How to quickly calm anxiety. How to overcome anxiety? Effective methods and recommendations. Why do we worry

The reasons for anxiety can be very different. This could be a performance in front of a large audience, an appearance at law enforcement agencies and even communication with unfamiliar people. Any person experiences discomfort due to anxiety, but thanks to the development of psychology and in-depth study mechanisms of this phenomenon, many ways to cope with this have emerged.

Depending on the degree of anxiety, a person should take various actions:

1. Mild excitement.

May occur before an important telephone conversation. This situation, as a rule, does not have an overly destructive effect on a person. This type of anxiety is difficult to overcome due to the weak expression of emotions.

The easiest way to cope with many negative emotions is to take a deep breath. This may seem stupid, but in fact, a person’s thoughts are directly related to his physical condition.

A correctly taken deep breath normalizes the heartbeat, and this will take care of the right mood for the whole body:

  • inhalation must be done with the mouth closed;
  • the maximum amount of air is drawn into the lungs through the nostrils very slowly;
  • after the end of the inhalation, a pause of 1-2 seconds is made;
  • also, with the mouth closed, air is released very slowly;
  • At the end there is an indefinite pause.
You shouldn’t choke at such moments: it’s enough to just let your lungs and body determine on their own when you need to take a new breath. The total number of repetitions for this exercise is not limited.

More than 90% of people note that after such breathing manipulations they feel relief, and the most common situations when this helped were anger and excitement.

You can learn more about breathing techniques to reduce worry and anxiety from this video.

2. Average excitement.

The best example would be the situation of people who are traveling to an unfamiliar city for the first time. Here it is worth using more serious methods of dealing with anxiety. The most common are changing focus and relaxation.

When a person is facing an event, but must wait for it to begin, and the person is not able to speed up the process, all that remains is to cope with the excitement and wait. In such situations, a change in focus helps, that is, a banal change of attention.

Completely avoid any negative news and events. They are 100% likely to worsen your anxiety, and it will intensify many times over.

Shift your attention to good and neutral life situations in the world. Study positive events in people's lives: buying a cute kitten, puppy, building a house with your own hands, but still skip the information about saving people. Even if everything ended well, the internal human logic does not sleep: “If someone was saved, that means he was in danger, which means... Danger!”, and so you worry, although you don’t even fully realize it.

Watching good comedy films or cartoons helps a lot, but there may also be not the most joyful events (the same “Bambi”). Therefore, make yourself a list of really positive stories in advance. minimum quantity dramatic events. Whether you are familiar with films, news or books, the main thing is to maintain interest. This way, you will definitely switch your attention, and the excitement will fade into the background.

Mental and physical relaxation will also help. These include:

  • meditation, when you need to concentrate, relax as much as possible and try to understand what is causing the excitement (concentrate on emotional sensations);
  • toys for relaxation: balls with sand, magnets, rosary beads and other devices.

Most of all, people worry before the most important events in their lives or during particularly difficult ones. life situations. Here it is necessary to use the previous tips and, perhaps, more.

Each person should try to determine without emotion how much the cause of anxiety worries him. Unless the situation is critical, it is also important to understand the person's attitude and level of anxiety. When emotions are too strong, you can turn to a psychologist. A qualified specialist will definitely understand the problems and prescribe the right solution.

Basic ways to deal with anxiety

Let's not forget that every person is unique. What one person calls mild anxiety may cause panic attacks in another. Therefore, let's look at the most effective techniques, ideal for helping with anxiety.

Let's start with the psychological ones:

1. Praise.

The essence of the method is to allow yourself to worry and encourage it. This is a psychological paradox, thanks to which the emotion of excitement is not driven inside, but, on the contrary, is released and revealed.

Unconscious processes in the brain stop concentrating on real things, imagining an unpleasant development of the situation, and a distraction from the frightening reality occurs. Exaggerated self-admiration in a state of excitement dissolves negative emotions in a matter of minutes, and the effect is visible almost immediately.

