Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam. Personal experience: external study

Memory improvement: what helps remember information

Unified State Exam: how to prepare, pass the exam and avoid stress


We settled on a tutor in chemistry and biology; courses were not initially an option for us. We found a convenient option for online classes so as not to travel back and forth. The teacher's name was Alexander Smirnov. He helped us pass the Unified State Exam with flying colors, and the entrance exam to Moscow State University, although we had to supervise our son all the time so that he didn’t cheat and did his best, but we passed it on budget, and it all pays off! By the way, the teacher is unreal. This result in 7 months is impressive

More and more high school students and their parents are choosing external studies
...If a graduate who is going to a humanitarian university sincerely believes that "Om" is such a magazine, and an ebonite stick is infection, we can say for sure that he studied in a bad external school. Be sure to ask whether final certification is provided in Unified State Examination form


. The situation with the unified exam changes every year, and if the school management refers to an insufficient amount of information, problems may arise when passing the Unified State Exam in such an external course.

The best selection criterion today, like ten years ago, remains the recommendation of former students. If there are no such people among your friends, you can use a modern version of “word of mouth” - Internet forums. Who studies in external studies Contrary to popular belief, these are not only excellent students and inveterate two... We study at the Educational Center Rainbow of Knowledge as an external student. We finish 10-11 grade in a year. Required subjects are mathematics and Russian language. Other items are optional. Individual lessons, 2 times a week. State certificate.


Schools with in-depth study There are a lot of physicists and mathematicians in Moscow. But not every child can study there. In a six-year-old child who is about to start first grade, it is, of course, difficult to discern the makings of a future mathematician or physicist. Yes, this is not required.

Yeah, I was also pleased with the strong history and Russian in Kolmogorov’s SUNTs. Well finally...

10.20.2008 11:21:48, read

Preparatory courses for Moscow applicants: pros and cons educational programs, training modes, pricing policies of various institutions.


As a mother who went through all this a year ago, I can say that I didn’t read anything new. Value for money - classes with a tutor from this university small group. But this is already clear to everyone. If the child is strong, independent, and clearly knows what he needs, then a year’s worth of courses will be enough for him, but if he has average abilities, then a tutor is so needed! The question, as always, is price.

Purposeful high school students do not want to waste time going to school every day. Externship allows you to freely plan your day depending on the schedule of classes on courses or with tutors. So the number of people wanting to study at home is increasing.
But the victorious march of external studies across the country has a rival - the Unified State Exam. Unified State Exam ideologists and teachers are unanimous in their opinion: it is unrealistic to prepare for centralized testing on your own. To successfully pass the test, a solid knowledge of the school curriculum is not enough. Preparation for the Unified State Exam requires a special methodology. It is no coincidence that during the first years of the experiment, teachers were concerned about the low results in...

...In this regard, the number of people wishing to study externally will most likely decrease. Home schooling followed by certification in a general education institution will again become just one of the forms of obtaining secondary education - convenient for non-standard situations. Of course, the obstacle that has arisen can be overcome if a special preparation course for the Unified State Exam is introduced into external study programs. But this requires additional costs, both material and labor. It is necessary to develop a methodology, hire new teachers or train existing ones... For now, the problem is at the discussion stage. For every taste There are two opportunities to get an external education. It all depends on the time you have. If you're not in a hurry... May and June are the times of greatest demand for urgent

training courses

Hello! I think that most mothers of successful Olympiad and hundred-scorers are now celebrating)) But I’ll ask anyway, in case someone finds time to answer. There is no hope for school. The child is receptive, studies well, but is a humanitarian. Literature, Russian, three foreign languages, history, hostel - these are our directions. On the advice of the conference, we visited the center and ko@lits-lop, ahead of ko@lits-exit, apo-exit. But I like it. It’s too early to judge the results. Where would you recommend to direct your attention, where they teach really well and prepare you for...


what do you want? Why does a child who is not interested in mathematics need mathematics in the CPM? Most likely, he won’t pass the entrance test. You can direct your gaze to a school from the top 10 in Moscow. It’s strange that with such a capable child, you didn’t direct your gaze there in the spring, when the selection for the trail took place. academic year. With excellent language, you can also look at the top 50 schools in England. True, the selection there also took place in February-March.

in 8th grade Unified State Exam level? this is very cool
Why then teach and cook? in three years it will generally rise to the level of the institute, like exam seeds
and why BUT is a humanist
do you intend to rebuild its genetics and make it Fermi? will not work
without completing 9th grade successfully (OGE) what kind of 11th grade (USE) are we talking about?
see top schools, apply
choose what is closest to your profile, place, learning style

Girls, help those who know, please. The middle daughter decided to go to external studies and complete grades 10-11 in a year. Well, as I decided, I look in this direction) And my hair stood on end - I don’t know anything about the external system, they popped into some office “Algorithm” - they want a lot of money, they can’t really explain anything - like you pay, three times a week Go to school, then take the Unified State Exam. But whether teachers help you understand how to prepare for the Unified State Exam, or whether you need to additionally look for a tutor is not clear. For 3...


My daughter graduated from emergency 8-9 and 10-11 grades. Additionally, I studied with tutors, of course. There was enough time to take tests and take additional classes. Now I am already in my 3rd year of medical university. The school is free, public. They used to have Remote education. The division of classes is semester-by-semester 1st semester 10, 2nd semester 11. I am satisfied. The child too.

