Preparing for OGE Russian language task 9. Complicated simple sentence

Find offers with a separate application. Write the numbers of these sentences.

Russian language 9th grade |

Question No. 1

Among offers 1-5, find offers with a separate application. Write the numbers of these sentences.

(1) There was a little boy with us. (2) He was only nine years old, but he tolerated spending the night in the forest and the cold of autumn dawns well. (3) Much better than us adults, he noticed and told everything. (4) He was an inventor, but we, adults, really loved his inventions. (5) We could not, and did not want to, prove to him that he was telling a lie. (Paustovsky K.)

Enter your answer:

Question No. 2

(1) Anna Pavlovna Orlikova, the mistress of the house, loved to relax in a small garden near the house. (2) Here, in flower beds surrounded by stones, double asters, pansies and daisies bloomed. (3) We were forbidden to even come close to the kindergarten. (4) When Anna Pavlovna saw us, she began to scream and call for the servants or her son. (5) One might think that the hostess was attacked by robbers. (Kokovin E.)

Enter your answer:

Question No. 3

Among offers 1-4, find offers with a separate application. Write the numbers of these sentences.

(1) Katerina Petrovna knew that Nastya now had no time for her, the old woman. (2) They, the young people, have their own affairs, their own incomprehensible interests, their own happiness. (3) It's better not to interfere. (4) Therefore, Katerina Petrovna very rarely wrote to Nastya, but thought about her all the days, sitting on the edge of the dented sofa so quietly that the mouse, deceived by the silence, ran out from behind the stove, stood on its hind legs and for a long time, moving its nose, sniffed the stale air. (Paustovsky K.)

Enter your answer:

Question No. 4

Among offers 1-5, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Stumps gnawed by wolf cubs stuck out everywhere in the swamp, dark holes dug in the ground filled with black swamp water, along which long-legged spiders scattered in all directions. (2) The smell of the animal den was unpleasant. (3) My hunting dog, sensing the beast, did not leave his feet, trembling in fear. (4) We walked very quietly and carefully, sometimes exchanging signs and quiet whistles. (5) At the edge of the moss swamp, where the thick dark green spruce forest ended, my companion, the village hunter Vasya, stopped. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

Enter your answer:

Question No. 5

(1) Jan was born forty years after the death of his grandfather. (2) His father was rarely at home. (3) On his huge ocean-going motor ship, he went on foreign voyages for a long time, to distant European and African ports. (4) Jan was like his father. (5) Fair-haired, silent and shy, he was strong and strong. (6) A gymnast and yachtsman, he became animated only when the conversation turned to sports. (Kokovin E.)

Enter your answer:

Question No. 6

Among offers 1-7, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) In the evening, on the eve of the battle, the army commander spoke by telephone with his division commanders. (2) From each he received a report that preparations for the offensive were completed or would be completed before dawn. (3) He wished everyone good luck, but did not completely believe them all. (4) Therefore, the officers immediately went to the command posts of the units. (5) Brigadier Commissar Umanen, a member of the army’s military council, had been touring the formations since the morning. (6) At night he called and reported that the army was ready for action, but the worsening weather was causing concern about the outcome of the operation. (7) The commander confirmed, however, the order to attack. (Beryozko G.)

Enter your answer:

Question No. 7

Among offers 1-7, find an offer with a separate common application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The morning greeted the travelers warmly. (2) The long emerald lake, framed by reeds, on the shore of which they stopped, was seething with life until the burning sun rose in the blue of the cloudless sky. (3) Seagulls rushed about, flocks of tiny sandpipers fussily ran along the shore. (4) From time to time, lines of cormorants appeared, and a brood of ducks flew whistling. (5) From time to time, a cautious white heron appeared in the distance - the beauty of the southern lakes. (6) On the water one could see a clumsy, overweight pelican and slender swans. (7) In the reeds above the water, tiny warblers hidden in them sang a creaky song, and flocks of mustachioed tits rang with silvery voices. (Zverev M.)

