Technologies of transport processes: who should work in this specialty? Specialty "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" (bachelor's degree) Industrial operation of transport and technological machines

By entering the Transport and Technology Institute, and then after graduating, you will solve for yourself the most important task that will confront you after graduating from university: where to get a job? It is wrong not to think about future employment when choosing a specialty to enroll in, since you can get, from your point of view, the best specialty, but then become unemployed. Specialties in the transport and road profile are in demand in the labor market, moreover, last years We do not fully satisfy the needs of enterprises for specialists.

More details about our specialties:

Specialization "Lifting and transport, construction,
road facilities and equipment"

  • transport, construction, agricultural, special engineering;
  • operation of equipment, secondary and higher professional education.
  • ground transport and technological means with combined power plants;
  • lifting and transport, construction, road facilities and equipment;
  • mining vehicles;
  • means and mechanisms of public utilities;
  • regulatory and technical documentation;
  • standardization systems, methods and means of testing and quality control of products.
  • scientific research;
  • design and engineering;
  • carrying out an analysis of the state and prospects for the development of ground transport and technological means, their technological equipment and complexes based on them;
  • carrying out theoretical and experimental scientific research to search and test new ideas for improving ground transport and technological means, their technological equipment and complexes based on them;
  • development of options for solving problems of production, modernization and repair of ground transport and technological means, analysis of these options, forecasting consequences, finding compromise solutions in conditions of multi-criteria and uncertainty;
  • use of application programs for calculating components, assemblies and systems of transport and technological means and their technological equipment;
  • development of design and technical documentation, technical specifications, standards and technical descriptions of ground transport and technological means and their technological equipment;
  • organization of operation of ground transport and technological means and complexes;
  • organization of technical control during the research, design, production and operation of ground transport and technological means and their technological equipment;
  • drawing up plans, programs, work schedules, estimates, orders, applications, instructions and other technical documentation.

In the laboratory of the Department of PTDM

The specialty is a classic, basic one, which is in demand in almost all industries. There is not a single industrial enterprise where the labor of engineering and technical workers is not in demand this profile. Therefore, graduates of the specialty are in demand in the labor market and are successfully employed.

When training specialists at the graduating department, an innovative, intensive educational program using the automated design system APM WinMachine. In this system, the student undergoes training in all basic disciplines. Wide range of possibilities this domestic CAD system allows even in student years solve complex design and engineering problems. Even high school students successfully master this system secondary schools within the subject of "drawing". Training is conducted full-time (5 years), part-time (6 years), budget and paid forms.

Specialty 23.05.01 “Ground transport and technological means”
Specialization "Technical means of environmental management and protection in emergency situations»
Duration of training – 5 years, qualification – engineer.

Region professional activity:

  • environmental structures;
  • bodies of technical audit and certification, supervision of environmental safety; civil defense and emergency departments of enterprises and organizations various forms property;
  • design and research institutions; small and medium-sized businesses in the field of complex processing of technical materials.

Types of professional activities:

  • scientific research;
  • design and engineering; production and technological;
  • organizational and managerial.

Tasksprofessional activity:

  • development, research, operation of technical means of environmental management and protection in emergency situations;
  • organization and creation technological complexes, energy-saving machines and equipment for processing man-made materials and producing environmentally friendly construction products;
  • use of modern information technologies when designing technical means and technological complexes.

Specialty 08.05.03 “Construction, operation, restoration and technical coverage of highways, bridges and transport tunnels »

Duration of training – 5 years, qualification – engineer.

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • spheres of science, engineering and technology, covering a set of problems related to the construction, operation, restoration and technical support of transport structures.

Objects of professional activity:

  • surveys, design and construction of highways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels;
  • current maintenance, repair, reconstruction and restoration of transport facilities;
  • production of road building materials, production of bridge and tunnel structures;
  • resources for technical cover of transport facilities, planning and organization of their use.

