Rules of behavior in physical education lessons. Rules of behavior for students in physical education lessons. Safety regulations in physical education lessons during the educational process, as well as before and after classes

1. B gym, on the sports ground, students must exercise only in sportswear. 2. During physical education and sports classes, students should not wear watches, rings or bracelets. 3. Exercises on sports equipment are performed with the permission of the teacher physical culture. 4. Before performing exercises, warm up and warm up your muscles. 5. Do not push each other, do not trip each other. 6. Shoes must have non-slip soles (sneakers, sneakers). 7. If you feel unwell while running, take a step and then sit down.

Safety requirements before and during gymnastics classes. and during gymnastics classes. 1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles. 2. Wipe the neck of the crossbar with a dry cloth and sand it down. 3. Check the reliability of fastening the crossbar, fastening the supports of the pommel horse and goat, and the fastening of the locking screws of the parallel bars. 4. Place gymnastic mats in the places where the equipment comes off so that their surface is even. 5. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment without a teacher (teacher) or his assistant, as well as without insurance. 6. When performing jumps and dismounts from apparatus, land softly on the toes of your feet, squatting springily. 7. Do not stand close to the apparatus while other students are performing exercises. 8. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment with wet palms.

Safety requirements before and during sports games classes 1. Sports games classes are held on sports grounds and in halls of dimensions that meet the requirements of the rules of the game. 2. Classes must take place on a dry area. If the game is played in a hall, the floor must be clean and dry. It is prohibited to conduct classes on a floor rubbed with mastic. 3. It is prohibited to play with rings, bracelets, earrings or other jewelry. Nails should be cut short. 4. Warm up. 5. All sharp and protruding objects must be covered with mats and fenced. 6. During classes, it is necessary to strictly observe discipline, follow the requirements and instructions of the judge, teacher, coach, and team captain. 7. All participants must be in sportswear (tracksuit, T-shirt, shorts, sneakers, sneakers). 8. Training games must be held in accordance with the rules of these sports. 9. Classes must be conducted under the guidance of a teacher, trainer or community instructor.

Safety requirements before and during athletics activities 1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles. 2. Carefully loosen the sand in the jumping pit - the landing site, and check that there are no foreign objects in the sand. 3. Wipe the projectiles for throwing (discus, cannonball, grenade) dry. 4. Warm up. 5. During a group start for short distances, run only in your own lane. The track must continue for at least 15 m (beyond the finish mark). 6. To avoid collisions, avoid stopping suddenly. 7. Do not jump on uneven, loose or slippery ground, and do not land on your hands when jumping. 8. Before performing throwing exercises, see if there are any people in the throwing sector. 9. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended. 10. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing zone, do not go for projectiles without the permission of the teacher (teacher). Safety requirements before and during athletics activities 1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles. 2. Carefully loosen the sand in the jumping pit - the landing site, and check that there are no foreign objects in the sand. 3. Wipe the projectiles for throwing (discus, cannonball, grenade) dry. 4. Warm up. 5. During a group start for short distances, run only in your own lane. The track must continue for at least 15 m (beyond the finish mark). 6. To avoid collisions, avoid stopping suddenly. 7. Do not jump on uneven, loose or slippery ground, and do not land on your hands when jumping. 8. Before performing throwing exercises, see if there are any people in the throwing sector. 9. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended. 10. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing zone, do not go for projectiles without the permission of the teacher (teacher).

