Download the presentation on gravity. Presentation on the topic: Gravity. Universal gravitation. A similar fate befalls the Sun

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GRAVITY Now I will tell you about gravity on Earth and the rest of the planets of the solar system

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GRAVITY No matter how hard you throw a ball into the sky, it will still fall to the ground. The force that pulls the ball toward the Earth is called gravity.

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Gravity The Earth's gravity reaches the Moon and keeps it in orbit. The moon does not fall to the Earth because it revolves around it. The Earth and other planets are held in their orbits by the Sun's gravity.

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Gravity on other planets Let's imagine that we are going on a journey through solar system. On which planets will we be lighter than on Earth, and on which will we be heavier? The smaller the planet, the weaker its gravity. The weight of the object depends on this. For example, on Earth an astronaut weighs exactly 70 kg. Then on other planets he will weigh: on the Moon - 12 kg (like a one-year-old baby) on Pluto - 4.5 kg (like a cat) on Mercury - 26.5 kg (like a first-grader) on Mars - 26.5 kg (the same ) On Uranus and Venus - about 63 kg (a little lighter than on Earth) on Earth - 70 kg on Saturn and Neptune - 75 and 78 kg (a little heavier) on Jupiter - 161 kg (like a well-fed pig)

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Lack of gravity The farther from Earth, the weaker the gravity. But it doesn’t disappear completely! In outer space above the Earth, objects are weightless. But gravity keeps them in orbit.

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“Electrical capacity of a capacitor” - The electric field is concentrated inside the capacitor. Capacitance of the capacitor. For a spherical capacitor, consisting of two concentric spheres, the entire field is concentrated between them. Systems of two conductors, called capacitors, have high electrical capacity. The conductors of a capacitor are called its plates.

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“Acceleration of free fall” - How do bodies move under the influence of a constant force? Free fall is the movement of bodies under the influence of gravity. Gravity acceleration value. What can be said about the magnitude of gravity near the earth's surface? The fall of a body near the surface of the Earth. G – free fall acceleration g = 9.8 m/С2 according to Newton’s second law.

There are a total of 17 presentations in the topic

What will happen if gravity disappears on Earth?

Let's forget about all the laws of physics for a moment and imagine that one fine day the gravity of planet Earth will completely disappear. This will be the worst day on the planet. We are very dependent on the force of gravity; thanks to this force, cars drive, people walk, furniture stands, pencils and documents can lie on the table. Anything that isn't attached to something will suddenly start flying through the air. The worst thing is that this will affect not only furniture and all the objects around us, but two more very important phenomena for us - the disappearance of gravity will affect the atmosphere and water in oceans, lakes and rivers. As soon as the force of gravity ceases to act, the air in the atmosphere that we breathe will no longer linger on the earth and all the oxygen will fly away into space. This is one of the reasons why people cannot live on the moon - because the moon does not have the required gravity to maintain an atmosphere around it, so the moon is practically in a vacuum. Without an atmosphere, all living beings will immediately die, and all liquids will evaporate into space. It turns out that if the force of gravity on our planet disappears, then there will be nothing living left on Earth. And at the same time, if gravity suddenly doubled, it would not bring anything good. Because in this case, all objects and living beings would become twice as heavy. First of all, this would all affect buildings and structures. Houses, bridges, skyscrapers, table supports, columns and much more were built taking into account normal gravity, and any change in gravity would have serious consequences - most structures would simply crumble. Trees and plants would also have a hard time. This would also affect power lines. Air pressure would double, which in turn would lead to climate change. All this shows how important gravity is to us. Without gravity, we would simply cease to exist, so we cannot allow the force of gravity on our planet to change. This must become an undeniable truth for all humanity.

Let's imagine that we are going on a journey through the solar system. What is the gravity on other planets? On which ones will we be lighter than on Earth, and on which ones will we be heavier?

While we have not yet left the Earth, let’s do the following experiment: mentally descend to one of the Earth’s poles, and then imagine that we have been transported to the equator. I wonder if our weight has changed?

It is known that the weight of any body is determined by the force of attraction (gravity). It is directly proportional to the mass of the planet and inversely proportional to the square of its radius (we first learned about this from school textbook physics). Consequently, if our Earth were strictly spherical, then the weight of each object moving along its surface would remain unchanged.

But the Earth is not a ball. It is flattened at the poles and elongated along the equator. The equatorial radius of the Earth is 21 km longer than the polar radius. It turns out that the force of gravity acts on the equator as if from afar. That is why the weight of the same body in different places on the Earth is not the same. Objects should be heaviest at the earth's poles and lightest at the equator. Here they become 1/190 lighter than their weight at the poles. Of course, this change in weight can only be detected using a spring scale. A slight decrease in the weight of objects at the equator also occurs due to the centrifugal force arising from the rotation of the Earth. Thus, the weight of an adult arriving from high polar latitudes to the equator will decrease by a total of about 0.5 kg.

Now it is appropriate to ask: how will the weight of a person traveling through the planets of the solar system change?

Our first space station- Mars. How much will a person weigh on Mars? It is not difficult to make such a calculation. To do this, you need to know the mass and radius of Mars.

