My future profession 10 sentences in English. My future profession (My future profession). Letter about your future career

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My Future Profession (Business Economics)

There are many interesting and useful professions and it is really not an easy task to choose the right one.
I began to think about my future profession at the age of 15. My favorite subject s at school were mathematics and English. My teachers were well-educated people with a broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my desire to become an economist. Now I know well what I"m going to do after leaving school. I didn"t make a blind choice. It was not a sudden flash either. I opted for a career in business economics. I came to this decision little by little. It was my father who aroused my interest in that field. You see, he is a chief economist at a large plant and I often saw him work at home and discuss business matters with his colleagues. Later I got interested in the matter.
Economics is the science of making choices, which is based upon the facts of our everyday life. Economists study our everyday life and the system, which affects it. They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we live and to explain how the system works. The science of economics is concerned with all our material needs and wants.
To become a good specialist in economic matters and business one must know many sciences, such as business economics, finance and credits, statistics, history of economic theory and philosophy, mathematics, as well as economic management, trade business and, of course, marketing , which is a modern philosophy of business.
It is very important for a specialist in business matters to be a skilful user of computers and to speak at least one foreign language. It should better be English as it is the most popular language of international business communication. You"ll be able to follow business developments in the world by listening to radio and TV news, by reading newspapers or magazines, or by getting in contact with your business partners abroad.
If I pass my entrance exams successfully and enter the University I"ll try to study to the best of my abilities to achieve my life's ambition and to justify the hopes of my parents. I also hope that I'll never regret my choice and get a well-paid and interesting job afterwards.
Maybe I should consider a job in a world of banking. There's a surprisingly wide range to choose from, in the financial world. For example, I could work for a big international company, run my own company, write about economics as a financial journalist, run my own International Business Research Agency, raise money for charities or just sell famous paintings...

My future profession: economics

There are many interesting and useful professions, and it is really not an easy task to choose the one you need.
I started thinking about my future profession at the age of 15. My favorite subjects at school were mathematics and English. My teachers were educated people with a broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my desire to become an economist. Now I know well what I will do after finishing school. I didn't make a blind choice. It wasn't a sudden impulse either. I chose a career in business economics. I came to this decision gradually. It was my father who sparked my interest in this field. You see, he is the chief economist of a large enterprise, and I often saw him working at home and discussing business matters with his colleagues. Later I became interested in this.
Economics is the science of making choices that are based on the facts of our daily lives. Economists study our daily lives and the systems that affect them. They try to describe the events of the economy in which we live and explain how the system works. The science of economics is connected with all our material needs and requirements.
To become a good specialist in economic issues and business, you need to know many sciences, such as business economics, finance and credit, statistics, history of economic theory and philosophy, mathematics, as well as economic management, trading business and, of course, marketing, which is modern business philosophy.
It is very important for a business professional to be a skilled computer user and speak at least one foreign language. It is better if it is English, since it is the most popular language of international business communication. You can keep up with business developments around the world by listening to news on radio or TV, reading newspapers or magazines, or contacting your business partners abroad.
If I give up mine entrance exams successfully and enter the university, I will try to study the best way to achieve my life's goals and meet my parents' expectations. I also hope that I will never regret my choice and will subsequently get a well-paid and interesting job.
Perhaps I should consider working in banking. In the financial world, there is a surprisingly wide range from which to choose. For example, I could work in a big international company, run your own company, write about economics as a financial journalist, run your own International Business Research Agency, raise money for charity or simply sell famous paintings...


1. When did you start to think about your future profession?
2. What professions do you like best of all?
3. Who helped you to make your choice?
4. What do you know about your future profession?
5. What are your parents' professions?
6. What do you know about them?
7. Have you got any traditional professions in your family?
8. Is your future profession interesting and modern?


broad outlook - broad perspective
to encourage me in my desire - encourage me in my desire
a blind choice - blind choice
a sudden flash - a sudden flash
to opt - choose (decide)
to arise - to arise
to get interested in - to become interested
to affect - to affect
to be concerned - to be interested
to justify the hopes of my parents - justify the hopes of my parents
wide range - wide range, circle, area, sphere
to run - to manage
to raise money for charities - collect money for charity

Choosing a Profession
In this world man cannot live without doing a profession. He must have to do some sort of profession to maintain his livelihood. But which professions should he follow?

There are many professions in the world, such as the professions of doctor, engineer, professor, officer, teacher, soldier, clerk, peon, driver, conductor, jailor, collector, printer, publisher, welder, molder, draftsman, machineman, policeman , milkman, oilman, fisherman, washerman, trader, shop-keeper and so on. It is very difficult for a man to choose the right profession for himself.

Choosing a profession is very difficult, no doubt. Because a man wishes to get a profession that carries high power, fat salary and high quarters with beautiful furniture. But he forgets to consider how far he is fit for this profession. How far he is able to do this work and whether he will like to do the nature of work allied with this profession. So, it is very likely that he may do a wrong choice of profession.

