The indicators shown on the climate diagram are consistent. Basic climatic indicators. Updating of reference knowledge

Lesson objectives:


  • Development of skills in working with different sources of information; analyzing data and drawing conclusions.
  • Practicing the skills of correctly formatting the results of working with diagrams.
  • Consolidation of knowledge about climate and climate-forming factors.
  • Consolidating knowledge about the principles of operation of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor.
  • Assess the level of mastery of methods for visualizing numerical data and develop skills in using these methods when solving a specific problem.


  • Development of group practical work skills.
  • Developing the ability to reason logically and draw conclusions.


  • Fostering a creative approach to performing practical work.
  • Development of cognitive interest.
  • Education of information culture.

Lesson type: Practical work, conducted in the computer science classroom

Equipment: computers, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, atlas maps.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Setting lesson goals

3. Updating basic knowledge:

  • define the concept of “climate”;
  • what climatic zones and regions are distinguished on the territory of Russia (map on interactive whiteboard);
  • reasons influencing diversity climatic conditions on Russian territory;
  • what is numerical data visualization;
  • what data is needed to create charts;
  • what types of diagrams do you know;
  • recall the elements of a climatogram.

4. Practical work

Students, during practical work, must construct a climatogram, determine the type of climate and place it on the climate map of Russia.

Practical work is carried out in the computer science classroom. Students work in pairs at the computer.

I. Construction of a climatogram (algorithm for completing work for students Annex 1 )

Operating procedure.

Save the results of your work (click on “File” – “Save As...”, give the file a name and select a folder).

The advantage of spreadsheets is that if the initial data in the table changes, our climatogram is automatically rebuilt.

II. To determine the type of climate, after constructing a climatogram, students are asked to fill out the table:

III. Place the climatogram on the climate map of Russia using the interactive whiteboard.

5. Summing up

In our country, the climate is very diverse due to the extent of the territory from north to south and from west to east. The formation of climate is influenced by certain factors: GP, solar radiation, VM, underlying surface.

Students submit work in the form of a file on a computer and notes in a notebook containing an analysis of the constructed diagram with conclusions.

At the end of the lesson, teachers summarize and evaluate the students’ activities.

Data for constructing climatograms (Appendix 2).


  1. Usage Microsoft Office At school. – M., 2002.
  3. Sirotin V.I. Independent and practical work in geography (grades 6–9). – M.: Education, 1991.
  4. Geography of Russia. Nature.8th grade: workbook to the textbook I.I. Barinova
“Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade” / I.I. Barinova. – M.: Bustard, 2007. No.
Indicators Air and soil temperature Average by month Average for the year Absolute air temperature Temperature of the coldest five-day period with a supply of 0.92 Average daily amplitude of air temperature of the coldest month Duration of the period with an average daily air temperature £ 8 ºС Average air temperature of a period with an average daily air temperature £ 8 ºС Average maximum air temperature most warm month

Absolute maximum air temperature Average daily amplitude of air temperature of the warmest month Air humidity Average monthly relative air humidity of the coldest month Average monthly relative air humidity of the warmest month Precipitation Amount of precipitation for November - March Amount of precipitation for April - October Daily maximum precipitation Wind Prevailing wind direction for December - February Predominant wind direction for June - August Solar radiation Amount of heat coming from direct, diffuse and total radiation to a horizontal surface Amount of heat coming from direct, diffuse and total radiation to a vertical surface

Design standards are determined by probabilistic values, and the probability (probability) is set depending on the projected duration of operation of the structure. Thus, the outside air temperature in SNiP is given by the probability of 0.98 and 0.92.

Basic climatic characteristics

Construction climatology involves taking climate into account when solving architectural and construction problems, compiling climatic characteristics of the construction area in order to identify favorable and unfavorable climate factors for humans.

The climate of our country is diverse, its effects on humans and on the formation of the habitat are diverse. Without taking into account the climate, it is impossible to build economically, sufficiently durable; it is impossible to create conditions favorable for human activity.

Climate affects the durability of buildings - the duration of their operation, which is determined by the ability to withstand climatic influences. In order to neutralize negative climate factors and use positive ones, it is necessary, after studying the climate of the construction area, to select the most suitable building materials that react in a known way to frost or heat, high or low humidity, are resistant to corrosion, etc.; determine the layout of the building that provides the greatest comfort for people.

Climate indicators can be divided into two groups – general and special.

General climate indicators include: temperature (t, °C), humidity (w, %), air movement (u, m/s), solar radiation (P, W/m2).

