Development of recreational areas in the Donbass of the USSR. Recreational potential of Donbass. Development of the recreational sector in Donetsk region

Despite the significant anthropogenic load on the territory, a small number of forests and insufficient water reserves, Donbass has a developed recreational sector. The climatic conditions are favorable for recreational activities, especially for organizing summer holidays.

Donbass is an industrially developed region of Ukraine, highly urbanized, where an unfavorable environmental situation has developed. There is an acute shortage of natural areas intended for recreational use: 73% of the region's territory is occupied by agricultural land, significant areas are occupied by transport highways and landfills. Therefore, the main recreational load falls on two zones that are suitable for recreation and restoration of health, located outside the cities: Priazovskaya and Pridontsovskaya.

The Azov zone is located in the south of the region and is widely used by vacationers in the summer. The importance of recreational resources of the sea coast is great, since swimming and sunbathing are especially important for the human body. This zone is characterized by spits deeply protruding into the sea: Belosarayskaya and Krivaya, formed by marine sand and shell deposits. The development of coastal beaches is limited by extremely poor local water supplies, unfavorable soil conditions for landscaping, and a high degree of seawater pollution.

A large load also falls on the Pridontsovskaya recreational zone, located in the north of the region, along the Seversky Donets River, 96% covered with forest and used for recreation all year round. The study of recreational loads in the forested part of the Seversky Donets valley in various landscape conditions indicates that forest areas along the banks of rivers and lakes are visited 18 times more intensely than away from water bodies.

The main centers of therapeutic mud in Donbass are lakes Rapnoe, Slepnoe and other smaller ones. All of them are united under a common name - Slavic Lakes. They are of great interest, since nowhere else in Ukraine are there salt lakes at such a great distance from the sea. Slavic lakes are dark brown, brown in color, with a high content of organic matter and high moisture capacity. Lakes need constant monitoring of salt percentage. This is necessary for the life of bacteria that produce biochemical components of dirt.

Mineral waters are underground waters characterized by a high content of biologically active components. Mineral waters of various types (sodium chloride, bromine, radon, ferruginous, table) are located in the Sverdlovsk, Popasnyansky, Starobelsky, Volnovakha, Dobropolsky districts.

Important recreational centers in the region are Slavyansky, Slavyanogorsky, Kremensky, Starobelsky, Novoaidarsky. Short-term recreation areas have been formed near urban agglomerations next to artificial reservoirs (Isakovskoye, Lutuginskoye and others).

The main property of natural recreational resources is the ability to have a certain physiological, psychological and at the same time restoring strength and health effect on people. The development of natural recreational resources is one of the main health factors, and therefore is of great importance for the economy of the region.

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4.4 Recreational resources of the Donetsk region

The tourism business is an important sector of the non-productive economy and is of particular importance for the densely populated industrial Donbass.

The Donetsk region has enormous opportunities for the development of tourism: famous hydrological, geological and biological natural monuments, the rich historical past of the region, numerous historical and cultural monuments, resort complexes, dozens of unique industries.

The natural and climatic resources of the region contribute to the development of eco-tourism. In the Donetsk region, ecosystems have been preserved that have not experienced a significant impact from human economic activity and that can be used for scientific purposes or for aesthetic pleasure. Such places are: botanical nature reserves: Khomutovskaya steppe, Stone graves, Azov dacha, Cherdakli, etc.; landscapes of the Belosarayskaya spit; a number of zoological and ornithological reserves: Krivokosky estuary, Belosarayskaya and Krivaya spit; etymological reserves: Starchenkovsky and Kalchinsky.

The Velikoanadolsky forest has received worldwide recognition. The forest area stretches from northwest to northeast between the village of Blagodatnoye and the city of Volnovakha; its area is 2543 hectares.

There are also amazing geological natural monuments in the Donetsk region. Among them, the Druzhkovsky petrified trees (Konstantinovsky district) stand out. Pervomaisky district of Donetsk region has a good base for the development of hunting and fishing tourism. The climatic conditions of the Sea of ​​Azov and the Seversky Donets contribute to the development of yachting, water skiing, windsurfing and other types of water tourism.

The Donetsk region has all the conditions for the development of historical and cultural tourism. On the territory of the Donetsk region there are many archaeological sites, mounds, settlements, stone women, places associated with the legendary Ukrainian Cossacks on the shores of the Azov Sea and in the interfluve of the Seversky Donets.

