What can burn in water? Burning water from this source can heal anyone. Where is the most fresh water?


Actions can be different: some hang bells, and some invite the priest. In any case, your apartment should be clean, and if possible, try to throw away or give to someone things that you do not need. Well, when cleaning, remember that you are not just putting things in order, but performing the magic of cleansing in your home. When washing floors, you can add a little holy water to the water: it is believed that all water acquires the same properties as a result.

If you are an Orthodox person, use a church candle and holy water to cleanse your living space. It is advisable to carry out this work alone or together, when no one else is at home. Turn off your phones, turn off the TV and radio to avoid distractions. It is also believed that if at this time someone knocks on your door, then this is a sign that all is really not well.

Light a candle. Starting from , walk around the entire apartment, each room around the perimeter, reading silently or out loud the “Our Father” or another prayer. Cross the corners of the house or the corners formed by furniture three times, lingering in places where it begins to crack or burn unevenly a little longer. The candle should not go out, otherwise you will have to start over. Pay more attention to mirrors, TV and computer, as well as the bedroom. You don’t have to go into the bathroom or toilet; cross them three times while standing in the doorway. After this, when leaving the apartment, cross the doors themselves; you can leave a cross sign on the ceiling.

After this, you, or the person who follows you with holy water, should sprinkle it everywhere, especially in corners and storerooms; It is also advisable to open the cabinets and spray on the shelves. After cleaning the apartment, take a shower. The candle stub must be removed from the apartment (take it out with the trash in the trash).


Remember that this is not just a ritual: you are cleansing your home of everything bad, and therefore your thoughts should be joyful, because the energy of your home is created, first of all, by you.

Helpful advice

During the ritual, you must be well aware of what exactly you are doing and why. You cannot be distracted by anything extraneous, even in your thoughts.

Situations often occur in our lives when we need to consecrate an apartment or house. Sometimes the negativity that accumulates indoors can negatively affect the health of the owners. The best option would be if this ritual is performed by a priest according to all the rules. However, it also happens that the priest is far away or there is no way to invite him.

You will need

  • Church candles, hymnals, incense, salt


Take the church wax (it is advisable that it be consecrated), light it and walk with it throughout the house, starting from. You need to go counterclockwise and read the 90th Psalm. In those places where the candle especially crackled or smoked, cross yourself and read the prayer to Jesus Christ, which delivers from damage. This ritual will significantly improve your well-being and family relationships, and also relieve you of fears.

There is an ancient folk way removing negativity from the premises. Take ordinary salt, pouring salt into it so that it completely covers the bottom. Place the frying pan on the stove and heat the salt thoroughly. After some time, black balls or lumps may appear in it. That's what you need from them, throwing them out into the street or burying them. After this, heat the pan with the remaining salt several more times until all the salt remains white.

Often people dedicate the new premises they are moving into. To do this, count how many corners there are in the rooms that you want to consecrate. Did you count? Now take the same number of church wax candles and place them in each corner. After lighting each candle, read the prayers “Jesus Christ from corruption”, “Our Father” and Psalm 90. As soon as the candles burn out, wash the apartment, the ceiling and all the walls in it with holy water (or sprinkle it). In this case, you need to read the above prayers over holy water, adding any prayer to the Mother of God for health. After this ritual, light incense lamps in each room, allowing them to burn out until the end. Leave a handful of salt or a nettle leaf in each corner overnight, and remove it the next morning without touching it with your hands. The fact is that salt accumulates all the negativity, so bury it in the ground or throw it into the water.


All of the above methods of consecration are good, but the best would be if you invite a priest.

The consecration of a premises is a prayer service for communicating God's grace to a certain place, so that it serves its owner with spiritual and material benefit. This is a request to the Lord to direct things in such a way that the premises itself, through the blessing that has descended on it, will help the Christian to benefit the Church, his neighbors, his Fatherland and himself.

You will need

  • - Holy water;
  • - oil;
  • - candles;
  • - 4 stickers with the image of a cross;
  • - Gospel;
  • - table;
  • - tablecloth.


You can consecrate the premises on any day, at any time convenient for you and the priest. To agree on it, go to the temple and explain your desire to the servant in the icon shop. She will tell you when it is more convenient to talk to the priest. You can leave your phone number so that it can be given to the priest.

After the time has been set, talk to your family or employees and explain what is happening. Set them up for reverent behavior.

Get the room in proper shape. If there are amulets, masks or talismans with images of demons on the walls, remove them. Prepare holy water, oil (regular, unconsecrated vegetable oil), candles and the Gospel. You can also buy stickers with the image of a cross in the icon shop. You need four such stickers so that the priest sticks one on each side of the room to be blessed. Prepare a table on which the priest can place holy objects. To do this, you need to completely empty it and cover it with a clean tablecloth.

When the priest arrives, ask him for his blessing. The rite of blessing the premises itself lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. Father will read prayers containing requests for peace for the house, salvation and enlightenment of all who live in it. When the priest says: “Let us pray to the Lord,” one should answer: “Lord, have mercy.” After the words of the prayer: “Our God, we send glory to You, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages,” all those present should say: “Amen.”

The rite of consecration ends with a litany with the usual petitions and petitions for the blessing of the house. In this part of the rite, ask the Lord to send a guardian angel to the new home to help everyone living here. If we're talking about about an office, industrial or any other premises, then ask that matters be done for the benefit of all who work or visit there. After the rite of blessing, all those present must venerate the cross.

