Presentation on the topic "unification of Rus'". Unification of Rus' Ordinary people were also drawn here: workers were needed, and it was calmer under the cover of the Kremlin walls. Ivan Kalita and the Golden Horde

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Reasons for the unification of Russian lands 1. strengthening of economic ties, development of crafts and trade 2. the need for the final destruction of the Tatars - Mongol yoke 3.saving positions Orthodox Church aimed at unifying the people 4. the emergence of strong centrifugal pressure from the Moscow princes

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Moscow - the center of the unification of Russian lands The first mention of Moscow - 1147 Moscow was founded by Vladimir - Suzdal prince Yury Dolgoruky

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The founder of the Moscow dynasty of princes - the son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniil Alexandrovich in 1276 - received Moscow as an inheritance; 1230 - defeated the Ryazan prince Konstantin, capturing the Ryazan possessions from Kolomna to Serpukhov 1302 - the childless Pereyaslavl prince transferred to him the Pereyaslavl principality 1302. – captured Mozhaisk!!! Increased economic and military power principality, but... did not receive the title of Grand Duke.

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The fight between Tver and Moscow for primacy After the death of Daniil Alexandrovich, the Moscow prince was his son Yuri Danilovich. The fight with the Tver prince Mikhail Yuryevich for the label for the great reign. Married the sister of Uzbek Khan Konchak, lived for a long time in the Horde. Received the label for the great reign.

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Reign of Ivan Kalita (1325-1340) 1. Sought to push Tver against the Horde 1327 - participation in the defeat of the anti-Horde uprising in Tver 2. Subjugates the Rostov principality, buys Uglich, Galich, Beloozero. 3. Transported Metropolitan Peter of All Rus' to Moscow!!! Destroyed the institution of Baskaism, he himself carried tribute to Golden Horde

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The cautious policy of Ivan Kalita was continued by his sons: Semyon Proud (1340-1353) Ivan Ivanovich the Red (1353-1359)

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Reasons for the rise of Moscow Convenient geographical position Correct policy of the Moscow princes Weakness of neighboring cities (Tver, Novgorod) Inattention of the Golden Horde to the process of the rise of Moscow Support of the church

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Stage 1 – end of the 13th century - 80s. XIV century Characteristics: The struggle in North-Eastern Rus' for the great reign. Securing the label for the Great Reign for Moscow. Main centers: Tver, Moscow, Lithuania

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Reign of Dmitry Donskoy (1359-1389) 1362 - received a label for the great reign of 1367. – construction of a stone fortress – the Moscow Kremlin!!! The main concern is the relationship with the Horde

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September 8, 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo Meaning 1. For the first time, the Mongol khans suffered such a crushing defeat from Russian troops 2. Moscow paid tribute, but in a smaller amount 3. Moscow’s position as the center of the emerging Russian state was secured “The Moscow state was born on the Kulikovo field, and not in the stingy chest of Ivan Kalita” V.O. Klyuchevsky

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Stage 2 - 80s of the 14th century - 1462. Characteristics: Consolidation of lands around Moscow. Lithuania’s struggle for Pskov and Novgorod and “all the great Russian reigns” Main centers: Tver, Moscow, Lithuania

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Completion of the unification of Russian lands into single state Reign of Vasily I (1389 - 1425) Reign of Vasily II the Dark (1425 - 1462) Feudal war (struggle for power, claim to power of Yuri Galitsky, his sons Vasily Kosoy and Dmitry Shemyaka)

