You become an indefinite form. Indefinite form of verbs. Brief description of the infinitive in Russian

Indefinite verb form (infinitive)- This initial form verb. Verbs in the indefinite form answer questions what to do? or what to do?, For example:

(what to do?) play, walk, watch

(what to do?) play, walk, watch

Verbs in the indefinite form have suffixes -th or -ty, For example:

standing t, reach you

Verbs whose root ends in -whose, have no suffixes -th And -ty, For example:

le whose, stri whose

The indefinite form of the verb does not indicate time, number, or person, it only names the action. Compare examples:

We let's play hide-and-seek.

Play- funny.

Verb let's play indicates present tense, plural and 2nd person. Verb play stands in an indefinite form. He only names the action, but does not indicate the time, number, or person.

The indefinite form of the verb is often used together with the words necessary, possible, impossible, For example:

needs to be done, you can run, you can’t misbehave

Auxiliary verbs

Verbs I can, I start, I will, I want And I can are called auxiliary. They are used together with verbs in the indefinite form, for example:

Can play

I'm starting speak

will be mischievous

Want walk

I can paint

Auxiliary verbs can vary in tense, gender and number, for example:

A selection of rules: verb (definition, signs, indefinite form of the verb, aspect, conjugation, transitive and non-transitive verbs, verb reflexivity, mood, tense, spellings, morphological analysis).

Verb- This independent part speech that denotes the action or state of an object and answers questions what to do? what to do? and others (go, take, praise, do).


1. Permanent:

  • view (perfect/imperfect);
  • conjugation I or II ;
  • transitivity (transitive/intransitive);
  • repayment (verbs that are without -SYA are not used).

2. Fickle

  • mood(indicative, conditional, imperative);
  • number(the only thing( I'm going, I'm going, I'm going), plural ( let's go, let's go, let's go);
  • time(past, present, future);
  • genus(male, female, average);
  • face(first, second, third);
  • repayment(verbs having reflexive and non-reflexive forms).


Indefinite form is the initial form of the verb.

Verbs in the indefinite form answer the questions what to do? what to do?, ends with -TI, -TH or -WH, do not have signs of time, number, person and gender ( go, bake, cut).

Verb type

In Russian, verbs can be of two types: perfect and imperfect.

  • perfect view what to do? and denote an action already completed or an action in the initial stage of execution ( decide, read, sing, chant);
  • imperfect species- verbs answer the question what to do? (decide, read, sing, sing).


  • Only imperfect vid: ingratiate, call to each other, exchange fire, glance, whistle, sit down, cough, sentence, belong, walk, regret.
  • Perfect view only: burst out, interrogate, thunder, stride, make noise, find yourself, ruin, run, lie down, pour, dream, need, hold, think, sit, gush.

Conjugation of verbs

Verbs can be conjugated, that is, they can change according to persons and numbers.

There are 2 verb conjugations:

I conjugation -EAT, -AT, -OT, -UT, -YAT, -YT -UT, -YUT (sing, hide, prick, pull, winnow, wash);

II conjugation- verbs in the indefinite form end in -IT; in 3rd person plural h. end in -AT, -YAT (carry, saw, spend).


  • These verbs belong to the I conjugation: shave, lay, build, swell.
  • These verbs belong to the II conjugation: drive, breathe, hold, depend, hear, see, hate, endure, twist, offend, watch.

Method for determining verb conjugation

  • If personal ending shock, then we determine by the personal ending:
    1. If -U/-YU, -EAT, -YOT, -YOM, -YOTE, -UT/-YUT, then this is the I conjugation.
    2. If -U/-YU, -ISH, -IT, -IM, -ITE, -AT/-YAT, then this is the II conjugation.
  • If personal ending unstressed, then we define it using the indefinite form
    1. If the indefinite form ends in -IT(except shave, lay), if it is one of the 7 verbs in -There IS(look, see, depend, hate, endure, twist, offend), if it is one of the 4 verbs in -AT(hear, drive, breathe, hold), then this is the II conjugation.
    2. All other verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to the I conjugation.


Verbs want, run belong to heteroconjugates.

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Verbs in Russian are transitive and intransitive.

  • Transitional- denote an action that transfers to any object, denoted by a noun, in the accusative case without a preposition (if the action transfers to part of an object, the accusative case is replaced by the genitive) - see off my sister, cut down a birch tree, read a book, sew a suit, drink milk.
  • Intransitive- denote an action that does not transfer to other objects (verbs with the suffix -SYA- intransitive) - walk in the garden, rush to catch the train, play sports, swim in the sea.

Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs- This intransitive verbs with suffix -SYA.

Many verbs in Russian have reflexive and non-reflexive forms: wash, tear, wallow, wash, knock, bend.

Some verbs without -SYA not used: laugh, hope, try, fear, be proud, doubt.

Verb mood

In the Russian language, there are three moods of the verb: indicative, subjunctive (conditional) and imperative.

  • indicative- denotes an action that has happened, is happening or will happen (slept, sleep, will sleep).
  • subjunctive (conditional) mood- denotes a desired or possible action, formed using the past tense form of the verb and particle WOULD (I would write, you would come).
  • imperative- denotes an inducement to action, an order, a request ( bring, stand, stand up).

Verb tense

Verbs change tenses (only in the indicative mood). There are present, past and future (simple and complex) tenses of the verb.

  • Past tense refers to actions that have already been completed by the time of speech. Answer the questions: what did you do? what did you do? what did it do? what they were doing?

Changes by gender and number: I/he was walking. (m.r., units); You/she walked. (f.r., units); It was walking. (avg., units); We/you/they were walking. (plural).

  • Present tense refers to the actions that occur at the moment of speech. Answer the questions: what am I doing? What are you doing? what is he doing? what are we doing? what you are doing? what are they doing?

(I'm coming. (1 l., singular); You are coming. (2 l., singular); He/she is coming. (3 l., singular); We are going. (1 l., plural); you are coming. (2 l., plural); They are coming (3 l., plural)).

  • Future refers to actions that will happen in the future. Answer the questions: what will I do? what will you do? what will he do? What will we do? what will you do? what will they do?

Changes according to persons and numbers:(I will go. (1 l., singular); You will go. (2 l., singular); He/she/it will go. (3 l., singular); We will go. (1 l., pl.); You will go. (2 l., pl.); They will go.

Future forms

  • simple(from perfective verbs: I'll see, I'll see, I'll see, I'll see, I'll see, I'll see).
  • complex(from imperfective verbs: I will read, you will read, you will read, you will read, you will read, you will read).

Spelling NOT with verbs


NOT always with verbs written separately (Don't sleep! He was not afraid to go into the forest.).


Verbs that are without NOT not used: to be indignant, perplexed, to hate, to be unwell, to be unwell.

Spelling -TSYA and -TSYA


To find out what is written next to the verb -TSYA or -THIS, you need to ask a question. For questions what to do?/what to do? is written -THIS, and for questions what does he do?/what will he do? is written -TSYA.

  • What to do? swim, laugh, tinker, be lazy, study.
  • What is he doing?bathes, laughs, tinkers, is lazy, studies.

Soft sign b in verb forms

ь is written

  • In the infinitive (indefinite form) ( wash, bake, write, want).
  • At the endings 2 l. units h. present or simple future tense ( do, wash, wash).
  • In the imperative mood ( fix it, hide). Exception: lie down, lie down.

ь is not written

  • in the form of 3 l. units h. present or simple future tense ( washed, done).

Spelling verb suffixes

  • -TH indefinite verb suffix ( groin t, drank t, build t, breathing t ).
  • -L past tense suffix ( hear - hearing l, read – read l ).
  • -NU-, -A-, -I-, -I- immutable verb suffixes (stalled Well yeah, work A yeah,ve I here you go I yeah,ka I yes, yes I yeah,lele I dark I there is,hope I re I yeah,se I oh, oh I huh, huh I yeah,chu I t, strictly And yeah,one hundred And oh, double And yeah, morning And ugh, cool And t).
  • -OVA-/-EVA- written in English goals, which are in 1 person units. numbers end with-YU, -YU (teams wowteams ova yeah, in yuyu – in Eve t).
  • -YVA-/-IVA- written in English goals, which are in 1 person units. numbers end in -YVAYU, -IVAYU (late I feel late yva yeah, nasta Ivayu nasta willow t).
  • -E/TH in verbs withprefix OBES-/OBEZ written in nepercommon verbs withprefix OBES-/ BEZ-, denoteaction, deputy whipped on the subject itself ( obes strength e t from fatigue, obes shelter e t (to himself)).
  • -I/TH in verbs withprefix OBES-/O WITHOUT- written in pen common verbs withprefix OBES-/ BEZ-, denoting actions directed at someone else ( obes strength And there is an enemy,obes shelter And t (someone another)).