Among the monuments of the history of the Donetsk region, Savur-Mogila stands out in particular as a monument of antiquity (mound, ancient burials) and the heroic Ukrainian epic.

The Donetsk region has enormous opportunities for the development of industrial tourism. Unique is the Artyomovsky Champagne Wine Factory, widely known in our country and abroad, located underground at a depth of 70-80 m in the workings of previously operating mines for the extraction of gypsum. The Artemovsk salt mines are used for recreational purposes. Their unique microclimate is ideal for treating the upper respiratory tract and is used to treat asthma.

In the Donetsk region, within the Krasnolimansky and Slavyansky districts, the Holy Mountains National Park is located on an area of ​​40,448 hectares. The nature of the park is colorful and unique. More than a third of the phytocenotic diversity of plant cover in southeastern Ukraine is concentrated within its boundaries. Forests make up 91% of the park's territory, meadows - 1.5%, swamps - 2.5%. Oak-pine (indigenous subora) and pine forests predominate (45% of the park's forest area). The only oak forest on the Left Bank with an area of ​​up to 300 hectares has been preserved here.

Summer weather conditions of the NNP "Holy Mountains" are favorable for organizing recreational activities in general, ecotourism in particular. Thus, the swimming season lasts 93 days, the average depth for swimming is 1.5 - 2.5 m, and there are sandy and grassy beaches in large areas. On the territory of the park there is a source of mineral ferruginous water with valuable medicinal properties. It helps treat iron deficiency anemia.

For the overpopulated Donbass, with its great need for recreation and health improvement for local residents, the Holy Mountains National Park can and should become a real “recreational Mecca.” Thus, the park’s stationary recreation zone includes 137 health institutions, the most famous of which are the “Holy Mountains” and “Shakhtar” sanatoriums. Currently, only 81 establishments are functioning, of which 50 recreation centers and 26 health camps. Most of the resort and recreational establishments (64.2%) are concentrated on the territory of the Slavyanogorsk resort.

Next to the park there is a second resort - “Slavyansk”. Within the city of Slavyanskaya there are salt lakes Ripne and Slipne - with healing sulfide silt mud, as well as chloride-sodium brine water. Lakes Vaysovoye and Liman are also used for recreational and health purposes.

Religious tourism is also developing in the Donetsk region. Thousands of pilgrims visit the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

NPP “Holy Mountains” is not only one of the brightest pearls of the “natural box” of Ukraine. This is a place of religious pilgrimage for numerous believers and parishioners of the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra, located within the park on the picturesque right bank of the Seversky Donets River.

At the beginning of the 17th century. here, in the caves of the chalk rock, there was an Orthodox Assumption Monastery. At the very top of this rock is the St. Nicholas Church, built by unknown masters in the 17th century. By the middle of the second half of the 19th century. belongs to such original buildings of the Svyatogorsk ensemble as St. Andrew's Chapel on the chalk rock, the main temple of the monastery - the Assumption Cathedral, the Intercession Church with a bell tower, Pechernik, the remains of the Cyril and Methodius gatherings, memorial burials of famous families of the 19th century. - Golitsyns, Kurakins, Ilovaiskys and others. The caves on the territory of the former Arsenievsky monastery monastery “Holy Place”, as well as Mount Tabor, where the Church of the Transfiguration existed, are of educational recreational value. Most of these unique architectural monuments have now been restored and represent a national cultural heritage.

Recreational resources are a set of natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena that can be used for recreation, treatment and tourism.

Natural-geographical and historical-cultural resources are of greatest importance.

Recreational legislation is currently in a state of development.

The regions of Ukraine are unequally provided with natural tourism and recreational potential. The maximum share of natural and recreational potential in the total natural resource potential (NRP) is in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (1.76%), and the minimum is in the Ternopil (0.11%) and Rivne (0.12%) regions. However, despite this, in order to develop tourism activities and attract tourists to the regions, it is necessary to make maximum use of the natural and recreational resources available there. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the most attractive natural sites for tourists, natural and recreational areas and develop the corresponding infrastructure.

