How to find out altitude from sea level. Sufficient altitude above sea level. City in Kabardino-Balkaria

The height of Elbrus is 5642 meters above sea level. The height of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano is from 4750 to 4850 meters and more above sea level. The height of the lowest point of the Caspian Sea coast is minus 28 meters above sea level. When we pronounce these words, we sometimes do not think about what “sea level” is, where and how it is measured.

In Kronstadt, near the Blue Bridge over the Obvodny Canal, next to, is located. This is a massive cast-iron ruler with porcelain divisions, fixed in the abutment of the Blue Bridge. Next to it is a small copper plate indicating zero. It is from here that the heights and depths in our country are counted.

The Kronstadt footstock is one of the oldest in the world. Observations of fluctuations in the level of the Baltic Sea began by decree of Peter I in 1703, and since 1707 a water survey service has been operating in Kronstadt. The emergence of the footing service at that time was caused by the need to create accurate directions for the young Russian fleet and the need to notify residents of St. Petersburg when there was a threat of floods.

Obvodny Canal (wired) with cast iron fence, 1785–1844

For fifteen years, from 1825 to 1839, hydrographer, vice admiral Mikhail Frantsevich Reineke (1801-1859) conducted research on fluctuations in the level of the Baltic Sea. In 1840, he proposed drawing a line corresponding to the average level of the Gulf of Finland according to observations for this period.

In 1886, astronomer-geodesist Fedor Fedorovich Vitram (1854-1914) marked the zero of the Kronstadt footstock using a small copper plate with a horizontal line. In 1913, the head of the instrumental chamber of the Kronstadt port H.F. Thonberg installed a new copper plate with a horizontal line indicating zero.

The Kronstadt footing rod is metric, that is, graduated in centimeters.

Now the copper plate is under water. But if you look closely, you can see it in the water to the right of the footpole

There are special benchmarks for monitoring the zero position of the foot rod. They are marks on the hard surface of the land. The main benchmark of the Kronstadt footpole is located on monument to Pyotr Kuzmich Pakhtusov near the Italian Palace. This is a horizontal carving of the letter “P” in the word “Benefit” on the base of the monument.

The word “Benefit” is carved on the left side of the pedestal of the monument to P.K. Pakhtusov

Another mark is located in Oranienbaum (mark No. 173), on the building railway station. Leveling carried out since 1880 shows the unchanged altitude position of the zero of the Kronstadt footing rod.

In our country, the heights of reference geodetic points, which are fixed on the ground by various benchmarks and plotted on maps, are measured from the zero of the Kronstadt geodetic pole in our country. They serve as the geodetic basis for topographic surveys of the area.


In 1898, a tide gauge — a recorder device for measuring and continuously automatically recording sea level fluctuations. Soon he was placed in a small pavilion with a deep well.

The current pavilion was built in 1950. It is a building in the Peter the Great style. Inside it there is a well 7 meters deep, connecting with the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea. On the surface of the water there is a special float connected to a recorder that continuously draws a curve of fluctuations in the level of the Baltic Sea. average value the level of the Baltic Sea is brought to zero by the Kronstadt water gauge. This is the so-called coastal tide gauge - sea level float recorder.

Nowadays, the operation of a tide gauge is completely automated. However, in accordance with tradition, four times a day the meteorologist manually takes readings from a paper recorder.

They tell such a legend (or maybe it’s true) when Yuri Gagarin was shown the Kronstadt footpole and the pavilion with a mariograph, he exclaimed: “Now I know where the Navel of the Earth is!”

National height systems

In 1977, the USSR adopted Baltic height system , which is now used in Russia and the CIS countries. The reference point is taken to be the zero of the Kronstadt gauge - the long-term average level of the water surface of the Baltic Sea. In our country, heights and depths are calculated using it, the altitudes of aircraft and even the orbits of spacecraft are tied to it.

The disadvantage of the Baltic height system is that the zero on the Kronstadt footpole does not reflect changes in the height of the footpole caused by vertical movements lithospheric plate near Kronstadt.

