Lekoteka as a structural element of preschool education. The concept of the Russian lekotek model. What is the game


Research conducted by the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education showed that in the 90s. in Russia are characterized by a transition to a new period of evolution by the state’s attitude towards persons with developmental disabilities, and the system special education– transition to a qualitatively new stage of development in accordance with the new understanding by society and the state of the rights of children with the status of disabled people.

The high effectiveness of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to young children with developmental disabilities has been proven by world practice. In most developed countries, habilitation has separated from the field of medicine and moved into the field of education. Such an organizational move was associated with the development of international law in the field of child protection and the displacement of medical methods of habilitation by psychological and pedagogical ones.

In Russia, certain habilitation methods are already being introduced into healthcare and educational institutions in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Arkhangelsk and some other cities. Particular importance is attached to the development and use of optimal forms of psychological pedagogical work, one of which is LEKOTEKA.

Its activities are aimed at:

Creating favorable conditions for the development of the child;

Psychological support for the family of a child with developmental disabilities;

Contributing to the solution psychological problems that prevent children from entering a preschool educational institution, to help them adapt to the family and other social groups.

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Individual play sessions are held with the child, which have a time frame, but in general the structure of the play session and its content can vary depending on the needs of each child.

Subgroup lesson. Groups are formed depending on the goals set for classes with a psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, as well as music classes.

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Due to the enormous importance of harmonious parent-child relationships in the development of a child, the lekotek provides counseling to parents, as well as their psychological and pedagogical education.

Rules for admitting children to Lekoteka

To admit children to Lekoteka you must have a certificateMPPC(medical-psychological-pedagogical commission) at the address: st. Marshal Rokossovsky Boulevard, building 1, kindergarten No. 000, pre-register by phone: 8-(499)

The MPPC provides the followingdocumentation:

· Passport of one of the parents with registration

· Birth certificate (copy and original)

· Certificate of disability, if issued (copy and original)

· Certificates from the clinic:

1. Psychoneurologist or neurologist

2. Speech therapist

3. ENT

4. Oculist

5. Dentist

Our Lekoteka address: ,

phone: 8-(499), 8-(499)



Children with disabilities health, including disabled children, are admitted to Lekoteka only with the consent of parents (legal representatives) on the basis of a decision of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. The MPK issues parents (legal representatives) a voucher to send the child to the main group of the Lekoteka structural unit.

If during a child’s visit to the main group of the Lekoteka structural unit, contraindications are identified, then he is sent for an extraordinary examination to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission to decide on the issue of transfer to prolonged counseling or expulsion.

The Lekoteka structural unit accepts children from 2 to 7 years old with disabilities:

· The main group includes children with identified developmental disorders of varying degrees of severity and complexity, including disabled children who do not attend state educational institutions, in order to implement an individually oriented educational route for the child and his family

· Children with identified developmental disorders of varying severity and complexity, including disabled children attending state educational institutions, can be accepted for prolonged counseling if they are not able to receive psychological and pedagogical assistance in the institution and on the basis of a decision of the district education department, as well as children with disabilities who are unable to regularly visit Lekoteka for health reasons or family reasons

Children with extremely severe and progressive injuries of the central nervous system(severe cases of epileptic syndrome with untreatable frequent seizures, chronic encephalitis, decompensated hydrocephalus, genetic degenerative diseases of the brain.

The commission for the lekotek can be completed here:st. Moldagulova, 20a, kindergarten No. 000

Where to find lekotek

    Compensatory kindergarten No. 000. Open highway, bldg. 1. Tel.: (4, (4
    GU SAO Lekoteka psycho-medical-social center for assistance to children. St. Chasovaya, 5A +7(4, (4, *****@***ru, http://www. *****
    Lekoteka at the base primary school– compensatory kindergarten No. 1 microdistrict).
    VAO, Novogireevo, kindergarten No. 000, group for children with developmental disorders, including those with cerebral palsy, st. Molostov,
    Correctional kindergarten No. 000 for children with mental retardation, Svobodny Prospekt,. Director,
    Compensatory kindergarten No. 000 for children with musculoskeletal disorders
    Psychological, medical and social center "Rostok",
    Compensatory kindergarten No. 000, st. Khabarovskaya, 12, Zelenograd, building 1511.

Help on
Contact number: .



dated 01.01.01 N 497


In accordance with clause 1.5 of the Moscow Government Decree dated January 1, 2001 N 104-PP “On the development of the system preschool education in the city of Moscow" I order:
1. Approve the Approximate Regulations on the organization of activities of the lekotek of a state educational institution that implements general education programs preschool education (application).
2. The heads of district education departments should recommend that the heads of state educational institutions implementing general education programs for preschool education open lekoteks as structural divisions of state educational institutions.
3. The Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University () and the state educational institution Center for Education “Teaching Technologies” (-Sokolova) organize advanced training courses for specialists of lekotek.
4. The state educational institution Center for Education “Teaching Technologies” (-Sokolova) to prepare a specification for equipping lekotek.
5. The state educational institution Center for Education “Teaching Technologies” (-Sokolova) will conduct seminars for methodologists of district scientific and methodological centers, specialists of district education departments and heads of preschool educational institutions “Organization of the functioning of lekotek”.
6. The Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow to introduce into the staffing schedules of state educational institutions implementing general education programs of preschool education, additional staffing units for organizing the work of lekotek.
7. Entrust control over the implementation of the order to the heads of district education departments and the head of the Department of Preschool and general education Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

Head of department

to the order of the Department
education of the city of Moscow
dated 01.01.01 N 497

The main forms of work of Lekoteka

Consultation (K)
A consultation is a meeting between a Lekoteka specialist and parents (educators), during which constructive cooperation between specialists and parents is realized.
Diagnostic game session (DIS)
A diagnostic game session is a joint game between parents (educators) and a child in a specially equipped room. The specialist monitors what is happening; ideally, the DIS is recorded on videotape. The results of the observation are recorded on formalized forms. Based on the results of the DIS, a seasonal family support plan is drawn up.
Therapeutic play session (TGS)
During a therapeutic play session (usually 40 minutes), play interaction between the specialist and the child occurs in the presence, and sometimes with the participation of parents (educators). Before the start of TIS and after its completion, specialists briefly (5 minutes) talk with parents (educators). After TIS, the specialist fills out a protocol.

