Where do the budget places go if the applicant is expelled? People who were expelled, or those who left the university themselves, how did your life turn out, and did you then return to study? I didn’t pass one test, will I be expelled?

A retake will be scheduled with the same examiner. If you fail again - retake the commission. If it fails there too. In general, they may be expelled. However, if the subject is not specialized, they may offer to continue studying and pass this “tail” with the next course. Another option is to offer to retake this subject with the next course for a fee.

Of course they can, but how can they! Failure in at least one subject entails inadmissibility to the examination session. The session is not passed - the student is expelled. At least, in serious higher educational institutions the system is exactly like this.

If the exam in a subject is not passed, then the test itself is equivalent to an exam. Failure to pass results in a debt, the elimination of which and the deadlines for retaking are agreed upon in the dean's office.

But of course no one will expel you right away. And only if repeated attempts are unsuccessful will expulsion follow. Debt for just one item can be tolerated for quite some time, but it must eventually be handed over. Much depends on the rector; he is the one who makes the final decision.

If the test precedes the exam, then failure to pass automatically means ineligibility for the exam. And this is equivalent to getting a bad mark on the exam. Debt elimination, as with a regular failed exam, but only in a test-exam pair. Some universities set the number of attempts, and only then expulsion follows.

Well, they usually assign a retake, and if there is no retake, it means the test was not passed, most likely they will not expel you; if in other subjects the situation is more or less normal and the grades are within the satisfactory range, then they will not expel you.

Maybe, it’s precisely to weed out people who don’t know something even to the level of 3 that tests were invented. But after the first failure, a retake is assigned. Accordingly, if you fail the test several times, you may be expelled. Therefore, if you don’t pass something the first time, try to pass it the next time. Learn all unsubscribed materials.

Expulsion from a university - procedure and reasons

Procedure for exclusion from higher education educational institution unpleasant either to the administration or to the student. For management, this is a long, labor-intensive process that requires the preparation of a long list of documents and strict adherence to the procedure for expulsion from the university established by law. The culprit of the emergency will also have to endure not the most happy moments in life, so it’s better not to bring the situation to a boiling point and know exactly why they can be expelled from the university.

Reasons for expulsion from university

According to Article 62 of the Federal Law on Education, there are two grounds for expulsion from a university: the initiative of a higher educational institution and the desire of the student, if he:

  • decided to transfer to another university;
  • changes place of residence;
  • are unable to continue their studies due to family (life) circumstances or due to deteriorating health.

At the request of the university, this is always an exception for unjustified reasons, which are considered to be:

  • Non-payment. Full-time and part-time contract students should be especially careful and control the deadlines within which they need to pay money for their studies. One day of delay, of course, will not be excluded, but if you do not promptly respond to the dean’s notice about the need to repay the debt and do not make a contribution, expulsion from the university for non-payment cannot be avoided.
  • Underachievement. This wording comes into force if there are three academic debts in one or more subjects:
    • failed tests, exams;
    • two unsuccessful retake attempts;
    • expiration of the “tails” liquidation period - usually the first 30 days after summer holidays or winter session.

Failures in coursework or practice also count as debt.

Rules for expulsion from a university for poor academic performance on the basis of the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution of Higher Education vocational training are compiled by all universities, institutes, colleges, academies independently and are prescribed in the charter, so the timing and number of retakes, periods for paying tuition may vary.

  • Omissions. Federal laws do not specifically indicate that failure to attend classes is grounds for expulsion from a university. But in the charters of establishments high school there must be a clause stipulating the acceptable “limits of decency”, which should not be exceeded, especially for students of budgetary and targeted forms of education, otherwise troubles are inevitable - they can be expelled. Some higher educational institutions, in their charter, classify systematic absenteeism as a type of academic failure, which is already a completely legal basis for exclusion.

The application of disciplinary measures, which include expulsion, according to the 6th part of the 43rd article of the law on education, is unacceptable during academic leave, illness and holidays.

  • Other reasons. These include:
    • violation of the internal regulations of the university;
    • untimely exit from academic leave;
    • unjustified absence from examinations;
    • hooligan behavior in dormitories or academic buildings;
    • imprisonment.

Fee-paying students may be expelled when they violate the terms of their contract.

Deduction procedure

If expulsion occurs at the request of the student, an application must be written to the rector, which will be considered within a period not exceeding 10 days. The student is considered officially expelled only after signing the order.

Be careful! In paid departments, tuition fees are charged until an expulsion order is issued, even if the student does not attend classes.

If the initiator of the exclusion is a university, then the administration must first request a written explanation from the student. Refusal to provide information about the reasons for academic failure, arrears in fees, non-attendance, or unwillingness to explain other circumstances that forced the educational institution to raise the question of the student's status does not prevent expulsion.

If satisfactory and respectful explanations are not provided or there are compelling reasons for disciplinary action, the dean of the faculty sends a reasoned proposal for expulsion to the rector's office. Within three days, it is signed by the head of the university and transferred to the student personnel department, where the corresponding order is issued.

What documents are issued to an expelled student?