Safety requirements before and during ski training classes 1. Having received the equipment, check its serviceability and adjust the ski fastening to the boots (felt boots) in the base room. 2. Watch your comrades and if signs of frostbite appear (whitened skin, loss of sensitivity in open parts of the body - ears, nose, cheeks), immediately rub the surface of the body next to the frostbitten area until pink, then lightly rub the frostbitten area directly. 3. To avoid scuffs, do not ski or skate in tight or loose shoes. 4. If during class you leave the race for some reason, be sure to warn your teacher or friend. 5. Listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations, maintain an interval when skiing over a distance of m, when descending at least 30 m. 7. When descending, do not put your ski poles forward, do not stop at the foot of the mountain, remember that a friend is following you. 8. Do not ride without gloves (mittens). 9. When severe frost Lubricate exposed parts of the face with fat. Safety requirements before and during ski training classes 1. Having received the equipment, check its serviceability and adjust the ski fastening to the boots (felt boots) in the base room. 2. Watch your comrades and if signs of frostbite appear (whitened skin, loss of sensitivity in open parts of the body - ears, nose, cheeks), immediately rub the surface of the body next to the frostbitten area until pink, then lightly rub the frostbitten area directly. 3. To avoid scuffs, do not ski or skate in tight or loose shoes. 4. If during class you leave the race for some reason, be sure to warn your teacher or friend. 5. Listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations, maintain an interval when skiing over a distance of m, when descending at least 30 m. 7. When descending, do not put your ski poles forward, do not stop at the foot of the mountain, remember that a friend is following you. 8. Do not ride without gloves (mittens). 9. In severe frost, lubricate the exposed parts of the face with fat.

Safety requirements before and during swimming lessons 1. Enter the water quickly and do not stand still while swimming. 2. If you feel chills, quickly get out of the water and inform your teacher (supervisor) about it. 3. Do not swim immediately after eating or after heavy physical activity (playing football, wrestling, running, etc.) The break between meals and swimming should be at least min. 4. Do not swim for more than 30 minutes; if the water is cold, min. 5. In hot weather sunny days swim in a swimming cap or cover your head with a white scarf. 6. Do not jump into the water head down if you have ear infections, especially if your eardrum is damaged. 7. Do not stay underwater for a long time when diving. 8. When you get out of the water, dry yourself and get dressed immediately. 9. If you feel tired, calmly swim to the shore. If you experience convulsions, do not get lost, try to stay afloat and call for help. 10. When trying to prove help to you, do not grab the rescuer, but help him tow you to the shore. Safety requirements before and during swimming lessons 1. Enter the water quickly and do not stand still while swimming. 2. If you feel chills, quickly get out of the water and inform your teacher (supervisor) about it. 3. Do not swim immediately after eating or after heavy physical activity (playing football, wrestling, running, etc.) The break between meals and swimming should be at least min. 4. Do not swim for more than 30 minutes; if the water is cold, min. 5. On hot sunny days, wear a swimming cap or cover your head with a white scarf. 6. Do not jump into the water head down if you have ear infections, especially if your eardrum is damaged. 7. Do not stay underwater for a long time when diving. 8. When you get out of the water, dry yourself and get dressed immediately. 9. If you feel tired, calmly swim to the shore. If you experience convulsions, do not get lost, try to stay afloat and call for help. 10. When trying to prove help to you, do not grab the rescuer, but help him tow you to the shore. Content

About the author: Minkina Tatyana Yuryevna Minkina Tatyana Yuryevna physical education teacher physical education teacher Regional state special (correctional) educational government agency for students with disabilities health special (correctional) comprehensive school VIII species Vikhorevka. Regional state special (correctional) educational government institution for students with disabilities, special (correctional) comprehensive school of the VIII type in the city of Vikhorevka. Minkina Tatyana Yuryevna physical education teacher Regional state special (correctional) educational government institution for students with disabilities, special (correctional) comprehensive school of the VIII type, Vikhorevka.

Definition 1

Safety precautions (HS) at school is a system of specially organized events using in various ways and means, the purpose of which is to ensure the protection of children during the educational process at school.

Safety regulations for physical education lessons

Physical education lessons involve the possibility of various types of injuries, which imposes additional responsibilities on the teacher to ensure the safety of students. Therefore, the teacher should remind every day before the start of the lesson about TB in the classroom, depending on the place where the lesson is taking place (gym, sports arena, street, etc.), as well as on the types of exercises that the children will perform.