A graduate with the qualification "engineer" is able to:

  • organize the construction, reconstruction, repair and routine maintenance of the highway in order to ensure the quality and reliability of its operation, using technical control methods to ensure traffic safety;
  • substantiate rational methods of technology, organization and management of the construction and reconstruction of highways and develop projects for the organization of construction and work, taking into account the design and technological features and natural factors affecting the conduct of construction and installation work;
  • develop and implement highway reconstruction and repair projects, taking into account topographical, engineering-geological conditions and environmental requirements;
  • ensure the introduction of progressive designs and resource-saving technologies for the maintenance of the highway, its structures and facilities;
  • organize monitoring and diagnostics of the highway, its structures and facilities, using modern technologies, control and measuring and diagnostic tools, non-destructive testing tools. airfields and special structures.

Specialty 05.23.06 “Construction railways,
bridges and transport tunnels"
Specialization "Construction of roads for industrial transport"
Duration of training – 5 years, qualification – railway engineer.

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, routine maintenance, inspection, repair and reconstruction of railway tracks and transport structures (including bridges and tunnels) of railways and subways.

Types of professional activities:

  • production and technological;
  • organizational and managerial;
  • design, survey and design;
  • scientific research.

Objectives of professional activity:

  • development of technological processes for construction, repair, reconstruction and operation of railways, bridges, transport tunnels and subways;
  • management of a professional team carrying out design, construction, reconstruction, repair or constant technical supervision of railway tracks and track facilities, bridges, tunnels and other artificial structures;
  • implementation of engineering surveys of the railway route and transport structures;
  • development of projects for the construction, reconstruction and repair of railway tracks and artificial structures, implementation of designer's supervision over the implementation of design solutions;
  • research in the field of creating new or improving existing structures and materials of the upper structure of the track, roadbed and artificial structures and analyzing the effectiveness of their operation.

Railway workers during training at the training ground

The university has created an excellent educational and material base for the specialty: a whole complex of laboratories equipped with modern equipment and instruments, traveling tools, mock-ups and modern software, where students take practical and laboratory classes. The training ground completely simulates the operation of a mainline and industrial railway track during rolling stock operation, and is equipped with automatic switches and crossing barriers, sound and light alarms. During the training process, students undergo industrial and technological internships, where they gain experience practical work for the construction, repair and maintenance of railway tracks, main roads, roads of mining and processing plants Belgorod region, get acquainted with the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete products for transport purposes, work as conductors at JSC Russian Railways.

Training is conducted full-time (5 years), budget and paid forms.

Direction 08.03.01 “Construction”
Profile "Roads and airfields"

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, evaluation and reconstructionhighways.
  • engineering support and equipment for construction sites and urban areas.
  • application of machines, equipment and technologies for construction and productionbuilding materials, products and structures.

Objects of professional activity:

  • highways, hydraulic engineering and environmental structures.

Types of professional activities:

  • survey, calculation and design;
  • production-technological and production-management;
  • experimental research.

Objectives of professional activity:

  • engineering surveys of transport structures, including geodetic, hydrometric and geotechnical work;
  • development of projects for highways and artificial structures, implementation of designer's supervision over the implementation of design solutions;
  • determination of the economic efficiency of design solutions and their technical and economic assessment;
  • development of technological processes for the construction, repair and operation of transport facilities, management of these processes;
  • quality control of materials and products supplied to construction sites, monitoring the progress of specified technological operations;
  • assessment of the environmental impact of ongoing technical measures, construction technology, and materials used;
  • study and analysis of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience in the field of activity;
  • participation in conducting experiments using given methods, systematization of results, participation in the implementation of research results and practical developments.

In the laboratory of the ADA department

The fundamental training of road engineers is provided by well-equipped laboratories: organic binders and asphalt concrete, cement concrete pavements of highways, determination of transport and operational indicators of highways, a room for computer-aided design of highways, a hall for course and diploma design, as well as an educational, research and production site. The graduating department is staffed with highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in industrial, scientific and pedagogical activity. Based on the results of the rating, the Department of Highways and Airfields of BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhov has been ranked first among 50 similar departments of construction and technical universities in Russia for the last three years. During the training process, students receive not only in-depth professional knowledge in all cycles of disciplines, but also the necessary production skills. Students studying at the department are actively engaged in scientific research and participate in various competitions and conferences. Graduates of this profile are in great demand in road organizations and are always employed.

Training is conducted full-time (5 years), part-time (6 years), budget and paid forms. After a bachelor's degree it is possible to continue studying in Master's degree in Construction.

