New educational technologies in the system of foreign language education. Application of modern educational technologies in foreign language lessons. Pedagogical technologies of foreign language education


Teacher German language Kotunova M.N.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 18" Balakovo

Our age is the age of polyglots. This means recognizing the fact that knowledge of not even one, but several foreign languages becomes a necessary condition for education, a factor that significantly influences successful advancement in various fields of activity in the new post-industrial society. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​and computer technologies are the most important requirements for the level and quality of education of any specialist, in addition, of course, to the professional field.

In recent years, the issue of using new information technologies in high school. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, new approach to the learning process.

The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, training in practical mastery of a foreign language.

The teacher’s task is to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity and creativity. The teacher’s task is to intensify the student’s cognitive activity in the process of teaching foreign languages.

Choice educational technologies to achieve goals and solve problems set within academic discipline“Foreign language” is determined by the need to develop in students a set of general cultural competencies necessary for the implementation of interpersonal interaction and cooperation in the conditions of intercultural communication, as well as to ensure the required quality of education at all its stages.

Modern technologies used for teaching a foreign language implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning, aptitudes, etc., and also contribute to the formation and development of:

a) a multicultural linguistic personality capable of productive communication with speakers of other cultures;

b) students’ abilities to carry out various types of activities using a foreign language;

c) cognitive abilities of students;

d) their readiness for self-development and self-education, and also contribute to increasing the creative potential of the individual to carry out their professional duties.

What modern technologies do we use?

When teaching a foreign language, the following educational technologies are used:

Communication learning technology is aimed at developing students’ communicative competence, which is basic and necessary for adaptation to modern conditions of intercultural communication.

The communicative approach not only models communication, but also aims to create psychological and linguistic readiness for communication, to consciously comprehend the material and ways of acting with it. For the user, implementing a communicative approach on the Internet is not particularly difficult. A communicative task should present students with a problem or issue for discussion, and students not only share information, but also evaluate it. The main criterion to distinguish this approach from other types educational activities, is that students independently choose language units to formulate their thoughts. The use of the Internet in a communicative approach could not be better motivated: its goal is to interest students in learning a foreign language by accumulating and expanding their knowledge and experience.

Technology of multi-level (differentiated) education - involves the implementation of cognitive activities of students taking into account their individual abilities, capabilities and interests, encouraging them to realize their creative potential. The creation and use of diagnostic tests is an integral part of this technology.

Modular learning technology – involves dividing the content of the discipline into fairly autonomous sections (modules) integrated into the general course. Modular learning gets its name from the term “module”, meaning “functional unit”. The essence of modular learning comes down to students’ independent mastery of certain skills in educational and cognitive activities. Modular training involves a clear structuring of training content. It ensures the development of schoolchildren’s motivational sphere, intelligence, independence, collectivism, and self-management skills in their cognitive activity. The module creates positive motives for learning, as a rule, due to its entertaining nature, emotional content, educational search and reliance on life experience. The main means of modular training are training modules.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) - expand the scope of the educational process, increasing its practical orientation, and contribute to the intensification independent work students and increasing cognitive activity. Within the framework of ICT, there are 2 types of technologies:

The technology of using computer programs allows you to effectively complement the language learning process at all levels. Multimedia programs are designed for both classroom and independent work and are aimed at developing grammatical and lexical skills.

Internet technologies provide ample opportunities for searching for information, developing international scientific projects, and conducting scientific research.

The introduction of information technology into training will significantly diversify the process of perceiving and processing information. Thanks to the computer, the Internet and multimedia, students are given a unique opportunity to master a large amount of information with its subsequent analysis and sorting. The motivational basis of educational activities is also significantly expanding. When using multimedia, students receive information from newspapers, television, conduct interviews themselves, and conduct teleconferences.

Technology of individualization of learning - helps to implement a student-centered approach, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of students.

Language portfolio technology - it is based on the correlation of Russian requirements for the level of mastery of a foreign language with pan-European systems, which, in turn, is the starting point for creating a single educational space. The main criterion for assessing the level of foreign language proficiency in language portfolio technology is testing. The priority of this technology is the reorientation of the educational process from the teacher to the learner. The learner, in turn, bears conscious responsibility for the results of his cognitive activity. The above technology leads to the gradual formation of students’ skills in independently mastering information. In general, the language portfolio is multifunctional and promotes the development of multilingualism.

Testing technology is used to monitor the level of mastery of lexical and grammatical knowledge within the module at a certain stage of training. Carrying out control using testing technology meets the requirements of all international foreign language exams. In addition, this technology allows the teacher to identify and systematize aspects that require additional elaboration.

Project technology – provides person-centered learning, it is a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity, and independence. The typology of projects is varied. Projects can be divided into mono-projects, collective, oral-speech, visual, written and Internet projects. Although in real practice one often has to deal with mixed projects, in which there are signs of research, creative, practice-oriented and informational. Project work is a multi-level approach to language learning, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. The project method promotes the development of active independent thinking of students and guides them towards joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant because it teaches children cooperation, and learning cooperation fosters such moral values ​​as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, and forms Creative skills and activates students. In general, in the process project-based learning, the inseparability of training and education can be traced.

Collaborative learning technology – implements the idea of ​​mutual learning, exercising both individual and collective responsibility for solving educational problems. The main idea is to create conditions for students to actively collaborate in different learning situations. Children are united in groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, and the role of each is specified. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his own work, but also for the result of the entire group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from strong students what they do not understand, and strong students strive for weak students to thoroughly understand the task. And the whole class benefits from this, because gaps are closed together.

Game technology - allows you to develop skills in considering a number of possible ways to solve problems, activating students' thinking and revealing the personal potential of everyone.

Game activities are applicable mainly in the lower grades. In junior school age There is a gradual change in leading activity, a transition from play activity to educational activity. At the same time, the game still retains its leading role. Based on this feature, the game should become the basis for the development of students' learning skills.

The game creates a strong interest in further learning a foreign language, as well as confidence in successfully mastering it. But I would like to note that the game has not only motivational functions.

The use of game moments in lessons helps to activate cognitive and creative activity students, develops their thinking, memory, fosters initiative, and allows them to overcome boredom in learning a foreign language. Games develop intelligence and attention, enrich the language and consolidate students' vocabulary, and focus attention on the nuances of their meaning. The game can force the student to remember what he has learned and expand his knowledge.

Using gaming methods:

1. Justifies the unreasonable requirement to communicate in a foreign language with the teacher and classmates.

2. Allows you to find ways to make phrases based on simple grammatical models communicatively meaningful for students.

3. Psychologically justifies and makes it emotionally attractive to repeat the same speech patterns and standard dialogues.

4. Develops the ability to analyze, compare and generalize.

5. Allows you to activate the reserve capabilities of students.

6. Knowledge is applied practically.

7. Brings variety to educational process.

8. Develops the creativity of schoolchildren.

9. Teaches you how to organize your activities.

Technology development critical thinking– contributes to the formation of a versatile personality capable of thinking critically about information and the ability to select information to solve a given problem.

This technology allows strong students to develop their talent, students with average abilities to achieve new positive results, and students with insufficient motivation to learn to experience a situation of success.

