Lessons in magic: the power of magic words and formulas in witchcraft. The magic of magic words Magic words and meanings in Russian

Words have power! The beliefs that guide you influence everything that happens in life. If you fear the worst and constantly think about it, this is what happens, have you noticed? And vice versa - if the day began cheerfully, actively, with a positive attitude and wonderful thoughts, it will continue like that.

There is a strong psychological technique , which is equivalent to magic. You can influence the reality in which you exist, you just need to choose correct installation. Everything is incredibly simple...

Magic words

The two secret words you will learn about can be used daily. We often do this without realizing it, but if we approach the issue meaningfully, the result will be completely different.

Start practicing this exercise and after 2 weeks, see what changes have happened to you. Say “I allow!” if you are thinking about positive events, and “I cancel!” if you are worried about unpleasant thoughts.

Say what you dream about out loud, and at the end add “I allow it!” This technique will help you take care of yourself, approach life more consciously, and take small steps closer to your cherished goal every day.

By adding the sentence: “I cancel all obstacles,” you will further enhance the effect of what was said. Self-hypnosis is a powerful practice, and people who do it in Everyday life, achieve a lot. The ability to pay attention to your actions and words leads to awareness of what is happening and training of willpower.

Try it, it will be especially useful for people who lack self-confidence. Only you bear responsibility for your life, be attentive to what you do and think about the good! This will inevitably lead you to happiness...

The most important component of the magical “arsenal” of any magician from ancient times to the present day is the Word. Prayers, spells, mantras, hymns and other elements of magical and religious-mystical practice are fundamentally based on the power of words. That’s what we’ll talk about now (the power of words). And we should start by mentioning the fact that almost all mystical teachings that describe the birth of the Universe certainly connect it with the Word. So, for example, according to Indian mythology, the whole world was born from the syllable AUM uttered by the god Brahma, and therefore everything that exists is the product of the first primordial vibration, called shabda in Sanskrit, which means Sound or Word. Every object, every phenomenon in the world is a vibration. Even the sound produced by breathing is also a mantra - SOHAM. SO - inhale, HAM - exhale. It is believed that this mantra is repeated by a person continuously and spontaneously 21,600 times per day.

In the Indian mysticism of every part human body corresponds to a certain mantra. The practice of nyas (touching the various parts body, combined with the utterance of one or another mantra), which is used during rituals (pujas).

The Egyptians also trace the “pedigree” of all things to the Word. According to their mythology, the god Ptah also created the world and gods through the utterance of words. The famous Egyptologist Wallis Budge noted that the Egyptian priests attached enormous importance not only to the words themselves, but also to the conditions in which they were pronounced.

Belief in the power of the word is also reflected in mystical teachings northern Europe, especially in such types of magic as galdr (these are sacred songs) and in skaldic poetry (the art of creating spells), which was divided into three sub-forms - nid, drapa and manseg.

The Slavs were no exception, actively using the power of words in conspiracies. And, of course, just as one cannot remember the well-known phrase from the Bible - “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. Everything came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that came into being. In Him was life, and life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness. And darkness did not overcome him.” By the way, there is one Christian legend that says that the devil cannot grasp a thought until it has materialized in speech.

Also in the Bible we find another phrase that reflects how strong faith in the power of the word was in ancient times: “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes, whatever he says will come true, whatever he says will be done to him.”

Why, in all occult traditions, enormous magical power was attributed to the Word and names of God and was given such an important place not only in the rituals themselves, but also in religious and mystical practices - purascharana among yogis and tantriks, reading dharani among Buddhists, prayers among Christians, dhikr among the Sufis and so on and so forth? What grounds did the ancient philosopher Iamblichus have when he wrote that the spell is “the divine key that admits man into the sanctuaries of the gods?”