Guest visits (GV)

The child, together with a specialist, attends a group with children from kindergarten. The teacher promotes productive communication between children, acting as a tutor. If a child has great difficulties in communicating with children, fear of big amount children, or refusal to communicate with peers, then another method of guest visits is used, when a small group of children (2-3 people) from kindergarten are invited to the “Lekoteka” for a game session for joint activities. This form of work promotes contact with peers, the formation of productive interactions, arouses interest in joint and educational activities.

Ø Diagnostic session with a child (lasting 1 hour). In difficult cases, several diagnostic sessions are carried out: when the child is included in Lekoteka and 1 session in the middle and at the end school year. During a comprehensive diagnostic examination, an individual educational route.

Ø Individual gaming session . During the play session, play interaction between the specialist and the child occurs in the presence, and sometimes with the participation of parents (1 hour, 2-3 times a week). The basic principle of working with a child: following the child’s activity, working in the “topic” of the baby.

Ø Game session for a group of children (2-4 people, 1 hour, 1-2 times a week) Main goals: promoting the successful socialization of the child, promoting the child’s interaction with other children and parents.

Ø Guest visit . A small group of children from kindergarten is invited to Lekoteka for joint activities. This promotes the development of contacts with peers, arouses interest in joint gaming and educational activities (1-2 times a week).

Ø Consultations . Consultations for parents are held 2 times a month. During consultations, constructive cooperation between specialists and parents is realized.

Ø Home visits. Carried out with the consent or at the request of parents, with the aim of examining the family and child in various security situations in the natural environment.

Ø Organization of joint holidays.

Lekoteka specialists

Job title


Tatyana Dmitrievna

Head of Lekoteka


Anna Aleksandrovna



Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Speech therapist, defectologist

Project activities.

Lekoteka as a service model early help for children of orphanages.

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.0602012 No. 761 “On the national strategy of action and interests of children for 2012-2017”, decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 04.18.2008 No. AF -150/06 “On creating conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation", in order to improve the quality of psychological and pedagogical assistance to young children, in December 2012, the State Public Institution SDR No. 19 took part in the project "Russian Lekoteka as a model of early intervention service for children -orphans of children's homes."

“Russian Lekoteka is a service of psychological support and special pedagogical assistance for families raising children with severe disabilities and developmental problems.

The world has accumulated extensive experience in helping preschoolers with disabilities and their families. There are programs: "Little Steps" (Australia), "Portage" (USA), "Carolina - a guide for preschoolers with special needs" (USA), a program called "Lekoteka" (from the Swedish "leko" - "toy") " and Greek "tek" - "assembly", "collection"). The first Lekoteka was founded on the initiative of parents and teachers in Stockholm in 1963 on the basis of a university clinic and pursued the goal of play support for a sick child. The first American Lekoteka, which later became the National Lekoteka Center, opened its doors in Evanston (Illinois) in 1980.

The Russian “Lekoteka” arose 10 years ago and was developed in Moscow. In 2001, the Russian Lekoteka project was supported by the US Agency for International Development within the framework of the ARO Program “Help to Orphans in Russia”. The Russian Lekoteka model was examined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In December 2001, it was presented at the All-Russian Exhibition Center exhibition “New Technologies in Education” and was awarded a gold medal.

MSUPE has written an individually oriented correctional and developmental program “Lekoteka” authors: A.M. Kazmin, E.A. Petrusenko, G.A. Perminova, A.I. Chugunova, A.M. Paykova, N.A. Sklokina. The authors of the Lekoteka program relied on the theoretical basis of the achievements of the Moscow Psychological School (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, D.B. Elkonin, M.I. Lisina, A.I. Meshcheryakov, etc.), which recognizes the leading role of education in the development of a child, communication with a close adult; using the ideas of modern Western humanistic psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers), attachment theory (Bowlby, M. Mahler) and others.

On the basis of the State Public Institution SDR No. 19, from December 1, 2012, the structural unit “Lekoteka” was organized with the aim of implementing activities aimed at improving and improving the quality of psychological and pedagogical support for children aged 1 month. up to 4 years old, with developmental disabilities, with and without the status of a disabled child, to expand their learning and socialization opportunities.

As part of the project, a group of specialists (educational psychologist, speech therapists and educators) received theoretical and practical training in the main activities of the Early Help Service at the Russian Lekoteka.

IN this project modification and adaptation of the Russian Lekoteka were carried out as a model of the Early Help Service for orphans in an orphanage. For this purpose, research was carried out on the target group of children and psychological and pedagogical work in the orphanage, the composition of the Russian Lekoteka was determined and equipped with additional equipment.

Specialists from the orphanage, together with specialists from the Central Russian Lekoteka, developed and tested a new organizational model of the Lekoteka, designed educational program, in accordance with the FGT, the documentation form was reviewed and approved, and the operating mode was determined.

As part of this activity, research was carried out on the target group of children and psychological and pedagogical work in the orphanage, the composition was determined and the Russian Lekoteka was equipped with additional facilities.

The purpose of the structural unit of the Lekoteka of the children's home is to provide psychological, pedagogical and medical - social support for children from 2 months to 4 years with developmental disorders and for the full development of the child's personality and further successful socialization, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, support for the development of the personality of children left without care of parents and provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to them.

Psychological and pedagogical support for children was carried out on the basis of flexible individual routes and personality-oriented programs. The internal individual educational route involved the gradual inclusion of the student into a group of peers with the help of an accompanying adult. Based on the individual characteristics of children with various disabilities, it was necessary to draw up long-term individual plans (3-4 months) for each baby.

The basic principle of working with a child:following the child’s activity, working on the child’s “topic”.

The principle of complex influence (integrative classes).

The principle of systematicity.

The principle of visibility.

The principle of the subject-oriented approach.

The principle of a differentiated approach.

The principle of the optimistic approach.

The principle of actively involving the immediate social environment in correctional work with baby.

