Komsomolskaya Pravda: The Egyptian pyramids were built by the Russians. The Egyptian pyramids were built by the Russians. Aliens from the North Star

Truly, why hide something if it’s enough just not to talk about it. Much has already been said on this topic; it seems that world science is afraid of everything connected with megaliths and structures that do not fit into the official academic traditional history.

What do you think is in the photo?
And in the photo the famous pyramid in Nakhodka . There are actually two of them, called Brother and Sister. Sister is a pyramidal mountain, the origin of which is most likely natural. But Brother... this is a mystery. You see what's left of him. Its height was 330 meters!

This is a graphic reconstruction of an object that was dismantled back in Soviet times. There is evidence that in the upper part there were internal structures built using the highest quality concrete. The crushed stone in it is calibrated in accordance with the modern “small” type. The blocks were plastered and even the frescoes, made with red lead, whitewash and ocher of several shades, were preserved. Under the microscope, round spots and holes were visible - traces of sputtering. This information can be considered folklore, since there is no material evidence, but the very fact of the destruction of the upper part of the mountain is too eloquent evidence. The fact is that the destruction of the peak was carried out under the pretext of limestone mining. Now let’s think: is it advisable to mine limestone starting from the top? Have you ever seen this? What kind of nonsense is it, to go across the river for building materials? (they were transported by ferry). And the most important thing is that at that time the lime quarry had already been developed right next door, there was no need to swim anywhere or climb the mountain. Obvious nonsense. But there are other pyramids in Russia that are traditionally considered natural formations, but there is no information about any attempts to explore them!

I really like this “hill” in Kamchatka. There are such in Kolyma and Chukotka, but this is just a masterpiece! In Bosnia, the pyramid did not look like a pyramid at all, only when excavations began did material evidence of it appear artificial origin, and even then there were a lot of skeptics who said that the blocks of the Bosnian pyramid simply cracked from a monolith into regular rectangular blocks, and the runic writing on the walls was an intricate quirk of nature! This masterpiece is also attributed to the play of nature:

This is the Devil's Tower in Wyoming (USA). At first glance, yes... an amazing creature, it looks like a “stump” from a giant tree! However…

Everyone knows that in nature there are no right angles! Looking at the photo of the “Tower” up close, will you take the scientists’ word for it? Is there any interference from the mind? Now let's see what we have on the Amur, near the village of Rzhavchik!

Therefore, at first I didn’t understand what was going on with the photo, and when I saw the diagram drawn by hand, showing what was not visible in the photo, I had mixed feelings. Both distrust and delight. Of course, this cannot be a random pile of stones!

But since the topic is inexhaustible, more and more information is appearing, obviously the time has come to talk about this:

Nothing special, you say? Okay, let's look further:

Impressive? Okay...more...

Hotter? This is not Baalbek, no...

This is ours, dear!

Do you think Sklyarov didn’t see this in the photo? I assure you I have seen it more than once, just like the Kolyma and Perm photos.

OK. For those who don’t know, I’ll reveal my cards. this is the immediate vicinity of the city of Vyborg in the St. Petersburg province. Very close! Let's go, and we'll take measurements, pathetically exclaim that a 100 dollar bill cannot be squeezed between the stones. Try a two dollar bill, maybe it will fit? Or are you just sticking it in the wrong place? Let's discuss whether a band saw or a circular saw was used, or maybe a laser... Loser, not a laser, dear Andrey Yuryevich! Good luck to you in exploring Bolivia and distant Peru!
So: we partially looked at Amur, Kolyma, Perm and Leningrad region. Now I propose to go to the Yenisei!

Did you notice anything? No!?! Okay, look again, and pay attention to the pebble I highlighted in red!

Am I the only one seeing this again? Well what are you doing!!! See the hint below:

Earnestly? And here it is also there:

Need comments?
So, you are convinced that there is plenty of evidence of the activity of ancient intelligence on the territory of Russia, even despite such colossal destruction caused by tectonic and hydrological disasters, erosion caused by sand, water and wind. And the fact that traces of the vital activity of unknown builders remained only in inaccessible mountain areas is simply explained. By its inaccessibility to human intervention, who would certainly destroy everything that remained. Shall we look for more places like this? Let's! We are flying to Primorye, to Mount Pidan!