The fact is that since ancient times, mystics have known about the existence of a phenomenon known as harmonic resonance, the essence of which is that if one object begins to vibrate strongly, another object begins to resonate with it, and the frequency of their vibrations coincides. Thus, a magician who pronounces the divine name in a special way comes into resonance with him, that is, merges with his energy and vibrations. The same applies to perfumes. Knowing the name of a being and the correct way to pronounce it, as well as understanding its occult meaning, and the presence of psychic power (Will), gives the magician the ability to control it.

Indian mystics said that a person who repeats the name of a god himself becomes that god. So, for example, one of the ways to reunite with Hermes was to pronounce the following spell: “Enter into me, Hermes, like an embryo into the womb of a woman... I know your name, shining in the sky, and all your images... I know your barbaric names and your true name, inscribed on the sacred wall in the temple of Hermopolis, where you come from. I know you, Hermes, and you know me. I am you, and you are me.”

In the ancient religious texts of the Egyptians, where magical formulas were written down that the deceased had to pronounce at the trial in the afterlife kingdom of Osiris, the names of the demon gods present at this trial are listed. By pronouncing them, the deceased seemed to subjugate these demons to himself, since the basis of such faith was the knowledge that the word and the concept it denotes acted as a single whole. That is why E.P. Blavatsky wrote in one of her works: “the most powerful and effective magical means is sound, which is also the first key that opens the door to communication between Mortals and Immortals.”

In Western magic, the word - prayers, spells, sacred texts and the names of gods and demons and spirits - is given great importance. We can say that all magic itself is nothing more than the unfolding of the Word outward. Not a single ritual, not a single ceremony is complete without first pronouncing one or another sacred text. For example, in the “Book of the Sacred Magic of the Magician Abramelin the Sage,” widely known in occult circles, we find an excellent prayer that was recommended to be said before the start of any occult ceremony, since it contributed to the descent of divine inspiration blessing the upcoming work: “O Lord, my Lord, Patient and All-Forgiving, pouring out His mercy in a thousand ways and for thousands of generations; who forgives lawlessness and evil, sins and human misdeeds. I know that I am a sinner and not worthy to appear before Your Divine Majesty, but Lord, the Source of Your Generosity is so great that He Himself calls upon all those who are ashamed because of their sins and do not dare to come closer to drink Your Mercy. Therefore, O Lord, have pity on me and deliver me from all my iniquities and sins and evil; cleanse my soul from all impurities; revive my spirit in me and comfort it, so that it can be strong and comprehend the Mystery of Your Mercy and the Treasure of Your Divine Wisdom. Sanctify me with the anointing of Your Sanctification, with which You anointed, sanctifying, Your Prophets; and purify with it everything that is mine in me, so that I may become worthy of Conversation with Your holy Guardian Angels and with Your Divine Wisdom, and grant me the Power with which You bestowed Your Prophets over all evil Spirits.”

Magicians of all traditions and cultures used the Word to cleanse space and summon gods and spirits, for protection from demons and spiritual perfection and, of course, for healing.

Magicians of some occult traditions combined the power of the Word with the power of numbers, for example, in Arabic Each letter has a special numerical value assigned to it, which makes it possible to represent any written text as a number or a set of numbers. The science of using the numerical values ​​of letters in a specified manner is called “abjad.” One of practical applications This method is to fit a rather long text from the Koran on a small surface of the amulet. There are cases when entire suras were written this way.

For example, the name Allah can be expressed as the number 66, and the phrase “In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!” - the number 786. In general, it must be said that knowledge of the secrets of words and numbers made the adept powerful. Eliphas Levi wrote: “The basis of absolute hieroglyphic science was the alphabet, in which deities were represented by letters, letters represented ideas, ideas were transformed into numbers, and numbers were perfect symbols.”