As is known, the mass of the “red planet” is 9.31 times less than the mass of the Earth, and the radius is 1.88 times less than the radius globe. Therefore, due to the action of the first factor, the gravity on the surface of Mars should be 9.31 times less, and due to the second, 3.53 times greater than ours (1.88 * 1.88 = 3.53 ). Ultimately, it constitutes a little more than 1/3 of the Earth's gravity there (3.53: 9.31 = 0.38). In the same way, you can determine the gravity stress on any celestial body.

Now let’s agree that on Earth an astronaut-traveler weighs exactly 70 kg. Then for other planets we obtain the following weight values ​​(the planets are arranged in ascending order of weight):

Pluto 4.5

Mercury 26.5

Saturn 62.7

Venus 63.4

Neptune 79.6

Jupiter 161.2

As we can see, the Earth occupies an intermediate position between the giant planets in terms of gravity. On two of them - Saturn and Uranus - the force of gravity is somewhat less than on Earth, and on the other two - Jupiter and Neptune - it is greater. True, for Jupiter and Saturn the weight is given taking into account the action of centrifugal force (they rotate quickly). The latter reduces body weight at the equator by several percent.

It should be noted that for the giant planets the weight values ​​are given at the level of the upper cloud layer, and not at the level of the solid surface, as for the Earth-like planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) and Pluto.

On the surface of Venus, a person will be almost 10% lighter than on Earth. But on Mercury and Mars the weight reduction will occur by 2.6 times. As for Pluto, a person on it will be 2.5 times lighter than on the Moon, or 15.5 times lighter than in earthly conditions.

But on the Sun, gravity (attraction) is 28 times stronger than on Earth. Human body would weigh 2 tons there and would be instantly crushed by its own weight. However, before reaching the Sun, everything would turn into hot gas. Another thing is tiny celestial bodies, such as the moons of Mars and asteroids. In many of them you can easily resemble... a sparrow!

It is quite clear that a person can travel to other planets only in a special sealed spacesuit equipped with life support devices. The weight of the spacesuit the American astronauts wore on the lunar surface is approximately equal to the weight of an adult. Therefore, the values ​​we have given for the weight of a space traveler on other planets must be at least doubled. Only then will we obtain weight values ​​close to the actual ones.

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“Presentation “Gravity around us””

I wonder how this happens?

The earth is round, and even rotates around its axis, flies in the endless space of our Universe among the stars,

and we sit quietly on the sofa and don’t fly or fall anywhere.

And penguins in Antarctica generally live “upside down” and also do not fall anywhere.

And, jumping on a trampoline, we always come back, and do not fly far into the blue sky.

What makes us all calmly walk on planet Earth and not fly anywhere, but all objects fall down?

Maybe something is pulling us towards the Earth?


We are pulled by gravity

or in other words - gravity.


(attraction, universal gravitation, gravitation)

(from Latin gravitas - “heaviness”)

The essence of gravity is that all bodies in the Universe attract all other bodies around them.

Earth's gravity is a special case of this all-encompassing phenomenon.

The earth attracts to itself all bodies located on it:

people and animals can walk safely on the Earth,

rivers, seas and oceans remain within their banks,

air forms our atmosphere



* she's always there

*she never changes

The reason that Earth's gravity never

does not change is that the mass of the Earth never changes.

The only way to change Earth's gravity is to change the planet's mass.

A change in mass large enough to cause a change in gravity

not planned yet!

What will happen on Earth

if gravity disappears...

This will be a terrible day!!!

Almost everything that surrounds us will change.

Everything that is not attached

to something, suddenly starts flying through the air.

If on Earth there is no


Both the atmosphere and the water in the oceans and rivers will float.

Any without atmosphere Living being will die immediately

and any liquid will evaporate into space.

If the planet loses gravity, no one will last long!

If our planet disappears

force of gravity,

then on Earth

there will be nothing left alive!

The Earth itself will fall apart

to pieces and go


into the space

A similar fate will befall the Sun.

Without gravity to hold it together, the core would simply explode under the pressure.

And if gravity suddenly

will double

it will be bad too!

All objects and living beings would become twice as heavy...

If gravity suddenly

will double

Houses, bridges, skyscrapers, columns and beams

designed for

normal gravity.

If gravity suddenly

will double

Most structures would simply crumble!

If gravity suddenly

will double

This would affect power lines.

Trees and plants would have a hard time.

If gravity suddenly

will double

Air pressure would double, leading to climate change.


on other planets

Gravity of the planets of the solar system in comparison with the gravity of the Earth



Gravity on its surface










The scales will show...

171.6 kg

If we have to space trip according to the planets of the solar system, we need to be prepared for the fact that our weight will change.

3.9 kg

The scales show


On Jupiter


It's about the same

as if a person

in addition to their

I would have shouldered about 60 kg more

102 kg

Gravity has various effects on living things.

When other habitable worlds are discovered, we will see that their inhabitants differ greatly from each other depending on the mass of their planets.

If the Moon were inhabited, it would be inhabited by very tall and fragile creatures...

On a planet with the mass of Jupiter, the inhabitants would be very short, strong and massive.

You can’t survive in such conditions with weak limbs, no matter how hard you try.


- the force with which the Earth attracts bodies

- directed vertically down towards the center of the Earth


How does gravity depend on body mass?

To figure out:

- What is the relationship between gravity and body weight?

- What is the coefficient of proportionality?

Dynamometer division price:

Measurement results

Body mass

Body mass


𝗺 , kg

𝗺 , kg

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 𝗺, kg

Proportionality factor: g

For all experiments: g

Gravity calculation: = mg

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