In exchange for a walk-in sheet signed in the library, utility room, or dormitory, the ex-student receives his school certificate and all original documents provided upon admission. When transferring to another educational institution, you will need an academic certificate, which lists the courses completed, indicating the number of hours attended and grades received.

It is extremely rare for a student to be expelled without the right to reinstatement and almost never instantly. There is always time and a chance to correct the situation.

Sunrise - Yugorsk, LLC

Deduction for academic debt at a university

Do they have the right to expel me from a university for academic failure if I have a disabled child?

Take a sabbatical. but they have the right to expel.

It is necessary to be reinstated at the university, expulsion for academic debt. There were repeated reinstatements and repeated expulsions from the same university. Trying to recover one last time.

Are you kidding? what on. . studies? the child is more important!

They can. Only if they don’t meet you, and they might de facto, you are an underachiever and a disabled child has absolutely nothing to do with it, since it is assumed that you have thought about everything before entering the university.

To avoid expulsion, write an application for academic leave. It's the same as staying a second year. The educational institution is not interested in your personal circumstances and problems. Only social security may be interested in this.

They don’t, but they can offer to go on vacation. They will accumulate retakes for you, but if you pay for your studies, you will not be expelled in any case

Interesting - you study in order to get a specialty, do you think that after treating a 5-6 year old child you will just be given a diploma?

Every student's worst nightmare is expulsion from the university. There may be several reasons, the main one being academic debt. If a student does not complete the working curriculum within the established time frame and in full, then the same will be dealt with.

I'm a 3rd year medical student. university I have academic debt. They want to expel, what should they do?

Expulsion for academic failure is made on the following grounds. Academic debt is liquidated in accordance with the Regulations on coursework. Persons who were previously expelled from ChSU or another university and wish to continue their studies at ChSU.

Whether you want to cry or not, the dean’s office operates according to established rules. Which you know very well yourself. If you have accumulated debts, that is, you are not able to study normally, you will be expelled.

If you are expelled from the university from the 2nd year for academic failure, 2 debts, when reinstated to the 2nd year, is it necessary?

No one will reinstate you with debts for the 2nd year.

Deduction for academic debt. State university, budget department. What should we do now? Is it possible to recover? Or it is advisable to transfer to another university without losing a year.

They must take credit for what is handed in. The statute of limitations is like 3 or 5 years. The only obstacle is if the course below is studying according to the new Federal State Educational Standards, I don’t remember in what year they were introduced.

There will only be debts that may not need to be paid.

Question about expulsion from the university

3 academic debts, it could be 2 tests + 1 exam, or there are many variations

The following students are expelled for academic debt - those who are in session. Notification of students about their expulsion for academic failure is carried out by posting an extract from the order on the information stand and on the faculty website.

We could have no more than one debt) If there was more than one, they gave us two or three weeks to turn it in, if we didn’t turn in the application for deduction and that’s it)

I study at college, I was in the 4th year but due to academic debts I transferred (was not expelled) to the 3rd year, will they give me a second deferment?

Liquidation of academic debt is carried out, as a rule, within one semester. Ш. Expulsion of students A student can be expelled from the university - in connection with death - at his own request - in connection with a transfer to another university - in connection with.

Should I be notified of expulsion from a university for academic debt? If so, for how long and how?

The student knows the university statute regarding academic debt

If you don't pass the test, be prepared to be expelled. They usually give you time to retake it - it doesn't help, they expel you immediately

A university student may be expelled for violating the University Charter. What exactly is meant by this violation? Is academic debt a violation of the statute? Current legislation distinguishes between two grounds for deduction on initiative.

List of debtors, order for re-delivery indicating dates, deduction

Will they be reinstated at a university with 7 debts?

Give a good bribe and that's it.

I am interested in 1 The procedure for expulsion from the university and the legality of them WE ARE NOT OBLIGED TO. 2 What can be done. exams and or tests and those who have not eliminated their academic debt in a timely manner and have not completed the practical training program.

From 7 it’s unlikely, they can restore it to the previous session and do the circle again!

Academic leave with debts

They will give you an academic degree without any problems, but in September you will study the same course again. You're wasting a whole year. At least it’s like this with us - you take the academic course, study again for a year, it doesn’t depend on whether you passed half of the tests or not. But I didn’t understand about the financial condition of the family... If you are studying for a fee, write a statement that you are not able to pay for your studies and take an academic degree. And the budget... Idk... Talk to the group supervisor

2. Expulsion of university students. 2.1. Students' studies at a university can be interrupted for good or bad reasons. 2.2.2. Academic failure based on the results of the examination session if there are three or more debts, including.

To prove a difficult financial situation, it is necessary (if officially) to collect many, many certificates. Otherwise, everyone will run away from absenteeism.

If they give you an academic degree unofficially, then it’s still possible.

I was expelled from one university for academic failure and immediately reinstated in another. Will I get a deferment from the army?

Documents required for reinstatement at the university 1. Academic certificate, a document that was given to you by the dean's office. If expulsion occurred due to poor academic performance, the dean's office sets a time frame within which academic debt must be eliminated.

