Miklouho-Maclay Nikolai Nikolaevich. Man from the Moon. Non-union complex sentences

Once, while walking through the forest, I wandered so far that I got a little lost: but, fortunately, I finally came across a path that led me to the sea, where I could immediately find my way. This happened near the village of Male, where I, however, did not go, but headed to Bongu, on the way home. But I didn’t manage to get to Bongu; it was almost dark when I reached Gorendu, where I decided to spend the night, to the great surprise of the natives. Arriving at the village site, I went straight to the large buamramra * Tuya, wanting to disturb the natives as little as possible and knowing very well that my visit would alarm all the inhabitants of the village. Indeed, the cries of women and the crying of children were heard. I explained to Tui who came that I wanted to sleep with him. He answered me a lot, it seems he wanted to accompany me by torchlight to Garagassi, he said something about women and children. I almost didn’t understand him and, to get rid of it, I lay down on a barla - a kind of long bunk with large bamboos instead of pillows and, closing my eyes, repeated: “Nyavar”, “Nyavar” - sleep, sleep. I didn’t have a watch, and although it was not late, tired from my many hours of walking, I soon dozed off and then fell asleep. I probably woke up from the cold, since I slept uncovered, and the night wind blew through due to the lack of walls in front and behind these huts.

* Buamramrams are called large huts, in a special way

built and exclusively intended for men (29).

Having not eaten anything since 11 o'clock in the morning, I also felt a big appetite. I was alone in Buamramra, where twilight reigned. Getting up, I headed to the site, to the fire, around which several natives were sitting. Among them was Tui. I turned to him, pointing to my mouth and repeating the word “uyar” (to eat), which he immediately understood and brought me a small tabir (30) (oval shallow dish) with cold taro and boiled bananas. Despite the lack of salt, I ate several pieces of taro with pleasure; I also tried bananas, but they seemed very tasteless to me. I felt so refreshed by a half-hour's nap and then strengthened by food that I invited two young natives to accompany me with torches to Garagassi. In the darkness of the night it was absolutely impossible to get home without a fire. The natives understood my desire and seemed even pleased that I did not stay overnight. Instantly they obtained several torches from dry palm leaves, which are tied in a special way for this purpose, each took a spear, and we set off. Forest illuminated bright light burning dry leaves seemed even more beautiful and fantastic than during the day. I also admired my companions, their fast and deft movements: they held a torch above their heads, and with a spear they pushed away the overhanging branches of the vines, which in places blocked our path. One of the natives followed me; Looking back at him, I couldn’t help but think how easy it would be for him to pierce me with a spear from behind. I was unarmed as usual, and the natives knew this fact well. I, however, reached Garagassi safe and sound, where I was met by an extremely alarmed Ohlson, who had almost lost hope of seeing me alive.

November 22. The other day I killed a pigeon right next to the hut, and since I had never seen such a specimen before, I carefully prepared the skeleton and hung it quite high on a tree to dry. Less than two hours had passed when my skeleton disappeared from a tree in broad daylight, three steps from the house. Sitting on the veranda and doing something, I caught a glimpse of a dog quickly disappearing into the bushes, but I did not think that it was carrying away the skeleton on which I had been working for about an hour. This morning we managed to kill another pigeon, but it fell into the sea. Not feeling the desire to swim and not wanting to disturb Ohlsen, who was preparing tea, I waited for the incoming tide to wash my prey to the shore. Sitting over tea on the veranda, I watched the slow movement of the dead bird, which the waves moved towards the shore. However, this did not last long: one fin flashed, then another, and the bird’s body suddenly disappeared into the water, leaving behind only a few water circles. Some distance away, several shark fins appeared for a second, probably fighting over prey.

Last night Tui wanted to show his trust in me and asked permission to spend the night with me. I agreed. When leaving, he said that he would come later. Assuming that he would not return, I was already lying down on the bed when I heard his voice calling me. I came out, indeed, it was Tui. His appearance in the moonlight was very characteristic and even spectacular: his dark but well-built body was beautifully drawn against an even darker green background. He leaned on a spear with one hand, and in the other, lowered, he held a dying log, which illuminated him on one side with a reddish glow. His cloak or cape made of rough tapa (31) hung from his shoulders to the ground. Standing thus, he asked where he should lie down. I pointed him to the veranda where he could spend the night, and gave him a mat and blanket, with which he was very pleased. Tui lay down. It was about ten o'clock. At half past 12 I got up to look at the thermometer. The moon was still shining brightly. I looked at the veranda, but Tui was not there, and in his place lay only a rolled up mat and a blanket. Apparently, the bare bunks of his hut are more to his taste than my veranda with a mat and blanket.

23 Nov. I shot one of the birds that scream so much in the tall trees near the house. Her native name is “coco”. This name is nothing more than an onomatopoeia of her cry - “koko-niu-kai”; Moreover, when she screams, the sound “koko” stands out very clearly.

