October squads. Class hour conversation "Octobers - friendly guys." Now I'm October

Class hour “Octobers are friendly guys”

Hello guys.

From today I will tell you who the “Octobers” are, what rules they live by, why they are called that way - “Octobers”.
And I’ll also tell you about the unification of the “Octobers,” because soon we will organize and hold the “October Star” Festival for you. In a solemn, festive atmosphere, we will present you with the October star and assign you the title of “October.” Do you agree?
Who are the "Octobers"? These are children in grades 2-4, who are not just schoolchildren, but a large friendly group of small citizens of our big country. What country do we live in? (Russia) And now you are already citizens of our country.
"Octobers" are guys who want to find out the world. “Octobers” are guys who want to learn to live among other people: in the family and at school, and learn to communicate with people in different life situations.

Now guys, listen carefully the legend of October :

In distant, distant mysterious times, there lived children just like you - brave, courageous and curious. They lived in a wonderful country among green forests, blue lakes and rivers. One thing was bad for them - they could not leave their city, because there were no roads yet, only rare paths that did not go further than the familiar forest. And there were no signs that would lead home...

But one day in the fall, in October, when the stars in the sky are the highest, the night blue sky traced by a falling star. She was very small and fell straight into the city, onto one of the squares. Curious and brave residents looked in surprise at the star, which shone with a warm, bright golden light. This light illuminated the entire city and hit the night sky with a bright beam. A lot of time passed, the residents got used to the night starlight, but during this time the star did not go out a bit.

And then the brave and curious children of the city decided to go on a journey to unprecedented lands. They split into several detachments, and each went to their own direction of the world. Every evening they looked back and saw the ray of a star above the treetops, which shone as brightly as before. Their journey lasted many days. Along the way they encountered dangerous trials, secrets, riddles, adventures and, of course, new friends. Along the way, they learned to recognize the world around them through their own actions. And they returned to their city into the light of the star, and then they told other children interesting stories about distant countries, and new detachments of little brave men set off on wonderful expeditions.

Many years later, the star began to fade. The extinguished star became a symbol of the beginning of all the roads that by that time had been paved by the inhabitants of the city throughout the world, and by the brave brave children - by the Octobrists.

Did you like this story?

Would you like to become as brave and courageous as October?

Then I want to invite you to become Octoberists

October is a brave little pioneer. He is ready to follow new roads and learn a lot of new things, cope with difficulties, and participate in adventures. His life is full of interesting meetings, good deeds and discoveries!..

A story about the creation of October groups, their rules.

Let's start our story with a show school uniform Soviet style that your parents wore. Show form. This uniform is festive, since during any holidays girls wore a white apron. And every day they wore a black apron instead of a white one. Some textbooks from that period are also shown here.

The Story of the Octobers

The concept of "Octobers" arose in 1923-24, when in The first groups of Octobers began to appear, into which children were accepted - the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution, which took place in 1917. And just at the time the term “Octobers” appeared, they turned 7 years old.

Groups of Octobrists were created in the first grades of schools and operated until the Octobrists joined the Pioneers and the formation of Pioneer detachments. Upon joining the ranks of the Octoberists, children were given a breast badge - a five-pointed ruby ​​star with a portrait of Lenin as a child. (The head of state of that time as a child) Let's find these badges on your tables.. The symbol of the group was the red October flag ( picture ). The October group consisted of several units called “stars”, each of which usually included 5 children - a symbol of a five-pointed star. ( Picture of a star and count the ends .)

Do conclusion . Children were united into stars taking into account their wishes, mutual interests and friendships. At the head of the star was the commander. Each October boy had a permanent assignment, which was often given for one week.

Rules were established for the October children: these rules are read by the children themselves TYPE

* Octobers are future pioneers.

* October kids are diligent guys, they love school, they respect their elders.

* Only those who love work are called Octobers.

* Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.

* The Octobers are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

Each October child had to follow these rules in Everyday life. Violators could let down their comrades in the “star” - that’s what small groups of Octobrists were called. Therefore, the guys treated these rules responsibly and tried to live like the October people.

And the October people themselves came up with these rules: they will introduce you to them ( poetry 4th grade)

October Rules

We are funny guys

We are the October guys. We are active guys, Because October!