Direction 23.03.01 “Technology of transport processes”

Training profiles:
1. Organization and safety of traffic.
2. Investigation and examination of road accidents .

Duration of study – 4 years, qualification – bachelor

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • organizing a system of relationships to ensure traffic safety in transport;
  • organization, based on the principles of logistics, of rational interaction between modes of transport that make up a unified transport system;
  • technology, organization, planning and management of technical and commercial operation of transport systems.

Objects of professional activity:

  • traffic safety services of state and private transport enterprises;
  • state transport inspection services, marketing services and divisions for studying and servicing the transport services market;
  • organizations and enterprises of public and non-public transport engaged in the transportation of passengers and cargo;
  • research and development organizations engaged in activities in the field of development of transport technology and technology of transport processes, organization and traffic safety;
  • factories and schools for training drivers, educational institutions for training workers, secondary and higher special educational institutions.

Types of professional activities:

  • calculation and design;
  • production and technological.

Objectives of professional activity:

  • ensuring the safety of the transportation process in different conditions;
  • ensuring the implementation of current technical regulations and standards in the field of transportation of goods, passengers, cargo and baggage;
  • development and implementation of rational transport and technological schemes for cargo delivery based on the principles of logistics;
  • efficient use of material, financial and human resources in the production of specific work;
  • the use of modern information technologies in the development of new and improvement of existing transport and technological schemes;
  • implementation, as part of a team of performers, of the set goals of the project to solve transport problems, taking into account indicators of economic and environmental safety.

Classes at the training ground

The graduating department has all the necessary equipment for training sessions and scientific activity, V educational process a mobile road laboratory is used. Classes are held at the university’s educational, research and production site, where a children’s auto town was created in 2008. Summer internship students are trained in the traffic police departments of the Belgorod Region Internal Affairs Directorate, in the Department of State Road Supervision in the Belgorod Region, in city motor transport enterprises and in expert bureaus. Distinctive feature training in this area is coursework and diploma design in real conditions of urban transport hubs of Belgorod, which allows you to actively implement the results obtained in improving traffic management schemes on the city’s road network. A youth squad of public inspectors of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Belgorod Region was formed from among the students. The vigilantes, in their free time from school, are on duty together with inspectors of the regional traffic police regiment, monitor the implementation of traffic rules on the streets of Belgorod, and during rush hours they patrol especially busy pedestrian crossings in our city. The guys also participate in organizing and conducting events and promotions aimed at improving safety. traffic, among them: “Safe Wheel”, “Safe Pedestrian”, “Traffic with Respect”, etc. The participation of students in the field of training “Technology of Transport Processes” in the organization of public inspectors helps them in the future when applying for a job.

Training is conducted full-time (4 years), part-time (5 years) and part-time using remote technologies forms of education. After After graduating from the university, graduates receive Bachelor's qualification, the most capable and inclined to scientific work can continue their studies in a master's program in the field of"Technology of transport processes".

Direction 23.03.02 “Ground transport and technological complexes”

Training profiles:
1. Lifting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment.
2. Machinery and equipment for environmental management and protection environment.

Duration of training – 4 years and 3 years (shortened program for persons with secondary vocational education), qualification – bachelor

For the profile “Lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment”

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • transport, construction, agricultural and special engineering;
  • operation of equipment;
  • secondary and higherprofessional education.

Objects of professional activity:

  • ground transport and technological machines withcombinedpower plants;
  • multi-purpose tracked and wheeled vehicles;
  • hoisting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment;
  • regulatory and technical documentation;
  • systems standardization, methods and means of testing and quality control products.

Types of professional activities:

  • scientific research;
  • design and engineering;
  • organizational and managerial.

Objectives of professional activity:

  • participation as a member of a team of performers in performing theoretical and experimental scientific research on search and testing new ideas for improving land transport technological machines, their technological equipment and creation complexes based on them;
  • participation as part of a team of performers in the development of design and technical documentation for new or modernized models of ground transport and technological machines and complexes;
  • participation in a team of performers in an organizationproduction and operation of ground transport and technologicalmachines and their technological equipment;
  • preparation of initial data for drawing up plans, programs, work schedules, estimates, orders, applications, instructions and other technical documentation.

