English language from 3 years. English for kids. English for children in the UK

Lyudmila Bykova
Summary of an English lesson for young children (2–3 years old) “My toys”

Summary of an English lesson for young children (2–3 years old) on the topic “My toys”

Purpose of the lesson: We continue to introduce children to toys, develop interest in their bodies, and also create motivation for children to attend classes.

Training tasks:

1. Developing the ability to listen and understand English speech using non-translation methods of semantization.

2. We introduce everyday vocabulary into children’s active and passive vocabulary.

Active dictionary: a block, a doll, a brush, eyes.

Passive vocabulary: Take/Give, close your eyes, open your eyes, red, blue, many, here, there

3. We repeat vocabulary from previous lessons: hands, feet, nose, wash

4. Introduce the grammatical construction has got...

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop fine motor skills;

2. Develop memory, concentration, thinking;

3. We learn colors, the concept of quantity “many”, the concept of the spatial arrangement of objects “here”, “there”.

4. We develop the communication skills of young children: establishing contact, greeting, saying goodbye, stimulating a response during the conversation.

Educational tasks:

1. We create interest in learning English;

2. We instill a culture of behavior in society: greetings and farewells;

3. We form a positive attitude towards cultural and hygienic procedures;

4. Develop neatness and the habit of putting things and toys back in their place.

Equipment: doll, toothbrush, blocks, clock, audio recording Baby Beetles ""Go! Stop!”

Progress of the lesson.

1. Greetings ie: We say hello to mothers and children. First we ask the names of the mothers, then the children. The child must understand the question and can only say the name.

Hello! Hello, Mummies, hello, kids! I'm glad to see you again! What's your name? I’m Mummy Dasha/I’m Anya.

2. We play “Where are yours?”

Where are your ?

We try to establish eye contact with each baby:

Look! They are my hands! Where are your hands? Show me your hands, Anya! (we take the child’s hand). Here they are! Look! I can clap my hands! (clap). Let's clap our hands! Clap! Clap! (clap together with moms). Very well, darling! Can you clap your hands, Anya? Show me, you can clap your hands! (mothers and children clap together). Great! (thumbs up). We can clap our hands!

Look! They are my feet! Where are your feet? Show me your feet, Anya! (touch the baby’s feet). Here they are! Look! I can stomp my feet! (we stomp). Let's stomp my feet! Stomp! Stomp! Very well, darling! Can you stomp your feet, Anya? Show me, you can stomp your feet! (we all stomp together). Great! (thumbs up). We can stomp your feet!

Look! It's my nose! (touch your nose). Where is your nose? Show me your nose, Anya! (touch the baby's nose). It's my nose! I can sniff! (snort). Can you sniff? Sniff, Anya! (we snort together).

3. “We love to wash ourselves” - This is the way.

“In the morning, all the children get up and wash themselves. Shall we wash ourselves too?” Mothers, together with the teacher, sing a song and accompany with a massage those parts of the child’s body that they sing about.

Wash our face, wash our hands

This is the way we wash our hands

Everyday in the morning (three hands touching each other, simulating washing)

Wash our face, wash our nose

This is the way we wash our nose

Everyday in the morning (massage the nose)

What is it (showing a toothbrush? What is it? It’s a brush! Do you like to brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings? Show me how you do it! Like that! Let’s listen to the song. Let’s brush our teeth together!

Brush our teeth, brush our teeth

This is the way we brush our teeth

Everyday in the morning (we open our mouth wide in a smile and imitate brushing our teeth.

4. Role-playing game. Meet Dolly The Doll.

Material: doll with cube

We knock on the table. Listen! (gesture to ear). Somebody is knocking on the door. Knock-knock (knock). There's somebody behind the door (point to the door).

Teacher: Who is it? Do you know? (turn to the parent, who shakes his head negatively and raises his shoulders). No, I don't. Do you know? (to the child)

Teacher: I don't know either (shakes his head and spreads his hands). Who is it?

Let’s see (palm to eyebrows and look into the distance)

A doll comes in

Teacher: Oh! It"s a doll! Come in, Doll! (with a cube)

Look! The doll has got the hands! (show the doll's hands). Where are your hands? Show me your hands, Anya! The doll has got the nose! (touch the doll’s nose). Where is your nose? The doll has got the eyes! (show the doll's eyes). Where are your eyes? Look! The doll can close her eyes! (close the doll’s eyes). And...the doll can open her eyes! (open the doll’s eyes). Can you close your eyes, Anya? Close your eyes, Anya! Great! Open your eyes!