Introductory safety regulations in physical education lessons:

  1. Children who have undergone full instruction on TB are allowed to attend physical education lessons.
  2. Only those children who have the required level of health can participate in physical education lessons.
  3. Children who have partial or complete liberation from physical education classes, must attend lessons and engage in theoretical study of the discipline.
  4. After an illness, in order to be admitted to a physical education lesson, the student must provide the teacher with a certificate from the medical institution where he was treated.
  5. For physical education, students must have special change of clothes and shoes.
  6. Chewing gum and eating food during classes is strictly prohibited.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons before the start of classes:

  1. Students must attend physical education classes in special sports uniforms and shoes.
  2. It is necessary to change clothes for class in a specially designated place (locker room; boys and girls change clothes in different locker rooms).
  3. The pockets of the sports uniform should not contain objects that could pose a danger during the lesson.
  4. Preparation of sports equipment for the lesson is carried out with the permission and under the guidance of the teacher.
  5. During classes, the student must accurately follow all instructions and commands of the teacher.

Safety instructions for physical education lessons during classes:

  1. Each student must listen to a safety briefing before the start of the lesson, only after which he can be admitted to the lesson.
  2. It is prohibited to leave the gym or playground without the permission of the teacher.
  3. It is prohibited to perform exercises independently and take sports equipment without the permission of the teacher.
  4. While performing the task, stay in the designated place (while running, run along your own path; while charging, stand in your place, at a safe distance from your neighbor, etc.).
  5. When performing tasks (running, jumping, etc.), minimize collisions and falls (keep a distance, do not stop abruptly, do not change the trajectory, etc.).
  6. Do not perform exercises on a wet floor or loose soil.
  7. Before starting a series of exercises (throwing), make sure that there are no people in the throwing sector.
  8. If your condition worsens or you are injured, stop completing the task and contact your teacher.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons after classes:

  1. You cannot leave the gym or playground before the bell rings.
  2. Remove sports equipment only with the permission of the teacher.
  3. Leave the place of study at a calm pace.
  4. Be quiet in the locker room, do not shout, or disturb other students.
  5. After classes, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

Note 1

During classes on the street, it is strictly forbidden to leave the sports ground where the lesson is taking place, and especially the school grounds.

School safety

Note 2

School safety is important element educational process, which must be approached with full responsibility, both by teachers and students.

Compliance with TB while at school has great importance to preserve the health and life of students. Students are, first of all, children who do not worry about their safety and sometimes treat it carelessly. Therefore, teachers must approach the TB process with full responsibility. It is necessary to constantly remind children of the rules of behavior at school in order to avoid situations that are dangerous to life and health. TB work can be carried out at classroom hours, rulers, meetings, etc., and also be carried out by placing visual material in the school (posters, children’s drawings, etc.).

General school safety rules:

  1. The student must come to his place of study and prepare for the lesson in advance.
  2. Enter classrooms where there may be dangerous objects (often a chemistry, physics, or labor classroom) only with the permission of the teacher.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly “before” and “after” conducting experiments and preparing food during technology lessons.
  4. Sit straight in your chair, do not sway, and do not leave your study area until the end of the lesson.
  5. Behave calmly during lessons and leave the room only with the permission of the teacher.
  6. Without the teacher’s permission, do not touch objects with which you are unfamiliar (reagents, flasks, etc.).
  7. Under no circumstances should you use school supplies for games (compasses, pencils, rulers, etc.).
  8. Follow the rules for storing personal belongings.
  9. It is prohibited to bring piercing or cutting objects to school that may pose a danger to the life and health of other students.
  10. Do not be distracted while completing assignments in class (during experiments, experiments, etc.).

Also, according to TB, children should be in the corridor during breaks, since the classroom can be ventilated (that is, the windows are open), preparing for the lesson, etc.

Much attention should be paid to TB while in rooms such as chemistry and physics, and their laboratories.

TB rules in the chemistry and physics classroom:

  1. You cannot smell or “taste” substances on your tongue.
  2. During experiments, it is necessary to maintain order in the workplace.
  3. Use protective equipment when working with some chemicals(gloves, aprons, sleeves, possibly respirators).
  4. Avoid contact of exposed skin with chemicals.
  5. All vessels with chemical substances must be signed.
  6. When working with flasks, they must be held with two hands, one hand by the neck, the other by the bottom.
  7. You cannot play or play around with substances, flasks, test tubes, etc.
  8. Used substances must be poured into containers specially designated for this purpose, and not into sinks.