For the profile “Machines and equipment for environmental management and environmental protection”

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • design and engineering;
  • operational institutions and environmental structures;
  • operation and repair of technological equipment in the field of environmental management.

Types of professional activities:

  • scientific research;
  • design and engineering;
  • production and technological;
  • organizational and managerial

Objectives of professional activity:

  • design, manufacture, operation and repair of machines and equipment for environmental management and environmental protection;
  • creation of technological complexes, small and medium-sized businesses for complex processing of natural and man-made materials;
  • usage modern systems computer-aided design and software for the creation of machines and equipment for environmental management.

Training presupposes the successful mastery of subjects by both boys and girls. The departments of PTDM and TCMM have modern computer classes and laboratories on construction machines, hydraulic drives, internal combustion engines, etc.

Laboratory work at the department of TCMM

After completing a bachelor's degree, those interested can continue their studies at master's degree in the direction of “Ground transport and technological complexes”.

Direction 23.03.03 “Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes”

Training profiles:
1. Car service.
2. Service of transport and technological machines and equipment (Construction, road and municipal vehicles).

Duration of study – 4 years, qualification – bachelor

For the profile “Car service”

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • fields of science and technology related to the operation, repair and maintenance of transport vehicles, their units, systems and elements.

Objects of professional activity:

  • logistics support for operating enterprises and owners of vehicles of all forms of ownership.

Types of professional activities:

  • production and technological;
  • service and operational.

A working car made by students was submitted for the defense of the VKR

Objectives of professional activity:

  • ensuring the operation of transport, transport-technological machines and transport equipment used in industries National economy, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents;
  • carrying out tests as part of a team of performers and determining the performance of installed, operated and repaired transport and transport equipment;
  • selection of equipment and units for replacement during the operation of transport, transport equipment, its elements and systems; participation in the maintenance and repair of transport, transport and technological machines and equipment;
  • organization of safe installation and commissioning of transport and transport equipment;
  • conducting a marketing analysis of the need for services during the operation of vehicles and transport equipment of various forms of ownership;
  • organizing work with clients;
  • supervision of the safe operation of transport and transport equipment;
  • development of operational documentation as part of a team of performers;
  • organization, as part of a team of performers, of examinations and audits during the certification of manufactured parts, assemblies, assemblies and systems for transport and transport equipment, services and work on the maintenance and repair of transport and transport equipment;
  • preparation and development of certification and licensing documents as part of a team of performers;
  • participation as a member of a team of performers in organizing the work of the team, selecting, justifying, making and implementing management decisions;
  • participation as part of a team of performers in improving the organizational and managerial structure of enterprises for the operation, storage, maintenance, repair and maintenance of transport and transport equipment;
  • installation and commissioning of equipment for maintenance and repair of transport equipment, participation in design and inspection supervision.

For the profile “Service of transport and technological machines and equipment
(Construction, road and municipal vehicles")

Area of ​​professional activity:

  • fields of science and technology related to the operation, repair and maintenance of transport and transport-technological machines for various purposes (transport, handling, port, construction, road-building, agricultural, special and other machines and their complexes), their units, systems and elements.

Objects of professional activity:

  • transport vehicles, enterprises and organizations that operate, store, refuel, maintain, repair and service them;
  • logistics support for operating enterprises and owners of vehicles of all forms of ownership.

Types of professional activities:

  • production and technological;
  • service and operational.

Objectives of professional activity:

  • determination within the team of performers of the production program for maintenance, service, repair and other services during the operation of transport or the manufacture of equipment;
  • participation as a member of a team of performers in the development and improvement of technological processes and documentation;
  • efficient use of materials, equipment, relevant algorithms and programs for calculating parameters of technological processes;
  • organization and effective implementation of quality control of spare parts, components and materials, production control technological processes, quality of products and services;
  • ensuring safe operation (including environmental), storage, maintenance, repair and servicing of transport and transport equipment, safe working conditions for personnel;
  • implementation of effective engineering solutions into practice;
  • organization and implementation of technical control during the operation of transport and transport equipment;
  • conducting standard and certification tests of materials, products and services;
  • implementation of metrological verification of basic measuring and diagnostic instruments;
  • development and implementation of proposals for resource saving; efficient use of materials, equipment, relevant algorithms and programs for calculating process parameters.