04/23/2018 16:18:09, varlasha

The best option: 2 classes in 2 years, but shuffle the program - and some subjects will be fully studied and passed in the 10th, others - in the 11th.
And the Unified State Examination will be divided - half in the 10th, half in the 11th.

04/23/2018 10:15:09, Djang

I'm completely confused! During a recent discussion of the topic of external studies at various conferences, many said that this is an extremely ineffective form of education, that school is better, and that schools have an extremely negative attitude towards “non-school students.” What about the tutoring institute? Why do even graduates of prestigious schools turn to tutors? Why do the same teachers who believe that “non-schoolchildren” cannot, by definition, obtain quality knowledge outside of school (we will not consider ways of obtaining knowledge for now)...


I'll say it as a tutor...
Between the program of an ordinary, not very good school and the requirements entrance exams there is a huge gap. Moreover, the same gap sometimes exists between the level of tasks in different universities. Despite the fact that formally everything is within the school curriculum.
I was simply horrified by a textbook on mathematics for grades 10-11 (I didn’t remember the authors). You can be an excellent student in this textbook and simply not imagine that there are problems at a ten times more complex level.
In addition, when there are 40 people in a class, and the teacher openly says that “for such a salary...”, then what kind of knowledge can we talk about...

08.12.2000 22:02:58, Irisha

Tutors are also needed when there is a desire to study a subject in more depth. Not only English, but also physics or history.

My daughter is in 9th grade and after 9th she wants to go to external studies. Where to go? Plans to take the Unified State Exam in English and Literature. *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"


There is a paid external course, by January all grades are in the certificate, and then only preparation for the Unified State Exam, teachers from universities

Externship is now called part-time education - attending school 3 times a week with a system of 10-11 grades per year, 2 times a week with a 2-year education. Provides basic knowledge necessary Unified State Examination prepare yourself. The word “correspondence” does not appear in the certificate; it is of the usual type.

Good afternoon Maybe someone has encountered something similar. We need an external study for grades 10-11 for 1 year with minimal attendance, it is better without it (come periodically to write tests). Does this exist naturally in Moscow? The point of the event is to still receive a certificate for 11 years of study; admission to Russian universities is not planned. And 1/2 Off: Is it true that in our country it is no longer necessary to complete 11th grade? My child tells me that now only 9th grade is compulsory. Somehow this topic is past...

Parents! Please give me some advice! The child completed 9th grade. An excellent student, all the exams are straight A's, an Olympiad student. Good behavior, a lot of interests besides studying (swimming pool, exhibitions, cinema, etc.). But this is how it happens - the school not only doesn’t like him, it hates him. Or too smart for them or something - I don’t even want to find out, I don’t have the strength for that. Accordingly, the child has developed an attitude towards school - this one in particular and schools in general (((Requests to transfer him to external/family education. Tell me...


I don’t understand why the school doesn’t like the child so much? Rude, insolent, humiliating others? Teachers usually adore smart people, especially those who compete in competitions. This is the first time I’ve heard of an excellent student being offered home schooling! This can’t happen without a reason, honestly, I don’t believe it.

I'll ask again next. If you go to external studies in 11th grade, do you take the Unified State Exam at the end of the first half of the year? Does it make sense, does anyone have experience? Now my daughter is 10, a classmate went to external studies at 10, the flight is normal, she will soon take the Unified State Exam.. Does this make sense in 11th grade?

I found information about Foxford’s external studies on the Internet. Teachers I've only heard of caught my attention positive reviews, as well as the opportunity to study remotely and complete a year in two. Who has already dealt with external studies? Share your impressions By the way, for those interested, here is the website of Foxford’s external studies:

The child (10th grade) is asked to pick up documents from his current school. Well, there is a reason, I understand them and I’m ready to pick up the documents. We will continue our studies, most likely, in an external course (free, there seems to be one). In this regard, I have two questions. 1. Do I understand correctly that in external studies a child comes once a week and writes tests? How does he know the subjects and volumes on which the tests are based? Or does it look something different? 2. He completed the first half of the year and was certified in all subjects. In...


I have a daughter in an external program, 2 years in one, 100 rubles. Very a good thing, but for a child who is capable of self-education. I should have sent the eldest one there.

Something started to make me nervous about taking my child’s Unified State Exam) 10th grade, the school is good. It is expected to take chemistry-physics-mathematics-Russian. But: upon admission, the school repeatedly announced that it does not prepare for the Unified State Exam. The child wrote a math test, said that they wrote it poorly, and complained that he didn’t remember half of last year’s math or remembered it poorly. I believed it) Many children complained about physics this year in the sense of “they don’t ask enough and they don’t give enough.” Russian - no information. For chemistry only...


I will stand next to you, keep my fingers crossed for your children and, of course, shake my head.
Although mine is in the 8th, I am already starting to feel IT approaching.

I would like to write separately about preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian in online courses Foxford, Velikov's teacher. We bought this book and regret it, because she reads for 2.5 hours at a terribly slow pace, like for fools, with endless repetitions. It's very boring to listen to, it's like a wolf howling.

We bought it because, according to reviews, its students pass the Unified State Exam with a score of 90+. .. Well, now let's see what we get.

I'm interested in 7th grade, but many teachers teach 7th grade in other grades as well. Please share which courses with which teachers you liked and which you didn’t. I'm looking at biology, advanced algebra, advanced Russian, maybe physics.


