description and main dimensions. Fonts for means of measuring and automation, styles and basic sizes types for means of measuring and automation. inscription and main dimensions Download font GOST 26.020 80 stencil




GOST 26.020-80





Styles and main dimensions

Types for means of measuring and automation.

Inscription and main dimensions


Date of introduction 01.01.85

for new developments - 01.07.82

1. This standard applies to instrument typeface fonts (hereinafter referred to as fonts) for applying inscriptions using flat printing on measuring and automation equipment, radio-electronic equipment and computer technology and establishes the styles and basic dimensions. Fonts may be used for inscriptions on packaging and accompanying documentation.

The standard does not apply to fonts for inscriptions applied to aircraft instrumentation products.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2. The font includes: alphabets (Russian, Latin, Greek); numerals (Arabic and Roman); signs (punctuation, mathematical), as well as exponents, indices.

3. Depending on the style, fonts are divided into:

Pr3 - straight normal bold;

Pr41 - straight narrow light;

Pr5 - straight normal fat;

PrK5 - straight contour;

Pr/5 - oblique normal bold;

PrK/5 - inclined contour.

The styles and composition of the fonts are given in the required appendix.

4. Font Pr3 - the main font. If there is a shortage of space and compositional considerations, it is permissible to use the Pr41 font, and to highlight inscriptions indicating the name, type, model of the device, etc. - fonts Pr5, PrK5, Pr/5 and PrK/5.

5. Font sizes depend on height N capital letters [see recommended application (drawing)].

Height N choose from the range: 0.6; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; 8.0; 10.0 mm. A further increase in height is carried out by tenfold increase in the size of the specified row.

Note: It is not allowed to use fonts Pr5, PrK5, Pr/5, PrK/5 with a height of less than 3 mm.

6. The font symbol must consist of the word “font”, font height, style and designation of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a 5 mm high font of type Pr3:

Font 5-Pr3 GOST 26.020-80



Crap. 1.

Crap. 2.

Crap. 3.

Crap. 4.

Crap. 5.


1. Inscriptions are typed by gluing out photo originals of large-sized font areas (for example, 10 or 20 mm) and then photo-reducing the pasted inscriptions to the required size.

The areas on which the signs are placed ensure uniformity and consistency of letter and line spacing.

The location of fonts on the pads for each style is shown in Fig. - .

2. The length of the inscription is the sum of the widths of the areas (Fig. ). The length of the inscription is calculated according to the table. - . To determine the true length of the inscription, the sum of the widths of the pads should be multiplied by the specified font height.

An example of determining the length of an inscription. “STOP”: capital letters, font 5 - Pr3.

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Arabic, Roman numeral

Fraction, degree, index

Table 2.

Pad widths T for font Pr41, given in relation to the height of the font taken as a unit

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Arabic, Roman numeral

Fraction, degree, index

Table 3.

Pad widths T for fonts Pr5, PrK5, given in relation to the height of the font taken as a unit

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Arabic, Roman numeral

Table 4.

Platform width values T for Fonts Pr/5 and PrK/5, given in relation to the height of the font taken as a unit

Uppercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Arabic, Roman numeral

3. The distance between the inscriptions is set equal to the width of the area of ​​​​a normal capital letter (for example, I, N, P). As the spacing between letters increases, the distance between the inscriptions increases accordingly. Distance values ​​are chosen from compositional considerations.

4. The distance between lines (minimum) is formed by the lower and upper margins of the pads and is equal to 1/2 the height of the font. It is allowed to increase the line spacing. Line spacing values ​​are chosen for compositional reasons.

Ex3. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table .

Crap. 3.

Ex3. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Crap. 4.

Ex3. Numbers and signs. Location on the sites.

Crap. 5.

Pr41. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm. platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table .

Crap. 6.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. It is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the sites. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

Pr41. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Crap. 7.

Pr41. Numbers and signs. Location on the sites.

Crap. 8.

Ex5. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table .

Crap. 9.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. it is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the platforms. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

Ex5. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Crap. 10.

Ex5. Numbers and signs.

Crap. eleven.

PrK5. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table .

Crap. 12.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. It is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the sites. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

PrK5. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Crap. 13.

PrK5. Numbers and signs.

Crap. 14.

Pr/5. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table .

Crap. 15.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. It is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the sites. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

Pr/5. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Crap. 16.

Pr/5. Numbers and signs.