If you are expelled for poor academic performance, there will be no second deferment.

“Academic failure” is a RESPECTIVE (.) reason for expulsion.

The deferment remains in effect.

Supreme Court of the Russian

Question 13: Does the right to a deferment from conscription apply to military service for persons expelled from educational institutions (universities) for academic failure, but reinstated in this educational institution by the time the decision on their conscription was made?

If anything is unclear, ask.

Communicate with RVC only in writing.

Academic debt is not a valid reason. You can check this in internal position educational institution. Academician the debt is a violation of the Uk Charter, and this is already grounds for canceling the deferment, so it’s time for you to prepare for service.

Expulsion from the institute

As someone who has not eliminated academic debt within the established academic schedule. In case of expulsion due to transfer to another university, a certificate must be attached to the application. In case of expulsion for gross violations the student must give a substantive explanation.

Expelled, I sympathize, but it’s the army :)

If you studied well, pride will not expel you if you have an explanation, contact the government if you feel you are right and want to study.

With us everything is possible!! ! Although you shouldn’t be expelled so quickly if you have lost money for this session, and it’s still going on!! ! I studied myself and I remember many retook the exams until the next session, they were not allowed to take it if that session was not closed, but then it was not over yet and they were already expelled! You can appeal, besides, you are sick, the reason seems to be valid!

Offer them more money for tuition :)

Certainly. Who the hell needs such would-be specialists... Drive in the neck! Factories and farms are crying without workers.

Moreover, if at the main university of the country this is three or more debts, then somewhere you can fly out of the university for one debt. Until February 5, you can close your academic failure. After a hard deduction, even with one debt.

Serves you right, go take the shovel from the Tajiks

If the tails are for this session, then they should not be expelled

There is a test week before the session. At the end of the week, an order for admission to the session is being prepared. If a student is not allowed to attend the session, then he can run to repay his outstanding tests during the session. If you pass, you will be allowed to take part in the session. At the end of the session, an order is issued based on the results of the session. If one of the students fell ill and could not attend the exams (this does not mean snot with a fever, but a serious illness), then the session can be extended for the period of the certificate (But there must be tests!).

You don’t write what kind of tails you have, whether you reported your illness to the university. But draw your own conclusions based on my explanation.

Must have a sick leave certificate on hand.

Well. In general, illness is a valid reason. but obviously they deduct for something else

Within what time frame after expulsion is reinstatement at the university possible? Students expelled for academic failure and who had academic debt only3 Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2011 12-1342 On admission to the university for the second and.

One test was not passed from the summer session.

If you’ve already been with a commission and you didn’t receive credit, then yes, they’ll expel you

The deadline for eliminating academic debt is that the student is subject to expulsion for academic failure.2. Students who had an academic difference at the beginning of the session that arose as a result of a discrepancy in the educational program when transferring from another university, and not.

Expulsion occurs only if there are three or more academic debts. And yes, leaving credits for subsequent courses is a very common practice.

PS. It’s better, of course, not to procrastinate and to pass it as quickly as possible, but at our university some of us studied with 7 debts in the 5th year. :) There is only one condition - to hand over all debts before pre-graduation practice, otherwise they will either be expelled or transferred to an earlier course..

I have not passed 2 exams, by the time of the second exam I had not passed one test, which has now been passed. Will I be expelled?

So, brother, it’s not here, but at the university that you need to take an interest, everywhere has its own requirements

The student is studying in the fourth year of university full-time training. In January 2015, an order was issued to expel him from the university for academic debt. With a work permit, the student went to the military registration and enlistment office, where he was informed about being drafted into the RA because...

Exactly! Are you going to go to the dean's office or something? Then talk to the group curator - he will give you advice or even help.

If you throw money at them, then they definitely won’t pay you back.

Is it possible to pass exams without even one test?

Reinstatement at the University

Help with session conditions.

They give you a month, then they can expel you

It is impossible to expel a student during illness, academic leave, vacation or maternity leave. Only after repayment of the debt can the student be reinstated in the university for expulsion for an unexcused reason of three years.

Milyulka writes correctly.

Go to the dean's office URGENTLY! Find out everything PERSONALLY. And be sure to write it down!

". I can finish everything." Stop bragging in advance. It’s a contradiction - you seem to be able to, but you really can’t. If you pass, you'll be great.

Return to college. If I drop out of my own free will now, will I be able to recover later (budget)?

Is it weak to ask the dean’s office?

Expulsion of students A student may be expelled from the university at his own request, including in connection with a transfer to another educational institution. Reinstatement of a student expelled from the university on the initiative of the administration for academic debt or violation.

Just write an application for academic leave.

If I passed the exam but in other subjects I don’t get “pass” and “not certified” in all subjects (not worth it in 4-5 subjects)

It’s easy and most likely the documents are already prepared. You just didn’t understand that university is not a party, it’s a beautiful and interesting pastime.

Education document - academic certificate or certificate of study or period If valid reasons for expulsion from the university are no longer present After reviewing the documents, if expulsion was due to poor academic performance, you will be asked to hand over debts and.