Verbs in the indefinite form (in the infinitive) answer the questions what to do? Initial form of the verb. Verbs in the past tense are not conjugated (they do not change according to persons). Imperfective verbs have three forms of tense, and their future form is complex. Verbs in the indefinite form have the endings -т, -ти or zero.

The indefinite form of the verb received this name due to the fact that it does not show either time, number, person, or gender - well, just complete uncertainty! Tense regulates all actions by time in English language. Tense literally translates as “grammatical time.” When we talk about time, we mean the concept of time in general. There is a special term for this concept - Infinite (infinity, limitless).

See what an “indefinite form of a verb” is in other dictionaries:

As I already said, from the infinitive form of the verb all tense forms are formed - future, past and present. First, we'll talk about Present and Past Tenses. We will not now consider the third form of verbs (past participles). So, why is a verb used in some cases and a noun in others?

But there is no action in this sentence, i.e. I'm not driving a car now, for example. That. action in a given period of time gives us certainty, which the infinitive cannot give. But if we talk about a palm tree, then we are transferred from abstractions to reality and are already talking about a specific type of tree. We can imagine the infinitive in the same way.

Another similar quality of the infinitive and the noun is the particle to before the verb, as well as articles before the noun. It is in the infinitive that verbs are presented in dictionaries (for example: lie, rest, work, see, study). The rule of the Russian language explains this by the fact that this form names an action, process or state, regardless of when, by whom and how this action, process or state is carried out.

The infinitive is an unchangeable, unconjugated form of the verb. Souffler n'est pas jouer. Souffler does not mean performing on stage. Souffler is an infinitive of group I in the meaning of a noun, the subject of the verb êtreNous ferons le maximum pour vous satisfaire. Prendre deux comprimés par jour. Take two tablets per day. Cela fait plaisir à voir. It's nice to look at. The infinitive can have the meaning of a noun. Le rire est le propre de l'homme.

Infinitive forms and their meaning

I heard children screaming in the garden. What should I write: -er or -é? If the verb is in the infinitive, then it is always written -er.II faudra sans doute trouver une solution. Here's some chocolate for your afternoon snack. After the verbs avoir or être you should write -é, since we are talking about participe passé: Tu serais étonné! You would be surprised! Après avoir dîné, il rentra.

In Spain, those sentenced to auto-da-fé (burning at the stake) were dressed in yellow, a symbol of heresy and betrayal. She only names the action, but does not indicate the time, person, gender, or number, and answers the questions: What should I do? The infinitive has two grammatical features: aspect and reflexivity/irrevocability. The infinitive can be any member of a sentence, for example: Flying higher than everyone else is my dream. I like to dream.

1. Grammatical categories of the verb (categoriae grammaticae)

Copy an excerpt from the poem, indicating the basis of the infinitive form of the verb. The verbs in the sentence are predicates. Verbs in the indefinite form have an aspect, transitivity and intransitivity, and conjugation.

The case forms of verbal nouns indicate that these nouns denoted “substantivized actions as an object of the dynamic orientation of the subject.” However, this theory does not find confirmation in written monuments of the Russian language and refers to a hypothetical Proto-Slavic language (the existence of which is rejected by many researchers).

It is harmful because it instills and propagates the false idea that the infinitive is a verb.” The fact that the infinitive in Russian is a form of a verb is supported by the fact that the infinitive has a grammatical feature - aspect (perfect and imperfect). This property of verbs, such as reflexivity, is also inherent in the infinitive: bathe and bathe.

The infinitive in English is a non-finite form English verb, which denotes only an action, without indicating either a person or a number. The infinitive answers the questions: what to do? The infinitive in English has four forms in the active voice and two in the passive voice. If the personal endings of the verb are stressed, then the conjugation is determined by the endings, which are written as they are heard.

Check whether the given verb is formed from a verb with stressed endings using the prefix: DRINK

The difference between a suffix and an ending is that the second serves exclusively to connect words in a sentence, while the first, even the formative one, contains a semantic component. One can argue about suffixes of indefinite tense; previously they were considered an ending of a special kind, but not about a generic ending, which changes with declension - and that’s all.

7. Future tense first (futúrum primum simplex activi et passivi)

All verb forms have morphological characteristics type (there are perfect or imperfect forms) and transitivity (they are transitive or intransitive). Among the verb forms there are distinguished conjugated (variable by mood, tense, person or gender, as well as number) and non-conjugated (initial form of the verb, participle and gerund). The infinitive denotes an action regardless of mood, tense, person, number, that is, without its connection with the actor (subject).