A significant role in magic was played not only by the spoken word, but also by the word written down, carved or engraved on some material. For example, when creating a magic circle in Western magic or in Arab occultism, the names of spirits, gods or protective spells were written around the circle. This is due to the deep belief that one or another of the alphabets is of divine origin, such as Sanskrit, which is also called “Devanagari”, which can be translated as “divine”. Such alphabets used in magic include Hebrew, Chinese, runic and some others. The bottom line is that the graphic form of the letters is also not accidental, it carries a hidden sacred meaning, and is, in some way, a magical symbol, a “seal”.

As we see, people have known since ancient times that the Word is endowed with a mysterious divine power, which contains His Power and, in fact, is His embodiment. Therefore, all magical traditions and schools used the Word in their ceremonies and rituals and everyday practices.

© Alexey Korneev

It has long been known that the word has enormous power. The energy of a phrase spoken at the right time can either destroy a person’s life or rebuild it from ruins. Knowing which words have this power, you can completely change your life for the better in a short time.

In ancient times, the power of the spoken word was extremely respected. The most respected people were considered to be magician-speakers who knew cherished conspiracies against diseases, evil witchcraft and life's troubles. Over time, strong words have become devalued or forgotten, but many phrases have retained their ability to influence a person’s energy and change life for the better.

To maintain calm and control negative emotions you need to turn to willpower. The source of calm and natural protection is located in the yellow energy center located in the solar plexus area. To strengthen this chakra and maintain sober thinking, you need to repeat the key phrase several times: “ sunlight illuminates and fills me." Repeat these words until you feel calm and confident.

To achieve financial well-being You need to strengthen your monetary energy. The structure of a financial flow is similar to a water flow, so the key phrase is addressed specifically to the element of water: “The waterfall does not dry up, is endless, eternal. Water wears away stones, turns them into gold, and returns them to me.” This phrase must be pronounced as often as possible, vividly imagining the image of a powerful water flow.

To get rid of diseases it is necessary to strengthen your own energy field and cleanse your aura of negative energy. To do this, you need to open all the chakras. In addition to meditation and special practices, you can achieve strengthening of the energy field using the key phrase: “ White light fills all the space around. The pain recedes and disappears without a trace.” This key phrase can significantly increase your energy field and start the process of restoring your biofield.

Get rid of resentment and jealousy you can by turning to the energy of the green heart chakra, located in the middle of the chest. Negative feelings destroy our lives, and it is the accumulated resentment that can become the beginning of a series of failures and illnesses. You can “remove” negativity by regularly repeating the key phrase: “Resentment dries up and crumbles, love rises and blossoms.”

Not only esotericists, but also psychologists work with the power of words. Both agree that you can change your life for the better with the help of positive attitudes and affirmations. We wish you speedy pleasant changes and joy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.06.2017 03:28

Every spoken word is a direct signal to the brain to begin action. Energy bindings of words act...

Affirmations are powerful positive attitudes that help you become happier, attract sincere...

Everyone knows about mantras, but almost no one knows about Agmas. Agmas are called words of power and strength, and in Slavic Voloshba - quick words.

Agma is a word of power (and strength), when pronounced, an energy mechanism is launched, which leads to one or another physical or energetic effect. Mostly agmas consist of one, rarely two or three words. And don’t try to understand the meaning of agma. It is simply a key word that activates certain forces that produce the desired effect.

  • The word “KASLIS” must be said out loud three times. Then a protection of links will be built around your energy field, which will stay around you for three days. At this time, no one will be able to send anything to you. No matter how evil people try, all their messages will fall into this chain. After three days, this energy chain will spontaneously disintegrate.
  • When pronouncing a magic word, you need to imagine that around you a blue glow is emanating from the ground upward within a radius of one meter. This protection is destroyed when touched by anyone other than children. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid tactile contact with anyone. You can use this type of protection once a month. It is best to pronounce the magic word of protection (put protection) at home (in the yard).
  • GHEA - the force of air moves in space
  • ALSHEN - the main power of the shadows of the gods
  • ASTERIUM - star energy or power
  • CHANDRAM - Moon or from the moon
  • ETHU - appear or come
  • DHIMAHI - quickly introduces into shallow meditation
  • SAD is the word of power. I command. (demon language)
  • ARGH - I'm acting. (demon language)
  • RAH - I continue (language of basics)
  • HRA - Penetrate (language of basics)
  • GHAAR - I return it back. (basic language)
  • ZAARL - secure, ARL - seal, ZA - accession (language of demons)
  • RUH - wisdom. (basic language)
  • HUM - I multiply. (Bon language)
  • AUM - The Most High (Bon language)
  • IT - yes (language of basics)
  • INNA - Located. (Ellic language)