A profession which is right for one man be wrong for another. Because ability and aptitude differ from man to man. If a man takes up a profession for which he is unfit, he leads a life of unhappiness, inefficiency and frustration. Life becomes a burden to him. Suppose a man likes to sit and do clerical works but he joins the executive line only because that carries handsome pay, position and power. Consequently he proves misfit and feels miserable. So, he cannot prosper in his profession.

Choosing a profession, is no doubt important in one's life. So, one should choose a profession after thinking over the pros and cons of it.

Essay in English - my future profession with translation

My Future Profession
Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are opened before them: vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can't decide even after leaving school.

As for me, I made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn't come as a sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favorite subject. I"ve read a lot of books by Ukrainian and for eign writers. I understand that reading books helps people in self education and in solving different life problems.

I would like to teach my pupils to enjoy reading, to encourage them to learn our national language and literature, which is the source of national culture. It is known that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. It shouldn't be taken easily. The teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life.

Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., but teacher's work is never done and evenings are usually spent in marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson.

It"s not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I"ll get at the University would be quite enough to succeed in my work.

My future profession
Graduating from school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of graduates. Many roads are open to them: vocational schools and technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not easy to choose one profession out of 2000 existing in the world. Some students follow the advice of their parents, while others cannot make a choice even after leaving school.

As for me, I made my choice a long time ago. I want to become a teacher of Ukrainian literature and language. My choice of this profession was not unexpected. Throughout my school years, my favorite subject was literature. I read a lot of books by Ukrainian and foreign writers. I understand that reading books helps people in self-education and in solving various life problems.

I would like to teach children to enjoy reading, help them learn their native language and literature, which is the source of national culture. It is known that the teaching profession is special and difficult. It should not be taken lightly. A teacher is a person who learns himself and teaches others throughout his life.

Most work is done during normal working hours from 9am to 5pm, but a teacher's work is never done and the evenings are usually taken up with checking notebooks and preparing for the next lesson.

This is not as easy as it seems at first glance. But I think that my love for children, combined with the knowledge that I will receive at university, will help me succeed in my work.

My Future Profession

Finishing school can be compared with starting a new life, an independent life for millions of pupils. They have a lot of opportunities to continue their education, to get higher education and to become professionally trained specialists. Many roads are provided for the prospective student: colleges, institutes and universities.
But it is certainly a difficult task to choose a profession for yourself, to find your path from out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. Some pupils listen to their parent's advice; others cannot make a decision even after leaving school.
As for me, I have found my way in professional world long ago. I want to become a teacher of the English language and literature.
My choice of this occupation was not a sudden flash.
During all school studies, literature was one of my favorite subject. I have read plenty of literary works, especially novels and science fiction by Russian and foreign writers and poets. I am absolutely sure that reading books is an essential part of self-education and self-improvement.
I would like to teach my students enjoy the process of reading, to encourage them to learn our national language and literature, in order to be able to speak eloquently and to fascinate everyone with their speech. Teaching is a really specific and difficult job. It should be treated with respect. The educator is a person who is learning and teaching through all his life.
Most jobs have limited working hours, for instance from 9 a. m.
until 5 p.m. m., but the teacher's work continues during all evenings, which they usually spend in, marking exercise books and preparing for the next classes.
I am applying to the philological department and I am sure my dream will come true as soon as possible.

My future profession

Finishing school can be compared to the beginning of a new life, an independent life for millions of schoolchildren. They have many opportunities to continue their education, obtain higher education, and they can become professionally trained specialists. Many roads are open to future students: colleges, institutes and universities.
But of course it's difficult task- find your path, choose a profession for yourself from more than 2000 existing in the world.
Some students listen to their parents' advice, others cannot make a decision even after finishing school.
As for me, I found my way in the professional world a long time ago. I want to become a teacher of English language and literature. My choice of profession was not accidental.
At school, literature was one of my favorite subjects. I read a lot of literary works, especially novels and science fiction by Russian and foreign writers and poets. I am absolutely sure that reading books is an integral part of self-education and self-improvement.
I would like to teach my students to enjoy the process of reading, to encourage them to learn our national language and our literature in order to be able to speak eloquently and charm everyone with their speech. Teaching is actually specific and difficult work. She should be treated with some respect. A teacher is a person who studies and teaches throughout his life.
Teachers not only teach their subjects, a real teacher strives to create genuine interest in the topic so that students immerse themselves in learning. They try to develop all types of perception (intelligence), such as logical, visual, musical, interpersonal and bodily. Teachers play an important role in shaping students' worldviews and their characters, their attitudes towards life and towards other people. This is a huge responsibility, and the teacher himself must be a model of competence.
Every job is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But I believe that my love for children, combined with the knowledge that I will gain at university, will give me enough information and skills to be quite successful in my work and move up the career ladder.