Let's turn to the doll. Little Doll, what's your name?

Dolly: My name is Dolly!

Teacher: Look! What is it? Do you know? (we ask parents and children).

Parents: I don’t know (shaking their heads along with the children).

Teacher: The doll has got a block (point to the cube). Take the block! (we give the block to each child in turn)/Now give me the block! (we ask for the cube back using a gesture or simply take it away).

Dolly: I have got many blocks! (dumps out of bag). Many!

There are a lot of cubes on the floor. We give each one a cube. We turn to each child in turn and point to the block in his hands and to the blocks on the floor: There is a block here. There are many blocks there.

4. Song game A doll with a bloc k.

There are a lot of cubes on the floor in 2 contrasting colors (red and blue)

Teacher: Dolly wants to play. She is going for a walk with the cube. Shall we repeat after Dolly? Let's play a game with Dolly and her block! Follow Dolly!

Parents: Let’s (mom!

The Doll is going to walk

She takes a red block (a blue) (in the hands of a doll and a child a cube of the named color)

Tap, tap, tap (imitation of gait)

Hearing the sound of clock (point to the clock)

She drops a red block (“drop” the cube out of fear)

5. Cleaning time! It's time to tidy u p!

Look! The room is messy! (we look around the room with our hand, paying attention to the toys on the floor). There are many blocks on the floor! Let's tidy the room! We sing a song and, together with our parents, collect the cubes into a box (bag).

(Sung to: "Mary had a little lamb")

Now it's time to tidy up

tidy up, tidy up

Now it's time to tidy up

And put our blocks away.

Leave a few cubes. We ask the child to pick up the cube and put it in its place.

Let's put the blocks on the place! (into the box). Anya, pick up a block! (the child picks up a cube from the floor). Put the block into the box (puts it in the box).

6. Let's dance! Let's dan ce!

We perform the movements together with the doll.

Dolly Doll, Dolly Doll, turn around

Touch the ground (touch the floor)

Jump up high (we jump)

Touch the sky (reach up)

Slap your knees

Sit down, please (let's sit down)

Pat your head (pat yourself on the head)

Go to bed. ("let's go to bed")

Wake up now (“wake up” and get up)

Take a bow (we bow)

Show your shoe (show the shoe)

I love you! (the doll hugs the children)

7. Farewell to cookies loy

Well done! The doll is glad that everyone did so well! Let me pat your head! (comes up to each child and strokes the head).

Look! Dolly Doll is sleepy (sitting sad). Doll must go! Kids! Wave Goodbye (wave). Bye!

8. Game to complete the lesson ""Go! Stop!"

Kids and Mummies! Let's play a game. The Go signal sounds (let's go to the music of Baby Beetles "Go! Stop!"). The music stops and we say Stop!

9. The ritual is forgiven nia

Kids! You look so sleepy! Let's wave Goodbye! Let's say Goodbye!


“My name is Sophia, I’m 15 years old. I have been studying at the YES center for more than six months and I feel noticeable progress in English! The teaching methodology is aimed primarily at speaking practice. It became easy to perceive English by ear and conduct basic conversations. No cramming and huge homework, like in a regular school. However, progress is obvious. Thanks to the YES school"


“I hereby express my deep gratitude to the “YES”-Khovrino center for the quality education of my daughter Ekaterina. The progress after your classes is obvious. I would also like to highly commend the competent selection teaching staff. These are true professionals in their field - Masters! I would like to wish the “YES” center - Khovrino success in maintaining a high level of educational quality. We are with you! Sincerely, Antipov A.Yu., daughter has been studying for 1 year


“We are studying at the Foreign Languages ​​Center for the first year. We like. We go to 2 foreign languages ​​and see noticeable progress in learning English and Chinese language. The teachers were chosen very well in my opinion. My son enjoys going to school. There is a warm and friendly atmosphere here. In general, both parents and child are satisfied. Thank you!"


