English with Petrov lesson 7. Polyglot. English language. Basic course. Difference between much and many

Today is our seventh lesson. The time has come to take some stock of how much we have mastered the basic patterns, basic structures, of which number one is the formula that controls the English verb.

I will now write a short version of this scheme, just to show what the next stage of assimilation and consolidation of this scheme in memory should be.

Let me remind you that in the future tense our key indicator is will. That is, if a statement, then we use will. These are just like internal clues. Will, will not And will in first place (at the beginning of an interrogative sentence).

Here we have the basic form of the verb. The only difference is that the third person (he or she) gets the ending -s.

Here we have the key forms: don't and - if a third party - doesn't.

Here, for regular verbs, add -d(or -ed), y irregular verbs special shape, which we indicate in parentheses (…) .

A question in the past tense begins with Did.

Past tense form of negation - key form didn't.

This is a shortened form of the verb pattern we all started with:

And now let's go over this scheme. I will now write a few more verbs so that we expand our list of words (vocabulary). Let's take five regular and five irregular verbs.

buy (bought) - buy
sell (sold) - sell

What's in brackets is right here. I will even highlight it in yellow [green in our diagram]. That's where these forms go.

Past, right?

Only the past, only a statement.

pay (paid) - pay, pay

In fact, it's a regular verb. It just has a non-standard spelling.

When in some documents, receipts... That is, the wording “paid” - the stamp is like this - paid.

make (made) - do, produce, create

Therefore, if you remember how we added the word writer (writer),

maker - manufacturer

- “The Doer.”


choose (chose) - choose

When, excuse me, you show it in the supermarket, they tell you: “Choose.”

Choose - Choose!

No, they speak differently... They somehow say “bye!”

This is in Germany!

Ahh! In Germany?

Yes, this is a little different. Tschüs in German means “bye!”

And when they still drink, I noticed, too: chuz!

But I don’t know what happens when you drink...

It's cheers, yes. (Your health!) It looks like it, but it’s not the same. In this case, we can say: Choose and cheers! I chose, and we will be healthy.

Be healthy! - Cheers!

And let’s take 5 more regular verbs, that is, those for which we are interested in only one form

try - try, try, try, try on

Trying on is if we're talking about about clothes.

Try this! - Try it on! (Try, try)

For example,

I will try to help you. - I'll try to help you.

Next word:

Is this a regular verb?

Yes. Those that have the same shape are correct.

Is changing to the metro also a change?

Well, you can say change planes, change trains - transfer from plane to plane or from train to train.

And when the ending -ed is added to change, are there two “e” left?

No. If it ends with a vowel, then one “-d” is enough.

How about try?

Pay - paid (“y” changes to “i”)

I don’t understand, what does “d” mean?

Past tense.

Just like pay.

Does “y” remain?

No, the “y” disappears.

to show - show

Show me your body!

And the last one in this group:

to turn - turn, turn around

Then we will see how this figures, for example, in the explanation of direction. Turn left, turn right - turn left, turn right.

Yes, turn around...

So, one more time. Regular verbs:

try – try, try, try, try on
change - change, replace, exchange, change clothes
show - show
play - play
turn - turn, turn around

Past tense:

tried – tried, tried, tried, tried on
changed - changed, replaced, exchanged, changed clothes
showed - showed (shown, shown)
played - played
turned - turned, turned (turned, inverted)

But, Dmitry, we often hear the word show. He was putting on a show. That is, in Russian it turns out: he showed “showed”?

Show as a noun means show, performance.

But it sounds exactly the same as a verb.

Well, that's what they show. This word comes from this verb [verbal noun].

Showing off.

So, you mean, is it possible to say “He shows me show”?

Well, in principle, you can say so, but usually in any language they try to avoid repeating one root.

She gave me a show - how can I say?

You can say perform show - present a show.

perform - present, perform, perform

So, now we will try to use these words in different sentences.

Well, are we supposed to have all these words memorized already?

No, well, why remember them? Here they are written!)

For now, you don’t have to remember.

We signed the translation in our notebooks.

Alice, how to say “I will try to help you”?

I will try to help you.

Oleg, where did you buy this shirt?

This is shirt… This is shirt…

This is shit! 🙂 Ha ha ha!

No, first translate this sentence. Where did you buy this shirt? (Buy is buy)

Where did you buy this shirt?


Question, past tense.

How to say, Sasha, “Will you pay in cash or by credit card?”

Will you pay cash or credit card?

How can you say, Nastya: “I didn’t play in this film”?