Game is the main method of Lekoteka.Equal partnership between specialists and children is the main condition for effective work.The organization "Lekoteka" proposes to use game methods, art therapy, acoustic techniques, sand therapy for psychoprophylaxis, psychocorrection, psychological support for the development of children's personality, the M. Montessori method, which is to stimulate the child to self-education, self-education, self-development; work in the sensory room.

In the Lekoteka of the children's home, the right space is organized, equipped with play aids that promote the development of cognitive activity in children

and imagination, tactile sensitivity, interest in creativity and movement. There is a storage area for toys.

The activities of Lekoteka specialists are based on a humanistic approach to education and are aimed at:

  • supporting the efforts of the orphanage staff to develop the child’s personality;
  • establishing effective communication between the child and adults and other children in the group;
  • formation of prerequisites for learning.

Children's achievements in mastering the individual program were also monitored. During the monitoring process, the level of physical development, level of socialization, level of development of communication abilities, development cognitive activity, thinking and play.

As a result of the implementation of the work of the Lekotek structural unit, specialists reached a significant number of children in need of additional classes and provided psychological and pedagogical assistance, group staff were given recommendations for the adaptation of children in the group, individual programs of correctional and developmental classes for children were found and developed.

Lekoteka for our orphanage is an innovative form of working with children; it has already proven itself well asthe best and most convenient option for real rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Lekoteka how new form socialization and education of children with disabilities

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Outline of the outline Theoretical foundations of the content of the Lekoteka The history of the creation of the Lekoteka The concept of the model of the Russian Lekoteka Functions of the Lekoteka, goals and objectives of the Lekoteka, principles of operation of the Lekoteka The main forms of work in the Lekoteka The route of accompanying a child in the Lekoteka. Activities of the rehabilitation council. Relationship with other institutions on issues of medical, psychological and pedagogical support for disabled children and their families.

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What is lekoteka? LEKOTEKA is a system of psychological and pedagogical support for families raising children with developmental problems. The word "lekotek" comes from the Swedish "leko", which means "toy", and the Greek "tek" - "collection", "collection". Literal translation– “a collection of toys.”

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"Lekoteka" is a new form of preschool education for children with serious health problems. This is a service for psychological support and special pedagogical assistance to parents raising children with severe disabilities and developmental problems. In other words, these are weekly free individual sessions for children with a speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist. Lekoteks make it easier for children with disabilities to enter society, help them adapt faster and easier to family and public life. The starting point of cooperation with parents is to help them understand the essence of the child’s deviations and the dynamics of their development, in identifying and understanding the child’s strengths and weaknesses.

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humanistic ideas (A. Maslow, K. Rogers). Theoretical basis The contents of Lekoteka’s work are the cultural and historical concept of mental development (L.S. Vygotsky), the theory of functional systems (P.K. Anokhin), and the activity approach (A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina)

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The problem of the socio-psychological development of a child with special needs, raised in a family environment and not attending kindergarten, is quite relevant today. There is a significant group of children who, due to their lack of experience in a preschool educational institution, subsequently experience certain difficulties in socialization. Children in this category need a special individual-oriented approach, including support for their personal development, formation of psychological prerequisites for educational activities, optimization of parent-child interaction, creation of a developmental environment.

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The first Lekoteka was founded in 1963 at the University Hospital of Stockholm on the initiative of parents and teachers, with the goal of mitigating the traumatic impact of hospitalization on children through play.

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The first American Lekotek (later transformed into the National Lekotek Center) was opened in 1980. Now there is a whole network of these unique training and resource centers that serve thousands of children with developmental problems. In the USA there are lekotek in almost all populated areas. Parents of children from zero to three years old with profound developmental problems go there. In US Lekoteks, it is expected that all family members who wish to participate in gaming activities will be involved.

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The first Lekoteka in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg in the 80s of the 20th century at the Institute of Early Intervention; the experience of the Lekoteka of the Early Help Service of the Center for Integrative Education and the Consultative and Practical Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Visual Pathology is known.

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The Russian Lekoteka model was developed and implemented in Moscow in 2001. with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of the “Help to Orphans in Russia” program, implemented jointly with Holt International Children Services (Holt) and Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). In 2002, the Russian Lekoteka was introduced in Children's Home No. 9 in Moscow. According to the capital complex social sphere, there are currently 109 Lekotek operating in Moscow.

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Model “Russian Lekoteka” Developed by: Regional public organization Commonwealth “Consolation”, employees of the Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support “Lekoteka” (since 2004, previously - “Psychological, Medical and Social Center of the Northern administrative district of the city of Moscow≫, director Valery Nikolaevich Yarygin), employees of the Moscow City Psychological pedagogical university(Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, department clinical psychology Early Childhood, Faculty of Clinical and Special Psychology, Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Kazmin). The first Lekoteka of Moscow arose as a result of the project “Russian Lekoteka”, the result of the project was the developed model described in the book “Russian Lekoteka” (authors V.N. Yarygin, A.M. Kazmin and others), which became a psychological and pedagogical bestseller for newly opened lekoteks in the country. Gaming and technical aids that are important for the development of a child are the main content of the lekotek.

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RUSSIAN LEKOTEKA is a system of psychological and pedagogical support for families raising children with developmental problems. The activities of Lekoteka are based on a humanistic approach to education and are aimed at: * supporting the efforts of parents to develop the child’s personality; * establishing effective communication between the child and other family members; *formation of prerequisites for learning; *harmonization of parent-child relationships. The purpose of creating Lekotek is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for children from 2 months to 7 years with developmental disorders for socialization, creating the prerequisites for educational activities, supporting the development of children’s personality and providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives). If in the original version of the “Russian Lekoteka” model (2000) the emphasis was placed on gaming and technical means important for the development of the child, today Lekoteka in Russia is considered as a service of psychological support and special pedagogical assistance to families raising children with severe disabilities and problems development.