We are all used to order. We do exercises in the morning and always want to get “10” in lessons.

We are diligent guys, We are October guys Only those who love work are called Octobrists

We are truthful guys, we respect all our elders, We will never let our friends down, anywhere, in anything!

We read and count, We dream of flying to the moon. We will be strong friends and serve our native country.

We are cheerful guys, We are the guys of October Our songs, dances, laughter We share equally among everyone!

Tell me, can these rules be followed today?

A marching the october became a verse by O. Vysotskaya “Octobers”, which listed all the same rules that grew out of the laws and customs of the pioneers:

We are cheerful guys, We are October guys. It’s not for nothing that they nicknamed us In honor of the victory of October. We’re all used to order. We do exercises in the morning And we want to get an “A” in the lessons...

Now I will read to you excerpt from Viktor Golyavkin’s story “Zvezdochka” ».

“Did you see?” Vovka opened his coat. He had a red star on his chest. -It's October now! I will live like the October people! - Vovka beamed with happiness.

How is it to live like October?

Oh you! You need to know the October rules. After all, I am a future pioneer. It's clear? This means living happily, working, helping elders. To be honest.

And what else?

-...Study well, love school, be friendly, sing, draw.

Can I live like October?

You see,” said Vovka, “how can I say... I think that, of course, it’s possible.” For example, I swept the floor today. And you can totally do it.

Certainly can.

Well,” Vovka continued calmly, “you can, of course, do this.” But you don't have to do this. But I can't. I'm an October guy.

I envied Vovka. He's so happy. Still would! He has a star! He's an October boy!..."

Thus, being an October boy first of all meant being a good, honest person, helping people. This is what we are taught even now, only there are no “stars”, but rather small creative groups. There are no paraphernalia - badges, flags; but there are other forms: for success in studies or activities we receive stickers, tokens or something else.

Tell me, what was the most important quality of the October students? Friendship. Now let's sing the song " Friendship" .

Well done boys! Who can you call a friend?

Children's answers:

A friend is also a favorite book.

A friend is a mother who always caresses you. Parents are the most faithful friends, assistants. They need to be obeyed.

Friend is school teacher, which leads along the roads of Knowledge.

A friend is an old teddy bear who listens to you when things are going wrong.

Four-legged friend

Children read a poem

"Trezor" Sergei Mikhalkov

There was a lock on the door.
There was a puppy locked up.
Everyone left and one
They locked him in the house.
We left Trezor
Without supervision, without supervision,
And so the puppy
I screwed up everything I could.
I tore the doll's dress,
He tore out a tuft of fur from the hare,
Into the corridor from under the bed
Our shoes were dragged away.
I drove the cat under the bed -
The cat was left without a tail.
I found a corner in the kitchen -
I climbed headlong into coal,
The black one came out - unrecognizable.
Got into the jug -
I almost choked
And lay down on the bed
We are a puppy in soap and water
I washed it with a washcloth for two hours.
No way now
Let's not leave him alone.

True friendship does not only happen between people. Your four-legged friend can also be loyal to you guys. After all, we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Listen to a poem about how children care for animals

« My friend and I" Sergei Mikhalkov

Me and my friend together
We live wonderfully!
We are such friends with him -
Where he goes, There I go too!

We have in our pockets:
Two rubber bands
Two hooks
Two large glass stoppers,
Two beetles in one box,
Two heavy spots.

We live in the same apartment,
All the neighbors know us.
Just call me - four,
And for him - twelve times.

And they live in an apartment with us
Two snakes
And two hedgehogs
They sing over us all day long
Two siskin friends.

And about our two snakes,
Two hedgehogs
And two siskins
They know in our new house
All twelve floors.

Me and my friend together
We wake up
Let's get up
We open the doors wide,
We run to school with books...
And our animals walk
From apartments to strangers.

Why were they sent to the zoo?

So what should a true friend be? What qualities should he have? (write on the board: loyal, responsive, polite, kind... etc.)

There is such a parable:

Misha decided to change the world. But the world is so big, and Misha is so small. Then Misha decided to change his city. But the city is so big, and Misha is so small. Then Misha decided to change his family. But Misha’s family is so big, there are about a dozen children. So Misha got to the only thing that he can change, being so small - himself.