When did you manage to pass the exam? Usually, students are allowed to take exams if all tests have been passed. Although, if you are studying according to the Bologna system, then you can take it if there is no exam in this subject this semester, but this can only be suggested to you by the dean’s office. Usually, so much debt is a direct path to expulsion or transfer to a paid course when you take a lower course and pay for training

I failed one test, will I be expelled?

I waited until the fourth year to take the exam from the second year

Upon expulsion due to transfer to another university. The student, in addition to a personal application addressed to the rector, in case of a positive decision, sets a deadline for eliminating academic debt or debt arising due to differences in curricula.

No, they won’t expel you! Just take it next semester! Why is this not half a session filled up :) Don’t worry :)

A lot depends on the university here. And so you’ll just pass the semester

No, they won’t expel you. You will need to agree on a retake time, prepare and pass! They are expelled if they fail several times.

Of course not. Although it is better not to keep your tails, firstly, this is a student’s reputation; it is more difficult to study well when it is known that you are a “tail”,

and, secondly, a hook for the dean’s office, if they can always pull and have the right to expel.

In September 2014, the Ministry of Education issued a decree according to which the university MUST expel a student if the period of his academic debt is more than 1 year. Keep in mind.

Academic leave can be taken twice during your studies at the university. Students who had arrears in tuition fees at the time of expulsion must compensate for it upon reinstatement.

If you cannot retake the test within the allotted time, you will be expelled.

What will happen if you don’t go to university for the whole semester and come only now? otherwise I'm going to go and don't even know what awaits me

You’ll come and find out that you’ll have a hard time at the session.

Each student is not as afraid of the tests and exams themselves as of the threatened expulsion from the university. If students do not eliminate the debt during this time, they are expelled from the university for academic failure.

Keep paying, you'll get your diploma)) But if your parents pay, then you're setting them up nicely. . .They will be "happy." Isn't your name Pavlik Morozov?))

Don’t even think about going now, you only need to come in 5 years to get your diploma

Well, if you have a lot of people on your comrade, you could expel them even without warning. But in any case, you need to go and find out, because everything is different in different universities.

Collectors from the bank are calling. And at the university no one needs you. So you'll have to figure it out yourself. This is sincere advice. Otherwise, you will be expelled - and you won’t even know when it’s time to put on foot wraps. Figure it out for yourself, school is over.

This is not a school, so no one will call. Go ahead. You may already have been expelled.

In a state university, it is not allowed to charge fees when liquidating academic debt, retaking tests, coursework, state exams. It is not allowed to expel students during their illness, vacation, academic leave or maternity leave.

I bought a ticket for 100 thousand and didn’t go. It's up to you, they will gladly leave you for a second year for the same amount. And you won’t have time to pass anything this semester, that’s for sure. . . Well, at most, a couple of subjects, if the teachers take pity on you...

Expelled from university

What for? If you don't want to study, go to work.

Scheduled completion of tests and exams on time, elimination of academic debt within the time limits established by the dean’s office. this issue Different opinions were expressed; some authors consider the expulsion of a student from a university as a

Do it again, maybe another time

Don't go there anymore at all. A specialist will leave you like a hammer.

Here you go! then she was pulling the rubber with her tails, and then she just completely ran away... What were you thinking? ! do it again.

Transferred to a COURSE with coverage of the difference in curricula, it is impossible for 0.5 courses, as well as for the 4 6 8 10 semester

I think they will require a certificate from the first university.

Expulsion for academic debt, financial debt, loss of connection with the university, at the initiative of the administration is 3.6. The further procedure for passing documents corresponds to the procedure for expelling students established at the university.

University named after Pirogov Expelled during the 2nd year winter session.

Think about it yourself: was it the reason why you were expelled so that you could be accepted back? Now you have only one way. Re-enrollment, 1st year - and all over again. After the army.

There are several reasons why a student can be expelled from a university, which can also, in the case of studying on a commercial basis, arrears in tuition fees or when a student is expelled for failure to complete curriculum or for academic.

You need to take a sabbatical.

Try to transfer to another University; here you may not be accepted back.

What the hell? If you passed all the sessions well in the 1st year, then next year you can recover.

we had a girl in her first year who was expelled after the summer session, but a year later she continued her studies, but not from the first of September, but from the second semester

After expulsion in the FIRST year, the student is never reinstated at the institute. That's what they tell us at the university.

You can't, you have to learn again

In this case, in his application addressed to the head of the university, he asks to be expelled for the same exam - the Student has not eliminated his academic debt within the established time frame - Student.

Go to Kazan, we have a lot of foreigners studying here and they give a lot of attempts to retake the exam.

You can be reinstated the following year again for a second year for a fee. But for this you need to work as a nurse, then submit a job description

If you had no debts during your first year, then in the next academic year you can return to the 2nd year. Is it possible to recover on a budget if you studied on a budget, find out at admissions committee. I think not, most likely only for a paid form of education.

Reinstatement to university

Just re-enter - you can recover only a year after leaving. In addition, the paid department is interested in your money

Being transferred to another university both during the holidays and during the semester, but provided that it is not subject to expulsion from the university, students will be expelled having three or more academic debts at the end of the session.