Borisoglebskaya E.I., Gurchenkova V.P., Kurbyko A.E. etc. Russian language: A guide for applicants to universities

In a sentence, the infinitive can be any part of the sentence. Example (4) - the infinitive is not included in the predicate and is an addition in the sentence if it denotes the action of another person (object) other than the one named as the subject. The verb has two stems: the infinitive stem and the present/simple future tense stem. These two stems differ for many verbs. Verbs in Russian belong to one of two types: imperfect or perfect.

The number of tense forms and the way they are formed depends on the type of verb. Verbs change according to mood. There are transitive and intransitive verbs. In Russian, verbs have forms of three moods: indicative, conditional (subjunctive) and imperative.

The ability to form an indefinite form, recognize it in a text, and distinguish it from other forms of a verb is necessary not only when studying a verb, but also when forming its forms. Various tasks, exercises, and work with tables will help you develop this skill.

In school practice, to identify an indefinite form, the teacher most often uses only questions (what to do?) (what to do?), paying little attention to a detailed acquaintance with this form. For example, mistakes are very common when defining verbs like carry, take care. However, these errors can be prevented if students are offered such a table when familiarizing themselves with the indefinite form.

This table will help you recognize the indefinite form by its external formal features (finite -t, -ch or -ti). The number of verbs in the indefinite form in -ti and –ch is small. Students should be introduced to the most common of them:

Verbs in -ti:

go, go, wander, carry, lead, row, sweep, carry, find, graze, weave, crawl, grow, scrape, shake, bloom.

These verbs can be included in the exercises.

1. From various forms verbs in -ti form an indefinite form: sweep - revenge, carry - carry, etc.

2. Put these verbs in the 1st person form singular: row - I'm rowing, find - I'll find, etc.

3. From these verbs, using various prefixes, form new ones: weave - braid, intertwine, weave, etc.

4. Using the verbs to carry, rake, revenge, go, come, carry, compose a coherent text on the topic “On the subbotnik.”

Similar work is carried out with verbs ending in -ch.

Verbs starting with -ch:

protect, achieve, burn, lie down, clothe, doom, renounce, oven, help, neglect, cut, guard, flog, flow, pound, captivate, harness

Very often, children form non-literary forms from verbs starting with -ch: “burns”, “flows”, etc. To avoid this, you need to lead them to the conclusion that only in the 1st person singular and in the 3rd person plural these verbs retain the sounds g and k (zhgu - burn, bake - bake), and in other forms there is an alternation of g - z and k - h (zhgu - zhzhesh, burns, burns, burns; tek - you flow, flows, flows, flowing).

Accordingly, students are also hampered by the reverse operation, i.e., the formation of an indefinite form from personal forms of verbs, for example: shore, reach, lie down, flow, get carried away, cut, renounce, guard.

Students also experience difficulties in forming the indefinite form from impersonal verbs (by the way, the comparison of the 3rd person and the indefinite form is especially important from the point of view of spelling), so it is useful to practice tasks such as finding the indefinite form from impersonal verbs: it gets dark early (dusk) .

I want to sleep, it becomes cool, I feel the approach of spring, I feel completely grown up.

How well students have learned to find the indefinite form from which the verb is derived will be shown by the results of completing such a task.

Write down verbs from each sentence and choose an indefinite form for them.

1) The boy walked barefoot and carried his shoes in a bag.

2) I cleaned the kettle, filled it with water and went to the fire.

3) The old man smiles, winks, and squats down.

4) The short summer night was leaving, the dawn was already red in the east, the stars were slowly extinguishing.

5) It’s getting dark outside, but we don’t want to go back.

6) Styopka has his arms outstretched and is lying on his back, his hat is lying on the sand.

7) Evening shadows fall on the ground, merge, filling the streets with darkness.

Work on spelling when studying an indefinite form can be accompanied by work on speech development,

1. Find synonyms for these verbs (also verbs in the indefinite form).

Shy (fear), argue (prove), submit (obey), motivate (justify), send (send), restore (restore), export (export), import (import), debate (argue), stimulate (encourage), blame (reproach, reproach), hope (hope), study (study), groom (undead, cherish), zeal (try), oppose (object)

2. Find antonyms for these verbs (also verbs in the indefinite form).

Punish (forgive), hurry (slow down), chat (be silent), praise (scold), extinguish (ignite), chill (warm up), cry (laugh), start (finish), agree (object), appear (disappear), spoil (fix), love (hate), climb (descend), thaw (freeze), rest (work), dawn (dark), cool (heat), despair (hope), build (destroy), work (idle).

