The Dai quest from the afterlife cannot be completed. Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Stormy Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain. From the underworld

We receive the task when we first find ourselves in Skyhold. To complete the quest, explore a new territory - the Sacred Plain, completing the mission of the same name on the command headquarters table, and then go to the location.

Dead men in the west

Go west straight along the road from the starting camp. On the right side there will be fortifications, and on small bridge You will see a soldier of the Orlais army - Corporal Rosselin, fighting a demon. Help him in battle and then talk to him. This will complete the quest.

Rest of the Dead: West

We receive a task from Corporal Rosselin after completing the quest “Dead men in the west." We go to the location marked on the map, move forward along the fortifications and simultaneously clear them of the dead. Having reached the first pit with corpses – we destroy the barrier with a magician, and then burn the corpses. Next we go to the second pit and do the same, after which we blow the horn. Then we return to Corporal Rosselin and turn in the quest.

No news

We receive it automatically when we approach the landmark of the River Garrison. Close the gap located underground. Then blow the horn. The quest will end.

Other story

Automatically activated after completing the quest "Rest of the Dead: West". Go to Fort Revasan, located to the northeast and talk to Marshal Pru there, completing the quest.

Right to mourn

To receive the quest, talk to Sergeant Meursault on the second level of Fort Revasan. The quest requires you to find seven soldiers' letters. We go to the indicated locations and focus mainly on broken carts. We look at the letters lying next to them. Having collected all the letters, we return to Sergeant Meursault and turn in the quest.

Rest of the Dead: East

" Go to the indicated camp, destroy the barrier and set fire to the pit. Then blow the horn to complete the quest.

Victory over the dead

We receive a task from Marshal Pru after completing the quest “Another Story”" Performed similarly to "Rest of the Dead: West." After you burn two pits and blow two horns, the quest will be completed.

Dalish Perspective

After completing the quest “Another Story”, Marshal Pru will give you a task to find the elf camp. We go to the location indicated on the map. When you get closer to the camp, the quest will automatically complete.

Familiar ring

During the quest "Victory over the Dead" an exclamation mark will appear on the map. We go down into the trench and open the door. There will be a dying chevalier. You cannot help him, but you can fulfill his last request - take the ring to Commander Jehan in the citadel. However, you won't be able to get there right away. We need to fix the bridge Pont - Agur. To do this, we approach him and open the operation. Then we go to Skyhold and restore the bridge on the command table for 5 influence points. Then we return to the Sacred Plain and clear the citadel of enemies, simultaneously completing the quest “For the Empire.” To complete the quest, you must give the ring to Zhean.

Father's instructions

To activate the quest, you should find the book in one of the destroyed houses located strictly west of the pits for the quest “Rest of the Dead: West”. Go to the place indicated by the marker and search the chest, thereby completing the quest.

Golden galla

We receive the task from the hunter Itiren in the Dalish camp. Go to the indicated area and look for a galla with golden horns. Approach her, and then, when she runs away from you, simply follow her to the camp, killing, if any, those who try to attack her. As soon as the Galla reaches the camp, a new task will appear in the upper right corner - talk to Ithiren. We approach him and complete the quest.

From the underworld

The quest is given by Keeper Haven. We go to the cemetery and destroy the demons there. After clearing the area, turn in the quest to Haven.

Got someone to lose

We take the quest from Emalien in the Dalish camp after completing “From the afterlife" Using the marker, we find the brother’s body.

Show and prove

The quest automatically starts when you find the body of your brother in the quest “You have someone to lose.” Then, guided by the marker, we pick up the amulet in the temple from the quest “Scattered Signs”. We return to the Dalish camp and give the amulet to Emalien.

Scattered signs

The quest is either activated when one of the signs is found, or it will be given by the keeper of Haven after completing the quest “From the Underworld”. We go to the Syleyz temple and destroy the barrier with the help of a magician. Inside we pick up the amulet according to the quest “Show and prove" We light the curtain fire, use it to create a torch, and look nearby for ancient elven writing. Let's explore them. Now we need to find the rest of the letters. Having found all the signs, we go to Skyhold and on the command headquarters table we carry out an operation to study the signs, spending 5 influence points. This will give us access to the ancient temple.

Gilannain Grove

Before starting the quest, we first need to open the operation to open the passage to Gilannain Grove. The entrance to it is located in the northwest of the Revasan fort. Then go to the new location and kill four Gurguts.