Game of nature? Perhaps... perhaps...

We still need to figure it out!

Bah! Did they blow something up?

Oh come on! The Chinese did their best on Mount Pidan! Fans of the Great Wall fence system...

But this leaves no doubt?

And this is a “natural formation on the Shkotovsky plateau, the Gorbaty waterfall. Complete delight! But there is something else! Let’s now go to the Kola Peninsula!

Well, where is Sklyarov and his team? Is it cold in Murmansk? Or less funding...

Not convincing?

And from this angle?

And these were the Sami shamans having fun on endless summer evenings)))
By the way, aren’t Kola and Kolyma related words? "Kolo" in ancient Slavic - circle, wheel, rotation.... Kolymaga, Kolymazhskaya tower (one of the towers of the Moscow Kremlin was called that way before). Coke MOTHER, maybe? Then this is yet another piece of evidence confirming the correctness of the theory of the resettlement of the Krivichi from Kolyma to the north-west of Russia and to Polotsk and Smolensk, and not from Eastern Europe, as is usually written in “scientific” books.
A separate topic, of course, and an immense one, is the megaliths of the Caucasus. Maybe I'll do this, although... so much has been written about this, but there are no fresh ideas yet. I can’t help but quote just one photo right now:

This is a unique artifact. Again we see an example of an inexplicable object, from the point of view of the current level of technology development, that modern stone cutters are unable to reproduce.
This pebble lies in the Sochi region, near the village of Kudepsta. No, in principle, this can be done with a hammer and chisel, or rather something similar, because mistakes are inevitable, chips, scratches, deviations from the vertical and horizontal axes. But it's not written in stone. Ideal geometry and surface quality. The only thing that comes to mind is that when it was not yet a stone, but a clay mass, some object was imprinted into it, after which the clay petrified. Then what could this object be? Mechanism bed? Maybe the stone itself is part of the mechanism? We will probably not know this in this lifetime.
I would like to! But... everything amazing should belong to Western civilization. Nothing should have happened on Russian territory. And if it is found, we will declare it a historical and landscape reserve or a zone under the protection of UNESCO and we will prohibit digging, studying, and prohibiting it! I don’t dare speculate about the reasons for this now, but I also can’t remain silent, I feel my duty to my fellow citizens, which was revealed in last years must be studied! And there is no need to look back at academics and world science. they, as we know for certain, do not benefit from knowing the truth. They need wild, drunken people who will listen to glamorous pop music, eat nasty things made from poisons, buy absolutely unnecessary goods and services, and will be happy with their “freedom.” The surest way to remain in slavery is to create the illusion of freedom in the slave, so that he consciously strives for slavery, sincerely considering it freedom. Why! A civilized uncle showed how to live happy! Let's think with our own brains!

You learned that the first language on Earth was Russian. But our ancestors distinguished themselves not only in literacy.

Imported equipment

Recently, one researcher brought me pebbles the size of quail eggs, with inscriptions on them in fractions of a millimeter,” says Valery Alekseevich. - And I was amazed by the technique with which the words were applied to the strongest granite. They are engraved. It looks like using a miniature cutter. It’s not easy to make one - you need hard alloys and machine tools. Many thousands of years ago, someone had very advanced technology.

Andrei Sklyarov, head of the laboratory, found a lot of supernatural things in Egypt alternative history. The plateau on which the pyramids stand and other historical sites are literally strewn with granite stones and blocks with traces of mechanical processing. They are sawed off, slotted, ground, polished, drilled with some high-strength tool. (For more information about these artifacts, see “KP” dated February 14, 2008 “ Who built the pyramids for the Egyptians »)

High-tech processed parts are very different from simple “clumsy” structures, which are Ancient Egypt majority. It's as if they were left behind by different cultures. The researcher's conclusion: before the Egyptian one, there was a more developed civilization on Earth.


Yes. Its technical and cultural fruits were most likely used by the ancient Egyptians.