In general, I know the following about quick words: such a word needs to be said out loud only once on the right occasion.

In "village magic" such words are not often used, but they exist and are considered very powerful. From what I read, only one thing seemed important to me:

ABARA - this quick word, as one famous sorceress says, must be said if any weapon is pointed at you, and then the weapon will instantly turn on the attacker. I haven’t checked and I wish everyone to never find themselves in such circumstances, but everyone needs to know.

Also a quick word is CHUR (CHYUR, SHUR, SHYUR). If you pronounce it in kemar, it will instantly drive the enemy away from you, but you will most likely wake up. I haven’t tested it in reality, but I feel like it’s closing some kind of passage for entities. This word always works for everyone.

It is known that words have a certain power. It was not for nothing that it was said: “In the beginning was the Word.” Followers of various religions (Christianity, Judaism, etc.) express their thoughts, gratitude or requests to the Gods in words of prayer. In Islam, it is customary to perform namaz - the ritual reading of prayers in Arabic. In the East to cleanse karma, gain inner peace and harmonies use mantra words. We would like to tell you about agmas.

Agmas or, in other words, quick words are words of strength and power. They were used in Slavic voloshba. Agmas were, in a way, control buttons that launched powerful energetic and mental processes. The utterance of agma words could not only change the mood and state of the person pronouncing them, but also affect the life of the one to whom these words were addressed.

Quick words most often consist of only one word that needs to be repeated many times. However, rarely agmas can consist of two or even three words. For modern man agmas, for the most part, will not carry any semantic load. Simply because these are ancient words that are very difficult to translate into modern Russian, or for which it is impossible to find a translation at all. For us, quick words are, rather, a set of random letters and sounds. However, this set is the key that can unlock your hidden power, extract it from the depths of your consciousness, and give you a chance to use this power for your benefit. And here it absolutely doesn’t matter whether you have the skills and gift of magic or not. The important thing here is to believe in what you say, and the power will come to you.

It should be noted that agmas were used not only in magic (Kabbalah, for example), but also in the ancient languages ​​of many nationalities. Agmas were found in the speech of the inhabitants of Ancient Rus', Persia, Egypt, Mongolia, Japan, China and many other states. That is why it is difficult for us to understand the meaning of agmas and literally translate them into our language. Words of power and authority have ancient origins and roots. The magical meaning of some of them can be studied in Slavic Vedic systems or Kabbalah on your own. But more powerful agmas are available only to followers, students closed schools magic and magic.

There are many agmas of varying degrees of strength. There are simple agmas that are used by masters as passwords. This way, they can understand each other’s level of knowledge and skills. Another group of agmas can influence the physical state of a person: he can petrify for a while, fall asleep at your order, or perform one or another action. There are agmas that influence the human psyche: you can force him to speak exclusively the truth, find out his secret desires or influence emotional condition making him cry or laugh. Agmas can help you achieve success in a business that is important to you, achieve the love of the person you like, or lead to financial benefits. However, there are also agmas not of creation, but of destruction. When spoken behind the scenes and filled with the destructive energy of the speaker, they can harm a person’s health or even kill him.

Agmas were used by masters in situations where emergency intervention was needed. Then, when there was simply no time for sacrifices and other rituals. The master could pronounce words of power only once to trigger a specific action. I could repeat it several times in order for some kind of power to awaken. But there were also agmas that, like a prayer or a mantra, had to be repeated many times.