3. Replace these phrases with verbs that are similar in meaning.

To languish from idleness (to be bored), to fish (to fish), to win (to win), to experience fear (to be afraid), to send a telegram (to telegraph), to go back (to return), to improve in something (to qualify), to be examined (to be examined) ), to understand something (to get oriented), to come to consciousness (to wake up), to move to another country (to emigrate), to admit mistakes (to repent), to be released from accusations (to rehabilitate).

4. Explain the meaning of phraseological units using synonymous verbs. WITH phraseological units make sentences.

To beat one's forehead (to ask), to beat one's head (to sit back), to bring oneself into the open (to expose), to hack one's nose (to remember), to lift one's nose (to be proud), to nod one's nose (to doze), to pout one's lips (to be offended), to hang one's head (to be depressed) , come to your senses (come to your senses).

Exercises on various substitutions should be carried out throughout the study of the verb (2-3 minutes at the end of the lesson). Some attention should be paid to paronyms, i.e. words that are different in meaning, but similar in pronunciation, such as: gape - shine, import - export, put on - put on, reject - refute, present - provide, etc. These words you can pronounce them in class, write them down in a student’s dictionary, include them in dictations, and come up with sentences with them; It is useful to look up their meanings in an explanatory dictionary.

When reviewing morphology in high school, students should remember that verbs in the indefinite form can be various members of a sentence: subject (Learning is always useful), predicate (Our task is to study), definition (I got the opportunity to study), object (We agreed to study only good and excellent), circumstance (The guys came to the city to study).

The following suggestions will help consolidate this information.

1) I went out into the air to freshen up (L.).

2) Riding this horse was a pleasure for Rostov (L. T.).

3) I lay down on the camp bed to rest a little (T.).

4) I saw the need to change the conversation (P.).

5) I have an innate passion to contradict (L.).

6) The sun was just beginning to rise (L. T.).

The infinitive is the initial meaning of the verb. The peculiarity of the infinitive is that it denotes only a pure action, not tied to the person who performs it, does not indicate whether one or more persons perform the action, and also does not give the concept of the time the action was performed. That is, the infinitive does not have a definite past, present or future tense.

This part of speech is also called the “indefinite form of the verb” because it does not characterize any details of the action being performed, revealing only its original meaning. Latin word infintus, from which this term is derived, can be translated as "uncertain".

Indefinite verb form: rules and examples

The infinitive can only answer questions:

  • "What to do?";
  • "What to do?".

It is impossible, for example, to ask "Doing what?""What is he doing?",“What are we doing?”"What are they doing?""What you are doing?",“What did you do?”"What will you do?", since the infinitive is the infinitive form of the verb. The time and person remain unclear, and no reference is given to the details of what happened.

Infinitive suffixes

The infinitive ends with word-forming suffixes:

  • -t - give birth, grow up, die;
  • -whose, - to protect, burn, whip;
  • -ti - carry, grow, row.

It can also be supplemented with a postfix -sya (-sya), by which we can judge which indefinite form of the verb is non-reflexive and which is reflexive:

-sya (-sya) - to toil, to pray, to beware.

Signs of the infinitive

The infinitive is a form of the verb that always remains the same. It cannot be conjugated or represented in another tense or person. Infinitives can only have constant verbal features that are present in any verbs, regardless of their form. Such characteristics include transitivity/intransitivity, recurrence/irrevocability, and perfection/imperfection.

Transitive and intransitive infinitives

The transitivity of a verb is determined in accordance with the presence of an additional word of an indefinite form of the verb, denoting an object or phenomenon to which the action is partially transferred. Intransitive verbs consist of one single word that directly denotes an action. The transitive infinitive may include:

  • nouns or pronouns put in the accusative case without a preposition: give an injection, thread;
  • nouns placed in the genitive case, without a preposition, which express a share of something, or participation: wait for trouble, pour water;
  • nouns or pronouns placed in the genitive case, if the verb has a negative expression: not be able to, not notice them.

Thus, these words are part of the verb, filling it with meaning, and without them the essence of the action is lost. Part of the action, in turn, transfers to an object or circumstance, giving it a specific meaning.