The main recreational regions of Ukraine are the territories of the Azov region, the Black Sea region and Transcarpathia. The Donetsk region is sufficiently provided with recreational resources. On its territory there is the national park “Holy Mountains”, the Velikoanadolsky forest, natural reserves: Khomutovskaya steppe, Stone graves, Azov dacha, Cherdakli, etc.; landscapes of the Belosarayskaya spit; a number of zoological and ornithological reserves: Krivokosky estuary, Belosarayskaya and Krivaya spit; etymological reserves: Starchenkovsky and Kalchinsky.

Thus, Ukraine has a good supply of recreational resources necessary for improving the health of the population. However, the social and living complex in the regions used for recreation does not meet modern requirements, which serves as an obstacle both to the development of national tourism and to attracting tourists from other countries to Ukraine.


1. Bobkova A.G. Legal support for recreational activities. – Donetsk: South-East, 2000. – 308 p.

2. Recreational geography: ideas, methods, practice [Text]: collection. scientific works / rep. ed. A.A. Tkachenko. – Tver: Scientific book, 2006. – 144 p. – 200 copies. – ISBN 5-9032-95672-5.

3. Rudenko, V.P. Geography of the natural resource potential of Ukraine [Text]: monograph - Lviv: Svit, 1993. - 240 p. – Bibliography With. 236-237.

4. Beidik O.O. Dictionary-editor of geography, tourism, recreational geography and recreational geography. – K.: Institute of Tourism of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine, 1998. – 130 p.

5. Kalityuk V.A. Recreational and tourist complex in the market. – Lviv, 1999. – 162 p.

6. Marinich O.M., Shishchenko P.G. Physical geography of Ukraine: Pidruchnik. – K.: T-vo “Znannya”, LLC, 2006. – 511 p.

7. Matsola V.I. Recreational and tourist complex of Ukraine. – Lviv, 1997. – 259 p.

There are 828 thousand places in institutions. In the functional structure of the bed capacity, 23.6% are in sanatorium and resort institutions, 66.3% are in recreational institutions and 10.1% are in tourist institutions. In general, in terms of the level of development of tourism infrastructure and the parameters of the quality of tourist services provided, Ukraine is noticeably inferior to developed countries, which brings the price factor to the forefront in the competition...

Resort areas, religious and religious complexes, fortifications and other individual structures located outside populated areas. Almost all regions of Ukraine have a variety of recreational resources, among which health resorts traditionally dominate. When serving and treating vacationers, a complex of natural resources is allocated to ensure comprehensive...

The recreational potential of a territory is a set of natural, cultural, historical and socio-economic prerequisites for organizing recreational activities. The main component of recreational potential is recreational resources.

Recreational potential can be studied both at the world level and at the scale of one country, region, etc. To do this, it is necessary to study all the prerequisites for recreational development. The tourism business is an important sector of the economy and recreational sphere, and therefore is of particular importance for the densely populated industrial Donbass.

The works of such scientists and public figures as A.A. Blackburn, A.Ya. Bovsunovskaya, S.S. Kurulenko, A.S. Peltikhin, Yu.E. Ryzhkin, S. Tretyakov are devoted to the issues of rational use of recreational potential at the regional level. IN. and etc.

The purpose of this work is to consider the recreational potential of Donbass and the prospects for its rational use.

Despite a significant number of publications on this topic, the problem of a rational, environmentally standardized and socially significant level of organization of environmental management in the Donetsk region remains.

Donbass has enormous opportunities for the development of the recreational sphere: famous hydrological, geological and biological natural monuments, the rich historical past of the region, numerous historical and cultural monuments, resort complexes, dozens of unique industries. In addition to social and recreational value, these objects represent a certain economic value. If they are fully implemented, the region’s economy can not only make a leap in its development, but also reach a qualitatively new level.

The Donetsk region has all the conditions for the development of historical and cultural tourism. On the territory of Donbass there are many archaeological monuments, mounds, settlements, stone women, places associated with the legendary Cossacks on the shores of the Azov Sea and in the interfluve of the Seversky Donets.

Donbass also has enormous opportunities for the development of industrial tourism. Unique is the Artyomovsky Champagne Wine Factory, widely known in our country and abroad, located underground at a depth of 70-80 m in the workings of previously operating mines for the extraction of gypsum. The Artemovsk salt mines are used for recreational purposes.