Anyone wishing to use agmas for personal purposes must be aware that, in terms of the level of magical influence on the world they stand alongside spells. Agmas are much stronger than spells and recitations. Agma can also be the real name of a particular spirit. By pronouncing the exact name out loud, you will thereby call upon the spirit, and it will appear, for no one has yet abolished the Law of the True Name.

How to correctly pronounce and use agmas

First of all, you need to achieve a chesty sound. That is, you need to extract sounds directly from your womb. Choose a frequency and timbre of your voice that will make your chest and throat vibrate. It is at this vibration that you need to begin to pronounce words of power.

Agmas, which carry a positive charge, should be pronounced with an appropriate intonation: softly, easily and even tenderly.

Quick words with a negative message, on the contrary, need to be spoken sharply, trying to put into them all the anger that has accumulated in you. Spit out the anger along with words of strength, and leave nothing to yourself.

Slavic agmas or quick words

  • Raga - will protect a person on the battlefield or in battle. A kind of amulet against the influence of external destructive forces. At the decisive moment, he will tell you where to expect trouble from.
  • Ves - for those who strive for fame, financial well-being or career growth. Helps to achieve success in everything, if only a person lives by honor and does not offend others.
  • Zarga symbolizes the beginning of a new life. Gives strength for the recovery of the physical body and opportunities for spiritual development.
  • Era is an agma with protective powers. It will protect your family from troubles, and you from the deception of selfish people.
  • Tarohoro - has the power of a love spell. Can bring you closer to a person of the opposite sex.
  • Charodoro - relieves crises of any kind. Will provide an opportunity to get out of the most difficult situation. It will help solve problems that you haven’t had the strength to solve for a long time.
  • Verga - will make a real workaholic out of a person. It will help you get rid of laziness and teach you how to complete all your tasks.
  • Radogoy - if strong people have ever lived in your family, and you this moment need their support, this agma will connect you with them. Agma is also a talisman for your family.
  • Zrozhden - will help with treatment. It may mark the beginning of a bright streak in life and the long-awaited end of a dark one.
  • Urra is the agma of quick acquisition of knowledge and creativity. It will give you strength, inspiration and concentration to learn or create something new.
  • Radoro - will help achieve justice and punish everyone who behaved dishonestly...
  • Daro is the agma who reconciles everyone who has ever been in a quarrel.
  • Slavo - bestows high intuition, which can protect you from evil people, unprofitable deals and bad situations.
  • Holy - drives away evil and sad thoughts, attunes a person to light, goodness and love. Helps you achieve peace of mind and peace of mind.
  • Chron - protects from the evil eye and witchcraft of others.
  • Yarga - bestows the power of rebirth. Able to attract money, luck and sympathy from others.
  • Ladodeya - helps in the fight against any manifestations of evil and aggression. Agma is kind “with fists.”
  • Zarrot - contributes to the realization of all goals and desires. This agma is capable of making even your wildest dreams come true.
  • Chur - calls spirits from your family so that they help you cope with any evil and failures. “Keep away from me” - my great ancestors, protect my soul from misfortune and hardship.
  • Mor is agma, which, if a number of conditions coincide, can lead to the death of the one to whom these words were addressed.
  • Lively - the opposite in its effect to the word “pestilence”. Carries charges of positive and creative energy. It can heal, calm, invigorate and delight.

Firstly, you need to pronounce words correctly, with the correct intonation and correctly placing stress and intonation.

You need to pronounce the keys of power not with your throat, but with your chest or, ideally, with your stomach.

This can be learned quite easily, try chanting the mantra “OM”, reduce the frequency of the sound until the chest begins to vibrate and resonate, this is already a normal level for speaking the keys, this is exactly how they should be pronounced.