Enter your answer:

Question No. 8

Among offers 1-6, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Soon everyone was already sitting in the motor boat. (2) Only Prokhor remained on the pier. (3) Mikhail Stepanovich placed himself in the stern at the helm. (4) Ilyusha fiddled with the engine, like a real mechanic, and quickly started it. (5) If Prokhor had not now seen all this with his own eyes, he would never have believed that a boy almost his age could handle a motor. (6) Prokhor remembered the story with the button, and he felt annoyed with himself. (Kokovin E.)

Enter your answer:

Question No. 9

Among offers 1-8, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The most wonderful days have come for the Kid. (2) For all of my time, however, still short life he did not have so many benefits at the same time: freedom, people's attention, abundance of food and drink. (3) Before getting into the courtyard of house number twenty-four, the Kid visited three owners. (4) He was torn early from his mother, a Nenets husky, whom he soon forgot. (5) For some time he lived with a collective farmer, not far from the city. (6) The baby was provided absolute freedom. (7) All day long he would chase passing cars along the highway or bark at good-natured old Polkan, who occasionally crawled out of his booth. (8) Polkan treated the puppy condescendingly, as befits an elder, and never offended him. (Kokovin E.)

Answer: 5
Answer: 20
Answer: 19
Answer: 31
Answer: 24
Answer: 21
Answer: 20
Answer: 11
Answer: 11
Answer: 30
Answer: 2627
Answer: 2021|2120
Answer: 2
Answer: 4
Answer: 7
Answer: 22
Answer: 7
Answer: 72|27
Answer: 12 15 16
Answer: 7
Answer: 13
Answer: 47|74
Answer: 7
Answer: 20
Answer: 13
Answer: 12
Answer: 28
Answer: 16
Answer: 19
Answer: 22
Answer: 21
Answer: 19
Answer: 22
Answer: 810|108
Answer: 2326|2623
Answer: 35
Answer: 1921|2119
Answer: 1314|1413
Answer: 42
Answer: 37
Answer: 1114
Answer: 15
Answer: 3
Answer: 10