In Fox, in principle, all the teachers are good. But there are some that are simply OUTSTANDING! My son is in his second year at their Home School (currently 8th grade), so there is something to compare with. Our Top:
-Preparation for the OGE in mathematics, 8th grade, Maxim Golubev. An amazing mathematician, teaches at MIPT, puts everything into perspective and communicates very well with children!
Literature, Olga Evseeva. Strong and a very wise teacher. She makes a plan for her works for the year, and everyone is so cool!
-Geography, Kirill Shenyuk. Everyone's children's favorite. I wouldn’t say that he gives me any super-knowledge on literature, but the children adore him (he’s really cute), and because of this they do absolutely all their assignments.
-Informatics, Timofey Fedorovich Khiryanov. Also from MIPT, he explains things very well, plus he has some kind of positive charisma.
-Russian language, Olga Leonidovna Shklyaeva. She teaches the basics very well, and her OGE preparation course is absolutely gold!

The search doesn't work, and I don't know where I can read about it. There is a smart, but very sick boy of 15 years old. Over the past 2 years, we have examined our health extensively, but we have never found the cause of the loss of strength and dizziness. Therefore, he often misses school, but we don’t have certificates - there is no diagnosis ((So I was thinking about external studies. You don’t have to go there, right? The questions are: 1. How to find it and how to get into it? What certificates do you need to have or what? 2. How Is the education system itself leaking? Does the child need to be hired...


Both of my children study in intensive external studies (for two years). My daughter is 15 years old, she graduates from school this year. My son is 14 and finishing 9th grade. In principle, everyone is happy. My daughter went to school 3 times a week, my son only goes to exams/tests. Accordingly, he studies at home himself (but not without the help of his parents, obviously). Both of their foreign language skills are at a decent level after the gymnasium where they previously studied. Subjects such as history, geography, biology are submitted as abstracts. But there are tests in chemistry, physics, algebra and geometry, so if you don’t go to school at all, then you need someone at home to study with your child. I don’t think this will suit all parents, but we did it :-) At certain mental and psychophysical costs, of course.

My daughter finished her external studies last year. If the topic is still of interest, write to [email protected], I'll tell you what I know.

Intensive, in contrast to external study (family education), I call a place where they study formally, there are face-to-face classes, but at an accelerated pace, purely formally and for money. Previously, there were external studies where you could complete grades 8-9 in a year, and then grades 10-11 in the same year. And now on the 710 school website I found only 10-11 or 11 in six months. Has something changed or are these specific features of this particular external study (intensive)?


I won’t say anything about external studies (I don’t know), but about the topic raised below, “school is a benefit or a harm,” I will share my experience of the Soviet era:
1. From 1st to 6th grade I went to school. Like good (English)
2. I perceived it as a waste of time, most of the lessons were boring (except for English), relations with classmates were bad (see the film “Scarecrow”, well, it was softer, but also not sugar).
3. Therefore, I enthusiastically accepted my parents’ offer to transfer from 7th grade (that is, now it’s 8th) to an external study type.
4. I studied with tutors (mathematics, physics, English, a little chemistry) + independently in other subjects - there was nothing difficult there.
5. Over the course of 2 years, despite communicating outside of school, I “became suspicious” and gladly went to the technical school. By the way, the atmosphere as a whole was better than school ;-). I was furious about it. that you had to be very organized (despite the tutors and the fact that my mother was at home)
6. Nevertheless, these 2 years, in terms of information learned, were the most effective in my entire life.
7. The advantage of this entire educational trajectory was that I made the decisions myself, my parents only suggested and discussed options.

“formally, as if to study” - you can do it anywhere, most often this is done in a regular school in unnecessary subjects :)
I don’t know anything about paid external studies, but the external course is the passing of the subject after self-study, then “how to study” will not work, even if the child does not need the subject at all, simply no one will certify it and there will be certain problems. The older the class, the more difficult it is to be in a pure external study precisely because external studies require more dedication, and the subjects become more complex; there are more of them, and for admission you need much less of them (I repeat - this is not about paid external studies).
And indeed, some changes have occurred in the external education system, I don’t know exactly, but everything has become more complicated, some provisions on external education have been canceled and it has become unavailable (free) for primary and secondary schools. True, I found out all this several years ago, when the reform had just begun in this area, but I remember that then I concluded that it was easier to conduct an educational policy, as in an external study, to send documents to school. I don’t know if this is justified in grades 8-9.

I see the advantages. There are no cons yet. Those who are already studying, please write your opinions, it is very necessary. My child is in secondary school, he studies well, he has a lot of friends. But I’m very tired of sitting through lessons, because I don’t learn anything new, I only write tests. He simply doesn’t like fine arts, singing, physical education, labor, or rhetoric and considers them superfluous. He plays sports and passes the standards easily, there are no complaints about him personally, but the atmosphere itself, when children are shouted at, scolded endlessly, etc., is boring. He draws wonderfully...


My daughter was in the 6th grade on an external course, she was also in the fifth. At 8 he plans to enter physics and mathematics school. Everything about the external program is great. We didn't notice any cons.
It makes sense to take it in a year or two if the child is now successfully writing Olympiads for the 5th grade. My daughter is also a year younger than everyone else, but she didn’t pass the test in two years, but started 1st grade at age 5.

If you don’t need to advance, then it’s enough to fill out a family form. You can, by agreement with the teacher, not go or go less often, but of course it depends on your attitude. First, understand what exactly you want to do.