“When choosing English language courses, I chose the YES foreign language school for many reasons. Firstly, the groups here are small, so attention is paid to each student. Secondly, new good textbooks well-known foreign publishing houses. At almost every lesson we watch videos of native speakers speaking; the topics of the lessons are interesting - there is something to discuss, unlike topics in school classes. By the way, it was thanks to the courses that I began to be able to express my thoughts in English, and I understand speech quite well by ear. The YES school often hosts various events and organizes trips. I recently visited public lesson Japanese language And I’m going to sign up for this course as well.”



The summer intensive course took place in Solntsevo. Liked. Special thanks to teacher Daria, she helped me overcome my uncertainty in English pronunciation. Let's hope for continued training.

Subway Kuzminki

I’ve been studying in YES center for 2 years and during these 2 years I’ve learned English from B1 level to B2 + level. Almost C1 level. I really like the lessons. I’ve met a lot of teachers here and all of them were really kind. And I really understand the explanations, that’s why I understand practically everything during our lesson. By the way our lessons are interesting, we not only study. We also play different games to practice vocabulary, grammar and just to practice our speaking. By the way, we also speak a lot during the lesson. That’s why we not only drill vocabulary and grammar and also make our listening and other skills.

Subway Kuzminki

Well, I’ve been studying in YES for 2 years and I think my life changed when I have met so good people who I communicate with. I regard our teacher Kate who is one of the most caring and understanding teachers I have ever met. She really explains the material in a good way what’s why I like her way of teaching. Also I am happy that I’ve met so many friends here. We communicate and spend a lot of time together. YES center helped me to improve my skills, my knowledge and my abilities in general. That's why I'm really thankful.

Subway Kuzminki

I have been studying at YES since the school opened. I can say that these are very effective classes, additional courses. I learned a lot in a very short period of time. I also achieved great success in school. I can say about the teacher that we have a very beautiful and responsive teacher, kind, she always meets halfway. She is not too strict, but not too soft either. My classmates are cool and cheerful, I can communicate well with everyone.


I would like to note that I chose training courses taking into account proximity to home, and I live in the Khovrino area. Before the start of classes, the administrators offered me to take free written and oral tests to determine my level of English language proficiency. As a result, I was very lucky to study English in a friendly group with a talented, responsive and charming teacher, Ekaterina! Classes in Ekaterina’s group are optimally balanced for the student: listening to the teacher, communication with the teacher and with students in the group, and the student’s speaking itself are as controlled as possible. This allows us to gain comprehensive language skills. In teaching, we use a communicative methodology, the main goal of which is to teach how to use language in real life from the first lesson. On group classes Ekaterina unites us into small subgroups or pairs, giving us collective tasks.


English language I started teaching when I realized that I couldn’t live without it. For work I have to travel a lot to different countries and of course it’s very convenient to have an interpreter next to you. What happens when he's not there? This is how serious motivation arose in mastering the language. At first I started teaching him on my own, and then I realized that in this matter I needed a system and a good teacher. I think I'm lucky. Somehow I got to an open lesson at the yes center... Having completed the first level of elementary, I feel confident in communicating with foreigners. And from my own experience I realized that a foreign language opens up new opportunities! The main thing is not to be lazy and not miss classes.


At the YES center I learn three languages: English, Spanish and Chinese. Why three at once? Because foreign languages ​​are good for me! I especially like Spanish because he is very handsome. The most difficult language is Chinese, and especially writing hieroglyphs. I haven't decided yet what I will become in the future. Possibly a diplomat.


Most of all I like our teacher, Ekaterina Nemtsova. She explains well, is kind and sympathetic. I like people who sit at the reception; if anything happens, they’ll give me advice. I like the design of the school. Before class I like to drink hot chocolate. I have friends here. I need English to travel to international dance competitions and to succeed at school. In general, I like learning English.



I, Dmitry, am a design engineer at a small Moscow company. One of my tasks was to organize a design department in China. There I needed spoken English and I ended up at YES. Having chosen from quite a few schools in my area, only here I was offered a summer group for beginners. And already the third level I remain a faithful student of this school. What is important to me, and here it is fully present, is a clear, proven, consistent training system. Slowly, step by step, topic by topic, the material is worked out and added. Based on the characteristics of the group and its wishes, the teacher and methodologist focus on the tasks that cause us the most difficulty. Thank you to our teachers for their sincere desire to teach, for their diligence and patience.