The louder and more absurd phrases of praise a person pronounces to himself, the better for combating anxiety:

  • “my trembling hands are just perfect when I'm worried!”;
  • “I love to worry, because I look great at such moments!”
2. Substitution of concepts.

This technique is especially effective in moments when you need to wait a long time for some alarming event. The bottom line is that if you have an interview for an accountant job, you need to convince yourself that the interview is on a different topic. The main thing is that the person is able to complete the upcoming work 100%, easily and simply.

When the setting is set, you should fix it with a gesture (for example, snapping your fingers). Before the interview, it will be enough to repeat the gesture used, and the brain will automatically substitute the situation, and the excitement will disappear instantly.

Laughter is a release. When we laugh, we release energy. This is an ideal method to get rid of anxiety in the same way.

The brain’s ability to fantasize takes on all the work:

  • if an exciting situation at work threatens, imagine your boss in a ridiculous penguin costume;
  • if performing in front of an audience, imagine them all in the famous African-American hairstyle - a voluminous “Afro”;
  • A technique that works especially well is when, being surrounded by people, imagine that they are all starting to squat with stone faces, like in a physical education lesson.

Watching movies and favorite shows also helps. They also trick the brain into focusing its attention on something else. But if the viewing goes against the person’s wishes, it will not work.

Perhaps the question arises: “How can I deceive my brain if I understand that I am going to deceive myself?” Excitement, like all emotions, cannot be recreated by an effort of will, because they originate in the so-called unconscious. And a person’s thought processes, such as reading this article, are in the conscious.

When a person sleeps, the unconscious does not remember the events of the day - only fleeting images accidentally merge into a general dream, nothing more. It’s exactly the same with psychological self-hypnosis: the part of the brain in which anxiety arises has no idea what is “on the mind” of consciousness. Try these options and you will undoubtedly be surprised at how your anxiety will significantly decrease.

4. Movements.

During physical activity and even normal movement, energy is released that is spent for these purposes. But energy is consumed simultaneously on a physical and psychological/emotional level.

When you came home after an aggressive, difficult conversation, did you experience physical weakness, although most of the time you didn’t really move? This very method can be used in the fight against anxiety, on a physical level getting rid of the negatively colored emotions that overwhelm you.

When a person begins to worry, you can often notice movements that help him cope with anxiety:
  • fingering something small with your hands: rosary beads, beads, coins;
  • relaxation devices (a spinner, it’s not just a stupid toy - try spinning it when you’re nervous);
  • relaxing products to combat anxiety: balls, sandbags;
  • tapping the rhythm with your fingers: a favorite song or something completely incomprehensible;
  • swinging the legs (as when the leg does not touch the floor, like a pendulum);
  • walking from corner to corner;
  • drawing or coloring (it doesn’t matter what, it’s all about the process);
  • any other socially safe actions related to movement.

This method cannot be classified as either psychological or physical methods of combating anxiety. This is a complex technique with which you can isolate yourself from the outside world and even your own thoughts.

You need to close your eyes, breathe calmly in any suitable rhythm and... come to terms with it. Agree with what is happening around you - that this must happen. You can’t think about anything - these should be fleeting images passing through you.

The point is to close yourself off from excitement, saving extra energy and strength. First, the surrounding sounds will stop disturbing you, and then your thoughts will stop disturbing you. You should concentrate as much as possible on your own sensations and try to feel the excitement inside the body on a physical level.

The most important thing when dealing with anxiety is not to aggravate the problem and not to “wind up.” Using advice on how to properly combat this emotion, you can not only significantly reduce its effect on the human body and brain, but even completely neutralize it.

Because of psychological problems, troubles in the world around us, many experience tension, expect trouble, and suffer from mood swings. Excitement can turn into stress, and it can develop into a real panic attack. This is dangerous for the health of the entire body, so you need to be able to cope with the problem.