By the way, this civilization also left huge statues, the height of a 10-story building, that have been preserved in Ural mountains, in Germany, in the USA. Geologists call them remnants - isolated masses of rock that have survived weathering. But that's not true. They stand too apart, far from the rocks. And many of them have inscriptions in Russian, for example, TEMPLE OF YARA, MARA or MAKOSH (MAKAZH), ROD. These are the names of gods and goddesses in Slavic mythology.

Recently, in a collection of paleoastronomy, I came across interesting photo stone from the Neolithic (VII - III millennium BC), which turned out to be an ancient globe. It depicts all the continents. And everything except Africa is YAROV Rus'.

Aliens from the North Star

Valery Alekseevich, where did the Russians themselves come from?

“I have one fantastic assumption,” says Chudinov. - He was inspired by a bronze disk recently found in Germany with images of planets and stars. There, next to the North Star, it is written: TEMPLE OF MAKOSH. So I thought: “Isn’t that where our ancestors came from?” After all, the North Star has been especially revered at all times. The earliest maps of the starry sky began with precisely two constellations - the Lesser and the Greater Mokosh (Ursa Minor and Ursa Major). Makosh herself was always drawn in the form of a bear. By the way, perhaps this is why the Roseau stone (see “KP” dated January 22 of this year and on the website kp.ru) with unknown letters was kept by the Indians as a sacred relic. They probably knew that it was made by “people from heaven,” “gods.”

And this is how I imagine the history of the settlement of the Earth. Representatives alien civilization- Russian speakers - first mastered the Polar Continent. Then, as it began to sink under water, they began to develop other lands. They migrated through the Bering Strait to Eurasia and settled it. And the “locals” - the indigenous earthlings - may have actually spread from Africa.

The most common statements that Chudinov questions

Official approval

Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century enlightened the Slavs and created the Slavic alphabet.

Chudinov's arguments

Their merit lies primarily in the fact that they were able to obtain permission from Constantinople and Rome to conduct services in the “Old Church Slavonic” language, close to Russian, although an artificial dialect that no one spoke. True, for this it was necessary to make a compromise, adapting the Russian script to the younger one, but allowed for worship - to the Greek one. For example, the Greek letters - omega, psi, xi - were introduced. But Russian writing already existed before them.

Official approval

Homo sapiens (reasonable man) was born 30 - 35 thousand years ago.

Chudinov's arguments

This is true for Europe. 200,000 years ago, Russian civilized people inhabited the north of the American continent. One of the latest finds confirming this fact is a clay figurine of the Russian goddess Mara, found near the city of Nampa, Idaho. And also - the “weeping rock” next to a huge waterfall in Columbia, Oregon. There, right on the rock, hundreds of faces of the Russian goddesses Yara and Rod are painted. It looks like an open air church.

Official approval

The first people appeared in Africa, and they settled from the equator to the poles.

Chudinov's arguments

They explored the planet from north to south, and the Russians were the pioneers. This is proven by the first ancient portraits of people carved on rocks in America: these are not Chinese, not blacks, not Australians, but typically Slavic faces. And the description of migration from Africa to the north concerns only highly developed monkeys. They lived in parallel.

Official approval

Writing begins only in the Bronze Age, that is, in the 3rd millennium BC.

Chudinov's arguments

It turns out a strange picture: in the Neolithic, VII - III millennium BC. e., there is no writing yet, in the Bronze Age, III millennium BC. e., weak rudiments appear, and in the 2nd millennium BC. e. writing is already perfect, diverse, and widespread throughout the world. When did it manage to develop so rapidly and flow to its full potential? Nobody explains this paradox.

A lot of supernatural things were found in Egypt by Andrei Sklyarov, head of the laboratory of alternative history.

We recently learned that the first language on Earth was Russian. But our ancestors distinguished themselves not only in literacy, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Imported equipment

Recently, one researcher brought me stones the size of quail eggs, with inscriptions on them in fractions of a millimeter,” says Valery Alekseevich. – And I was amazed by the technique with which the words were applied to the strongest granite. They are engraved. It looks like using a miniature cutter. It’s not easy to make one - you need hard alloys and machine tools. Many thousands of years ago, someone had very advanced technology.