Please enlighten the dark. After an injury, a friend’s son did not study for almost the entire year; he lost the 9th grade. Now he is being left for the second year due to his health. But he probably won’t be able to travel far to his old school anymore, the guy isn’t very healthy. Mom wants to move him closer to home, preferably with partial attendance. The word "external education" and " individual training". What is this - we both don’t know AT ALL (((Yes, the boy is of course suffering that he lost a year and wants to pass 2 grades in a year. Is this possible? With...

I would be grateful for feedback on external studies in schools No. 26 and No. 199 in Moscow. Goal: complete grades 10 and 11 in 1 year and, having passed the Unified State Exam, receive a certificate. Preparation for university this moment planned with the help of courses and tutors. So far I can’t understand what to pay attention to when choosing an external program so that it becomes a help and not a headache. Thank you!


I was choosing between external studies 26th and 199th, I... was 17 years ago, and then my son studied in 26th for 5 years.
The main reasons for choosing 26th:
1. In the 26th everything is a choice
- you can simply take it by talking with the subject teacher about the program (what volume to prepare, within the framework of which textbook):
- you can go to the intensive course and then pass it;
- you can take 1 free lesson with a subject teacher (as part of this, I also talked about the exam program) and any number of paid ones.
And in the 199th they immediately said that they would accept exams only after their paid intensive course.
2. In the 26th all negotiations turned out to be easier than in the 199th

Perhaps a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. But I would pay attention:
- the opportunity to choose and pass WITHOUT an intensive course, the schedule of which is unlikely to be designed for passing two classes in 1 year;
- on the timing of exams (it’s convenient when you can agree with the subject teacher on the day or there are many such days for each subject, for example, 2-3-4 times a month and the days of the week are different for different subjects);
- it’s convenient when the schedule of the mentioned days of possible delivery and the names of the subject students hang on the wall along with samples of various papers (or are posted on the Internet), when the phone numbers of the subject students are given and there is no need to go to school for a personal meeting for any little thing;
- find out immediately about the 11th grade, so that it doesn’t turn out that the exam dates for the 11th are strictly linked to something (although you can FIRST pass the 10th grade in the first half of the year, and then think further);
- Find out about the criteria for admission to the Unified State Exam in both schools.

Are there any schools in Moscow that allow external studies for elementary school? Are there any natural science schools in Moscow that enroll in the 5th grade? high school? I want to give my son homemade elementary education+ lectures and serious clubs on filial boyish interests, excursions to the museum with a specialist lecturer. But I want my son to also receive an education document confirming that he is not a camel. Perhaps these will be some kind of independent exams for the entire...


You need to come to good schools in the spring and enroll - take mathematics, Russian and maybe something else. As a rule, there is no need to show marks.

There is something called "homeschooling". This is when a child studies at home alone with his parents. Parents also get paid extra for it. At the end of the year/half-year/quarter (I don’t remember exactly), the child takes tests in subjects. Learn at your own pace. Ask Hi T.T., this is how her average boy learns. She happens to be in “Other Children”, “Psychology” and “3-7” and somewhere else... The school is somewhere near Orekhovo metro station, it seems.

01/15/2009 19:45:30, jii

At least once in their life, every teenager dreamed of leaving school and never returning there again. It is clear that without a school certificate you will not be able to find a job or go to university. Therefore, for those who are tired of school, they came up with external training. We tell you how teenagers who choose to study at home will have to study.

1. External study is a form of education in which the student independently masters school curriculum and takes exams externally.
According to the new law of the Russian Federation, there is no longer any form of external education as such, but the document can indicate the item “self-education” or “family education,” but the exams must be passed as an external student. The reasons for switching to external studies can be any; for this it is not necessary to have a medical certificate of illness.

2. A form of free external study exists in secondary schools, but the student may be denied this form of education if the school cannot accept external exams. In order to study at home, you must write an application to the school. After switching to external studies, you will need to go to school for consultations and take homework and exams. The student can use all the resources of the school: library, laboratories and websites.

3. For private schools, you need to collect documents: a certificate or certificate of education, a medical certificate and a copy of your passport. You can become an external student at any age. You can get an education remotely, for example, using Skype. Education in private schools costs from 4 thousand rubles per year to 5 thousand per month.

4. It will not be possible to give up subjects you don’t like; you will have to pass an exam in them to receive a certificate.If, for example, they don’t study a language at school, you can study it yourself at home and pass it along with other subjects. Schoolchildren who receive external education do not lose their rights: they can receive a gold medal, enter a university according to Unified State Exam results or college. Below are the stories of guys who, for various reasons, connected their lives with external studies:

So, I wanted to go to external studies. Because at our lyceum they said: “You can go to external studies in 11th grade, pass everything at once! You need to be transferred to external studies, what are you supposed to do in the same class with the smart ones! Mother is going to school today, we’ll figure out the transfer to external studies with the head teacher.” Mom goes to the teacher. There it turns out that the head teacher was diligently exaggerating all this time, saying that he’s an idiot - well, let him go to external studies. This issue was not raised until the 11th grade, but before the 11th grade it arose seriously, especially since several teachers had already received information that external studies existed at the lyceum and they even left for it. We were happy, we were tired of going to school anyway, so we went to find out what was going on. It turned out that there is an extern. But they are not allowed there. On paper - yes, in reality - no one will bother with you, no one will let you go on this most imaginary-real external internship. Unfortunately, I didn’t think to write a question to the Ministry of Education, otherwise I would have the rest of the story acquired all shades of trash and frenzy.