Do you understand what needs to be done? You need to look into yourself, and maybe change something in yourself and become a true friend (read the entry on the board: loyal, sympathetic, polite, kind... etc.)

We often lack kindness.

If you are kind to people, they will turn to you and want to be friends with you.

- And now I suggest you work as consultants. I offer you several situations, and you must give advice on what to do in these situations.

Situation 1: Your friend uses bad words and expressions. Your actions.

2nd situation Your friend began to get bad grades, and your parents forbid you to be friends with him. Your actions.

3rd situation Your friend did something bad, and you are being punished. Your actions.

(3rd grade reading the laws of friendship)

Laws of friendship:

    Help a friend in need.

    Know how to share your joy with a friend.

    Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

    Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.

    Know how to accept help, advice, and don’t be offended by criticism.

    Don't deceive your friend.

    Learn to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend.

    Don't betray your friend.

    Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

So, guys, what kind of students can we accept in October?

And in conclusion, listen to the October song, and then at the October reception you will need to sing it yourself.

The Octobermen are walking through the land of October
Music: S. Sosnin Words: M. Sadovsky

Why is it so loud here?
Why is it so loud here -
Every day and every hour?
Our friendship, October,
Our friendship, October,
Join the class with us!


The Octobers are coming, the Octobers are coming,
The October people are marching through the land of October!

Together we always walk,
Together we always walk,
We sing about our dreams -
And we'll go to Mars,
And we'll go to Mars,
And let's build a new house!

The ringleaders, the dreamers,
The ringleaders, the dreamers -
Our best relatives.
We love inventions and disputes,
We love inventions and disputes -
Can't live a day without them!

Smiles, smiles, like stars, burn -
The October people are marching through the land of October!

So, guys, before the _________ class is accepted in October, you will need to draw up a sheet of good deeds as a class and attach it to a stand called “Our October Deeds”

Bottom line.

What did they talk about in class?

What new did you learn?

What rules did the Octobrists remember?

Symbol of the October people.

Let’s conclude our conversation and in honor of the true friendship of the October child that you have in your small team, let’s hold a festive fireworks display

"Red" - 2nd grade clapping

“Yellow” - 3rd grade claps.

“Green” - 4th grade claps.

“Blue” - everyone claps.

Well done! Thank you for the lesson!

Oktyabryata - children's organization in the Soviet Union

The President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the creation of the All-Russian public-state children's and youth organization " Russian movement schoolchildren." According to Matvienko, the document is timely, long-awaited and in demand. "The decree aims us at developing and implementing new forms and methods of ideological, moral, spiritual development personality, education of convinced patriots of Russia, young people who are ready to actively work for its benefit,” the senator noted. She called for more active use of previous experience gained in the Soviet Union when creating youth organizations, but taking into account the realities of our time.
Oktyabryat - in the Soviet Union, students aged 7-9 years old, united in groups at the Pioneer Druzhine school . The groups were led counselors from among the pioneers or Komsomol members schools. In these groups, children prepared to enter theAll-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin .
Term October arose in 1923-24, when in
MoscowThe first groups of children began to appear, in which who accepted guys who were the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution.
Groups of Octobrists were created in the first grades of schools and operated until the Octobrists joined the Pioneers and the formation of Pioneer detachments. Upon joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby ​​star with a portrait of Lenin as a child. The symbol of the group was the red October flag. The October group consisted of several units called “stars”, each of which usually included 5 children - a symbol of a five-pointed star. As a rule, in the “star”, each October boy occupied one of the positions - commander, florist, orderly, librarian or athlete.
The Komsomol Central Committee approved a set of “rules” for the Octobrists:

  • Octobers are future pioneers.
  • October students are diligent guys, they love school and respect their elders.
  • Only those who love work are called Octobers.
  • Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
  • The Octobers are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