My first acquaintance with the YES Foreign Language Center began after I got a job. There is an urgent need to learn English. My level of English was zero, so I was very worried about how I would keep up with the group, how the learning process would go, and so on. But as it turned out, I was worried in vain. All staff and teachers turned out to be very responsive, always ready to help. I especially want to say a huge thank you to the teacher, Evgenia Popova. Studying at the Elementary level, I can already explain myself and conduct a dialogue with foreigners (native speakers), read books, and understand what is sung in the songs of foreign performers. The result of the training met all my expectations. Thank you to YES school for existing.

Subway Kuzminki

I would like to thank Evgenia, an English language teacher for little ones, for her professionalism and individual approach to each child. Ilyusha attends classes with great pleasure and interest, which are held in an easy, game form. Which makes it easy to remember new material. I would also like to say a special thank you to the administrator Yulia, who will always greet you kindly, listen and answer all your questions.

Today I want to tell you about how to teach English to your young children, starting from 3 years old. You may be surprised and even outraged:

  • How?! To deprive your own child of childhood and the opportunity to play once again from such a young age?
  • Yes, such a little thing is simply incapable of taking up another language so early, because she still doesn’t know her native one well!

We teach children English from 3 years old

Help your child

And this is what I will tell you, dear adults:
You are too cruel to your own children! Ask why?

  1. As adults, transfer your inertia and laziness to your baby: try to teach you something now, when it’s more pleasant for you to look at the “box,” eat deliciously, sleep, drink beer, and gossip. Unlike you, your child is inquisitive, he doesn’t like to eat and sleep, he loves to learn!
  2. You deprive a child of the opportunities that nature gave him: it is from 3 to 5 years old that children have the most tenacious memory, and he learns more information during this period than later in his entire life.

Three-year-olds are very inquisitive. It just seems to you that the kid, busy fiddling around in the sandbox, doesn’t hear anything. One fine day, like a parrot, he suddenly gives away the entire stock of necessary and unnecessary words, which he absorbed like a sponge during games and other serious childhood activities.

Children's language abilities

This property of children - to remember while playing and, it would seem, without hearing anyone, must be used. You need to turn your first English lessons into the same game:

  • the child is simply interested in playing with you, he does not know that you are teaching him;
  • focused on the game itself, he will remember everything in between English phrases told to him.

Start learning with the names of everything that surrounds your baby at 3 years old:

  • household items - toy, plate, table, apple, etc.;
  • body parts - hand, nose, mouth, head, eyes;
  • what he sees on the street - a car (car), a cat (cat), a bird (bird), the sun (sun).

Learn not just words, but immediately make simple phrases from them:

  • Give me a cup, please - Give me a cup, please
  • Would you like an apple? — Do you want an apple?
  • Let's go for a walk! - Go for a walk!

Daria Popova

If you start talking to a child in English before the age of 3, then the question about the “content” of the first English experience disappears by itself. You just start talking to your child in English, show an English cartoon or read a book in English. English for children- and draw the child into playing.

However, after 3 years, when native speech is already so strong that the child is no longer so pliable on such journeys to uncharted shores of speech and a clear need already appears: “Mom, I want it to be clear what you are saying,” the question arises - what how to introduce a child to English so that it is as interesting, understandable and accessible as possible.

Geography and English for children over 3 years old

You can start by showing your child a globe or map and telling them that blue represents water and other colors represent earth. There are different countries on Earth. You can ride trains and fly airplanes in them. Find Russia, hometown mark with a dot and then suggest travel to other countries.

The only problem is that they don’t speak Russian in these countries. Here you and I speak Russian. What it is? It is a table. What is it? This is a book. And when we fly to another country, they don’t know such words, they will call everything differently. Each country has its own language. In Spain - Spanish, in France - French, in Japan - Japanese, etc.

In many, many countries people speak English. In English they say:

  • in Great Britain (this country is also called England)
  • in America (USA)
  • In Canada
  • in Australia
  • in New Zealand

And in other countries people know this language well. Would you like to learn to speak English? Let's try to learn a few words today.

To do this, let's go to the birthplace of the English language - Great Britain. But she is very, very far from us. It takes several hours to get there by plane. What do we do? Which transport is the fastest in the world? Even faster than a plane? Rocket! Let's fly on a magic rocket, and in order for it to take us to England, we will control it in English!

