What does hexagram 17 mean for relationships. Follow up

Sui (Following): come or go in a prescribed sequence; conform, obey; in the style of something, according to the general idea; move in one direction; follow a doctrine, school or religion. The hieroglyph depicts three footprints, one after the other.

The original accomplishment.
Favorable fortitude.
There will be no blasphemy.

You are carried away powerful force. Submit to the inevitable course of things and follow it. Follow the path laid out for you, the path of least resistance. Be guided common sense. You are involved in a series of events that are closely related to each other. This will bring benefits and enlightenment. Follow the call and let go of what is in the past. Arises new center awareness. Let go of rigid attitudes so old habits can fade. The whole world follows the cycle of seasons; you follow the original idea inherent in the flow of events.

The freedom outlined in the previous hexagram creates those conditions of general equality in which the mood of joy prevails. Therefore, she prepares this situation of free and joyful following of the leading person, because here we mean, first of all, those circumstances in which the lower ones voluntarily obey more developed person and follow him, captivated by his ideas. Likewise, in the sphere of cognition, when not only the cognition of the object itself has arrived, but also the joy of cognition, then nothing remains except in the cognition of what objectively exists to gain freedom in submission to objective truth. This is how the development of the knower begins, which is rooted in the original objectivity of the world. However, with such development, stable self-control is necessary for a favorable outcome, for if the knower himself controls himself through objective knowledge, then in order to follow the truth, he must subordinate himself to it and steadfastly observe this subordination. Only then can he avoid the impending damage, which will be discussed in the next hexagram. Only if the specified behavior is observed can one count on a successful outcome.

Outer and Inner worlds: Pond and Thunder

Words of encouragement spoken in the outer world awaken new energy from within. The combination of trigrams emphasizes the need to take new action.

Following a pattern, personality, or process contains hidden opportunity gradual awareness of your desires.


Liberty leads to consistency. Knowing this allows you to use it.


Following means moving with the flow of existence.


Thunder roars among the fogs. Follow-up.
A noble person follows others to get a break for respite.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

There will be movement in the service. Fortitude is fortunate.
If, when you come out of the gate, you are connected with the right thing for you, there will be success.

It is necessary to monitor the changes of the ruler and follow them, but not to the point of blind submission. The way is open. If you leave your usual place and do right choice, then you will achieve the original result.

In a situation of follow-up, complete consistency with the requirements of the time is essential. Therefore, the most important thing here is to constantly monitor the changes of the leader and ruler and follow them. However, this should not be taken to the extreme, to unprincipled submission to the ruler; on the contrary, only perseverance gives the correct and happy beginning of the process of succession, the essence of which is for a person to move from the rigidly occupied position and achieve success outside his possessions.

Line 2

Six second

Get closer to small children -
You will lose mature people.

The less experienced should follow the more experienced. If you violate this principle, you risk losing direction. Now you are alone, without allies, and must adapt to what comes your way.

Each stage following the previous one represents more developed and perfect forces. In this situation, it is especially necessary to emphasize that everything less developed must follow the more developed in order to develop. Therefore, specifically, in the conditions described by the second position of this hexagram, it is especially necessary to follow the higher, more developed ones. But it is precisely here that there is a danger of surrendering to only one impulse to follow, outlined at the previous stage, for this is a strong impulse (symbolized by a strong feature, the only one in the lower trigram, the essence of which is movement).

Line 3

Six third

Get closer to mature people -
You will lose your little children.
In following you will seek and you will find.
It is beneficial to remain steadfast.

By making a decisive choice, you restore the natural order of things. The need to start over leads to searching, but with proper endurance and patience, what you want will be achieved.

It is impossible to move forward and backward at the same time. You cannot follow both the developed and the retarded at the same time. At this point of crisis, a decisive choice must be made. But every choice, in essence, is associated with the loss of the rejected. This loss can overshadow all experiences and lead a person astray. But it must be fully observed by those who chose it.

Line 4

Nine fourth

If you capture something in the process,
That resilience is unfortunately.
If you have the truth and are on the right path,
That understanding will become clearer.
What kind of blasphemy can there be?

Your task is not to acquire, but to pursue. If you follow anyone for selfish reasons, the path will be closed (misfortune). Determine your place in life. Having the truth (connection with spirits), you will not stray from the right path. Then you will understand what you need to follow. This could be a new beginning for you.

