Where to get a certificate for Unified State Examination results. Passing the Unified State Exam without problems - how to find out the exam results

According to the law, a graduate of previous years can apply for testing in any region of Russia - regardless of where he is registered and where he completed his education. However, if you are in the same city where you are registered at your place of residence, you will most likely have to submit an application in accordance with your registration, even if you live or work on the other side of the city. However, options are possible: the exact regulations for the operation of registration points for graduates of past years are established by regional educational authorities and may vary slightly in different regions of Russia. That's why, if you plan to take exams outside your place of residence, it is best to call the hotline at Unified State Exam questions in your region and find out where you are eligible to submit documents.

Hotline numbers can be found on the official portal ege.edu.ru in the “information support” section. There you will also find links to regional websites dedicated to passing the Unified State Exam. It is on them that “verified” official information about the addresses of points where you can apply to take the Unified State Exam is posted - with contact numbers and opening hours. As a rule, applications are accepted on weekdays, two to three days a week at specially designated hours.

What documents are required to register for the Unified State Exam?

To submit an application you will need to present the following set of documents:

  • document on complete secondary education (original);

  • passport;

  • if in the interval between finishing school and passing the exams you changed your last name or first name - a document confirming this fact (marriage certificate or change of first or last name),

  • if secondary education was obtained in a foreign country educational institution– notarized translation of the certificate into Russian.

There is no need to make copies of documents: after the registration office employees enter all your data into the automated system, the originals will be returned to you.

What you need to know when applying for the Unified State Exam

By the time of your visit to the registration point for graduates of previous years, you must finally decide on a list of items that you plan to take - changing the “set” will be very difficult. While Russian language and mathematics are compulsory for school graduates, this rule does not apply to people who have already completed secondary education: you can only take those subjects that are required for admission to a university.

Decide will you write an essay. For eleventh-graders, obtaining a “pass” in an essay is an indispensable condition for admission to the exams, but graduates of previous years who take the Unified State Exam “of their own free will” are not required to do this - they receive “admission” automatically, based on the fact that they have a certificate. Therefore, it is better to clarify the question about the essay in admissions committee university of your choice: is its presence mandatory, can it bring you extra points on admission. If the answer to both questions is “no,” you can safely not include the essay in the list.

If you are planning to take the Unified State Exam foreign language – decide whether you will limit yourself to only the written part (which can bring up to 80 points), or whether you will also take the “speaking” part (an additional 20 points). Oral part The exam is held on a different day, and if you are not faced with the task of gaining maximum points, you do not have to participate in it.

Select deadlines in which you want to take exams. Graduates of previous years have the opportunity to take exams either on the main dates (in May-June, simultaneously with schoolchildren) or in an early “wave” (March). Choose what is most convenient for you.

How to register for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years

The application process is quite simple, but you should not arrive at the registration point 10 minutes before the deadline, especially if you are submitting documents to last weeks before the deadline: it is possible that you will have to wait in line for a while.

Documents are submitted in person. To register for exams:

  • you will have to fill out a consent to process personal data and enter it into the AIS (automatic identification system);

  • registration point employees will check your documents and enter your personal and passport data, as well as passport data into the system;

  • you will inform which subjects you plan to take and when, after which an application for taking the exam will be automatically generated indicating the subjects you have chosen and the dates of the exams;

  • you will check the printed application and, making sure that all the data is correct, sign;

  • employees at the registration point will give you a copy of the application with a note about acceptance of documents, a memo for the Unified State Exam participant and will instruct you how and when you will need to appear to receive a pass for the exam.

How much does it cost to take the Unified State Exam for past graduates?

The Unified State Exam is held for all categories of participants, including graduates of previous years, regardless of how many subjects you decide to take. Therefore, the procedure for accepting documents does not imply the presentation of receipts or payment for registration services.

At the same time, in most regions, graduates of previous years can take part in “trial”, training exams, which take place in conditions as close as possible to reality, are assessed according to Unified State Exam standards and allow participants to gain additional preparation experience. This is paid additional service, offered by educational authorities - and if you wish, you can use it. However, participation in such “rehearsals” is completely voluntary.

So who is he, this mysterious Unified State Exam expert, and how does he differ from ordinary teachers? Where do the mysterious super-smart people who are entrusted with deciding the fate of graduates come from? How can you become an examiner and receive a Unified State Exam expert certificate? And who can even count on this? And where do they, these experts, live? Really among us, ordinary people?

Logically, you need to start by understanding the word “expert”. Translated from Latin, it means “experienced.”