Today I made an unexpected, but very unpleasant discovery: all the butterflies I collected were eaten by ants; only pieces of the wings of some of them remained in the box.

Ohlson's fever returned, and I again had to chop wood, boil beans, and boil water for tea. Sometimes I spend the evening preparing earrings, which I cut for the natives from tin cans. I imitate the shape of the tortoiseshell earrings worn by the natives. I made the first pair as a joke and gave it to Thuya, after which many natives visited me, asking me to make them the same ones. Tin earrings have positively become fashionable, and the demand for them is growing.

24 Nov. Shot a white cockatoo that fell from a tree into the sea. I had just gotten up and was about to go to the stream to wash, so I immediately undressed and went into the water to get the bird and bathe. The ebb tide carried it away from the shore, but I headed towards it, despite the depth, and was already two fathoms away, when suddenly a large shark grabbed the bird. The proximity of such neighbors is not particularly pleasant when swimming.

November 25. (...) Days pass, and my study of the native language is moving forward very slowly. The most common words remain unknown, and I can't figure out how to find them out. I don’t even know how to say such words in Papuan: “yes”, “no”, “bad”, “want”, “cold”, “father”, “mother”... It’s just funny, but what I can’t achieve and to recognize them - this remains a fact. If you start asking, explaining, they don’t understand or don’t want to understand. Everything that cannot be pointed to with a finger remains unknown to me, unless you happen to recognize this or that word. Among other words, learned from Tui, who came to rest in Garagassi, returning from somewhere, I learned quite by accident the name of the star - “niri”. What is original is that the Papuans call (but not always) the sun not just “sing”, but “sing-niri”, the moon - “kaaran-niri”, i.e. star-sun, star-moon.

27 Nov. (...) Today is the full moon, and two young people from Gorendu, Asol and Vuanvum, came here now (at about 9 o’clock in the evening), painted with red and white paint, decorated with greenery and flowers, on the way to Gumba, where they will spend the night. Among the natives, as I noticed, special gatherings are associated with the full moon; they make visits to each other, that is, residents of one village visit residents of another, always walk more decorated, and their songs usually reach Garagassi on such nights (i.e., during the full moon) in the form of a piercing and prolonged howl. This happened last night too. I was awakened by Ohlson asking if I had heard screams and if all my guns were loaded? Before I had time to answer, a loud, piercing scream was heard from the forest, in the direction of Gorend, in which, however, one could recognize a human voice. The cry was very strange and probably belonged to many voices. Ohlson told me that he had heard several similar sounds in the last five minutes. The first of them was so loud and piercing and seemed so scary to him that he decided to wake me up, believing that this could be a signal of an attack on us. I got up and went out onto the platform; Monotonous blows of barum were heard from many villages. The full moon had just appeared majestically from behind the trees, and I immediately thought that the shouts I heard were made in honor of the rising of the moon, remembering that when the moon appeared, the natives cried out in some special way, as if welcoming its rising. This explanation seemed completely satisfactory to me, and, having advised Ohlson not to expect an attack on us, but to simply sleep, he fell asleep immediately.

Usage interactive whiteboard in Russian language and literature lessons

Kozlova Olga Alexandrovna ,

teacher of Russian language and literature

highest qualification category

MBOU "Mokhsogollohskaya secondary school with UIOP"

p. Mokhsogolloh, RS (Y)

The use of an interactive whiteboard allows you to move from the traditional technology of conducting lectures and lessons to a new integrated educational environment, including all the possibilities of electronic presentation of information.

Instead of a blackboard and chalk, the teacher has powerful tools for presenting information in a variety of forms (text, graphics, animation, sound, digital video). In such systems, the teacher himself determines the sequence and forms of presentation of the material.

The interactive whiteboard can be used to study many topics in both the Russian language and literature. This adds variety to lessons and arouses students’ interest in the topic being studied. Yes, both quality and degree of development educational material, as practice shows, increase significantly. Here we see the provision of the rich educational environment, and there is also a saving in time for reproducing information; there is significantly more time left for explaining the material and consolidating it, for eliminating gaps in knowledge.

In Russian language lessons, an interactive whiteboard is widely used when conducting vocabulary work, explaining new material, when compiling tables, diagrams, verification work. We feel great help when studying syntax in high school, when the sentences are very large and it takes a lot of time to write them on the board and make them parsing. On the interactive board, using its capabilities, you can highlight the main sentence and all the subordinate clauses included in it, you can arrange them in one order or another. But this is often impossible to do on a chalkboard: it’s a waste of time and there’s not enough space.

Once , /walking through the forest /, I wandered in so far , (which is a little not lost ), but, fortunately, finally came across to the trail] , ( which brought out me to the sea) , ( Where I now could navigate) .