I am applying to study at the Faculty of Philology, and I am sure that my dream will come true as soon as possible.
1. Why is it so difficult to choose a profession for yourself?
2. Is it important to make your decision in advance?
3. What are your favorite activities?
4. Have you made the decision of your future profession?


5. What kind of working hours are suitable for you?
prospective future
to find your path
to encourage
to fascinate
to treat
educator teacher (teacher)
to mark
to develop
to plunge
intelligence intelligence
successful successful
career ladder career ladder

to apply apply (apply)

Level B. My world.

My future profession
Future profession is a very important choice in every human life. Sooner or later everyone thinks about the profession. There are a lot of interesting professions in the world and I"d love to learn a few of them. It is very difficult to make a choice once and not to make a mistake. But desires don’t always coincide with possibilities.

On the verge of leaving school we are often asked what we want to be, where we proceed, what we are going to do in the future. Some answer confidently what they want to link their lives with, others respond less confident, still doubting their choice. Not to suffer the wrong choice of profession in the future, you need to treat it with full responsibility and seriousness. But I still believe that it is not necessary to doubt in your choice, you need to act, to follow your heart’s calling.

For a long time I had doubts about my career choice, but at the last moment I centered college to study for a degree in travel and tourism. Now I"m on the third course and I do not regret my choice at all. I’d never thought before about the profession I chose. And now I"m glad I took the risk. I faced a great variety of opportunities. I have enough time to study and work, and I am not a burden. Besides, I can travel around the world not only as a tourist but as a specialist as well.

Youth is a period of one’s life that is more likely to commit errors. And even if after 15 years of training, you have not managed to find yourself - don’t give up. The main thing is to do what you like. Your job should not be just a job, should be fun, should not be a burden and should not be used for making money only. I would like people not to feel sorry for their choice of future profession. So I wish all of you to find the occupation you like.

The future profession is very important choice in the life of every person. Sooner or later, everyone thinks about a profession. There are many interesting professions in the world, and I would like to learn some of them. It is very difficult to make a choice right away and not make a mistake. But desires do not always coincide with possibilities.

Sometimes we choose not what we need: some of us go to study where our friends study, others study the profession that their parents chose for them. And only later does a person realize that this is not his profession: his soul does not belong to it. A person making a choice should not think about how this or that profession will be paid, whether there is a demand for it, and not about what others will advise you. Of course, you should listen to the opinion of adults, they will never wish anything bad, but this is everyone’s choice and you need to make it yourself.

On the threshold of leaving school, we are often asked what we want to be, where we will go, what we are going to do in the future. Some answer confidently about what they want to connect their life with, others answer less confidently, still doubting their choice. In order not to suffer over the wrong choice of profession in the future, you need to treat this with all responsibility and seriousness. But I still believe that there is no need to doubt your choice, you need to act, go where you want to go.

For a long time I doubted my choice of profession, but at the last moment I entered college to major in Tourism. Now I'm in my 3rd year and I don't regret my choice at all. I had never thought before about the profession I chose and now I’m glad I took the risk. Many opportunities opened up for me. I have time to study and work, and it’s not a burden to me. In addition, I will be able to travel around the world not only as a tourist, but also as a specialist.

Youth is the period of life in which you make the most mistakes. And even if after 15 years of study you still haven’t found yourself, don’t give up. The main thing is to do what you like. Your job shouldn't be just a job, it should be fun, it shouldn't be a burden, it shouldn't be just about making money. I really want people not to regret their choice in the future. Therefore, I wish everyone to find something to their liking.

The end of school is the start of our independent life and the beginning of the most serious examination we have passed. In order to do well at this examination it is necessary to choose the right road in life which will help us best to live and work for our own good and for the benefit of our country.

Many broad ways will open before the pupils when they leave a secondary school. Everybody will have a chance to develop and use knowledge and education received during the school years.

There are a lot of different trades and professions, and each one must choose the occupation in which he or she can best develop one’s own talent and abilities. Our society needs well-educated people. Nowadays the profession of an economist has become one of the most useful, modern and interesting. That is because our country is moving towards market economy and different forms of property are being established. There is a place for an economist at every plant and factory. An economist exercises different functions. He or she can determine the structure of an enterprise and calculate costs as well as probable profits. An economist analyzes the condition of the market and prospects for its development in the future. His or her practical use of electronic computers is a must. The activities of an economist at an enterprise range from bookkeeper control the financial state of an enterprise and perform a lot of useful calculations. A manager is an actual administrator. Having a good command of the economic situation in the region and the demands of the market a person with an economist’s diploma may establish his own business, or he may become a partner of a joint venture. It is very important for an economist to know a foreign language, especially English.

