Safe way home from school homeroom. Class hour "safe way home." And avenues and boulevards


Repeat rules traffic, purpose of road signs;

Foster the habit of following safe traffic rules and crossing the street correctly;

Develop logical thinking, attention, observation;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health and the ability to choose a safe path.


table with road signs, traffic light model, green, red and yellow flags, posters.

Class progress

I. Organizing the class for work.

Sit back and let's begin our class hour.

II. Updating basic knowledge.

Guess these riddles:

Now straight, now flat, now steep,

Will take you around the world

Starts at the threshold

This endless... (road).

What kind of animal lies on the road, everyone walks on it? (Zebra)

He lies in the forest, runs through the field,

And as soon as it gets up, it will reach the sky. (Path).

Children, which path do you choose when going to school?

Where should you cross the street? How should you cross the road?

What road signs do you know? (Table is used)

What is the significance of traffic lights on roads?

What can a violation of traffic rules lead to?

III. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we will talk about safety on the road from home to school and back. The road to school leads us not only to the school premises, but also to the great land of Knowledge. Every day you rush to study at your school.


The best way in the world is the way to school,

You walk along it as a child.

You will never forget her - never,

She is like the sun in your destiny.


The road to school! Everyone has their own, it’s so familiar, you can walk through it with your eyes closed! But it turns out that it is not always safe, since someone needs to cross the roadway, someone needs to cross a railway track, and someone else needs to walk through a forest, cross a square or a park... And therefore there is a danger that threatens to your health and life.

Of course, first your parents take you along this road so that you study it well and learn to choose a safe place. And then you grew up, and your parents trusted you to follow it yourself. But remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them to avoid danger.

How should you go to always be safe?

(Students' answers).


When going to school or returning home, go with friends or adults.

This is, firstly, more interesting, there is someone to talk to, and secondly, it is safer, because together it is always easier.

Always be visible, that is, go along the road where people walk, since there is a chance of meeting dangerous person or animals. And then there will be no one to stand up for you. You will face trouble one on one.

Children who like to walk alone often put their lives at risk. But where there are at least two people, the probability of danger is halved, because in this case it is easier to find correct solution and a way out of the situation. And criminals never attack a group of people because they don't need witnesses. They wait for lonely passersby to mock.

In a group it is easier to avoid attacks from stray animals; as a rule, they do not attack a group of people. Therefore, never wander along deserted paths, not only when it gets dark, but even during the day, so that no one offends you.

Be visible to call for help. Probably, more than once, some of you have heard that a child has disappeared, his relatives and the police are looking for him, but it is difficult, if not impossible, to find him for various reasons. You may have also heard about children being kidnapped for the purpose of obtaining big money for them, etc. Therefore, be very vigilant and choose a busy and safe road and always walk along it so that adult family members know where to look for you. Never shorten your path by going straight, for folk wisdom says: “He who goes straight does not spend the night at home.” Therefore, choose a safe road and always walk on it.

And when you are gone for a long time, mom and dad will come out to meet you.

And when a dog comes towards you, and you are alone, what will you do?

(Students' answers)

There are several options: she doesn’t touch you and passes peacefully, then you should never touch someone else’s dog, it can be quite dangerous. Firstly, never look a dog closely in the eyes, do not smile at it, because it thinks that you are showing it your teeth in order to rush at it, because a dog shows its teeth (bars its teeth) before throwing. This is how she demonstrates her strength. If you are very wary when meeting a dog, then it senses it and is the first to attack, so never show fear, and even more so, do not run away from it! If the dog crouches to jump on you, then you must actively defend yourself with a stick, stone or whatever comes to hand. If there is a tree nearby, you can climb it, but if not, then protect your throat and head with your hands, try to turn your back to the dog and fight back. When a dog bites, the wound must be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and be sure to consult a doctor, because the saliva that gets into the blood can contain many pathogenic microbes, viruses that are very dangerous for humans, and the most terrible disease is rabies , which is transmitted to humans from a sick animal.

The danger always increases with darkness. If you had to go in the evening, then choose a lighted road, but it is better to arrive by transport or have adult family members meet you. Everyone has one life and there is no need to jeopardize it.