When analyzing the performance of this task, we see that, despite the fact that it does not present any particular difficulty, many students lose possible points without understanding the essence of these subordination. Using these diagrams on your interactive whiteboard when doing typical tasks allows students to remember methods of submission.


main word + dependent Which?


main word + dependent

for case questions


The main thing + dependent

do not change

The interactive whiteboard is widely used when conducting vocabulary work. For example, when studying the topic “-Н and НН - in adjective suffixes”

Long...y, sandy...y, hawk...yy, tin...yy, car...yy...yy, is...yy, wooden...yy...yy, windy...yyy, thing tse...a, clay pot, bees...y wax, empty...y barrel, drum sticks, long pole, tin sheet, courageous man, old waltz, earth... shaft, foggy morning, rosy... cheeks, silver ball, sick... child, chicken pox.

A computer lecture, developed using MS Power Point, is a thematically and logically related sequence of information objects demonstrated on an interactive whiteboard. The main task of such a lesson is to explain new material. But unlike a traditional lesson, such a lesson has great opportunities to involve illustrative materials.Therefore, a lesson using an interactive whiteboard should be considered as a new tool in the work of a teacher, allowing him to create visual and information-rich lessons.

Information objects demonstrated during a multimedia lecture are images (slides), sound and video fragments. Images (slides) are photographs, drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams.

Video fragments are films included in the lesson in whole or in part, or animations that clearly show processes and phenomena that are often inaccessible to observation.

Sound fragments are narration text, music or other recordings accompanying the demonstration of images and video clips. In literature lessons, slides are actively used when studying the biographies of writers, and students receive an advanced task to read the textbook material, familiarize themselves reference materials and for the next lesson, make a presentation yourself and voice it. It develops skills independent work with sources of information, ICT skills, as well as when voicing slides - the development of coherent monologue speech.

Presentations in Russian language lessons can be used in preparation for an essay, when a plan is drawn up and working material is collected.

When studying works of fiction, video fragments are widely used, which arouses interest in the work being studied, promotes better assimilation of the material, and saves lesson time, which can be used for conversation, questioning, and monitoring.

Interactive whiteboard software allows you to involve all students in active work in a lesson, seminar, allows students to actively perform individual and group role-playing exercises, and the teacher, along with the ability to control and manage, is provided with means of recording and monitoring student actions for subsequent analysis and commenting.

When using an interactive whiteboard, you must use certain criteria for selecting information.

    The content, depth and volume of scientific information must correspond cognitive abilities and the level of performance of students, taking into account their intellectual preparation and age characteristics.

    When selecting material for a visual description of a model, avoid long-range plans and small details.

    The visual series and the speaker test must be interconnected, create a single flow of information and present it in a logical sequence understandable to students, in portions, step by step, at an accessible pace, the speaker text must be clear and concise.

    Large text fragments should be avoided. It is unacceptable to use scroll bars or screen-to-screen buttons to read text.

    Highlight the most important parts of texts using bold and italics.

6.1. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

Task 17. Read and indicate where there are complex sentences and where there are sentences with homogeneous predicates. Rewrite using punctuation marks.

1. So I sat down by the fence and began to listen. 2. The sun had set and dim clouds hung over the dark steppe. 3. Half an hour later we were sitting at home, drinking tea and telling our long-awaited comrades about our adventures. 4. We began to look for a mountain crack for the night and suddenly saw a calm fire. 5. The coachman touched the reins and the troika rushed off into the steppe. 6. The starlings hatched and flew away, and their place in the birdhouse has long been taken by sparrows. 7. It began to get dark and the stars lit up in the sky. 8. Once, while walking through the forest, I almost got lost, but fortunately I came across a path and it led me to the sea. 9. A warm wind blows through the grass, bends the trees and raises dust. 10. The sand sparkles in the sun with a warm yellow shine and on its velvet the transparent buildings are like thin embroideries made of white silk. 11. From a high cliff I noticed a steamer and I wanted to look at the people. 12. The fire in the lamp flickered and dimmed, but after a minute it flared up again. 13. It’s the end of May and it’s still cool in the field. 14. The sun was scorching hot from above and it was impossible to touch the hot cabin. 15. The ducks suddenly rose up and flew away screaming. 16. He stood motionless in front of me and I began to examine the features of his face. 17. A cool breath blew and last year’s leaf rustled in the oaks. 18. The wind died down and fresh coolness began to spread in the vineyards. 19. The shore sloped down to the sea right next to the walls of the shack, and below, dark blue waves splashed with a continuous roar. 20. With every second the murmur became louder and louder and was heard from all sides.

Task 18. Rewrite, add punctuation.