If anything is gained in the situation of following, then the essence is not in the acquisition, but in the following itself. However, it can easily happen that a person is so fascinated by what he has acquired that he strives only to steadfastly preserve it, forgetting that in this situation his task is only to follow the more developed one. By doing this, a person comes into conflict with the demands of the time, and therefore misfortune awaits him. If, on the contrary, having the truth, he does not stray from his correct path, then no blasphemy can threaten him.

Line 5

Nine fifth

Be truthful with beauty.

The desire for perfection is favorable, since there is a connection with spirits in the situation. Your trust in the chosen path is unshakable. The path is open (happiness).

If what is represented by the fifth position is the highest that everything else follows in a given situation, then in all previous positions (according to the commentary literature, in all except the third) there is something positive and beautiful that is inherent in them. Therefore, in this leading position it is necessary to find an absolutely correct attitude towards this truly beautiful thing. Then this position will express specific trait succession – harmonious inclusion of the personal into the public, i.e. what in the terminology of the “Book of Changes” is called happiness. This requires enormous strength of trust and truthfulness, which cannot be shaken by doubts. This strength is symbolized by the strong feature, which is normally occupied in the fifth, most active position.

Line 6

There's a six at the top

Connect with what is obtained.
Connect with the one you follow.
The king must make a sacrifice at the Western Mountain.

The situation is ending, but much has already been achieved, and it would be unwise to break the connection with the past and the connection of times in general. The restoration of this connection is symbolized by the sacrifice at the Western Mountain (the sacred mountain of Ji during the Zhou Dynasty).

If in a given position it is necessary to connect with that one, one hundred was obtained in the previous one, but this can no longer be considered a simple succession, because the previous position is lower than this one. However, this very impossibility of following is completely understandable if we take into account the fact that the situation of following ends at this position. However, much has been achieved in the past stages, and it is inappropriate to break with it. Therefore, it is recommended here to reconnect with him. The restored connection with the past is figuratively expressed in the need for sacrifice at the western mountain (i.e. Mount Ji, which for the Zhou tribe, in which the Book was formed, was in the west). The Zhou tribe began their life at this mountain. Therefore, the sacrifice at the western mountain is equivalent to the restoration of relations with the ancestors, i.e. connection with the development achieved in the previous one.

Follow up

Be involved in the movement; to be under the influence of, to accept someone's leadership; move in the general flow; natural, correct.


Sui (Succession): to come or go in a set sequence; conform, obey; in the style of something, according to the general idea; move in one direction; follow a doctrine, school or religion. The hieroglyph depicts three footprints, one after the other.

Figurative series

The original accomplishment.
Favorable fortitude.
There will be no blasphemy.

You are carried away by a powerful force. Submit to the inevitable course of things and follow it. Follow the path laid out for you, the path of least resistance. Use common sense. You are involved in a series of events that are closely related to each other. This will bring benefits and enlightenment. Follow the call and let go of what is in the past. A new center of awareness arises. Let go of rigid attitudes so old habits can fade. The whole world follows the cycle of seasons; you follow the original idea inherent in the flow of events.

Outer and inner worlds

Words of encouragement spoken in the outer world awaken new energy from within. The combination of trigrams emphasizes the need to take new action.

Hidden Opportunity

Following a pattern, personality, or process contains the hidden possibility of gradually becoming aware of one's desires.


Liberty leads to consistency. Knowing this allows you to use it.


Following means moving with the flow of existence.


Thunder roars among the fogs. Follow-up. A noble person follows others to get a break for respite.

Hexagram lines

First nine

There will be movement in the service. Fortitude is fortunate.
If, when you come out of the gate, you are connected with the right thing for you, there will be success.

It is necessary to monitor the changes of the ruler and follow them, but not to the point of blind submission. The way is open. If you leave your usual place and make the right choice, you will achieve the original result.

Six second

If you get close to small children, you will lose mature people.

The less experienced should follow the more experienced. If you violate this principle, you risk losing direction. Now you are alone, without allies, and must adapt to what comes your way.

Six third

If you get close to mature people, you will lose your little children.
In following you will seek and you will find.
It is beneficial to remain steadfast.