The climatic conditions are favorable for recreational activities, especially for organizing summer holidays. In addition, the natural and climatic resources of the region contribute to the development of eco-tourism. In the Donetsk region, ecosystems have been preserved that have not experienced a significant impact from human economic activity and that can be used both for scientific purposes and for aesthetic pleasure. Such places are: botanical nature reserves: Khomutovskaya steppe, Stone graves, Azov dacha, Cherdakli, etc.; landscapes of the Belosarayskaya spit; a number of zoological and ornithological reserves: Krivokosky estuary, Belosarayskaya and Krivaya spit; etymological reserves: Starchenkovsky and Kalchinsky and others.

Compared to other regions of Ukraine, Donbass is characterized by a high level of urbanization. On its territory there is a huge number of industrial enterprises: factories, mines, factories, etc., as a result of which an unfavorable environmental situation has developed in the region. 73% of the territory of Donbass is occupied by agricultural land, large areas are occupied by transport highways and landfills, which is why we can observe an acute shortage of natural areas intended for recreational use. That is why the main recreational load falls on two zones suitable for recreation and restoration of health, which are located outside the cities: Priazovskaya and Pridontsovskaya.

The Azov zone (Azov region) is a geographical region in the southeast of Ukraine. The recreational potential of the Donetsk Azov region meets the highest world standards. More than 60 archaeological monuments have been preserved here, from the early Paleolithic to the beginning of the twentieth century, fragments of traditional culture and buildings of Ukrainians, Greeks, Don Cossacks, and most importantly, corners of nature untouched by man.

Within the Donetsk region alone, in the Azov region, there are more than 250 institutions for recreation and health improvement of the population. The region is characterized by a mild climate, the presence of healing mud and mineral waters, sandy beaches, and the natural complexes of the Belosarayskaya Spit and the Krivaya Spit.

The natural healing resources of the Azov region are salt lakes with large reserves of medicinal mud, as well as spacious sandy beaches, southern sea and steppe climate.

The acute problems of the Azov region are insufficient water reserves suitable for drinking for the population and vacationers, the lack of a centralized sewerage network, wastewater treatment facilities, unfavorable soil conditions for landscaping, and a high degree of seawater pollution. Transport services and communications are very limited. There are practically no facilities for the entertainment of vacationers. Due to the decline in the level of recreational activities, the number of vacationers is decreasing.

Adaptation of existing recreational resources of the Azov region to the needs of the future can be carried out by observing four main points. This is the adaptation of natural resources and recreational facilities, the organization of a developed service network, and the development of high-quality infrastructure. The strategy for sustainable tourism development minimizes negative processes affecting the environment. At the same time, the main principles of environmental management are compliance with environmental standards and norms, preservation of the integrity of natural complexes, harmony of recreational, environmental, economic and social interests.

In addition to the Azov region, a large load falls on the Pridontsovo recreational zone, which is located in the north of Donbass, along the Seversky Donets River. 96% of the zone’s territory is covered with forest, which greatly distinguishes it from the “traditional” natural zone for Donbass - the steppes, and is used for recreation all year round.

It is in the Dontsovo region that famous sanatorium treatment centers are located. Among them one can highlight Slavyansk - a balneological mud resort, the main natural healing factors of which are the sulfide silt mud of the salt lakes Rapnoe, Slepnoe and other smaller ones, as well as brine sodium chloride water extracted from boreholes, which is used for mud baths. All of them are united under a common name - Slavic lakes. They are of great interest and are of great importance for the recreational sphere of Donbass, since nowhere else in Ukraine are there salt lakes located at such a great distance from the sea. Slavic lakes are dark brown, sometimes brown in color, and the water in them has a high content of organic substances. Lakes need constant monitoring of the percentage of salt in the water. This is necessary for the life of bacteria that produce the biochemical components of therapeutic mud.

In addition to healing mud, Donbass is rich in mineral water sources. On the territory of the Donetsk region there is one of the largest artesian basins in Ukraine - the Dnieper-Donetsk. Mineral waters of various types (sodium chloride, bromine, radon, ferruginous, table) are located in the Sverdlovsk, Popasnyansky, Starobelsky, Volnovakha, Dobropolsky districts. Due to the increased content of biologically active components, the mineral waters of the Donetsk region are considered medicinal. On the territory of the Donetsk region there are several sanatoriums that actively use mineral water treatment in their practice. Among them are “Donbass”, “Yubileiny”, “Slavyansky”, “Holy Mountains” and others.