1. The frost has blown and we are glad for the pranks of Mother Winter. 2. The boy looked very smart and straightforward, and there was strength in his voice. 3. Vladimir would write odes but Olga would not read them. 4. We were driving along the banks of the Lena and winter was catching up with us from the north. 5. Study and dinner made the days very interesting, but the evenings were rather boring. 6. Suppose he knows the forest paths, prances on horseback, is not afraid of water, but the midges mercilessly eat him, but he is familiar with labor early on. 7. You have to look at life practically, otherwise you will always be a fool. 8. They also gave me a fishing rod and I immediately caught the fish. 9. The tangled grass in the garden died down and everything was blooming and only a small sunflower by the fence could not bloom and fall off. 10. All living things are drawn to water and water gives life to everyone.

Task 19. Rewrite, placing punctuation marks where necessary.

1. I conveyed your order to him and he fulfilled it with great pleasure. 2. Here, just like in the hall, the windows were wide open and there was a smell of poplar, lilacs and roses. 3. Both listened and spoke too animatedly and naturally, and Anna Pavlovna did not like this. 4. We’ll call you in the evening or I’ll run by myself. 5. Dark clouds were approaching from the east and moisture was sipping from there. 6. The conversation seemed interesting to Pierre and he stopped waiting for an opportunity to express his thoughts. 7. Fortunately, the fire was noticed in time and means were found to extinguish it. 8. This conversation continued for about an hour and apparently made a deep impression on Andrei Efimovich. 9. At the beginning of April, starlings were already making noise and yellow butterflies were flying in the garden. 10. When will the conference take place and what is the agenda? 11. The sun was hiding behind the cold peaks and the fog was clearing in the valleys when the ringing of a road bell was heard in the street. 12. Silk herbs fade and smell like resinous pine. 13. Then a light whistle was heard and Dubrovsky fell silent. 14. When Kashtanka came to her senses, the music was no longer playing and the regiment was no longer there. 15. Everything around brightened and a silvery path appeared on the sea as soon as the moon came out from behind the clouds. 16. A moment and everything again drowned in darkness. 17. You need to pack your things and quickly go to the airport. 18. All around the field with rye seems to be burning with fire and the river glistens and sparkles in the sun. 19. It seems the weather has improved and there will be no more rain. 20. How beautiful you are and what a wonderful dress you have! 21. Frost and sun. 22. Night forest and snow. 23. In the evening, the fire roared in the stove and rain poured down on the windows. 24. Everyone’s eyes turned and their noses stretched towards the letter. 25. In the slanting rays of the setting sun, the stone buildings of the port city turn bright white, the coastal sands turn golden, and the quiet plain of the sea burns into the endless distance.

Task 20. Rewrite using the necessary punctuation marks.

1. Why are you late and where is your briefcase? 2. At this time, the hayloft door creaked loudly and Grandfather Shchukar’s head poked out. 3. It was already completely dark and people began to rise when I returned to my room. 4. The shores were not visible; they were hidden by the night and pushed somewhere by the wide waves of the flood. 5. In short, the exams are over and the holidays have begun. 6. While I was washing my face, the stove was flooded and oil was boiling in the frying pan. 7. At this time the bell was heard and she got up. 8. Here and there a sail was white and seagulls, smoothly flapping their wings, descended onto the water, barely touched it and rose up again in circles, and a kite swam high and slowly above the gardens. 9. The air is stuffy and smells of herbs. 10. In the harbor, the lights of the lanterns crowded into a multi-colored group and the trunks of the masts were visible. 11. Only occasionally in a nearby river will a lively fish splash with sudden sonority and the coastal reeds make a faint noise, barely shaken by the oncoming wave. 12. An even soft light streamed through the fallen leaves and the apple trees, illuminated at the edges, stood by the window, strange and golden. 13. One more minute of explanation and the long-standing enmity was ready to fade away. 14. It was quiet in the garden, only the bird sometimes tossed and turned and fell asleep again in the linden branches, the tree frogs groaned tenderly and sadly, and the fish splashed in the pond. 15. Ask and I won’t tell. 16. There is no wind and the whole sky is filled with an even blue. 17. It became known that the schedule has changed and there will be no lecture. 18. The bell rang and everyone went to their classes when we entered the school. 19. Meanwhile, it was completely dawn and it was necessary to go out to sea again. 20. It is necessary to consider copyright applications and urgently draw conclusions on them.

Task 21. Rewrite using the necessary punctuation marks.