The starting point of the Russian leveling network (zero of the Kronstadt footing rod). Made in 1840, restored in 1981

Each country or group of countries uses its own national height systems, which are updated from time to time to take into account vertical and horizontal movements earth's crust, improvement of geodesy methods. For example:

  • Ordnance Datum Newlyn(ODN) - the height system adopted in Great Britain. The average water level in Newlyn Harbor from 1915 to 1921 is taken as zero.
  • Normalhöhennull (NHN) - a height system adopted in Germany in 1992. The countdown is from the mark on the Church of St. Alexander in Wallenhorst (Lower Saxony).
  • European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 ( ETRS89) - height system adopted in Italy and a number of others European countries. The counting is carried out according to the level of the Eurasian lithospheric plate, which is recognized as immobile in this system.
  • Amsterdam Ordnance Datum or Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP) is a height system adopted in 1879 in the Netherlands and used by most European countries. The reference point is taken to be in the center of Amsterdam, which is at an altitude of 9 feet 5 inches (2.67 m) above sea level.
  • North American Datum (NAD) — height system adopted in North America: in the USA, Canada and Mexico. Over its history it has been updated four times. Latest version This system was called “North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).” This is a formalized description of the shape of the Earth, taking into account special reference points tied to coordinates.

1824 flood marker

There is another mark above the foot rod: 3.67 meters, 1824. On November 7 (19), 1824, the most destructive flood in the entire history of St. Petersburg and Kronstadt occurred.

... Not a single battle of the era of sailing ships caused such losses to the Russian fleet. ... Only 12 ships were able to stay at anchors and moorings. 53 battleships and the frigate and 40 smaller ships were torn from their places and partially piled up in a corner of the Military Harbor. Many ships sank, others washed ashore, ran aground, harbor walls or on the hulls of sunken ships. — V.Ya. Krestyaninov. Kronstadt. Fortress, city, port. St. Petersburg, 2014. P.27

Almost the entire territory of Kronstadt went under water, with the exception of the “Mountain” - an elevated area in the area of ​​​​the current International Street (formerly Bogoyavlenskaya) and Ammerman Street (formerly Pesochnaya). In general, there was not a single intact military or civilian building left in the city. Serious damage was caused to fortifications and forts. 96 civilians and military personnel who could not leave their post were killed. The damage was estimated at several million rubles - a huge amount at that time.

Monument to the Siege Stickleback

Opposite the tide gauge building on the wall of the Obvodny Canal there is a small but important monument to the stickleback fish. Stickleback (emphasis on Yu) is a very small fish. In the besieged city, when there were no other fish left, they were caught with nets. Cutlets were fried from minced stickleback meat, which seemed like a real delicacy. Thanks to this fish, thousands of blockade survivors escaped starvation.

When I was studying at the institute to become a meteorologist, we often carried out topographical surveys of the area and learned how to correctly measure altitude above sea level. This knowledge came in handy to me more than once.

Why determine altitude above sea level?

The altitude above sea level is quite extensive and complex concept, which includes a lot of special terms that are understood only by people of special professions (for example, hydrologists). But I'll try to explain to you what it is, in simple words.

Sea level is a surface of water in a calm state, which has a perpendicular position to the resultant forces applied to the mass of water.

The water level can change quite frequently. Therefore, measurements are carried out for years and even centuries in order to calculate the average value.

Variations in sea level are influenced by many natural factors. For example:

  • Moon phase;
  • wind force;
  • evaporation;
  • powers of the Sun.

There is also such a thing as three-dimensional space, which means a three-dimensional model of the whole world and its surroundings. So, altitude above sea level is a value that shows at what distance relative to zero sea level an object is located in our three-dimensional space.

How to determine altitude above sea level

For complete reliability, the height above sea level is measured only in calm water conditions, when there is no storm or wind.

There are several ways to do this:

  • using an altimeter;
  • by geodetic leveling;
  • using mobile applications or special programs, for example, Google Earth.

I would like to tell you how to measure the height above the sea using an altimeter.

To begin, turn on the device and set the atmospheric pressure value appropriate to the weather conditions.

Reduce them to normal, again using the “Set” button. Having saved the received data in the main menu, you will see the altitude above sea level on the display.

Serrrgay 07-04-2012 10:56

Now my wife and I are choosing a house in the village. Budget is limited.