It is important to note that when using the technology for the development of critical thinking, the acquisition of new knowledge begins not with familiarization with known methods of solving a certain task or problem, but with the creation of conditions that create the need to obtain a solution to this particular problem. By answering personally significant questions that arise on the way to a goal, a person can master new material faster and more deeply.

The technology for developing critical thinking includes several stages.

    First stage- challenge. This stage allows you to update and generalize the student’s knowledge on a given topic or problem; arouse sustained interest in the topic being studied, motivate the student to study activities.

    Second stage– comprehension. This stage allows the student to receive new information, comprehend it, relate it to existing knowledge, analyze new information and existing knowledge.

    Third stage– reflection. The main thing here is: holistic comprehension, generalization of the information received, the formation of each student’s own attitude to the material being studied.

What is fundamentally new in the technology of critical thinking? Elements of novelty, in addition to philosophical ideas, are contained in methodological techniques that are oriented toward creating conditions for the free development of each individual. Each stage of the lesson uses its own methodological techniques.

The integrated use of all the above technologies in the educational process stimulates personal and intellectual activity, develops cognitive processes, and contributes to the formation of competencies that a future specialist should have.

List of used literature:

1.Bim I.L. Theory and practice of teaching a foreign language in secondary school. M.: 1988.

2.Polat E.S. Project method in foreign language lessons. M.: 2000.

3. Safonova E.P. Modern lesson foreign language. M.: 2011.

4. Solovova E.V. Methods of teaching foreign languages. M.: 2001.

5. Methods of teaching a foreign language in secondary school. S-P, 2005.

6. A handbook for a foreign language teacher. – M., 1992.

7.New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. Ed. Polat E.S. M., 1999.

8.Polat E.S. Some conceptual provisions for organizing distance learning in a foreign language. Institute of Nuclear Sciences, No. 5,6. 1998.

9. Smirnov I.B. Current issues teaching German in secondary schools. – S-P., 2005.

Chapter 2. Project technology in teaching the German language.

2.1 Basic requirements for the project.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the project method. The project method is based on the development of students’ cognitive and creative skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate the information space, and the development of critical thinking. The essence of the concept “Project” is a pragmatic focus on the result that can be obtained by solving a particular practically or theoretically significant problem. The result of this work can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real practical activities. To achieve this result, it is necessary to teach children to think independently, find and solve problems, using knowledge from different fields for this purpose; predict results and possible consequences different options solutions.
The project method arose at the beginning of the century, when the minds of teachers and philosophers were aimed at finding ways to develop a child’s active independent thinking, in order to teach him not just to remember and reproduce the knowledge that an educational institution gives them, but to be able to apply it to practice. That is why American educators J. Dewey, Kilpatrick and others turned to the active cognitive and creative joint activity of children in solving one common problem. Its solution required knowledge from various fields. J. Dewey put forward a slogan that is one of the main theses of the modern understanding of project-based learning: “Learning through doing. That is why the project method was initially called problematic.
The project method essentially involves the use of a wide range of problem-solving, research, and search methods, clearly focused on practical results. The project method has found wide application in many countries of the world, mainly because it allows students to organically integrate knowledge from different fields when solving one problem, and makes it possible to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, generating new ideas.
Why is the project method needed in teaching foreign languages, and how can it be used taking into account the specifics of the subject?
First of all, a foreign language teacher teaches children methods of speech activity, so we talk about communicative competence as one of the main goals of teaching foreign languages.
The goal of learning is not the language system, but speech activity, and not in itself, but as a means of intercultural interaction. In order to develop in schoolchildren the necessary skills in one or another type of speech activity, as well as linguistic competence at the level determined by the program and standards, active oral practice is necessary for each student in the group.
In order for students to perceive language as a means of intercultural interaction, it is necessary not only to introduce them to regional studies topics, but also to look for ways to include them in an active dialogue of cultures.
The main idea of ​​this approach to teaching foreign languages, therefore, is to shift the emphasis from various types of exercises to the active mental activity of students, which requires proficiency in certain linguistic means for its development.
Let's consider the basic requirements for using the project method.

    The presence of a problem that is significant in research, creative terms (a task that requires integrated knowledge, research to solve it), for example, organizing travel to different countries, the problem of free time for young people, the problem of home improvement, the problem of relations between generations, etc.

    Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results (program of a tourist route, publication of a newspaper on the problem, layout of an apartment, report from the scene, interview with a “star”, etc.)

    Independent (individual, pair, group) activities of students.

    Determining the final goals of joint/individual projects.

    Determining the interdisciplinary relationship of basic knowledge necessary to work on the project.

    Structuring the content of the project (indicating stage-by-stage results).

    Use of research methods:

    definition of the problem and the research tasks arising from it;

    putting forward a hypothesis for its solution, discussing research methods;

    registration of final results;

    analysis of the obtained data;

    summing up, adjustments, conclusions.

2.2 Project structure. Types of projects.

Based on this, it is possible to determine the stages of developing the project structure and carrying it out:

Stages of the project:



Student activities

Teacher activities

1. Goal setting

Defining a topic, identifying one or more problems. Selecting working groups.

Clarify the information. Discuss the task. Identify problems.

Motivates students. Explains goals. Watching.

2. Planning

Analysis of the problem, putting forward hypotheses, substantiation of each hypothesis.

They put forward hypotheses. Formulate tasks.

Helps in analysis and synthesis.

3. Selection of methods for testing accepted hypotheses

Discussion of methods for testing accepted hypotheses, possible sources of information.

Verification methods are discussed.
Choose the best option. Determine sources of information.

Advises (on request).

4. Execution

Search for the necessary information that confirms or refutes the hypothesis. Project implementation.

They work with information.
Synthesize and analyze ideas.
Conducting research.
They draw up the project.

Directs the analysis process (if necessary).

5. Project protection

Presentation of design results.
Evaluation of results.

Protect the project.
Participate in collective assessment of performance results.

Participates in collective analysis and evaluation of design results.

In a foreign language course, the project method can be used within program material on almost any topic, because The selection of topics is carried out taking into account the practical significance for the student. The main thing is to formulate a problem that students will work on while working on the topic of the program.
Projects are:

    research (with a clear structure)

    creative (without detailed elaboration of the structure)

    role-playing games (discovery structure)

    informational (with a clear structure): collection of information

    practice-oriented (with a clear structure): conclusion based on the information received

According to the duration of the event there are:

    mini-projects (short-term, within the lesson)

    average duration (week, month)

    long-term (up to a year)

As practice has shown, the project method gives good results, makes it possible to involve everyone in educational activities, develops cooperation and mutual assistance. Working on the project does not require special textbooks - students bring almost all the material themselves.