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Lekoteka is a structural and functional unit that can carry out its activities both autonomously and as part of educational institutions: preschool; educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance; special education institutions; orphanages and boarding schools; children's homes; rehabilitation centers and other organizations providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities (from 2 months to 11 years) and special educational needs (V. N. Yarygin, A. M. Kazmin, L. V. Kazmina, E. A Petrusenko, A. I. Chugunova, N. M. Kaldararu Russian Lekoteka: real help for children with special needs)

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Lekoteka in Russia today is a service of psychological support and special pedagogical assistance to families raising children with severe disabilities and developmental problems. The main thing in lekoteka is: - techniques of psychological influence that help solve psychogenic problems of the child and his family members; - individually oriented methods and programs for teaching children with developmental disabilities; Material resources are the background of support, but they are important for improving the quality of assistance. The target group of lekoteka is children with developmental disorders or severe psychogenic disorders. The type and nature of child development disorders can be different: motor, mental, sensory, communicative, emotional, behavioral or combined. The target group also includes family members of disabled children and children with limited health capabilities, their substitutes or teachers, nannies. Lekotek specialists implement individually oriented correctional and developmental programs and provide psychological support to families, mainly during play activities.

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Functions of Lekoteka: psychological and pedagogical support for families; parent training effective ways communication with the child, methods of his upbringing and development; correction of parent-child interaction; psychocorrection and psychoprophylaxis; developing in a child the skills necessary to enter kindergarten; creating favorable conditions for the development of child independence (O. Yu. Piskun, senior lecturer at the Department of General and Special Psychology, Institute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University)

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The purpose of the lekotek: to create favorable conditions for the development of the child’s personality; psychological support for parents of a child with developmental disabilities; assistance in solving psychological problems that prevent children from enrolling in preschool educational institutions, assistance in adaptation to the family and other social groups.

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General tasks Lekotek: clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination of children and parent-child interaction; providing parents with information on the development and upbringing of the child, on the results of clinical and psychological -pedagogical examination, characteristics of the identified disorder and the child’s resources; involvement of relatives in the processes of examining and stimulating the development of children, as well as psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection; training parents and educators, specialists from educational institutions and teachers in the use of lekotek means, methods of play interaction with children with developmental disorders;

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Private tasks of Lekoteka: providing correctional and pedagogical assistance to the child through the use of play therapy methods and techniques; normalization of parent-child relationships; training parents in methods of playful interaction with children; ensuring continuity in accompanying children in educational institutions; carrying out psychoprophylactic and psychocorrectional work with family members of a child from two months to eight years with developmental disorders; etc. (depending on working conditions).

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Principles of psychological and pedagogical support for children with developmental problems Stimulation and support of play activities Non-directiveness in play interaction with the child Respect for the child’s play and for the child himself Optimal organization of the play environment Adequacy of games and toys to the level and characteristics of the child’s development

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Principles of psychological and pedagogical support for children with developmental problems Stimulation and support of play activities The first thing that adults raising a child with special needs should take into account is the vital necessity of play for young children as the main source of knowledge, skills and good mood. Realizing the importance of play, it is necessary not only to specifically create play situations and provide the child with toys, but also to be ready to play out any current situation. The play actions of an adult should be expressive, soft, and adequate to the child’s capabilities. Non-directiveness in play interaction with a child Recognizing voluntariness as the main condition for a child’s involvement in play and its further development, an adult is required to refrain from any forms of imposition and coercion into play activities. It is advisable to adhere to the roles of an organizer of the gaming environment, a demonstrator, an observer, an active and empathic listener, an interlocutor, an invited partner, and, if necessary, a generator of ideas.

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Respectful attitude towards the child’s play and towards the child himself The child may choose a “stupid”, “primitive” game from the parents’ point of view. But this is the child’s choice, to which he has the right. A child is unlikely to play something that does not make any sense to him. In this situation, an adult should try to support this game, become a participant in it only after establishing a partnership, show the possibilities of its modification (if the game is really too poor and monotonous). It is necessary to be extremely sensitive to the child's signals indicating his attitude towards play and toys. Criticism of the child’s actions and unreasonable interruption of children’s play are especially unacceptable. Indifference to his play is no less dangerous for a child’s development.

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Adequacy of games and toys to the level and characteristics of the child’s development Each child is born with his own inclinations. Genetic causes, diseases and environment determine its direction individual development. Features of the baby's temperament, strong and weak sides psyches appear gradually in the process of his interaction with the environment. The ability to notice and realize the characteristic features of a child’s behavior can help adults refrain from involuntarily and formally pushing him into uninteresting games (due to their complexity, paralysis of low attractiveness). A specialist’s opinion may be useful at the stage of assessing the child’s functional competence and the initial selection of the necessary toys. After this, it is advisable to conduct a play experiment, during which important information can be obtained about the child’s play needs, his play style, play skills and play stereotypes of parents. Based on the information obtained, it is possible to design adequate play activities and a reasonable choice of toys.

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Optimal organization of a play environment The need to equip a play environment for a child seems obvious. However, in some families this is not given due attention, even if there is enough space to create a children's corner. In such cases, the child’s toys, which can also be purchased thoughtlessly, are evenly distributed throughout the apartment; There may be no equipment necessary for the child to play in paralyzed positions (lying, sitting, standing). The reason for this state of affairs is most often the parents’ lack of understanding of the importance of the events that occur during children’s play for the child’s development. It is impossible to come up with a universal optimal environment for a child with special needs. Home play space equipment should be carefully planned depending on the nature of the impairment and developmental difficulties. The entire play environment must be organized, which makes it easier for the child to adapt to it and accustoms him to order. Lekoteka specialists are called upon to provide parents with qualified advisory assistance in these matters. The necessary elements of equipment for a child's play environment should, as a rule, be purchased and manufactured by the parents themselves. Only if this is not possible for any reason or the child has special needs, some equipment can be provided for temporary use by the Lekoteka.

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Consultation (K) Consultation is a meeting of a Lekoteka specialist with parents (educators), during which constructive cooperation between specialists and parents is realized. Diagnostic game session (DIS) A diagnostic game session is a joint game between parents (educators) and the child in a specially equipped room. The specialist monitors what is happening; ideally, the DIS is recorded on videotape. The results of the observation are recorded on formalized forms. Based on the results of the DIS, a seasonal family support plan is drawn up. Therapeutic play session (TGS) During a therapeutic play session (usually 40 minutes), play interaction between a specialist and a child occurs in the presence, and sometimes with the participation of parents (educators). Before the start of TIS and after its completion, specialists briefly (5 minutes) talk with parents (educators). After TIS, the specialist fills out a protocol. Group parent training (GPT) Participants participate in group parent training voluntarily. Usually these are trainings on communication, play, assertiveness, art methods, special techniques, toy making and others. In some cases, parents are invited to participate in the training based on the results of the DIS.