Never rush to leave the house until you have checked everything, because friends who call you can wait, but trouble does not wait. Therefore, do everything so that there is less stress in your life. Your health depends on it.

Listen to the question and choose the correct answer.


1) What part of the street is intended for pedestrians?

a) road;

b) sidewalk;

c) bike path.

2) How should pedestrians walk on the sidewalk?

a) stick to the middle;

b) on the left side;

c) on the right side.

3) At what traffic light can you cross the street?

a) red;

b) yellow;

c) green.

4) If there is no zebra crossing on the road, then you need to cross the road:

a) anywhere;

b) through an underground passage;

c) wait until there is no traffic on the road and cross the road.

IV. Reading and analyzing the content of an educational story.

Children, listen to what happened to one boy. Kolya received 5 points in math class and hurried home to show off his good grade to his mother. He was in such a hurry that he didn’t look where he was running. And an old woman with a stick was walking along the sidewalk. Kolya didn’t notice her and knocked her down. The old woman fell and broke her leg. I ended up in the hospital and underwent treatment for a long time, because broken bones in old people heal very poorly.

Children, what caused this incident?

How should you move on the sidewalk?

And if you need to overtake a pedestrian, how should you do it?

How should you cross the road?

Physical education lesson “Traffic light”.

Now let's play a game of attentiveness. It's called "Traffic Light." Rules of the game: when I show you a red flag, you stand. On yellow- clap your hands, and when it turns green, you walk in place. In each row, if a student makes a mistake, he sits down. The team that makes fewer mistakes wins.

V. Continuation of the conversation.

Imagine this situation. A boy rides a bicycle along the sidewalk without exceeding the speed limit. He reaches an intersection and does not pay attention to the traffic light; he drives onto the roadway when the light is red.

What could be the consequences?

How should you cross the street when you are riding a bicycle?

VI. Lesson Summary

So what did we talk about today?

Where will we need this?

Why should we know this?

Memo for students

Always choose safe places wherever you go.

Analyze where it is better to go.

Choose the path where there are fewer obstacles and where it is safer.

Cross the street at a pedestrian crossing, underpass, overpass - this is a bridge for pedestrians over the road, and when a traffic light is installed - a green light for pedestrians, in a place where there are appropriate signs and road markings.

Never rush, thereby exposing yourself to danger. It’s better to leave fifteen minutes earlier in order to be on time and have a few free minutes in reserve for unforeseen situations.

Don’t take shortcuts, but always go the usual way.

When returning home in the evening, go with friends or adults, choose illuminated places.

If you meet strangers at the entrance or in the passage, it is better to pretend that you forgot something and get out, so as not to be in danger, and go to your friends and from there call your parents so that they can meet you.

If you are staying with friends, be sure to inform your parents about it, and before leaving, call again so that they can meet you.

On the way home or to school, be sure to pay attention and remember where the sewer hatches are, they can be open, you can accidentally fall there, even when there is a cover, but it is not in the right place.

Class hour "Way home"

Goals: expand the horizons of students; carry out explanatory work among students; to ensure that there are fewer injuries among students.

Progress of the game

Road injuries are a problem that worries people all over the world. People pay tribute to motorization with their lives. This fee is very expensive and unjustified. The car has turned from a means of transportation into a means of threat to life, and the car becomes dangerous for a person due to its indiscipline, both the driver and the pedestrian. And today we will repeat the ABC, pedestrian. We will repeat it as a game. To do this, we will divide the entire class into 3 teams. We will give each team a name accordingly.

1. Warm up

What is the name of the section of road for pedestrians? Answer. Sidewalk.

Which direction should you look first when crossing the road? Answer. To the left.

What do the traffic light colors mean? Answer. Red - dangerous or stop, yellow - attention, get ready, green - go.

At what traffic light can you cross the street? Answer. Green.

What dangers may await you in the yard of your house? Answer. Reverse cars, open hatch, unobstructed repair work.

What is a crossroads? Answer. This is the intersection of streets and roads.