The activities of the Octobrists took place mainly in game form and was organized by teachers and counselors. Every year, from April 16 to April 22, the All-Union October Week was held. At school for October students, “Lenin readings” could be organized, when on the 22nd of each month an appointed high school student came to class and read stories about V.I. Lenin (his birthday was April 22, 1870). All-Union publications were published for the Octobrists (“ Funny pictures" and "Murzilka") and republican magazines. For example, in the Moldavian SSR the magazine “Stelutsa” (“Star”) was published in Moldavian and Russian. Pioneer newspapers also published materials intended for the Octobrists. Every year for October children the publishing house “Malysh” published the table calendar “Zvezdochka”. Methodological materials about work with the October students were regularly published in the magazines “Counselor”, “ Primary School", "Education of Schoolchildren" and other publications.
Associations junior schoolchildren Pioneer and other children's organizations like the Octoberists operate in many countries.
October Rules:
There are exactly five of our rules.
We will carry them out

We are active guys
Because it's October.
October, don’t forget -
You are on your way to becoming a pioneer!

We are brave guys
Because it's October.
Like the heroes of the native country,
We want to build our own life.

We are diligent guys
Because it's October.
Only those who love work
They call them October people.

We are truthful guys
Because it's October.
Never, nowhere, in anything
We won't let our friends down.

We are funny guys
Because it's October.
Our songs, dances, laughter
We divide equally among everyone.
In the USSR, serious attention was paid to the education of youth; almost all children were involved in active activities. We studied the charter, took the October oath, and then the pioneer oath. And from an early age they distinguished good from bad deeds. Both upbringing and the influence of the environment were of serious importance. It’s no coincidence that they said that whoever you hang out with, that’s how you’ll gain. The Octobrists lived according to their own laws of goodness, friendship, love for the Motherland.
From an early age they explained to us what is good and what is bad, what an October boy should do, how he should behave, how to study, how he would be accepted as a pioneer. It had its own attributes, its own code, which talked about what an October boy should do, how he should wear an October star, how exemplary he should be, how he should help his elders, how to love his Motherland.
And the march of the Octobrists became the poems of O. Vysotskaya “Octobers”, which listed all the same rules that grew out of the laws and customs of the pioneers:
We are funny guys
We are October guys.
It’s not for nothing that they called us that
In honor of the victory of October.
We are all accustomed to order.
We do exercises in the morning
And we want the mark "five"
In lessons you will receive...
Octobers were united into stars. I remember my star. We skied together, published a wall newspaper, designed an album about Arkady Gaidar, learned songs, collected waste paper...
I think it’s wonderful when children have their own organization, when a person has a great idea. After all, what did the October students learn and what oath did they take? Make friends, study well, love the country, parents, respect the elderly, help the weak. And even then we understood: an asterisk is only the first step into pioneering.
Why not create a similar organization in elementary schools now?

List of materials used.

From a very young age, the ideology of the USSR instilled that one must be a patriot and a highly moral person. The October badge became an attribute of Lenin's philosophy. And to get it, you had to join the October squad. Many remember how this was an expected event in their lives.

A little history

The term “October” arose in 1923–24, when the first groups of children began to appear in Moscow, which included children the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Groups of Octobrists were created in the first grades of schools and operated until the Octobrists joined the Pioneers and the formation of Pioneer detachments. Upon joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby ​​star with a portrait of Lenin as a child. The symbol of the group was the red October flag. The October group consisted of several units called “stars”, each of which usually included 5 children - a symbol of a five-pointed star. As a rule, in the “star”, each October boy occupied one of the positions - commander, florist, orderly, librarian or athlete.

The Komsomol Central Committee approved a set of “rules” for the Octobrists:

  • Octobers are future pioneers.
  • October students are diligent guys, they love school and respect their elders.
  • Only those who love work are called Octobers.
  • Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
  • The Octobers are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

The activities of the October students took place mainly in the form of games and were organized by teachers and counselors. Every year, on April 16–22, the All-Union October Week was held. At school for October students, “Lenin readings” could be organized, when on the 22nd of each month an appointed high school student came to class and read stories about V.I. Lenin (his birthday was April 22, 1870). All-Union (“Vesyolye Kartinki” and “Murzilka”) and republican magazines were published for the October students. For example, in the Moldavian SSR the magazine “Stelutsa” (“Star”) was published in Moldavian and Russian. Pioneer newspapers also published materials intended for the Octobrists. Every year for October children the publishing house “Malysh” published the table calendar “Zvezdochka”. Methodological materials about working with October students were regularly published in the magazines “Counselor”, “Primary School”, “Education of Schoolchildren” and other publications.