For the empire

The quest starts after the opening of the Pont-Agur bridge. We move to the other side of the bridge, burn two pits with corpses. We kill all enemies in the du Corbeau citadel. Then we open the gate using the lever. Then we talk with commander Zhean and complete the quest.

Supply shortage

We receive the task from Commander Zhean. We find 10 boxes in the indicated locations and mark them.

Equipped camp

The quest is given by Nissa in the Dalish camp. Read the book next to it and take what you need to the box marked with a marker on the map. Then we read the book again and put what we need into the box. We repeat until the Dalish have everything they need: five spindles, ten elven roots, ten pieces of dog skin, five pieces of iron and three large bear skins.

Dalish Condescension

Automatically activated when completing any order from the elves in the Dalish camp or after talking with Lauranil there. Complete quests from the inhabitants of the Dalish camp and earn a reputation. When the gauge is completely full, talk to Keeper Haven to allow Laurenil to join the Inquisition, thereby recruiting another agent.

Blasphemy and sacrilege

In the cemetery for the quest “From the Underworld,” break the graves to find three fragments of the key. Having collected the key, open the door shown on the map and complete the quest. There will be some loot inside, but the attitude of the Dalish will worsen.

God of secrets

You receive the task after you examine the ancient elven writings from the quest “Scattered Signs”. It is better to have a mage and a robber in your squad. Go to the temple. Light a curtain fire inside and a torch from it. We take the remains from the altar. We fight off the dead, and then take the key from the body of one of them. Next, we look for the remaining parts of the remains, and at the same time 7 runes using a torch with a curtain fire. To get the last part of the remains you need to use three levers. The first is on the left side of the temple, the next is at the end of the room on the right side of the temple (opened with the key found on the corpse), the third is at the beginning of the room opened with the key. Having collected all the parts of the remains, we approach the altar and place them in the right place. We kill the summoned creatures, and after that we go to the Oracle's hall and examine the chest, thereby completing the quest.

The history of the Dalish elves is one of the most interesting episodes of the series Dragon games Age. We know a lot about Arlathan and his fall; something is known about the sacred campaign of Andraste, in which the elves took part; about their war with the Shemlen and much more. But we know all this from books, stories from elders, or inscriptions on the walls of abandoned ruins.

In DragonAge Inqisition we will be able to see with our own eyes the ruins of Arlathan and Dale - the sacred valley, the second home of the elves.

The Sacred Valley is a vast area torn by civil war. The territory is divided into several small areas, each of which has its own ecosystem: animal and vegetable world, weather, everyone's surroundings will be different from each other.

“First of all, we tried to depict the civil war and the imprint it left on nature and local inhabitants, says senior landscape artist Andrew Farrell. - In this space, we provided an opportunity for the Inquisition to create a foothold and earn the respect of the inhabitants. After this, the residents will support you".

The Inquisition appears here at the moment of a truce between the warring parties. Warriors fallen in battle strangely rise from the dead, and force the fighters to retreat to shelter (fortress).

Along the way, the question arises about the fate of the elves. After all, the Dales are their second homeland, and at least several clans should have remained here. The Inquisitor will find out that the elves were forced to leave here because of the war, but there are also other reasons.

One of the darkest places in the Valley is the Crow Swamp. This area is very different from the endless hills and forest thickets of the rest of the area. The atmosphere here is oppressive, tense, with every movement it seems that someone outside is watching you from the bushes, watching, waiting, following on your heels.

A special point of pride for the developers is interaction with water. The new Frostbite 3 engine and next-generation technologies have made it possible to achieve incredible realism. Water reflects the world, circles and ripples run across the water from fallen objects or rain, and when you walk on the water, splashes fly.

"Displacement Maps ( new technology) helped bring us one step closer to a realistic environment. Regular maps detail surfaces, but displacement maps “extrude” these details so that their silhouette is visible. This is most noticeable in natural landscapes. Pebbles, sand ripples, boulders and other features protrude from the soil, enriching its appearance.".

When the world is created, you need to fill it with living beings, create an ecosystem. Wandering through the Crow Swamp we will meet Gauls, various birds, wolves and... dragons. Both adults and cubs, males and females.