2. Game tasks

Each team acts out a situation of incorrect behavior on the road; other teams must notice the violation.

The bus is close, but a pedestrian is crossing the road.

Pedestrians walk along the road without paying attention to cars.

Children play on the road.

Crossing the road in the wrong place.

3. Do you know the traffic signs?

Goal: repeat the types of signs, name correctly what this sign means and what group it belongs to (prohibitory, warning, priority signs, prescriptive signs, information and directional signs, service signs).

The facilitator gives each team a sheet of paper with signs, the teams sign them.

4. Ticket questions for each team

1 Which side of the sidewalk should a pedestrian walk on? Answer. On the right.

2 What does center line mean? Answer. The center line is the white line that divides the road into 2 equal parts.

3 Where is it allowed to cross the roadway if there is no crossing in sight? Answer. On a clearly visible section of the road, if there are no fences, at right angles to the roadway.

4 What elements does a country road consist of? Answer. Roadside, roadway, ditch.

5 What is a curb? Answer. This is a special part of the road intended for pedestrians.

6 What is a cuvette? Answer. This is a ditch for draining water on a country road.

7 How should a pedestrian move on a country road? Answer. Towards transport.

8 What does a green flashing traffic light sign mean? Answer. Stop the movement.

9 What does a flashing yellow traffic light sign mean? Answer. Wait for the next signal.

5. Riddles(questions are asked to each team in turn)

1. Striped horse.

Her name is zebra.

But not the one in the zoo -

People keep walking along it.


2. Look what a strong man:

On the go with one hand

I'm used to stopping

Five ton truck.


3. Wonderful house - runner

On my eight legs

Day after day on the road

Runs along the alley

Along two steel snakes.


4. Such miracles, miracles!

There are two wheels under me.

I spin them with my feet

And I swing, I swing, I swing!


5. On the side of the road,

How soldiers stand.

You and I are doing everything

Everything they tell us.

6. Not alive, but walking,

Motionless, but leading.

7. To help you

The path is dangerous

Burn both day and night

Green, yellow, red.

(Traffic light)

8. Small, remote

Screams the loudest.


9. The house goes down the street,

He takes us to work.

Not on chicken legs,

And in rubber boots.


10. Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far.


11. The green sign will light up -

So we can sit down.

(Traffic light)

6. Conclusion

Throughout the entire class hour, we talked about traffic rules and who helps us comply with them. At the end of the game, let's once again name all the pedestrian assistants (Children's answers).

7. Summing up

Appendix 1. (for cutting)

1 Which side of the sidewalk should a pedestrian walk on?

2 What does center line mean?

3 Where is it allowed to cross the roadway if there is no crossing in sight?

4 What elements does a country road consist of?

5 What is a curb?

6 What is a cuvette

7 How should a pedestrian move on a country road?

8 What does a green flashing traffic light sign mean?

9 What does a flashing yellow traffic light sign mean?

Appendix 2. (for cutting)