Temperature - one of the most important climatic elements. Table 2 shows the temperature scales and their relationships.

table 2

Temperature scales

Temperature in work time day t avg dn depends on the average climate temperature for individual months of the year t avg month and the average amplitude of temperature fluctuations At n during the day and has highest value for thermal performance.

Taking into account the thermal effect on humans, the following types of weather have been identified:

– cold (below +8 °C);

– cool (8-15 °C);

– warm (16-28 °C);

– hot (above +28 °C);

– very cold (below -12 °C);

– very hot (above +32 °C).

The duration of characteristic types of weather throughout the year determines the main climate features that influence the structural and architectural solutions of buildings.

The durability of a building depends on the condition of its main parts - the foundation, load-bearing walls or frame, and enclosing structures. Under the alternating influence of heat and cold, structural materials are destroyed. More intense destruction occurs with rapid changes in temperature and, especially, with temperature changes with transitions through 0 ° C.

Therefore, when designing buildings, the following are taken into account:

– estimated temperature of the coldest day and five days;

– amplitudes of air temperature fluctuations – daily, monthly, annual.

Air humidity significantly affects the moisture state of structures.

To determine the humidity regime, the following indicators are used.

Absolute humidity f, g/m3, is the amount of moisture in grams contained in 1 m3 of air.

Partial pressure (elasticity) of water vapor e, Pa, - the pressure of g or steam mixed with other gases - gives an idea of ​​​​the amount of water vapor contained in the air.

The state of complete saturation of air with water vapor is called saturation mill W, g/m3. The saturation point is constant at a given air temperature.

Partial pressure limit E, Pa, corresponds to complete saturation of air with water vapor.

With increasing air temperature, the values ​​of E and W increase. E values ​​for air with different temperatures are given in Table 3.

Table 3

Values ​​of the maximum partial pressure of water vapor E, Pa, for different temperatures (at atmospheric pressure ...)

Relative humidity j characterizes the degree of saturation of air with water vapor and is defined as the ratio of absolute humidity to the saturation point at a constant temperature:

Relative air humidity can be defined as the ratio of absolute partial pressure to partial pressure in the saturation stage:

The value of j affects the intensity of moisture evaporation from any moistened surfaces.

The humidity regime of rooms is distinguished by the value of j:

dry (j<50%);

normal (j=50¸60%);

wet (j=61¸75%);

wet (j>75%).

With increasing air temperature, relative humidity j decreases, the value of partial pressure e remains constant, and the value of E increases, since warm air can be more saturated with moisture vapor than cold air.

As the temperature decreases, the relative humidity j increases and can reach 100% and at a certain temperature it may turn out to be E = e, a state of complete saturation of the air with water vapor occurs. The temperature at which the air becomes completely saturated with water vapor is called dew point temperature t r . With a further decrease in air temperature t in the room, excess moisture turns into a liquid state - it condenses, and settles in the form of a liquid on the fence.

The value of j affects the processes of moisture condensation in the thickness and on the surface of the fence, and the moisture content of the fence material.

Example for determining dew point:

Increased air humidity worsens the performance of structures, reduces their service life and negatively affects the microclimate of the premises. When designing, a calculation is made of possible moisture and condensation formation on the surface or in the thickness of the fence.

The combination of temperature and humidity determines the comfort of indoor conditions. Requirements for comfort conditions are established in sanitary and hygienic standards, taking into account the climatic region of construction. This is explained by the peculiarities of the influence of climate on the human body in different conditions. In areas with cold winters, a higher indoor temperature is required to normalize the thermal state of a person in the home than in warm areas.

Depending on the climate, the ratio of temperature and humidity of the outside air and indoors, the movement of water vapor through the fence occurs outside or inside the premises.

For example, in Moscow, during the year, the outdoor air temperature (Table 4) rarely exceeds the indoor temperature (18 °C); the heat flow to the outside predominates. Absolute air humidity of 50–60% indoors is higher most of the year than outside (Table 5), therefore, the movement of water vapor from the indoors to the outside predominates. As a measure to prevent condensation dampening of fences, in Moscow a waterproofing layer is provided closer to the inside of the wall (to the wettest zone of the fence).

Table 4

Average monthly and annual air temperature, °C

Table 5

Humidity and precipitation

Therefore, it is impossible to automatically transfer preventive measures from one area to another, without taking into account the characteristics of the climate, namely, temperature and humidity.

Number of drops precipitation and their intensity are of great importance in design. The influence of precipitation on building enclosures is significant.

When it rains with strong gusty winds, the walls become wet. During the cold season, moisture moves inside the structure from colder and wetter layers to warmer and drier ones.