Sometimes it’s worth turning off the paths and going deeper into the thicket. Climbing into dark nooks, rummaging behind stones, looking under bridges, you can find a lot of interesting and... unexpected things.

Considering how huge the Sacred Plain is, Farrell advises not to be afraid of missing something: you can visit it again at any time.

“This area will not be inaccessible at some point,- Farrell promises. - The space is very large, so there is no need to try to see everything on your first visit."

Storm Coast

Operation cost on the Storm Coast: 4 influence points.

We will be provided with a report upon arrival. The territory is ruled by the blades of Hessarian, and the scouts of the Inquisition have disappeared. Most likely, mercenaries had a hand in this. Also, we need to find traces of the Gray Guardians who recently passed here.

Putting things in order

Completing additional tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

When you first visit this location, the scout will tell you about a group of mercenaries who occupied this shore. Also, she will tell about the missing intelligence officers of the Inquisition. Go to the place where the scouts were seen in last time. They will be in the house. We look at the map to find out the location of the camp and read the notes. We will have two options: we can simply enter the camp and kill everyone, or we can make a coat of arms of mercy and use it to challenge the leader of the mercenaries to a duel and take his place. To create a coat of arms you will need the skin of a deep hunter and two serpentines.

After collecting the items, go to the request table in any camp and create this amulet. Put it on and go to camp. There, defeat the mercenary captain with the hounds, and the blades of Hessarian will become agents of the Inquisition.

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Guardians of the Coast

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

You will receive this task automatically. In fact, because of this task, you will need to open the Storm Coast. It is necessary to investigate traces of the presence of guards in this location. Go to the markers and use the pulsating search (V) to find items or the guard's diary. From the diaries it follows that the guards left here a long time ago. This will complete the task.

Hunting the Darkspawn

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The game will give you this task automatically after progressing through the story, when you find yourself in Skyhold. A task will appear on your strategy table on the Ferelden side Darkspawn Reports. Complete it and after that you will have the opportunity to complete this task. We need to deal with the increased activity of darkspawn on the Storm Coast. To complete this task you will need a mage.

Go to the Storm Coast and go to four markers to close the passage for the creatures of darkness. When all four tunnels are sealed, the mission will be completed.

Red waters

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

You will receive this task after completing the military task “Red Templars on the Storm Coast”, which is done on the strategy table. After that, you can go and go through the previously sealed door. Clear the cave and fight the boss at the end. After clearing the cave, the task will be completed.

By the way, from here, using a boat, you can get to the island with a level 19 dragon.

Brown Mire

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Cost of the operation in the Brown Mire: 8 influence points.

We will be provided with a report upon arrival. The Avvars have captured our soldiers and will not release them until we personally report to their leader. The leader does not want a peaceful solution to the problem, so he will have to fight. Also be careful with the dead people that come out of the water when you step into it.

Lost souls

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The leader of Avvarov does not want to talk, but wants to fight. Let's arrange it for him. We go to his camp, fighting off the dead along the way and completing other side quests in this location. On the way to their fortress, you will find a camp to house your agents, as well as one of the Avvar tribe named “Sky Watcher”. Open a rift next to it and kill the demons with it. This will impress him.

After the third beacon, we will finally meet ordinary Avvars as enemies. There will be a bunch of dead people near the castle. Ignore them, run to the castle, clear it and pull the lever to open the gate to the domain of the Avvar leader. There will also be a cache and some good things.

Go to the boss's lair. Kill his men and then switch to the boss. He hits hard in close combat and casts a barrier on himself. Throw a tank at him and put a barrier on him, and try to hit him with the most powerful skills you have. Cort's Hand is very vulnerable to electricity.

The boss will drop an excellent purple ax “Gift of the Mountain Father” and a key. We use the key to free our soldiers, but we are not in a hurry to leave here. At the exit from the camp, the Sky Looker will be waiting for us. After the conversation, you can make him an agent of the Inquisition.

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Lighthouses in the dark

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The task is automatically activated when approaching the first beacon. You will need a mage in your party to do this task. Use the magician to light the fire and kill the dead with demons. After activating the fourth beacon, the task will be completed.

Beyond the quagmire

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The task is activated after you use the curtain fire near the lighthouse and examine the rune. You need to find the remaining three runes. They will also be near the remaining beacons. As a reward for learning all the runes, you will receive the Dead Man's Tears recipe.