1. A white cobblestone will flash among the weeds or a gopher will cross the road. 2. Where have you taken me and what do you want? 3. It was already getting dark and the room became dark. 4. Smoke came from the fire and fog rose over the swamp. 5. I was sad and didn’t want to leave. 6. Little by little the trees began to thin out and Vladimir left the forest. 7. The whole garden, warmed by the sun, came to life and the dew drops sparkled in the sun. 8. The author read the proofs and made the necessary corrections. 9. It’s completely dark in the field, a warm twilight is thickening and Anya and I are returning home. 10. The moon stood around the corner of the house; a wide shadow lay far from it in the clearing, and from this shadow it was especially good to look at the stars. 11. The river lilies occasionally moved in circles on the water and trembled. 12. In the forest today you can’t hear any birds and you can’t see a single person walking. 13. You need to forgive him and you shouldn’t remember the evil for a long time. 14. Small, rough grass rustled underfoot and the butterfly caps turned yellow in it. 15. What time is it now and how much time is left before the train leaves? 16. When meeting her, my heart began to beat and my hands trembled noticeably. 17. The weather turned bad, it began to rain and a strong wind blew. 18. As the chaise approached the porch, Manilov’s eyes became more and more cheerful and his smile widened more and more. 19. Then the music died down and it became completely light around. 20. Heavy trucks were moving along the streets, cars were racing, and pedestrians were walking hurriedly. 21. More pressure and the enemy flees. 22. In the still hot air, bees flash and large flies buzz. 23. Which berries to pick and which fruits to choose? 24. We need to get ready quickly and need to hit the road before dawn. 25. The stars were already beginning to fade and the sky was turning gray when the carriage drove up to the porch of the house in Vasilyevskoye.

6.2. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

Task 22. Read. Indicate the meaning of subordinate clauses. Rewrite using punctuation marks.

1. The forest stands silently, motionless, as if peering somewhere with its tops and waiting for someone. 2. The sun illuminated the tops of the linden trees, which had already turned yellow under the fresh breath of autumn. 3. The dark blue surface of the sea has thrown off the darkness of the night and is waiting for the first ray to sparkle with a cheerful shine. 4. The sky sank and became yellow-pink, as if the reflection of a distant fire was falling on it. 5. It was decided to go tomorrow if the rain stops. 6. We had to hurry as it was starting to get light. 7. As the day faded, the forest became quieter and quieter. 8. I thought that we would soon go to the sea, but I was mistaken. 9. Everywhere you looked you could see masts and flags fluttering on the masts. 10. In Andersen’s complex biography, it is difficult to establish the time when he began writing his charming fairy tales. 11. If you can't find a lawyer who knows the laws well, find a lawyer who knows the judge well. 12. The rain passed so quickly that the ground did not have time to get deeply wet. 13. You need to know any skill well if you want to work well. 14. Soon he guessed where he was. 15. The rain was pouring down like buckets so it was impossible to go out onto the porch. 16. The message that the spacecraft landed safely quickly spread around the world. 17. Princess Marya begged her brother to wait another day and said that she knew how unhappy her father would be if Andrei left without making peace with him. 18. The student did everything as the master demanded. 19. The night was quiet and bright, although there was no moon. 20. It was the famous artist whom she saw on stage last year. 21. He who has started well can consider his work half done. 22. In the evening we went out into a clearing where a huge oak tree grew. 23. If you are not involved in politics, politics will deal with you. 24. Good upbringing most reliably protects a person from those who are poorly brought up. 25. No matter how hard we tried that day, we only managed to reach the mouth of the river. 26. If a woman is wrong, you need to ask her for forgiveness. 27. The man was so smart that he became almost useless for anything. 28. Today, when I opened the window, my room was filled with the smell of flowers growing in a modest front garden. 29. No matter how much I listened, I could not distinguish a single sound. 30. The house stood on a slope so that the windows into the garden were very low from the ground.

Task 23. Rewrite using punctuation marks. Identify the grammatical basis of each sentence.

1. They picked mushrooms and talked, and when she asked about something she came forward. 2. She wanted the children to fall asleep early and so that she could sit alone with her husband. 3. Much later, when everyone in the house was asleep, I went into the living room to see if the balcony door was locked. 4. I thought that I didn’t know where the shore was and that if I were left alone now I wouldn’t know where to swim. 5. Since she left they have not met. 6. While the secretary was convening a meeting, the procurator had a meeting with some man whose face was half covered by a hood, although the rays of the sun in the room could not disturb him. 7. I don't know why but I didn't like him. 8. Try to find out not what they have already done, but what they are going to do next. 9. I bet that if you give this to the Duke, he will stay here for another three days. 10. I don’t know if she sang so simply and sincerely before. 11. I thought about what happened and didn’t understand anything. 12. When the column had already passed Serpilin, he remembered that when it was just being built, a very tall right-flank fighter caught his eye. 13. When the rain passed and everything around sparkled, we left the forest. 14. I sat down under a larch tree to smoke, and while the smoke quietly curled above me, driving away large mosquitoes, I was completely unnoticed by a sweet, foggy drowsiness. 15. I had so much fun in the haymaking that I didn’t even want to go home, although my father was already calling me. 16. I was angry with Katya because before leaving Moscow I wanted to say goodbye to her and wrote her a letter. 17. Nikolai Nikolaevich tries to walk next to him, but since he gets confused between the trees and stumbles, he often has to catch up with his companion by skipping. 18. The day was quiet and calm, but if you look at the purity of the sky, you involuntarily begin to worry. 19. He decided to find his friend at all costs. 20. I found out about the exhibition late, namely when it had already closed.