OGE. Task 9. Isolated members of a sentence.
1. Among sentences 1–7, find a sentence with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.
(1) The sun was setting. (2) There was a smell of evening coolness all around. (3) The birds fell silent, giving way to our hero. (4) He climbed onto the remains of a rotten stump to be higher and began to sing. (5) It was a firefly - a little insect, and he sang his simple song about what he saw: a beautiful picture of a sunset, beautiful sky, green sea of ​​grass, silver tears of dew and love. (6) He sang about the love of life. (7) He saw love in everything.
2. Among sentences 17–21, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. (17) When the train left the next station, I put the book on the open window and began to look at the forest, at the fields and meadows that flashed outside the window. (18) And suddenly - oh horror! (19) The book disappeared between the double windows of the carriage. (20) Not yet understanding the seriousness of the situation, I froze and looked in fear at my father, at the pilot neighbor who was trying to get a book. (21) A minute later the whole carriage was helping us.
3. Among sentences 18-21, find a sentence with a separate circumstance
(18) Valerka felt the wet touch of a warm dog’s tongue on his face: a very tiny dog, but he jumped so high! (19) He stretched out his arms, picked up the dog, and she buried herself in his neck, breathing frequently and devotedly.
- (20) Miracles! - a thick voice rang out, immediately filling the entire space of the staircase. (21) The voice belonged to a frail, short man.
4. Among offers 31-38, find an offer with a separate application.
(31) And then the neighbor boy, a schoolboy, was the first to decide to tell him the truth.
- (32) Yes, this is not your father. (33) What are you shouting? (34) This is an artist. (35) If you don’t believe me, ask the projectionist.
(36) But the projectionist was silent: the adults did not want to deprive the boy of his bitter and beautiful illusion.
(37) The mother leaned towards her son, mournful and stern, with tears in her eyes.
- (38) Let's go, son, let's go. (39) It was your father,” she said quietly and led him out of the hall.
5. Among sentences 23–27, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. (23) In the summer of 1942, the guys were invited to a military cruiser for the first time. (24) They drove off in a truck, taking musical instruments and dance costumes. (25) On the deck of the ship, Vitya Panfilov played Tchaikovsky’s melodies, Raya Ivanova danced, Vera Borodulina read poetry. (26) Tears flowed down the cheeks of the sailors, who had more than once looked death in the face. (27) Having learned the price of courage, the sailors saw the strength of spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren.
6. Among sentences 21−28, find a sentence with separate agreed upon definitions.
(21) When, satisfied and happy, I returned to my place, Pavlik was not nearby. (22) I looked back: he was sitting across the aisle behind me, and he had cold, empty eyes.
- (23) What are you doing? (24) You shouldn’t sulk about this, he’ll scream and forget.
(25) He was silent and looked past me. (26) What does he care about Elena Frantsevna, he forgot to even think about her. (27) He was betrayed by a friend. (28) Calmly, casually and publicly, in broad daylight, for the sake of a penny gain, he was betrayed by a man for whom he, without hesitation, would go through fire and water.
7. Among sentences 18-21, find a sentence with a separate definition.
(18) For a moment, fear creeps into his soul that he might suffocate, but he remembers that the Bug has been sitting there for a whole day. (19) This calms him down, and he descends further.
(20) The bug, having again sat down in its original place, calmed down and with a cheerful squeak expresses sympathy for the crazy enterprise. (21) This calmness and firm confidence of the bugs are transferred to the boy, and he safely reaches the bottom.
8. Among sentences 10−14, find a sentence with a separate agreed definition.
(10) Envy, in which lies the source of many human weaknesses and vices, did not leave Senka alone...
(11) It was difficult to find people, no longer similar friends on a friend than Vanya and Senka. (12) At that time Vanya still sympathized with him very much. (13) When Senya, confused and tense, wandered through the labyrinths of the famous quatrains, Vanya suffered. (14) And after the lesson, in which Golubkin received another bad mark, this brute pressed the short Vanya: he, it turns out, did not give the advice clearly and clearly enough.9. Among sentences 10–14, find a sentence with a separate application.. (10) The teacher came in - everyone rushed to their places, and the lesson began. (11) Lisapeta the Second scribbled a note to Vera, her neighbor at her desk: “Now Zheka will be laughed at!”
(12) Vera imperceptibly turned to Zheka. (13) He sat hunched over - elbows on the desk, fists under his hardened chin - his gaze fixed on one point - fenced off from everyone, closed, locked. (14) Just a savage, and that’s all.