By making a decisive choice, you restore the natural order of things. The need to start over leads to searching, but with proper endurance and patience, what you want will be achieved.

Nine fourth

If you capture something in succession, then endurance is a disaster.
If you have the truth and are on the right path, then your understanding will become clearer.
What kind of blasphemy can there be?

Your task is not to gain, but to follow. If you follow anyone for selfish reasons, the path will be closed (misfortune). Determine your place in life. Having the truth (connection with spirits), you will not stray from the right path. Then you will understand what you need to follow. This could be a new beginning for you.

Nine fifth

Be truthful with beauty.

The desire for perfection is favorable, since there is a connection with spirits in the situation. Your trust in the chosen path is unshakable. The path is open (happiness).

The seventeenth hexagram contains the following basic ideas: follow, obey, adapt, join, coordinate, agree. You must obey the forces in control to remain in harmony with the movements in the cosmos and society during this period.

Do not insist on your point of view, do not try to justify it, even if you are forced to do so. This hexagram represents the image of a young girl (Lake) leading a strong man (Thunder). A strong person willingly and consciously gives way to a weak one, because it the only way out from the current situation, she requires it.

Respect the opinions of others and accept their momentary superiority. Be flexible in interpersonal and social interactions and give up your seat without resistance. This is a very smart thing to do. If you can do this, you will inevitably find success and security.

In a spiritual sense, this hexagram emphasizes following the highest moral principles, even though this seems difficult. We must adhere to the Truth, despite the inferior thoughts that this path will not bring success, that to be good is to be weak, that others take advantage of our kindness. If you strive for truth, for the highest and true, then at the end of the path all things will become clear.


You need help to make it happen, but even then there will be delays. If you are a man, be careful! You are probably facing a situation in which you are attracted to a beautiful woman. There are quite a lot of chances that you will leave your wife or your partner for her.


Success. However, love based on carnal desires will not last long, and the relationship will come to an end.


High probability of success. The other party strongly desires marriage. The hexagram suggests that there is a significant difference in the ages of the partners.

Pregnancy, childbirth

Safely. A girl will be born.

Health status

Venereal diseases, kidney diseases. Although the disease may manifest itself mildly at first, it can later turn into a serious illness. You should undergo a thorough medical examination as soon as possible.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Poor prospects - there is a possibility of imprisonment. Look for a compromise.


No emergencies are expected. It's best to go with a group.

Exam, test

Good mark.

Work, business, specialization

Good chance of success if planned carefully.


Rain with thunder.

lucky color

Turquoise, green, white

Lucky numbers

4, 8, 9

Changing Traits


Realizing your superiority, people gather around you, because now your competence, awareness, and adequacy are worth a lot to them. You know what to do and say in this situation. Act quickly and help others unselfishly. You will be richly rewarded.

Fifth (dominant)

Now is the time to direct your energies towards achieving great dreams. If you ruthlessly deal with inferior elements in your head and begin to strive for the best, then, without any doubt, you will achieve success.


By steadfastly adhering to your principles and the Right Path, you will begin to unwittingly influence others. When the defective ego notices this influence, it will want to keep it because it enjoys influencing other people. This is how the ego leads you astray from the spiritual path. Discard everything that activates the inferior elements of your personality and adhere to moral principles, while not forgetting worthwhile goals. Then you will remain on the Path.


As you move one step closer to the people you truly care about, or as you strive for higher ideals, inferior elements of your personality or former inferior behavior will slowly begin to evaporate. As long as you adhere to your ideals, you will remain on the True Path, which will lead you to your cherished goal. At the same time, your spiritual growth will be extremely rapid.


You are faced with important choice that needs to be done. Review your standards and moral principles. If they are not worth it - that is, they are either inferior or imaginary, then you will lose contact with the forces of Truth or Light. Move forward and make a choice.

First (dominant)

Changes begin to occur, both in the environment and in your goals. In order to accomplish your plans, you must establish contacts with all people, while remaining objective and true to your principles.