Let's look at the project protection palette:

1. Wall newspaper

12. Demonstration

3. Painting/graphics

13. Teleconference

4. Poem (write)

5. Translation (literary)

15. Collage

6. Filmstrip (from drawings)

16. Poster

7. Photo exhibition

17. Crossword

8. Quiz

18. Audio recording

9. Fair

19. Video

10. Quiz

20. Interview.

2.3 PossibleProblemsVworkWithproject, waystheirsolutions.

The project method allows students to develop interest
and informal attitude towards the subject being studied, broaden the horizons of students, teach them to independently obtain material, master modern methods working with information. A teacher’s clear awareness of what ultimately determines the success of children’s group work helps him methodically more competently prepare for such lessons and use the educational potential of collaborative teaching methods. Any project must be carried out according to a specific plan, have a theoretical, practical and educational orientation and end with a truly tangible result. While working on projects, some difficulties may arise. The main difficulties include:

    lack of time to select material;

    lexical (grammatical) difficulties among students;

    lack of material.

All difficulties can be solved.
You should think about choosing a project in advance, before starting to study the topic, in order to carefully develop and calculate everything. If students are expected to formulate a problem based on the situation proposed by the teacher, then the teacher himself must predict several possible options. Students can name some of them; the teacher leads the children to others by asking leading questions, creating certain situations, etc. It is advisable to plan in advance the entire series of lessons in which the project method is expected to be used.
The problem of lack of material has recently been easily solved if we use the experience of the global Internet. The global Internet creates conditions for obtaining any information necessary for teachers and students anywhere in the world.
It is possible to organize a project on almost any topic in speaking and reading, or on selected problems that require knowledge from other areas. With the help of the project, you can turn routine work on vocabulary, grammar, phonetics into an exciting, creative activity, where everyone will contribute and no one will be left unattended.
Evaluating project work is not an easy task. The methods used to evaluate it conflict with the official procedure for grading the student’s work.

One thing is clear: language is only component the entire project. It is a mistake to evaluate a project solely on the basis of linguistic correctness. The assessment should be given for the project as a whole, the diversity of its nature, the level of creativity demonstrated, and the clarity of presentation.

I advise students to do a rough draft of their project work. I'm checking it out. As a result, there will be no errors in the final version.
If there are errors in the final version of the project, I correct them in pencil or write down comments on a separate sheet of paper. Then the students themselves decide whether they want to correct the final version of the work. From my point of view, there is no need to worry about mistakes. Usually students put a lot of work into the project and try to do everything as well as possible. It must be remembered that any project is only part of the total amount of work that the guys perform throughout the entire language course, and the teacher can assess literacy in other types of activities. And project work makes it possible to develop a child’s creative abilities, research skills, and the ability to express himself.


No one claims that project work will help solve all problems in teaching a foreign language, but it is an effective remedy for monotony, boredom, it contributes to the development of the student, awareness of himself as a member of a group, and the expansion of language knowledge.

The project is also a real opportunity to use knowledge acquired in other subjects using a foreign language.
I would like to propose in the future to expand the experience of the project method, and therefore it is necessary to adjust lesson planning. If you draw up thematic plans, taking into account the project method, you will have more time to think about them.
It is possible to conduct interdisciplinary projects, for example, on the topic “Environmental Protection”, “Governmental and Political Structure of Russia, Germany, etc.

Projects between classes and even schools would be interesting. The preparatory stage of the projects could take place within the walls of different educational institutions, and then it is possible to organize a joint meeting and a joint project on any of the topics.

Any non-traditional lesson is a game, only a “big” game, with its own rules and attributes. It is a favorable form for the manifestation of the child’s personality. In play activities based on school materials, children’s mental actions are formed, imaginative thinking develops, and learning motivation is enhanced. The game allows you to successfully solve the following tasks:

    creating children’s psychological readiness for speech activity;

    ensuring the natural need for repeated repetition of language material;

    training students in choosing the right speech option, which is preparation for situational spontaneous speech; in the process of preparing for plot-role communication, students learn to interact in a group, distribute roles, compose a plot, and play it;

    relieving fatigue and tension.

Explaining the complexity of the work that happens in the classroom, Academician M.N. Skatkin writes: “The importance of this problem (learning) is due to the fact that mainly in the lesson a wonderful, most complex of all processes in the world takes place - the process of the formation of human personality.

The carefully thought-out and planned actions of the teacher, delight in the eyes of students captivated by the process of learning, and the mystery that we call a lesson cannot but bring satisfaction. I would like us to always be supported by the words of E.I. Passov, who wished teachers “to remember that the shining eyes of students are more valuable than salaries, smart and noble people always remember their teachers. There is no better profession in the world.”

List of used literature:

1.Bim I.L. Theory and practice of teaching a foreign language in secondary school. M.: 1988.

2.Vzyatyshev V.F. Design methodology in innovative education. M.: 1995.

3.Jones J.K. Design methods. M.: 1986.

4.Polat E.S. Project method in foreign language lessons. M.: 2000.

5.Leontovich E.V. Training for the preparation of supervisors of schoolchildren's research projects. M.: 2006.

6. Safonova E.P. Modern foreign language lesson. M.: 2011.

7. Solovova E.V. Methods of teaching foreign languages. M.: 2001.

Date of: 27.08.2013

Responsible: Victoria Valentinovna Kazachenko, English teacher, highest category

Purpose of the master class: improving the quality of teaching, mastering a new teaching style

Master class objectives:

update the study of educational technologies

select from existing peds. technologies that correspond to the student population of our schools

Expected results:

introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into practice

increasing the level of creativity of teachers

Progress of the master class


A modern teacher is, first of all, a bright creative personality who retains the ability for constant self-knowledge and self-development.

A modern professional teacher must be distinguished by “faces and not general expressions” and be methodologically mobile. This is where modern pedagogues come to our aid. technology or innovative technology.

Today I set myself the task of teaching you to reflect on your ped. experience on a scientific and methodological basis (be able to scientifically substantiate what you are doing).

“But in the matter of teaching and educating schoolchildren, there are no ideal methods,” you object to me. Yes you are right. And this once again proves that using only one, even the best and most modern methodology, leads to one-sidedness in teaching any subject. And only a combination of various technologies, techniques and methods can give the result we need. Accordingly, the more technologies you know, the better.

Methodical training. Presentation

Today, I hope you will add to your luggage.

First, let's figure out what you already have in your luggage. This will be demonstrated by the methodological training that I will now conduct with you.

I describe situations that occurred in my lessons, and you determine which ped. I used the technology.

Situation 1.

The child shows a drawing, collage or poster and describes it. ( answer: Project method is a person-centered approach) Slide 2

Situation 2.

A picture of children making sentences from words. ( answer: gaming technologies remain “innovative” in the system Russian education. Elkonin, a psychologist, analyzing the phenomenon of play, comes to the conclusion that play is an activity in which social relationships between people are recreated outside the conditions of directly utilitarian activity. Slide 3

Situation 3.

A picture of children with understanding hands (answer: health-saving technologies are also a person-oriented approach). Slide 4

Situation 4.

I will list you the basic principles of this technology. (answer: UDE technology: deformed exercises, in this case several mental operations are involved in the aggregate) Slides 5,6,7,8

This is a universal technology that can be used to study any topic.

Future tenses (there are many ways to express the future), when studying the verb use, usedto- would- was goingto (opposite concepts), etc.

Situation 5.

Slide with student's portfolio. (answer: “Portfolio” technology) Slide 9

Situation 6.