Causes of anxiety, fear, panic

Any psychological deviation depends on emotions, fear of threat and premonition of danger, which are often fictitious and vague. Fear appears upon contact with a situation or object. The reasons for the development of anxiety and panic are worries, grievances, illnesses, troubles with loved ones and colleagues. The main manifestations are:

  • physical symptoms – chills, rapid heartbeat, sweating, shortness of breath, insomnia, lack of appetite, hunger;
  • emotions - excitement, anxiety, fear, apathy or psychosis.

Anxiety causes the mobilization of adaptive capabilities, the release of adrenaline, the body works harder, the thymus gland decreases, the adrenal cortex enlarges and the appearance of hemorrhages and ulcers in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Energy is consumed in large quantities, which leads to exhaustion of the body.

The reasons that cause panic and stress can be various factors, depending on the person’s condition. Thus, pregnant women often develop anxiety about their future children.

This is due to hormonal changes, stories from doctors or friends about unfavorable prognosis, family relationships, and financial situation.

A panic attack occurs unexpectedly and in crowded places in the absence of a threat to life or visible reasons for fear. It can be triggered by stress, hormonal imbalance, internal diseases and genetic predisposition.

Panic is divided into spontaneous (accompanied by strong fear), conditional (provoked by the influence of alcohol or hormones) and situational (against the background of reluctance to get rid of problems).

Anxiety neurosis occurs during prolonged mental stress, stress, and disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic system. nervous system. The cause is anxiety, concomitant diseases depression, schizophrenia, phobia. Depression is also a type of stress caused by failures, lack of fulfillment in life, major shock (death of loved ones, illness, divorce).

Often causeless anxiety is caused by hormonal imbalances.

How to relieve stress and nervous tension with exercises

You can relieve severe anxiety with the help of special acupressure classes. According to psychologists, it is useful to perform them every day:

  1. Relieve internal tension before speaking in public: touch the knuckle of the middle finger with your thumb, move the thumb until it moves into the hollow. Apply moderate pressure to the point and hold for 10–15 seconds. This will help regulate blood pressure and relieve anxiety.
  2. Stimulating a state of confidence: place the thumb on the side of the index finger between the first and second joints, apply light or moderate pressure, and stay in this position for half a minute. This reduces internal emotional stress and stimulates calm.
  3. Activation of the brain center (third eye on the forehead): connect the tip of the thumb right hand with the tips of the second and third, place at a distance of 2.5 cm above the point between the eyes. Fold your left hand in the same way, place it 2.5 cm above the first point. Hold the press for 30 seconds (to concentrate). Yogis call the exercise an activation of intuition and wisdom, helping to heal nerves.

Psychologists advise usual time additionally resort to calming rules. These are the recommendations:

  • dive into a painful topic at a certain time - 20 minutes a day, but not before bed, then switch to everyday affairs, you can even write a letter to your fear;
  • imagine anxiety and fear as a stream of smoke that dissolves in the sky;
  • get rid of the desire to keep everything under control;
  • diversify your life with hobbies, reading, walks, sports, meetings with loved ones, trips, meditation;
  • focus on the positive;
  • get very angry at fear.

Breathing regulation

An excellent remedy for nerves and stress is proper breathing. To regulate it, you can use special exercises:

  1. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly 10 times. This will help you calm down, get rid of anxiety, and realize what is happening.
  2. Inhale vigorously through the nose and exhale through the mouth, concentrating on each movement of the lungs. As you exhale, throw your arms forward with force, pushing the improvised object away from you. As you inhale, return your hands to your chest, pressing your elbows to your sides. It rids the body of fear, stimulates the peripheral nervous system, restores calm, and can even help with claustrophobia.
  3. Connect the tips of your thumb and index fingers, raise your arms in front of your chest, palms facing away from you. Breathe deeply for a minute, gradually increasing to 3 minutes. For the first time you may feel slightly dizzy. This will help free your thoughts and restore courage.
  4. Lie on your back, put one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach, breathe deeply. As you breathe, you need to make sure that your stomach raises and lowers your hand. This will help calm the nervous system and overcome anxiety.