▫ I absolutely agree. No comments, as they say. When telling children, it may be worth emphasizing heroism, but you shouldn’t discount the hard facts either. In essence, this is the same falsification, I agree.
▫ And a little more. This topic is: Finnish War. Before, they tried not to talk about her at all. Now there are a lot of publications. And for the most part it is bleak there, in publications. But distorting history is really telling the truth about losses, fatal blunders in supply, management and command, propaganda and in general the “direction” of this entire military campaign? Silence is a distortion. Although... And here, too, there are two ways: you can laugh disgustingly at defeats, keeping silent about heroism. Or you can fall into pathos and accuse those who really assess the scale and results of “defeatism”...
▫ You and I are talking about the same thing... It’s just that your first comment was not very clear right off the bat, but our position is practically the same.
▫ Absolutely right: see adequately. For example: here was Prince Alexander. He kicked the Scandinavians, that was it. Then he gave it to the “order bearers.” And besides, he led the Horde to Rus' and used their help in civil strife. By the way, many people in Rus' died from these campaigns. It is also appropriate to provide explanations for actions: the situation, the problems of choice... Another example: the role of such and such an organization in the Great Patriotic War. And instead of “If it weren’t for us, there would have been no victory!” - tell how it really happened. That there were those who were from their ranks, but fought. The number can be indicated (so that there is no impression that the others stood on the sidelines, and those figures themselves did everything). Marked for heroism. And there were those who hugged and drank vodka with the military not wearing our uniforms. Also indicate the quantity - to compare the scale of participation on our side - and on the enemy side. So as not to give the impression that they were standing on the sidelines. And the conclusion is: this is how we won. Together. This is our COMMON victory. Independent of the cross, crescent and other things; from `Thank you`, `rahmet`, `barkal` or `dyakuyu`. =================== Look, next time a young man or girl who sees a “judgment” about how everything was “oh, bad-bad-bad!” - or about how everything was “oh, good, good, good!” - they were able to independently, with KNOWLEDGE of the matter and a BAGGAGE of truthful, adequate knowledge, grin, excuse me: “This is a lie, guys. This is on purpose in order to distort our country, our History, our VALUES (disgrace, distort, over-praise, stretch... etc.). Isn't that adequate? I think it will be respectful and principled both for the country and for history. Well, they are pulling the blanket - so, I repeat, the domestic ones are even nastier than the Midwayites. Whatever they were and to which social or other “niche” they belonged. Because they are nearby. Among us. Because they know: adults and people of principle can be bullied and, so to speak, “answered for the market” - and they go after children. Different ways. I am sure that stopping such people is both adequate and patriotic. No matter who they are and no matter what they dress up or don’t dress up in.

Reasons for the unification of Russian lands 1. strengthening economic ties, development of crafts and trade 2. the need for the final destruction of the Tatar-Mongol yoke 3. maintaining the position of the Orthodox Church aimed at unifying the people 4. the emergence of strong centrifugal pressure from the Moscow princes

The founder of the Moscow dynasty of princes - the son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniil Alexandrovich in 1276 - received Moscow as an inheritance; 1230 - defeated the Ryazan prince Konstantin, capturing the Ryazan possessions from Kolomna to Serpukhov 1302 - the childless Pereyaslavl prince transferred to him the Pereyaslavl principality 1302. – captured Mozhaisk!!! He increased the economic and military power of the principality, but... did not receive the title of Grand Duke.

The fight between Tver and Moscow for primacy After the death of Daniil Alexandrovich, the Moscow prince was his son Yuri Danilovich. The fight with the Tver prince Mikhail Yuryevich for the label for the great reign. Married the sister of Uzbek Khan Konchak, lived for a long time in the Horde. Received the label for the great reign.

Reign of Ivan Kalita (years) 1. Sought to push Tver against the Horde 1327 - participation in the defeat of the anti-Horde uprising in Tver 2. Subjugates the Rostov principality, buys Uglich, Galich, Beloozero. 3. Transported Metropolitan Peter of All Rus' to Moscow!!! Destroyed the institution of Baskaism, he himself carried tribute to the Golden Horde

The cautious policy of Ivan Kalita was continued by his sons: Semyon Proud (gg.) Ivan Ivanovich Krasny (gg.)

Reign of Dmitry Donskoy (years) 1362 - received a label for the great reign of 1367. – construction of a stone fortress – the Moscow Kremlin!!! The main concern is the relationship with the Horde

September 8, 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo Meaning 1. For the first time, the Mongol khans suffered such a crushing defeat from Russian troops 2. Moscow paid tribute, but in a smaller amount 3. Moscow’s position as the center of the emerging Russian state was secured “The Moscow state was born on the Kulikovo field, and not in the stingy chest of Ivan Kalita” V.O. Klyuchevsky

Completion of the unification of Russian lands into a single state Reign of Vasily I (1389 - 1425) Reign of Vasily II the Dark (1425 - 1462) Feudal war (struggle for power, claim to power of Yuri Galitsky, his sons Vasily Kosoy and Dmitry Shemyaka)

Stage 3 – 1462 Characteristics: Completion of the unification of the lands of North-Eastern Rus' around Moscow. Main centers: Moscow, Lithuania