Important recreational hubs of Donbass are Slavyansky, Slavyanogorsky, Kremensky, Starobelsky, Novoaidarsky. Short-term recreation areas have been formed near urban agglomerations next to artificial reservoirs (Isakovskoye, Lutuginskoye and others).

The main property of natural recreational resources is the ability to have a certain physiological, psychological and at the same time restoring strength and health effect on people. The development of natural recreational resources is one of the main health factors, and therefore is of great importance for the economy of the region.

Conclusion. The Donetsk region has significant and varied recreational resources. The potential of natural and socio-cultural recreational facilities in the region can have a fruitful impact on the health and recreation of the population, and increase its cultural level. The task of the recreational sector of Donbass for the near future can be considered to be the expansion of existing opportunities, the search for new recreational facilities, their popularization and the implementation of a number of measures to preserve and restore the natural and cultural monuments of the region.


1. Donbass Switzerland: the phenomenon of tourism potential [Electronic resource] – Access mode: // “Invest-Ukraine”: website. - URL:

2. Kovalevsky V.V. Distribution of productive forces and regional economy: Pidruchnik / Ed. V. V. Kovalevsky, O. L. Mikhailyuk, V. F. Semenov - 8th view, erased. - K.: Zannya 2006. – 350 p.

3. Recreational resources of the Azov region [Electronic resource] – Access mode: //GeogTime: website. - URL:

Pavlova A.A.

Khimchenko A.N.

Donetsk National University


    Partaly E.M., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Academic Disciplines

    It is known that once a person could live a long time. In particular, Methuselah, one of the descendants of David, lived 969 years (although scientists admit that the figure was translated with an error). The lifespan of a modern person is assumed to last 180-280 years. Already in 2007 in Dagestan, Sarkhat Rashidova passed away at the age of 132, and this is the maximum age on the planet.

    In some countries, life expectancy is increasing. A census conducted in Germany in 1987 showed that at that time there were about 2,000 people living in this country who had reached the age of 100, which is 7 times more than in 1970.

    There are 967 men and 5,685 women over 100 years old living in the CIS.

    In St. Petersburg there are currently 400 people over 100 years old.

    And in Ukraine, the leader in the number of centenarians is the Ivano-Frankivsk region, where as of December 12, 2006. There were 37 people whose age exceeded 100 years.

    Currently, in Ukraine, Igor Nestor’s highest age is 116 years, and in Kiev there are 54 people over 100 years of age registered.

    Donetsk region is one of the most significant in the country and the share of its industry is more than 20% in Ukraine.

    50% falls on coal mining, 45% on cast iron production, 44% on steel, 47% on rolled ferrous metals, 1/6 of steel pipes, the rest on coke, mineral fertilizers, sulfuric acid, household refrigerators, etc. 82% of enterprises areas with environmentally hazardous industries.

    The following workers work at the most environmentally hazardous enterprises in Donbass:

    at Donetsk metallurgical plants - 124.5 thousand people

    at coke plants - more than 15 thousand people

    at 105 mines - 158.1 thousand people

    at machine-building enterprises - 100 thousand people.

    Enterprises in the Donetsk region are major polluters of the environment – ​​air, soil, and water ecosystems.

    Emissions in 2005 amounted to: 1144.386 tons into the atmosphere, 1700 million m3 of wastewater was discharged.

    According to the 1989-2001 census. The population of the Donetsk region in thousands of people was:

    Urban Rural

    that is, the share of both urban and rural populations remained virtually unchanged.

    In Mariupol in 1993 the population was 546 thousand people, since 1990 the mortality rate exceeded the birth rate by 1.9 times.

    From 1990 to 2004, 57,373 people were born and 108,049 people died.

    As of February 1, 2007, in Mariupol, according to the Mariupol Statistics Department, the number of residents was: 499.4 thousand people, in January - 198 marriages, 145 divorces.

    According to the “Program for the protection and improvement of the city’s environment for the period from 1998 to 2005. expenses for environmental protection measures amounted to UAH 500 million, while emissions of harmful substances (HS) into the atmosphere decreased by 80 thousand tons.

    According to the “Program for the protection and improvement of the city’s environment for 2006-2010.” measures are being taken to protect ecosystems: it is planned to build a bypass road, reduce emissions of harmful substances by another 80 thousand tons, build a new landfill for household waste, increase funding for city greening by 20 times compared to 2001, and other measures.