Cunning demons

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The task is automatically activated after you read the book near the second lighthouse on the “Beacons in the Darkness” task. Somewhere in this location there is a dangerous magician named Vidris and we need to eliminate him. In order to find the magician, after the third lighthouse you will need not to climb the stairs, but to go into the stone fissure and there close the curtain with the demons. After that, go through another gap, turn right and go straight. You will come to the renegade camp. Kill him and the task will be completed. The renegade will have good armor for a mage, and there is something to profit from in the camp.


Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

This task is located northwest of the fourth lighthouse. It activates after you try to open the door. Search for the key using pulse search. Having found the key, unlock the door, kill the ghost and take all the things from the house.

Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Cost of operation on the sacred plain: 8 influence points. You can access this location when you move to Skyhold.

We will be provided with a report upon arrival. The Dalish and the free folk fight among each other, and somewhere in the middle the dead roam. We need help imperial army strengthen your position in this location.

Dead men in the west

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

We need to explore the western fortifications and find the source of the appearance of the dead in the west. Free citizens may be involved in this. Near the ruined village we will meet an Orlesian army soldier who will ask for news about the Civil War (your answer depends on whether you figured out the conspiracy in the Winter Palace or not). He will tell you about the dead and the whole situation in this location.

We need to set fire to the northern and southern pits to stop the dead. We clear the guards near the pits, remove the barrier and set it on fire. After this, blow the signal horn so that the people of the Inquisition occupy this point and defend it in the future. We return to the corporal and get advice. You need to visit Fort Revasan. The task ends here.

Other story

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

After dealing with the dead in the mission “Dead in the West,” go to Fort Resavan to negotiate with Marshal Gaspar. There will be demons near the fort. Help the defender fight back and talk to Marshal Proulx.

Tell him about the situation in Civil War, help recapture the River Fort and close all the curtains so that they don’t have problems with the demons, and then set fire to the remaining pits with corpses and blow the horn so that the marshal’s fighters build fortifications.

There will be no more demons near the eastern pit, but the Tevinter henchmen of Corypheus, led by Gordian. Defeat them, set fire to the pit with corpses and blow the horn so that the marshal's soldiers build fortifications.

Familiar ring

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

When clearing the next two pits, an exclamation mark will appear on your map. Jump into the trenches and break open the door. There will be a wounded Chevalier who, before dying, will ask you to take the ring to Commander Jehan.

To complete this task, you need to restore the Pont-Agyur bridge using the command table for 5 influence points, and then clear the citadel from demons and the dead.

For the empire

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

After restoring the bridge during the quest “The Familiar Ring,” you need to visit Selina’s troops, who have been cut off from the rest of the world for so long, and at the same time burn two pits with corpses on the way to the du Corbeau citadel.

Demons and the dead are running all over the citadel. We make our way through them to the main gate and use the switch to open it. There will be a guard behind the iron gates who will let us through after a short dialogue. Commander Jehan will be inside. We accept gratitude and tell her last news in the world.

Supply shortage

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Commander Jehan in the stronghold of Selina's supporters will complain about the lack of supplies. We need to find 10 supply crates and mark them so her soldiers can pick them up.

Right to mourn

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Sergeant Meursault at the fort of Gaspard's supporters will ask you to find 7 soldiers' letters so that they can be sent to the families for mourning. The letters will be in different places. For the most part, they will be near the Inquisition camps.

Father's instructions

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

A note from father to son will be located in one of the destroyed houses, not far from the place where you burned the nests of the undead on the assignment “Dead in the West.” Go to the place indicated in the note and take everything from the chest under the tree.

Dalish Perspective

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

On the way to the first veil, near Khalinsulan you will meet two Dalish men who will help us fight off the dead. After this, one of them will ask you to come to their camp and tell them that the passage has become safe. It makes sense to visit the Dalish, since they know the area well and this may be useful to the Inquisition if we can win their trust. Upon arrival at the camp, the task will be automatically completed. If you tell about the hunter, you will receive +1 to the Dalish disposition.

Dalish Condescension

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The Dalish elf clan is very skeptical of us and our Inquisition, despite its strength. You need to gain the favor of the elves. Complete all tasks in the camp and you will receive their favor. As a sign of gratitude for our services to the clan, the Guardian will allow an elf named Laurenil to serve in the Inquisition.