Get into the rocket - to do this, fold your hands over your head.

Put on your helmet (Put on the helmet) - with our hands we depict how we put the helmet on our head.

Buckle up! (Buckle up) – fasten the “invisible” belts.

Five, four, three, two, one, blast off! – 5,4,3,2,1, start!

We lift the child, circle in the air and land in England(well, for example, on the sofa).

Speak English words loudly and clearly, but the translation is barely audible. You will then repeat this game many more times, and it is worthwhile to accompany it with translation one or two first times, then the need for translation disappears.

English for children in the UK

In England, a child meets his first English friend. Think, maybe an English character already lives among your toys. It could be:

  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Alice doll (who is in Wonderland)
  • Peppa Pig
  • kittens who lost their gloves
  • Humpty-Dumpty (Humpty Dumpty)…

English children's literature and animation leave room for your creativity here.

I will focus on a children's nursery rhyme, known from Marshak's translation.

-Where were you today, pussy?
- The Queen of England.
- What did you see at court?
— I saw a mouse on the carpet.

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
Where have you been?
I've been to London
To look at the Queen.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
What did you do there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.

We take a cat toy and get to know it in English.

-What's your name?

— My name is Pussy Cat! What's your name?

- I'm Masha.

— Nice to meet you, Masha! Let's play.

Again, during the first acquaintance, we translate each phrase, encourage the child to repeat the words Hello after you, introduce himself in English I’m..., agree with the offer to play ok. Help your child with gestures. When you say Hello, we wave our hand in greeting, I’m - Point to ourselves. We show the ok sign (this gesture is difficult to give, but that’s why it’s interesting).

We show a cartoon based on a nursery rhyme:

Draw your child's attention to the cartoon characters cat, mouse, and the Queen. Depict them using gestures. Cat - show your scratchy nails and make sharp scratching movements in front of you. Mouse - place your fists on your head, showing the mouse ears. Draw the queen by showing the crown with your hand.

Now listen to the song again, asking the child to be attentive, and when he hears cat, show the cat, when mouse, show the mouse, etc. Help your child as much as possible with your example, so that it is easy for him!

Now it's time to play cat and mouse.

The mouse catches the cat. We change roles. Encourage your child to repeat the rhyme with you. We accompany the rhyming with already familiar gestures. We repeat until we get tired of it.

It's time to play Queen.

Ask what the Queen wears on her head. Crown. To learn to walk with a crown on their head, kings and queens first wear books on their heads. Let's practice.

It's time to say goodbye to Pussy Cat.

We say Good bye! And again we fly on a rocket.

If the child is already quite tired, then you can return back to Russia (then play the game in Russian), and continue your journey tomorrow.

English for children in America

Now we're flying to the United States of America or to America. There we can meet:

  • Mickey Mouse
  • Spiderman
  • other characters from American cartoons

Most likely, you have such toys, right? Meet an American friend.

In America they build very tall buildings called skyscrapers or skyscrapers.

Take ordinary cubes and build a very tall skyscraper from them. You can interest a child by offering to build a skyscraper as tall as him.

You can make the task more difficult if you draw a model of a skyscraper from colored blocks, the sequence of which the child needs to repeat, and the colors are called in English. Blue, green, yellow, red etc.

They built a skyscraper, said goodbye to the character and flew on a rocket to Canada.

English for children in Canada

In Canada we will get acquainted with the maple leaf. It’s great if you can buy maple syrup in stores in your city and treat yourself to it during class.

A breeze blew and a maple leaf fell on the child’s nose, landed on his hand, knee, etc. Name the parts of the body in English and show them on yourself, and the child should touch the corresponding part of the body with a piece of paper.

The maple leaf fell down on the nose.

The wind is blowing. (blow)

The leaf is flying (spinning)

And the maple leaf fell down on the arm.

Then the piece of paper tells you how they like to play hockey in Canada.

Think about what you can use instead of a putter in your home. A badminton racket and a ball will do, for example, show your child how to dribble a ball with a racket and try to score a goal into a chair goal.

note that English word Hockey is similar to Russian hockey. Ask your child to guess how to translate English species sports football, basketball, baseball, hockey, volleyball, badminton, tennis. Show how to pantomime each of these sports, then name it, and the child must show how to play it.

We say goodbye to our Canadian friend and set off on a rocket to Australia.