The main role was played by StarHit magazine. There was an article about children who graduated from school at the age of 14-15. And I’m like, “Why am I worse?” At 7 I moved to another school and began to thoroughly search for information. I came across a group about homeschooling, which became a new motivation in the middle of the year. I was an excellent student, I was always bored in class. I went to the director, they gently sent me away. Then they told me that they wouldn’t bother with me (although they were required by law). I tried through the higher education authority, but it didn’t work out. And she began to look for schools in another city. But it was important to me that it was free, so I found one in St. Petersburg. I submitted the documents and was accepted. I had to pay the amount for the site on which I passed the certification for the 8th and 9th grades, one time. This formed the final score. I didn’t do anything all year, I opened my textbooks from time to time. I don’t really remember this year, I tried free time fill with circles. A couple of days before the exam I arrived in St. Petersburg. There was one optional lesson, they explained how best to complete tasks. It was difficult to enter the 10th grade, since there was no report card, I had to get one, my own troubles. People are new to this phenomenon in my old town.

I studied at a school for visually impaired children, where the program lasts not 9 and 11, but 10 and 12 years. I studied not from 1st grade, but from 9th grade. Since I moved there, I have been depressed all the time by the fact that I will study a year more, that my classmates will enter universities before me. At the end of the 11th grade, I told the principal and class teacher that I wanted to take the Unified State Exam early because I was going to enroll in another city and needed a little time to get used to it. During the holidays, teachers wrote me an accelerated program. I studied like all my classmates, and the teachers in “non-gesch” subjects simply didn’t touch me, they wrote in the journal like “I covered two topics in a lesson” and that’s it. I prepared for the Unified State Exam with an English tutor, and subject teachers helped me prepare for Russian and social studies. By March 1, I finished the program, and until April 1, I went to regular consultations on society and Russian. On April 1, I became free and sat at home, preparing for the Unified State Exam. Entered the customs business. The difficulty was that some teachers reproached me all year that I forced them to do the program and spend extra time at work. There is also constant gossip that I am pregnant, and this is the reason for my passing exams early. When they realized that I was not pregnant, they started saying that I got married. On a pleasant note: I was allowed to answer for a long time in class what I knew. My classmates, when they didn’t do their homework, asked me to distract the teachers, and I happily said that I was ahead of schedule, I needed to complete the program.


I switched to external studies for health reasons (mental, if important), before that it was difficult to attend school, I skipped a lot, it became physically easier to study at home on my own. There was no need to get up every day at seven in the morning, communicate directly with teachers and contact directly with the staff. For me, school is endless stress, it was a great relief to reduce it to a minimum. I provided the necessary medical documents, the head teacher briefly advised me on the form of education, then drew up a personal schedule for me, and started a separate journal. The schedule indicated what hours I would see which teachers. As a result, I went to school almost every day, but stayed literally five minutes late to take or turn in assignments. The learning process was kept to a minimum, and I was given grades for literally nothing. I spent more time preparing for the Unified State Exam. I don’t think that external study is a good solution for people who are physically able to attend school, who are interested in a “beautiful” certificate and actively acquiring school knowledge, but because of my problems it became a salvation for me and eased the stress before exams.

Convincing relatives that this was a worthwhile and necessary action was not easy, but it worked. My school did not have external studies, so I had to transfer to another, worse one: there I completed the 10th and 11th grades in a year. The academic load felt much less than in previous years at school. For the first time, I slept peacefully, and I could also choose what I do today. It was difficult to maintain the pace of study. Favorite items continued to be favorites. I even drew up a partial preparation plan based on them, and I reached for textbooks and books more often. The least favorite ones gradually found themselves relegated to the background. It was more than six months absolute freedom. It was necessary to come to school again closer to the final exams. I saw the rest of the class only in late spring and was surprised at the number of teenagers like me who wanted to take two classes in a year. We had consultations before the exam, but I hardly remember them. It was clear from the teachers that they didn’t care about us; I didn’t learn anything new then. During the exam, too, they mostly turned a blind eye. The Unified State Exam took place in the same atmosphere: they picked him up from the school in the morning, someone behind me discussed with an accent how he could not take anything at all, because his parents had already enrolled him in a university, but they wouldn’t let him out of school without 100-point marks. scale. Judging by the appearance of my external studies stream, many went there precisely for this “through-the-finger look.”

At the end of 9th grade, I spontaneously decided to move to St. Petersburg. I applied to the first college I came across with a budget and a dorm, and at the end of the 2nd year I realized that I didn’t need this education at all. Six months later I went to finish school as an external student in the department at the Institute of Economics and Management. It was paid, but since I had a college transcript, I could enroll in the second semester and pay only for that. At first I went to classes, then the dean said that I had completed all the hours of general education subjects, if I don’t have the time and desire to sit in classes, then I don’t have to go until May. My grades on my academic transcript were almost perfect. Towards the end of May, I just ran around, took internal exams in algebra, geometry and Russian, they were in the form of the Unified State Exam. In the group with me were also guys from the 9th grade who had been studying since September. The attitude towards them was a little different: they monitored attendance, grades, and knowledge.