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The I Ching is also known as Zhou Yi, which means cyclical change. The I Ching was adopted by the Confucian tradition in the 2nd century BC. In ancient China, the practice of fortune telling was widespread. The Book of Changes I Ching was also popular. This is a complex fortune-telling system that reflects not only a person, but the entire world process as a whole. This is the difference between the worldview of the ancient Chinese - a person participates in life as an equal to earth and heaven, he makes decisions himself and is able to interact with the world around him to subjugate it, influence his destiny and the destiny of others.

The main idea of ​​this book is variability. Light replaces darkness, seasons replace each other, people and destinies change, and only the book “I Ching” still helps those who suffer to find their way in life.

Fortune telling from the book of changes, interpretation, allows you to get a detailed analysis of the situation with possible options for it further development. Anyone who turns to such a fortune-telling tool as the I-Ching makes a decision himself or does not make it, but the book of changes indicates not only the paths, but also the consequences. The Book of Changes consists of 64 hexagrams that express any aspect of life. Each hexogram answers in detail about the development of the situation as a whole and the way out of it. Let's consider one of them - hexogram 17.

This hexogram is called “Sui”, which translated into Russian means “following”. Additional meanings of the hexagram – “Primary development. Favorable fortitude. There will be no blasphemy."

The philosophical meaning of this hexagram is a situation of succession. This is, first of all, complete consistency. Follow the changes of the leader and ruler, but at the same time, hexagram 17 also speaks of perseverance, which will help achieve success. Everything less developed must follow the more developed. It is favorable to remain steadfast. If something is acquired in a situation of following, then the essence is not in the acquisition, but in the following itself. However, it can easily happen that a person is so occupied by what he has acquired that he strives only to steadfastly preserve it, forgetting that in this situation his task is only to follow the more developed one.

But it is also necessary to find the right attitude, namely the harmonious inclusion of the personal into the public, that is, everything comes down to achieving happiness. Happiness is achieved by connecting with what is dear. Follow-up. The translation of this hexagram is quite complex, so the adapted translation uses the following meanings: “Movement in a direction, following someone, subordination to someone, consistency of general ideas. Consistency in teaching, in religion. The hieroglyph depicts three footprints running one after the other.”

What can this hexogram say? to modern man? Entering a time of change. Leadership positions are strengthened, loyalty to principles and ideals. Following your goal, whatever it may be. Small victories will lead to big ones. If the question is about desire, then the desire is more likely to come true, but it will also entail serious changes in life. A powerful force forces you to follow the chosen path. Resistance is futile. The events that are happening now are closely related to each other, getting rid of habits, purifying consciousness.

For clarity, let's look at some examples of what the loss of this hexagram may indicate. First of all, this concerns career achievements. The person who receives this hexogram stands in the way of making decisions that can affect his fate as a whole. If a decision is not made, then fate will lead him along his own path. They will choose him. The oracle advises - make a decision and follow it. Be persistent, go towards your goal.

If we talk about personal relationships, then a person who receives the hexogram “Sui” can be advised to think about whether the path you are currently following is the right one? Is that what you are following? Are you listening to him? And if the answer to these questions is positive, then you can simply go with the flow - the current will take you where you need to go.

If, when contacting the I-Ching oracle, a specific question was asked (questions related to the acquisition or sale of real estate, moving and other similar questions), then in order to obtain a more accurate answer, you must additionally use this oracle on another day. After all, according to the rules, you can resort to the I Ching oracle no more than once a day. In addition to these rules, there are others. For a more accurate result, you must follow them.

One of the rules is that you cannot ask the book for advice in case of malicious intent. If your thoughts are directed against other people, then it is better to choose some other method of fortune telling. Another rule recommends not using this fortune-telling system often, and if the Book of Changes answers a question evasively, then you should not try for the second time in a row to get a more understandable answer.

How exactly should you guess? First you need to put your feelings and thoughts in order and tune in to the question. The question must be important; you should not test the oracle over trifles. Choose three coins and alternately toss them six times. Each time you hit the majority of the coins with heads facing up, draw a solid line. If the majority of coins (2 out of three) land up heads, then dotted. The lines need to be drawn from bottom to top, by tossing the coins six times and getting six lines, the hexagram can be considered complete and you need to look for its meaning under the corresponding number.


Be involved in the movement; to be under the influence of, to accept someone's leadership; move in the general flow; natural, correct.

Figurative series
The original accomplishment.
Favorable fortitude.
There will be no blasphemy.