How to calm your nerves with relaxation

Treatment for stress may include meditation. This good way overcoming anxiety and panic, preventing health problems. Relaxation relieves stress and helps overcome nervous tension, calms, relieves fatigue and irritability, teaches calmness.

Meditation is carried out alone, the session lasts 5–10 minutes:

  1. Lie on your back, tilt your head back, completely relax and breathe deeply through your nose. In the process, discard all bad thoughts and focus on breathing.
  2. Hold your breath, tensing and relaxing all the muscles of the body.
  3. Take turns tensing and relaxing individual parts of the body.
  4. In conclusion, lie down without thoughts in your head, relax.

Pills for stress and anxiety

For severe anxiety and nervous tension, the use of medications is indicated. Medicine for stress stabilizes the body, improves perception of reality, and helps relieve depression. Groups of drugs prescribed by a doctor:

  1. Neuroleptics - suppress the functioning of the nervous system, interfere with its functioning. Prescribed for mental disorders, schizophrenia, memory loss, depression.
  2. Antidepressants – relieve a person of stress, anxiety, minimize or completely eliminate depression, and improve mood.
  3. Tranquilizers – suppress emotional arousal and help the patient feel calmer. At the same time, the patient’s physical and mental activity is inhibited, he becomes indifferent to everything. The drugs fight anxiety, agitation, neuroses, and sleep disorders.
  4. Nootropics – improve brain function, mental activity, memory.
  5. Normotimics - normalize mood, function of the nervous system, eliminate negative emotions. They are used to get rid of affectivity, nervousness, hot temper, and impulsiveness.
  6. Sedative medications – calm the nervous system, suppress stress, eliminate constant anxiety and sleep problems.
  7. Activating the functioning of the nervous system - used to relieve excessive stress on the psyche.

At home, sedatives help relieve stress: tincture of valerian, motherwort, decoctions of birch buds and chamomile.

Popular sedative medications:

  1. Afobazole is a tranquilizer that helps relieve stress, eliminate neurasthenia and problems with adaptation or sleep. The drug is contraindicated under 18 years of age, during pregnancy, lactation. It is taken three times a day, 1 tablet for a course of 2–4 weeks. Possible side effects: allergies, headache. Price – 390 rubles for 60 tablets of 10 mg.
  2. Novopassit is a herbal medicine that copes with nervous overexcitation and has a hypnotic effect. Take 1 tablet three times a day. The drug is contraindicated in cases of lactose intolerance, myasthenia gravis, and under 12 years of age. Possible side effects: allergies, dizziness, exanthema, fatigue, drowsiness, muscle weakness, constipation, dyspepsia. Price – 200 rubles for 10 pcs.
  3. Persen - based on natural components, is very calming and helps relieve stress. Take 2-3 times a day, 2-3 tablets for a course of no longer than 2 months. The drug is contraindicated in cases of intolerance to the components of the composition, hypotension, cholangitis, pregnancy, lactation, and under 12 years of age. During administration, hyperemia, skin rash, dermatitis, bronchospasm, and constipation may occur. Cost – 250 rubles for 20 pcs.
  4. Cipralex is an antidepressant prescribed for chronic disorders of the nervous system, stress, panic attacks, and fear. It normalizes cerebral circulation and is available strictly according to prescription. Take 10 mg once a day for a course of 3 months. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, age under 15 years. Possible side effects: nausea, anxiety, vomiting, weakness, sweating, decreased libido, galactorrhea, hypotension, arthralgia. Cost – 1000 rub. for 14 pcs. 10 mg each.
  5. Lenuxin is an antidepressant that helps cope with increased anxiety and restlessness. It suppresses panic attacks, relieves neurosis and depression, taken 10–20 mg once a day for a course of 3 months. Contraindications: age under 18 years, pregnancy, lactation. Possible side effects: headache, hallucinations, nausea, diarrhea, itching, urinary retention, weakness, myalgia. Price – 670 rubles for 28 pcs. 10 mg, available by prescription.