1 Warning signs


No Pedestrians

3 Mandatory signs

Bike Lane

4 Signs of special regulations


5 Information signs

Parking place

MAOU Abatskaya Secondary School No. 1 Class hour “Safe way from school home and back” Developed by: Lyudmila Valerievna Timofeeva, teacher primary classes MAOU Abatskaya secondary school No. 1, Abat district, Tyumen region Development of a classroom lesson. Class: 1 Topic: “Safe way from school to home and back.” Goal: continue to form ideas junior schoolchildren on road safety. Objectives: 1) Review the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street and road, 2) Learn to choose the safest route from school to home and back, learn to develop a route, 3) Develop the ability to work in pairs, develop attention. Forms of work: conversation, pair work, practical work. Equipment: multimedia projector, posters " Road signs", audio recording "On the street, along the street" music by T. Shutenko, words by G. Boyko, cards with diagrams for working in pairs. Progress of the lesson. I. Organizational moment. Formulating the topic of the lesson. - Look at each other, smile, wish successful work to yourself, your neighbor, and the whole class. - What do we need to be successful in class? - Show by your stance that you are ready to work. Guys, watch the video and try to formulate the topic of our class hour. (video “Safe way to school” - What do you think is the topic of our lesson? - Yes, you are right, the theme of our class hour is “Safe way from school to home and back.” - What educational tasks will you set for yourself, knowing the topic of the lesson? Based on the words - helpers, voice them. (On the slide: repeat the rules...... learn to choose...... learn about......) (Possible answers appear on the slide, which the teacher summarizes; repeat the rules for crossing the road, learn to choose a safe route from school home and back) learn about how to make your own way safe...) II. Work on the topic of the lesson. -How do you understand the meaning of the word - safe? -How can I say it differently? (Prudent, careful, leisurely.) -To find a safe way to school, what do you think you need to know? -That's right, you need to be well oriented on the road, know the rules of the road and avoid danger. - What helpers on the streets of our village help you cross the road with less danger? (pedestrian path, no traffic lights in the village) - Tell me how to cross the pedestrian path correctly? - What traffic signs do you see on the way to school? Show them on a poster. What are they talking about"? Let's play the game "Road Sign" With the answer, you must also answer where on the way to school you encounter this sign. I'll get off my bike If I see this sign, And I'll go like a pedestrian, Along with it to the crossing (bicycles are prohibited) What kind of sign is there? The pedestrian is crossed out. What does this mean? Maybe they are being offended here? (pedestrian traffic is prohibited) The highway rustled with tires, Running cars, But near the school, slow down the gas Hanging, drivers, for you A special sign is here “Children” We are all responsible for them. And you too at this sign, Guys, be careful! (children) - Guys, look at the diagram of our village. (slide map-scheme With. Abatskoye) - Tell us about the features of the location of our school? (entrance is possible from Lenin Street and Sovetskaya Street along a pedestrian path, there are sidewalks, the place is lit, the traffic is quite intense) -Which streets do you need to cross? Is it easy to do? Why? Everyone has their own road to school, it’s so familiar, you can walk along it with your eyes closed! But it turns out that it is not always safe. Now you have become an adult and your parents have entrusted you to follow it independently. But remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them to avoid danger. - How should you go to always be safe? (we walk along the sidewalk, sticking to the right side, cross the road along the pedestrian path.._) - Also, guys, I would like to remind you that you cannot call anyone across the road: neither relatives, nor friends, nor acquaintances. This is not only indecent, but can be dangerous, as it encourages you to cross the road, forgetting the rules of the road. If there is no sidewalk, go towards it driving vehicles. We avoid deserted and poorly lit places along the road. Those traveling home by bus must also follow the rules safe behavior at the stop, when getting off the bus. - Name these rules. Physical exercise - Now you will listen to a song about the rules of the road and at the same time do what is sung in it - walk along the sidewalk, cross the street. (The song “On the street, on the street” is played, music by T. Shutenko, lyrics by G. Boyko.) Repetition of traffic rules. - Guys, what is the name of this fabulous little man? (on the Buratino slide) - Buratino got ready for school. But so that nothing happens to him on the way to school, let's help him. As soon as you hear that Pinocchio is doing something wrong, you immediately clap your hands, i.e., warn. - So, Pinocchio took the ABC and went to school. All the people were walking along the sidewalk, and the fairy-tale man too. But here's the road. There are still three huge steps to the car, and Buratino decided that he would have time to run across. (Children clap their hands) - Guys, why are you warning Pinocchio? (You cannot cross the road in front of nearby traffic) - Pinocchio let the car pass and crossed the road. There was still a lot of time before the start of school, because Pinocchio left the house early. Then he decided to read all the signs that came his way. - Boy, be careful! Don't count the crows. Walk the right way, said passers-by. (Children clap) (You must walk on the right side of the sidewalk so as not to disturb people walking towards you) - While Pinocchio was reading the signs, there was little time left before the start of classes. “We must hurry,” the wooden boy decided. And there is another road ahead. The traffic light blinked its red eye welcomingly to everyone. “I’ll cross the road,” Buratino decided. After all, there are no cars. (Children clap their hands) (Pinocchio wanted to cross the road at a red traffic light. But you can’t cross that way, even if there are no cars. You have to wait until the green light comes on) - But then the traffic light turns green. All pedestrians, including Buratino, crossed the road. And here comes the school! - Guys, you helped Pinocchio get to school safely. But something bad could happen. What rules did the fairy-tale hero want to break? (Cross the street in front of nearby traffic, cross the street at a red traffic light, walk on the sidewalk on the wrong side and interfere with oncoming pedestrians) - What would you advise children like Buratino? (Study traffic rules) Work in pairs. Students are given schematic representations of situations. Children complete tasks in pairs, remembering traffic rules. (working with diagrams. The diagrams are presented below). Street safety rules. . The right way to school. Slide check (a slide with a diagram opens, children compare) - Clap your hands for those who completed the task correctly. Explain why this path is correct and safe? III. Practical work. 1. Drawing up a diagram of a safe path. We have reviewed the traffic rules and now, using the map diagram, try to develop a safe route from school to home. We agree on dangerous places - we mark them in red, and we mark the possible path in green. - Don’t forget to mark pedestrian crossings and road signs. Children who use the bus on the way to school must mark the route from the stop on the map. (Children do it on a piece of paper in a box, the teacher helps) -Who wants to talk about the route according to their scheme. 2.Practical lesson on the street. Near our school there is a road along the street. Lenin. Who crosses it every day on their way to school? How do you do this? (children explain) What signs did you see there? Now we will go out onto this street, take a closer look at these signs and repeat the rules for crossing the road. We follow the rules of movement in the group, the rules of behavior. Practical part. Children and their teacher watch passers-by crossing the streets; if there are violations, we find out what they can lead to. IY.Total. Lesson reflection. (continued in class) - Why, guys, did we learn to draw up our route from home to school today, how will this be useful to us? - Can I use the developed route when moving from home to school? Why? - Whoever completed the educational tasks set for themselves at the beginning of the lesson, raise the yellow pencil. Those who encounter difficulties are given a blue pencil. (we find out the reasons for the difficulties, a slide with tasks on the screen) - Our lesson is over. Thanks to all. Schemes for working in pairs Link to Internet sources -shkolu›index.php/zagadki/283-zagadki-o