No further than 300 km from St. Petersburg.
No further than 50 km is the regional center with a hospital, police, etc.
Availability of hardware in case of car breakdown.
The concentration of villages is no closer than 5-6 km from each other.
A village on the edge of the forest is a must.
Lack of large bodies of water and interesting places(there was not enough turya).
Lack of correctional facilities, prisons, military units, chemicals. production facilities, strategic facilities.
Away from major highways, at least 5 km.
Lack of profitability of the region in terms of development (oil pipelines, minerals, etc.).
Away from the borders (in this direction - east, northeast, southeast of the Leningrad region and Novgorod region).
So that there are no fellings.
So that the hunting grounds are for public use, loir, voo, etc. (I don’t want to be under the “pumps” renting the forest).
Individual housing construction status.
Not less than 15 acres.
The house is “living” for the first years while we are building it.

Isn't it a modest list? %) I've been searching for six months now.

Altitude above sea level... The most damn difficult thing. At first I wanted at least 150-200 meters. Then I lowered it to 60-100 meters. The hardest damn thing. All the places that are “interesting” to me are 30-40 meters above sea level.
So I’m thinking, maybe I’m wasting my time trying to find high places?
I know that the weather is much better at higher elevations. Once we were working on a business trip at Valdai. So you drive up to it, everything is in clouds, but the weather itself is sunny.
And for Agriculture- is it relevant?
It’s paranoid, of course, to look for a site with such a reserve for the future that the World Ocean will not be flooded, if that happens.


Joker.udm 07-04-2012 11:18

I thought somehow. 70 meters all the ice of Greenland and South Pole. Don't worry. At the same time, I did not subtract the flooded area.

Vasek 07-04-2012 11:41

quote: Originally posted by Joker.udm:

70 meters all the ice of Greenland and the South Pole

I have repeatedly seen a figure in the region of 80 m when all the ice melts

Vovan-Lawer 07-04-2012 11:49

Don't forget that approximately 70% of the Earth's population lives on the shores of seas and oceans. And where will all this crowd rush when the BP comes? It is not so much the sea waves that need to be feared as the human waves.

Joker.udm 07-04-2012 11:57

Well, about the same thing. Plus minus bast shoes. I didn’t count on supercomputers either. Our country of evergreen tomatoes will be higher in every way

Taraz999 07-04-2012 12:04

The GPS navigator near my house shows 571 m above sea level
Chinese watch with altimeter 563 m
I think that's enough for the flood

borsek 07-04-2012 12:45

I’m also puzzled by something high. Distance from the coastline also plays a role, but 60 in my opinion is not enough. 100 will be just right.

I saw a similar map somewhere online, only there you add the level of the world’s oceans by at least a meter and see where the islands are, if I find it I’ll give you a link.

borsek 07-04-2012 13:00

quote: Interesting article

yeah. but large cards need to be bought...for dead presidents.

Serrrgay 07-04-2012 14:10

quote: Don't forget that approximately 70% of the Earth's population lives on the shores of seas and oceans. And where will all this crowd rush when the BP comes? It is not so much the sea waves that need to be feared as the human waves.

You're right! I thought about this too, I’m looking for this place in the middle of nowhere. And it would be desirable to have a local height, so that human waves would pass by, to where the heights are consistently high.

Bahing308 07-04-2012 16:08

Generally a button accordion.

Only if all the ice begins to melt will the flooding rate be 10 millimeters per year. so 1 meter in 100 years. calculate how long you can use the area before drowning

Puschistik 07-04-2012 16:32

quote: only if all the ice begins to melt, the flooding rate will be 10 millimeters per year. so 1 meter in 100 years. calculate how long you can use the area before drowning

Well, you also need to take into account that if it melts somewhere, then it freezes somewhere...

Gardener 07-04-2012 16:39

The topic came down to flood maps.
At least there is logic on, but in Scallion’s predictions there is mysticism and... Business. Because this entity sells flood wall maps for $50 each on its website.

