Lyceum 1535 elementary school. Medical class at a Moscow school. Successes and achievements

Medical-Biological Lyceum

The Center for Pre-University Profile and Career Guidance Training “Sechenov Lyceum” was created by order of the Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor P.V. Glybochko No. R-481 dated October 19, 2010 on the basis of the state educational institution Lyceum No. 1535 in Moscow (director - M.G. Mokrinsky).

Historically, Lyceum No. 1535 (formerly secondary school No. 35) is one of the first secondary educational institutions with which First Med began to cooperate: the first medical and biological classes were opened more than 20 years ago, and many of their graduates today have successfully defended their Ph.D. doctoral dissertations and continue to work at the University. From the very beginning, at Lyceum No. 1535, the teaching of specialized general education disciplines was carried out with the direct participation of leading teachers of the departments of MMA - the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, which essentially guaranteed admission to the university for the vast majority of its graduates. The experience of career guidance work accumulated at the Lyceum is also unique, in particular, training students in grades 10-11 in the program “Junior Nurse in Patient Care”, which allows not only to comprehend the basics of medical skills and abilities, but also to form a clear motivation for choosing a profession doctor or pharmacist.

Lyceum No. 1535 has an unparalleled base for studying foreign languages ​​- English, German, French, as well as Chinese and Japanese, which are especially relevant and in demand today.

October 19, 2010 - All-Russian Lyceum Student Day and the founding date of the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - was the beginning of a new stage in the partnership of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov and Lyceum No. 1535. As part of the implementation of the tasks set by the Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor P.V. Glybochko for the development of the system of pre-university training on the basis of Lyceum No. 1535, a university center for pre-university profile and career guidance training “Sechenov Lyceum” was created.

Mission of the Sechenov Lyceum

The mission of the Sechenov Lyceum is high-quality training in specialized general education disciplines, systematic career guidance work, the formation of motivation to enter the University and further work in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, the harmonious development of the student’s personality with the inculcation of lyceum principles and university corporate thinking.

Advantages of the Sechenov Lyceum

Education at the Sechenov Lyceum is:

  • high-quality training in chemistry, biology and Russian;
  • full-fledged lyceum general education
  • studying English, German, French, as well as Japanese and Chinese;
  • the opportunity to study Latin and medical English;
  • elective courses on the basics of medical psychology;
  • the opportunity to join the life of the most reputable medical university in our country;
  • high probability of admission to the University.

The information posted is for reference only. For detailed information, please contact the Lyceum directly.

Lyceum No. 1535 was created in 1991 on the basis of boarding school No. 14 with in-depth study of the Chinese language. In 2008, the reorganization of Lyceum No. 1535 was carried out by joining the Lyceum of the State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 35, which since 1988 has housed specialized medical and biological classes at the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov within the framework of the “SCHOOL - UNIVERSITY” complex. Thus, we can say that medical classes in the building on Maly Savvinsky Lane already exist 30 years, and Lyceum No. 1535 became one of the first educational complexes in Moscow!

During this time, of course, a lot has changed. The Medical Academy became the First Moscow Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov; final exams began to be held in the Unified State Exam format; and Lyceum No. 1535 was included in the city project “Medical class in a Moscow school” in 2015. However, teaching traditions and educational results have been preserved. Thus, according to the results of the 2016/2017 academic year, the Lyceum took 1st place among 62 schools participating in the “Medical class in a Moscow school” project.

Below are the educational results of our students. You will find more detailed information about medical profile classes in other sections.


2009/10 academic year

2010/11 academic year

2011/12 academic year

2012/13 academic year

2013/14 academic year

2014/15 academic year

2015/16 academic year

2016/17 academic year

Russian language


(in specialized subjects for medical classes):


Municipal stage

Regional stage

The final stage







2014 /
















2016 /














Russian language




Number of students of State Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 1535 winners and prize-winners of the International School of Education stages

(in specialized subjects for medical classes):

Results of admission to universities for graduates of medical and biological classes

(data given from 2011 for 566 graduates):

Educational process

Education in natural science classes is structured according to the following scheme:

Curricula for the 2017-2018 academic year:

We offer a wide range of possibilities.

Extracurricular activities

Traditionally, the medical class at the Lyceum is distinguished not only by its curriculum with in-depth study of specialized subjects (chemistry and biology), but also by a large number of extracurricular activities that allow you to deepen the child’s interest, open up new facets in the chosen profession, and broaden the students’ horizons.