On the slides are the techniques “Basket of ideas, concepts, names, ...” or a cluster, the ZUH mechanism, inverted logical circuits, the technique “Notes in the margins,” the technique “Cube”, “Sequence”, “Writing an essay”. Slides 10-15

(answer: technology for developing critical thinking - interactive technology)

At the beginning of the lesson, at the warm-up stage, you can use the “Basket of ideas, concepts, names” technique or the “Cluster” technique.

This is a technique for organizing individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson, when their existing experience and knowledge is being updated. It allows you to find out everything that students know or think about the topic being discussed in the lesson. You can draw a basket icon on the board, which will conventionally contain everything that all students know together about the topic being studied.

ZUH mechanism- The information received during the lesson must be included in each column. The “Marking Table” technique allows you to monitor the work of each student in the lesson, his understanding and interest in the topic being studied. You can refer to this table several times during the lesson. On initial stage lesson, the first column is filled in, during the lesson - the second column and at the Reflection stage - the third.

"Notes in the margins." This technique requires the student not to read the usual passively, but actively and attentively. It obliges you not just to read, but to read into the text.

“Cubes” is a method that allows you to consider a particular topic from existing perspectives. Used with various thinking prompts.

Cubes - 15-20 cm - 6 tips:

Describe it.

Compare this.

Give this an association.

Analyze this.

Apply it.

Give arguments for or against this.

"Sinquain" - a way of creative reflection is a “poem” written according to certain rules.

Situation 7.

There is a debate on the slide (answer: “Debate” technology is an interactive technology)

Slide 16

Situation 8.

So, your luggage is good. Today you will add two more innovative technologies to it. We'll set up an experiment, if it fails, kudos to you.

I call technology, you raise your hands if you have used it in your practice. Case - technology. In fact, for many years you and I have been using this wonderful technology, but no one could have imagined that it was called that. Slides 18-23

It's about about the teaching method known as the case study - a method of analyzing situations (interactive technologies). Its essence is that students are asked to comprehend the real life situation, the description of which simultaneously reflects not only any practical problem, but also actualizes a certain set of knowledge that must be learned when solving this problem. At the same time, the problem itself does not have clear solutions.

The method was first used at Harvard Business School in 1924. Listeners were given descriptions of a specific situation that a real organization encountered in its activities in order to become familiar with the problem and find a solution independently and through collective discussion.

Examples of case topics:

— Final project work on sections of the textbook. For example, “Make a list of architectural sights of Russia that, in your opinion, have the right to be considered new wonders of the world. Give reasons for your choice."

— Lesson-conversation on the topics of sections of the textbook. The list of topics corresponds to the main topics of the foreign language program in high school, for example, Family, Food, Hobbies, Computer technology, Education, Choosing a profession, etc.

These tasks usually come with so-called languagesupportboxes, which contain useful words and expressions on the topic.

In fact, the case method can be used as an entire lesson and at one of its stages. For example, at the stage of Activating new lexical material in English lessons, that is, at the end of the lesson.

This method is well presented in NewMillenniumEnglish textbooks. Therefore, teachers working using these textbooks can happily integrate this technology into their work system.

And the second “innovative” technology (the Banner game) is a station-based training methodology. Who understood what we were talking about?

It meets the main principles of student-centered learning.

Slides 24-26

The station-based teaching methodology is especially effective in preparing and conducting lessons to consolidate the material covered, practical lessons, as well as lessons for monitoring learning new topic. From my practice, I realized that this is a great way to conduct an integrated lesson, especially Russian-English projects perfectly into this methodology. Last year we tried this technique at our school, we liked it.

When conducting a lesson using the station teaching method, three stages should be distinguished:

1) preparatory;

2) procedural;

3) reflective.

The preparatory stage is the longest and most labor-intensive for a teacher, as it requires a lot of effort and time from him. At the preparatory stage, the teacher chooses educational topic, which must correspond government programs, defines the objectives of the lesson. The teacher considers how many stations should be included in the lesson. The number of stations depends on the complexity, volume of tasks and time to complete them: the more complex the task, the more time it will take to complete it, the fewer stations should be planned in the lesson.

What is a station? This is a specific place in the classroom (usually a separate table on which there is a sign with the number and name of the station), where the student can complete the task of this station. Each table must be provided with a sufficient number of seats, pencils, markers, paper, etc., necessary to complete the task at this station. The teacher's desk should be positioned so that all students are within his field of vision.

Approximate station layouts:

An important point in the preparatory stage is the development of an accompanying sheet or route map or route sheet. A route map is a sheet with numbers and names of stations, fields for answers at each station. On this sheet, students write their answers, paste the texts cut into separate fragments in the required order, or complete creative tasks, which are indicated at the stations. In the same route map, points are given for self-control of students after completing the route. In the lower right corner of the route map, students write the sum of points received at all stations, and then, using a scale developed by the teacher, convert the sum of points into a grade.

The procedural stage is the lesson itself, in which students, moving from station to station, complete tasks.

The reflective stage involves self-control and self-assessment. Students are given sheets of keys to the tasks they completed at the stations. They check their answers with the correct ones and enter the points they earned on the route sheets. They are then given a scale to convert the scores into a grade.

In my opinion, one of the ways to develop station methodology is to differentiate tasks at each station. Thus, in developing a lesson using the station-based teaching methodology presented in this work, at stations, students are offered tasks of the same level of difficulty to complete. From the point of view of a person-centered approach to learning English language It is worthwhile to provide tasks of different difficulty levels at each station so that the student can choose a task according to his own abilities. In this case, you can use cards of different colors. For example, a green card indicates an elementary level task, upon completion of which the student receives a “3”. Card yellow color- a task of average difficulty level with a grade of “4”. And the red card is a task of increased complexity, upon completion of which the student receives a “5”. The child decides for himself what level of difficulty he will “submit to.” This is also a good opportunity to work for a gifted student who is ahead of his peers in speed. academic work, this child will have the opportunity to study the subject deeper than what is provided by the program.

IIIConclusion. Reflection.

I would like to end my master class on this positive note. Create, develop, move forward, be masters of your craft, everyone has a chance, because masters are not born, they become masters. I wish you creative success!

What technology did I use when conducting this methodological training? (answer: ICT - information technology) Slide 17

Methodical training itself is a form of interactive


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Just a few years ago, at the end of the last century, the main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​was practical knowledge of them as a means of communication. Today, one of the main goals is to teach language as a way of understanding the world, to prepare the student’s personality for a tolerant perception of foreign culture, to understand the conventionality of national stereotypes, i.e. to the recognition of equality and equivalence of cultures. Learning a foreign language is organically connected not only with the assimilation of the ethnocultural baggage of the native speaker people, but is built on the interaction of two cultures - the culture of the country of the language being studied and the culture of the native country of the students. Only by realizing the native culture in its living correlation with the cultures of the countries of the languages ​​being studied can one become a true citizen of the Fatherland and a full citizen of the world. Students' mastery of the values ​​of their native culture makes their perception of other cultures more accurate, deep and comprehensive. It is important to use authentic materials, artifacts, photographs, illustrations, maps, audio and video samples of modern language, music, and painting. A good form of work is quizzes, oral journals, thematic conversations, discussions, and debates.

