Samara State Technical University (SamSTU). SamSTU: history, structure, specialties. Samara Technical State University: correspondence faculty Samara Petroleum University

Samara State Technical University

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Samara State Technical University"

There's a lot to learn

Year of foundation

Bykov Dmitry Evgenievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

The president

Kalashnikov Vladimir Vasilievich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor


Russia, Samara

Legal address

Coordinates: 53°12′32.87″ n. w. /  50°07′30.25″ E. d. 53.209131° s. w.53.209131 , 50.125069

50.125069° E. d.(G) (O) (I) FSBEI HPE "Samara State Technical University"(SamSTU, former Samara Polytechnic Institute(SamSTU, former , former(SamSTU, former Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev Kuibyshev Industrial Institute

Middle Volga Industrial Institute

) - University in Samara.

The need to create a technical educational institution in the Volga region was first discussed in the mid-90s of the 19th century. Then the Minister of Agriculture Alexander Ermolaev turned to the Samara governor with a proposal to discuss the possibility of opening a polytechnic institute in the city. But only in July 1914, the bill on the establishment of a polytechnic institute in Samara was approved by the State Duma and the State Council, and Emperor Nicholas II approved the law. The basis and one of the arguments in favor of the decision taken is the convenient geographical location of Samara. The city is located in the center of the Volga region, at the junction of the Great Siberian Railway and the Tashkent Railway. Pavel Mitrofanov, a professor at the University of Warsaw, was appointed the first rector, and in 1915 the first students came to the institute building. A year later, two new faculties appeared - chemical and mechanical. However, the Samara Polytechnic Institute never managed to graduate its first students: the revolution began, then the civil war, and the period of restoration. In the mid-20s, the new government realized that not only the working class was needed, but also engineering personnel. Highly qualified specialists were needed to work at the enterprises, therefore, by order of the Council of People's Commissars, the Middle Volga Industrial Institute was reopened in 1933.

The university trains engineers in a wide variety of fields for almost all industries. Along with traditional specialties, new ones are opening. The university now graduates engineers for the operation of pipelines, specialists for the pharmaceutical and food industries, and specialists in emergency protection. The emergence of new specialties was a reaction to the requirements dictated by the labor market. For example, at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, in the Department of Solid Chemicals, a new specialization was opened: “Protection in emergency situations.” A new direction has emerged: “Production of food products from plant materials.” Within its framework, the Faculty of Food Production was opened in 2003.

The development of market relations and the revision of forms of ownership have necessitated the emergence of new engineering and economic specialties, such as “National Economics”, “Organization of Production Management”, “Technology and Management of Production and Business”. Narrowly focused, so-called “service” specializations have appeared: “Repair, installation and operation of machine tools and machine-tool complexes”, “Service and technical operation of transport and technological machines and equipment”, “Technology for repair and restoration of parts and components of automobiles” and others.

With the release of a new generation of domestic and foreign cars, saturated with microprocessor technology, on-board electronics, complex automation and electrical equipment systems, the opening of a new specialty “Electrical equipment of cars and tractors” and a separate specialization “Automotive Electronics” is associated.

No less relevant is the new specialty of the Faculty of Automation: “Organization and technical protection of information.” The list was supplemented by such unusual specializations for a technical university as “Technology of artistic processing of materials”, “Computer design and engineering”. The university develops international cooperation, has agreements with universities in the UK and France, and participates in a number of international educational development programs.

At the beginning of 1994, the Research Institute of Conversion and High Technologies (Research Institute of Conversion and High Technologies) was created at Samara State Technical University. The main wealth of the institute is its highly qualified research and teaching staff, which has enormous potential for conducting fundamental research on the creation of new high-tech technologies and training new specialties for engineering and technical workers in convertible industries. The Institute solves the most important problems of targeted recycling of ammunition elements, military equipment, processing of military gunpowder into consumer goods, elimination of emergencies on gas and oil pipelines, normalization of the environmental situation in the Samara Territory, etc. The research institute's specialists have a huge number of developments to their credit, including those carried out at the level of inventions. The research institute trains highly qualified personnel and has a postgraduate course. The research work of students and undergraduates at Samara State Technical University is aimed at solving one of the most important government tasks - finding, supporting and developing talented youth, promoting the training of professionally competent specialists. Students, together with university scientists, are working to create high technologies and new software products that are protected by copyright. Every year, 2-3 research students are sent for scientific and pedagogical internships to foreign universities in developed countries. Active research students receive increased personal scholarships and grants from the university, the governor and the President of the Russian Federation. Students' developments are presented at national and international exhibitions. The educational and scientific complex of the Institute of Mechanics and Technology of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SamSTU" includes the Center for Computer Design and Product Manufacturing Technology, equipped with unique computer equipment and the latest software.