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Electronic library The electronic library was created by the efforts of specialists in the Lekoteka. It includes about 150 sources on various problems in defectology. Specialists at the request of the family, taking into account complex structure violations of the child, a methodological block is selected for parents in order to implement continuous correctional and pedagogical influences not only in Lekotek, but also at home. Video library The video library was created by the efforts of specialists in the Lekoteka. It consists of feature films, documentaries and educational films reflecting the experience of raising and working with children with disabilities. Video library materials are provided to parents for viewing in order to remove the problem of the uniqueness of personal difficulties. This resource also allows parents to learn in various ways communication, play interaction with the child, depending on the type of impairment. After watching a film or reading a book, a discussion is held about the possibility of using methods and techniques for the development of a child. Developmental activities of an integrated nature are conducted in the presence of parents, brothers and sisters, friends and acquaintances with normative development, which provides the opportunity to integrate children with developmental disabilities in a safe environment for them.

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Forms and content of the work of the Russian lekotek. The work of specialists with families is carried out in various forms, which are selected depending on the needs of the family and provide systematic seasonal activities based on the Lekoteka program. The typical sequence of interaction with a family who has applied for help to a lekotek is as follows: initial consultation → issuing questionnaires to parents for examining the family and child at home or filling out some questionnaires with the participation of a psychologist → invitation to an initial diagnostic session → conducting an initial diagnostic session →

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Forms and content of the work of the Russian lekotek Drawing up a conclusion by a specialist (it is desirable to analyze the results of the examination of a new family at a consultation of lekotek specialists) → repeated consultation of parents: introducing them to the results of the examination, discussing the proposed plan of work with the family, concluding a cooperation agreement → Current individual and group sessions ( additional diagnostic procedures are possible here) → control examination at the end of the school year → discussion with relatives about summer activities.

Russian Lekoteka

a form of early assistance that provides psychological and pedagogical support for children with various disabilities and developmental problems aged from birth to 7 years and their families, which uses non-directive technologies for interacting with the child in play and other types of children’s activities, as well as methods and practices, with proven effectiveness in early intervention.


promoting comprehensive physical and mental development children, their involvement in natural life situations, the formation of positive interactions and relationships between children and their parents and other people from their immediate environment, increasing the competence of parents and others raising the child, including children among their peers and their integration into society.

Scientific validity

The updated “Russian Lekoteka” model uses methods with proven effectiveness:

modifiedmethodology"Enhanced Environmental Learning" (Parent-Implemented Enhanced Milieu Teaching) – when used by parents using alternative and additional communication methods;

neurodevelopmental therapy (Neurodevelopmental Treatment, Occupational Therapy) – when used by parents in natural life situations;

non-directive coaching – one of the most effective technologies active learning adults (used in training and counseling parents) .

The best practices are used, the greatest effectiveness of which in the practice of early intervention has been scientifically proven during clinical trials in several countries:

family-centered and strengths-based practice is that the determination of the goals of the individual early intervention program (IEP) and ways to achieve them, the implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the IEP are carried out with the participation of parents, taking into account the priorities and resources of the family, the interests and strengths of the child, while family members are considered equal and active partners of specialists;

culturally responsive practice manifests itself in the fact that specialists build interaction with the family based on respect for its way of life, culture, language, values ​​and beliefs;

promoting the competence of parents and other persons raising the child involves non-directive training of parents (and other caregivers) to be most effective in supporting the child's development in natural situations Everyday life;

involving the child in natural life situations support for the child’s development is carried out only with his (her) motivated participation in natural life situations: in joint research and play activities, in situations of eating, dressing, in the formation of other self-care skills, in everyday life, in leisure and other natural activities at home and outside the home;

coordination of actions of specialists and family members in the implementation of the IPRP at the same time, the family always has a leading early intervention specialist, usually a psychologist;

quality control of early assistance specialists have the necessary competencies, the level of which is constantly monitored; parents are regularly surveyed to assess the quality of services received;

monitoring the effectiveness of early assistance specialists cooperate with parents and other persons raising the child to achieve best results, the effectiveness of the implementation of the IPRP is assessed at each meeting, in an in-depth format - once a quarter, and at the completion of the implementation of the IPRP.

History of the “Russian Lekoteka” project

“Russian Lekoteka” has been developed since 2000 by a team of specialists working at the State Educational Institution Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support “LEKOTEKA” (until 2004, it had the name “Psychological, Medical and Social Center (PMSC) of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow” of the Moscow Department of Education) and Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU) at the Department of Clinical Psychology of Early Childhood, Faculty of Clinical and Special Psychology. In 2001, with the financial support of the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Cruelty, the Russian Lekoteka project was implemented. Based on the results of the project, a methodological material"Russian Lekoteka". In the same year, the first Moscow Lekoteka was opened on the basis of the Primary Medical Center of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. The “Russian Lekoteka” model was examined by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation.

In December 2001 in Moscow, a model of the Russian Lekoteka was presented at the Russian exhibition “New Technologies in Education” and was awarded the Gold Medal of the exhibition.

In December 2001 in state program"Capital Education-3" included the creation of Lekotek in the city of Moscow.

From April to August 2002, the same team of developers implemented a short-term project of the program “Help to orphans in Russia” - “Russian Lekoteka in an orphanage” on the basis of Orphanage No. 9 in Moscow.

2003 – on the basis of the Faculty of Advanced Training of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, they began to conduct budgetary advanced training courses for Lekotek specialists.

2005 - the development of the Lekotek system in Moscow was included in the Moscow education modernization program “Capital Education-4”, according to which Lekotek was opened in every district of Moscow.