Thus, for 10 years now, the Lyceum has been hosting a scientific and practical conference of design and research works of students of medical and biological classes of partner schools of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. For example, 59 papers from 19 schools were submitted to the 2017 conference (more information).

Another traditional event is the natural sciences, in which participants study a familiar object (such as skin) from biologists, chemists and physicists. This format of assignments makes it possible to establish interdisciplinary connections and increase students’ interest in studying natural sciences in a complex manner.

Cooperation with universities (section under development)

Stages of cooperation with the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov:

1988 - 2008 - 20 years of cooperation between school No. 35 and MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov

2008 - reorganization of Lyceum No. 1535 and annexation of school No. 35

2008 - 2010 - organization of the natural science direction of Lyceum No. 1535, opening of psychological classes

2010 - creation on the basis of Lyceum No. 1535 of the Center for Pre-University Profile and Career Guidance Training “Sechenovsky Lyceum”

Since 2015 - participation in the city project “Medical class in a Moscow school”


The Olympic movement is very widely represented at Lyceum No. 1535. The most popular Olympiads among our students:

Number of graduates of GBOU Lyceum No. 1535 who received 100 points on the Unified State Exam

(in specialized subjects for medical classes):


2009/10 academic year

2010/11 academic year

2011/12 academic year

2012/13 academic year

2013/14 academic year

2014/15 academic year

2015/16 academic year

2016/17 academic year

Russian language


Number of students of State Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 1535 winners and prize-winners of the Higher School of Education stages

(in specialized subjects for medical classes):


Municipal stage

Regional stage

The final stage







2014 /
















2016 /

Lyceum education has always been considered prestigious. In-depth programs, educational environment, passionate teachers and motivated students - these are approximately the associations that arise when you hear the word “lyceum”. Now this title is held by quite a few educational institutions, but among them there will always be clear leaders. The State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 1535” and the “Open School” under it belong precisely to this category. Combining the principles of classical and innovative education, they give students the opportunity to fully develop their abilities.

Lyceum 1535, Moscow

The history of this educational institution began in the mid-50s. last century. The school received the status of an experimental lyceum with an oriental bias in 1991. Several years ago, after merging with the Sechenov Lyceum, a new profile was added to the education system - chemical and biological. But the traditions of the school with a language bias are preserved. The lyceum teaches 5 foreign languages ​​(including Chinese and Latin).

The number of students reaches 1.5 thousand people, students in grades 7-11 and preparatory groups. Enrollment is based on the results of entrance exams, the competition reaches 8 people per place.

The lyceum is located in the Khamovnichesky district of Moscow, not far from the Sportivnaya metro station.

Successes and achievements

The results of graduates and the number of regalia of the lyceum speak for themselves. All classes are specialized, with in-depth study of subjects. A number of profiles are supervised by university faculties. Unified State Exam scores, as an indicator of the quality of education, are impressive. Up to 90% of students at the Lyceum 1535 in Moscow receive more than 220 points based on the results of three exams, 10% receive more than 250.

Over the past ten years, the Lyceum has been at the top of the ratings among general education institutions in Moscow. In 2017, it ranked fourth in the list of 500 best domestic schools. The following year brought the lyceum first place in the list of the capital department for its contribution to the development of quality education.

Lyceum students regularly become winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology, economics, foreign languages, social studies, and law. In 2017 alone, more than 50 students received the Russian Federation medal for outstanding educational achievements.

Educational process: general and specific

The educational work of the lyceum is built in accordance with new state standards, but at the same time it has a number of specific features.

At the 7-8 grade level, there are three areas of specialization, which affects the degree of complexity of studying the relevant subjects: humanities, medical-biological, and mathematics.

In high school, the number of profiles triples. Students can choose:

  • economics and mathematics;
  • medical and biological;
  • historical and philological;
  • physics and mathematics;
  • psychological and psychological-social;
  • information technology;
  • social and humanitarian (with a historical or mathematical bias).

Training takes place within a 5-day work week with additional classes. At the same time, distance education technologies are actively used. Back in 2011, the school switched to an electronic journal and diaries.

A distinctive feature is the activities of the Small Lyceum and the “Open School” at Lyceum 1535. The format of the first is preparatory classes for students in grades 5-6. They allow you to achieve the required level of knowledge for admission to the lyceum and get acquainted with training programs.

"Open School"

This is one of the key areas of the lyceum’s work in the field of additional paid educational services. "Open School" is a complex of modular courses and classes (face-to-face and distance learning) for lyceum students and students of other schools.