I categorically didn’t like it at a regular school, I didn’t get along well with my classmates, and it was hard to get up in the morning. To reduce the amount of school attendance to a minimum, I transferred to evening school. It became much easier to study; subjects that were not very useful to me (physical education, MHC, Moscow studies) were not there. After finishing 9th grade, the teachers talked about the possibility of an external study, I wanted to “put everyone in my belt” and finish rather school, do it, show what I have achieved. We searched on the Internet for the opportunity to complete grades 10-11 in a year. State school, shifting general education. When a school was found, we signed up for a competitive selection - a test in the GIA format in mathematics and Russian. Then classes began: we had a correspondence class, you could come to consultations if you wanted, but most teachers considered it obligatory. Assignments were given, we completed them at home, reported to the teacher, and grades were assigned based on this. At the end of the year, passing the Unified State Exam. They are very intimidating, although in fact there is nothing to be afraid of. In general, the process was very easy and painless, I don’t regret anything, after school I entered a university.

State final certification (GIA) in the form of a single state exam(Unified State Exam) was adopted in 2006. The Unified State Exam allows you to enter any higher educational institution in Russia on general terms. With the introduction of the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren and future students do not have to take exams twice - when leaving school and entering university. Mandatory subjects for certification, as in the OGE, are Russian language and mathematics. Other items Unified State Examination schoolchildren choose themselves, depending on which university and what specialty they will enroll in.

The course covers all the topics needed to be successful passing the Unified State Exam, and takes place in a lecture-seminar format.

The First Externat school provides training in all basic subjects:

Mathematics (profile)

Mathematics (basic)

Russian language



Social science

English language



Preparing for an essay

Classes in the “First External Study” in preparation courses for the Unified State Exam are taught using proprietary methods by highly qualified teachers from the best schools and universities in Moscow, Unified State Exam experts.

Our goal is to teach children to think and understand, and not to memorize. So that preparation for the Unified State Exam takes place as efficiently as possible and brings excellent results in the form of high score, it is necessary not only to know the material, but rather to understand it, which is sometimes extremely difficult to achieve without proper presentation. The teachers of the First External School work precisely in this direction. For achievement high results Students are also divided into groups according to their level of preparation after testing.

That is why training groups are formed small - from 4 to 8 people, which ensures an individual approach to each student. With this format, the teacher has the opportunity to work with each student and achieve understanding of the topic. The teacher chooses the optimal pace and complexity in accordance with the capabilities of the students, which is often impossible in school classes or courses at universities.

Our classes use the latest tests measuring materials(KIM) Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI). Our students also have the opportunity to psychologically prepare for passing exams thanks to regular training.

Upon completion of training, your child takes a free trial exam at the First Externat school. On mock exam all taken into account last changes in KIM Unified State Exam and OGE.

We have been preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam since they were made mandatory for all high school students, and that is why our students recruit maximum points on the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination and enter the leading universities of the country!

basic information

Start of classes - September 2018.

There are 4 - 8 students in the group.

The duration of the courses is 8 months.

Check the schedule of specific groups at the school or by calling +7 495 775 6543.

Nothing in modern system education does not raise as many questions as external studies. Was it canceled or not? How to finish school as an external student? How do you study externally? In this article we will try to dot the i's.

Externship has become popular in Soviet time, as it made it possible to obtain a certificate without interrupting work. Working youth had no time to “chill” in the classroom. Many completed the “eight-year” program as an external student, coming to school only for assignments and exams.

Echoing the Soviet tradition, in the education law, which was in force from 1992 to 2012, external studies were identified as a separate form of education. Although, in essence, it was just a way self-study. According to an unspoken rule, in the 1990s and 2000s junior schoolchildren Those who wanted to complete the program faster were enrolled in family education, and high school students were enrolled in external studies. This is where the expression “Finish school as an external student” comes from.


  • Externship is not a form of training, but a form of certification.
  • To study externally, you need to switch to family education or self-education.
  • Anyone who loves to study and does not want (cannot) go to a regular school can become an external student.
  • You can go to external studies at any school that provides family education.
  • The most convenient way to study externally is remotely.
  • The Foxford online school provides deep system knowledge, allows you to study at a convenient pace and receive a Moscow school certificate.

Is there a form of Externship in the law?
The Law retains the form of external certification. In essence, this is no different from external studies as a form of training under the old Law. After all, even before all the relationships between external students and educational institution came down to certification. Everything else that went beyond the scope of certification was carried out by schools only as paid educational services.

What form of training is possible to study if Externship is no longer in the law?
Now schools can accept documents for family education and self-education; certification for both of these forms is carried out externally.

What is the difference between regular schoolchildren and external students?
The question of the difference between traditional schoolchildren and external students worries both parents and students. There is a difference between them, but it is not in favor of... schoolchildren. It would seem that the level of knowledge of schoolchildren who study significantly more with teachers at school than external students ( we're talking about about external studies with additional consultations) should be higher compared to students using the “high-speed” method. But let's figure it out.
Teachers note: external students have positive motivation to study. They understand that graduating from school is only a step towards their future, and the latter is already tangible for them (almost all of them are preparing to enter universities). These guys want independence and they get it. External students are distinguished by a healthy drive in their studies. They don’t ask teachers the question “why do I need this?” because they themselves know the answer. They don’t say phrases like “I’m not interested,” since each of them has their own goal, and a vital one at that.