I didn't play in this film.

Yes. Past tense, negative form. [Look at the table]

Here -ed is no longer necessary, because it didn’t.

Did I say played?

Well, it sounded a little, but no one noticed.
How can I say, Volodya, “I want to change clothes”?

I want change my clothes.

Yes, or simply:

I want to change.

Ahh, so you need to?

What if “I want to change”?

Also I want to change.

How can you tell if he wants to change his clothes or change?

This will be clear only from the context of the conversation.

Maybe spiritual change?

We know a lot of words - they come to us from everywhere. But how to design them?..

Well, it’s already clear, I hope, how to design?

Yes, it’s already clear, thanks to this diagram everything becomes clear.

Anya, how to say “I want to choose a new dress for myself”?

I want to choose a new dress for me.

Yes. Or simply: I want to choose a new dress.

It should be blue.

And choose is to choose?

OK. Choose is to choose.

Aren't you signing?

And I just thought that I knew all these words. But choose, it turns out, I don’t know. But I focused my attention on it!

Sign yourself what this means.

No, I forgot.

Yes, write... write so that it is clear what it means and how it is pronounced.

How can you say, Dasha, “I want to buy a new car”?

I want to buy a new car.

Well, this is the future?

No! This is not the future. I want it now! Maybe she'll change her mind later.

I'll buy it - it's the future.

What if you say “I want to buy a car in the future”?

But I want it now!

In the future, or what?

I want to buy a new car. In the future.

What if I want to? “I will want”?

But it turns out that they always put future at the end of the sentence? Not to the beginning, right?

Doesn't matter. Some circumstances - place, time - they can be at the beginning and at the end of the sentence.

Misha, how do we say “When you go home, try to drive slowly”?

When you go home try to drive slowly.

Excuse me, please, “when you will go"? (When will you go)

No. When we talk about time or condition - when you will go, if you go - the future is not used. When you go... if you go...

Not “when you will go”?

We need to write it down.

Look, try to drive slowly. But “try” how will it be?

The same!

Well, try to drive slower - this is the present, but try to drive - this is the future? [nonsense!] Will try, maybe?

When you go... if you go... - without will.

I don’t understand why without will...

When you go home try to drive slowly. - When you go home, try to drive slowly.

What if I say will try? Will it be unclear?

No, this is a call - do it! (try).

Ahh, a call without will.

When we use the imperative mood, this is what it looks like...

What if you talk about yourself?

I will try - I will try.

And here there is will!

This is how the imperative mood is formed - do something - a request or an order.

For example,
Go! - Go!

If I use this mood in a negative form, that is, “don't go”:

Don't go! - Do not go!

And there is another option:

Let's go! - Let's go to! (lets go)

Is this all also an imperative mood?

Yes. Well, a call.

And don’t go imperative, and let’s go imperative?

Yes. So, here are the main three options for the imperative mood:

Go! - Go!
Don't go! - Do not go!
Let's go! - Let's go to!

But what does this prefix let’s mean?

Let's go. Lets go.

Let's dance! - Let's Dance!
Let's have a drink! - Let's have a drink!
Let's play! - Let's play!

Or can we just say: let’s drink?

Yes, you can. Let's have a drink! = Let's drink!

Tell me, please, you just need to remember this - When you go... if you go... - is that all in these cases?

Yes, when we talk about a condition or time (clause clause, clause clause), there is no need for future tense!
When you go... or if you go... (When you go... If you go...)

Please tell me, are there similar examples in the past tense? For example: If you were at the exhibition, tell us what you saw.

If you were at the exhibition, tell us about it.

So time matters here? Because this is not some abstract assumption, it has to do with the past.

Yes. This is not “if”, but simply: if you were, then tell me.

And when if in the past tense? For example: if you were, you would share.

These are already conditions. Conditions are a special form. We will get to it in due time.

Here I tried to present the original scheme in a simplified form. These are the main keys that you need to cling to.

This is very clear!

You will - you won’t, or it was - it wasn’t. Here. And again, we add new verbs. There will be several dozen of them in total. And just scroll through them as much as possible. It doesn't take much time or effort.

Plus those 50,000 words that we learned in a minute.

Yes. And these are some 50 verbs...) This is only a tenth of a percent.

That is, take, for example, the verb change:

I change.
Do you change?
Does she change?
She doesn't change.
I will change.
I won't change.
Will you change?
I didn't change.
Did you change?
I changed.