Main areas of work:

  • preparation for participation in Olympiads at various levels;
  • joint courses with the Institute of Asian and African Countries;
  • in-depth study of a number of school subjects for students in grades 6-9;
  • preparation for passing the OGE and the Unified State Exam, pre-profile;
  • language courses (English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese);
  • clubs and proprietary courses;
  • sport sections.

Address of the Lyceum Open School 1535: Moscow, Usacheva Street, building 50.

Classes are held in two buildings, approximately once a week, on weekday afternoons and on Saturdays.

How to get to "Open School" Lyceum 1535? Use the metro services (the nearest stations are Sportivnaya, Luzhniki, Frunzenskaya).

Basic courses

One of the significant components of the work of the Open School is an additional in-depth study of the school curriculum.

Subject courses are suitable not only for applicants planning to enter the lyceum, but also for all students interested in acquiring in-depth knowledge in their chosen discipline. Courses in Russian and English and mathematics are open for sixth-graders. For students in grades 7-9, classes in chemistry and biology are added.

The teachers of the "Open School" of Lyceum No. 1535 are brilliant teachers of the highest category, winners of government and presidential awards, and State Academy of Science experts.

A set of express courses makes it possible to choose the most suitable mode of operation and level of study of the subject. Students, together with their parents, determine which modules they need in which disciplines.

Period of express courses: from the beginning of January to the end of March.

Preparation for State Examination and admission to university

Successful passing of the Unified State Exam is not only an opportunity for a student to enter a chosen university, but also an indicator of the quality of work of a particular secondary educational institution. Therefore, great attention is paid to preparing students for this test at the Open School of Lyceum 1535.

Classes in the courses are organized in small groups (often using a distance component), which allows for an individual approach to each student. There are 2 modules - in the first and second academic semesters. During preparation, students complete test tasks followed by a thorough analysis under the guidance of experienced teachers.

Based on the results of completing the courses in 2018, 75% of students passed the OGE with a maximum of 15 points. Every fifth lyceum student received 100 points in the chosen Unified State Examination subject.

Current courses in GIA: English language (development of communication skills, “speaking”), Russian language, computer science, history, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, social studies.

In preparation for the Unified State Exam, students can improve their level of knowledge in all basic subjects, as well as try their hand at solving problems of increased complexity in mathematics and computer science, and passing the university entrance test in history and chemistry.

Additional features

A number of areas of training within the framework of the “Open School” of Lyceum 1535 create conditions for the full development of students’ potential.

First of all, these are language courses intended for both beginners and those preparing to take international exams (IELTS, PET, etc.). In addition to studying English and German at various levels, students are offered the author’s extended programs: “Critical thinking and emotional intelligence in English”, “Preparation for Chinese language Olympiads”, “School of a young Japanese scholar”, “Debates and public speaking” and many other.

An interesting project was launched jointly with ISAA (Institute of Asian and African Countries) and a number of faculties of Moscow State University. The course helps applicants prepare for admission to liberal arts universities. Target audience - grades 9-11. Preparation for the Unified State Exam and additional entrance test in target subjects, career guidance and language courses (Oriental and European languages) are provided. Classes are taught by teachers from these universities together with teachers from the lyceum.

How to proceed?

Classes at the Open School are held in the lyceum buildings, near the Sportivnaya metro station. However, you can select the courses you are interested in, enroll, conclude an agreement and make payment online.

The school website contains complete information about the services provided, as well as the class schedule. To register for a course, you must complete mandatory electronic registration. An agreement is concluded with the listener’s parents (you must indicate passport data, SNILS of the parent and child, birth certificate or student’s passport).

Payment can be made using the Gosuslugi portal or the payment system on the website of the mayor of Moscow.

If you have any additional questions, you can check the phone number of the “Open School” Lyceum 1535 on the organization’s website.

Reception of visitors: from Monday to Thursday, from 15:30 to 17:00.

Lyceum 1535, "Open School": reviews

The positive image of this institution is supported by a whole range of factors. Starting from the first lines in the lists of the best schools and ending with the level of competition for admission.

On the Internet you can find a significant number of forums dedicated to the lyceum and the Open School, where students, their parents, graduates and teachers express their opinions. Here are just a few points:

  • the environment is conducive to learning;
  • wonderful teachers;
  • all items are at a high level;
  • respectful attitude towards children;
  • varied extracurricular life;
  • very friendly environment;
  • Studying here is not easy, but it's worth it.
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