Reign of Ivan III (gg.) 1478 - “Mr. Veliky Novgorod” was conquered 1480 - standing on the river. Ugre (end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke) 1485. – Tver was conquered 1497 – “Code of Law” of Ivan III (introduced St. George’s Day - the beginning of the enslavement of the peasants) Ivan III married the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Sophia Paleologus, began to use the double-headed imperial eagle

Governing body Vasily III(years) 1510 - Pskov was annexed - Chernigovo - Seversky lands were subjugated 1521 – annexed the Principality of Ryazan The main result of the reign was the end of the process of unification of Russian lands and the creation of a single state

Target: Explain to students how and under what conditions this era began. How did the unification of the state take place? Formation of images of outstanding personalities of this period.

During the classes

I.Organizing time.

Setting lesson objectives.

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The ship of our travelers sailing along the “River of Time” Russian history» Having passed the rapids, after the rock of “Batu’s invasion” we come out onto the wide water of a new section of the river - we are at the beginning of the time of the Moscow state.

II. Repetition.

But first, let's remember what we talked about when we studied the period " Ancient Rus'"(main dates of this section of the river of time)

882 – Prince Oleg united the Slavic tribes. The city of Kyiv was chosen as the capital.

988 - Prince Vladimir ordered all residents of Rus' to accept Christianity.

1242 - Battle on the Ice. Prince Alexander Nevsky.

1237 - The conquering troops, led by the grandson of Genghis Khan, Batu Khan, approached the borders of Russian lands.

Why was Rus' unable to repel the invasion of Batu's armies? (Russian lands after the collapse Old Russian state weakened each other with internecine wars. They could not resist the strongest army in the world)

III. New topic.

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We have repeated the main dates of the period of “Ancient Rus'”.

The topic of our lesson: "From Ancient Rus' to United Russia"

What do you think will be discussed in a lesson with this title (What does ancient, united mean)

Rus' was under the rule of the Horde. To free ourselves from the Horde yoke, it was necessary to unite all Russian lands. The Moscow princes stood at the head of the association. By force, cunning, and sometimes cruelty, they subjugated other principalities.

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Headed the Moscow princes, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich (link - audio recording)

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At this time, not far from Moscow, among the forests, the Trinity Monastery appeared.

It was founded by Sergius of Radonezh. People came to him from all sides for advice. He called for forgetting quarrels and grievances.

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As the legend goes, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich also came to him. He decided to raise Rus' against the Horde. Sergius of Radonezh blessed him for this feat.

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He sent two monks Peresvet and Oslyabya with him to help.

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So in 1380, across the Don River, on the Kulikovo field, the Horde and Russian troops met.

This is the morning on the Kulikovo field before the battle. Notice what the Russians are wearing? Prince Dmitry Ivanovich himself leads his army. What do they have in their hands? (Icons, weapons)

According to the customs of that time, a hero - a giant - rode out from the ranks of the Horde, he challenged a daredevil to a duel. A warrior in monastic robes rode out from the Russian ranks to meet the Horde. This is the Russian hero Peresvet.

Let's see how it all happened.

Listen to an excerpt from the chronicle...

Yes, many Russian people died in this battle. Prince Dmitry was also seriously wounded.

A united army of the Russian land was returning from behind the Don.

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After this battle they began to call him Donskoy. Why?

(Since the battle took place near the Don River)

So Dmitry Ivanovich liberated Rus' from the Horde?

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No. It took another hundred years before the great-grandson of Dmitry Donskoy, Iva III, united most of the Russian lands under the rule of Moscow and freed them from Horde dependence. Ivan III began to call himself the Great Sovereign of All Rus'. He tears up the Khan's letter and from that time on makes decisions himself. The decrees of the Great Sovereign, sealed with a seal, were distributed to all corners of the country.

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Let's see what was depicted on the seal.

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Moscow has turned from a small fortress into a large and rich city.

Let's see how the territory of the Moscow state increased due to the annexation of other principalities.

IV. Consolidation.

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Questions for review (write only the answers on pieces of paper)

Exchange leaves in pairs. Check

V. Lesson summary.

What interesting things did you learn in class today?

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Homework. Individual task: find in additional literature.

Lesson summary

Podkina Ekaterina Anatolyevna

Subject: How Rus' was united and liberated.Target: to form an idea of ​​the liberation struggle of the Russian people against the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Tasks:
    Educational: show the significance of the Battle of Kulikovo and the creation of the Moscow state for the Russian people.