Note 3

Compliance with all of the above rules will ensure the safety of children at school.

Physical education classes help improve your health. Physical exercise develops your body, improves your immunity, makes you more resilient and strong. In addition, sports activities improve mood, and team games foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

✏ You must come to physical education class only in special sports uniform.

Choose sportswear depending on the location of the classes (gym, sports ground, stadium, swimming pool) and the time of year (autumn, winter, spring).

Come in the uniform that is accepted at your school (tracksuit, shorts, sweatpants, T-shirt, jacket, etc.).

Sports uniform should be comfortable and light. It is best to wear clothes made from natural fabrics that allow air to pass through well in summer and retain heat in winter.

Make sure that your wrist watches, jewelry, and hair clips do not interfere with you. If you have long hair, tuck it away so it doesn't get in your eyes and disturb you and others.

In the locker room behave calmly, do not rush, do not play around, do not make noise. Fold your clothes neatly and head to class. If the locker room at your school is not locked during class, try not to leave money or valuables there.

During gym class you need to be very attentive, collected, focused and careful. You move intensely and quickly, so you are most likely to get and cause injuries and bruises to others. An improperly performed exercise can damage your health and lead to injury.

✏ To avoid injury, do only those exercises and only as the teacher says and shows.

You should not be too close to a student who is performing any exercise.

You need to be extremely careful during games and exercises with a ball, jump rope, as well as during exercises on uneven bars, rope and other sports equipment.

During team games, strictly follow the established rules.

If you feel unwell before or during class, please notify your teacher immediately. If you see that your friend is feeling ill, call the teacher immediately.

Rules of conduct on the sports field

During the warm season, physical education classes are usually held outdoors. If your teacher has told you that your physical education class will be on the sports field, make sure you wear appropriate sportswear. Most likely, it will be a tracksuit with long trousers and a light jacket. You can’t go to class wearing just a T-shirt, because you, being hot after running, might catch a cold.

✏ Sports uniform should be comfortable, durable, made from natural materials.

Come to the playground and leave it only with your class, accompanied by a teacher.

Do not go beyond the sports field. If two classes are studying on the playground at the same time, do not enter the territory of another class.

Be careful while doing the exercises. Try not to fall, push other students, or step on something sharp.

If the lesson involves performing exercises such as throwing sports equipment, be very careful. Be careful not to hit other students with such an object and that a classmate does not hit you.

Rules of conduct in the pool

Nowadays, many schools have swimming pools where physical education classes are held. If the school does not have a swimming pool, then often the class attends one at some sports complex.

Usually the kids really like physical education lessons in the pool. Swimming is not only good for health, it strengthens and tempers the body. It brings a lot of pleasure and joy.

Many of you love to swim, dive, and play in the water. However, we must not forget that the pool is a place of increased danger.

✏ Being in water requires you to be especially careful and strictly adhere to safety measures.

Your visit to the pool begins with preparation for this lesson.

If you go to the pool from home, try not to be late. Most likely, latecomers will not be allowed into the pool.

Gather all the things you need for the pool in advance.

In the pool you need to have:

1) swimsuit or swimming trunks;

2) rubber cap;

3) swim slippers;

4) terry towel;

5) soap in a soap dish, sponge and shampoo (in a separate bag);

6) replacement shoes.

Eat food no later than 2-3 hours before the start of class. Swimming, as they say, on a full stomach is very unhealthy.

Do not take with you or leave valuables and money in the wardrobe (locker room). There may be a special place in your pool where you can leave them. If this is not possible, then try not to take a lot of money with you or wear expensive jewelry on pool days.

If you feel unwell, please notify your teacher.

Don’t play around in your heart, don’t run, don’t play. It is very easy to slip on a wet floor and get injured.

While in the water, you must be especially attentive and careful.