Crap. 17.

PrK/5. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table .

Crap. 18.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. It is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the sites. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

PrK/5. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Crap. 19.

PrK/5. Numbers and signs.

Crap. 20.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics and the Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation and Control Systems.


L.A. Kuzmichev (topic leader), R.F. Guseinov, A.P. Ashcheulova, S.M. Makushkina.

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated December 22, 1980 No. 5900.

3. The frequency of inspection is 5 years.

4. INSTEAD OF GOST 2930-62 regarding fonts for applying inscriptions using flat-panel printing.

5. REISSUE (July 1992) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in January 1983, June 1987 (IUS 5-83, 11-87).


Fonts for measuring instruments and automation. Styles and main dimensions


Date of introduction:

Cancellation date:

Replaced by:

01.140.40, 37.100.10

Text GOST 26.020-80 Fonts for measuring and automation instruments. Styles and main dimensions

GOST 26.020-80




Official publication




Styles and main dimensions of GOST

Types for means of measuring and automation. Inscription and main dimensions

MKC 01.140.40 37.100.10

Introduction date 01/01/85 for new developments - 07/01/82

1. This standard applies to instrument typeface fonts (hereinafter referred to as fonts) for applying inscriptions by flat printing on measuring and automation equipment, radio-electronic equipment and computer equipment and establishes styles and basic dimensions. Fonts may be used for inscriptions on packaging and accompanying documentation.

The standard does not apply to fonts for inscriptions applied to aircraft instrumentation products.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2. The font includes: alphabets (Russian, Latin, Greek); numerals (Arabic and Roman); signs (punctuation, mathematical), as well as exponents, indices.

3. Depending on the style, fonts are divided into:

PrZ - straight normal bold;

Pr41 - straight narrow light;

Pr5 - straight normal fat;

PrK5 - straight contour;

Pr/5 - oblique normal bold;

PrK/5 - inclined contour.

The styles and composition of the fonts are given in Appendix 1.

4. Font PrZ - the main font. If there is a shortage of space and compositional considerations, it is permissible to use the Pr41 font, and to highlight inscriptions indicating the name, type, model of the device, etc. - fonts Pr5, PrK5, Pr/5 and PrK/5.

5. Font sizes depend on the height if of capital letters [see. Appendix 2 (Figure 1)].

Height H is selected from the range: 0.6; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; 8.0; 10.0 mm.

A further increase in height is carried out by tenfold increase in the size of the indicated row.

Note: It is not allowed to use fonts Pr5, PrK5, Pr/5, PrK/5 with a height of less than 3 mm.

6. The font symbol must consist of the word “font”, font height, style and designation of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a 5 mm high font of the PrZ style:

Font 5-PrZ GOST26.020-80

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1980 © Standartinform, 2005

APPENDIX 1 (mandatory)


PrZ - straight normal bold style Russian capital letters


Russian lowercase letters

abvgdeZhzi i klm nop rstufhtchsh

Latin capital letters


Latin lowercase letters


Greek capital letters


Greek lowercase letters


1236567890 12 "5478.0 /12з"47в"0

Roman numerals



Russian lowercase letters


Latin capital letters


Latin lowercase letters


Greek capital letters


Greek lowercase letters


Arabic numerals, fractions, exponents, indices

Roman numerals

Punctuation marks, mathematical

,:i!? i r()-/+-±=x><^<°%rb ssoo(Z>No



Russian lowercase letters



Latin capital letters


Latin lowercase letters


Greek capital letters


Greek lowercase letters


Arabic numbers

Roman numerals


Punctuation marks, mathematical

Russian lowercase letters Latin uppercase letters


Latin lowercase letters

Greek capital letters

Greek lowercase letters

Arabic numbers

Roman numerals

0 00 OflOOWWOMlMlO Yu

Punctuation marks, mathematical

oo.-o"?oo Yu O°



Russian lowercase letters

abcwhereZZYIKL mnoprstufh


Latin capital letters


Latin lowercase letters


Arabic numbers

Roman numerals


Punctuation marks, mathematical


Russian lowercase letters

Latin capital letters

Latin lowercase letters Arabic numbers

Roman numerals

Punctuation marks, mathematical

o o?0° 0 $oo 00 * O ° #=£=& € ®1М©


1. Inscriptions are typed by gluing out photo originals of large-sized font areas (for example, 10 or 20 mm) and then photo-reducing the pasted inscriptions to the required size.

