When will the results be known in the Ukrainian language? Map of the best schools in Ukraine based on assessment results. The best school in Ukraine is located in Lviv

Official conversion table test scores ZNO 2017 in Ukrainian literature will be published after checking all test papers. On this story we have collected translation tables and information about the ZNO test for Ukrainian language for previous years.

In 2017 test work The ZNO in Ukrainian language and literature is the same in structure as in 2016, 2015 (the number of tasks is 58 and the number of test points is 104).

The threshold pass/fail score was 23 points in 2016, and 22 points in 2015.

The most important thing about the 2017 ZNO test in Ukrainian language and literature

  • The date of the ZNO in Ukrainian language and literature is May 23, 2017.
  • Number of tasks - 58 tasks.

Table of conversion of ZNO 2017 test scores in Ukrainian language and literature into a 200-point and 12-point scale (ZNO 2016 is taken as a basis)

Official tables for converting ZNO 2016 test scores in Ukrainian language and literature into a rating scale of 200 and 12 points

Brief information about the test in Ukrainian language and literature ZNO 2016

  • Date: May 5, 2016.
  • The number of test items is 58.
  • The maximum number of test points is 104 points.
  • The time allotted to complete the test is 180 minutes.
  • The threshold score for “pass/fail” is 23 points.
  • The percentage of participants who did not pass the “pass/fail” threshold is 9%.

Translation tables for ZNO test scores in Ukrainian language and literature 2015

The most important thing about the 2015 ZNO test in Ukrainian language and literature

  • The date of the ZNO in Ukrainian language and literature in 2015 is April 24, 2015.
  • Number of test items - 58 ( a basic level of), 74 (advanced level).
  • The maximum number of test points is 104 points (basic level), 136 points (advanced level).
  • The maximum rating score is 200 points (basic and advanced level).
  • The time allotted for completing the test is 150 minutes (basic level), 210 minutes (advanced level).
  • The threshold score for “pass/fail” is 22 points.
  • The percentage of participants who did not pass the pass/fail threshold was 8.4%.

Tables for converting test scores received by external assessment participants in 2015 for the test in Ukrainian language and literature (basic level and advanced levels) into a rating scale (from 100 to 200 points).

The Center for Educational Quality has released results for seven academic subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German and Spanish), biology, mathematics. The 2018 ZNO results for other subjects will be known a little later.

The results of the 2018 ZNO are assessed based on the pass/fail criterion. Each subject has its own threshold test score, which is then converted to a scale of 100-200 points. Those who do not score the required number are considered to have failed the 2018 ZNO and are not eligible to enter the university.

Based on the results, the minimum passing score was determined, that is, a score that is sufficient to participate in the competition for admission to a university.

ZNO 2018: passing grade in Ukrainian language and literature

The test consisted of 58 tasks, for which you could get 104 points. Passing score - 23.

ZNO 2018: passing scores in other subjects

  • History of Ukraine - 26 points
  • Mathematics - 12 points
  • Geography - 29 points
  • Biology - 28 points
  • Physics - 15 points
  • Chemistry - 20 points
  • Russian language - 29 points
  • English language - 16 points
  • French - 14 points
  • Other foreign languages ​​- 13-17 points

This year the passing scores are 1 less than in 2017 (in all subjects except foreign language. For a foreigner - 5 higher). Education development expert Natalya Chuprina said that the passing score in each subject depends on the results of all students, that is, the higher the overall score in a certain subject, the better the level of applicants.

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But the president of the Ukrainian Students Association, Lydia Fesenko, believes that the passing grade in mathematics should be higher.

– The threshold of 10 points is the basic knowledge that every person should have. And this is objective. Don't forget that this is training in institutions higher education, she said.

Competitive points of the state order for admission to higher education educational institution for the budget are determined by the formula:

(points of each EIT certificate + average certificate score + score for the competition of creative or physical abilities) × by weighting coefficients, the total amount of which is equal to one.

Participants can view their results on the ZNO tests on the information page, and a table for converting test scores into a rating scale can be found on the website osvita.ua

When will answers to ZNO assignments be published?

The very next day after external independent testing, the correct answers to the ZNO tasks will be posted on the UTSKO website. In this way, applicants will be able to test themselves.

Schemes for grading open-ended certification work assignments will be known three days after testing.

For each subject, a rating scale from 100 to 200 points will be compiled. And in the Ukrainian language, mathematics and history of Ukraine, the results will be additionally translated into a 12-point scale. Tables are published on the day the results of the external examination in a specific subject are announced.

Where to see the results of the examination

Each participant of ZNO-2020 will be able to view their results on information page. To do this, you need to go to the website, indicate the certificate number and PIN code. Please note that you can visit the page no more than 10 times a day.

The determination of the EIT results is carried out in several stages, and applicants will be able to find out their score in mid-June:

After reading all the data, you need to print the information card, which is an attachment to the certificate. Based on the results of the cancer assessment, a rating list applicants for admission to university.

You can file an appeal from the moment the results of the external examination are officially announced.

The best school in Ukraine is located in Lviv

Graduates of the Lviv Physics and Mathematics Lyceum-Boarding School of LNU named after. I. Franko showed one of the best results. This school has been ranked first for the second year in a row. Average score this year's graduates increased by 4 points.

There are six Kyiv schools in the top ten schools

Natural science lyceum No. 145 last year was in 9th place, this year it is in 2nd place. The Intellect lyceum lost silver to school 145, receiving bronze.

In the top ten there are only two Dnepropetrovsk schools (in 2017 there were three) and one Kharkov physics and mathematics lyceum No. 27. It moved from 21st place in 2017 to 4th.

Some schools have made a huge leap in the rankings

For example, Odessa Gymnasium No. 2 rose from 394 places to 80, and Rivne special school "Center of Hope" - from 1,040 to 162.

But there are more impressive records. Sychanskaya comprehensive school took 175th place, and was in 9,976th place (it’s even difficult to pronounce). Next on the list, in 172nd place, is the Grigorievskaya School of the Starokonstantinovsky District Council of the Khmelnitsky Region - moved from 8,049th place.

These are the best schools in the country. But if one of them is located in your city, this does not mean that you don’t have to worry about the future of the city’s children. Because Ukrainian education hopelessly outdated: school does not provide knowledge, demotivates learning, and the “scoop” is still in the minds of many teachers, as well as parents.

Using the correct answers to test items, test participants have the opportunity to determine their own test score for all test items, except for open-form items.

The result of completing tasks No. 1-33 of the “Ukrainian language” part and No. 58 of the “Own statement” part will be counted as the state final certification in the Ukrainian language.

The results of completing the tasks of the entire test will be used by applicants when entering higher education institutions.

The maximum number of test points for completing the “Ukrainian language” part of the test is 68 test points.

The maximum number of test points that can be scored by correctly completing all tasks of the certification work in Ukrainian language and literature is 104 points.

When announcing the official results of the external examination in Ukrainian language and literature, two tables will be published: on a scale from 100 to 200 points and on a scale from 1 to 12 points.

Results on a scale from 1 to 12 points will be sent to schools to determine the grade of graduates for the state final certification in the Ukrainian language.

GIA participants who do not pass the threshold score determined by the expert commission on the results of the external examination in Ukrainian language and literature will be considered as having failed the test and will not be able to use the test result in the admissions campaign.

The marking scheme for the open-ended certification paper will be announced in a few days.

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