Associations of junior schoolchildren under pioneer and other children's organizations, similar to the Octoberists, operate in many countries. Obviously, the children's association got its name thanks to the Great October revolution, thereby determining the age of those joining this detachment. As a result, an October badge with a photo of Lenin appeared.

Features and varieties of October badges

The main distinctive symbol of October is the icon! The October badge was a ruby-colored star with five rays, in the center of which was a photograph of little Lenin.

There were two types of badge:

  • metal
  • plastic.

The first one occurred very often and was the most common, which is not surprising: all junior schoolchildren were admitted to October Soviet Union, which means it was necessary to produce a sufficient number of symbolic paraphernalia. The plastic one was quite rare, and you had to work hard to get it.

Badges made of metal by stamping, because a lot of October stars were required: for every child of a huge country! A large number of these badges were made, so that it is still possible to find completely new, without a single scratch, copies.

A rarer variety is the October badge, made of plastic with a photograph of the leader. Much fewer such models were produced, and even in Soviet time they were a rarity, not to mention these days.

The children received the October acceptance ceremony with great joy, because just recently they were just “preschoolers,” and now they are standing in front of the entire school at a memorable event! Schoolchildren were awarded October badges. They became a real source of pride.

The October badge was the first official insignia; wearing it did not require compliance with any special rules. The rules of the October students were that one must study well, love school and respect elders. And the children, of course, tried to justify such high trust given to them by adults.

As noted earlier in the text, they were proud of the badges, they took care of them, wore them without taking them off - both at school and on the street, while playing with friends, and even at home, doing certain things. But over time, as they grew older, the passion for badges subsided somewhat - the children were preparing to join the pioneer detachments and were full of new expectations and anticipations. In the third grade, boys no longer often wore October badges, since they already saw themselves with a red tie, and the five-pointed Lenin star was considered a sign for small, first-graders. Particularly active and mischievous children even had their own entertainment - when they grew up and no longer considered themselves small enough to wear the October badge, but were not yet old enough to be pioneers - they organized games of sheriffs.

The essence of the fun is that the front side of the star was ground with a stone. Because of this, the leader’s portrait was erased, and the sign resembled the order of an American sheriff. Of course, such behavior was not encouraged, and such naughty people were bailed out and re-educated at October rallies. The girls were more restrained in their ideological views, and continued to wear the symbol of the October movement until they were accepted into the pioneers.

The October badge, in the form in which it was distributed in the USSR, was invented by Nikolai Tomsky. The great sculptor designed the sign. That appearance, which had the main distinctive symbol of the Octobrists, was entirely his merit - both the five-pointed ruby ​​star and the photo of little Volodya Ulyanov. The production circulation of badges reached five million units per year. Every schoolchild in the Soviet Union had a sign that determined his communist affiliation - the first step in educating a comrade.

Who is depicted on the October icon?

This badge depicts Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, leader of the proletariat and young leader Soviet country, at almost infancy. The history of this image is interesting.

In 1874, photographs of the Ulyanov family were taken in the city of Simbirsk in the Zakrzhevskaya photo studio. Young Vladimir turned out great in a joint photo with his sister Olya. It was this photo of the curly-haired baby Volodya that was taken three decades later by the Soviet artist Parkhomenko as the basis for creating a portrait of young V. I. Lenin. Extra details in the form of a sister and a chair were removed - and an image appeared that was well known to everyone who managed to live through the Soviet era.

Activities of the Octobrists

The name “October Star” belonged not only to symbolism. There were also groups in the school class with this name. A squad was considered an entire class, which was divided into star units. This or that link was in charge of various activities

For example, they did things like:

  1. helping classmates who are behind in their studies;
  2. amateur performance;
  3. feasible repair.

These guys had their own code that they followed. Octobers should be:

  • friendly;
  • honest;
  • hardworking;
  • fair.

This paraphernalia was made by stamping, because it was necessary to provide for every child in such a huge state. So many badges were made that new examples can still be found today. By the way, our company offers the production of orders and medals to order.

The first groups of children began to appear, into which children the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution were accepted.