    In the industrially developed region - Donbass - all types of ecosystems are exposed to anthropogenic influence - the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere.

    Pollution: anthropogenic pressures on these ecosystems cannot but affect the health and lives of the residents of the area.

    In 2005, 30% more people died in the Donbass than in 1990. The birth rate also fell: in 1990, 58.3 thousand people were born, in 200* - 35.5 thousand people. The latter may also be affected by a decrease in marriages: in 1990-2004. the number of marriages decreased by 46.7% (from 48,369 to 25,800), in 200* - 31,184 marriages. Divorces amounted to 200*: per 100 marriages – 70 divorces versus 49 in 1990.

    Unfortunately, the imbalance of ecosystems at different levels also affects health and the prevalence of diseases. Tuberculosis, cancer, diseases of the blood and nervous system, cardiovascular and others are common. Adults, children and adolescents are also affected.

    The large technogenic load, complex connections of ecosystems and their impact on the population of Donbass dictate the need to organize all types of recreation, treatment, restoration and strengthening of the strength and health of people, and poses the task of developing recreational and tourism activities.

    In modern literature close to the issue I raised, the word “ecotourism” is often used. The word “tourism” means (translated from French – turisme) – travel undertaken for the purpose of relaxation and exploration of areas of one’s country and other countries, a type of sport – cycling, hiking, skiing, hiking.

    And since all these actions, i.e. tourism itself, take place among ecosystems - be it terrestrial, (forest, mountains) or water or other, I think that the prefix “eco” is unnecessary, further in the text I will use this term in the above concept. Also the term "recreation".

    “Recreation” from the Latin “recreatio” means “restoration, rest” (15, vol. 3, p. 932). I use both terms in the meanings indicated in the above sources.

    Tourism, in addition to improving health and promoting the health of people, also brings profit. Thus, it is in 2nd place in South Africa after diamond mining, and in Alaska after oil production. Revenue in the US is $160 billion. in year.

    According to forecasts of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), by 2010 the world is expected to have 1 billion holidaymakers, by 2020 - 1.5 billion people, and income will be more than 2 trillion. dollars.

    In Ukraine, tourism and recreational activity amounted to $3.8 billion in 1998, with $3.2 billion transferred to the budget.

    Sometimes the development of the recreational business is associated with geographical characteristics, for example, visiting Crimea is preferred by tourists from the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the western regions of Ukraine.

    U. Nabieva devoted her research to geographical problems of the regional organization of recreational activities in Dagestan. In her work, she subdivides the stepwise subordination of taxometric territorial units according to the significance of ranks - zone, district, center, point. Here are its characteristics.

    When zoning in recreational activities, she considers the recreational zone to be the highest taxometric unit.

    A recreational zone is a vast territory characterized by the commonality of the basic natural and economic conditions of recreational activities, a combination of recreational territories of different specializations, and a significant (if possible complete) complex of industries auxiliary to recreation. On the territory of Dagestan, the author distinguishes two zones: Mountain (internal) and Coastal.

    A recreational area is understood as a territorial unit that is distinguished according to functional characteristics (specialization in some type of recreational activity) and the intensity of flows of vacationers.

    A recreational center is a specialization of recreational activities of various profiles (resort treatment, recreation and tourism).

    A recreational point, which is considered by U. Nabievy to be the lowest taxonomic unit, is a separate enterprise specializing in the production of any one type of recreational service. In Dagestan, based on the nature of recreational resources, functional characteristics, and the intensity of flows of vacationers, she identifies four regions that coincide with the general economic situation: Primorsky, Plain, Piedmont and Mountain.

    The above classification by rank may well be taken into account in the recreational and tourism activities of Donbass.

    There are more than 400 health institutions in the Northern Azov region, where more than 1 million people relax and improve their health.

    Donbass is part of the Northern Azov region and part of the Azov-Black Sea recreational area. These are sanatoriums, tourist institutions, children's camps, etc. Landscape features, the presence of steppes, forests, valleys, and natural parks are very important. There are 250 known estuaries with medicinal properties, their medicinal mud, Berdyansk resorts with medicinal mud, lakes Bolshoye and Krasnoye.

    When developing tourism, it is necessary to take into account the potential of Donbass, the presence of vegetation, roads, sanitary and hygienic characteristics of beaches and water in the Sea of ​​​​Azov, including in the coastal zone. It is known how attractive sea water is and how beneficial it is; sea water, and especially Azov water, is healing and soothing.