10. Among sentences 25–31, find a sentence with a separate application.. (25) Then he first thought about the phenomenon of childhood. (26) When it begins, there were no questions, but when does it end and where is the line from which a person becomes an adult? (27) Obviously, childhood ended for village children earlier than for city children. (28) The northern village always lived from hand to mouth, and after the war everyone became completely impoverished, women and boys worked. (29) Of the thirty local men who went to the front, two returned from the war. (30) Children, little schoolboy men, began their working lives early, and their childhood was stolen from them. (31) However, what is there to count: some had their childhood stolen, others had their youth, and others had their lives.11. Among sentences 24-29, find sentences with a separate circumstance.
– (24) Where did you get the flowers? - asked the teacher.
“(25) Vitya gave this to me,” Lena said calmly. (26) Everyone immediately began to whisper, looking at Vitya, and Vitya lowered his head low.
(27) And at recess, when Vitya, as if nothing had happened, approached the guys, although he already felt bad, Valerka began to grimace, looking at him.
- (28) And here the groom has come! (29) Great, young groom!
12. Among sentences 18-22, find sentences with a separate agreed definition, expressed by a participial phrase. Write the numbers of these sentences.
(18) Entering the classroom, Ilya handed the kitten to Sanya who turned up, and he hid it in his briefcase.
(19) At the last break, the main enemies of the human race, Murygin and Mutyukin, looked for a little for the kitten, but soon forgot about it. (20) After the fourth lesson, everyone was released, and the boys rushed out of the school with a whoop and howl, leaving these three unattended in the empty classroom lined with colorful asters.
(21) Mikha told in detail how in the morning, on the way to school, he pulled out a poor kitten almost from the very mouth of a dog that was about to bite him to death. (22) But, however, he could not take him home, because the aunt with whom he had been living since last Monday still doesn’t know how she would react to this.
13. Among sentences 1–5, find a sentence with a separate application.
(1) The girl's name was Alice. (2) She was six years old, she had a friend - a theater artist. (3) Alice could freely enter the theater courtyard, which was guarded by a strict guard, but other children could not get into this interesting world. (4) But she was not just a girl, she was an artist’s assistant.
(5) Once in the theater courtyard, Alice saw a guy and immediately realized that he was not an artist.
14. Among sentences 1–4, find a sentence with a separate agreed definition.
1) One day at the beginning of October, early in the morning, while leaving for the gymnasium, I forgot the envelope with money my mother had prepared in the evening. (2) They had to pay tuition fees in the first half of the year.
(3) When the big change began, when all of us were let out into the yard on the occasion of the cold, but dry and sunny weather, and at the bottom of the stairs I saw my mother, only then did I remember about the envelope and realized that she, apparently, could not stand it and brought him herself.
(4) Mother, however, stood aside in her bald fur coat, in a funny bonnet, under which gray hairs hung, and with noticeable excitement, which somehow further enhanced her pitiful appearance, helplessly peered at the crowd of schoolchildren running past, who, laughing, they looked back at her and said something to each other.
15. Among sentences 1−7, find a sentence with a separate circumstance, expressed by an adverbial phrase. Write the number of this offer.
(1) I don’t even remember what that book was called. (2) I only remember that on the brown cover there was a red pennant of some sailing ship in a long zigzag. (3) I didn’t particularly like to read, but I gladly gave books from our home library to my classmates. (4) Petka Solodkov pulled it out of his briefcase and put it on the table. (5) We stood at the window and looked at the gloomy October sky, from which rare snow fell like fluff.
– (6) Sanya, thanks for the book! (7) I read all night today: I couldn’t put it down! - Petka said smiling admiringly and shook my hand.
16. Among sentences 19–25, find a sentence with a separate circumstance.. (19) Starting from Sunday, more and more summer residents began to come to the village. (20) The housewives were seized by a fever of profit, and prices tripled, and since people kept traveling, they began to grab without any conscience.
(21) Once a neighbor came to see Polikarpovna. (22) During the conversation, she casually asked how much she rents out housing for, and when she heard the answer, she opened her eyes in surprise:
- (23) Yes, grandma, you are completely crazy! (24) I have one, it would tear your hands off for a hundred. (25) Now they take one and a half hundred, two hundred!
17. Among sentences 1–8, find a sentence with a separate application. (1) There is sleep and silence on the farm. (2) We walk along a low fence, white under the moon, made of flat wild stone in a southern way. (3) It feels as if I was born here, and lived my life here, and now I’m returning home.
(4) I knock loudly on the window frame. (5) There is no need to sleep now that we are back. (6) And now the plank door swings open. (7) Panchenko, my orderly, sleepy, yawning, stands barefoot on the threshold.