Six years have passed after all. Have you passed all your exams? That is, can the first course be considered completed or are there any debts remaining? It's better to call the university and find out everything.

Find out in the dean's office of the university, it's unlikely that anyone is from there. At my university, you can recuperate within five years, but the time frame is different for everyone.

Actually, this issue is being discussed in the native dean’s office, and not here in the gateway.

There is another option - although not very possible - friends did this with a local university before - they transferred from the regional center - to count these grades for study from the 2nd year for a fee at another university, but in this one they are unlikely to accept it, the interval of 5 years has been exceeded.

Although - who knows.

That is, you simply stopped studying, didn’t take an academic course, didn’t drop out of your own free will, a pretty mature decision.

This means you were expelled for poor academic performance or for not starting classes.

In this case, reinstatement is possible on a paid basis; you need to find out everything, naturally, in the dean’s office, in case you weren’t expelled at all. In our mess, anything is possible.

When expelled due to transfer, the student provides a certificate from the host university in the prescribed form. - Those who have not liquidated their academic debt within the established time frame.

Question about expulsion Are you expelled in the first year of the first semester if you haven’t passed a single exam?

Reinstatement of a student with academic debt can be made no earlier than six months after his expulsion from3. in connection with graduation from a university 4. in connection with termination of a training contract 5. for academic failure, including internships

Why not

I took a nap at the bottom of the trench and dreamed of a bed.

but I hear the sergeant-major shout: FUCK YOU!)))

If there is at least one debt left, this is already a deduction.

It depends on the university's policy. Usually, a student with 1 debt is given the opportunity to pay off his debts during the holidays. Most likely it will be until February 9th. You can retake it three times, the fourth time - with a commission, then expulsion is possible if you fail the exam.

If your situation is completely critical, you can try to transfer to another university. To do this, you need to come to another university with your grade book, and they will calculate the academic difference for you.

It’s just that if you are expelled from the 1st semester, you will not be able to be reinstated for the same semester later (by law, they cannot be reinstated for the 1st year). And you will have to reapply based on the Unified State Examination. Plus, you will lose your deferment from the army.

So I advise you, as a last resort, to try to transfer to another university. Better yet, prepare very well for the retake. It will definitely be easier to study next semester.

Can I reinstate myself at the University? Kuleshova, after being expelled from the first year of the correspondence department due to academic debt. Hello. Please answer my question. I was expelled from the university because of one debt. I studied for free.

According to the law, you must be expelled if you fail two exams, but in most universities they do, I don’t know how it is with you.

Can they be expelled from the university for one debt?

My son studies at the Rostov Construction College. As a subject, architecture has a debt. Can you be expelled from college for one debt?

Lawyers' answers (2)

The student has the right to retake the course no more than two times. If the academic debt is not eliminated within the established time frame for the third time, the student is subject to expulsion from this organization as having failed to fulfill the obligations of conscientious study educational program and implementation of the curriculum.

In accordance with clause 8.10. Internal labor regulations of a state secondary educational institution vocational education Rostov region"Rostov-on-Don Construction College" (GBOU SPO RO RSK) agreed upon by the college council (Minutes dated January 29, 2015 No. 3)

Expulsion from the college by order of the director is allowed:

For committing illegal actions;

For failure to complete the curriculum

For failure to fulfill the duties provided for by the college charter, a one-time

gross or systematic violation of discipline, the Charter in the presence of an unresolved

For violation of internal regulations.

The procedure for passing tests and exams is regulated by clause 5.10.4

Passing all tests is the basis for the student’s admission to the exams.

Students who have mostly current “excellent” grades in the discipline,

The teacher has the right to assign a final grade without conducting an exam (test).

Upon fulfillment of all requirements stipulated by the curriculum of this

discipline, as an exception, the student may be given the right to early

It is allowed to retake two subjects per year in order to improve the grade.

test or examination subject.

Students who do not agree with the grade assigned based on the results of the current

academic performance, the right to take an exam (test) to the commission for this

discipline in the volume of material studied.

Students with no more than two outstanding credits may be

admitted to the examination session by order of the college director with the determination of the deadline

To eliminate academic debts upon completion of the examination

session is given fifteen days or a liquidation period is set

debt order for college.

In case of receiving an unsatisfactory grade, the student has the right to

retake during the session to the teacher leading academic discipline, By

direction to the head of the department once. The student takes the exam again

If a student has not mastered knowledge of a subject due to missing classes without

good reason, he can contact the head of the department to obtain

permission for additional consultations on a compensation basis.

If a student, based on the results of the interim certification, has two months

consecutive unsatisfactory grades in three or more disciplines, in pedagogical

The council is considering the advisability of his further education, not

waiting for the end of the semester and the results of the examination session.

- Students who have, based on the results of the session, more than two academic

debts, expelled from college

Thus, we see that they do not have the right to expel your son for one academic debt.

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Student "tails", or academic debts

Academic debt is:

A control event (exam, test, course work, test) in the discipline or certified as “unsatisfactory” (“not passed”);

Test (course) work returned for revision after verification.