Historically, several models of teaching foreign languages ​​have developed: traditional, creative, technological. The choice of model depends on the subject of activity and on the personal professional orientation of the teacher. The main problem of traditional teaching is that the teacher’s activity comes first, which inhibits the student’s independence. Most teachers brought up in this model and working with its application see their professional task as presenting the information contained in textbooks. Next, this information should receive developed practice of application in educational activities, thereby turning into knowledge.

The rationale for using the traditional model of teaching foreign languages ​​is the linguistic theories that were widespread at that time. Since the time of F. de Saussure (the second half of the 19th century and until the 70s of the 20th century), the goal of linguistics has been the study of language as a system “in itself and for itself,” the appropriation of knowledge, and the mastery of linguistic competence. It is common knowledge that this technique regularly caused communication failures when it came to actual communication with native speakers. For full-fledged communication, there was a lack of other types of knowledge, skills and abilities, and this led to communication failures and even failures. Thus, overcoming only the language barrier in the learning process is insufficient. Often during communication, the uniqueness of the foreign language culture of representatives of another nation is not taken into account. When contacting them, communicants act according to their own behavioral models, relying on their knowledge, which often causes serious misunderstandings in the communication process. Therefore, along with the language barrier, the cultural barrier should also be overcome as an equally serious obstacle in the communication process.

The creative model of language teaching is built on methods that make it possible to vary the activities of both the teacher and his students, without strictly regulating them. Each teacher is individual and, to the best of his creativity, tries to show his individuality.

The technological model of training is a regulated, strictly controlled model. One of the important features of the technological learning model is a fairly clearly defined sequence and logic of the stages of activity. The sequence of analysis and solution of the communicative situation underlying the teaching of any type of foreign language speech activity and any aspect of the language must correspond to the logic of solving the educational and pedagogical problem. This explains the fact, confirmed by practice, that they began to write and talk about modern technologies of foreign language education during the period of widespread use of the communicative method in teaching practice. Participants in the process need to know the logic and structure of speech activity.

In the modern interpretation of the methodology of foreign language education, we are talking about innovative technologies, for example, the concept of continuous foreign language education. Under technologies of foreign language education one can understand a thoroughly thought-out way of accomplishing a particular task within the framework of the chosen method. In other words, pedagogical technologies are a model of the educational process, in which a specific, potentially reproducible result is set as a goal and achieved through the use of certain methods, forms of teaching, operating with content, and types of communicative tasks. This is a clearly organized model of joint activities of teachers and students, teachers and students, thought out in all details, which includes planning, organization, diagnostics of results, and summing up of these activities.

One of the ways to practically implement the technology of continuous foreign language education is a module. A module is an invariant block containing a closed cycle (goals, motive, content and learning technology). Goals are the triggering mechanism for learning, the motive is a dynamic semantic system. The fundamental difference between modular training is the following: the content of training is presented in complete independent complexes-modules, which at the same time serve as a bank of information and a methodological guide for their assimilation, which allows students to independently master a certain level. The module contains a “portion” of knowledge, skills and abilities.

According to one of the classifications there are person-oriented, socially-oriented and information technologies. TO socially oriented include the technology of “learning in cooperation”, technologies of mutual (collective) learning, game modeling. Cooperation presupposes a desire and readiness to support, avoid conflicts and is built on the principles of cooperation and politeness.

Teaching foreign language communication using gaming technologies implements the following fundamental methodological principles: the principle of unity of content and form, the principle of connection between theory and practice, the principle of modeling, the principle of unity of activity and personality.

In accordance with the first principle, the content of training must be expressed in adequate forms of educational activity. In a business game, for example, information, linguistic means, and speech norms are not acquired on their own, but in the process of simulation and regulation of the gaming and educational actions of the participants. Business games reproduce real situations and communication conditions, rather than pre-written scenarios; the development of a business game as a search for a solution to a problem is often unpredictable.

The didactic principle of the connection between theory and practice allows the teacher to involve the personal experience of students, on the basis of which participants in communication learn to generalize, analyze, compare and theoretically justify the possibility of making decisions by analogy, intuitively, in accordance with their own position. It has been proven that a long separation of theoretical learning from practice complicates the process of learning theory. The lack of ideas about speech activity among students leads to an abstract, speculative study of theory. Gaming technologies make it possible to remove the difficulties of the transition from mastering knowledge, skills and abilities in laboratory conditions to their development in real professional and social activities.

The principle of modeling means that with the help of certain communicative situations and teaching aids, in the forms of educational activity, the problematic content of the Foreign Language training course is gradually “objectified” in all the diversity of its connections with reality. The ability of students to analyze communicative situations should be considered as the ability to establish essential and non-essential features of observed facts, relationships, circumstances, compare them, determine similarities and differences, establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies between them and the circumstances in which they occur, and on this basis basis to develop an appropriate strategy and tactics of interaction or influence on communicants, an individual. When taking actions to resolve a communicative situation, the teacher needs to foresee how the speech activity of the participants in communication will affect further behavior and, ultimately, on further development individual students or the group as a whole.

Thus, modeling of pedagogical activity, which forms the basis of gaming technologies in teacher training, can effectively influence the formation of a student’s professional-subjective position, the essence of which is the attitude to teaching activity, to the student, to oneself and to one’s self-development.

Game technologies using modeling of speech activity involve a process of gradual transition from traditional teaching to research with the promotion and proof of hypothetical assumptions, independent prepared and spontaneous statements. Such training recreates the subject and social contexts of speech activity and enhances the developmental nature of foreign language education.

The principle of systematicity assumes that the selection of communicative situations and cognitive tasks, their inclusion in the content of training is carried out on the basis of the distribution and organization of components of the training content, language and speech material, systematization of the management of educational activities and the practice of foreign language communication. The compilation of sets of exercises, methodological techniques, structures of game modeling of foreign language communication is carried out taking into account and implementation of the general and speech activity foundations of mastering foreign language communication.

The analysis of communicative situations in the process of modeling speech activity is consistent with the most important methodological principle of the unity of activity and personality, since it contributes, on the one hand, to the development of in various ways and algorithms for solving cognitive and communicative problems, the formation and gradual expansion of professional skills, and on the other hand, the personal development of the student. Game technologies provide a natural transition for students from one leading type of activity (educational) to another (actually communicative) with a corresponding transformation of the subject, motives, goals, means, methods and results of activity.

Gaming technologies make it possible to form a holistic understanding of communicative activity and its dynamics; develop creative and practical thinking in various areas of communication; to form cognitive motivation and provide conditions for the emergence of professional motivation.

TO person-oriented technologies These include autonomous learning, distance learning, projects, health-saving technologies, etc. They provide students with the opportunity to learn independently, discover something for themselves, choose their own learning path (inductive or deductive), pace, issues, etc. Student-centered technologies are based on the proposition that autonomy is the basis of development continuous language education of the individual, influencing the level of motivation and responsibility of the student for the results of his own learning.

