Who made an attempt on the general's life and why? General Romanov’s wife: “The doctors said that her husband would not live even a week. Is General Romanov, the hero of the Chechen war, alive?

Internal troops. History in the faces of Shtutman Samuil Markovich

Hero Russian Federation ROMANOV Anatoly Alexandrovich (b. 09/27/1948)

Hero of the Russian Federation

ROMANOV Anatoly Alexandrovich

(b. 09/27/1948)

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (July 19 - December 31, 1995)

Colonel (11/01/1990)

Major General (02/21/1992)

Lieutenant General (02/23/1994)

Colonel General (07.11.1995)

Born in the village of Mikhailovka, Belebeevsky district, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now Bashkortostan) in a family of rural workers. My father returned from the war with military awards, but without a leg. Eight children grew up in the house, six of them survived. Anatoly was the youngest. In 1966, he graduated from 11 classes and went to work as a milling machine operator at the Belebeevsky woodworking machines plant.

On October 29, 1967 he was drafted into the internal troops. He served in units guarding important government facilities and special cargo (gunner, cadet, squad leader, deputy platoon commander, acting platoon commander). Deciding to choose military affairs as his profession, he entered Saratov in October 1969. military school named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, from which he graduated with honors in 1972. As one of the best graduates, the young lieutenant was left at the school as a course officer. Anatoly Romanov served in this for ten years. educational institution, transformed into the Higher Military Command School, becoming a course officer, assistant to the head of the educational department, teacher of the fire training department, and commander of a cadet battalion. Despite his workload, A. A. Romanov strives to obtain a higher education military education. He studies in absentia at the M.V. Frunze Military Academy and successfully graduates in 1982.

In October 1984, he was appointed chief of staff of a unit in the Urals. A year later he was already commanding a regiment. In May 1988 he was transferred to Moscow as division chief of staff. He proved himself to be a very capable, authoritative, promising officer. It's time to think about further growth. Only the Academy could serve as a springboard General Staff Armed Forces.

Army General A.S. Kulikov recalls: “I first heard about Anatoly Romanov in 1989, when I graduated from the first year of the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces... I wanted worthy people from the internal troops who could think to replace me at the Academy of the General Staff. large-scale, and lead firmly. I expressed this idea in May 1989 to the commander of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Yuri Shatalin, and heard in response: “We are sending two people to the academy - Romanov and Shkirko. Both are worthy." I could not have imagined then that a few years later, following me, these two officers would become commanders of the explosives. And in the same order as they were named by Shatalin. I knew Anatoly Shkirko before, but I heard about Romanov for the first time. I would have remained in the dark if an officer I knew from the headquarters had not once expressed to me his opinion about him: “I studied with him. This is a wonderful officer. A good, intelligent, well-mannered person, a military bone.” In September, new students - Romanov and Shkirko - appeared at the academy and, as expected, introduced themselves to me: I was a major general, Shkirko a colonel, and Romanov a lieutenant colonel. And already in the spring of 1990, on the eve of staff strategic exercises, an operational group of internal troops was created for the first time at the academy in order to work out explosive tasks as part of a strategic operation. It was supposed to be a counter-offensive front-line operation, in which the explosives - I myself assigned the task to the group - would perform their episodic role.

Sergeant A. Romanov is on leave from the city. 1968

Senior Lieutenant A. A. Romanov, course officer of the Saratov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR

Colonel A. A. Romanov after graduating from the Academy of the General Staff. 1991

Major General A. A. Romanov

At times, the General Staff Academy resembles an ordinary school: honored generals and courageous colonels behave like children: they also strive to cheat, evade, and cheat. But then Romanov surprised me for the first time: he completed the task brilliantly. Moreover, he skillfully applied the knowledge that he acquired at the academy to the internal troops, and this is not a simple matter. I was sincerely glad that an internal troops officer had appeared at the academy, capable of continuing the tradition of an honest and zealous attitude to learning. Since then we became friends, and there was not a single day when I had to regret that this person appeared in my life...

After graduating from the academy, I received an appointment in Rostov-on-Don as head of the department for North Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

...The news did not pass me by that the next year Anatoly Romanov successfully graduated from the academy and was appointed to Sverdlovsk as a division commander.”