That's all!
You can, of course, add... We also have an arsenal of question words:

When did you go?
When did you buy this car?
When did you buy this clothes?
Do you want to by a clothes?
I will buy jacket tomorrow.
I will buy new shoes tomorrow.

Yes. In a week, in a year, maybe.

When I get my salary.

When I have some money I will buy a new jacket.

When I have - when I will have.

Why not when I will have?

Well, we just said this!

Ahh! Yes Yes Yes!

When I have money I will buy a shirt like Oleg’s.


When I have money I will buy a new shirt like Oleg’s.

- “In order to” how to say?

To (to do something).

To buy clothes like this don’t need too much money. Because…

-…is it cheap?

Traveling. Has the opportunity to buy it from an authentic place.

How do we say this?

When he travels he buys new clothes. - When he travels, he buys new clothes.

Vladimir, where do you buy clothes?

Yes. It's new NATO clothes.

Army is army.

Last time I buy…

I bought - I bought.

No, I'm buying.

Then I buy!

Last time I buy… - Lately I have been buying clothes in military stores.

But last time is last time, Yes?

Military shop.

Yes, last time is the last time. To say lately:

lately - recently

I mean, not very recently, but recently.

Lately I buy my clothes only... mostly

- …in general

- …in general in army shop.

Lately I buy my clothes generally in army shop.
Lately I've been buying clothes mostly from the army store.

Where is this army shop? In Moscow?

In every town. How to say it?

In every town. When I have some time… Because I shoot…

to shoot - shoot, shoot (cinema)

No, I'm filming and acting. I play in... war film...

Play in army movie.

war - war
war movie - a film on a military theme

My hero (my hero) often... how often?


to wear (wore) - wear

…often wears army clothes

And, in short, I buy it for myself at the same time.

What movie is that?

What is the title of the movie?

The movie's name is...

The movie's name is Shaman. I played in the movie together my wife. She played... the main role, what will it be?

main role - main role
starring in a movie - playing the leading role

And there is - from the word star - star.

She is the star of this movie.

Well, just play a role - to play a role. She plays the role.

What about the main role?

to play a role - play a role

How will it be based on motives?

based on - based on (literally: based on)
based on the story, based on a novel

- …based on the story “Rembo. First blood.”

Based on the Rambo. And if it’s a film adaptation, then the word screen is screen - screen version.

screen version - film adaptation, screen version

Is this Russian version of Rembo?

Yes. Original version.

First Rambo had no woman.

The American Rambo was alone.

No! No mix. Scheme like Rambo.

The plot comes from Rambo…

The plot comes from Rembo but there some other…

- ...other lines!

OK. plot lines [ storylines, storylines], some other interesting plot lines.
Did you like to play this role? Did you like this role? Did you like to work?

Yes, of course! This is the best role...

…in your career.

Tell me, how is film adaptation translated?

screen – screen
screen version
to make a screen version

Screen is like a verb too. Screening.

OK. So, who wants to ask a question?

How long did it take to film?

How long did you… (Past tense)

How long did you shoot this film?

One month. It’s the four series…

Four parts (episodes)…

to shoot (shot) – shoot, take off
(irregular verb)

So, look, shoot and the same word means shoot. The first meaning is to shoot. Like the famous inscription in salons in the wild west: Don’t shoot me, I’m just a piano player. - Don't shoot at me, I'm just a pianist!

And this is the wrong [second] form, right?

Yes, it's an irregular verb.

So, we have to say: we shot this movie... Yes?

Well, that is if you were filming.

Yes. Well, we were filming.

In Russian there is such a concept: we were making a movie. Because we are a whole team that makes the film.

No, he was also there as a co-director, that’s the point.

We made. Say made - and you will never make a mistake. When someone was filming or someone was filming.
And also, pay attention, shoot is the first meaning of shoot, shot is the form that is here (statement in the past tense). In addition, the noun shot means either a shot and shot also means a glass of strong drink that is drunk immediately.

Give me one shot!

May I ask?

Where does this film belong?

Where did you shoot?

Can we say we had?

We had two locations. The first it was in Karelia and the second location in the St. Petersburg.

So. the first location was in Karelia, the second location was in
St. Petersburg.

- “We had” how will it be?

We had. We had.

We had... a lot of it... too much?

- …very many difficult episodes, action episodes. Fighting, shooting... battle...

battle - battle
battle scene - battle scene

I had many injuries

I have had…

I had many traumas after… what will the shooting day be like?

After shooting day every time I go…

I went [past tense, irregular verb].

- … I went to the doctors.

Did you traum of head or foot?

How will it fall?