Groups of Octobrists were created in the first grades of schools and operated until the Octobrists joined the Pioneers and the formation of Pioneer detachments. When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby ​​star with a portrait of Lenin as a child. The symbol of the group was the red October flag. The group (in some schools - a detachment) of the Octobrists consisted of several units called “stars”, each of which usually included 5 children - the symbol of a five-pointed star. The principle of creating a detachment of October students was simple: the detachment is a school class. As a rule, in the “star”, each October boy occupied one of the “positions” - commander of the “star”, florist, orderly, librarian, political informant or sportsman. In some schools, the commander of the “star”, at the request of the teachers, sewed a stripe on the sleeve of his jacket (the commander of the squad - 2 stripes).

The Komsomol Central Committee approved a set of “rules” for the Octobrists:

  • Octobers are future pioneers.
  • October kids are diligent guys, they love school and respect their elders.
  • Only those who love work are called Octobers.
  • Octobers are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
  • The Octobers are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

The activities of the October students took place mainly in the form of games and were organized by teachers and counselors. Every year on April 16-22, the All-Union October Week was held. At school for October students, “Lenin readings” could be organized, when on the 22nd of each month an appointed high school student came to class and read stories about V.I. Lenin (his birthday was April 22, 1870).

Printed publications

For the October students, all-Union books were published (“Funny Pictures” and “Murzilka” - preschool age and junior classes, “Bonfire”, “Young Technician” and “Young Naturalist” - for pre-pioneer and pioneer age) and republican magazines. For example, in the Moldavian SSR the magazine “Stelutsa” (“Star”) was published in Moldavian and Russian. The magazine “Barvinok” was published in Kyiv in Russian and Ukrainian. Various pioneer newspapers also published materials intended for the Octobrists.

Every year for October children the publishing house “Malysh” published the table calendar “Zvezdochka”. Methodological materials about working with October students were regularly published in the magazines “Counselor”, “Elementary School”, “Education of Schoolchildren”.

Associations of junior schoolchildren under pioneer and other children's organizations, similar to the Octoberists, operate in many countries.

In the USSR, future pioneers, the youngest Leninists, were called Octobrists. They should have worn it with dignity honorary title- follow the rules of the Octobrists: study diligently, love work, help your elders. Be honest, courageous, dexterous and skillful. And also cheerful and friendly.

In honor of the Great Revolution

Octobers appeared back in 1923. Then, under the pioneer detachments, groups of children of workers and peasants were formed. They were called differently everywhere. In Siberia there were red poppies, in the Caucasus - bouquets and gardens, in Odessa - red grains. In Moscow, in honor of the victory of the Great October Revolution - the October Revolution. The last name stuck and became official.

An example to everyone

The Octobrists were united into stars of five people. Each star had a leader - a pioneer or Komsomol member, who helped organize the work, and his assistant - the commander of the star. The rest of the October students also had their own positions - orderly, florist, librarian or physical educator.

The orderly ensured the cleanliness of hands, checked the presence of a handkerchief, and ventilated the classroom. He wore a white bandage with a red cross on his arm. The florist watered the flowers and took them home to summer holidays. The athlete organized outdoor games during breaks, taught how to do morning exercises, and went in for sports himself. The librarian was responsible for careful handling of textbooks and for regular visits to the school library.

Not everyone could become an October student. You had to study well and be disciplined. First they taught the rules of the Octobrists. In order for children to quickly remember them, they rhymed. For example: “Only those who love work are called Octobermen.”

Cherished star

The reception usually took place on the eve of November 7, at a ceremonial assembly at the school or the Palace of Pioneers. The hall was decorated with banners and... There was always a portrait of Lenin hanging on the wall.

Joyful and proud, the newly minted October students walked home with their coats open. On his chest was a five-pointed star with a portrait of Volodya Ulyanov in the middle. Some still keep them.

Now I'm October

The first grader understood that now he is not just a student, he is an October child. And he is responsible not only for himself, but also for his fellow stars.

It was a fun game for the children. Like adults, they held meetings and distributed responsibilities. And at the same time we learned friendship, collectivism, mutual assistance, and spent useful time free time. The October kids had their own printed publications– magazines “Funny”

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