In 2004-2005 The project of the program “Help to orphans in Russia” was implemented: “Russian Lekoteka, as a regional model of early assistance service for orphans of Children’s Homes,” within the framework of which specialists from orphanages in the Tver region were trained and Lekoteka was opened in the Konakovo specialized orphanage.

In January 2006, the Moscow Department of Education approved the “Regulations on Lekotek”.

In 2006, the 2nd, revised edition of the book “Russian Lekoteka” was published (Publishing House of the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Cruelty).

In the period from 2007 to 2010 under the programs of the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Cruelty, lekotheks were opened in orphanages in the cities of Tver, Vyshny Volochok, Kashin, Tambov, and in Novosibirsk on the basis of the Leninsky Department of Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Physical and Mental Disabilities.

Since 2009, a program was opened at MSUPE vocational training for employees of clinics and early intervention services in Moscow (504 hours).

In 2005-2015 A network of lekoteks operated in Moscow.

Since 2011, as part of the “I will study!” program Fund for Support of Children in Difficulty life situation, with the assistance of the Moscow Department of Education, on the basis of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, remote training of employees (72 hours) of newly opened lecture halls in the cities of the Russian Federation began.

From 2011 to the beginning of 2013, specialists from Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory, and Nizhny Novgorod Region underwent initial training.

In 2012, within the framework of a state task approved by the Moscow Department of Education, an organization program was developed educational activities in the lekotek.

In 2013, as part of the “I will study!” program The Fund for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations has published a methodological manual “Technologies and methods of working in Moscow lekotek”.

In 2015, the “Lekoteka 2” program was developed

In 2017 – creation of a website website

In 2018 – modernization of the Lekoteka program.

In 2018, the Lekoteka program took first place in All-Russian competition of the best psychological and pedagogical programs and technologies in the educational environment - 2018, held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian public organization “Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia” in the category “Programs for psychological correction of behavior and developmental disorders of students.”





Service for psychological support and special psychological and pedagogical assistance for families raising children with severe disabilities and developmental problems


National Trust protecting children from abuse

Moscow 2006

Series editor M.O. Egorova

Art design by E.M. Dobrovinsky

K.M.N. A.M. Kazmin, V.N. Yarygin,

E.A. Petrusenko, A.I. Chugunova,

Ph.D. L.V. Kazmina, N.M. Kaldararu,

L.V. Yarygina

P76 Russian Lekoteka: Methodological manual. - M.: National Defense Fund

children from abuse, 2006. - 138 p. - (Special child in the family: help and support).

This manual is the second, revised and expanded version of the book “Russian Lekoteka”, published in 2001 as part of the “Help to Orphans in Russia” program.

New material presents the Russian Lekoteka as a support service and psychological and pedagogical assistance to families raising a child with severe disabilities and developmental problems.

The benefit is based on six years of work experience. Including within the framework of such projects as “Russian Lekoteka”, “Russian Lekoteka in an orphanage”, “Information space of the Russian Lekoteka”, “Russian Lekoteka as a regional model of early assistance service for orphans of orphanages”.

The book describes the components of the service, the structure of the lekotek and the organization of its activities. This includes approaches to staffing, and documentation forms have been developed. An algorithm for working with a family and a child is presented, and the features of a lekotek in an orphanage are given. There is evidence of the further introduction of lekoteka into the activities of institutions and specialists working with families and children with special needs and those in need of special assistance.

Library “Prevention of Social Orphanhood”

The National Foundation for the Protection of Children from Cruelty begins publishing the Library “Prevention of Social Orphanhood.”

The need to create a library is caused by the fact that over the past decade there have been an increasing number of orphans, homeless and neglected children in Russia. This is the result of an increase in the number of dysfunctional families, including due to the lack of help in overcoming the difficulties that such families are not able to cope with without the support of the state and society. Unfortunately, most government programs are still aimed primarily at overcoming the consequences of the current situation, and not at preventing social ill-being of the family.

The experience of work on the prevention of social orphanhood, which is carried out by the foundation within the framework of the “Program for Assistance to Orphans in Russia” (ARO program), will be presented in books and methodological manuals libraries. It will include works by leading experts in the field, detailing work with dysfunctional families. The library will describe technologies for accompanying a child with special needs, experience in socio-psychological support for boarding school graduates, and you will also be able to familiarize yourself with a systemic analysis of the origins of family social ill-being.

Five series are planned within the library:

Dysfunctional family: overcoming the crisis.

Child at risk: technologies for providing assistance.

Orphan child: family life arrangement and socialization.

Special child in the family: help and support.

Russian experience: innovations in practice.

In the series “Dysfunctional Family: Overcoming the Crisis” it is planned to publish books about effective methods and technologies to help families at risk. Analysis and description of work with families where there is a risk of orphanhood will help specialists in the child welfare system provide timely and effective assistance to such families in overcoming crisis phenomena.

The series “Child at Risk: Technologies for Assistance” will feature books that tell about the experience of organizing leisure time for children and adolescents in difficult life situations, technologies for accompanying and pedagogical support for children and adolescents at risk, and new forms of working with them in secondary school and out-of-school institutions.

The books in the “Orphan Child: Family Life and Socialization” series will tell you about various forms of family life for orphans: adoption, guardianship, foster care. The same series will include books about the socialization of orphans after they leave the boarding school.

Publications in the series “Special Child in the Family: Help and Support” will acquaint readers with the experience of creating an integration environment in the educational space of a disabled child, his comprehensive support in educational process, as well as methods of helping children with various developmental disorders living in families.

The books in the series “Russian experience: innovations in practice” will present unique experience in creating municipal and regional models for the prevention of social orphanhood, describe existing models of interdepartmental interaction aimed at its prevention, and talk about the mechanisms for forming public opinion on this issue.

The library plans to publish scientific monographs, scientific and methodological manuals, books for specialists (psychologists, social workers involved in helping orphans and children deprived of parental care), parents and everyone who cares about the fate of children.


The book is devoted to an important and pressing problem - the socialization of young children with so-called special needs. Working with such kids is a very difficult task. This is due not only to the nature of the pathology and the age of the child, but also to the need for close cooperation with the family or with other adults who are responsible for care and education. Without this interaction, success is almost impossible to achieve.