Strong excitementprevents a person from acting effectively and truly enjoying life. Constant tension and stress are fraught negative consequences. Therefore, it is important to learn how to relieve emotional anxiety. How to do it? How to cope With excitement? You will find out further.


In order to cope with anxiety, you need to learn to relax. To do this, you can use various meditative techniques or autogenic training. You can buy special CDs or just turn on pleasant music and go on a pleasant journey.

During relaxation, it is useful to recite self-hypnosis formulas. For example, this: “I am completely calm (calm).” And it’s even better to combine relaxation with mental pictures. You can imagine how you are on the seashore or in a flowering meadow. How the sun is shining and a light breeze is blowing. How the birds sing songs to you... How good and calm you feel. Imagine that your anxiety goes away and you feel confident in any situation. Draw an image of yourself balanced and calm. You are the master of your emotions.

Practice relaxation techniques daily. This will help you cope with anxiety.

2.Positive attitude

Emotionoften happens to those people who play around in their heads negative thoughts. They imagine how something bad could happen to them. How they are doomed to fail. But such thoughts are the reason for your anxiety. They create vibrations in your mind that attract trouble. Therefore, it is very important to learn to control your flow of thoughts. It is important to believe in yourself and your strengths. Only with a positive attitude can you cope with anxiety and increase your chances of success in all areas of life.

3. Breathing

Breathing techniques help cope with anxiety and fear. They are also useful for the overall well-being of the body and for saturating it with vitality. Correct breathing will serve you faithfully.

The most famous breathing exercise, which has already helped many people, is alternating nostril breathing. Sit in a comfortable position. The back is straight. Take a few deep breaths in and out. And start the exercise. Inhale air through your right nostril, covering your left, then exhale through your left nostril. Next, inhale through the same nostril through which you just exhaled. And exhale through the right nostril. Breathe like this for 5-10 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can mentally imagine yourself inhaling calmness and exhaling emotional excitement.

Nine out of ten important events involve anxiety. A date, an exam, meeting a friend, going to the doctor - all this causes anxiety and a feeling of discomfort. Probably, each of us at least once in our lives has met a person who does not know excitement.

How did he achieve superiority over his own psyche without turning to calming bubbles for help? Dear reader, let’s try to figure this out!

By the way, it will also be useful to you. Unfortunately, not all of us are given the natural ability to keep our emotions and feelings under strict control. It depends on the person’s temperament, his upbringing, and character traits. However, many people are well aware that self-control is one of the main factors contributing to success in any field.

The feeling of excitement causes discomfort and prevents us from realistically assessing the situation. We are afraid of doing something wrong, and this applies to all situations, no matter where we are going. How to overcome anxiety and gain a sense of self-confidence?

Most often, anxiety arises from a lack of confidence that the event will go smoothly. To overcome anxiety and approach this issue competently, you need to follow simple rules of behavior

  • Nutrition. You need to opt for carbohydrate foods, but not overeat them. These products contain serotonin, which is responsible for sustainable emotional condition person. Avoid large amounts of sugar.
  • Use relaxation techniques. When you are alone at home, think about what you love to do most? How do you want to relax? Maybe the singing of your favorite artist can calm you down? Or classical music will become your best friend in a difficult and exciting situation. Take a deep breath, imagine the sound of the sea, the singing of birds. Give all your negativity to the sea, and leave yourself peace and tranquility.
  • Keeping life under control. Some will say that modern life is full of surprises. In part, this is true. Constantly arising problems, seemingly out of nowhere, prevent you from fully managing your affairs, keeping everything under control and planning events for tomorrow. But some people manage to live by their own rules. Ask this person how he did it? Practical advice will not be superfluous. In any case, write down future tasks in a diary or notepad so that they do not seem like a surprise. When a person knows what awaits him and puts this question on paper, anxiety becomes less.
  • Sports activities. During physical exercise, endorphins are also produced and nervous tension is relieved. The body works, the person gets tired. He will think about worry tomorrow, but now his body is resting from physical activity.
  • Smile more often. Positively minded people are bolder and more determined. When you laugh, endorphins are released. Scientists have proven that they help relieve accumulated irritation, anger, and aggression. The anxiety subsides, the person gains self-confidence.
  • Good dream. When a person gets enough sleep, he is not susceptible to aggression and irritability. Feeling normal will help you overcome anxiety.
  • Fight the fear. It is this feeling that causes excitement; it is associated with other emotional sensations that negatively affect a person. When he is afraid of everything, he cannot concentrate and make the right decision.