The cornerstone of such education is the child’s personality, its originality, self-worth, where everyone’s subjective experience is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education. If in traditional philosophy of education socially-oriented models of personality development were described in the form of externally specified samples, standards of cognition (cognitive activity), then person-oriented learning is based on the recognition of the uniqueness of the subjective experience of the student himself as an important source of individual life activity, manifested, in particular, in cognition. Thus, individual experience is enriched, transformed, incremented, which forms the basis of individual development. The essence of student-centered learning is to recognize the student as the main active figure in the entire educational process.

Distance learning is a form of learning in which the transfer of information between the teacher and the student occurs at a distance, including using computer telecommunication networks, radio, and television. Distance learning includes the introduction into the educational process of video recordings and video equipment, DVD technologies (digital) and satellite television, personal computer (PC) and computer networks. Distance learning is, to a certain extent, an alternative to the lesson-based system of organizing the process of foreign language education. First of all, the role and content of the teacher’s activities are transformed. It ceases to be the main source of information, and the student chooses an individual strategy for obtaining and applying knowledge, gaining experience in communication through speech interaction with different speech partners. A virtual class can include representatives of different cultures and teachers of different nationalities and universities.

It is necessary to distinguish between individual, differentiated and person-oriented approaches. Individualization involves adaptation curricula, tasks, exercises for a specific student, with a wide range of his individual characteristics - from characteristics of temperament and type of thinking to the predominant method of processing information (synthetic or analytical, figurative or verbal types of thinking, etc.). With student-centered learning, we are talking about internal differentiation, identifying groups within the class that perform tasks at different levels. The concept of levels primarily implies different levels of mastering the material (different levels of training).

Let us consider the differences between these approaches using the example of 3 groups of schoolchildren with traditionally identified levels of mastery based on the previous results of children’s educational activities and pedagogical diagnostics. Students do not know the basis on which the division into groups occurs. The first group performs tasks at the reproduction level: inserts missing words into definitions, enters missing data, separates true statements from erroneous ones. The second group works at a productive level - solving problems with a learned execution algorithm or with transformations into 1-2 actions. The third group performs non-algorithmic tasks or tasks with a large number of transformations, i.e. works on a creative level. The next difference is found in the area of ​​goal setting. The first method assumes that children will work more effectively in class if they are provided with a feasible level of difficulty in learning tasks. Therefore, the teacher himself divides them into groups and formulates tasks. The second method is that the teacher announces work in groups, describes the nature of the tasks and invites the children to independently determine their level of readiness for the lesson. The third method begins like the second. The only difference is that the teacher can adjust the student’s choice of group if the teacher does not agree with him.

The first method implements an individual approach, the second - a differentiated approach and allows you to concentrate on the problem of cooperation within groups, the third method is most consistent with student-centered learning. Only as a result of creating conditions for meaning-making, self-determination and self-development does the solution of personal problems occur.

Usage information technologies in foreign language education includes:

a) implementation of training programs;

b) use of databases, electronic textbooks, dictionaries and other reference materials;

c) use of Internet resources;

d) work with users of the Intranet of your educational institution;

e) creating your own (multimedia) educational projects.

The use of computer training systems is designed to resolve the contradictions between the increasing volume educational information and limited training periods, between mass training and a person-centered approach, as well as create conditions for high-quality training in combination with the simultaneous development of modern information technologies.

The curriculum provides the opportunity to organize individual and differentiated control on the part of the teacher (teacher). In addition, interactive video makes it easy to receive linguistic and cultural commentary and lexical and grammatical reference material. Students may also be offered a simplified scenario for independently writing a program, for example, a different ending to a film or a fragment of a program, not to mention choosing and completing tasks of different volume and complexity, at different paces, on a whole range of problems. A very significant positive factor in such programs is the authenticity of the speech material, modern language, high quality reproduction, which greatly stimulates the cognitive interest of students.

Another distinctive characteristic of intelligent multimedia teaching systems is the intelligent multimedia interface (method of communication). Intelligent multimedia interfaces support sophisticated natural input/output (meaning speech input/output, video input/output), which allows the learner to perform fairly complex tasks quickly and accurately, while receiving maximum satisfaction. Such systems include the following components:

a traditional, easily recognizable panel of a regular tape recorder with a set of knobs and buttons when working with an audio program that allows you to play texts at the speed each student needs without changing the sound quality. The interactivity of the learner consists in the interaction of the learner with the content (object and subject of speech activity), with other learners, with the teacher. Today at school education Significant changes are taking place that affect almost all aspects pedagogical process decisive factor education process. As a teacher, I need to know which aspects of a child’s personality can be influenced by knowledge

foreign language, what technologies to use in the educational process in order to obtain the planned results.

I think one of the main tasks is to improve the teacher’s pedagogical skills by mastering modern technologies training and education.

In the pedagogical and psychological literature, the concept of “technology” is often found, which came to us along with the development of computer technology and the introduction of new computer technologies. A special direction has appeared in pedagogical science - pedagogical technology. This trend originated in the 60s of the last century in the USA and England and has now spread to almost all countries of the world. The appearance of this term and direction of research in pedagogy is not accidental.

Like any technology, educational technology is a process in which a qualitative change in the impact on the student occurs. Pedagogical technology can be represented by the following formula:

PT = goals + objectives + content + methods (techniques, means) + forms of training

Compared to method-based training, teaching technology has serious advantages.

The basis of technology is a clear definition of the final goal. In traditional pedagogy, the problem of goals is not the leading one; the degree of achievement is determined inaccurately, “by eye.” In technology, the goal is considered as a central component, which makes it possible to determine the degree of its achievement more accurately.

A technology in which the goal (final and intermediate) is defined very precisely (diagnostically) allows the development of objective methods for monitoring its achievement.

Technology allows us to minimize situations when a teacher is faced with a choice and is forced to move on to pedagogical improvisation in search of an acceptable option.

Today there are a large number of modern pedagogical

technologies thatallow you to achieve the goals set by the program and education standard in a specific academic subject:

    -developmental training;

    -problem-based learning;

    -multi-level training;

    -collective education system (CSR);

    -technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ);

    -research teaching methods;

    -project teaching methods;

    - “debate” technology;

    -technology of modular and block-modular training;

    -lecture-seminar-credit system of education;

    -technology for the development of “critical thinking”;

    - technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games;

    -training in collaboration (team, group work);

    - information and communication technologies;

    - health-saving technologies;

    - innovation assessment system “portfolio”;

    - distance learning technology

    -workshop technology

    -group training

    and etc.


To increase the efficiency of the educational process when conducting foreign language lessons, I use the following educational technologies, taking into account age characteristics children.

Games allow for a differentiated approach to students, involving each student in work, taking into account his interests, inclinations, and level of language training. Exercises of a playful nature enrich students with new impressions, activate their vocabulary, perform a developmental function, and relieve fatigue. They can be varied in their purpose, content, methods of organization and implementation. With their help, you can solve any one problem (improve grammatical, lexical skills, etc.) or a whole complex of tasks: form speech skills, develop observation, attention, and creative abilities, etc.

Some games are performed by students individually, others - collectively.

Each exercise of a gaming nature requires at least 10-12 minutes of study time.