During the training process, bachelors are offered in-depth study computer modeling, both individual units and entire vehicles. Students independently produce working models; for example, in 2010, as a final qualifying work, a car was presented, on the creation of which the students worked for 2 years and were actively helped by the leading teachers of the department. The Department of EDAA uses specialized classrooms for high-quality implementation of the educational process: computer class; laboratories equipped with multimedia equipment and models of vehicle assemblies and components. Also in the educational process, the material and technical base of the training and production laboratory for the maintenance and repair of vehicles and the independent fuel laboratory and garage of BSTU are used. V.G. Shukhova. Practical skills are acquired in junior courses when obtaining working specialties: driver, car mechanic, welder, and in senior courses while working as interns at leading enterprises in the industry, in particular: Transport Company Ecotrans LLC, MBU "Belgorod Improvement Management", MUP "City Passenger" transport", LLC "Belkomtrans", UGIBDD for the Belgorod region, UGADN for the Belgorod region, LLC "Genser-Belgorod", LLC "France Auto", LLC "Avtonomiya", CJSC "Insurance Company Twenty-First Century", Motorsports complex "Virage" , DorTech LLC.

Training is conducted full-time (4 years), part-time (5 years) on a budget basis and with full reimbursement of training costs. You can continue your studies at master's degree in "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" with a specialized training focus on “Service of transport and technological machines and equipment.”

General transport course

Lecture 4

Classification, composition and technical characteristics of vehicles. Transport and technological complexes.

Vehicle classification

To organize information, as well as to quickly find the necessary information about similar objects from available information arrays, special classifiers are used. They are also necessary for building electronic databases.

Since there is a huge variety of machines, equipment and vehicles, to organize them there is an officially accepted classification of multi-purpose vehicles. The latter include: the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets, the All-Russian Classifier of Products and the classifier “Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity”.

Transport equipment includes:

    vehicles or rolling stock (TS);

    technical means of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading processes and transport and warehouse operations (electric loader, hoist, conveyor);

    service systems transport users (clients) (cleaning systems, ventilation, heating, maintenance);

    mechanization means processes in transport infrastructure (robots, automatic door opening systems).

Vehicles (rolling stock) are designed to transport people and goods over a certain distance in a given period of time. Vehicles are classified according to various criteria.

Modern vehicles are characterized by a wide variety of vehicle types, their interaction with the transport space and types of transportation. In practice, such a detailed classification is replaced by abbreviated names of vehicles, assigning them the names of historical figures and technology developers.

Energy transport. The unified energy system in our country was created in 1920 according to the GOELRO plan. Energy sources are thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations, and later nuclear power plants. Energy is transmitted through power lines (power lines), converted from direct current to alternating current and supplied to special distribution devices. Power lines with increased voltage and direct current ( D.C. makes it possible to increase transmission speed and reduce losses) must pass outside cities and require a right-of-way of up to 100 m. Underground power cables, with a high concentration of energy and, due to inevitable heat loss, heat and dry the soil.

Vehicle composition

A separate vehicle includes:

    autonomous vehicle movement control systems;

    transport media;

    systems for ensuring the functioning of the vehicle;

    energy transport installations.

Autonomous systems Vehicle traffic controls are designed to control the movement of a vehicle according to a given program and include:

    systems for monitoring the parameters of a moving vehicle in space,

    diagnostics of the condition of vehicle structural elements,



    communications with external traffic management authorities.

Vehicle classification

Transport media They are a supporting structure designed to accommodate all vehicle systems, and consist of a set of load-bearing profile elements (frames, stringers, spars, racks, etc.), on which a shell made of steel sheet or non-ferrous material is installed.

Transport support systems Vehicles are designed to ensure the functional purpose of the vehicle and include:

    equipment for accommodating passengers and cargo,

    household equipment,

    technological equipment (lifting and transport mechanisms),

    mooring devices,

    reception of passengers and cargo, etc.

Energy transport installations are designed to ensure the movement of the vehicle, as well as to supply it with heat, electricity and working fluids and includes:



    devices for supplying vehicles with heat, electricity and working fluids.