    Developmental: develop imagination, visual-figurative thinking, and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

    Educational: to cultivate admiration for the courage and dedication of our ancestors who fought for the independence of our state.

    Form: traditional

Lesson type: consolidation of knowledge, acquisition of new knowledge. Lesson type: Principles of training: accessibility, clarity, strength, scientificity, systematicity and consistency. Teaching methods:
    According to the source of knowledge: conversation, questions, instructions. Methods for developing learning skills and gaining experience: exercise, practical work. Methods of consolidating and repeating the studied material: repetition, conversation. Methods of emotional stimulation: use of visualization, encouragement, game forms. Methods for developing mental functions, creativity, personal qualities of children: posing a problem or creating a problem situation. Methods of control and diagnostics of educational and cognitive activities: oral questioning, self-control, mutual control.
Forms of student organization: frontal. Means of education: Demo: historical map, family tree of Moscow princes. Lesson plan: 1. Organizational moment.2.Checking homework.2.1 Frontal survey2.2 Crossword3.Message of the topic of the lesson4. Main part4.2 Battle of Kulikovo.5. Lesson summary

During the classes

Hello! Guys, please get in the mood for work. Look at each other, Smile! And mentally wish each other success. We sit down quietly.

Let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson.– What powerful enemy did the Russian princes have to fight for 150 years?Why did it break up Kievan Rus? What conquerors came to Rus' from the east in the 13th century?Why were the Russian squads defeated?What is the Mongol-Tatar yoke?How did Russian cities and villages pay tribute?Why did the Mongol-Tatars fail to defeat Veliky Novgorod?Which invaders attacked Rus' in the 13th century from the west?What made Prince Alexander Nevsky famous?What was the main cause of severe disasters in Rus' in the 13th century?Well done! I see that you understand the topic well (not very well, you need to try a little).Today we will take a journey into the past, but we will only find out where we will go when we solve the crossword puzzle.Questions:1. A tribe of Slavs, whose main city was Novgorod.2. A suburb where artisans, merchants, and fishermen lived.3. tribute collector during the Mongol-Tatar yoke.4. The prince who moved the capital of Ancient Rus' to Kyiv.5. This prince defeated the Swedes in the 13th century.6. Creator of Russian Truth.7. Shirt protecting the chest of a warrior.8. The first capital of our state.9. The people's assembly, at which decisions important for the tribe were made in Ancient Rus'.What word is in the highlighted vertical cells?Right! Today we will go with you to the Moscow State and find out how it was formed.Insignificant in the middle of the 13th century, the appanage Moscow principality was destined to lead the struggle of the Russian lands against the Golden Horde, and then against the encroachments on the rule of Lithuania in Eastern Europe, to overcome feudal fragmentation Rus' and become the predominant political force.How could one resist a common enemy? How could we return the independence of our state?What do we need to know to understand why this happened, what questions to find answers to? Which principality became the center of the new state? When and by whom was Moscow founded? Why did Moscow become one of the largest Russian cities? Who ruled in Moscow? The chronicle tells us that Prince Yuri Dolgoruky often went hunting in the pine forests on the Moscow River. (map) The prince liked these places, especially the seven high hills above the river. Here, on the site of a small village, Yuri decided to found new town, which was named after the river - Moskov.The chronicle mentions that at 1147 year, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky invited his ally to a feast: “Come to me, brother, in the city of Moscow.” This year is considered the founding date of Moscow.Look how well this town is located. He stood on a high steep hill above the Moscow River. Its upper tributaries are close to the tributaries of the Volga, where it is easy to arrange portages(pass in the upper reaches of rivers of various basins) of ships from river to river.The city was still very small: it was rather a small, well-fortified fortress. The first walls did not last long: in 1238 they were burned by the troops of Batu Khan, who invaded Rus'.Years passed... The grandson of Alexander Nevsky, Ivan Kalita (“Kalita” - money bag), ruled in the Moscow principality.It was not in vain that Prince Ivan Danilovich was given such a nickname. He spent the money on purchasing lands in other principalities. Sometimes with money, sometimes with cunning, and sometimes with force, he collected significant territories around