The university has 14 faculties including: automation and information technology, mechanical engineering and road transport, physics and technology, engineering and economics, electrical engineering, heat and power, food production, engineering and technology, chemical technology, petrotechnology, humanities education, correspondence, distance learning and additional education and advanced training.

The university employs 115 doctors of sciences and professors, 617 candidates of sciences and associate professors. 70 departments train specialists in 18 areas, 54 specialties and specializations for almost all sectors of the national economy.

There are 18,000 students studying at all faculties and branches, including 270 foreign citizens.

The synthesis of technical, humanitarian and economic fields of knowledge allows us to train specialists of a new type. The most important principle of a technical university is the unity of teaching, scientific research and engineering development. SamSTU is the largest scientific technopolis in the Middle Volga region. It consists of 77 scientific departments, including 16 scientific and engineering centers, 2 research institutes. There are doctoral and postgraduate courses.

Problems of reliability of technological, energy and transport machines are being developed by more than 30 departments and scientific divisions of the university.


  • Website of the Faculty of Automation and Information Technologies of SamSTU
  • Courses and additional professional education at SamSTU
  • Website of the regional educational and scientific center for energy efficiency of the Samara region, created on the basis of the Samara State Technical University

There are currently about 35 educational institutions in Samara where you can get higher education. One of them is Samara (abbreviated as SamSTU). This university has quite a rich history. Over the years of its existence, it has achieved a lot. Currently, SamSTU is one of the best educational institutions. This is confirmed by the assigned rating class D.

History of the educational institution

Samara State Technical University has existed for more than 100 years. It was founded in 1914. During its existence, the university has changed several names. At the beginning it was called the Samara Polytechnic Institute. In 1934, several educational institutions merged. As a result, the Middle Volga Industrial Institute was formed.

The next important event in the history of the university occurred in 1935. The educational institution was given a new name - Kuibyshev Industrial Institute named after. Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev. In 1962, a reorganization took place. The Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute (KPTI) continued to conduct educational activities.

In 1991, the university changed its name again. KPTI became the Samara Polytechnic Institute. A year later, the educational institution received the status of Samara State Technical University. Currently, SamSTU continues its work. In 2014, it was included in the list of the best universities in the CIS.

University structure

Samara Technical includes:

  • faculties and departments;
  • administrative and management units;
  • research part;
  • divisions of the social and educational sphere;
  • service departments;
  • administrative and economic divisions;
  • branches;
  • public organizations.

About 18 thousand students study at the main university and its branches. Among them there are also many foreign citizens. Students of higher education institutions are taught the discipline by teachers with extensive experience, doctors and candidates of science. Training is carried out in 18 areas, a huge number of specialties.

Faculties and specialties

The technical university has 13 faculties:

  • electrotechnical;
  • food production;
  • humanitarian;
  • thermal power engineering;
  • chemical technology;
  • automation and information technology;
  • distance learning;
  • petrotechnological;
  • transport, metallurgy and mechanical engineering;
  • engineering and technology;
  • economics and engineering;
  • advanced training;
  • additional education and training using distance technologies.

Each of the named faculties has several. An example is the Faculty of Automation and Information Technology. On it, Samara State Technical University offers the following specialties:

  • radio engineering;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • instrument making;
  • computer technology and information science;
  • software engineering, etc.

Admission to SamSTU: admission rules

The admission process at the higher education institution starts at the end of June. Applicants who have chosen Samara State Technical University (SamSTU) must provide, within the prescribed period:

  • application for admission;
  • passport;
  • a document confirming the availability of education at the appropriate level;
  • medical certificate;
  • photos;
  • additional documents (for persons applying for benefits).