Is it possible to study externally at your own school, or is it a separate specialized school?
Externship is a form of certification, which may also be available at the school where you study. There are no specialized schools that teach only external students. If you are ready to study completely independently and only take exams at school, then you should not move to another school.
If you need additional classes to prepare for exams (intensive, distance learning), then it makes sense to move to another school that has experience in conducting such classes for external students. But in this case, you need to take into account that it will be not only you who will choose, but also you.

Is it necessary to transfer a child to alternative forms of education?
First of all, you need to decide which form of education is most suitable for you: full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time, family, self-education. Can be used remote technologies, individual curriculum, accelerated learning, combination different forms training.

Do I have the right to switch to external studies? Does my regular school have the right to refuse me an external program?
You have the right to switch to self-education, but this does not mean that every school is obliged to work with external students. A school may refuse to transfer a student if it does not conduct external certification.

Is it possible to combine studying at your own school and studying externally?
You cannot study in two secondary schools at the same time. You can only additionally prepare for exams at a second educational institution, but you can take exams only at the school where your documents are located.

Is preparation required for an external exam, what should you pay attention to in 8th grade?
If speak about special training to external studies, then this is primarily the ability to work independently. This is what you need to pay attention to.

Duration of external studies

What is the class schedule for 11th graders - do they complete the program in 6 months? and there are no classes in the second half of the year?
In all schools, regardless of the schedule, consultations and test exams. Interim certification usually takes place in December-January, sometimes classes are held until March.

Is it possible to complete 11th grade in half? school year?
It is possible to take intensive classes (classes to prepare for exams according to the 11th grade program) in one academic semester, but you will need to take the Unified State Exam together with everyone else, you will simply have more time to prepare for the Unified State Exam. The final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam takes place simultaneously throughout the country in May-June.

Is it possible to study externally without reducing the duration of study?
You can study externally without reducing the duration of your studies. Reducing or increasing the duration of study is possible only at the request of the student and parents.

Is it possible to finish grades 8-9 as an external student in one year, and then complete grades 10-11 at a normal pace in 2 years?
Externship is possible with a shorter period of study, but this is only at the request of the parents and the child. You can switch to training at any time without reducing the duration of your training.

What subjects are included in the programs - 10+, 10-11, 11?
Classes are held in all subjects of the school curriculum, and exams are held in the same subjects. According to the regulations on external studies, it was not necessary to undergo certification in physical education, art and technology. Now, according to the Education Law, it is necessary to pass certification in all subjects general education program, including MHC, physical education, life safety, if any are provided for in the curriculum.

External education

What do students receive in Intensive programs?
Intensive - classes at school in all subjects, the study of subjects is mainly block-based (main subjects - throughout the whole year, the rest - with immersion, for several weeks, then students immediately take an exam and do not return to this subject again). The subject is studied according to the basic program, i.e. all the main content of the subject is given.
Preparation for the Unified State Examination is given while studying the main program; in the second half of the year, trial Unified State Examinations and consultations are held.

Will it be possible for me not to take classes in subjects that I don’t need and not to take exams in them at school, or to abandon these subjects altogether?
No. When studying in any form, you must pass certification in all subjects of the state standard and complete the curriculum. Otherwise, you will not be promoted to the next grade, and in grades 9 and 11 you will not be admitted to the state final certification and, as a result, will not receive a certificate of education.

Externship and distance learning

How do you study remotely?
- Get access to educational materials.
- You are assigned a curator, whom you can contact at any time for advice on all organizational issues.
- A schedule for studying each subject is drawn up, tests and tests are assigned.
- You work through all materials, which include:
theory (reference books, basic rules, formulas and regulations, visual diagrams and tables, examples, quotes, tables with data, historical information and biographies);
Additional materials;
interactive workshops;
practice tests.
Online lessons are held according to the schedule, where students communicate with the teacher.
You can contact your teacher for advice.

How difficult is it to pass certification in non-core subjects in the case of distance learning? Is it possible to take exams in person?
Distance learning allows you to save maximum time, not only due to the absence of the need to spend it on travel and review lectures, which often give the student little. Distance technologies make it possible to carefully organize training in all subjects, distributing time throughout the academic year.
Non-core subjects are usually given during the first half of the year in order to free up the second half of the year as much as possible for preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam. Educational materials designed in such a way as to obtain maximum results with minimal time. In addition to texts, there are video lectures, video consultations, for example, with analysis of tasks, test tasks which will allow you to test your level of preparation. If a student does not understand something, he can seek advice from the teacher at any time.
Of course, the certification can be taken in person; moreover, in the main subjects it is always taken in person. And only if it is impossible to attend in person (illness, emergency), remote certification online is organized. This is very important not only to catch a student's problems early, but it is essential to ensure the student is confident that he is ready for the exam.
The face-to-face assessment format disciplines the student, while at the same time giving him confidence in his abilities.

What is online learning?
Online learning is used in various forms training, including full-time training. These are distance technologies, which are discussed in some detail in the Education Law. In accordance with the Law, not only is distance education possible in all classes, it is also possible to pass intermediate certification remotely. Distance learning in the Online (Internet school) includes compulsory training in all basic academic subjects: Russian language, literature, English language, algebra, geometry, computer science and ICT, history, social studies (including economics and law), geography, biology, physics, chemistry.