Task 24. Rewrite using punctuation marks. Explain their setting.

1. Following the garden were peasant huts, which, although they were built scattered and not enclosed in regular streets, showed the contentment of the inhabitants. 2. I tell her how I lived on the ship and look around. 3. The ferry moved so slowly that if it were not for the gradual outline of its contours, one would have thought that it was standing in one place or going to the other shore. 4. I read so much that when I heard the bell ringing, I didn’t immediately understand who was ringing and why. 5. In the evening he will decide whether he will get a job here or whether it is better for him to go home. 6. I decided to find out if the leaf moved by itself and headed towards it. 7. On the map there was a lot of green paint behind which forests were hidden and a lot of shaded spaces indicating swamps. 8. And our hero went wherever his eyes looked. 9. Now I know what I want and I will definitely achieve my wish. 10. I must say that when you look into the distance without strain, your eyes relax. 11. The ravine appeared before them only when the fog cleared. 12. He saw his brother and whistled quietly to attract his attention. 13. And they sang as loud as they could. 14. I go over in my memory the places I have seen and when I start counting them I am convinced that I have not seen enough. 15. Colloquial words began to be used where necessary and not necessary. 16. If the sun is shining and there are no clouds in the sky, your soul becomes light and joyful. 17. He began to find out not what happened but who did it. 18. The bet is that if your master stays here for three days, then without any excuses you must carry out what I tell you, and if he does not stay, then I will carry out any order that you give me. 19. I will have to go where I should. 20. You need to prepare for exams not when the session starts, but long before that. 21. There is some work to be done here. 22. After we finally lost sight of the goal, we redoubled our efforts. 23. Only the one who washes the floor knows how to wipe his feet. 24. As the sun rose, the day became warmer and cheerful. 25. He promised to return but did not say when.

Task 25. Rewrite using punctuation marks.

1. First of all, it is necessary to find out not which brigade will go to the fields, but whether the equipment is ready for the harvesting campaign. 2. We want everyone to have fun and remember this holiday for a long time. 3. Everything must be done properly. 4. To the left of the meadows, when viewed from the side of the village, the forest stood like a silent wall. 5. He is going to go to college no earlier than next year. 6. He was thinking about something all the time and was so busy with his thoughts that when he was asked about something, he shuddered, shook his head and asked to repeat the question. 7. He remained where he stood as if nothing had happened. 8. Due to the fact that the summer was hot, every tree had to be watered. 9. Simplicity requires clarity of thought, and if a writer does not have these qualities, then he will not achieve the pinnacle of the art of writing. 10. I have something to tell you. 11. Those who work a lot have no time to earn money. 12. When it was all over and the audience began to leave, Kostya felt sad. 13. Come in a week or whenever you want. 14. Someone loudly called out to Sergei, but he didn’t even look who it was. 15. Then it became clear where I was and where I needed to go. 16. The students were scheduled for an exam but did not specify when. 17. It will soon become known who will come to the holiday. 18. And he rushed there as fast as he could. 19. I have long noticed that when the wind shakes the ears of corn, there is a special charm in it. 20. He arrived on time just when classes were supposed to start.

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m – [m] – agree., bell., tv.

The word has 6 letters, 6 sounds.

Wooded – forest (suffixal).

I. Nights (what?) deaf - participle, special shape verb.

II. N. f. - deaf.

Post: valid, past vr., owls view. Unposted: in the form named after. pad., pl. h.

III. The sentence contains a definition.

I. Sobakevich (what did he do?) stood - verb. II. N. f. - stand.

Post.: nesov. view, non-crossing, 2 sp.

Non-post: in the form of withdrawal. incl., units h., pr. vr., m. r.

III. In a sentence there is a predicate.

NOT – negation – found in sentences 5, 6, 8, 9. NI – affirmation – in sentence 7.

I didn't know the answer to the question.

Whatever you do, everything will be the same.