Moscow.Why did Moscow Prince Ivan have the nickname Kalita?Why do you think many people move to Moscow under Ivan Kalita?Fine.As the wealth and power of the Moscow principality grew, the princes became increasingly burdened by their dependence on the Golden Horde. If during the time of Ivan Kalita the Russians themselves collected tribute from their lands and took them to the Horde, then under Prince Dmitry Ivanovich an attempt was made to overthrow the Mongol-Tatar yoke.For a long time Rus' fed the enemy horde. But this was not enough for the proud ruler of the horde, Mamai. “I will ruin bright Rus',” he said, “so that every Russian will be afraid to raise his eyes to the Horde warrior.”When Prince Oleg of Ryazan sent a report to Grand Duke Dmitry of Moscow: “Mamai with the whole kingdom is coming against me and you,” Dmitry was not afraid. He traveled throughout the principality, gathering troops for Moscow. Everyone understood that it was impossible to endure any longer and wait for even more terrible ruin.The army of the princes consisted not only of warriors, but also of ordinary people- peasants and artisans. Everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands rose to fight the Horde. In total, about 150 thousand horse and foot soldiers gathered under the banner of Dmitry. And again it was a cathedral army. All of Rus' rose up to fight the enemy in order to act together.Mamai stopped his army on a wide field near the Don.At this time, an ambassador from Mamai came to Dmitry and demanded tribute. Dmitry replied, not wanting to bring bloodshed closer, that he was ready to pay tribute, but moderate, small, without ruining the Russian land. Neither the ambassador nor Mamai could bear this. The dispute had to be resolved in battle. And the Russian army moved from Moscow towards the Don, where Mamai had been standing for three weeks.Prince Dmitry decided that the best place for the battle was the Kulikovo field. It is all cut up by river beds. That is why here the Horde cavalry would not be able to turn around and strike with all its strength.It was early September 1380. The rivers are swollen from the rains. The prince built an army on a vast field on the banks of the steppe river Nepryadva. Everyone was armed, the wind swayed the princely banners. Dmitry took off his princely clothes and remained in simple armor. He ordered his princely banner to be taken to the middle of the army, and he himself stood in the first row and said to his soldiers: “I will die with you, I will be saved with you!”Russian soldiers fell for Holy Rus'. But although the yoke was not ended, and it lasted another 100 years, this battle was the beginning of the defeat of the Mongol-Tatars. This is what the Battle of Kulikovo has been famous for centuries. For the battle on the Kulikovo Field, Prince Dmitry was named Dmitry Donskoy. Near the Moscow River, in a small church, monuments have been erected to those who fought for the Russian land, on which candles are always burning and flowers lie.Guys, if you listened to me carefully just now, then it will not be difficult for you to answer the questions.Why did Prince Dmitry choose the Kulikovo field for battle?What did Mamai expect from Dmitry when sending ambassadors to him? What answer did he receive from Dmitry?Why do you think Prince Dmitry took off his princely clothes in battle and did not keep the princely banner with him during the battle, as commanders always did?Why do all Russian people honor the Kulikovo Field? Why is this battle called great?Right. Well done!What happened to the Moscow state after the Battle of Kulikovo?Let's open our textbooks to page 62 and find out about this.Read the text.What did the state emblem look like?What was the name of the new set of laws?Which city became the capital of the Moscow State?What lands were not included in Muscovite Rus'?Let us remember the names of our state, its capital and founders.Tell me the first name of Rus'?Who was the founder of the first dynasty of Russian rulers?

    Ancient Rus' – Veliky Novgorod – Prince Rurik.
Tell me the next name of Rus'?Who was its founder?
    Kievan Rus – Kyiv – Prince Oleg
What name of the state did we meet today?Who was its founder?
    Muscovite state - Moscow - sovereign of “all Rus'” Ivan III.

So, our journey comes to an end.What new have we learned?Who ruled the Moscow principality in the 14th century?In what year and on what river did the Battle of Kulikovo take place?Why in modern Russia celebrate September 8th?Under which prince did Rus' finally free itself from the Horde yoke?Today we learned how Rus' was united and liberated.We learned the significance of the Battle of Kulikovo and the creation of the Moscow state.Well done!Today was complex topic, but you dealt with it.Thanks to all!The lesson is over.

Mongol-Tatar yoke.

It was necessary to unite peoples for the common good.
Yuri Dolgoruky.
Ivan Kalita.

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