An expert is a specialist who has deep knowledge in some field of science, art, etc. and practical experience in their application. Thanks to his enormous competence and many years of practice, he is invited to evaluate any work performed.

Who can become an Unified State Exam expert? Of course, a person who first of all has Teacher Education. And on the relevant subject.

So, any teacher can become one in their discipline? Does a young specialist who has just graduated from a university also have the right to become one? Or do you first need to establish yourself as a real teacher, that is, one who has already applied the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in an educational institution in an innovative, creative, creative way, working with schoolchildren of different ages, but especially with high school students? And his students demonstrate excellent academic results (corresponding, of course, to their abilities), actively and successfully participate in competitions at various levels, and pass the Unified State Exam with high scores.

Such a teacher must be able to instill in his students the desire for self-development, deep knowledge, the desire to constantly learn new things and enjoy it. And a strong motivation to learn, always - both as a student and after school.

So, can it be that all the teachers at school are experts, that is, specialists of the highest level? Only speculatively, theoretically - yes. In fact, only one or two people from the school decide to become experts. Such courageous teachers, confident in their knowledge, abilities, and skills, undergo a certification procedure: special courses in advanced training institutes, pass the appropriate exams and receive a precious certificate confirming the fact of training in a particular discipline.

Becoming an Unified State Exam expert is not easy and very responsible, but there are many advantages. The most important ones are as follows.

All students want to be in the class of such a teacher: parents and children hope that he teaches in such a way that the children will be able to pass this fateful exam well.

He can work as an Unified State Examination expert.

Such a person is in demand as a tutor. The time has come when, when choosing a tutor for a child to prepare for the Unified State Examination, it is necessary to look not just for a “good”, smart, knowledgeable teacher, but precisely one who is competent in the field of passing these exams, knows their structure, specifics, nature of tasks, takes into account in his work the results of the analysis exam papers previous years. Only such a specialist will explain to the child why this or that question needs to be answered in this way and not otherwise.

The requirements for the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers who want to become tutors have increased sharply. Don't be shy about asking a tutor candidate to show an expert certificate. And for greater confidence, check the authenticity of the document presented with the organization that issued it. It is possible that the certificate is fake. After all, as you know, tutors claim higher pay for preparing for the exam. Especially if you hire an expert or the chairman of an expert commission.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the person to whom you entrust preparing your child for successful completion exams, it is best to pay attention to the organizations additional education who are engaged in this area of ​​training. Reputable organizations are very meticulous in selecting teachers who will work for them. Only there you can find qualified expert specialists who are guaranteed (!) to prepare your beloved child for the exam. state exam, and will not simply engage in repetition of the material covered.

So, few teachers decide to become an expert, even despite such advantages. But those who have achieved this are truly top-class professionals.

Having a Unified State Examination certificate is one of the main conditions for a university. You must understand that the level of competition among applicants is so high that it is very difficult to get into a prestigious institution.
In such a situation, a rational decision would be to buy a 2018 Unified State Exam certificate in Moscow with the desired results cheap and reliable. In this case, you will easily win the competition and enter the university of interest without the slightest problem.

your name


Your question

Whom to choose?

Would you like to purchase an ege with entry into the database and without prepayment? We will help you solve the problem. The certification will be completed in the shortest possible time, the quality will be of the highest. This option will allow you to get what you need quickly and reliably.
Fill out an application on the website, after which our operators will contact you. Get the advice you need. You will receive a high-quality final product that will allow you to implement your plans.

How to get a?

The success of admission largely depends on its quality. If you want to avoid problems when using a purchased document, then its production should be entrusted to professionals. We carry out everything on the GOZNAK form, you determine the level of results yourself.
The finished copy is no different from the one that was issued in the standard way. You don't have to worry when using what you receive from us. The price will also be an important advantage, because we offer it very inexpensively. You will be pleasantly surprised by the speed of delivery. We will ensure that what you request is received promptly.

Advantageous solution

It directly affects the chances of successful admission according to your area of ​​interest. The solution will be the possibility of acquisition. Get quality products at a low price and in a short time. With him you can implement your plans without any problems.

Buy Unified State Exam with delivery

  1. The company's courier service operates in the capital. When preparing your order, determine a convenient place to meet the courier. An employee will bring the document to any metro station. You check on the spot and pay. If errors are found in the diploma, certificate, certificate, we will definitely correct it
  2. We ship to the regions by mail. No prepayment required. Pay the required amount by cash on delivery. Delivery throughout Russia.
  3. When you need a quick result, mail is not the most reliable option. Specify a suitable delivery service - we will send through them.
    Use the services of professionals. Order educational documents from our company.