You are carried away by a powerful force. Submit to the inevitable course of things and follow it. Follow the path laid out for you, the path of least resistance. Use common sense. You are involved in a series of events that are closely related to each other. This will bring benefits and enlightenment.

Follow the call and let go of what is in the past. A new center of awareness arises. Let go of rigid attitudes so old habits can fade. The whole world follows the cycle of seasons; you follow the original idea inherent in the flow of events.


  1. The snow goose carries a message through the clouds. This means good sources of information.
  2. A pile of coins means wealth.
  3. A man sits behind a red gate. It means "to be in power."
  4. A man stands in front of a red gate. It means "to seek fame and fortune."
Image: a skilled artisan carves and polishes a piece of jade.
Symbol: push the cart with a log.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan .

  1. Following will lead to Great success. Persistence is recommended. Impeccability.
  2. This is the July hexagram. It is good in summer and winter and bad in autumn.
  3. You join a group with a strong leader. You find that the requirements for group members are very strict. When success comes, you realize that it was justified and important.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong .

First Yao.
Starting nine. Standards are always changing. Perseverance brings good luck. Walking through the door and finding company means taking action.
  1. You find that your followers are losing interest. You go out and are among them and understand that only their personal interests have changed somewhat, but in general they are ready to follow you when you bring your plans closer to their interests.
  2. The methods used may differ, but the principle is the same.
  3. A great man knows how to ride the crest of the wave of his time.
Second Yao.
Six second. She stays with a young man and loses her husband.
  1. You get involved with a group of nice people who don't really have any clear plans. Later you meet someone with a clearer mind and more active and realize that you have wasted a lot of time.
  2. You are unable to choose between two options.
  3. Do not give in to the temptation of small gains, otherwise there will be a big loss.
Third Yao.
Six third. If she follows her husband, she will break up with this young man. She will find what she strives for through following. Persistence is favorable.
  1. You join a new team that is working very intensively, and you notice that you now see old friends less and less. At first you feel sad, then you realize that your life has become better due to your new initiatives.
  2. You want something and that's what you get.
  3. Always be critical of yourself, then everything will be perfect.
Fourth Yao.
Nine fourth. Following is successful. Perseverance leads to failure. But if you are motivated by sincerity, your mind will become clearer. What could possibly be wrong with this?
  1. Everything goes well. You continue and suddenly you fail. You reexamine your actions and feelings and see that you have not held yourself to the highest standards and have been selfish. Although you suffered losses, you corrected the situation and now feel better.
  2. Don't be too complacent about your manners.
  3. Following the truth is like climbing a steep slope.

Fifth Yao.
Nine five. Sincerely follow the Good. Luck.
  1. You have a lot planned for today and suddenly you see a person who needs help. You put your affairs aside and provide this help. That person is happy and you feel like you did something worthwhile today.
  2. We must decide what is good and right, and not deviate from it.
  3. We need to decide what should be done first.
Sixth Yao.
Top six. He meets a loyal follower who brings him back to the team. The king introduces him to the Western Mountain.
  1. You leave the team to act on your own, but one of your comrades, who understands you, comes and convinces you to return. Everyone benefits from this, and your contributions are rewarded.
  2. Start over; come out of your shelter.
  3. There will soon be happy events in your home.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky.

The freedom outlined in the previous hexagram creates those conditions of general equality in which the mood of joy prevails. Therefore, it prepares this situation of free and joyful following of the leading person, for here we mean, first of all, those circumstances in which the lower ones voluntarily submit to a more developed person and follow him, captured by his ideas.

Likewise, in the sphere of cognition, when not only the cognition of the object itself has arrived, but also the joy of cognition, then nothing remains except in the cognition of what objectively exists to gain freedom in submission to objective truth. This is how the development of the knower begins, which is rooted in the original objectivity of the world.

However, with such development, stable self-control is necessary for a favorable outcome, for if the knower himself controls himself through objective knowledge, then in order to follow the truth, he must subordinate himself to it and steadfastly observe this subordination. Only then can he avoid the impending damage, which will be discussed in the next hexagram.

Only if the specified behavior is observed can one count on a successful outcome. That's why
and in the text we read: Follow-up. Initial development. Favorable fortitude. There will be no blasphemy.

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