- (8) Come in, Comrade Lieutenant.
18. Among sentences 1-8, find sentences with a separate application..1) It all started during the break before the sixth lesson. (2) Lena Boldyreva, a languid, bushy-haired beauty, became capricious:
– (3) Listen, people, I’m already sick of this chemistry!
(4) Someone said in the same tone as her with a crying intonation:
- (5) Who didn’t she get?
(6) These remarks were enough for the hectic, sparkling thought of escaping from class to flash like lightning. (7) Our class was considered exemplary, there were eight excellent students in it, and there was something funny and piquant in the fact that it was we, respectable, exemplary children, who would amaze all the teachers with a strange, unusual trick, decorating the dull monotony of school everyday life with a bright flash of sensation. (8) My heart skipped a beat with delight and anxiety, and although no one knew what our adventure would lead to, there was no turning back.
19. Among sentences 12-17, find all sentences with homogeneous members.
(12) Often my father asks me to remind him of the contents of a movie or a book that we both read.
- (13) What an outlandish memory, eh! - he says joyfully. - (14) He remembers everything, as if he was reading it yesterday... (15) But I forgot everything, got everything mixed up!
(16) It seems to me that my father is just happy that he forgets and confuses everything.
(17) The next day, after I smeared Kostya’s face, my father said:
20. Among sentences 1-7, find a sentence with a separate common application.
(1) The doorbell rang. (2) Lively voices and laughter came from the hallway. (3) Guests appeared. (4) Respectable, well-dressed people greeted the owners, approached the table, and put appetizers on plates. (5) The ladies sat in comfortable soft chairs; the men formed groups and talked with each other. (6) Semyon Petrovich lifted me from my seat and introduced me to the guests: - (7) Here is Ivan, the greatest original of all my daughter’s friends.
21. Among sentences 9-13, find a sentence with a separate agreed definition.
(9) Occasionally the guys came to my house. (10) They listened to records, played my railroad, chatted about this and that, but nothing serious.
(11) And the guys also loved it when I released paper pigeons from the balcony. (12) More precisely, these were not exactly pigeons. (13) I learned how to make birds out of paper that look like flying saucers.
22. Among sentences 1-8, find sentences with homogeneous members.
(1) For me, music is everything. (2) I love jazz, like Uncle Zhenya. (3) What Uncle Zhenya did at the concert in the House of Culture! (4) He whistled, shouted, applauded! (5) And the musician kept blowing recklessly into his saxophone!..
(6) Everything is about me, in this music. (7) That is, about me and about my dog. (8) I have a dachshund, his name is Keith..23. Among sentences 6-11, find a sentence with a separate circumstance expressed by an adverbial phrase. Write the number of this offer.
(6) Korolkov was lying on the sofa in his room and thinking that Oksana did not know how to talk to her mother, and Nadezhda did not know how to talk to her daughter. (7) She commands, humiliating her. (8) And they light up against each other, like a match against a box. (9) Korolkov knew from himself: you can also achieve something from him only through flattery. (10) Flattery seemed to raise his capabilities, and he sought to raise himself to this new and pleasant limit.
(11) The door opened and Oksana came in wearing a long new jacket in the “retro” style, or, as she called it, “retrohi24. Among sentences 17-20, find a sentence with a separate circumstance
(17) But suddenly, when I was six years old, a huge doll with a round face and the Russian, although unusual for a toy, name Larisa appeared. (18) My father brought the doll from Japan, where he was on a business trip. (19) I should be happy about an overseas toy. (20) But she was taller than me, and I, reacting painfully to this, immediately disliked her.
25. Among sentences 9-13, find a sentence with a separate object.
(9) Her face was mobile, like a clown’s: she disposed of it without effort. (10) Disappointment, delight, amazement - all these feelings replaced each other, leaving no room for uncertainty. (11) The absence of monotony was the Machine’s image.
(12) No one considered Masha the champion of the “all-around” class, since she did not fight with anyone, since her championship was undisputed.
(13) In everything except femininity and beauty: here Lyalya was considered the first.
26. Among sentences 12-15, find a sentence with a separate circumstance.
(12) Trying to bring joy to her mother, the daughter exclaimed:
- (13) If you could only see the figure of a sleeping lion that Olya sculpted! (14) I’ve been whispering all evening: what if he wakes up?
(15) She often took Olya’s work to show her mother, and made a promise that when her mother finally got up, Olya would draw her portrait.
27. Among sentences 26-30, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance.
(26) “Maybe these are new methods of musical education?” - the grandmother reasoned.