Municipal government educational institution

Average comprehensive school

With. Preobrazhenka Katangsky district Irkutsk region

Primary school teacher of the first category

Menshova Iya Iosifovna

Extracurricular activity

"Safe Road" to school!"

Target:develop knowledge about road signs and the ability to apply road safety rules; cultivate a sense of respect for your health.


  1. Educational: to develop students’ skills in following basic rules of behavior on the street and road, in order to prevent children’s road traffic injuries;
  2. Developmental: development of visual memory, attention, dexterity, ingenuity.
  3. Educational: cultivate discipline, collectivism; a culture of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Equipment and TSO : stereo system, musical soundtracks, camera, video camera, traffic rules signs, sheets of paper, pencils, puzzles and crosswords, multi-colored circles (corresponding to the colors of the traffic lights), ball, felt-tip pens.

Participants: 3 teams of 3-5 people (students of grades 1-4).

Preliminary organizational work:

1. Selection of material for the event and writing a script.

2. Installation of equipment and decoration of the event venue

3. Making handouts for participants.

Progress of the event:

I . Organizing time.

- The bell has already rung,

that means the lesson has begun.

Our lesson will tell everyone -

like no troubles and no problems

early in the morning slowly,

come to school for the kids.

- You can guess what we will talk about in today's lesson.I suggest you rubpalms. Rubbed? Place them on your cheeks. Do you feel warm? Warmth is life, and life is the most precious thing we have. Life must be protected!

  1. Introductory conversation.

Guess the riddle:

Winding among the fields,

Forest, copse

Without end and edge.

Nor break it,

Not to wrap it in a ball.

- Guys, what is this? ? ROAD.

How are the words “life” and “road” related? What will we talk about in today's lesson? Why do you need to know the Rules of the Road?(so as not to get hit by a car and die)


Everyone must remember:

If traffic rules

Do everything around

We will be alive, we will be safe

Me and you, my young friend.