03/16/1992 Anatoly Aleksandrovich, after 9 months of command of the division, having just received his first general rank, is recalled to Moscow and appointed head of the Directorate of Special Units of the Internal Troops. Since 03/31/1993 - Commander of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the protection of important government facilities and special cargo. From 07/02/1993 - Deputy Commander of Internal Troops, Head of the Combat Training Department.

Lieutenant General A. A. Romanov in the “Rus” detachment. Chechen Republic. 1995

During the well-known events of the fall of 1993 in Moscow, General A. Romanov led the actions of internal troops near the White House on October 4.

1994... After the decision was made in October of this year to strengthen the grouping of troops in the North Caucasus, General A. A. Romanov, appointed head of the operational headquarters of the military operational group (VOG) of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, goes there. Since then, fate brought him to Chechnya. When General A. S. Kulikov became the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, by Presidential Decree of July 19, 1995, Lieutenant General A. A. Romanov was appointed Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 280 dated July 24. 1995). And in this capacity he headed the United Group of Federal Forces on the territory of the Chechen Republic. Together with A.S. Kulikov, he participated in the negotiation process.

At the same time, his excellent diplomatic abilities unexpectedly emerged. He studied the history of the Chechen people and their customs. Everyone noted the tact and restraint of General Romanov. The old Chechens were imbued with special respect for him and presented him with a saber and a cloak. Romanov conducted difficult negotiations with Maskhadov.

On October 6, 1995, with an escort group, he went to meet with R. Khasbulatov, who had arrived in the Chechen Republic, and volunteered to help in the peaceful resolution of the conflict. On the way, when the column was passing through the tunnel under the bridge on Minutka Square in Grozny, an explosion was heard. Those in the same car with General Romanov were killed, and 15 people accompanying him were wounded. The seriously wounded general was taken to Moscow to the Main Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense named after N. N. Burdenko. Currently he is in the Main Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, surrounded by the attention of medical staff, his wife and daughter.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 5, 1995, Colonel General A. A. Romanov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

From December 31, 1995, he remained in the position of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and from June 25, 1998, he was transferred to the position of consultant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the assignment of the class rank of adviser civil service 1st class.

Awarded the orders “For Personal Courage”, “For Military Merit” (No. 1), and the Red Star. Honorary citizen of the city of Saratov.

Larisa Romanova congratulates the winner of the hand-to-hand combat competition for the prize named after Hero of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Romanov

Literature and sources

Romanov A. A. Unknown troops. (Current interview) // At the combat post. - 1993. - No. 4. - P. 2–6.

Edokov A. A. Anatoly Romanov: 15 years at the Saratov school // At the combat post. - 2002. - No. 5. - P. 13–15.

Loria E., Edokov A. General Romanov, return from the battle! // At the combat post. - 2000. - No. 8. - P. 38–51.

Kulikov A. S. Heavy stars. - M., 2002. - P. 119, 132, 133, 144, 154, 176, 186, 237, 240, 246, 356–364.

Kraminova N. A house without an owner. Larisa Vasilievna and Victoria, the wife and daughter of General Anatoly Romanov, believe that they will soon meet with him // Obshchaya Gazeta. - 1995. - October 26 - November 1.

Sokirko V., Khokhlov A. General Romanov, return from the battle! // TVNZ. - 1995. - December 5. - P. 2.

Portuguese R. M., Runev V. A. Russian military elite. Russian Federation. - M.: Veche, 2010. - P. 262, 263.

CMVV Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, O. 5, D. 31, P. 13. Service card of AA Romanov.

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The fate of General Romanov is connected with the army. At all times, the military is at its combat post. And then, in the 90s, the commander of the federal group of troops, General Romanov, took an active part in resolving the military conflict in the Caucasus, including peacefully, in the process of negotiations. Twenty-two years ago, Anatoly Romanov, a general, was very seriously injured in an explosion. What's wrong with him now? Is General Romanov, wounded in Chechnya, alive?