So, to cope with anxiety, you need to learn to be friends with it. And this means observing several postulates. They can be written down on a piece of paper, memorized, or placed in a prominent place in the house. These rules should come to your attention whenever a person begins to experience discomfort while getting ready for an important event. And so the rules:

  • Excitement, I accept you.
  • I start moving and playing sports.
  • Trifles and troubles are not what you really need to worry about.
  • I'm learning to do breathing exercises. And most importantly, they help me!
  • I'm being positive. I'll be fine. And most importantly, I believe in it.

In order to stop worrying and get rid of it, and also start looking at life more calmly, a wonderful

  • "Balloon Breathing"

We sit down and close our eyes. Mentally, we imagine a tennis ball in front of us. Happened? Go ahead. We take a slow and deep breath, as if pulling the ball in the direction from the stomach to the throat. Now the ball has rolled up to our throat and we have a few seconds to make a decision - where to put it? The decision is made, we take a sharp exhale. The ball rolled down, we parted with it, in principle, without regrets. Do this 10 times. This breathing exercise will help you overcome anxiety.

It would be nice if you imagined that this ball contains all the excitement that torments and interferes with a peaceful life. Look how dashingly you roll it around in your thoughts! Do the same in reality!

  • Breathing exercise with counting

Starting position – sitting. The man's eyes are closed. Inhaling slowly, the person begins to count to himself, clearly pronouncing: one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three. The breath is held, but the counting of numbers continues: one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three.

The exhalation should be slow, in the middle of the exhalation we hold our breath again and begin the count: one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three. We exhale completely, then inhale again. This gymnastics is simple, but very effective, as it will allow you to adjust your breathing rhythm, put your thoughts in order, after which the person will finally relax and stop worrying.

  • Breathing exercise for experienced anxiety fighters

Starting position – sitting. We close our eyes. We begin to count from 10 to 1, inhaling and exhaling on each count. The exhalation should be longer than the inhalation. When we inhale and exhale, we imagine that tension, stress, fatigue, negativity, apathy, and aggression disappear. The person takes control of everything.

We imagine that the air we breathe is colored in warm colors: pink, beige, light blue. With each exhalation, the air turns into several clouds that gently float around the room. Where are you? Try it, float on the clouds! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Don't open your eyes. Until your imagination has had enough of the journey, do not open your eyes. When this happens, your eyes will open to the world, without worries and stress. In this technique, it is important to find the desired counting rhythm.

To do this, you should breathe evenly, slowly, calmly, without thinking about the negative, imagining only positive things. This method is very relaxing, but it must be used regularly, gradually increasing the count: from 20 to 1.

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“How to stop being afraid of public speaking?” - a relevant question for people of all ages and professions. For the first time we are faced with the need to speak in front of a serious public already at the institute or at work. And if at school speaking in front of your classmates made you feel uncomfortable, and you caught yourself thinking, “I’m afraid to do this,” then work assignments where you need to convey certain information to professionals most likely terrify you.

But all this fear of public speaking is only in our heads, so you can easily get rid of it by first explaining to yourself how it arises and what ways to overcome it exist.

The anxiety before performing on stage can be different, but we feel the same state, which is extremely difficult to overcome: our hands and knees are shaking, our mouth is dry, our voice sounds as if from the outside, the audience turns into one frightening mass. To understand why fear controls us so much and how we can cope with it, let’s find out its causes.

Perhaps the first and most underestimated cause of fear of public speaking begins in childhood. When Small child speaks loudly for the first time in a public place, the parent will silence him. Subsequently, this will be the explanation of why a person has a phobia of expressing thoughts loudly in front of an audience.