The article provides a list of questions that most interest students.

When does a student's academic failure occur?

Academic failure may occur in the following cases:

  • not allowing the student to take part in the examination session;
  • failure to appear for certification (test or exam);
  • receiving an unsatisfactory grade on a test or exam.

Elimination of academic debt

To eliminate academic debts by students, an additional session is established.

An additional session is held to provide an opportunity to undergo intermediate certification in the discipline for students who, as a result of the examination session or taking tests, have academic debt.

Which student is considered unsuccessful? A student who has not passed at least one exam or test established for a given session by the curriculum of the specialty by the end of the session period is considered to be unsuccessful.

Is it allowed to take multiple tests on the same day? There is no ban.

Who sets the exam schedule?

The schedule is drawn up in such a way that at least 34 days are allocated for the preparation of exams in each discipline.

What documents must a student have with him during the exam?

How are credits accepted? seminar classes? Credits for seminar classes are assigned based on the submitted abstracts (reports) or the student’s presentations at seminars, as well as through student surveys.

The teacher has the right to give credit without questioning to those students who actively participate in seminar classes.

What are the deadlines for taking exams?

As an exception, taking into account academic performance, the rector (first vice-rector) has the right to allow well-performing students to take exams early within the limits school year subject to their fulfillment practical work and passing credits for these courses without releasing students from current classes in other disciplines.

Students who are allowed an individual study schedule within the general period of study can take tests and exams during the intersessional period within the time limits established by the dean’s office.

Under what conditions are students allowed to take exams?

Can a student who has not passed the tests be allowed to take the exam? A student who does not have credits (credits) is not allowed to take part in the examination session and is given the opportunity to eliminate debts during the examination session. The specific period for liquidation of arrears on offsets is established by the order of the rector on holding the session. Students who have not eliminated their debts within the prescribed period are subject to expulsion for academic failure.

How many exams and tests can students take?

What literature can be used during the exam?

Is attendance at lectures, availability of notes on the subject, etc. taken into account? when assessing a student's knowledge in an exam?

What actions can the dean's office take if a student fails to appear for the exam?

Students who were unable to pass tests and exams on time due to illness or other valid reasons (family circumstances, long business trips, natural disasters), documented by the relevant institution, the dean’s office sets individual deadlines for passing exams and tests

In what case can a student with academic debt be expelled from the institute?

  • within the time period established by the rector's order, he incurred a total of three exam debts (unsatisfactory grades, absences from exams without good reason, inadmissibility to the exam);
  • after the end of the period established by the order of the rector, he has one or more debts on tests and (or) examinations.

How many times can you retake the same subject?

Is it possible to retake an exam to improve your grade?

On what basis is an individual schedule or session extension provided?

In case of illness of a student during the examination session, the session deadlines are extended to pass:

  • exams whose dates fall during students’ illness;
  • exam, for which there are less than 3 days left to prepare for it after illness. In this case, the day of passing the exam is not included in the preparation period.

The first extension is made for the number of days of illness in examination session, but not less than 4 days for each exam to be taken; subsequent extensions are made for the number of days unused during previous extensions, while periods of vacations and internships are not taken into account.

(Model regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) Russian Federation(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2001 No. 264); Charter of the state educational institution of higher professional education; Internal regulations of the state educational institution of higher professional education).

More detailed information about submitting academic debts and the procedure for deductions can be found here.

Receipt higher education- is by no means an easy matter, requiring students to maximize their time and concentration on many aspects of their future specialization. At the end of the semester, new barriers of problems await the student and the session is approaching. And a huge number of things can prevent you from passing the exam: illness, stress, too strict teachers, and ultimately, your own laziness. The only consoling thing in this situation is recovery. How to reinstate yourself at a university after expulsion and get back into your normal routine

What does the legislation of the Russian Federation say on this issue?

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 61 of the federal law, pedagogical relationships can be completed before the agreed time in the following options (at the initiative of the university implementing educational activities):

  • if expulsion of the student was a last resort disciplinary measure;
  • if the applicant has repeatedly failed to fulfill obligations under a specialized educational program to master the material and implement the curriculum;
  • in case of disclosure of an incorrect procedure for enrollment in an educational company, which resulted in illegal training through the fault of the student.

Can the student recover?

Is it possible to be reinstated at the university after expulsion? The Federal Law of the Russian Federation notes that a student expelled from a university, for example, for poor academic performance, at the initiative of the student before completing the course of study of the main specialized educational program, has the right to be reinstated to study at his university within 5 years after expulsion, subject to availability of places in the department and with the preservation of the previous status of the university, but not until the end of the academic year (semester) in which the noted person was expelled.

How to reinstate yourself in college after expulsion correspondence department or daytime? As a result, if the expulsion was made at their own request or for a good reason, for example, for health reasons, the student can resume their studies within 5 years after expulsion at the previous educational base. This is how you can be reinstated at the university after expulsion.

Expulsion from the university for good reason

To begin with, it is worth noting that the previously mentioned article of the federal law does not regulate what reasons can be considered valid or disrespectful, this moment is entirely left to the decision of the university.