And one man... How will the stuntman be?

Why didn't you use stuntman?

Let's write now!

Yeah! There were plenty of them there, and some of them suffered.

to fall (fell) - to fall
to fall in love - fall in love (literally, fall in love)
Stunt, stuntman - stuntman

There was a movie like that, it was called that.

One stuntman from our movies fell from five meters... and came past the parish. Well, he missed and fell headfirst past the mat. How to say it?

OK then. That is, he did not get to where he needed to be. Not missed.

to miss - to miss, to miss

Is this where the mistake comes from?

Miss - missed (regular verb). Missed the point(dot).

Miss also means to be bored. That is, I miss it.

He got trauma - he was injured.

He missed and he got trauma.

Was it serious trauma?

Why didn't you use stunt?

It was not Vladimir. Vladimir didn’t fall. He didn't fall.

It was a stuntman.

About a lot of traumas.

Many traumas.
He didn't stunt too. (He did stunts too)

He didn't stunt too much.

When will this film come to screens?

It will be next spring.

What is spring?

Yes. But I wanted to say closer to summer.

Ok, spring or summer.

How can we say that if it’s winter now, then next spring?

Next spring.
The release of something - a book, a film, a production, a play - is a release.

to release - release,
release - release, exit, release

It is both a verb and a noun.

Listen, well, we are already savvy!

Do you know the word press release? That's where it came from.

OK. Who has more questions? Does anyone have any more questions?

How about editing in English?

cut - editing
to cut - cut, chop, mount
to cut in pieces - chop into pieces

Do you want to do the cut?

I will cut the most important pieces (episodes), battle scenes…

And scenes with Nastya.

Yes of course!

Most dramatic scenes - the most dramatic scenes

In short, install everything.

In other words everything - in other words, everything.

in other words - in other words

not so important (for me) - not so important (for me)
most important - the most important
more important - more important

So, and I want to ask Nastya. Did you do so many stunts too?

I had one serious scene. And it was very difficult for me because director... how to say invited?

- … invited stunt girl. She was strangled, beaten... in the hayloft. 🙂 They hung, strangled, beat

to strangle - to strangle, strangle
to beat - to beat
to hang - to hang, to suspend

And then... I had to...

I had to - I had to

And then I had to kill this bad boy who... tormented me

to torture - to torture, torment
torture - torture

He tortured me. And then when we saw what we had (When we saw what we got) on playback we understood that was very bad with stunt girl and we... reshoot...

We had to redo it. - We had to redo it.

- ... we had to redo it with me. Without stunt girl.

Change maybe?

No, we re-shot the same thing with me. No insurance and no stuntman.

Without stunt girl. And bad boy…

Tortured you again

- ...tortured me but no stunt girl

Without insurance.

Without… how will insurance be?

safety - insurance, safety

And I had... scars on my neck...

What will it look like?

to look - look, look

It looked like real.

it looked real - it looked real.

No, to make it look real.

To make it look real

So how can I say it?

This is why - that's why.

This is why we... refused...

to refuse - refuse, refuse, reject

- ... we refused of stunt girl and safety.

Because stunt girl shooting with safety.

Did you film - shooted?

… She was filming - she played, she acted
Act - hence actor

She acted without stunt.

Without support - without safety net

I have a question. Why do you always torture? In the performance, in the movie

Why do you always torture your wife?

Because it's life.

Because in life I torture him.

Art it's a miracle life.

She says because in real life she tortures him.

This is revenge.

revenge - revenge (hence - revenge)

Nastya, do you like it?

I like it. because it is always very dramatic and interesting for me. And it's very hard. Sometimes I cried and very tired but I... grateful...

thank - to thank, gratitude
thankful - grateful

- … I thank him for this experience. (I thank him for this experience, for this experience.)

What will the savior be like?

savior - savior

This is the Lord the savior.

So, as you have seen, today we tried to combine the repetition of the most important initial structures - first of all, the structure associated with the verb. We have added several new verbs. And you are convinced that they all again work according to the proposed scheme. And the sooner we approach this level of automatism, at which we will use all these schemes and formulas, the easier it is for us to distract ourselves from the core that we are building and talk about any topics that we are really pleased and interested in talking about. What will we do in the future? Thank you, that's all for today!

(Ratings: 10 , average rating: 3,80 out of 5)

The sixth lesson of "Polyglot" is aimed at enriching English vocabulary. Let me remind you that the goal of this course is to master the elementary conversational level. From this lesson you can learn: basic phrases related to spending time, Additional information associated with irregular verbs and new words, as well as a special type of words - “words-parameters”.