The interaction of all these systems ensures that the vehicle fulfills its functional purpose, which is quantitatively reflected by its technical characteristics.

Technical characteristics of the vehicle

Technical characteristics is a quantity that quantitatively characterizes the performance of a vehicle’s functional purpose. The technical characteristics are affected by the speed and load capacity of the vehicle.

The technical characteristics of a vehicle are measured by the product cruise speed on the useful weight of transported cargo or passengers.


Usually the speed of movement of an object, in this case transport speed TS, designated by the letter V with the corresponding index and has dimensions: m/s, km/h, knot.

It is customary to distinguish:

    technical speed V T, which is understood as the path traveled by the vehicle relative to the transport space per unit time;

    ground speed V P, which is the vector sum of technical speed and speed of movement W of the medium in which the vehicle is moving (wind speed, water flow speed).


If the distance traveled by the vehicle is L, and the time of its movement is travel time t P, then the average ground speed is:

V P = L/t P ; (3)

    cruise speed, which is the ratio of the distance between the point of departure and the point of arrival (transportation distance) to the time of delivery of cargo or passengers, is denoted by V R, it is equal to:

; (4)

Where: L– transportation distance;

t P– travel time;

A– the number of technological operations in the transportation process (issuance of travel documents by the client; loading, unloading and transportation operations; stopping the vehicle);

t i– duration i- oh technological operation of the transportation process.

Taking into account equality (3), equation (4) will look like:

Where: k P – coefficient of efficient use of time in the transportation process.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - profile subject, at the university's choice
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

As a result of the development of market relations in Russia, a large market for car service services has been created in the country, the purpose of which is to ensure the production activities of a number of companies and enterprises. The rapid growth of the car fleet has led to the emergence new area Automotive maintenance. Specialty 23.03.03 “Operation of transport equipment and complexes” produces specialists who are ready to provide a new industry with their high-quality services. The prospects of the profession leave no doubt: after all, today almost every enterprise, and even ordinary citizens, need a car service.

Admission conditions

Since the field is closely related to technology, to enter the specialty you will need knowledge exact sciences. As a rule, universities request scores in subjects such as:

  • mathematics (profile level);
  • Russian language;
  • computer science and ICT or physics;

In rare cases, educational institutions, at their discretion, ask to present results in chemistry and a foreign language. Therefore, in order to be well prepared, it is worth getting information in advance about what subjects you will need to take.

Future profession

During the training process, students develop key skills in the field of technical operation of vehicles and their maintenance. In addition, students develop their mathematical knowledge, logic, analytic skills and flexibility of thinking. The development and design of new facilities in the region is also an integral part of the educational program.

Where to apply

Today, due to the high demand for specialists in this profile, many universities open their doors to applicants who want to master a given field. In Moscow alone, there are 11 educational institutions that have at their disposal a department of “Operation of transport technical means and complexes”. Many universities are located in St. Petersburg and other major cities countries. The best among them are:

Training period

The duration of undergraduate studies on a full-time basis is 4 years, on a part-time basis - 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The most important subjects of the specialty are:

  • architecture;
  • hydraulics and hydraulic pneumatic drive;
  • machine parts and design fundamentals;
  • metrology, standardization and certification;
  • general electrical engineering and electronics;
  • strength of materials;
  • theory of mechanisms and machines;
  • heating engineering;
  • technology of construction materials;
  • operating materials.

Acquired skills

Upon graduation, graduates acquire the following skills and abilities:

Job prospects by profession

What kind of work can you do after receiving your diploma? As a result of training, graduates master such professions as:

  • engineer;
  • logistician;
  • mechanic;
  • automotive repair mechanic;
  • operation specialist;
  • service center manager;
  • railway engineer.

Since the automotive industry is at the peak of its development, today specialists in this field are in great demand in the labor market. They are offered a number of platforms for carrying out their professional activities: these include mining industry companies, automobile manufacturing enterprises, service centers, and river shipping companies.