The student can be reinstated within five years after expulsion. But we're talking about, of course, not about all cases. Only those students who were expelled of their own free will or for a compelling reason can be reinstated. These usually include:

  1. State of health, complications after illnesses. For example, a student may drop out due to the need to undergo long-term rehabilitation treatment.
  2. A similar prerequisite may be caring for a relative who has health problems or a disabled person.
  3. Now few educational institutions allow students to defer educational process. But completing military service can be a valid reason for expulsion.
  4. Expulsion due to student pregnancy and caring for a newborn.
  5. Unscheduled move to another locality indefinitely.
  6. A long business trip may be considered a valid reason. After a business trip, the student can return to the university and continue his studies.

Expulsion from the university for no valid reason

How can those students whose reason for expulsion be reinstated at the university after expulsion be a decision of the administration of the educational institution? These good reasons include:

  • multiple absences from lectures and practical classes;
  • negative scores in the rating, debt in several disciplines;
  • failure to comply with the most important rules specified in the agreement with the university student.

In all of the above options, reinstatement of the student at the university is also possible, but most likely, such young people will study on a paid basis, since when expelled from the “budget”, the student is transferred to this place based on the rating point from a commercial basis. But if you wish, you can always go to the dean’s office and ask about the possibility of returning to the institute.

Reinstatement to continue studying at a higher education institution

Reinstatement in any educational institution, and it does not matter, technical school, school or college, is of an official nature. Therefore, you need to write an application asking for reinstatement in the ranks of students to the dean’s office.

It is necessary that the document be addressed to the rector, substitute rector or dean. The initials of the authorized person must be indicated in the header of your application. In addition, you need to write your details and the full name of the faculty, specialty or department to which you want to be reinstated.

Necessary documents for reinstatement to the department

To be reinstated at the university you must:

  • present an identity card and copies of registration pages;
  • certificate of previously obtained education (a certificate of incomplete HE received can be presented as such paper);
  • student ID, any remaining academic documents;
  • a certificate confirming the fact, date and reason for the student’s expulsion.

It is worth noting that when expelling, a student must write an honest reason why he wants to complete his studies early. The documents that the applicant will submit upon his reinstatement must confirm this specific reason for discontinuing his studies in the past. That is, it should not happen that a student stops studying due to the birth of a child, but notes on the reinstatement certificate because of health.

How can those who were forced to withdraw from school for a valid reason recover?

In this case:

  1. If five years have not yet passed since the student was expelled, he must contact the department of his department.
  2. If at the moment the faculty cannot provide a place for a recovering student, you can count on getting a place according to the rating list.
  3. If, based on the results of the academic certificate, the student does not qualify for the allocated place, the dean’s office must provide another vacant place in a similar specialty.

How can those who were expelled for an unexcused reason be reinstated?

How to reinstate yourself in a university after being expelled for poor academic performance or refusing to study for another (unexcused) reason? For this case, a completely different algorithm is provided:

  1. Depending on the situation and reasons for deduction, there are various ways and student reinstatement procedures. Therefore, first, representatives of the institute must find out for what reason he was removed from educational process a person who wants to reinstate himself as a student.
  2. Further, if it turns out that reinstatement can be made, the applicant must write a statement addressed to the rector stating that he wants to study at the same faculty from which he was expelled.
  3. The institute must obtain a list of documents that must be submitted within two weeks. Typically this list includes: passport, education certificate and academic certificate. The University has the right to request additional documents, determined depending on the situation.
  4. The necessary list of documents and a personal statement must be submitted to the department department. Subsequently, the information provided will be reviewed by the commission. The decision to reinstate the student will be made within one week.
  5. All that remains is to wait for the conclusion of the commission under the rector of the university.

In what period of time can a student be reinstated at the institute?

A student expelled from a university at his own request has the right to write an application to renew his status at the educational institution within two semesters. If there are differences in the courses and modules for which it can be restored, the procedure for enrollment is determined by the certification commission.

But how to reinstate yourself in college after being expelled for poor academic performance (in Russia)? An applicant expelled for academic failure has the right to return to his faculty only after a sessional period in which he must clear his existing debts with satisfactory scores.

Who makes the decision about restoration?

The reinstatement of persons previously expelled from the university is carried out at the institute by a specially formed commission, the members of which, the terms and mode of work are approved by the leadership of each faculty separately. Resumption curriculum for students is approved by order of the vice-rector of the institute, the basis is the protocol of the commission and the student’s appeal. The faculty administration has the right to admit the reinstated student to lectures by its own order until the approval of official permission, confirmed by the rector of the university.

What to do if reinstatement is denied?

If your home university refuses, after expulsion you can be reinstated at another university. To be able to submit documents to it, you need to get a copy of your grade book and a certificate of the period of study at the faculty from the dean’s office. How to reinstate yourself to another university after expulsion? The same as in your own: you need to collect documents and contact the dean’s office. The recovery procedure is exactly the same.