(27) All the shelves and bookshelves in the house were made by Oleg’s hands. (28) When the guests gathered, the grandmother quietly, secretly from her grandson, boasted:
- All of him!.. (29) With my own hands!
(30) And then she exclaimed publicly, so that Oleg could hear:
– But the main thing, of course, is the music! (31) He will be a musician!
28. Among sentences 14-19, find a sentence with a common application.
“(14) One day the blacksmith Yegor comes to the village council,” Lenya continued. - (15) There is nothing, he says, to repair what is required, so let’s remove the bells.
(16) Fedosya, a woman from Pustyn, interrupts here: (17) “In the Pozhalostins’ house, old women walk on copper boards. (18) Something is scratched on those boards - I don’t understand. (19) These boards will come in handy.”
29. Among sentences 17-21, find a sentence with a separate application.
- (17) 3hello, young lady! - he said, rising towards him.
- (18) Hello, Yakov Ilyich! - Bowing low, whispered the timid Dinka.
(19) Katri’s portrait, her lively, burning eyes, the portrait’s quiet counterpart, Ioska, and the unfortunate violinist himself, who had retired here after the death of his wife - all this filled her with horror. (20) Her legs seemed to have grown to the threshold, and, not knowing what to do, she pitifully asked:
- (21) Play, Yakov Ilyich.
30. Among sentences 20-23, find a sentence with a separate agreed upon definition.
(20) So Lyovka, from a man who was going to be disgraced throughout the world, turned into a hero. (21) And from this time, probably, that heaviness at the bottom of Glebov’s soul arose... (22) And there are no more unhappy people who are stricken with envy. (23) And there was no more crushing misfortune than what happened to Glebov at the moment of his seemingly supreme triumph.31. Among sentences 18-22, find a sentence with a non-isolated agreed common definition.
(18) Dinka sat silently at the table, smiling absently at Lena, not noticing that he had been watching her for a long time with a restless gaze. (19) “How will I tell Andrey?” - Dinka thought painfully. (20) And in the depths of the terrace stood Lenya, and his heart was squeezed by pain.
(21) Following Dinka’s stopped gaze, Lenya saw a bicycle driving in from the road.
“(22) Don’t tell him anything,” Lenya quickly said, squeezing his friend’s cold hand. - (23) Can you hear me?
32. Among sentences 17-20, find a sentence with homogeneous isolated definitions.
(17) In general, my parents kept accusing both of us of being unclear: we didn’t clearly communicate who called mom or dad on the phone and when, and we didn’t clearly follow the daily routine.
(18) Having seen off my mother and father on their next business trip, my grandmother and I immediately, like conspirators, gathered for an emergency council. (19) Short, thin, with short-cropped hair, the grandmother resembled a mischievous boy. (20) And this boy, as they said, looked a lot like me. (21) And not only externally.
- (22) Well, how much money do we save for cinema? - asked the grandmother.
33. Among sentences 20-25, find a sentence with a separate agreed upon definition.
(20) I begged my father for a large office book and wrote on the cover: “(21) Chronicle. (22) Ancient, middle and new story villages of Tyzhi, composed by N.I. Berezin."
(23) At first the description of the village went smoothly. (24) But after the words: “The village has been founded in...” - difficulties began. (25) The founding of the village related, of course, to ancient history, but I was unable to find any antiquities.
34. Among sentences 8-14, find sentences with an application.
(8) But it’s a completely different matter - the Ars cinema, a poor little shed on the square. (9) There are uncomfortable wooden seats, there they sit in coats, there is garbage on the floor. (10) There you will not meet “inveterate theatergoers”, dressed up ladies, offended in advance by the fact that they, decent people, are forced to spend three hours in the company of clueless laymen. (11) There the crowd pours in and takes their seats, rattling their seats and spreading the sour smell of damp coats. (12) They'll start now. (13) This is happiness. (14) This is a movie.
35. Among sentences 23-27, find sentences with homogeneous members.
(23) Of course, I didn’t understand this well then, but I felt deathly boredom and the terrifying joylessness of what I saw. (24) The smell of the “anatomist” seemed to haunt me, it came from everything there: in all the performances the uselessness of what was happening was visible. (25) Useless to anyone! (26) Neither the speakers nor the audience. (27) This lack of hope for joy made me firmly abandon the idea of ​​​​entering a cultural institute.36. Among sentences 33-37, find a sentence with a separate application.. (33) Wiping his palms on his T-shirt, Gosha tramples helplessly, blinks, but Verochka is inexorable. (34) And then, having given her the transistor, Gosha trudges to his apartment.
(35) Hasty steps on the stairs, voices: Seryozha and Pavlik, Gosha’s classmates, run out into the yard, with fishing rods and some kind of cardboard, but menacing-looking pipe.
“(36) This is a rocket,” Seryozhka says impressively. - (37) Let’s launch it in the forest.
37. Among sentences 19-23, find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these sentences.