The average salary of a professional with minimal experience is 40,000 - 50,000 rubles. Young specialists can get a job as an assistant mechanic or car mechanic, and their income will vary from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program

Some graduates who have received a bachelor's degree decide to expand their field of knowledge in a master's program. A master's degree gives its holders a number of advantages, including:

  1. Opportunity to carry out activities in the scientific field.
  2. The right to engage in research and innovation in renowned scientific institutes.
  3. Successful career growth, a chance to occupy a leadership position.
  4. The right to carry out teaching activities.

Transport is an important part of society, because it ensures the movement of passengers and goods. This industry is necessary for the operation of industrial, economic and other institutions. It does not create products, but is part of the infrastructure. A professional who has completed training in the specialty “Technology and organization of the transport process” can work in this area.

Conditions of enrollment

The educational institution prepares specialists who can organize transport interaction, as well as monitor and analyze cost results. Responsibilities include security.

What do you need to take to get admitted? The main subject is mathematics. Additionally, you will need to pass Russian and foreign languages. The applicant must choose what else to take - physics, chemistry or computer science? Admission is based on exam results in these subjects.

Skills acquired

To understand the technology of transport processes, you need to apply the following skills in practice:

  • transport planning and use;
  • security control;
  • assessment and analysis of transport performance;
  • development of development plans.

All this is studied after admission to educational institution. During training, theory and practice are required. After passing the exams, the specialist can be allowed to work.

Where to apply?

The direction “Technology of transport processes” is studied in various educational institutions countries. In the capital, you can choose the University of Transport and the Academy Institute. In any institution, a qualification is assigned, after which it is possible to get a job.

If you select full-time Bachelor, the period of study is 4 years. Some institutions offer correspondence and evening studies, and then the period may be longer by 1 year.


In the “Technology of Transport Processes and Systems” students receive the following skills and abilities:

  • inspection of roads, assessment of the quality of technical equipment;
  • creation of documentation for traffic organization;
  • assessment of economic and environmental factors;
  • carrying out transport certification, checking the qualifications of drivers;
  • organization of examination for DPT.

Employment Opportunities

After training in the specialty “Transport Process Technologies”, graduates can get a job at various enterprises. These include transport companies, moreover, the spheres of passenger transportation and cargo movement. As this activity is constantly improved, graduates have high-paying jobs with opportunities for promotion.

When you receive an education in the field of “Transport Process Technology” (specialty) - what is it? Graduates have the opportunity to work as a dispatcher or administrator. The salary is 20-25 thousand rubles. Over time, career advancement to manager or director of a logistics company is possible. The income of such employees can be from 40 thousand rubles.

Master's studies

In the specialty “Transport Process Technologies” you can complete your studies not only with a bachelor’s degree, since there is also a master’s degree. This allows you to continue learning. After this, more job opportunities become available.

Thanks to a master's degree, you can teach at universities, which is very prestigious. The acquired knowledge, skills and abilities will allow you to take on technical subjects. It will also help in career growth.

Who to work with?

If you have received an education in the field of “Transport Process Technology” (specialty) - what is it? This is an acquired qualification that allows you to get a job. Popular professions include the following:

  • forwarder;
  • dispatcher;
  • logistician;
  • economist;
  • technologist.

Before training, it is necessary to decide on the direction in which employment will take place. In each area, employees have their own rights and responsibilities.

Logistics area

In the field of “Transport Process Technologies” you can get a job in the field of logistics. Only for this you will need a specialist diploma. The level of workload and responsibility is determined by the scale of the enterprise. The list of responsibilities also depends on this.

Doing this job requires a special mindset, as well as skills of distribution, correlation and analysis. Responsibilities include completing documentation. The work allows you to optimize transportation, select suitable routes, and manage flows.

Dispatcher's work

At first glance, the profession of a dispatcher may seem easy, but this is not entirely true. Working in a taxi involves taking calls from clients, as well as transferring orders to drivers. It is more difficult for railroad or airline employees because they are responsible for cargo or many lives.

If even a minor mistake is made, it can turn into a disaster. In these cases, criminal liability is provided. Although many enterprises operate computerized systems and equipment that allow them to control all activities.

After training, there is an opportunity to get a job as a freight forwarder. In this case, the employee will be responsible for the goods transported. But experts with higher education They rarely get hired as freight forwarders. The transport sector remains in demand at various enterprises, so there should not be any difficulties with finding employment.

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