And we'll start by watching lesson 6

Sixth lesson

It may happen that you have to ask someone or tell someone about your leisure time.

Here are versions of the questions and answers heard during Dmitry Petrov’s lesson.

Words to remember:

  • Read- (read-) - to read (the verb read - is written the same, in the infinitive and in the past tense, but pronounced differently)
  • Sleep (slept) - to sleep
  • To have time [taɪm] - to have time, to have time
  • Hide (hid) - hide, conceal
  • Country ["kʌntrɪ] - rural area
  • Rest - rest / to have a rest - rest
  • I promise ["prɒmɪs] you - I promise you
  • Little ["lɪtəl] - little, small
  • Few - few (with countable nouns)
  • Get (got) - receive, get
  • To take lessons - take lessons
  • Region ["ri:dʒən] - region
  • Out of town ["aʋt ʋv taʋn] - outside the city
  • I want her (him) to be... (happy)./ I want her (he) to be (a)...(happy).

Option words in English

Let's move on to the “parameter words”:

About peopleAbout itemsAbout spaceAbout the time
Everybody / everyone, everyone, everyoneEverything / everythingEverywhere / everywhere, everywhereAlways / always
Somebody / someone, anyone, some oneSomething / anythingSomewhere / somewhere, somewhere, somewhereSometimes/ sometimes
Nobody/ nobodyNothing/nothingNowhere / nowhere, nowhereNever/never

With the help of such a table, when all these words are collected together, it is much easier to understand and remember them. In the first three columns everything is very simple: every (each), some (several), no (none) + add what we need body(if we are talking about a person); thing(transl.: Thing, respectively, if we are talking about an inanimate object); where(transl. Where, where - therefore we are talking about space). This pattern is not observed in the fourth column, but remembering these words will not be difficult.

Difference between much And many

  • Much (a lot) - We use it with non-countable nouns, such as love, money, water, milk, time. Antonym: Few -little.
  • Many (many) - we use it with countable nouns that can be counted: days (days), hours (hours), dollars (dollars), people (people).Antonym: Few -few.

Download Additional materials by 6th lesson.

Polyglot lesson 7

The seventh lesson Dmitry Petrov is devoted to repetition and consolidation of what has been learned. Only regular repetition and consolidation can guarantee successful learning of the material. As consolidation progresses, it is necessary to introduce a little new information.

It is suggested to learn the following irregular verbs:

  • To buy - bought - buy
  • To sell - sold - to sell
  • To shoot - shot - shoot, shoot
  • To pay -paid - to pay (this is a regular verb, but it has a non-standard spelling)
  • To made- made - to do, produce, create
  • To choose - chose - choose
  • To wear - wore - to wear
  • To fall - fell - to fall
  • (to fall in love - fall in love)
  • And also a few correct ones:
  • to miss - to miss, to miss
  • to release - release
  • to cut - to cut, chop, mount
  • to torture - to torture, torment
  • to try - try, try, try on (clothes)
  • to change - change, exchange, change clothes
  • to show - show
  • to play - play
  • to turn - turn, turn

Imperative mood - The Imperative Mood

Forms of the imperative mood are used for a call to action, it can be a request, then the sentence will definitely say: please - please, this can be advice, or an order. In English, the imperative mood is formed in this way: the particle to leaves the infinitive form, and the verb itself takes a position at the beginning of the sentence. See examples:

  • go! - go!
  • don't go! - do not go!
  • try! - try!
  • let's go! - let's go!

Vocabulary lesson 7

Words to remember:

  • cash - cash
  • revenge - revenge
  • credit card - credit card
  • shirt - shirt
  • сheep - cheap
  • lately - recently
  • war movie - a film on a military theme
  • starring in a movie - playing the main role
  • basen on - based on
  • sreen -screen
  • screen version - film adaptation
  • (to make a screen version - film)
  • plot - plot
  • stunt, stuntman - stuntman

Actually, that’s all that concerns the sixth and seventh lessons. These lessons provide lists of words, some phrases, of course, it is impossible to “memorize” all this, but it will be nice if you save them in a document on your computer and look at them at least once a day. If you listen to all this, listen to songs, watch videos, watch news, read tests in English (which, by the way, can be found on this site), you will undoubtedly come across these words and they will gradually be deposited in your memory.

Download additional materials for lesson 7.

Polyglot English language Basic course is a simulator for teaching English, created based on the TV show “Polyglot. Learn English in 16 hours”, shown on the Culture TV channel.