Biography of General Romanov

Anatoly Romanov was born in Bashkiria in 1948. The family had eight children. In a large peasant family, children from an early age were taught to work and responsibility.
1967 - after completing compulsory army service in the protection of special cargo and important government facilities, he entered the military school in the city of Saratov. There he reached the highest position for a conscript soldier: deputy platoon commander.
1972 - graduated from college in Saratov, with a diploma with honors, and remained to serve there. Then, already in absentia, he studied at the Frunze Academy (Moscow).
1984 - appointed to the position of chief of staff in Zlatoust-96 (a closed city in Chelyabinsk region). He was responsible for guarding the city's defense plant.
1988 - appointed to the position of chief of staff of the 95th division and transferred to the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow.
from 1989 to 1991 - studied at the Military Academy of the USSR General Staff.
in 1991 - commander of the 96th Division in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg).
1992 - awarded military rank: Major General, received appointment to the position of head of the department of special units of internal troops.
1993 - appointment to the position of head of the Department for the Security of State Objects and Special Cargoes, then deputy. Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
1993 - participated in famous events at the White House.
1994 - appointed commander of all groups of federal troops in the North Caucasus.
November 1995 - a month after the assassination attempt, Lieutenant General Anatoly Aleksandrovich Romanov was awarded the star of the Hero of Russia.

General Romanov, photo

Militants blew up the car the general was in in early October 1995.

Negotiations with Aslan Maskhadov were planned that day. But first, General Romanov with a security column went to the city of Grozny to meet with Ruslan Khasbulatov (at that time, a well-known politician, Chechen by origin, acted as a mediator in the negotiations). The meeting with Khasbulatov was scheduled right on that day, spontaneously, by telephone. Romanov could not have gone, but he did not refuse, because at that time it was necessary to use any, even the slightest, chance to stop the insane bloodshed.

A column of our troops was blown up near Minutka Square in Grozny, under a railway bridge, using a radio-controlled land mine. A device equivalent to 30 kg of TNT went off next to the general’s car... nothing remained of the car. A mixture formed on the spot - pieces of concrete, equipment, human bodies.

At the time of the explosion, there were four people in the car: General Anatoly Romanov, driver Vitaly Matviychenko, Rus special forces security soldier Denis Yabrikov and Colonel Alexander Zaslavsky. Everyone except the general died. Anatoly Romanov was identified by his wedding ring and the buckle on the general’s belt. Several dozen people from the armored personnel carrier accompanying the general were wounded and shell-shocked as a result of that explosion.

Immediately after the tragedy, Anatoly Romanov and other wounded were sent by helicopter to Vladikavkaz, from where they were soon transported on a special Scalpel hospital plane to the Burdenko military hospital in Moscow.

Experienced doctors did not expect the general to remain alive. The military doctor in his memoirs says that “General Romanov was practically killed,” the diagnosis was a fracture of the base of the skull, penetrating wounds of the chest, abdomen, shrapnel wounds, concussion. They measured time in minutes - lived a minute, an hour, a day. At first, spontaneous breathing was restored. And on the eighteenth day the general opened his eyes. For a long time, Anatoly Romanov could only look at the ceiling. Gradually some mobility appeared: with eyes, hands, legs.

What's wrong with General Romanov now?

Now next to the general are his wife and relatives: daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. According to his wife, there is a special spiritual connection between grandfather and granddaughter, and from the very first day, when she, a little girl, was brought into the ward.

My wife learned about what happened on that tragic day in October 1995 from the news: the column in which General Romanov was was blown up, what happened to him?

Now many years have passed, that war has become history... Where is General Romanov now, wounded in Chechnya? He is in a hospital in Balashikha. His wife comes to him every day, walks, and looks after him. There are home photos on the walls in the room. A day at the Balashikha military hospital follows a strict schedule: doctor’s visits, physical therapy, massage. On the eighteenth day after being wounded, the general came out of a coma and began to react to light, but even now, after more than twenty years, doctors call his condition “borderline”; such cases are rare in the world. Used in treatment different ways, we tried stem cells, but there was no positive dynamics. Comrades in arms do not forget, they often visit and help.

According to his wife’s observations, Anatoly Romanov does not like it when journalists come to his room, he turns away. Journalists want to know how General Romanov is feeling now, and they point their cameras. The general is still unable to speak, but at the same time he is able to respond to information with facial expressions or eye movements and understand the text on paper. He loves military and sports television programs, listens to wartime songs and classical music. Next year, friends and family are planning to gather for the seventieth birthday and drink to the health of General Romanov, today these are plans, nothing can be made.