The university has established certain entrance tests for each field of study. The results are recognized as scores obtained on the Unified State Examination. Persons who have not passed the unified state exams in the required subjects undergo those entrance tests that are conducted by the educational institution independently.

Minimum points

Every year, Samara State Technical University sets minimum scores for each discipline taken. In 2017, the admissions committee will be guided by the following values:

  • 40 points for each of the subjects such as Russian language, chemistry, physics;
  • 30 points in mathematics;
  • 45 points in social studies;
  • 35 points in each of the subjects such as history, literature.

To enroll in such areas as “Design”, “Architecture”, “Customs”, applicants need to pass not only some of the above-mentioned disciplines, but also additional creative and professional tests. In 2017, completion will be considered successful if the following number of points (minimum) is scored for each subject:

  • "Design" - 60;
  • "Architecture" - 60;
  • “Customs” - 31.

Admission to budget places

At a technical university, in some areas you can study not only on a commercial basis, but also for free. In this regard, many applicants are interested in a passing score on a budget. Unfortunately, admissions officers never give the exact figure, because it depends on the number of allocated places for free education, the number of submitted applications and packages of documents, and the results of entrance examinations of applicants.

One thing can be said with confidence - the likelihood of admission to budget places is high for those people who have scored a decent number of points. It is worth noting that Samara Technical State University allows applicants to make the most of their chances for free education. Applicants can apply to 3 selected areas at once.

Commercial training

Samara State Technical University (Samara) offers its applicants a huge number of areas of training, where training is carried out on a paid basis (commercial form). The cost is approved annually by order of the educational institution. It is recommended to clarify it (for the selected areas of training) with the admissions committee.

The cost differs for different specialties. For example, in the field of “Computer Engineering and Informatics” (Faculty of Information Technology and Automation) it was 42,100 rubles per semester (for first-year students admitted in 2016). The cost was significantly lower in the “Service” direction (Faculty of Humanitarian Education) - 37,100 rubles.

Transfer to budget

Students studying on a paid basis may have the opportunity to switch from a commercial form to a budget one. This happens when free free places become available. Persons applying for such a transition are subject to certain requirements. Firstly, at the time of submitting the application, students should not have debts on tuition fees or unsatisfactory results of intermediate certification in subjects. Secondly, any of the following conditions must be present:

  • loss of one or both parents (legal representatives) during university studies;
  • grades for exams (for the 2 previous semesters) only “4”, “5” (that is, without “3”);
  • students belong to orphans and children without parental care;
  • students are those citizens (under 20 years of age) who have one disabled parent of group I; At the same time, the income per person in a family is less than the subsistence level.

To move to the free place that appears, you must submit an appropriate application. The state technical university allocates a certain period for this process. Then a commission meeting is scheduled for a specific day. It reviews all applications and makes appropriate decisions (on the transition of a particular student from paid to free education or on refusal).

Military department

Applicants entering Samara State Technical University choose a variety of faculties. Some pay attention to the training programs for reserve privates, sergeants, and officers. SamSTU students can enroll in the military department. Those who wish undergo rating control at the faculties. Then, on the recommendation of the deans of the faculties of the state technical university, they are sent to the military department.

  • pass a military medical commission at the military commissariat;
  • pass a special test assessing the psychological state;
  • pass physical tests;
  • conclude a training agreement with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • submit the necessary documents (passport).

Correspondence and distance learning

When entering Samara State Technical University, many applicants choose the correspondence faculty, which was created in 1960. It gives people the opportunity to receive higher education without leaving work. The correspondence faculty has more than 50 bachelor's and specialist's degree profiles, and 8 master's degrees.

Some people entering Samara Technical State University choose the faculty of distance education. Its main advantage is that training here is carried out using the latest technologies. Lectures and various manuals are presented in electronic form. This allows students to plan the learning process themselves, to make their own decisions about where, when and how to study educational material.

Branches in the Samara region

The State Technical University has 3 branches. One of them operates in the Samara region, in the city of Syzran, on Sovetskaya Street, 45. It was founded in 1951. Over the years of its existence, the branch has graduated more than 9 thousand specialists who currently work not only in Russia, but also in some foreign countries.