Registration No. 13636

In accordance with paragraph of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2004 N 280 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 25, Art. 2562; 2005, N 15, Art. 1350; 2006, N 18, Art. 2007; 2008, N 25, art. 2990; no. 3938; art. 5619; I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for issuing a certificate of results of the unified state exam.

2. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Minister A. Fursenko


The procedure for issuing a certificate of results of the unified state exam

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure establishes general rules issuance of a certificate of the results of the unified state examination and uniform requirements for registration, organization of accounting, storage and issuance of certificate forms of the results of the unified state examination (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination).

2. The organization of production and delivery of certificate forms on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter - the certificate forms) to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education is provided by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (hereinafter - Rosobrnadzor).

The production and delivery of certificate forms to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education is carried out by an organization authorized by Rosobrnadzor, which provides organizational and technological support to the organization and conducting the Unified State Exam at the federal level (hereinafter referred to as the authorized organization).

II. Accounting and storage

certificate forms

3. The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education, local government bodies that carry out management in the field of education, and educational institutions ensure strict quantitative accounting of the certificate forms received.

4. Accounting of certificate forms is carried out on paper and magnetic media in the statement of receipt and expenditure of certificate forms (Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure).

The receipt-expense statement of certificate forms must be numbered, laced, and have a record of the name on the last page educational institution(executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising management in the field of education, local government body, exercising management in the field of education), which issued a certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination, and the number of pages, seal and signature of the head of the educational institution (executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, implementing department in the field of education, a local government body that manages the field of education) that issued a certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam. Entries in the statement of receipts and expenditures of certificate forms are made in chronological order when performing a transaction by a person responsible for receiving, storing, recording and issuing certificate forms.

5. Persons appointed by the head of the authorized executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education, on the proposal of the state examination commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, responsible for receiving, storing, recording and issuing certificate forms, accept certificate forms in terms of quantity and quality, check the absence defects and draw up an acceptance certificate, which indicates the place and time of acceptance, the number and typographic numbers of certificate forms, the absence or presence of defects in them.

6. The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education informs Rosobrnadzor about the shortage of certificate forms or the presence of defects in them on the day of receipt of the certificate forms and the drawing up of an acceptance certificate.

7. Certificate forms must be stored in specially designated and equipped rooms, safes or metal cabinets with reliable internal or padlocks to ensure safety material assets and preventing access to them by unauthorized persons.

The premises, safes, cabinets where certificate forms are stored must be locked and sealed.

III. Registration of the certificate

about the results of the Unified State Exam

8. The issuance of a certificate of Unified State Examination results is carried out on the basis of a decision of the state examination commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (federal examination commission) to approve the Unified State Examination results in general education subjects.

9. Certificate forms are filled out using technical means by an organization that is entrusted with the functions of a regional information processing center (hereinafter referred to as the RCPO) by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education.

The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education sends the numbers and dates of acceptance of the protocols of the state examination commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (federal examination commission) on the approval of the Unified State Examination results to the authorized organization.

The authorized organization sends data to the RCIO for automated completion of certificate forms, as well as for generating a record sheet for issuing a certificate of Unified State Examination results (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure).

10. The text on the inside of the certificate form is printed in black font in Russian.

11. The last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the Unified State Exam participant are entered into the certificate form in accordance with the data specified in the identity document of the Unified State Exam participant, in the nominative case.

12. The name of each general education subject is written on a separate line with a capital letter. Numbering general education subjects is not produced.

13. It is allowed to fill in the following fields of the certificate form in a non-printed (handwritten) way: date and number of the decision of the federal examination commission (state examination commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), name and location of the educational institution (executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising management in the field of education, body local government that manages education) that issued a certificate of Unified State Examination results; last name, first name, patronymic (if any), position of the head of the educational institution (executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation that manages the field of education, a local government body that manages the field of education) that issued the certificate of Unified State Examination results; date of issue.

In this case, the specified fields are filled in handwritten with black ink.

14. Certificate forms must be filled out carefully, without corrections, blots or missing lines.

15. The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education, in accordance with the organizational and territorial scheme for conducting the Unified State Exam in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, issues or ensures the sending of completed certificate forms:

Unified State Examination participants who have mastered the basic general education programs secondary (full) general education in the current year - to educational institutions in which they mastered the specified educational programs;

other participants of the Unified State Exam - to local government bodies that manage the field of education, if the organizational and territorial scheme for conducting the Unified State Exam in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation determines that certificates of Unified State Exam results are issued by these bodies.