The areas on which the signs are placed ensure uniformity and consistency of letter and line spacing.

The location of fonts on the pads for each style is shown in Fig. 3-20.

2. The length of the inscription is the sum of the widths of the areas (Fig. 2). The length of the inscription is calculated according to the table. 1-4. To determine the true length of the inscription, the sum of the widths of the pads should be multiplied by the specified font height.

An example of determining the length of the inscription “STOP”: capital letters, font 5-PrZ.

According to the table 1 determine the sum of the widths of the platforms

0.90 + 0.85 + 1.00 + 0.95 = 3.7 mm.

The length of the inscription with a font height of 5 mm is 5x3.7 = 18.5 mm.

It is allowed to type inscriptions with intervals between letters greater than those provided on the sites. In this case, the inscriptions are typed by introducing additional intervals between the pads. Intervals are chosen for compositional reasons.

When determining the length of the inscription, the sum of additional intervals should be taken into account.

H - font height; K - height of the platform (3 /g N), T - width of the platform; LS - distance from the base of the site to

font lines (*/g N)

BBB - projection of the side of the inclined platform; I - distance between inscriptions; L - length of inscription

Uppercase letter







P. 9 GOST 26.020-80

Uppercase letter







GOST 26.020-80 S. 10








S. 11 GOST 26.020-80

Table 4

The values ​​of the width of the pads T for fonts Pr/5 and PrK/5, given in relation to the height of the font,

taken as one




3. The distance between the inscriptions is set equal to the width of the area of ​​​​a normal capital letter (for example, I, N, P). As the spacing between letters increases, the distance between the inscriptions increases accordingly. Distance values ​​are chosen from compositional considerations.

4. The distance between the lines (minimum) is formed by the lower and upper margins of the pads and is equal to Y 2 font height. It is allowed to increase the line spacing. Line spacing values ​​are chosen for compositional reasons.

GOST 26.020-80 S. 14

P. 15 GOST 26.020-80

P. 17 GOST 26.020-80

GOST 26.020-80 S. 18

P. 19 GOST 26.020-80



GOST 26.020-80 S. 20

GOST 26.020-80 S. 22

S. 23 GOST 26.020-80

PrK5. Numbers and signs.



Pr/5. Numbers and signs.

P. 27 GOST 26.020-80

GOST 26.020-80 S. 28

P. 29 GOST 26.020-80

GOST 26.020-80 S. 30


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics and the Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation and Control Systems

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated December 22, 1980 No. 5900

3. INSTEAD GOST 2930-62 in terms of fonts for applying inscriptions using flat-panel printing (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)

4. EDITION (September 2005) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in January 1983, June 1987 (IUS 5-83, 11-87)

TA editor. Leonova Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Corrector M. S. Kabashova Computer layout of the Academy of Sciences. Zolotareva

Signed for publication on September 22, 2005. Format 60x84*/8. Offset paper. Times typeface. Offset printing. Conditions of sadness 3.72.

Ed. 3.60. Circulation 21 copies. Zach. 189. Since 1935.

FSUE “Standartinform”, 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. Typed in IPC Publishing House of Standards. Printed by FSUE "Standardinform"









Styles and main dimensions

Types for means of measuring and automation.
Inscription and main dimensions


Date of introduction 01/01/85

for new developments - 07/01/82

1. This standard applies to instrument typeface fonts (hereinafter referred to as fonts) for applying inscriptions by flat printing on measuring and automation equipment, radio-electronic equipment and computer equipment and establishes styles and basic dimensions. Fonts may be used for inscriptions on packaging and accompanying documentation.

The standard does not apply to fonts for inscriptions applied to aircraft instrumentation products.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2. The font includes: alphabets (Russian, Latin, Greek); numerals (Arabic and Roman); signs (punctuation, mathematical), as well as exponents, indices.

3. Depending on the style, fonts are divided into:

Pr3 - straight normal bold;

Pr41 - straight narrow light;

Pr5 - straight normal fat;

PrK5 - straight contour;

Pr/5 - slanted normal bold;

PrK/5 - inclined contour.

The styles and composition of the fonts are given in the mandatory Appendix 1.

4. Font Pr3 - the main font. If there is a shortage of space and compositional considerations, it is permissible to use the Pr41 font, and to highlight inscriptions indicating the name, type, model of the device, etc. - fonts Pr5, PrK5, Pr/5 and PrK/5.