English for children in Australia

In Australia we meet kangaroos. You can print out pictures if you don’t have such toys.

With kangaroos we learn to jump. When you say jump, the child jumps. When you say stop, the child must stop. Jump, jump, stop. Jump, jump, jump, stop. Stop, jump etc.

And finally, it was time to take the rocket home. We say goodbye to the kangaroo and fly to Russia.

Additionally, you can prepare pictures in advance depicting the flags of countries and, upon arrival in the country, look at them and repeat the colors of the flags - red, white, blue.

Group and individual sessions in English using the method of Valeria Meshcheryakova "I LOVE ENGLISH" for children from 2 to 9 years old.

Most of us start learning English at school. We get good grades, go to universities and continue to learn the language there. But often, after graduating from university, we suddenly realize that we don’t know foreign speech at all. We decided to correct the situation!

It’s probably not easy to imagine that at five years old children know not only abcd, but also abcd. But in our club this is really the case. Children become familiar with English from the age of two, and by school age There are already several hundred words in their linguistic baggage. But this is not the main thing. They remember entire expressions, not individual words. The ability to construct a sentence is more important than lexicon on my own...

During the club's classes, the leader speaks almost no Russian at all. With the help of games, songs and fairy-tale characters, children immerse themselves in the English language environment and feel comfortable. This helps you better understand English and not be afraid to speak a barely familiar language yourself. And these are completely ordinary children. During lessons, they learn to tell what they like to do in kindergarten, what they do on weekends, what the weather is like outside the window and what their favorite time of year is. For kids there is no problem what language to speak: Russian or English. The main thing is that they are understood. Some English teachers say that only a native speaker can get the pronunciation correct. But is the notorious pronunciation really that important? Or is it more important that language fulfills its applied function - to understand and be understood? After all, sometimes people cannot communicate with each other, even when they speak the same language! And the main thing is that the children understood that the language should not be crammed, it should be spoken.

The method gives excellent results, and most importantly, children simply fall in love with the English language and happily attend the club.

Both group and individual lessons are possible.

A three-year-old child is a small person who actively explores the world, and English for 3-year-old children is a great way to speed up this process. After all, now you can speak two languages ​​at once! Child Center Constellation offers group and individual training English language using the method of Valeria Meshcheryakova. And if your own memories of lessons foreign language are not too positive, be sure to come to the first classes with your baby. Your opinion will change dramatically.

English courses for children from 3 years old are not about developing pronunciation and monotonous repetition of new words. At this age, children have a unique ability to imprint sounds, skills, and behavior - imprinting. Take a closer look: how easily and confidently an active baby comes into contact with peers or younger children. And nothing will change if they speak different languages. English for children from 3 years old gives the opportunity to memorize set expressions and phrases that children use as active vocabulary. This is the age of contact, the age of self-expression, and the baby will definitely share the information received with everyone around him. This means speaking to them in English!

Children's English courses for children 3 years old in our center

The Constellation Center is an amazing atmosphere of joy and pleasure, learning and development, which is provided by the Montessori method. For our little students attending English courses for children from 3 years old, we have created the maximum comfortable conditions training:

  • Spacious and cozy classrooms;
  • Very interesting materials and toys;
  • Variable duration of classes (30-45 minutes);
  • Opportunity for parents to attend classes.

You can attend English classes for children from 3 years old at a convenient time several times a week. Don't worry if your baby doesn't go to school yet. kindergarten and is afraid to be left without parents: after 2-3 lessons the little ones do not want to leave the class.

Methods of teaching English to 3-year-old children

The author of the method, Valeria Meshcheryakova, divides training into five stages depending on the age of the child and his abilities in a given period. Listening, speaking, writing, analyzing - children go through this entire process until they are 9-10 years old. The level of teaching English to 3-year-old children is called “I” can sing" - I can sing. At this age, kids are exceptionally musical and love to learn children's songs. So why not sing in English too?

During the entire lesson, the teacher speaks almost no Russian. He talks to the kids in their language: he actively uses facial expressions, gestures, intonation, and toys. Teaching English to a 3-year-old child is an exciting game, a theatrical performance in which there are no spectators, but only actors. They sing, dance and play finger games. And they easily remember new interesting words and expressions.

Do you want to learn more about English for children from 3 years old? Take our free trial class!

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