Reflexive and irreversible infinitives

The infinitive form of a verb can also be reflexive or non-reflexive. Irreflexive verbs express an action performed by someone or something in relation to someone or something. Reflexives express an action directed by someone or something towards itself, or mean another closed interaction or state of an object and have a postfix at the end -sya (sya). On -xia The reflexive indefinite form of the verb usually ends. The rule states that reflexive verbs cannot be transitive.

Examples of irreversible infinitives: put on, lower, peek. Examples of reflexive infinitives: to dress, to lower oneself, to sneak.

As we can see from the above examples, some reflexive verbs can be obtained from non-reflexive verbs by simply adding a postfix -xia(as in the case of a pair " lower-lower"). This only changes the direction of action, but the general meaning remains. In rare cases, according to the rules and norms for the use of verbs, it is impossible to use a verb in both of its word forms - perfect and imperfect, as, for example, the reflexive indefinite form of the verb is unacceptable for “put on” (example " put on - get dressed"). “Put on” denotes an action performed in relation to some object or person, while “dress” can be addressed exclusively to the object itself performing the action (it can be used in other word forms, but provided that this reflexive meaning is preserved) . Despite the fact that such a limited in use indefinite form of the verb is not often found, the rule remains the rule. Also, from some imperfect forms of verbs, we will not be able to create a perfect one, based on their key meaning, which we can see in the example of the verb “peep” - you cannot peek for yourself. By the same principle, in the Russian language there is no imperfect form of the verb “to sneak” - you cannot " sneak" anything.

Perfective and imperfective infinitives

Infinitives can also be perfective or imperfective. The indefinite form of the imperfective verb expresses actions that continue over time and do not have a specific connection - these are, as it were, eternal actions, and without additional instructions in the context it does not give us an idea of ​​​​the completion or incompleteness of the action. A question would be appropriate here "What to do?". Examples:

Perfective infinitives indicate that the action has already been completed, or will certainly be committed, that the result has already happened, or will still happen (of course, in cases of negation or question, it can have a relatively vague connotation). A question would be appropriate here "What to do?". Examples:

  • After reading the note, it was to be burned.
  • Thank me that you didn't have to burn that note.
  • Were you instructed to burn the note?

Only a small number of dual infinitives are found in the Russian language. The indefinite form of the verb, which refers to both the perfective and the imperfect, can be used either way, depending on the environment, without changing its word form. That is, she also answers the question "What to do?", and to the question "What to do?". Examples:

  • An order was received to execute all traitors from now on. - "What to do?";
  • An order was received to execute the traitor. - "What to do?";
  • In the village they are used to getting girls married quickly. - "What to do?";
  • By autumn, Marfa managed to marry all her girls. - "What to do?";
  • It's hard to tell your heart. - "What to do?"
  • How to tell your heart not to love? - "What to do?"
  • Exploring caves is very interesting, but at the same time dangerous. - "What to do?"
  • Tomorrow we will have to explore these caves. - "What to do?"
  • You can attack them from any direction, while I will defeat them head-on. - "What to do?"
  • You will have to attack them from the right, and I will come in from the flank. - "What to do?"

Conjugation of verbs

The conjugation of verbs reflects their change in accordance with person and number. Although infinitives themselves cannot have person, number or gender, and, therefore, cannot be conjugated, they nevertheless serve as a word-formation basis for other verbs, therefore they are classified into one of two verb groups according to the type of conjugation - either I , or to II. Indefinite verb endings belonging to the first group: -e, -yu(except exception verbs). The forms of these verbs have endings -u and -yu, -eat and -eat, -et and -et, -eat and -eat, -eat and -ete. Indefinite verb endings belonging to the second group: -And and on -I(except exception verbs). When conjugated, the forms of these verbs have endings -u and -yu, -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at and -yat.

Function of the infinitive in a sentence

Verbs, as usual, perform the function of a predicate in a sentence. Together with subjects, they form the grammatical basis of sentences. However, the infinitive, due to its peculiarities of use, can perform completely in a sentence different functions. Therefore, the role of any of the members of the sentence in this case can be played by the indefinite form of the verb. An example of using infinitives as different parts of a sentence:

Morphological analysis of the infinitive in a sentence

To carry out morphological analysis of a verb in a sentence, you need to determine its part of speech, general grammatical meaning, ask him questions, determine the word form, indicate constant and unstable morphological features, as well as its function in the sentence. Since the infinitive form of the verb does not change, the morphological analysis of the infinitive is carried out without indicating the inconstant verbal features.

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