5. Font sizes depend on height N capital letters [see recommended application 2 (Figure 1)].

Height N choose from the range: 0.6; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; 8.0; 10.0 mm. A further increase in height is carried out by tenfold increase in the size of the indicated row.

Note: It is not allowed to use fonts Pr5, PrK5, Pr/5, PrK/5 with a height of less than 3 mm.

6. The font symbol must consist of the word “font”, font height, style and designation of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a 5 mm high font of type Pr3:






1. Inscriptions are typed by gluing out photo originals of large-sized font areas (for example, 10 or 20 mm) and then photo-reducing the pasted inscriptions to the required size.

The areas on which the signs are placed ensure uniformity and consistency of letter and line spacing.

The location of fonts on the pads for each style is shown in Fig. 3 - 20.

2. The length of the inscription is the sum of the widths of the areas (Fig. 2). The length of the inscription is calculated according to the table. 1 - 4. To determine the true length of the inscription, the sum of the widths of the pads should be multiplied by the given font height.

An example of determining the length of an inscription. “STOP”: capital letters, font 5 - Pr3.

According to the table 1 determine the sum of the widths of the platforms:

0.90 + 0.85 + 1.00 + 0.95 = 3.7 mm.

The length of the inscription with a font height of 5 mm is 5 × 3.7 = 18.5 mm.

It is allowed to type inscriptions with intervals between letters greater than those provided on the sites. In this case, the inscriptions are typed by introducing additional intervals between the pads. Intervals are chosen for compositional reasons.

When determining the length of the inscription, the sum of the additional intervals should be taken into account.

N- font height; TO - platform height (3/2 N); T - platform width; LSH - distance from the base of the pad to the font line (1/2 N).

PNP- projection of the side of the inclined platform; AND- distance between inscriptions; L- length of the inscription.

Table 1.

Pad widths T for font Pr3, given in relation to the height of the font taken as a unit

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Arabic, Roman numeral

Fraction, degree, index

Table 2.

Pad widths T for font Pr41, given in relation to the height of the font taken as a unit

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Arabic, Roman numeral

Fraction, degree, index

Table 3.

Pad widths T for fonts Pr5, PrK5, given in relation to the height of the font taken as a unit

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Arabic, Roman numeral

Table 4.

Platform width values T for Fonts Pr/5 and PrK/5, given in relation to the height of the font taken as a unit

Uppercase letter

Uppercase letter

Lowercase letter

Lowercase letter

Arabic, Roman numeral

3. The distance between the inscriptions is set equal to the width of the area of ​​​​a normal capital letter (for example, I, N, P). As the spacing between letters increases, the distance between the inscriptions increases accordingly. Distance values ​​are chosen from compositional considerations.

4. The distance between lines (minimum) is formed by the lower and upper margins of the pads and is equal to 1/2 the height of the font. It is allowed to increase the line spacing. Line spacing values ​​are chosen for compositional reasons.

Ex3. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table 1.

Ex3. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Ex3. Numbers and signs. Location on the sites.

Pr41. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm. platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table 2.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. It is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the sites. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

Pr41. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Pr41. Numbers and signs. Location on the sites.

Ex5. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table 3.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. it is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the platforms. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

Ex5. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Ex5. Numbers and signs.

PrK5. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table 3.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. It is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the sites. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

PrK5. Lower case. Location on the sites.

PrK5. Numbers and signs.

Pr/5. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table 4.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. It is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the sites. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

Pr/5. Lower case. Location on the sites.

Pr/5. Numbers and signs.

PrK/5. Capital letters. Location on the sites.

Font height N= 30 mm; platform height TO= 45 mm;

platform width T- according to the table 4.

Note: For combinations of letters like GA, GL, GD, TA, UL, etc. It is allowed to reduce the intervals provided by the sites. The interval in this case is chosen for compositional reasons.

PrK/5. Lower case. Location on the sites.

PrK/5. Numbers and signs.


1 . DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics and the Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation and Control Systems.

2 . APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated December 22, 1980 No. 5900.

3 . IN REPLACEGOST 2930-62 in terms of fonts for applying inscriptions using flat-panel printing.

4 . EDITION (September 2005) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in January 1983, June 1987 (IUS 5-83, 11-87).

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