It is better to pronounce positive keys, as if stretching them out, just as fresh linden honey flows, so the words should flow, softly, elastically, and easily. Negative keys, on the contrary, should seem to be spat out (by the way, after using the key “pestilence”, I advise you to use the words “healthy”).

The most powerful word among those given is MOR, it is the one that is best felt during the phase, for example, spitting it out in the face of an enemy, you will see an amazing effect, the person begins to swim, staggers, when testing it on yourself, feelings of ears clogged with cotton, slight blindness, severe headache, dizziness, nausea.

This is for “chest” spitting, but if you spit out “MOR” from the stomach, the person may well lose consciousness, so be extremely careful.

Slavic mantras are an unknown side of the Slavic spiritual tradition. These sacred sounds help you achieve your goal, turn to the forces of nature and the gods, and ask them for protection or help.

Very often people underestimate what they say: “these are just words”, “what you can’t say in a joking conversation”, “that’s how we all express ourselves...” And they forget that there is power and magic in every word! This article will show the power of words not only in oaths and promises, but also in parental instructions, in voicing your desires, spoken to others in the heat of an argument or other expression of violent emotions...

Parental instructions

Perhaps these are the most powerful spells that form life scenario child for the rest of his life. I suppose you have more than once observed how other mothers, grandmothers and fathers address their children with such words... They “punish”, encourage, distract attention and manipulate the will in such a strange way that it begins to seem that they have no good in the future for them. they don't want their children.

“Woe is my onion!”, “If you don’t listen, he’ll take you away!”, “You won’t eat well -...”, “Again you’ve soiled your clothes, like...”, “are you really...” and so on. Imaginative creativity, emotional orientation and regular repetition of the same “spells” develop in the child into an image of himself, with all those abilities and qualities that adult magicians have attributed to him.

Finding/remembering and replacing all the action algorithms, labels and non-fairy-tale plots of key beliefs given out in childhood is not a topic for just one consultation with a psychotherapist or karmo-psychologist. After all, by the time everyone reaches adulthood, SO much accumulates in their subconscious that when I began to explore myself, I filled up a dozen A4 sheets. And now I very often see around me completely adult and adequate people who, with their own hands, are ruining their lives and health, causing a lot of trouble to others only because... their subconscious is still controlled by the words planted in their heads in childhood. And you can’t even imagine how little free will everyone has left in their behavior!

After all, it was not only your parents who created verbal magic in your childhood - calling other children names, assessing all the aunts/uncles that surrounded you, educators/teachers - all this is stored in your memory and... acts.

Emotionally charged word

The status of an adult gave everyone the opportunity to further expand their social circle and enter into business and intimate relationships. And every day you speak and write an endless number of words. And for some reason I’m sure that you try to cast only good spells, like, send cute emoticons and emojis!

But from time to time something pisses you off and... Yes, then you will calm down, apologize, make peace, but... the word is not a sparrow. Drop by drop, everyone accumulates a critical mass of everything that he heard from some person. And then a trifling reason is enough for your dam of patience to break even with a random person.

There is no need to blame yourself for this - nothing will change at all. But saying 2-3 times the kind words to the object of your confrontation is a good idea! This is the only way to restore the magical verbal balance. A meager “sorry/sorry” is never enough for this.

Oaths, vows, oath

However, the most powerful magic and power lies in the vows, promises and desires that you voice to others. Yes, they voiced it so powerfully that almost every day in my practice I observe the effect of such spells after several incarnations of the soul. People are already in a different body, in a different time and circumstances, but continue to follow their immemorial vows (love, enmity, service) and intentions. And now they are forced to unconsciously do everything to free themselves from their own spells.

Isn’t that why it is said in all religious scriptures: “do not swear,” “by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned,” etc.? Your power of a word does not disappear after it is spoken. This energy does not hang in the air - only a small part of it is attenuated by sound waves in space. And everything else certainly continues to work in your or someone else’s energy.

Watch the wonderful film “A Thousand Words” (2012) and create only joy and happiness around you with words!

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