To everyone in the world

To everyone in the world

These rules are needed.

Remember adults and children

These rules must!

  1. Story

First Traffic Laws appeared more than 2000 years ago.

There was a time, when there were no cars yet, when only riders on horses, chariots and horse-drawn carts rode the streets and roads. They could be considered the first vehicles. We wentwalked the streets as they pleased, and therefore often collided with each other. Collisions between people and horses and horses among themselves often occurred.After all, city streets in those days were usually narrow, and the roads were winding and bumpy. It became clear that it was necessary to streamline traffic on streets and roads, so rules were invented that made traffic convenient and safe. Moreover, streets of modern big cities filled with cars and trucks, buses, trams. Disorder on the street would make life difficult and dangerous: cars would create congestion, run over pedestrians, and collide with each other. Goods would not be delivered to stores on time, doctors would not have time to see the sick, and firefighters would not be able to respond to fires.

To prevent chaos, they drew up Traffic Rules - the laws of streets and roads. Drivers and pedestrians are required to know these rules and follow them. The driver must know what awaits him ahead on the road. Road signs tell him this. They are made in the form of simple drawings so that they can be distinguished from afar, and so that they are understandable to people of different countries.The first country to come up with traffic rules for vehicle drivers is France.

- If you think you know all the traffic rules and know how to use them, show a green signal.

Anyone who knows all the rules, but does not know how to apply them correctly, show a yellow signal.

If you don't know everything and can't do everything, show them a red signal.

Guys, I see that we still have a lot to learn and a lot to discover.

2. Transport (presentation)

What types of urban transport do you know? (Trolleybus, bus, tram, car, metro)

Well done! When we walk down the street, who are we?(Pedestrians.)

Is it easy to be a pedestrian?

What you need to remember as soon as you leave the house…..That you immediately become a pedestrian. Whateasier! He stepped with his left foot, stepped with his right... Walking is really not difficult. Around the room, through the park, along the forest path. But the street is not a park, not a path. A real pedestrian is one who calmly walks through a noisy city, village and along a quiet road. A real pedestrian behaves confidently on the street, he does not interfere with cars and will never get hit by a car. Cars drive according to rules and there are rules for pedestrians too. Everyone should know these rules so as not to end up under the wheels of a car. But guys, there are also those among us who jump out onto the roadway right under the wheels, or play on the roadway, pushing each other.

3. Traffic light

- What mechanical device is used to regulate traffic? (Traffic light)

To help you

The path is dangerous

It burns day and night -

Green, yellow, red. (Traffic light.)

- Tell me, do you know why the traffic light is called that?

- This word is made up of two parts: “light” and “for”. You know the meaning of the word “light,” but what is “for”? The word "for" comes from the Greek "foros", which means "carrier" or "carrier". If you combine these two parts, it becomes clear that the word “traffic light” means “light bearer”, “light carrier”. The traffic light actually carries light, and in three different colors. Which ones?

It turns out that they began to regulate traffic using a mechanical device 140 years ago, inLondon.The first traffic light stood in the city center on a pole high 6 meters . It was controlled by a specially assigned person. Using a belt system, he raised and lowered the instrument needle. Then the arrow was replaced by a lantern powered by lamp gas. The lantern had green and red glasses, but yellow ones had not yet been invented.

The first electric traffic light appeared in the USA, in the city of Cleveland, in 1914. It also had only two signals - red and green - and was controlled manually. The yellow signal replaced the police warning whistle. But just 4 years later, three-color electric traffic lights with automatic control appeared in New York.

Interestingly, in the first traffic lights the green signal was at the top, but then they decided that it was better to place the red signal on top. And now in all countries of the world, traffic lights are located according to the same rule: red at the top, yellow in the middle, green at the bottom.

In our in the country for the first time traffic light appeared in 1929 in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the adjuster manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color.

Why were these particular colors chosen?

Red - the color of danger. It is clearly visible both during the day and at night, and in rain and fog.It’s as if he’s saying: “Stop! The path is closed!

Green the color is sharply different from red; they cannot be confused. Therefore, a green traffic light, unlike a red one, does not prohibit, but allowsmovement. He seems to be saying:“The way is open! Boldly forward!”