Equipped camp

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

At the Dalish camp, talk to Nissa and offer to help. She will talk about the lack of supplies. We look into the accounting book and find out what is missing. After that, we put the necessary ingredients in the chest next to it. To complete this task we will need: five measures of spindles, ten elven roots, ten pieces of dog skin, five pieces of iron and three large bear skins. The grass can be picked and is nearby; iron is also in this location; leather is obtained from wolves; and skins from bears. For completing this task we receive +8 to the Dalish disposition.

Golden Gala

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Hunter Ichiren will ask you to find a golden galla. We go down from the camp and find her. She will run away from you, just follow her to the camp, protecting her from wolves and soldiers along the way. After you bring the galla, go to the hunter for your reward. As a reward you will receive +3 to Dalish favor.

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

There will be graves on the grounds of Val Bellanaris. You need to break them and find three key fragments. Be careful, a demon will crawl out of every destroyed grave. Having collected the key, go to the grotto door and open it. Inside there will be a couple of blue things and a mosaic fragment. Upon entering the grotto, the task will automatically complete. But there will be a price to pay for this. Keeper Haven will tell us that we were being followed and for this we will receive -2 to the Dalish disposition.

Got someone to lose

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

This quest will become available after completing the quest: “From the Underworld.” An elf named Emalien will be in the Dalish camp and will ask you to find her brother, who thinks that he is being neglected. The young man, or rather his body, will be not far from the place where you burned the nests of the dead on the assignment “Deads in the West”. Now you will need to find the amulet to show it to the keeper. He will be in the first temple on the mission “Scattered Signs”. We return to his sister, tell him the sad news and give him the amulet. For this task we get +2 to the Dalish disposition.

Scattered signs

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

This quest will become available after completing the quest: “From the Underworld.” The guardian will tell you about strange signs and a temple not far from the camp. You need to go there and explore. There will be free soldiers inside. We kill them and destroy the magical barrier. Behind the barrier there will be a body with purple armor and the Lindirane talisman (needed for the task “There is someone to lose.” We light the curtain fire and examine the sign on the wall. We find out that there are three more such signs in other temples. In place of each sign there will be a curtain fire with which will be possible to examine the sign and put everything into the overall picture. The law of this task: if there is a curtain fire nearby, then the sign is nearby.

After finding all the signs, go to the command headquarters and study them for 5 influence points. Ultimately, these signs will lead to the forgotten temple of Dirthamen.

God of secrets

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Important: for this task you must have a robber and a mage in your squad. Otherwise, you will not be able to get some things when completing the task.

This task will be given automatically after studying the signs from the “Scattered Signs” task. You need to explore this forgotten temple of Dirthamen. There will be very few dead in the temple until you start collecting ingredients for the altar. First you need to get a curtain fire. We open the door and take the first ingredient from the altar and fight off the awakened dead. One of them will have a decorated elven key, which will be useful to us later. Also, you will need to consider 7 runes from curtain fire. They're in the same place as the ingredients we need, so don't miss them. Remember we picked up the key? We go to the gate on the right side and use the key. To get to the last ingredient you need to pull three levers: on the left side of the Sanctuary; at the end of the hall, which is opened with the key, the last one will need to pull the lever, which will be at the very beginning of the hall, which is opened with the key. Having collected all the ingredients, go to the altar and place them on the pedestals. Call the Elder and the servants. Kill them, go to the Oracle's hall and take everything from the chest. This will complete the task.

/ Answer to the game: / How to solve the archer statue puzzle in Dragon Age Inquisition?

How to solve the archer statue puzzle in Dragon Age Inquisition?


In Dragon Age Inquisition, the archer statue is located in the Dead Hand Cave, located in the Sacred Plains. With its help you need to solve the puzzle to open the secret mechanism. You need to do everything very quickly, because otherwise the archer will hit the rising pillar and not the ball. First, light 3 torches and lower the lever so that the barrier does not have time to rise. Then run to the second pillar and place another member of the Inquisition on the glowing square next to it. To deal with the last pillar, you need to take the hero behind the door where the fire is. Lower the lever and the door will open, then look around and find another door leading to the second lever. In this room there is a door on the left side, through which you can find a mechanism that turns the sculpture. The first member of the Inquisition needs to lower the lever that turns the archer statue, and the second one needs to turn the mechanism so that the barrier does not rise so quickly.

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