Wide range of possibilities The use of role-playing games helps to activate the learning process. It is known that a role-playing game represents a conditional reproduction by its participants of the real practical activities of people and creates conditions for real communication. The effectiveness of learning here is primarily due to an explosion of motivation and increased interest in the subject. Role-playing can be used both at the initial stage of learning and at the advanced stage.

Project methodology.

The project method is aimed at developing a child’s active independent thinking and teaching him not just to memorize and reproduce knowledge, but to be able to apply it in practice. It is important that while working on a project, children learn to cooperate, and learning in cooperation develops in them mutual assistance, desire and ability to empathize,

The creative abilities and activity of students are formed.

It should be remembered: in order to solve the problem that lies at the heart of the project, schoolchildren must possess certain intellectual, creative and communication skills. These include the ability to work with text, analyze information, make generalizations, conclusions, the ability to work with a variety of reference material. Creative skills include: “the ability to conduct a discussion, listen and hear the interlocutor, defend one’s point of view, the ability to succinctly express a thought. Thus, competent use of the project method requires significant preparation, which is carried out in a holistic educational system, and it is not necessary that it precedes students’ work on the project. This kind of work must be done constantly.

At the first stage I am developing a plan for project work and thinking through a system of communicative exercises that ensures its speech level.

Second phase ensures language and speech skills of schoolchildren. With this type of activity, children not only memorize new clichés and reinforce vocabulary, but also learn a coherent, logical presentation of thoughts.

Third stage – defense and discussion of projects. Each group defends its project in front of the class according to the previously discussed plan.

“Model teaching method” (lessons in the form business games, lessons like: lesson-court, lesson-auction, lesson-press conference)

Lesson-press conference

These lessons imitate the press conferences that take place in life: when groups of public figures or scientists conduct conversations with representatives of the press, aimed at clarifying the most important issues and problems in order to popularize them and promote them. Lessons of this type contribute to the development of students’ skills in working with additional literature, foster curiosity, the ability to do things in a team, and comradely mutual assistance.

Technologies of advanced advanced training

Technologies in which each student is given the opportunity to independently determine the ways, means, and means of searching for truth or results). A foreign language is studied in the school course from grades 2 to 11. The volume of material is enormous, and the requirements for the subject are increasing every year. Much of what students need to know is left out of the curriculum or learned in passing. This is especially true for students' vocabulary. This is why the theory of anticipatory learning is very useful. Based on elements of this technology, I conduct lessons on learning new material with the help of consultants and group work. I practice this type of work in grades 7-11. For example, the lesson “Music or Art” in 11th grade is based entirely on material collected by the students. Usually, information is prepared in pairs. One student is preparing an interesting theoretical material, and the second is illustrative.

Integrated learning technologies

A foreign language is like no other subject school course, allows you to use the knowledge gained in other lessons. When studying the topic “Music,” I rely on the students’ knowledge acquired in music lessons (composers, musical works, music styles). When studying animals, I rely on the knowledge gained in biology lessons. All lessons about discoveries and pioneers of English-speaking countries, geographical location, historical facts rely on and complement knowledge of history and geography.

Each student should gain during his studies the knowledge that he will need in later life. At the same time, the teacher must work in such a way that teaching does not harm health. Moreover, I consider one of the main goals of the educational process to be teaching children using methods to preserve and strengthen their health.

Important role at the same time I take awayhealth-saving educational technologies, the purpose of which is to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject without harming health, to develop motor abilities that are so necessary in life.

Also in my work I usetechnology for activating the capabilities of the individual and the team , the author of which is the director of the Center for Intensive Teaching of Foreign Languages ​​at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova Galina Aleksandrovna Kitaygorodskaya.

Method of empathy ) means “feeling” a person into the state of another object, “infusing” students into the studied objects of the surrounding world, an attempt to feel and know it from the inside.

Mind - Map method is a simple technology for recording thoughts, ideas, conversations. Recording occurs quickly and associatively. The theme is in the center. First a word, an idea, a thought arises. There is a flow of ideas, their number is unlimited, they are all recorded, we start writing them down at the top left and finish at the bottom right. The method is the individual product of one person or one group. Expresses individual capabilities, creates space for the manifestation of creative abilities.

Method "Brain Storm" ( Cerebral storm )

By brainstorming, students name everything they know and think about the topic or problem discussed. All ideas are accepted, whether they are correct or not. The teacher's role is that of a guide, making students think while listening carefully to their thoughts.

Cluster - Method (bunch) - serves to stimulate mental activity. Thoughts are not piled up, but “piled up,” that is, they are arranged in a certain order.

Compilation technology:


    Words that spontaneously come to mind are written around the main word. They are circled and connected to the main word.

    Each new word forms a new nucleus, which evokes further associations. In this way, associative chains are created.

    Interrelated concepts are connected by lines.

Method “We know/want to know/found out”

This technique is applicable for reading or listening to a lecture. Students are asked to draw a table with three columns:“We know / we want to know / we found out” . The same table is on the board.

    The most important information on the stated topic is entered in the “We Know” column (after discussing the topic).

    The “We want to know” column contains controversial ideas and questions and everything that students want to know about this topic.

    In the “Learned” column, students write down everything they learned from the text, placing the answers parallel to the corresponding questions from the second column, and other new information should be placed below. Then there is an exchange of ideas with the whole group. The results are entered in a column.

Technology of critical thinking.

Every modern teacher wants an atmosphere of creativity to reign in the classroom. The most important task of education in modern stage the formation of substantive and universal methods of action becomes. And the activity approach is the main way of acquiring knowledge. That is why it is necessary to constantly think about how to structure the educational process so that students show vivid imagination, fantasy, can compare and associate, rely on intuition and the subconscious. In other words, it is necessary to develop creative thinking in students.

Technology for the development of critical thinking - stages and methodological techniques

I stage ( phase ) Call (evocation)

Information received at the call stage is listened to, recorded, and discussed. Work is carried out individually, in pairs or groups.

Stage II Realization of meaning

At the stage of understanding the content, direct contact is made with new information (text, film, lectures, paragraph material). Work is carried out individually or in pairs. In group work, two elements must be present - individual search and exchange of ideas, and personal search certainly precedes the exchange of opinions.

II I Reflection stage

At the reflection stage, analysis, creative processing, and interpretation of the studied information are carried out. Work is carried out individually, in pairs or in groups.

Thus, the technology for developing critical thinking is very well applicable in foreign language lessons. This technology allows the teacher to: give students the opportunity to express their point of view on the topic being studied freely, without fear of making a mistake and being corrected by the teacher, record all statements: any of them will be important for further work, combine individual, pair and group work: individual work will allow everyone the student can update their knowledge and experience, hear other opinions, and express their point of view without the risk of making mistakes. From all of the above, we can conclude that the technology of “critical thinking” has a large number of positive traits and it can be safely introduced into the practice of teaching foreign languages.


New information technologies are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the process of training and education. Modern pedagogical technologies, such as project methodology, the use of information technology, Internet resources, make it possible to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of training, interests, etc.

Thus, the introduction of ICT contributes to achieving the main goal of modernization of education - improving the quality of education, increasing the accessibility of education, ensuring the harmonious development of an individual who navigates the information space, is familiar with the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies and has an information culture.