That is because contracts between our country and many countries of the world are becoming wider with every coming day. Every economist has a chance to go abroad or to deal with foreign businessmen coming to our country. But to become a good economist one must work hard and get not only theoretical knowledge but also great practical skills

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can’t decide even after leaving school. As for me I have made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher or the Russian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn’t come as sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favorite subject. I have read a lot of books by Russian and foreign writers. I understand that reading books helps people in self-education and in solving different life problems. My parents are also teachers and I know that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils’ intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people.

It's a great responsibility. It’s not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I’ll get at the Institute would be quite enough to succeed in my work. I’m applying to the philological Department and I am sure my dream will come true sooner or later.

It is difficult to choose a profession

Two occupations attract me a lot. I like to talk with small children and explain things to them and I like to write computer programs. I often think which one is most favored and can not decide which profession to choose. I was born in a family of a teacher. When I was a little girl I went to school with my mother attending her lessons. I watched her and I wanted my mother to be a favorite and most respected teacher and the older friend for the pupils. Once our English teacher caught a cold. I was in the 9th form then and was fond of English. The teacher head asked me to give an English lesson in the 5th form. I entered the classroom and was terrified at first with all those pupils’ eyes stared at me. But I tried to get concentrated and said “Good morning” in a quite and friendly voice. Then it was all right. I wanted the pupils to like English just like I do. We read, wrote, sang songs, asked and answered questions. Since then I gave English lessons for several times when the teacher was absent and it was an exciting experience. So, I know the job well and I was quite certain which profession should I choose until daddy bought a personal computer. Since then everything has changed much.

First it was impossible for me to understand how it works. Now I am an amateur programmer and my father says that I am certainly have an ability for programming. I still have a year ahead to decide, but now I am not quite sure…

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadays.

My future specialty is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood.

To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favorite subject. I'll try not only to help them to master it. I’ll try to help them to become good and clever people, to be honest, kind and noble.

Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, the profession of a teacher is not an easy one. It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope, that I’ll be a good teacher and that my students will like me and my subject.

I have a dream to be a doctor

There are many interesting and noble professions.

I want to become a doctor. I like this profession and I am eager to get a medical education and work at a hospital. It is a good tradition in our family. My mother is a doctor, my grandfather is a doctor and I want to be a doctor, too. When I was a little boy my grandfather worked at a hospital and I spent some time at the hospital with him. He is a surgeon and works in a surgical department. Day by day he takes care of his hospital patients, he treats them well. He is very attentive. Every day he comes into wards asking patients, “What do you complain of?” He wants all people to be able-bodied and he tries to treat his in-patients in a proper way. To operate on persons is his main task. He is a kind and skilled surgeon. Every day he comes into an operating-room and operates on his in-patients. After each operation he takes care of his in-patients. Day by day he helps them to recover and he is glad when he can say, “My in-patient is quite recovered.” Sometimes he advises his in-patients to go to sanatoriums after leaving the hospital.

He instructs them in detail what they can do and eat after their operations. My grandfather tells me a lot of true stories about doctors, their profession, their aid for people. I respect my grandfather. I like his profession and I have a dream to be a doctor too.

Studies and my plans for the future
Let me introduce myself. My name is … I am leaving school this year. My dream is to become a student of the Foreign Languages ​​Department in the State University.
I want to study English, German and may be French. Knowledge of a foreign language opens a new world for us. If you know a foreign language you can speak with foreigners and it is a way for better understanding. If you know a foreign language you can read books in the original and in way you can better understand other people’s nature and culture. But for knowing English one should learn every day. So I read the texts, translate them, try to find key-words and retell them later. It is a very difficult work but I try to do my best. I learn new words by heart, work at grammar doing innumerable exercises and listen to foreign speech, trying to answer the questions. When I am a student I’ll do my best to master the foreign language I’ve chosen. After leaving the University I hope to become an interpreter and work at the foreign firm.

My Plans for the Future
This year I’m leaving school. I have already decided what career to choose. I would like to be a psychologist. I want to help people to solve their problems. I want to help them to understand their inside world, to help them to be confident. I love working with people and children.
I think it’s a difficult job, because one should love people, take care of them, support them.
This profession is rather new and hence very interesting. Psychologists work with people from different layers of society.
I realize that my dream can come true only if I work hard.

1. Have you decided what you are to do after school?
2. Why did you choose psychology?
3. Is the profession of a psychologist a new one?
4. Whom are psychologists supposed to work with?
5. If you fail to get the job you want the most, what will you do?

My future plans
I'm finishing school this year. I have already decided which career to choose. I would like to be a psychologist. I want to help people solve their problems. I want to help people understand their inner world, help them become more confident. I love working with people and with children.
I think this profession is difficult because you need to love people, take care of them, help them.
This profession is quite new and therefore very interesting. Psychologists work with people from different walks of life.
I realize that my dream can only come true if I work hard.

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