135. 1) Once, while walking through the forest, I wandered so far that I almost got lost, but, fortunately, I finally came across a path that led me to the sea, where I could immediately find my way. (Parallel subordination; 1st subordinate clause - degrees, 2nd - determines.) (M.-Mak.) 2) While I was writing down and drawing what I saw, my companions were diligently shouting to call someone from the plantations. (Parallel submission; 1st - time, 2nd - explanatory) (M. Mak.) 3) It became difficult for her because the mood of everyone around her was so far from what was in her soul. ( Consistent submission; 1st - reasons, 2nd - explanation.) (L.T.) 4) He was thinking about something all the time and was so busy with his thoughts that when he was asked about something, he shuddered and shook head and asked to repeat the question. (Successive submission; 1st - degree, 2nd - time.) (Ch.) 5) He [Dersu] considered it his duty to warn about the threatening danger and, if he saw that they were not listening to him, he submitted, walked silently and never didn't argue. (Successive subordination; 1st - conditions, 2nd - explanatory) (Ars.) 6) The color of the animal was so similar to the color of the bark that if it remained motionless, it would be completely impossible to notice. (Successive submission; 1st - degrees, 2nd - conditions.) (Ars.) 7) Jacob got up early in the morning, when the sun was not yet scorching and cheerful freshness was wafting from the sea. (Subordination of homogeneous subordinate clauses.) (M.G.) 8) When I said that roses will bloom all summer if you cut the flowers correctly, the children were delighted. (Successive subordination; 1st - time, 2nd - explanatory, 3rd - conditions.) (Sukhoml.) 2) (For now), , (to).

5) [...and, (if v., (what), under what condition?

6) [before], (what (if), then).

136. Admiration for the beauty of the land where our grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived, where we are destined to live our lives, repeat ourselves in children, grow old and go to the land that gave birth to us, is the most important emotional source of love for the Motherland. (Narrative, non-vocal, complex, complex with two homogeneous attributive clauses related to the word “land” and attached to the main one using union word"Where"; the main thing is two-part, dist., complete, complicated by a dash between the subject and the predicate; 1st subordinate clause – two-part, non-extended, complete, complicated by one-part clause. subject; 2nd – single-component. bezl., dist., complete, complicated uni. predicates and a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase.) There are countries in the world where nature is brighter than our fields and meadows, but native beauty should become the most dear to our children...

But let this beauty enter your heart along with the thought that there would have been neither a blooming garden, nor a bee harp, nor a tender mother’s song, if Nikolai Gastello had not directed his flaming plane at enemy tanks, if they had not shed their blood from From the Volga to the Elbe there are thousands and thousands of heroes...

The native land becomes infinitely dear when the joy of being merges with a sense of duty to people who defended beauty. (Narrative, non-declarative, complex, complex with a subordinate adverbial condition relating to the entire main sentence and attached to it with the help of the conjunction “when”; main - two-part., dist., complete, subordinate - two-part., dist., complete , complicated by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase.) The text belongs to the artistic style of speech, despite the fact that this text itself is not taken from work of art. It has the imagery of an artistic style.

The bee harp is a metaphor here. The hum of bees is compared to the sound of a musical instrument, a harp.

Enter - 2 syllables.

in [v] – agree., call., tv.

o [a] – vowel, unsound.

th [th] – agree, ringing, soft.

d [d] – agree, ringing, soft.

e [o] – vowel, beat.

t [t] – agree., deaf., tv.

The word has 6 letters, 6 sounds.

to [k] – agree., deaf., tv.

r [r] – agree, call, tv.

in [f] - agree., deaf., soft.

The word has 5 letters, 4 sounds.

137. Topic: “Who to be? What should I be like?

Materials for the essay.

Important and required professions, V modern society, realize yourself, reveal your abilities, a world of hobbies, diverse interests, the right choice.

Sphere of trade, communication with customers, service culture, manager, sales consultant; field of technology, advanced technologies, mechanics, equipment, software control.

A decent person, a reliable worker, a competent specialist, punctual and accurate, improve his skills, support colleagues, and the interests of the team.


in a non-union complex sentence 138. The longer pause before the semicolon than before the comma is due to the fact that the phenomena reflected in individual simple sentences are listed separately, which is emphasized by intonation.

139. 1) I haven’t seen you for a whole week, I haven’t heard from you for a long time.

(Ch.) 2) The sea in the distance became covered with crimson, and a pink-smoky cloud of soft outlines rose towards the sun. (M.G.) 3) The oaks and pointed firs were turning green; centuries-old linden trees, hanging their curly crowns, covered the sky. (Cool.) 4) The river glistens vaguely in the pre-dawn haze, murmuring over the coastal pebbles. (N.O.) 5) The battery commander seemed not at all as stern as yesterday; on the contrary, he had the appearance of a kind, hospitable host and senior comrade. (L.T.) 6) So the sun rises, it shines from behind the arable fields, it has left its overnight rest beyond the seas, golden streams of willows pour into the fields, into the meadows, onto the tops of the willows. (Nick.). 7) The edge of the sky turns red; They wake up in the birches, jackdaws fly awkwardly, sparrows chirp near the dark stacks. (T.) 8) A narrow valley stretched at my feet; directly opposite, a dense aspen tree rose like a steep wall. (T.) 9) I came across some kind of unmarked overgrown path, I set off along it, carefully looking ahead. (T.) 10) A clear summer day looked out through the wide open bedroom windows; in the garden outside the windows, sparrows and magpies were screaming without stopping for a single second. (Ch.) 140. And how beautiful this same forest is in late autumn, when the woodcocks fly in!.. There is no wind, and there is no sun, no light, no shadow, no movement, no noise; an autumn smell, similar to the smell of wine, is diffused in the soft air; a thin fog stands in the distance above yellow fields. Through the bare, brown branches of the trees, the motionless sky peacefully whitens, and here and there the last golden leaves hang on the linden trees. The damp earth is elastic underfoot; tall dry blades of grass do not move, long threads glisten on the pale grass.