(19) The future life of an officer seemed to me then in an aura of sheer fun and daring, and not in the burden of work and worries, as is the case in reality.
(20) As I moved into the higher classes, my free time, of course, became less, other interests appeared, and my military exercises almost stopped. (21) The only thing I didn’t give up was gymnastics and excelled in the “military system,” which was introduced into the real school program in 1889.
(22) In any case, when I graduated from college, although high scores in mathematical subjects promised an easy opportunity to enter any higher technical institution, there was no talk of this. (23) I chose a military career.
38. Among sentences 12-17, find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these sentences.
(12) Tolya really liked running to school in the rain. (13) Once he turned around and suddenly saw his mother on the other side of the street. (14) There were a lot of raincoats and umbrellas on the street, but he recognized his mother immediately. (15) And she, noticing that Tolya turned around, hid around the corner of an old two-story house.
(16) “Hiding!” - Tolya thought angrily. (17) And he ran even faster, so that his mother would not try to catch up with him.
39. Among sentences 40-45, find a sentence with isolated circumstances.
(40) The legs started working first. (41) The crab turned over and slowly, with difficulty, stood up. (42) He stood up, resting and walking away. (43) He stood, big, gnarled, stood and gained strength. (44) And somehow all the white spots immediately disappeared.
“(45) He will live,” Zybin said firmly.
40. Among sentences 34 – 38, find a sentence with a separate circumstance.
(34) Okay,” Mitya was afraid to offend the old bear, “and tomorrow we’ll go to bed early to play with you all alive.”
(35) The boy shook hands with the soldiers, stroked the dog Tishka on the head, and put the cars in the garage. - (36) Nika, let's go to bed, and tomorrow we'll play with toys again!
“(37) Okay,” the girl said, yawning, and fell asleep.
(38) In the morning, dad woke up the children:
41. Among sentences 5-14, find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these sentences.
(5) “You girls are completely obsessed with Antoine,” Olya Avlasovich laughed. - (6) Antoine said, Antoine looked... (7) Like crazy people, honestly, as if the light had converged on him like a wedge!
- (8) One might think that you don’t like Klyushev! - Tanya said mockingly.
- (9) Not at all! (10) What about you? - Olya looked at her slyly.
(11) Tanya shuddered internally, but again controlled herself in time and answered:
- (12) Yes, I’m not going crazy like some... - (13) And she looked at Allochka with slight contempt.
(14) Lyubimova twitched her shoulder, but did not make excuses.
42. Among sentences 13-18, find a sentence with a separate circumstance.. (13) Have you ever thought how much your mother’s hands do for you, how tired they are, how restless - kind, gentle, strong and caring mother’s hands are. (14) They are the very first thing we felt in life when we came to this new, unfamiliar and amazing world. (15) They pressed us to their chests, protecting us from adversity and anxiety. (16) Mom’s palm will touch your hair, ruffle it playfully, and now all the troubles and sorrows are gone, as if mom took them away from you with her mother’s hand. (17) The most expensive treasure, the greatest value in our lives are the hands of our mother! (18) Taking upon themselves all the pain and cold, all the wounds and blows of life, all the heaviness and bad weather - everything that protects us from adversity and allows us to be happy.43. Among sentences 1-6, find a sentence with a separate agreed common definition.
(1) At the end of the third grade, just in the spring, when the river opened up and loose gray ice floes floated down the water with a rustle and roar, our teacher Anna Nikolaevna brought a new student into the class in a jacket with sea buttons. (2) These buttons caught my eye first of all: they all had iron buttons with an asterisk, and Vitka Boretsky had ones with anchors.
(3) Vitka Boretsky sat quietly in the class on the penultimate desk, his enviable buttons sparkled, he was quiet and neat, he extended his hand if he wanted to say or ask, in general, he was an exemplary good boy, completely unlike our noisy brethren.
(4) Vovka Meshkov disliked Boretsky from the first day. (5) Meshkov did not have internal brakes from birth. (6) He was cheeky, ill-mannered, and his eyes even seemed to squint predatorily when he looked at Vitka.
44. Among sentences 7-12, find a sentence with a separate object.
(7) I heard Naila’s voice and imagined her: her hair should be dark, her eyes should have coals in the middle, her lips should be slightly swollen, with barely noticeable cracks from water and wind. (8) Together with her voice, her breath reached me, similar to the rustling of leaves when the wind smells. (9) When her voice fell silent, I was afraid that it would not sound again - it would soar and fly away like a bird. (10) I wanted it to sound forever and no one but me would hear it.
(11) She sat on the coastal sand, her legs crossed and her chin resting on her knees. (12) She sat motionless, maybe even fell asleep.

