and clarify information. Otherwise, their mistake may become your problem.

5. Find out the fate of graduates

Find information about what percentage of students at the selected university work in their field of study. Chat with alumni on social networks, find their groups and communities. First-hand information is always the most useful.


How to choose a university for admission? Analyze ratings, clarify information about entrance examinations and take as many subjects as possible as part of the Unified State Exam to ensure you have the widest possible choice. Communicate with graduates of past years, study information for applicants on the websites of educational institutions. Don't limit yourself to universities in your region - you can apply to any institute in Russia using the results of the Unified State Exam.

Evgenia Melnikova

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, teacher with 16 years of experience, practicing tutor.

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