Zelimkhan Yandarbiev (at that time the head of unrecognized Ichkeria) and Aslan Maskhadov were named among the customers and organizers of the assassination attempt.

A criminal case was opened, but the documents were burned during the shelling of the FSB building in Grozny in 1996.

The fate of General Romanov, wounded in Chechnya, became the topic of a documentary film. Five years ago, the film “General Romanov - The Devoted Peacemaker” was released, on the 65th anniversary of the birth of Anatoly Romanov, “the general who did not return from that war.”

He survived the explosion of a powerful radio-controlled landmine and has been persistently fighting for his life for 23 years. He turns 70 on September 27

IN Russian history There were a sufficient number of cases when military personnel survived not thanks to, but despite, circumstances. Many of them managed to restore their health, return to service, and even Alexey Maresyev, perform feats of arms.

Colonel General Anatoly Romanov this failed, but the Hero of Russia, who turns 70 today, does not give up. He fights as best he can for own life, overcoming the consequences of severe injuries received as a result of a terrorist attack organized by Chechen militants.

Life after

For almost 23 years, Anatoly Romanov has been in a borderline state. Despite a fractured skull and very severe brain damage, he does not give up, trying in his own way to return to normal life as soon as possible.

Over the years, he had to relearn how to recognize old friends and acquaintances, as well as understand other people's words. Although for the love of my life - my wife Larisa– he began to react immediately after emerging from an almost three-week coma.

He maintains his physical shape, although he is confined to a wheelchair, and thanks to the care of his wife, he often pedals his bicycle slightly, which once became a big victory. Perhaps even more significant than his victories in Chechnya.

He loves string music, and reacts negatively to the sounds of war, trying to grab non-existent weapons with his hands. After several years of painstaking work, he learned to read again and perfectly understands what is happening around him, trying to recapture the Anatoly Romanov he was before.

Didn’t fuss and wasn’t afraid to make decisions

The future commander of the united group of federal troops in Chechnya, like all Soviet boys, was brought up in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. From the Bashkir village where his family lived, he joined the army immediately after finishing school. He didn’t play around and didn’t pretend to be sick. Then there was the Saratov Military School with honors, service with it, Military Academy name M.V. Frunze- a path that was approximately the same for dozens of his peers throughout Russia.

Then there was perestroika and collapse big country, whom Romanov met as chief of staff of the legendary 95th division of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then performing on the side Yeltsin in September 1993.

That moment turned out to be decisive in the life of the lieutenant general. The country's leadership appreciated his devotion, sending him to Ichkeria in 1994 to head a group of internal troops in the North Caucasus. At that difficult time, they had to fulfill a crucial mission: behind the simple formulation of “restoring order” in those years and in those places there were hundreds of lives and a daily threat.

Accident or betrayal?

A lot has been written about what happened in Grozny on October 6, 1995, but there is practically no reliable information. It is only known that the negotiator who arrived from Moscow Ruslan Khasbulatov invited Anatoly Romanov to his place for a conversation.

While moving through the tunnel under the railway bridge in the area of ​​Minutka Square, a powerful explosive device planted by terrorists went off. Right under the commander's car. All the soldiers who were with Romanov died.

The general's life was saved by his body armor and helmet. The doctors literally assembled him piece by piece, and Anatoly Romanov himself emerged from the coma only after 18 days. The last thing he remembered was the moment he got into the car.

On the eve of negotiations with militants.

The explosion of a radio-controlled landmine occurred when General Romanov’s motorcade drove into a tunnel under the railway bridge, its epicenter falling right on the commander’s UAZ. As Minister of Internal Affairs Kulikov recalled, if Romanov had not been wearing a bulletproof vest and helmet at that moment, he would not have survived. The serious wound received by the major general led to a coma. Romanov was urgently taken to the Vladikavkaz military hospital.

According to the then deputy head of the Russian delegation at the negotiations in the capital of Chechnya, Arkady Volsky, the terrorist attack against the commander of the joint group of troops A. A. Romanov was beneficial to both sides - both supporters of the escalation of the conflict in Moscow and Chechen separatists. Minister Kulikov believes that the then head of unrecognized Ichkeria, Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, was directly related to organizing the assassination attempt on Romanov. In fact, Yandarbiev himself, in an interview published in Nezavisimaya Gazeta in January 1999, confirmed that that terrorist attack was a planned action.