Another Samara State Technical University (branch) is located in Novokuibyshevsk (Samara region). The address of the higher educational institution is Mironova Street, 5. The branch was opened in the anniversary year, when SamSTU turned 100 years old. Currently, several hundred students are studying here in various areas of training related to electrical and thermal power engineering, the petrochemical industry, and automation of production processes.

Other branches

The Republic of Bashkortostan also has the Samara State Technical University. Address - Belebey, Sovetskaya street, 11. The educational institution located here used to be (SGASU). In 2016, this university was reorganized by joining SamSTU. In this regard, the branch of SSASU in Belebey became a branch of Samara State Technical University.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Samara Technical State University is a large scientific technopolis in the Middle Volga region. It includes 16 engineering and scientific centers, 77 scientific departments, 2 research institutes. It is also worth noting that the “Bulletin” of the Samara State Technical University is periodically published. This publication was created with the aim of developing research activities and training highly qualified personnel. The journal publishes various articles by foreign and domestic specialists and young scientists.

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 18.01.2010

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 10

Operator location address: 443100, Samara region, Samara, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 244

Start date of personal data processing: 01.01.2010

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Bryansk region, Volgograd region, Orenburg region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Samara region

Purpose of processing personal data: implementation of basic educational and scientific activities, educational process, registration of applicants, students and personnel records of employees, provision of medical services by the sanatorium-preventorium of SamSTU

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: Local regulations on the processing of personal data have been developed. Internal control is carried out to ensure compliance of the processing of personal data with legal requirements for the protection of personal data. Employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including the requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the organization's policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data. Rules for access to personal data processed in personal data information systems have been developed. Models of threats to the security of personal data when processed in university information systems have been developed. In accordance with the developed threat models, organizational information protection measures are applied and technical means of information protection are used, which have passed the procedure for assessing compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the established manner.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, address, citizenship, passport details: where, by whom, when issued, INN, SNILS, contact telephone number, information about salaries at the university and scholarships, details of the compulsory medical insurance policy ( VHI), work experience, place of residence, information about social benefits

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: students, graduate students, doctoral students, employees, individuals who are in contractual and other civil relations with a legal entity

List of actions with personal data: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, transfer (distribution, provision), blocking, deletion, destruction

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: Art. 85-90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Law FZ-152 “On Personal Data”, Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”, Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “SamSTU” dated September 11, 2015, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, License for medical activities No. FS-63-01-001499 dated September 5, 2014, issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia

The brand of Samara State Technical University is a mark of quality, quoted throughout the country. SamSTU trains specialists for the energy, oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical, engineering, transport, food, defense industries, information technology, instrument making, automation and control in technical systems, materials science and metallurgy, and industrial ecology.

SamSTU is the largest technopolis of the Volga region, with which a whole era of formation and development of engineering education and science in the Samara region and neighboring regions is associated.

SamSTU is the base platform for constructive interaction between the scientific school and industry. The close connection between the academic community and industry allowed us to create a special environment. It integrates science, technology and engineering education. This allows the university to receive clear ideas from employers about the requirements for the key competencies of a graduate and quickly adjust educational programs.

The university has created a favorable environment for researchers, attracting students to scientific creativity, conducting interdisciplinary research and implementing breakthrough research and development projects. SamSTU has scientific schools well-known in their fields, their research is funded within the framework of fundamental, exploratory and applied projects of the international and the federal level, and developments are in demand in the real sector of the regional economy.

Innovation infrastructure is one of the basic tools for the development of a modern technical university. Today, the innovative infrastructure at the university is represented by educational engineering centers created jointly with the world's leading manufacturers of applied research and industrial equipment.

Graduates of the technical university today occupy leading positions in large companies in the field of information and communication technologies, at enterprises of the military-industrial complex, in construction holdings, that is, SamSTU is a landmark that determines the vector of development of these industries in the Samara region and the Volga region.

Continuing education programs are also being implemented at SamSTU.

  • Technosphere safety
  • Chemical Technology
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Personnel Management
  • Chemical Technology
  • Increasing the energy efficiency of oil and gas processing enterprises
  • Water supply and sanitation
  • Technical operation and maintenance of electrical equipment
  • Management in the field of housing and communal services and improvement at enterprises of the city district

And also trainings.

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