When the voice is suppressed, it leads to anxiety, and ultimately to fear. Of course, they won’t forget to add fuel to the fire. school teachers, belittling abilities, and classmates who can hurt feelings without thinking about the consequences. These moments are the causes of social phobias, including those that provoke fear of public speaking.

The second reason why fearless public speaking eludes us has to do with the psychological component of fear. Fear used to be synonymous with the word danger. I felt cold - I tried to warm up faster, went to the edge of the abyss - I was afraid of heights and walked away. Under the influence of everyday stress: work, study, economic and political changes in society, the instinct of self-preservation has undergone changes. As a result, we begin to worry in unjustified situations, including before performing on stage.

  • The reasons that awaken this fear in us are the following:
  • Fear of people as such due to low social activity.
  • Fear of saying something stupid or slipping up.

Constantly telling yourself that the listeners are negatively disposed towards you and will closely evaluate your performance.

Another reason is not having the information necessary for the presentation. And the last one is agoraphobia or fear of crowds. Unlike the fear of people described above, this fear is deeper, and people do not even realize that they are afraid of large crowds of people and suffer from this type of phobia.

Why you shouldn't be afraid to perform on stage

Having understood the sources of the formation of a phobia for stage performances, you must first of all convince yourself that this fear does not exist, that we are starting to worry in vain. The main point on the way to overcoming fear, which you need to realize and feel, is that public speaking is an opportunity to express yourself with and evaluate your skills in working with an audience. This is important because every day, at work or school, we communicate with people, and when this brings us discomfort, our productivity drops, our mood worsens, etc.

Fearless public speaking is the key to your self-confidence. By training skills by presenting information in front of other people, you bring actions to automatic execution, and over time you will no longer feel discomfort when communicating with people. Let's summarize the useful aspects that can be gained from performing on stage:

  • Experience communicating with large audiences to help develop communication skills.
  • In the process of preparation, you will deepen your knowledge related to the topic of the speech.
  • At work conferences or student summits, your speech will be noticed by influential figures, which can benefit you in the future.
  • At proper preparation to the reports, your speech will soon become more literate.

How to overcome stage fright

If it is too late to apply the above tips - the performance is already on your way, and the phobia haunts you, and you cannot get rid of it, then use the following techniques:

  • Relax. When the body is tense, you involuntarily want to shrink and not be the center of attention. Relax your body so as not to reinforce psychological discomfort with physical tension.
  • Your position on stage should be confident: both feet are on the ground, your arms are not in a closed position, your back is straight. Place your supporting leg forward for stability. This will allow your blood to circulate better, deliver more oxygen to your brain cells, and you will become less anxious.
  • It is important to normalize breathing so that the body is not stressed. To do this, inhale, count to 4, then exhale sharply. Repeat 10 times.
  • If you feel that your voice is breaking from excitement, do it in advance. speech gymnastics. Tell your speech without opening your mouth. Pronounce the letters as clearly and expressively as possible. This exercise will relax the muscles of the face and larynx and help cope with anxiety. Take water with you, otherwise at the wrong moment you will lose your voice and have to interrupt the performance.
  • If fearless public speaking suddenly causes your knees to tremble, try mentally directing your attention to them. Or trick your brain and consciously make your knees shake. After this, the trembling often stops.
  • Make eye contact with your listeners to maintain contact with them. This will show that the performance is aimed at their interest and impact.
  • If you made a mistake, the right decision would be not to focus attention on it and continue speaking. In addition to the task of presenting information, it is important to be able to concentrate on the main thing. Therefore, if you succinctly omit the error, none of the listeners will even notice it.

The recommendations in this article will help you overcome fear, and fearless public speaking will become a constant companion to your stage performances. You will never say, “I’m afraid to perform on stage, I won’t be able to cope with it.” Having felt confident in front of an audience for the first time, you will realize that you have become much more relaxed in life, and the phobia that haunts you has receded.

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