    When planning recreational and health activities, many factors should be taken into account in order to make fullest use of the existing potential of the area. Here are some of them:

    Geographical characteristics of individual areas, zones with a corresponding assessment of their possibilities for this type of recreation (tourism, spa treatment, children's camp, etc.)

    Taking into account the availability of transport or the proximity of roads, any communication routes

    Climatic conditions of the region, zone - forest, steppe, sea, etc.

    Economic development of the territory

    Getting new jobs

    Promotes the development of medium and small businesses, entrepreneurs

    Attracting foreign currency

    Expands horizons, familiarizes vacationers with cultural values ​​and cultural monuments

    Analysis of the needs of the population and the possibility of meeting them

    Taking into account the economic and geographical features of individual areas or zones

    Taking into account the possibility of location of medical institutions (forest, therapeutic mud, sea, etc.)

    The location of tourist routes, holiday homes, resorts or hospitals in environmentally friendly areas, away from industrial centers (to avoid contamination of the air, soil, water).

    Service culture - competent guides, guides, medical workers; new modern equipment - music, sports equipment, etc.

    Tourism and recreational activities require large economic investments and costs; it must pay for itself and, in addition to improving health, must generate profit for the further development of this activity

    Providing proper nutrition, balanced high-calorie foods with clean foods - vegetables, fruits and other plant products

    Use tourism as much as possible to meet the goals of vacationers - sports, entertainment, in all cases - strictly organized

    Take into account age groups, children, teenagers, gender, social status

    Take into account health problems or illnesses among vacationers or those being treated

    When organizing recreational activities, take into account the focus and location: sanatorium-resort institutions, recreational and tourism institutions, special enterprises for servicing recreational facilities, stationary institutions, tents, children's camps, rest homes and dispensaries, etc.

    The appearance of buildings and the interior design of rooms are important, with attractive, soothing colors of walls, furniture, etc.

    Comfort for vacationers, furnishings, decoration, presence of flowers, attributes in lounges, canteens, cafes, etc.

    The cost of services should be acceptable for any class of citizens, including those with medium and low incomes.

    In the Donetsk region, health institutions mostly occupy the floodplain of the river. Seversky Donetsk and the coast of the Azov Sea.

    In Ukraine, income from tourism accounts for 80% of export services of 472 long-stay health institutions with 60 thousand beds, 50 thousand of them are seasonal. The Donetsk region has 123 travel and other companies with the right to tourism activities and ranks 7th after the city of Kyiv, Crimea, Odessa region, Sevastorol, Dnepropetrovsk and Lvov regions.

    In his brilliant article A.Ya. Dubenyuk, considering the possibilities of tourism in the Donetsk region and the city of Mariupol, proposes “Using the program-targeted method of state regulation and management, it is necessary to adopt a Tourism Development Program in the city, which would clearly establish the goals and objectives of this program, as well as the necessary measures for achieving your goals. Summing up the problem I considered, it can be emphasized that not all the potential for tourism and recreational activities in Donbass has been exhausted. The development of this activity will contribute to the economic prosperity of the area with an influx of profit and will positively influence the improvement of the aesthetic and environmental consciousness of people, instill a love for nature and its protection, and most importantly, will lead to the improvement and prolongation of life of people - both residents of Donbass and non-residents and foreign tourists.


    1. Arkhangelsky I.M. Technopolis of Mariupol: sustainable development and environment // International. conf. Mariupol. – 2006. – P. 301-307.

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    The tourism business is an important sector of the non-productive economy and is of particular importance for the densely populated industrial Donbass.

    The Donetsk region has enormous opportunities for the development of tourism: famous hydrological, geological and biological natural monuments, the rich historical past of the region, numerous historical and cultural monuments, resort complexes, dozens of unique industries.

    The natural and climatic resources of the region contribute to the development of eco-tourism. In the Donetsk region, ecosystems have been preserved that have not experienced a significant impact from human economic activity and that can be used for scientific purposes or for aesthetic pleasure. Such places are: botanical nature reserves: Khomutovskaya steppe, Stone graves, Azov dacha, Cherdakli, etc.; landscapes of the Belosarayskaya spit; a number of zoological and ornithological reserves: Krivokosky estuary, Belosarayskaya and Krivaya spit; etymological reserves: Starchenkovsky and Kalchinsky.