✏ Enter and exit the water strictly according to the teacher’s command.

You can’t play around, shout loudly or make noise.

Don't push your classmates into the water.

Don't dive towards each other.

You can only dive from the side of the pool at the command of the teacher.

Don't drown other students.

✏ You should not call adults for help if you don’t really need it.

If your classmate becomes ill and begins to drown, call the teacher immediately.

✏ If you start to drown, do not panic, but try to stay on the surface of the water and call for help.

While in the water, do only the exercises that your teacher tells you about.

When playing any sports games, follow the established rules.

In water, try to constantly move to stay warm and avoid hypothermia. If you have severe chills, goosebumps or goosebumps, or blue lips, you should leave the pool with the teacher’s permission and take a warm shower.

If you need to get out of the water for any reason, ask your teacher for permission.

After swimming you need to take a warm shower. Dry with a towel and dry your hair with a hairdryer. Before going outside after the pool, make sure you are dressed warmly.

Skiing safety rules

If your PE lesson takes place on skis in winter, be especially careful, otherwise you may get injured. So do only what the teacher says.

If you don't know how to ski, listen very carefully to the teacher's explanations.

Do not point your ski poles forward or to the sides. Do not lift them with their sharp ends up.

Make sure your ski boots, skis and poles are appropriate for your size and height.

Your clothing should be appropriate for the weather. It should be warm, light and comfortable at the same time. Don't forget to wear a hat and gloves.

If your lesson takes place in a park or forest, keep up with the class and stay on the ski track.

If you are skiing down a hill, bend your legs slightly at the knees and take your ski poles back.

✏ Do not go down the slide if you are bad at skiing or are afraid.

"I affirm"

Principal of School No. 1399

___________Dzhijavadze L.A.

"______" September 2009


  1. Students who have completed safety instructions are allowed to participate in physical education lessons.
  2. Students who have a doctor’s clearance are allowed to take physical education lessons (basic and preparatory group health).
  3. Students are required to wear sportswear and clean sports shoes during classes. Sports uniform must correspond to the temperature in the gym and weather conditions (when exercising outdoors).
  4. Students change clothes in a specially designated place - the sports locker room.
  5. In the sports locker room it is prohibited to stand on window sills, open windows, stand on benches, litter, or behave rudely towards other students. In case of conflict situation Students must report this to the teacher.
  6. It is not recommended to leave valuables in the sports locker room; they should be handed over to exempt students or the physical education teacher.
  7. Exempt students must attend class with the class. They are required to show the teacher a medical certificate of release.
  8. When the bell rings for class, students gather in formation in the gym. When classes are held outside, students do not leave the room unless accompanied by a physical education teacher.
  9. Chewing gum is prohibited during physical education lessons.
  10. Mobile phones can be used with the permission of the teacher.
  11. Students should not interfere with the teacher teaching a lesson or other students doing exercises during the lesson.
  12. Students are required to behave correctly towards other students. If a conflict situation arises between students, contact the teacher immediately.
  13. During lessons, students are required to perform only those exercises that the teacher allows them to do.
  14. When performing exercises on their own (educational games, competitions, etc.), students must take into account their level of physical fitness, health status and location of the classes.
  15. It is prohibited to independently take sports equipment located in the gym and coaching room.
  16. When performing exercises with balls (tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, medicine), the student must control the fall of the ball in order to avoid intentionally injuring other students.
  17. During sports games, students are required to behave correctly towards other players.
  18. It is prohibited to perform any exercises on the crossbar and wall bars without the permission of the teacher.
  19. Hanging on basketball hoops and basketball backboards is not permitted.
  20. It is forbidden to move the gate without the permission of the teacher.
  21. Students must exercise caution when moving from one half of the hall to the other when the hall is divided into two parts for two groups (classes).
  22. If you discover any breakdowns of sports equipment, immediately report it to the teacher.
  23. If a student feels unwell during class, he or she must immediately notify the physical education teacher. He is also obliged to inform the teacher about an injury or poor health that manifests itself after a physical education lesson.
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