Neither the customers, nor the organizers, nor the perpetrators of the assassination attempt on General Romanov were ever officially identified. In August 1996, all documents on the “Romanov” criminal case were burned as a result of artillery shelling of the FSB building in the Chechen Republic. At the end of the same year, the criminal case was suspended “due to the impossibility of establishing the identity of the accused.” And then there was the “conciliatory” Khasavyurt, the second Chechen campaign... At the end of the 90s, information appeared in the press that the terrorist attack was ordered by Aslan Maskhadov. It is generally accepted that today all the “links” of the chain “customer-organizer-executor” are already rotting in the ground, having been destroyed during numerous counter-terrorist operations carried out by the federals in Chechnya.

... Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General Romanov, has been undergoing treatment for 23 years after the assassination attempt, now in the Balashikha hospital of the internal troops. At the end of September, Anatoly Alexandrovich turned 69 years old. He is unable to speak, but he perceives and reacts to the speech of others. His wife Larisa Vasilievna provides great assistance in the most difficult process of rehabilitation of Romanov; they have been together for 47 years.

In September 2018, Hero of the Russian Federation Colonel General Anatoly Romanov celebrated his seventieth birthday.

It's no secret that Anatoly spent almost one third of his life in the hospital, chained to his bed. During this time period, a whole generation of citizens has grown up on the territory of our state who know practically nothing about the plight of the hero of the Russian Federation.

In 1995, Anatoly Romanov served as commander of the United Group of Federal Forces in Chechnya. At that time there were active fighting against the separatists. The huge number of senseless deaths of citizens of our state forced the government to look for other ways to resolve this conflict, but at that moment Romanov was in the heart of the fighting. General Romanov practically managed to reach an agreement with authoritative members of the armed separatist groups to end the war. However, there were those for whom such a scenario turned out to be quite unprofitable, and they tried to eliminate Romanov.

In October of the same year, a meeting was supposed to take place with a mediator in negotiations with armed groups. During a meeting with Ruslan Khasbulatov, who at that time was the ex-speaker Supreme Council RF, Romanov planned to discuss negotiation tactics.

However, an explosion of a radio-controlled landmine was heard on the territory of Grozny, and the general’s vehicle found itself at the epicenter of the tragedy. As a result of the explosion, parts of the car scattered along the highway, and the general was hospitalized in a severe coma. Romanov's life was saved with the help of a pre-fitted military bulletproof vest and helmet.

Witnesses to this tragedy say that moments after the explosion, armed soldiers began to dismantle the hot wreckage of the vehicle, hoping to find the general alive.

Already on the territory of the hospital, where the wounded soldiers were evacuated, one of the privates noticed a shiny buckle with the emblem of the USSR. The owner of this buckle was a general.

At first, the general was sent to the territory of Vladikavkaz, then to the capital of Russia. The general spent more than eighteen days in a coma on the territory of the Burdenko military hospital. However, after a short period of time, Anatoly began to react to the outside world. After thirteen years of long treatment, the general was transferred to the territory of the Main Military Hospital of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To date, Romanov has not gained the gift of speech, but maintains contact with the world around him through facial expressions. On this moment experts say that the general’s body is not emaciated, but note that his muscles have weakened greatly, however, there are no signs that they have atrophied.

In November 1995, Romanov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Romanov’s wife refused to take the awarded award for her safekeeping and said that the hero was alive, and Anatoly should be awarded the medal.

For many years, Romanov's wife Larisa has been visiting her husband in the hospital, without missing a single day. During her visits, she takes her husband for walks and gives massages.

When asked about her fate, Larisa Vasilyevna answered that her life was filled with concern for her husband, just like other devoted wives whose husbands found themselves in such a difficult situation.

During interviews with representatives of funds mass media Larisa told reporters that she visits her husband every day, sometimes twice. She also told the media about walks with her husband, and that the general was tired of being locked up, and family members decorated his room with photographs and paintings.

Larisa also focused the attention of media representatives on the significant changes in her husband’s physical condition compared to the first days after the tragedy.

The wife of Anatoly Romanov is still hopeful about the bright future of her husband, and she sincerely hopes that Anatoly will soon be able to return to a normal lifestyle and live a full life.

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