Unified State Exam in external studies

What subjects are taken for the Unified State Exam as an external student? Is it possible to prepare well for the Unified State Exam by studying in 11th grade 2 times a week for 1 half of the year?
State final certification in the form of a unified state exam is a mandatory requirement for all 11th grade graduates, regardless of the form of study. Without Unified State Exam graduate will not receive a certificate. The Unified State Exam for external students is no different from the Unified State Exam for all other students. Moreover, students all take exams together.
Graduates of 11th grade take 2 compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics (mathematics can be taken basic and/or specialized), the rest are optional (not mandatory).
Intensive classes 2 times a week will allow you to cope with the main program of the 11th grade, you should not count on some kind of miracle, during this time it is unrealistic to give the program of the 11th grade and prepare for the Unified State Exam. To prepare for the Unified State Exam, special classes are required. Of course, if it is enough for a student to pass Russian and mathematics with satisfactory results, intensive classes may well be enough.

What results do children get? How are such results achieved?
Among our graduates, the Unified State Examination (OGE) results are higher than with traditional education, because Students can prepare for exams in a focused manner.
Expulsion is only if the student does not attend classes at school and does not study. The training program is selected so that the student can prepare.
The reasons for achieving high results are simple:
A school with extensive experience in organizing training.
Work experience with alternative forms training, use of modern pedagogical and information technologies.
Responsible approach to working with students, support of the educational process.
Reasonable cost of training, which allows, on the one hand, to organize a complete and effective educational process, on the other hand, to attract strong students to training.

How to combine schooling and preparation for university?
Actually, external studies can be considered as a solution to this problem. The choice of external education is a thoughtful and balanced result of discussions about forms of education between the child and parents. Students very often enroll in external studies precisely to combine classes in the basic school curriculum and preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam.

During the external program, will I take the Unified State Exam along with regular 11th graders?
Yes, all school students, regardless of their form of education, take the Unified State Exam together within the main deadlines.

Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam early in external studies?
They have the right to take the Unified State Exam early:
graduates of evening (shift) schools drafted into the ranks Russian Army;
traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps;
those traveling abroad for permanent residence or to continue their studies;
sent for medical reasons to medical, preventive and other institutions for medical, health and rehabilitation measures during the period of state (final) certification;
Graduates educational institutions Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with complex climatic conditions.

Is it possible not to take the Unified State Exam after finishing 11th grade (I was told that it does not affect the certificate) and take it next year? I want to prepare for another year and pass the Unified State Exam next year.
You will not receive a certificate without passing the Unified State Exam. Students who successfully pass the Unified State Exam receive a certificate. But the results of the Unified State Exam really do not affect the grades on the certificate.
For admission to a university, Unified State Examination results are valid for four years.

Is it possible to get a medal in external studies?
Graduates of external studies have equal rights when receiving a medal. There are no restrictions on the form of training. We must remember that the procedure for receiving medals is determined by the constituent entities of the federation independently.

Admission to university after external studies

After external studies, which universities can I enroll in? Do they take the Unified State Exam in the same way as everyone else?
- The certificate does not indicate the form of training.
- No university has ever limited admission due to the form of education.
They take the Unified State Exam on the same basis as everyone else, and receive the same documents as students. full-time.

What document is issued to external students who have passed the state (final) certification?
Externs who have passed state (final) certification in a state accredited institution are issued a state-issued document (certificate) on basic general or secondary (full) general education.

Will I be able to enter higher education? educational establishments without problems, like an ordinary graduate? Or will it be written on the certificate that I graduated from school as an external student? How will this affect admission to university?
Firstly, the certificate does not indicate the form of education.
Secondly, receiving education in the form of an external study not only does not interfere with entering universities, but actually helps. A significant number of students and graduates of the best Moscow universities graduated from school in the form of external studies.

What schools are assigned to universities?
Cooperation with universities made sense when school graduations were at the same time entrance to the university; this has not been the case anywhere for a long time. All universities are required to admit students based on the Unified State Exam results, + some conduct additional tests. All other cooperation with schools, supposedly for subsequent admission to these universities, is only to collect money from parents.

External study after college

If you transfer after 1 year of college to school to the 10-11 program in 1 year, what subjects are counted?
Subjects for which the amount of hours in the academic certificate corresponds to the amount of hours in school are counted. curriculum. At best, 1 course covers grade 10, but not in all subjects.

I entered college after 9th grade, completed 10th grade in college and got grades. Is it possible to start 11th grade at an external school right away?
Training in secondary programs vocational education does not involve receiving school documents about education. The certification for 1 semester in college cannot be automatically equated to the 10th grade; it can be partially counted towards the certification for the 10th grade.

Is it possible to study externally and college at the same time? Now I am in my 2nd year, I still have 4 years of study, and I would like to receive a certificate of secondary education in a year. Is it possible to study in two places?
You can study, but you won’t be able to get an education document, because... At school you need to pass a certificate for the 9th grade, and he is in college.

Is it possible, after studying in the first year of college from September to February, to pick up documents and return back to school for 10th grade?
Can. But don't delay, it's harder to do at the end of the year. And do not withdraw documents from college without prior agreement with the school.

Externship for junior classes

Is it possible to complete grades 3-4 as an external student in one academic year? What do we need to do? Where to go?
The Education Law does not limit age or level of education for external certification. First of all, clearly formulate what you want. These questions will help you make a decision:
- You want to pass certification according to the 3-4 grade program within one academic year. When will you be ready to take the intermediate assessment for grade 3? For 4th grade?
- Are you ready to pass certification at your school or want to do it at another?
- Will you prepare your child for certification yourself?
After you answer these questions for yourself, you can call our Education Centre and get advice.

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