Video on the topic


Do not treat the consecration of a room as a magical ritual. The effectiveness of this rite directly depends on the behavior of those asking for blessing. If you behave unworthily, the room may lose Divine help.

Helpful advice

After the rite of blessing, you can invite the priest to the table. Perhaps the conversation will help resolve important spiritual issues.


  • “Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal...”, priest Alexy Timakov.

In Orthodox Christianity, there is a ritual of consecrating one’s home, during which the blessing of the Lord is invoked on the house and the people living in it. It is believed that thanks to this, the power of evil spirits weakens and peace in the house depends only on the residents themselves.

“The Eighth Wonder of the World” is the name given to the Bolotovsky mineral spring in the Sverdlovsk region, the only place in Russia where the water tends to burn.

This unique spectacle is almost inaccessible to tourists only because the village can only be reached at certain times of the year. Setting water on fire—literally—is no longer so exciting for local residents. They say it's no longer interesting. Now they use the spring instead of a stove and fry eggs here. The dish is prepared in literally one minute.
Physics teacher Galina Kharlova has heard a lot about the source. But I never believed: water can’t burn and that’s it. To personally verify this, I specially traveled here one hundred and twenty kilometers from home. He says that in the first minute he even took his breath away from surprise. Local residents say they discovered the source by accident. One of the villagers came across him. This was about fifty years ago. Then, they say, scientists often came here to study the burning spring.
The reason was found quite quickly. It turned out that there is a lot of methane in the water: for hundreds of kilometers around the source there are only swamps. “It is unique in that the water is rich in iron and gases. The way it burns is clearly visible at night,” says Sergei Pasazhennikov, chairman of the environmental monitoring committee of the Alapaevsk district administration.

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To understand why water does not burn, you first need to remember what the combustion process itself is. Chemistry says: combustion is chemical process oxidation, which releases a large amount of heat.

To be more precise in formulation, combustion can be defined as a very rapid combination of any chemical element with oxygen (this is called oxidation). As you know, everyone chemical substance there is a formula. For water, this is the formula H 2 O, that is, hydrogen oxide.

Thus, it is already clear from the name and composition of the formula: water is a combustion product, because the hydrogen in its composition has already reacted with oxygen and oxidized (burnt). Hydrogen atoms in water molecules are not free; they are bound to oxygen atoms.

But to say that water cannot burn in principle is not entirely true. To burn, water needs contact with an even stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen. Such an oxidizing agent, for example, is fluorine, with which both hydrogen and oxygen present in water react. True, it is possible to see how this combustion occurs only in laboratory conditions.

The bond between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms weakens, fluorine, as an aggressive electronegative element, displaces oxygen from its compound, and as a result, hydrogen fluoride and oxygen are formed.

Why can't an oil fire be extinguished with water?

You have probably seen more than once in movies or news broadcasts how oil spilled on the surface of the sea burns. The expression “over the surface” was not chosen by chance: oil in its properties is much lighter than water, and during a spill it does not mix with it, but rises to its surface.

This is why oil cannot be extinguished with water - foam, powder, and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are used to extinguish burning oil products. The main task of the contents of the fire extinguisher is to stop the access of air to the burning oil.

Why can't a kerosene fire be extinguished with water?

For the same reason: kerosene is obtained by distillation or rectification of oil, and oil, as we remember, is a substance that is much lighter than water.

The density of kerosene is also much lower than the density of water, and if you pour water on burning kerosene, it will simply instantly rise to the surface and continue to burn.

Why can't a gasoline fire be extinguished with water?

Gasoline is made from oil, and its properties in relation to water and the combustion process are similar: it burns on the surface of water. Moreover, the more the water spreads, which is used to extinguish burning gasoline, the wider the flame spreads.

If you don’t have a fire extinguisher at hand, you can use sand, soda, earth, thick fabric, or blankets to extinguish gasoline.

If you see, for example, the sea burning, you should know: there are petroleum products in the water in this area. In all other cases, the sea burning in the natural environment is just a fantasy, as in the old and favorite children's poems: “And the foxes took matches, went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea.”

“The Eighth Wonder of the World” is the name given to the Bolotovsky mineral spring in the Sverdlovsk region, the only place in Russia where the water tends to burn.

This unique spectacle is almost inaccessible to tourists only because the village can only be reached at certain times of the year. Setting water on fire—literally—is no longer so exciting for local residents. They say it's no longer interesting. Now they use the spring instead of a stove and fry eggs here. The dish is prepared in literally one minute.
Physics teacher Galina Kharlova has heard a lot about the source. But I never believed: water can’t burn and that’s it. To personally verify this, I specially traveled here one hundred and twenty kilometers from home. He says that in the first minute he even took his breath away from surprise. Local residents say they discovered the source by accident. One of the villagers came across him. This was about fifty years ago. Then, they say, scientists often came here to study the burning spring.
The reason was found quite quickly. It turned out that there is a lot of methane in the water: for hundreds of kilometers around the source there are only swamps. “It is unique in that the water is rich in iron and gases. The way it burns is clearly visible at night,” says Sergei Pasazhennikov, chairman of the environmental monitoring committee of the Alapaevsk district administration.

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