The chest breathes calmly, but a strange anxiety enters the soul.

You walk along the edge of the forest, looking after the dog, and meanwhile your favorite images, favorite faces, dead and alive, come to mind;

Impressions that had fallen asleep a long time ago suddenly wake up, the imagination flies and flutters like a bird, and everything moves and stands so clearly before the eyes. The heart will suddenly tremble and beat, passionately rush forward, then it will irrevocably drown in memories.

All life unfolds easily and quickly, like a scroll...

Spilled - pour (additional).

Type of speech - description, style - narration.

141. 1), (when)! SPP with approx. time.

1st part – SSP, union and; Part 2 – SBP.

11. Colon in a non-union complex sentence 142. The first sentence is close in meaning to a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of reason, the second - with an explanatory clause.

143. 1) The passengers were in a hurry because there were five minutes left before the train departed. Passengers were in a hurry: there were five minutes left before the train departed. 2) I understand that it is impossible to get to the ship in time. I understand: it’s impossible to make it to the ship in time. 3) No one dared to go out to sea because the wind reached force eight.

No one dared to go out to sea: the wind reached force eight.

144. 1) I really liked the report: it talked about beautiful works of ancient Russian art. 2) When we climbed the hill, we saw an unexpected picture: two moose were standing at the edge of the forest. 3) Everyone who has studied geography at least a little knows: our Earth three-quarters covered with water.

4) It was clearly visible from below: a column of cars was already descending from the pass.

145. 1) The birds were not heard: they do not sing during the hot hours. (T.) 2) The trees seemed to be crying: large drops kept falling from their branches to the ground. (Ars.) 3) In the forest, here and there, a cuckoo crowed dully, emphasizing its depth and sonority; after the rain, warm smoky clouds with golden-scarlet edges floated and melted high in the sky. (Boon.) 4) The weather was terrible: the wind howled, wet snow fell in flakes. (P.) 5) Semyon Ivanovich looked around: there was nowhere to hide. (A.N.T.) 6) From myself I can promise only one thing: we will work, work selflessly. (Fad.) 7) It seemed like I had never been in such empty places in my life: no lights flickered anywhere, no sound was heard. (T.) Sonority – sonorous (suffixal).

I. Kukovala (how? doing what?) shading – gerund, a special form of the verb. II. Nesov. view., unchanged

III. In a sentence there is a circumstance.

146. Yesterday I arrived in Pyatigorsk, rented an apartment on the edge of the city, on the highest place at the foot of Mashuk: during a thunderstorm, the clouds will descend to my roof. Today at five o'clock in the morning, when I opened the window, my room was filled with the smell of flowers growing in a modest front garden. Branches of blossoming cherry trees look into my windows, and the wind sometimes strews my desk with their white petals. I have a wonderful view from three sides. To the west, the five-headed Beshtu turns blue, like “the last cloud of a scattered storm”; to the north, Mashuk rises, like a shaggy Persian hat, and covers this entire part of the sky; to the east, it’s more fun to look at: below me, a clean, brand new town is colorful, healing springs are rustling, rustling a multilingual crowd - and then further on the mountains are piled up like an amphitheatre, increasingly blue and foggy, and on the edge of the horizon stretches a silver chain of snowy peaks, starting with Kazbek and ending with the double-headed Elbrus... It’s fun to live in such a land. Some kind of gratifying feeling flowed through all my veins. The air is clean and fresh, like a child's kiss, the sun is bright, the sky is blue– what would it seem like more?

Type of speech – description, style – artistic.

Roof - roof (syn.), horizon - firmament (syn.).

K [k] – agree, deaf, tv.

R [r] – agree, call, tv.

A [a] – vowel, unvoiced.

yu [th] – agree, voiced, soft; [u] – vowel, beat.

The word has 4 letters, 5 sounds.

In the front garden there is a garden (adding the basics with adding a suffix).

147. 1. Narrative, non-vocal, complex non-union, consisting of two simple sentences, where the second explains the first; 1st – two-part, distended, complete, complicated by one. predicates; 2nd – two-stage, distribution, complete. 2. Narrative, non-declarative, complex, complex with an adverbial adverbial tense related to the main predicate and attached to it using the conjunction word “when”; the main thing is two-part, dist., complete, complicated separately. definition, expression prib. about.;

subordinate clause – two-part, distributive, complete.

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