The course “Polyglot English” consists of 16 lessons. Exercises require no more than 10-15 minutes a day.

The main thing is not the amount of time, but the regularity. With regular classes, after the first week of training you will be able to communicate easily in simple phrases in English. Even if you started training from scratch.

In a programme Polyglot English language special learning algorithms are laid down, which, through repeated repetition, literally imprint knowledge of the language into the consciousness.

Training takes place in game form and quietly fuels the desire to learn further.

How it works

The program offers you simple expressions in Russian with verbs in one of three tenses (present, past, future) and in one of three forms (affirmative, negative, interrogative).

From the words on the screen you need to make English translation. If you answered correctly, the program will praise you. If you suddenly make a mistake, it will tell you the correct answer.

As you compose your answer, the selected words are spoken out. Then the correct answer is announced.

To move on to the next lesson you need to score 4.5 points in the previous lesson. Until points are earned, lessons remain locked.

List of lessons

The program contains 16 lessons and an exam.

Continuing to get acquainted with the polyglot course, during lesson 7 of English we will continue to train using familiar patterns, but with new verbs. Now is the time to check the results of how often you spent time on the basic tables, of which the most important is the one that controls verbs. Let's make a short table to refresh your knowledge.

  • Let us recall that in the future tense the key indicator is the word will, in negation we add the particle not, and when forming a question, will must be moved to the first place.
  • Next comes the basic form of the verb, which has one feature - in the third person the ending –s is added to singular. The question is formed using the verbs do and does, negation - using not.
  • In the past tense, irregular verbs have an ending - (e) d, and in irregular verbs the form changes to the one that we indicate in brackets when studying. The formation of a question in the past tense begins with did, and not is added to did in the negation.

This is the key diagram with which we began our study.

Key Verb Scheme

10 verbs

Let's expand the list of studied verbs and conjugate them according to the scheme. To do this, we will take 5 regular and 5 irregular verbs.


  • To buy (bought) - buy.
  • To sell (sold) - to sell.
  • To pay (paid) – pay.
  • To make (made) – do (produce, create).
  • To choose (chose) - choose.

Verb to choose


  • To try - try, try on, try.

    Please note: in the past tense, when adding –ed, the ending –y (if it comes after a consonant) changes to –i (try – tried).

  • To change - change, replace, exchange, change clothes.
  • To show - show.
  • To play - to play.
  • To turn – turn, turn.

Now let’s try to use all these words according to the above scheme. Review these examples and create your own.

I will try to help them. - I will try to help them.

Where did you buy this dress? – Where did you buy this dress?

Will you pay cash or credit card? – Will you pay in cash or by credit card?

I didn't play in this movie. – I didn’t play in this film.

He wants to change. - He wants to change clothes.

She wants to choose a new blouse. – She wants to choose a new blouse.

He bought a house. - He bought a new house.

Try to sell all these things at action. – Try to sell all these things at auction.

Don't make troubles anymore. - Don't cause any more trouble.

Your pronunciation became better, you made some progress. – Your pronunciation has improved, you are making progress.

I came here to choose a new bag. – I came here to choose a new bag.

She chose new shoes instead of a new bag. – Instead of a new bag, she chose new shoes.

Will you show us what you found yesterday? -Will you show us what you found yesterday?

Turn right near the police station. – Turn right near the police station.

When you go home try to be careful. – When you go home, try to be careful.

Please note: when we talk about “when” an action will occur or form a condition, the future tense is not used. In this case, the sentence contains the words when, if.

Imperative mood

When we express a request and an order, this is another case where we can imply the future tense by using a verb in the present. There are main three options.

For example: go – go, don’t go – don’t go, let’s go – let’s go.

Don't go to the forest alone. – Don’t go into the forest yourself.

Let's go to the river tomorrow. - Let's go to the river tomorrow.

New vocabulary

To be able to expand the number of combinations, let's master new vocabulary with examples. Determine the time in each example - find in which cell it is located on the diagram.


We already know that the verb to have is translated as “to have” and shows the presence or absence of something. It has another meaning - obligation. Pay attention to the translation of examples.

You have to work hard. – You need to work hard.

I had to ask him this but I forgot. “I should have asked him about this, but I forgot.”

So today we practiced a combination of structures. We added new verbs and you were once again convinced that they all work according to the proposed scheme. The sooner we approach the level of automaticity in which we use all these schemes and formulas, the easier it is for us to distract ourselves from the core being built and talk about any topics that are truly pleasant and interesting to discuss.

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