16. The certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam is signed by the head of the educational institution (the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education, the local government body that carries out management in the field of education), which issued the certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam, and is certified by a seal.

Certification of the Unified State Examination results certificate with a facsimile signature is not allowed.

17. Incorrectly completed certificate forms containing errors made when filling out are considered damaged and must be replaced within five working days from the date of receipt from the participant Unified State Exam applications on replacing the certificate of Unified State Examination results.

If the conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation satisfies the appeal of a Unified State Exam participant about disagreement with the assigned points, such Unified State Exam participant will be issued a new certificate of Unified State Exam results in return.

18. Damaged and invalidated certificate forms are stored in the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education until September 1 of the year following the year of issue, and after the expiration of the storage period they are destroyed in the prescribed manner.

IV. Issuance of a certificate

about the results of the Unified State Exam

19. A certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam is issued to the Unified State Exam participant upon presentation of an identification document, or to the parents (legal representatives) of a minor Unified State Exam participant on the basis of documents proving their identity, or to a person authorized by the Unified State Exam participant, on the basis of an identification document and executed in accordance with the established procedure of power of attorney.

The issuance of a certificate of Unified State Examination results is carried out under the personal signature of the person receiving the certificate of Unified State Examination results in the record sheet for the issuance of a certificate of Unified State Examination results.

When issuing a certificate of Unified State Exam results, the typographical and serial numbers of the certificate of Unified State Exam results are entered in the record sheet for issuing a certificate of Unified State Exam results, and the date of its issue is indicated. There should be no blots or corrections in the records of the issuance of a certificate of Unified State Examination results.

20. Records of the issuance of certificates of Unified State Examination results, acceptance certificates, receipts and expenditure statements of certificate forms are stored in educational institutions and RCIO.

V. Issuance of a duplicate certificate

about the results of the Unified State Exam

21. An educational institution (executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation carrying out management in the field of education, local government body carrying out management in the field of education) issues a duplicate certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination, if the validity period of the certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination has not expired, in case of loss of the certificate of Unified State Examination results or damage (damage).

The issuance of a duplicate certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam is carried out within seven days from the date of submission of a written application by the Unified State Exam participant to the educational institution (executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education, a local government body that carries out management in the field of education) that issued the certificate Unified State Exam results:

in case of loss of the certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam - outlining the circumstances of the loss of the certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam and providing documents confirming the fact of loss (certificate from the internal affairs bodies, fire department, etc.);

if the certificate of Unified State Examination results is damaged - outlining the circumstances and nature of the damage that precludes the possibility of further use, with the attachment of the damaged (damaged) certificate of Unified State Examination results, which is destroyed in the prescribed manner.

22. The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education, within two days from the date of filing a written application, requests from the authorized organization data for automated completion of certificate forms. RCIO fills out certificate forms in the prescribed manner.

23. When issuing a duplicate certificate of Unified State Examination results, a corresponding entry is made in the record sheet for issuing a certificate of Unified State Examination results for the current year, indicating the number and date of issue of the original. The applicant signs for receipt of a duplicate certificate of the Unified State Examination results.

A note on the issuance of a duplicate certificate of Unified State Examination results indicating the typographical and serial number of the certificate of Unified State Examination results and the date of issue is also made in the record sheet for the issuance of a certificate of Unified State Examination results, where the issue of the original certificate of Unified State Examination results was previously registered.

24. Each entry on the issuance of a duplicate certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination is signed by the head of the educational institution (the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that manages the field of education, the local government body that manages the field of education) or the person replacing him, and is sealed with the seal of the educational institution (executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education, local government body exercising management in the field of education).

25. On the front side of the certificate of Unified State Examination results, a handwritten entry is made in the upper right corner or a “Duplicate” stamp is placed.

26. When changing the status or name, reorganization or liquidation of an educational institution (executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education, local government body exercising management in the field of education), issuance of a duplicate certificate of Unified State Examination results or exchange of a previously issued certificate of results The Unified State Examination is carried out by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which carries out management in the field of education, or by the local government body, which carries out management in the field of education.

27. A duplicate of the certificate of USE results is issued on forms valid during the period of issue of the duplicate, regardless of the year the USE was taken.

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