    The Velikoanadolsky forest has received worldwide recognition. The forest area stretches from northwest to northeast between the village of Blagodatnoye and the city of Volnovakha; its area is 2543 hectares.

    There are also amazing geological natural monuments in the Donetsk region. Among them, the Druzhkovsky petrified trees (Konstantinovsky district) stand out. Pervomaisky district of Donetsk region has a good base for the development of hunting and fishing tourism. The climatic conditions of the Sea of ​​Azov and the Seversky Donets contribute to the development of yachting, water skiing, windsurfing and other types of water tourism.

    The Donetsk region has all the conditions for the development of historical and cultural tourism. On the territory of the Donetsk region there are many archaeological sites, mounds, settlements, stone women, places associated with the legendary Ukrainian Cossacks on the shores of the Azov Sea and in the interfluve of the Seversky Donets.

    Among the monuments of the history of the Donetsk region, Savur-Mogila stands out in particular as a monument of antiquity (mound, ancient burials) and the heroic Ukrainian epic.

    The Donetsk region has enormous opportunities for the development of industrial tourism. Unique is the Artyomovsky Champagne Wine Factory, widely known in our country and abroad, located underground at a depth of 70-80 m in the workings of previously operating mines for the extraction of gypsum. The Artemovsk salt mines are used for recreational purposes. Their unique microclimate is ideal for treating the upper respiratory tract and is used to treat asthma.

    In the Donetsk region, within the Krasnolimansky and Slavyansky districts, the Holy Mountains National Park is located on an area of ​​40,448 hectares. The nature of the park is colorful and unique. More than a third of the phytocenotic diversity of plant cover in southeastern Ukraine is concentrated within its boundaries. Forests make up 91% of the park's territory, meadows - 1.5%, swamps - 2.5%. Oak-pine (indigenous subora) and pine forests predominate (45% of the park's forest area). The only oak forest on the Left Bank with an area of ​​up to 300 hectares has been preserved here.

    Summer weather conditions of the NNP "Holy Mountains" are favorable for organizing recreational activities in general, ecotourism in particular. Thus, the swimming season lasts 93 days, the average depth for swimming is 1.5 - 2.5 m, and there are sandy and grassy beaches in large areas. On the territory of the park there is a source of mineral ferruginous water with valuable medicinal properties. It helps treat iron deficiency anemia.

    For the overpopulated Donbass, with its great need for recreation and health improvement for local residents, the Holy Mountains National Park can and should become a real “recreational Mecca.” Thus, the park’s stationary recreation zone includes 137 health institutions, the most famous of which are the “Holy Mountains” and “Shakhtar” sanatoriums. Currently, only 81 establishments are functioning, of which 50 recreation centers and 26 health camps. Most of the resort and recreational establishments (64.2%) are concentrated on the territory of the Slavyanogorsk resort.

    Next to the park there is a second resort - “Slavyansk”. Within the city of Slavyanskaya there are salt lakes Ripne and Slipne - with healing sulfide silt mud, as well as chloride-sodium brine water. Lakes Vaysovoye and Liman are also used for recreational and health purposes.

    Religious tourism is also developing in the Donetsk region. Thousands of pilgrims visit the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

    NPP “Holy Mountains” is not only one of the brightest pearls of the “natural box” of Ukraine. This is a place of religious pilgrimage for numerous believers and parishioners of the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra, located within the park on the picturesque right bank of the Seversky Donets River.

    At the beginning of the 17th century. here, in the caves of the chalk rock, there was an Orthodox Assumption Monastery. At the very top of this rock is the St. Nicholas Church, built by unknown masters in the 17th century. By the middle of the second half of the 19th century. belongs to such original buildings of the Svyatogorsk ensemble as St. Andrew's Chapel on the chalk rock, the main temple of the monastery - the Assumption Cathedral, the Intercession Church with a bell tower, Pechernik, the remains of the Cyril and Methodius gatherings, memorial burials of famous families of the 19th century. -- Golitsyns, Kurakins, Ilovaiskys and others. The caves on the territory of the former Arsenievsky monastery skete “Holy Place”, as well as Mount Tabor, where the Church of the Transfiguration existed, are of educational recreational value. Most of these unique architectural monuments have now been restored and represent a national cultural heritage.

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