A lot of supernatural things were found in Egypt by Andrei Sklyarov, head of the laboratory of alternative history. The plateau on which the pyramids stand and other historical sites are literally strewn with granite stones and blocks with traces of mechanical processing. They are sawed off, slotted, ground, polished, drilled with some high-strength tool.

High-tech processed parts are very different from simple “clumsy” structures, which were the majority in Ancient Egypt. It's as if they were left behind by different cultures. The researcher's conclusion: before the Egyptian one, there was a more advanced civilization on Earth.


Yes. Its technical and cultural fruits were most likely used by the ancient Egyptians.

By the way, this civilization also left huge statues, the height of a 10-story building, that have been preserved in the Ural Mountains, in Germany, and in the USA. Geologists call them remnants—isolated massifs of rock that have survived weathering. But that's not true. They stand too apart, far from the rocks. And many of them have inscriptions in Russian, for example, TEMPLE OF YARA, MARA or MAKOSH (MAKAZH), ROD. These are the names of gods and goddesses in Slavic mythology.

Recently, in a collection on paleoastronomy, I came across an interesting photo of a stone from the Neolithic (VII - III millennium BC), which turned out to be an ancient globe. It depicts all the continents. And everything except Africa is YAROVA Rus'.

Aliens from the North Star

Valery Alekseevich, where did the Russians themselves come from?

“I have one fantastic assumption,” says Chudinov. “He was inspired by a bronze disk recently found in Germany with images of planets and stars. There, next to the North Star, it is written: TEMPLE OF MAKOSH. So I thought: “Isn’t that where our ancestors came from?” After all, the North Star has been especially revered at all times. The earliest maps of the starry sky began with precisely two constellations - the Lesser and the Greater Mokosh (Ursa Minor and Ursa Major). Makosh herself was always drawn in the form of a bear. By the way, perhaps this is why the Roseau stone (see “KP” dated January 22 of this year and on the website kp.ru) with unknown letters was kept by the Indians as a sacred relic. They probably knew that it was made by “people from heaven,” “gods.”

And this is how I imagine the history of the settlement of the Earth. Representatives of an alien civilization - native speakers of the Russian language - first mastered the Polar Continent. Then, as it began to sink under water, they began to develop other lands. They migrated through the Bering Strait to Eurasia and settled it. And the “locals” - the indigenous earthlings - may have actually spread from Africa.

Chudinov's arguments

Their merit lies primarily in the fact that they were able to obtain permission from Constantinople and Rome to conduct services in an “Old Church Slavonic” language close to Russian, albeit an artificial dialect that no one spoke. True, for this it was necessary to make a compromise, adapting the Russian script to the younger one, but allowed for worship - to the Greek one. For example, the Greek letters omega, psi, xi were introduced. But Russian writing already existed before them.

Official approval

Homo sapiens (reasonable man) was born 30 - 35 thousand years ago.

Chudinov's arguments

This is true for Europe. 200,000 years ago, Russian civilized people inhabited the north of the American continent. One of the latest finds confirming this fact is a clay figurine of the Russian goddess Mara, found near the city of Nampa, Idaho. And also - the “weeping rock” next to a huge waterfall in Columbia, Oregon. There, right on the rock, hundreds of faces of the Russian goddesses Yara and Rod are painted. It looks like an open air church.

Official approval

The first people appeared in Africa, and they settled from the equator to the poles.

Chudinov's arguments

They explored the planet from north to south, and the Russians were the pioneers. This is proven by the first ancient portraits of people carved on rocks in America: these are not Chinese, not blacks, not Australians, but typically Slavic faces. And the description of migration from Africa to the north concerns only highly developed monkeys. They lived in parallel.

Official approval

Writing begins only in the Bronze Age, that is, in the 3rd millennium BC.

Chudinov's arguments

It turns out a strange picture: in the Neolithic, VII - III millennium BC. e., there is no writing yet, in the Bronze Age, III millennium BC. e., weak rudiments appear, and in the 2nd millennium BC. e. writing is already perfect, diverse, and widespread throughout the world. When did it manage to develop so rapidly and flow to its full potential? Nobody explains this paradox.

Tags: construction, Russian, Egyptian pyramids

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