Recently, in Russia, institutions involved in rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical support for families raising children with disabilities or severe developmental problems have been trying to actively use foreign experience in early intervention in their practice. Our Russian experience shows that their use requires serious preparation. It consists not only in training staff, but also in creating conditions for the possibility of working using new methods.

The authors of this publication have been developing and applying the Lekoteka early intervention method for more than five years when working with families with children with special needs. In addition, adaptation of this method to the conditions of orphanages has begun, where the majority of pupils also need such help.

In 2001, the ROO Commonwealth “Consolation”, within the framework of the Program “Help to Russian Orphans”, developed a model of the “Russian Lekoteka”. This material is the second, revised and expanded version of the book “Russian Lekoteka”, published in 2001.

Today, five years later, “Russian Lekoteka” is a service of psychological support and special pedagogical assistance for families raising children with severe disabilities and developmental problems. The main ones here are techniques based on psychological influence. They help solve psychogenic problems of the child and his family members, and also provide individually oriented methods and programs for teaching children with disabilities.

The “Concept” section describes the goals and objectives of the “Lekoteka” - a structural and functional unit that can work both independently and as part of centers for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, compensatory kindergartens, orphanages and other organizations and institutions of this kind.

The Lekoteka ideology is based on play, which is an active method of child development and interaction with the physical and social environment. Play is seen as an integral part of learning and development. The manual describes the stages of development of play activity, formulates the principles of play support for child development, discusses in detail the role of an adult child in play and the interaction of Lekoteka specialists with parents.

The book provides recommendations on the formation of staff and the distribution of personnel functions at various organizational forms"Lekoteki". Information on the organization of service and methodological work is systematized, documentation that has already been successfully used in practice is presented.

The chapter “Form and Content” outlines the stages of work with the family and the child - the goals and technology of initial consultation, methods and organization of examination of the child, relationships between parents and children at home and in an institution. Recommendations are also given here for conducting individual game sessions and group classes, and for psychological support for the family. In addition, as a separate area, training programs on technologies for supporting the family of a child with developmental disabilities using play methods are described - for specialists from other institutions, organization of supervision and training programs for Lekoteka employees.

This manual presents for the first time the experience of creating the “Russian Lekoteka” service in an orphanage (Moscow, Konakovo, Tver Region). The steps to organize the service are described. On practical examples the possibility and necessity of introducing early intervention methods into the activities of orphanages has been proven.

The appendices contain: a sample of the “Regulations on Lekoteka”, “The Lekoteka Program”, documentation forms and specifications of the necessary equipment. All this can be a good help for those who decide to use this method in their practice.

Thus, the “Russian Lekoteka” manual presents the experience of psychological and pedagogical support for families with young children with special needs. The book has great practical value. It sets out recommendations for organizing activities in different conditions. The material is illustrated with many examples.

The “Russian Lekoteka” model was examined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, was included in the “Capital Education-4” program and has already begun to be used in practice. The book is a guide for those who are starting to implement early intervention techniques.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences D.I. Zelinskaya


Writing this book would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance of our colleagues and partners. The authors express their gratitude to:

co-authors of the first version of the book “Russian Lekoteka”, whose materials influenced the development of the described lekoteka model, but were not included in this publication: I.E. Averina, N.A. Svetlova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences N.Ya. Semago, P.I. Shaban, I.V. Sharaya, S.V. Wilson;

reviewers of the first version of the book: Dr. Psychol. Sciences, Professor N.L. Belopolskaya, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor O.E. Gribova;

consultants of the first version of the book: candidate of psychological sciences T.A. Basilova, leading specialist of the department of social support for students and employees Federal agency on education of the Russian Federation B.V. Belyavsky, consultant of the department of education and additional education children of the Department for State Youth Policy, Education and Social Protection of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation I.M. Kamanova;

consultants on toy libraries: employees of the toy library of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education of Moscow, the Institute of Early Intervention of St. Petersburg, the Early Help Service of the Center for Integrative Education of Preschool Educational Institution No. 41 of St. Petersburg, the Consultative and Practical Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Visual Pathology
St. Petersburg;

Director of the State Educational Institution Central Educational Institution “Teaching Technologies”, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences E.I. Bulin-Sokolova - for organizational, material and technical assistance in the areas of training specialists at lekotek in Moscow and implementation information technologies in the lekotek;

Deputy Head of the Department of Preschool and General Education of the Moscow Department of Education M.M. Tsapenko - for effective organizational assistance and fruitful cooperation in creating a network of lekotek in Moscow;

Head of the Department of Correction of Psychological, Pedagogical and Social Support of the Moscow Department of Education G.V. Golovchenko - for unconditional support for the implementation of the Russian lekotek model in educational institutions in Moscow.


In many Russian cities, technologies for psychological and pedagogical support for families raising children with disabilities or severe developmental problems have been actively introduced over the last ten to fifteen years. This process occurs in parallel in institutions of the state education system, healthcare, social protection of the population, as well as in non-governmental non-profit organizations. Specialists use different approaches, methods and techniques, based on the age, type of impairment or developmental problems of children. In this book, the authors describe one such technology that they have been developing over the past five years. It is focused on providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to families of children in the first months and years of life with various options abnormal development. It's about about the Russian Lekoteka program.

The word "lekotek" comes from the Swedish "leko", which means "toy", and the Greek "tek" - "collection", "collection". The first lekotheka was founded in 1963 at the university clinic in Stockholm on the initiative of parents and teachers. The founders' goal was to mitigate the traumatic effects of hospitalization on children through play.

The first American lekotheque, which later became National Center, was opened in Evanston (Illinois) in 1980. Since then, a whole network of lekoteks has been created in the United States for children with developmental problems and their families. American lekoteks have become training and resource centers, the purpose of which is to make it easier for children with disabilities to enter society, to help how

can adapt more quickly and easily to the full range of family and social life. In US lekotheques, it is expected that all family members who wish to participate in gaming activities will be involved.

In Russian conditions, we consider a lekotek as a structural and functional unit that can work both independently and as part of centers for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance. In addition, the establishment of a lekotek is also possible in compensatory kindergartens, in orphanages and other organizations and institutions that provide similar assistance to children with special needs.