Another one was placed between the red and green “eyes” of the traffic light -yellow . He urges drivers and pedestrians to be careful, as if telling them:"Attention! Soon traffic will either be allowed or prohibited.”

- What two types are traffic lights divided into?

(The children have album sheets on their tables depicting three traffic lights and two pedestrian ones.)

Fizminutka (traffic light) )

DD signs

Important road signs. Compass for adults and children.Children! Be careful!Know what is not allowed and what is possible!Follow without fail everything that the signs say!

IN red triangle The signs are cautious. They warn, they call for attention. (show signs)

Prohibit signs Miscellaneous traffic: overtaking, turning - Bred circles People circle them. (show signs)

And there are also signs - good friends: They will indicate the direction of your movement. Where to eat, refuel, sleep,

1. The way to school and home.

At what age can you ride?on a bicyclealong the roadway? (From 14 years old).


  1. What is another name for a pedestrian crossing? (zebra)
  2. A person who regulates traffic at intersections and roads. (adjuster)
  3. A traffic controller's striped stick. (rod)
  4. What is the name of any street or avenue used for traffic, including sidewalks and curbs? (road)
  5. The intersection of roads and streets. (crossroads)
  6. How do cars light up the roads? (headlights)
  7. One of the means of traffic regulation. (traffic light)
  8. At what traffic light is pedestrians and vehicles allowed to move? (green)
  9. Part of the road intended for pedestrian traffic (sidewalk)
  10. Waiting place for a bus, trolleybus, tram. (stop)
  11. How to call a car, bus, tram, trolleybus in one word? (transport)
  12. A person who drives a vehicle. (driver)

N. A. Izvekova “Road Rules”. 2nd grade.

  • N.A. Izvekova “Road Rules”. 3rd grade
  • A.A. Pleshakov “So that the path is happy.” The world around us. Textbook for 3rd grade head of school At 2 o'clock Part 2
  • A.A. Pleshakov “Road signs”. The world around us. Textbook for 3rd grade elementary school At 2 o'clock Part 2
  • V. Timofeev “For pedestrians.”
  • A. M. Yakupov “Safety on the streets and cities.”
  • Extracurricular activities: 1st grade / Author. Comp. O.U.Zhirenko, L.N.Yarovaya, L.P.Barylkina and others - 3rd ed., revised. and additional –M.:VAKO, 2010.-288
  • 2019

    Class hour “My way home” Topic: “Safe way from school to home and back.” Goal: to form the ideas of younger schoolchildren about road safety. Objectives: 1) Review the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street and road, 2) Learn to choose the safest route from school to home and back, learn to develop a route, 3) Develop the ability to work in pairs, develop attention. Forms of work: conversation, pair work. Equipment: multimedia projector. Progress of the lesson. 1. Motivational moment. Formulating the topic of the lesson. Look at each other, smile, wish successful work to yourself, your neighbor, and the whole class. What do we need to be successful in class? Show by your stance that you are ready to work. Guys, watch the video and try to formulate the topic of our class hour. (video “Safe way to school” shkolu.html) What do you think is the topic of our lesson? Yes, you are right, the theme of our class hour is “Safe way from school to home and back.” What learning objectives will you set for yourself, knowing the topic of the lesson? Based on the words of the assistants, voice them out. (On the slide: repeat the rules...... learn to choose...... learn about......) (Possible answers appear on the slide, which the teacher summarizes; repeat the rules for crossing the road, learn to choose a safe route from school home and back) learn about how to make your own way safe...) II. Work on the topic of the lesson. How do you understand the meaning of the word safe? How else can you say it? (Prudent, careful, leisurely.) To find a safe way to school, what do you think you need to know? That's right, you need to be well oriented on the road, know the rules of the road and avoid danger. What helpers on the streets of our city help you cross the road with less danger? (pedestrian path, traffic light)