If the fencing is lightweight, moisture can reach the inner surface of the wall. If the walls are massive, moisture does not penetrate into the room, but such walls dry out slowly, and when the temperature drops, the moisture inside the structures freezes and destroys the walls. Destruction is accelerated by thaws. Long-term drizzling precipitation has a more harmful effect than intense, short-term precipitation in the form of small drops. Small drops are held on the surface and absorbed by materials. Large drops roll off the walls under the influence of gravity.

Precipitation (rain, melting snow) increases soil moisture, and the groundwater level rises. This is dangerous for buildings due to the possibility of soil swelling and flooding of the underground part of the building.

The amount of snow that falls increases the load on the roofs of buildings. When designing coatings, the possibility of intense snowfalls that create short-term loads is taken into account.

Wind has a direct impact on buildings. The temperature and humidity conditions of the area depend on the direction and speed of air flows. The heat transfer of buildings depends on wind speed. Wind conditions affect the layout, orientation of buildings, the placement of industrial and residential areas, and the direction of streets.

For example. In Siberia and the Urals, the inner surface of the outer wall, located perpendicular to the cold wind, is somewhat colder than during calm weather. In Murmansk, in winter, apartments with windows facing south are colder than those facing north, because the south wind is colder there. In hot climates, the arrangement of rooms can achieve cross ventilation of apartments, i.e. the wind improves the microclimate of the home. In humid areas, wind speeds up the drying of fences, thereby increasing the durability of buildings.

Radiant energy from the sun (solar radiation) creates natural illumination of the earth's surface. Solar radiation can be defined as the amount of energy per unit surface, W/m2.

The spectrum of solar radiation consists of ultraviolet rays (about 1%), visible rays, which give light (about 45%), and infrared rays, which heat (about 54%).

Earth's surface Only part of the solar radiation reaches: direct, scattered and reflected.

The amount of total (direct and diffuse) solar radiation is given in SNiP for horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Exposure of any surface to direct sunlight is called insolation. Insolation of an area or room is measured by duration in hours, irradiation area and penetration depth sun rays into the room.

The positive effect of insolation is determined by the bactericidal properties of sunlight and thermal effects.

The amount of solar radiation also depends on the latitude of the construction area, the time of year and has its maximum intensity in the summer (Figure 2).

Figure 2– Comparison of solar radiation intensity.

The heating of the walls and the temperature inside the premises depend on the amount of incoming solar radiation. When the windows are open, the same amount of heat enters the room as the walls. When the windows are closed, part of the radiation is reflected from the glass, part is absorbed by the glass and window frames, heating them. With single glazing, about half of the incident radiation (41–58%) penetrates through the window; with double glazing, about 1/3 of the radiation (23–40%) penetrates through the window.

When considering the effect of solar radiation on a building, one should take into account the absorption capacity of various materials, which depends on their color and condition. Table 6 shows the absorption capacity of various materials.

I would call a climate diagram one of the branches of infographics, that is, a way of presenting data in such a way that the maximum effect of understanding the visually presented information is achieved. Indeed, a climate diagram allows you to quickly correlate certain temperature indicators and draw conclusions based on them. Without it, you would have to analyze all the numbers in your head.

Climate chart information

The Greek word “diagram” itself means a simultaneous visual representation of several quantities, allowing them to be compared with each other. It would be more correct to call a climate diagram a “climatogram” - this is its official name. The climatogram consists of:

  • Temperature scales (in degrees).
  • Precipitation scales (in mm).
  • Indicator of precipitation regime.
  • Curve of the annual variation of air temperature.
  • The abscissa axes are with the months of the year.

In this case, it is very convenient to simultaneously use in one graph a bar chart of precipitation over a monthly interval and an annual change in temperature amplitude.

How to read a climatogram

Based on the data indicated in the climatogram, it can be concluded which area we're talking about, and what climate prevails in it. For example, if the area is close to Northern Hemisphere, then the temperature curve bends upward, and if towards the South, then downward. A point on the ground located closer to the equator will show a relatively straight line. In turn, if the precipitation chart columns have a high indicator, then such a point is located at the equator or near the sea. At low rates - in the depths of the continent. Low rainfall also occurs in tropical areas and areas of cold currents.

Modern use of climatograms

It would seem that the climatic zones on our Earth have long been established and have undergone their zoning. But the whole point is that in a global sense, these belts are subject to change, especially with the threat of global warming.

Therefore, climatologists annually monitor the displacement of the same Arctic and Antarctic belts in order to prevent a possible catastrophe in time.

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