Task formulation:

Among sentences 24-28, find a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions. Write the number of this offer:
- (24) Why do we need your copies? - the older girl suddenly inserted herself into the conversation with defiant aggression, and Anna Fedotovna marveled at how officially inhuman a child’s voice could become. - (25) The museum will not take copies. - (26) He won’t take it, and you don’t take it. - (27) Anna Fedotovna really didn’t like this tone, defiant, full of claims that were incomprehensible to her. - (28) And please return all the documents to me.

Correct answer: 27

A comment: tone (what?) defiant, full of claim

What you need to know:

Simple sentence

SIMPLE SENTENCE - this is a unit of syntax, a grammatically organized group of words, complete in meaning. The grammatical basis of a sentence is a subject and a predicate. IN simple sentence there can be only one grammatical stem.

Often taken as a complicating component subordinate clause, and, conversely, the subordinate part complex sentence misunderstood as a complication.
In order not to make a mistake, you need to clearly understand: the complicating component does not contain a grammatical basis , but represents an additional, additional utterance that correlates with the main one, which has a formalized grammatical basis.

Complicating components in a sentence

Complicating components can be:

  • homogeneous members (Neither cake, nor new toys, nor cheerful entertainment- nothing didn't make the girl happy);
  • isolated definitions (Road, paved cobblestones, climbed the rampart);
  • separate additions (The whole society excluding Sergei Lvovich, was assembled);
  • standalone applications (We, philologists, we know the power of words);
  • special circumstances (Lisa, despite mother's intervention, arranged everything in my own way);
  • introductory words (I, in all probability, I won’t stay here long);
  • introductory combinations (This dignitary according to the apt remark of one contemporary, had a strong intelligence and arrogant figure);
  • introductory sentences (He arrived in Suzdal - I've been to this town too- and, imagine, he began to make inquiries about Modest Petrovich);
  • plug-in structures (... the younger one is a fool ( or rather, a kind, honest simpleton) - all good things go to fairly);
  • appeals (ABOUT, Pavel Ivanovich, let me be frank);
  • comparative turnover (Her hands are cold like ice );
  • clarifying members of the sentence (At the fence on a pile of boards, Vaska and Dran were already waiting).
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