Meanwhile, floods are just one of the points.
You will like the list of criteria. I myself am also from St. Petersburg, but I have not yet found such an ideal place for a house in the village (read: shelter). As an option, I’m considering the Vologda region, only it’s not 300 km, but 600, and there’s an unrealistic amount of deforestation there(

ShtroffRus 07-04-2012 16:53

scientists call the figure 100 meters, Zetas say 250m

As for me, so much is not enough

Volunteer 07-04-2012 17:30

Sergey, do you want 30 acres with a house 50 km from the LP towards Alekhovshchina, Savozero, Looir, I don’t know about the height. price 400 with kopecks.

Nuxa 07-04-2012 17:38

As for me, it’s enough for our lifetime. Everything will not melt... Only it can be flooded in different ways - from rain to hurricanes. The weather is changing much faster than the glaciers are melting. Or an accident involving chlorine, for example. So I wouldn't bother with the absolute height, but would look at a higher location relative to the rest of the area in the area.

cms2176 07-04-2012 19:17

There is a WORLD FLOOD MAP application on Android - add meters and see the result.

Volga sky 07-04-2012 23:25

+72 meters - at the entrance. At 92, the city turns into an island.

Serrrgay 08-04-2012 12:20

quote: I’m considering the Vologda region as an option, only there it turns out not 300 km, but 600, and there’s an unrealistically lot of deforestation there(

Why not? You can get closer. In the area of ​​Boksitogorsk, north. part of Novgorod. Good places near Podporozhye, but cleared areas

quote: Generally a button accordion.
Here's a link to flooding and choose as many as you want.

I use another card:
The floodmap is too approximate, but here each specific place can be accurately “measured”.

Also Russian Wikimapia, there are even some military units marked (not all) and prisons, and much more.

Also a map of soils, geological faults, geological, map of oncological diseases, background radiation, etc. But this is all secondary.

quote: scientists call the figure 100 meters

ShtroffRus 08-04-2012 11:06

Where did the hundred come from? It seems like they always promised 60?

Well, apparently they took into account the results of gradual melting

and in Russia, high places are where the population is least and (or) simply wilderness.
Belarusians will have nowhere to hide anyway

gee, just now I asked the internet your question, data from 91SM to 240M, the govcheg campaign is our everything

Joker.udm 08-04-2012 11:11

Maybe the creator of the topic should look at a dlomik in Finland? Well, as an option... I don’t think it’s more expensive there than in Russia. On the way back he will buy Swedish pots and shop in Russia

Kazbich 08-04-2012 22:00

quote: Originally posted by Volga sky:
TS Elovenko misread himself. After reading it, I also rushed to
+72 meters - at the entrance. At 92, the city turns into an island.

At +150, I’ll have some water right at the entrance.

NE 09-04-2012 02:20

It is difficult to guess here in order to meet all the conditions. It is not known when, where and what will be built and carried out.
At the dacha it was a remote place, 150 km from Moscow, forests, fields, almost the Tver region.
A year ago, a power line of 500 kV was laid a kilometer away from the site! Now the gas is supplied through the main line, at high pressure, closer to the site.

Nothing at all will be built, only probably in some government reserve.

otar07 09-04-2012 03:33

quote: Originally posted by Serrrgay:

Now my wife and I are choosing a house in the village. Budget is limited.

Damn! Competitors!

Bring a long gun to a gunfight. Bring all you friends with the long guns.

sauer 09-04-2012 04:28

The height above sea level is of course good, but take into account the flood situation.
Lensk, altitude above sea level 240m. in 2001 the city was completely washed away.

Taraz999 09-04-2012 07:01

quote: The height above sea level is of course good, but take into account the flood situation.

not only the flood situation

max82 09-04-2012 07:54

23m and the house sank

Serrrgay 09-04-2012 17:49

quote: Maybe the initiator of the topic should look at a dlomik in Finland? Well, as an option... I don’t think it’s more expensive there than in Russia. On the way back he will buy Swedish pots and shop in Russia

I can't afford it financially. And in Russia, oddly enough, it is freer. (strictness of laws, etc...)

ZanudaIII 09-04-2012 19:52

By the way, it is necessary to take into account not only the presence of a reservoir upstream, but also the possibility of constructing an artificial reservoir or the formation of a natural dam (landslide, collapse) downstream. Source - memories of the famous bell tower in the Volga...

Kazbich 10-04-2012 01:22

quote: Originally posted by Taraz999:

we need to see if there is a reservoir nearby...