    Tell us how to properly cross a pedestrian path? What traffic signs do you see on the way to school? What are they talking about"? Let's play the game "Road Sign" With the answer, you must also answer where on the way to school you encounter this sign. I'll get off my bike If I see this sign, And I'll go like a pedestrian, Along with it to the crossing (bicycles are prohibited) What kind of sign is there? The pedestrian is crossed out. What does this mean? Maybe they are being offended here? (pedestrian traffic is prohibited) The highway was rustling with tires, Running cars, But near the school, slow down the gas Hanging, drivers, for you A special sign here “Children” We are all responsible for them. And you too at this sign, Guys, be careful! (children) Remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them in order to avoid danger. How should you go to always be safe? (we walk along the sidewalk, sticking to the right side, cross the road along the pedestrian path.._) Also, guys, I would like to remind you that you cannot call anyone across the road: neither relatives, nor friends, nor acquaintances. This is not only indecent, but can be dangerous, as it encourages you to cross the road, forgetting the rules of the road. If there is no sidewalk, we walk towards the moving traffic. We avoid deserted and poorly lit places along the road. Those traveling home by bus must also follow the rules of safe behavior at the bus stop and when getting off the bus. Physical exercise. One - rise, pull yourself up, Two - bend, straighten up, Three - three claps of your hands, three nods of your head. At four - arms wider, Five - wave your arms, Six - sit quietly at your desk. Repetition of traffic rules. - Guys, what is the name of this fairy-tale man? (on the Buratino slide)

    - Pinocchio is getting ready for school. But so that nothing happens to him on the way to school, let's help him. As soon as you hear that Pinocchio is doing something wrong, you immediately clap your hands, i.e., warn. - So, Pinocchio took the ABC and went to school. All the people were walking along the sidewalk, and the fairy-tale man too. But here's the road. There are still three huge steps to the car, and Buratino decided that he would have time to run across. (Children clap their hands) - Guys, why are you warning Pinocchio? (You cannot cross the road in front of nearby traffic) - Pinocchio let the car pass and crossed the road. There was still a lot of time before the start of school, because Pinocchio left the house early. Then he decided to read all the signs that came his way. - Boy, be careful! Don't count the crows. Walk the right way, said passers-by. (Children clap) (You must walk on the right side of the sidewalk so as not to disturb people walking towards you) - While Pinocchio was reading the signs, there was little time left before the start of classes. “We must hurry,” the wooden boy decided. And there is another road ahead. The traffic light blinked its red eye welcomingly to everyone. “I’ll cross the road,” Buratino decided. After all, there are no cars. (Children clap their hands) (Pinocchio wanted to cross the road at a red traffic light. But you can’t cross that way, even if there are no cars. You have to wait until the green light comes on) - But then the traffic light turns green. All pedestrians, including Buratino, crossed the road. And here comes the school! - Guys, you helped Pinocchio get to school safely. But something bad could happen. What rules did the fairy-tale hero want to break? (Cross the street in front of nearby traffic, cross the street at a red traffic light, walk on the sidewalk on the wrong side and interfere with oncoming pedestrians) - What would you advise children like Buratino? (Study traffic rules) Consolidate what you have learned. – Now let’s check who has mastered the rules of the road better. Please answer my questions. Where can you cross the street? (Only at pedestrian crossings) – Where can’t you play? (You can’t play on the roadway) - At what light do we cross the street? (On green) - What should you do before you start crossing the street? (You need to look to the right and left, make sure that there are no cars nearby, and only then cross) - Well done, you answered all the questions correctly. Now listen to the poems. When I read them, you will either have to answer, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” or remain silent. - Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends) - Who flies forward so quickly that they don't see the traffic light? (Children are silent) - Which of you, walking home, follows the path along the pavement? (Children are silent) - Who knows that a red light means there is no movement? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)

    Guys, let's once again pay attention to the traffic rules and follow them, and encourage our family and friends to follow them. (Last slide with some traffic rules) IY. Bottom line. Lesson reflection. You have green, yellow and red emoticons on your tables. Rate your work and how you remembered the traffic rules: red – you didn’t remember, it was not interesting, yellow – you didn’t remember everything, it was interesting, green – you remembered everything, it was very interesting. Our lesson is over. Thanks to all.

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