In the original version of the Russian Lekoteka model, developed in 2000, the main emphasis was on gaming and technical means important for the development of the child. Apparently, the authors were influenced by the etymology of the term “lekoteka” itself. In addition, they studied the experience of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy Russian Academy education (Moscow), the Institute of Early Intervention (St. Petersburg), the Early Help Service of the Center for Integrative Education (St. Petersburg) and the Consultative and Practical Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Visual Pathology (St. Petersburg), employees of which the authors express their gratitude for the advisory assistance provided.

Today, lekoteka in Russia is considered as a service of psychological support and special pedagogical assistance to families raising children with severe disabilities and developmental problems. Thus, psychological influence techniques that help solve psychogenic problems of the child and his family members, as well as individually oriented methods and programs for teaching children with developmental anomalies, come to the fore. Material resources are now seen as background, but at the same time important for improving the quality of care.

Project history

The "Russian Lekoteka" model has been developed since 2000 by a team of authors - members of the Regional public organization Commonwealth "Consolation" and working at the State educational institution - the Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support "Lekoteka" (until 2004 - the "Psychological, Medical and Social Center of the Northern administrative district of the city of Moscow"). Employees of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU, Department of Clinical Psychology of Early Childhood, Faculty of Clinical and Special Psychology) also worked on the project.

In 2001, the ROO Commonwealth “Consolation” launched the “Russian Lekoteka” project, which made it possible to develop a model of a Russian lekoteka. This project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (AMP USA) under the Russian Orphan Assistance program in collaboration with Holt International Children's Services (Holt) and the Charities Aid Foundation (CAP). Based on the results of the grant, methodological material “Russian Lekoteka” was prepared and published. In the same year, the first Moscow Lekotheque was opened on the basis of the Psychological, Medical and Social Center of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. The “Russian Lekoteka” model was examined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

In December 2001, she was presented at the Russian exhibition “New Technologies in Education” and awarded a Gold Medal. At the same time, the creation of lekotek in Moscow was included in the state program “Capital Education”.

The second project of the program “Helping Orphans in Russia” - “Russian Lekotek in the Children's Home” - began its work in April 2002 on the basis of Children's Home No. 9 in Moscow. In September 2002, when the project was completed, a color catalog “Russian Lekotek in the Children's Home” was released.

From September 2003 to January 2004, the third project of the “Help to Orphans in Russia” program was successfully launched: “Information Space of the Russian Lekoteka”, as a result of which the website www.lekoteka.ru was created.

Since 2003, on the basis of the Faculty of Advanced Training of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, budgetary advanced training courses have been held annually for specialists of lekotek.

In 2005, the development of their system in Moscow was included in the Moscow education modernization program “Capital Education-4”, according to which it is planned to open lekotheques in every district of Moscow.

And in 2004-2005, the ROO Commonwealth “Consolation” implemented another project of the program “Help to orphans in Russia” - “Russian Lekoteka as a regional model of early assistance service for orphans of children’s homes.” Within its framework, specialists from orphanages in the Tver region were trained, and a lekotheque was opened in the Konakovo specialized orphanage.

In September-December 2005, a new step was taken: experience was gained in introducing lekoteka in the neurosurgical department of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital (Moscow Department of Health). The project “Lekoteka as a psychological support service for families raising children with neuro-oncological diseases” was part of the White Nights Rally program, funded by the British Charities Aid Foundation (CAP).


Essence of Lekoteka

Lekoteka is a structural and functional unit that can carry out its activities both autonomously and as part of educational institutions: preschool; educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance; special education institutions; orphanages and boarding schools; children's homes; rehabilitation centers and other organizations providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities (from 2 months to 11 years) and special educational needs.

Lekoteka's clients are children with developmental disorders or severe psychogenic disorders, as well as members of their families or educators. The type and nature of child developmental disorders can be different: motor, mental, sensory, communicative, emotional, behavioral, or combined. An important factor is at least a minimum educational prospect for the child, the possibility of some kind of learning.

Lekotek specialists implement individually oriented correctional and developmental programs and provide psychological support to families, mainly during play activities.

Goals of the lekotek:

creating favorable conditions for the development of the child’s personality;

psychological support for the family of a child with developmental disabilities;

assistance in solving psychological problems that prevent children from enrolling in preschool educational institutions, assistance in adaptation to the family and other social groups.

Objectives of the lekotek:

clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination of children and parent-child interaction;

providing parents with information on the development and upbringing of the child, the results of a clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination, the characteristics of the identified disorder and the child’s resources;

involvement of relatives in the processes of examining and stimulating the development of children, as well as psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection;

training parents and educators, specialists from educational institutions and teachers in the use of lekotek means, methods of play interaction with children with developmental disorders;

selection of adequate means of communication with the child;

assistance in the personal and social development of the baby;

selection of optimal teaching methods little man;

conducting developmental and psychocorrection classes according to an individual plan;

formation of prerequisites for a child’s education in preschool educational institutions;

normalization of parent-child relationships;

assistance to the family in adapting to the child’s disability and overcoming the psychological problems associated with it.

Ideology of lekoteka

Play is the child’s main activity, supported by lekoteka.

What is a game?

The definition of a game is as follows: a purposeful mental process (mental function) that has goals, executive actions, flexibility in performance, and is also controllable.

Unlike routine everyday functioning, such as mastering self-care skills, play is aimed at obtaining pleasure. Sensory stimulation, courage from the formation and acquisition of new knowledge, skills, joy from achievement and possession - all this is provided by the game. Moreover, this process is filled with creativity. Often, play helps to overcome traumatic experiences and develop adaptive forms of behavior. In contrast to passive cognitive activity (watching a video, listening to a fairy tale), in play the child actively interacts with the environment, both physical and social. The most important characteristics of this type of activity: voluntariness, desire to play, the presence of a theme and game reality, the use of existing and the formation of new actions, the presence of a program, flexibility, cyclicality. Typically, play brings joy to a child, allowing him, in a safe situation, to increase his emotional and social experience, gain knowledge and skills, and express thoughts and feelings.

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