There were floods in Moscow. It's been a long time, really. If you remove all the dams, then to hell with Red Square, let them walk on it in waders.

ShtroffRus 10-04-2012 06:20

TS, at the rate of ice melting, the water will reach the level of your flooding, then this will worry your great-grandchildren

How to determine the height of a city above sea level?

The other day I was asked, Kirill Yasko writes, at what altitude above sea level are the Crimean cities of Yalta, Alushta and Simferopol. At first I wanted to brush this question aside, but curiosity prompted me to check what the Internet was writing on this topic.

It turned out that it is almost impossible to find references to the height of most cities of the former Union on the Internet. Struck by this fact, I decided to correct the situation.

To begin with, I went to Wikipedia and made inquiries about what altitude above sea level is and from which sea it should be calculated. Here's what they write there:

Height above sea level- a coordinate in three-dimensional space (the other two are latitude and longitude), showing at what level relative to the sea level taken as zero this or that object is located.

Baltic height system(BSV) is a system of absolute altitudes adopted in the USSR in 1977, which is counted from the ground zero in Kronstadt. The heights of reference geodetic points are measured from this mark, which are marked on the ground with various geodetic signs and plotted on maps. Currently, BSV is used in Russia and a number of other CIS countries.

In theory, everything is clear - you need to take a detailed topographic map and see what heights are indicated there. But where can I get this card?

The first thing that came to mind was to look into OziExplorer. This is a special program for working with GPS (satellite navigator). One of its functions allows you to determine the height simply by pointing the cursor at a place on the map. With her help, I easily found out that Alushta is located at altitudes from 0 to 130 meters above sea level. Yalta - from 0 to 200 meters, Sevastopol - from 0 to 100, Simferopol - on average 250 meters above sea level.

However, this method is not very universal. After all, the question still remains: “where can I get a map?”, this time digitized. I had maps of Crimea, but things didn’t work out with the rest of the world...

The answer literally lay on the surface, that is, on the Internet. This is not the first year that the service has been operating there. Google Earth- a kind of digital globe glued together from photographs earth's surface from “space” height. There certainly should be a height detection function. I downloaded the Google Earth distribution ( free version), installed it and started studying the menu. There were no altimeters there. Strange... Maybe I should read the certificate? I didn't find it either.

Almost in despair, I suddenly noticed numbers running quickly at the bottom of the screen. Eureka! This was the altimeter.

To celebrate, I began to run around the map and measure the height of all the cities in a row.

  • The height of Yekaterinburg above sea level is 250 meters.
  • The height of Moscow above sea level is 130 meters.
  • Saratov - 40
  • Makhachkala - 15
  • Krasnoyarsk - 140
  • Perm - 150
  • Chelyabinsk - 250
  • Ufa - 125
  • Kazan - 90
  • Nizhny Novgorod - 70
  • Ivanovo - 130
  • Yaroslavl - 98
  • Voronezh - 104
  • St. Petersburg - 13
  • Arkhangelsk - 7
  • Novgorod - 28
  • Murom - 105

Altitude above sea level of some cities in Ukraine:

  • The height of Kyiv above sea level is from 90 (the level of the Dnieper) to 190 (the famous Dnieper steeps) meters.
  • Kharkov - 122
  • Chernivtsi - 240
  • Khmelnitsky - 299
  • Ternopil - 336
  • Vinnitsa - 294
  • Cherkasy - 80
  • Krivoy Rog - 85
  • Zaporozhye - 75
  • Kherson - 50
  • Donetsk - 241
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 68
  • Sumy - 125
  • Poltava - 150
  • Chernigov - 117

In the western part of Ukraine I was interested in the heights of such settlements:

  • Lviv - 270
  • Ivano-Frankivsk - 343
  • Uzhgorod - 187
  • Mukachevo - 181
  • Rakhiv - 430
  • Yasinya - 650
  • Yablunytsky pass - 930

I hope you understand that all the data obtained is not very accurate. Google Earth is not a professional tool with guaranteed accuracy and reliably known errors. She has completely different goals.

In addition, the term “city height above sea level” itself is very conditional. After all, a city is not a point, but a huge object, different areas of which have different heights.

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