Dismissing a student from an educational institution is a complex process. This causes a large number of problems for both the student and the management of the educational institution. There are a variety of reasons why a student may be expelled. This is often due to the student's academic failure, non-payment of fees or lack of attendance. In addition, the student can stop studying at this educational institution on his own initiative. The procedure for expelling a student from a university depends on the specific case.

Why can a student be expelled from a university?

The Federal Law on Expulsion from an Educational Institution states that if a student does not comply with the rules of the university, he has the right to be expelled from the educational institution.

Reasons for deduction:

  • Violation of norms of behavior in an educational institution, as well as failure to comply with general order;
  • Falsified documentation was submitted upon admission;
  • Violation of payment terms for studies. In this case, after the student pays the debt, he has the right to continue his studies;
  • Inappropriate behavior towards other students or teachers;
  • Frequent absenteeism, as well as poor academic performance, are the most common grounds for expulsion;
  • At the end of the academic leave, the student did not show up for classes;
  • Consumption of prohibited foods or drinks on the territory of the educational institution;
  • The student came to the university in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication.


The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for punishment in the form of deductions for non-attendance. However, each educational institution has an internal Charter, which states that absenteeism can be regarded as failure, for which the university has the right to expel. The charter contains information about the acceptable percentage of non-attendance, often from 3 to 5.

It should be noted that if the reason for absenteeism is valid, the student has the opportunity to avoid expulsion. However, he will need to prove this with documentation.

Failure to achieve

Academic failure is a student’s failure to complete the curriculum for passing the exam and passing certifications.

A student is expelled for poor academic performance in the following cases:

  • Did not pass exam paper in three subjects during the session;
  • If the student does not pass the exam with a positive mark after the second retake;
  • When transferring to another faculty, he failed to pass the required subjects;
  • Failed to repay the debt within the time period specified by the educational institution;
  • Did not pass one of the certification papers;
  • The student was unable to cope with the study plan presented by the university;
  • Failed to complete the practical part of the training and did not submit the required reports on it.

Valid reasons for expulsion from a university

In addition to unexcusable reasons for expulsion, there are also valid ones, which, when expelled, do not affect the reputation of the student and the educational institution.

List of valid reasons for expulsion:

  • Student's wish. If the student has decided that he no longer wishes to receive an education, or the need to complete his studies is related to family circumstances, he should fill out an application addressed to the rector;
  • The student was drafted into the army. If a university is implementing a program to gain knowledge in the field of military training, the student has the opportunity to continue receiving education in his specialty, combining the main faculty with military courses. As a result of this, the student receives a rank and is exempt from military service;
  • Transfer of a student to another educational institution. There are situations when a student realizes that he has chosen the wrong profession. As a result, he wants to transfer. To do this, they fill out an application addressed to the rector;
  • Based on medical report. If due to health conditions the student is unable to continue studying. However, this must be confirmed by the conclusion of a medical advisory commission.

Deduction procedure

Deduction procedure:

  • Employees of the faculty dean's office draw up a document indicating the student's desire to stop studying, as well as the reason and date;
  • Next, the order is sent to the rector for signature. This should be done within three days;
  • After this, dean’s office employees must send the report to the HR department;
  • The student of the educational institution must familiarize himself with this document and also sign to confirm familiarization;
  • In addition, the student is required to sign and present to the dean’s office a bypass sheet, the contents of which include the following: library, contract department, dean’s office, methodologist, dormitory commandant. After affixing all the necessary signatures and seals, the student will be able to pick up the originals of their documents.

The deduction procedure is completed by issuing an order. To draw up an order correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the structure of filling out the document:

  • The full name of the educational institution and location (city) are indicated;
  • Name and serial number of the document;
  • Personal information about the student;
  • Name of the faculty and specialty of the student citizen;
  • The form in which the person received education;
  • Budgetary or contractual basis of training;
  • The main part of the order indicates personal data and course number;
  • The reason on which the student is expelled from the educational institution;
  • The article of local regulations in accordance with which the deduction process is implemented is indicated;
  • At the end of the order, the signatures of the dean of the faculty, the head of the educational department and the vice-rector for educational and organizational affairs are affixed.

How to appeal the rector’s order on expulsion from the university?

There are often situations when illegal expulsion is made against a citizen receiving education at an educational institution. If there are legal grounds, the student has the right to cancel the expulsion order.

Reasons for deduction:

  • Availability of valid reasons for skipping lectures or failing a session;
  • Expulsion in relation to a student who is on sick leave, on maternity leave or during the holidays is unacceptable according to;
  • A citizen undergoing training has the right to appeal against exclusion from an educational institution if a violation of the expulsion procedure is discovered. For example, if a student does not close the session, and a retake guaranteed by law is not provided, he has the right to declare a violation of his rights;
  • The student has the opportunity to challenge the expulsion if the university management did not notify the student of the expulsion;
    It is possible to appeal an illegally issued expulsion order if the citizen’s complaint addressed to the rector was not taken into account;
  • If the deadline during which disciplinary punishment can be applied to the student has been missed. The designated period is one month from the moment the official learned of the fact of the offense.

If one of the specified grounds is present, the student has the right to challenge the exclusion.

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