Unlike traditional methods, where the teacher is used to giving and demanding certain knowledge, when using interactive forms During the course of learning, the student himself becomes the main character and opens the way to the acquisition of knowledge. The teacher acts as an active assistant in this situation, and his main function is to organize and stimulate the educational process.
In foreign language lessons, you can solve a number of problems using a computer:
develop reading skills and abilities directly using online materials of varying degrees of complexity;
improve listening skills based on authentic audio texts;
improve skills writing, replenish your lexicon, both active and passive, vocabulary of a modern foreign language, reflecting certain stage development of people's culture, social and political system society;
introduce cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of speech behavior of various peoples in communication conditions, features of culture, traditions of the country of the language being studied;
to form sustainable motivation for students’ foreign language activities in the classroom.
In my opinion, the use of ICT and Internet resources in foreign language lessons is relevant today, because a teacher must be interesting for his students, keep up with the times, improve his teaching skills and level of intelligence.
Modernity also places increasingly high demands on teaching practical knowledge of a foreign language in everyday communication and the professional sphere. The volume of information is growing, and often routine methods of transmitting, storing and processing it are ineffective. The use of information technology reveals the enormous potential of the computer as a teaching tool.
It should be noted that the use of multimedia technologies cannot provide a significant pedagogical effect without a teacher, since these technologies are only ways of teaching. The computer in the educational process is not a mechanical teacher, not a substitute or analogue of the teacher, but a means that enhances and expands the capabilities of his teaching activities.

Using new pedagogical technologies in the classroom, I became convinced that the process of teaching foreign languages ​​can be viewed from a new point of view and master the psychological mechanisms of personality formation, achieving better results.


The article examines modern productive personal development technologies of foreign language education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education. The author defines productive educational technology as a system technology for managing the learning process, providing for maximum consideration by the teacher of the psychological, personal, individual characteristics of the subjects educational activities, as well as patterns of foreign language acquisition in the organization of educational and cognitive activities of students. The most effective personal development technologies are the technology of interactive-communicative learning, socio-game and problem-search technologies, the technology of activity-reflective mastery of a foreign language, project technology, as well as the technology of mobile learning of foreign languages. The active use of personally developing productive technologies promotes awareness of the needs and goals of language learning, the formation of goal setting and motivation, i.e. ultimately improving students' practical knowledge of a foreign language. The article provides examples of the use of these technologies in the practice of teaching a foreign language and reveals their didactic capabilities. Productive technologies create optimal conditions for the intellectual development of an individual by reducing the share of reproductive activity, ensure the formation of key competencies, and contribute to the development of an individual who is ready to carry out professional activity and independently learn language and culture for a variety of purposes and contexts throughout their lives.

productive educational technology

personally developing

foreign language teaching







mobile learning

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The relevance of the presented research is determined by the need to modernize the system of teaching foreign languages ​​at universities in the aspect of the development and application of modern educational technologies aimed at developing in students the necessary competencies specified by the new Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, and the readiness of university graduates for effective professional activities in the conditions of constant changes in the content of work and the need self-education throughout life. Federal State Educational Standard higher education in the direction of “Linguistics” sets high requirements for the level and content of professional training of graduates specializing in the field of foreign languages. An analysis of the mandatory competency-based educational outcomes that a bachelor of linguistics must demonstrate at the end of the day leads to the conclusion about the need to modernize foreign language education in higher school. We are talking about the formation of universal meta-subject competencies, expressed in the development of students’ readiness for intercultural communication, the formation of universal learning activities, the ability for self-education and learning a foreign language throughout life. In this regard, a decisive role is played by the development and implementation of productive, socially developing educational technologies that ensure the effective formation of foreign language communicative competence and the diversified development of the individual by means of a foreign language in the system of foreign language education at all its levels.

We consider productive educational technology as a systemic technology for managing the learning process, which provides for maximum consideration by the teacher of the psychological, personal, individual characteristics of the subjects of educational activity, as well as the patterns of mastering a foreign language when organizing the educational and cognitive activities of students. The system of productive personal development training is a self-organizing “organism” that regulates the degree of influence on its constituent elements. In a generalized form, productive personal development training is considered as a technology of a culture of personality change, as a nature-conforming technology for managing the activities of students.

To the most effective personally developing, productive technologies that provide professional development and self-realization of the student as a multilingual linguistic personality in the process of mastering a foreign language, include the following: technology of interactive-communicative learning, socio-game and problem-search technologies, technology of activity-reflective mastery of a foreign language, project technology, as well as technology of mobile learning of foreign languages. Let's consider the main characteristics of the selected technologies of foreign language education.

The technology of interactive-communicative learning (learning in communicative interaction) involves the use of various linguistic and methodological strategies and techniques for creating situations of real and imaginary communication, which is productive, and organizing communicative group interaction of students (in pairs, triads, small groups) in order to implement intercultural, interpersonal communication, which allows you to maximize the creative potential of students. For modern pedagogy and teaching methods are characterized by a tendency to merge the processes of learning and communication, while the social and pedagogical functions of communication are combined in a single process of maximally close activities. This combination gives a significant synergistic effect and helps to increase the level of mastery of educational and cognitive activities in mastering a foreign language. In the paradigm of personality-oriented and competency-based approaches to foreign language education, communication is an integral attribute of any personally developing, productive learning technology. Interactivity and polylogic are the essential characteristics of foreign language education, its transition to the personal and semantic level. In the process of foreign language training of students, communicative interaction is a form and tool for organizing educational and cognitive activities, implemented on the basis of collective cooperation of students.

Within the framework of interactive-communicative learning technology, the leading forms of organizing training sessions on the theory and history of the language being studied, as well as practical courses in a foreign language, are duet lectures, lecture-interviews, lecture-video trainings, lectures-conversations, active seminars, interactive trainings, discussions, etc.

Problem-search technology is based on the provisions of the problem approach (Lerner I.Ya., Makhmutov M.I.) that mastery of an academic subject is carried out in the process of independent acquisition of knowledge. Students are given the task of finding a solution to a complex problem that requires updating and integrating knowledge, analysis, and the ability to see a phenomenon or pattern behind certain facts. As a result of performing this activity to obtain new knowledge, students develop such qualities as creativity, ingenuity, the ability to see a problem, intuition, analysis and synthesis skills, and the ability to guess. Problem-based learning is based on a problem situation and a problem task. A problem situation is a multidimensional object that includes the following components: problem task; the unknown, in finding which its solution consists; the decision process itself and the subject carrying out this process. And the problem is the task independent decision which is directed, based on what is known, to obtain new knowledge about nature and society, to create new means, search for knowledge or achieve a goal.

Problem-search technology involves the creation in the educational process of a foreign language of such educational and speech situations in which the student needs to explore practical and theoretical problems in order to master and use the language being studied and acquire a new one. personal knowledge, developing students' research skills and the ability to analyze linguistic phenomena and identify patterns of their functioning in language. Problem-based learning in a foreign language class is organized as a foreign language activity of students to master speech skills and communicative-verbal skills, sociocultural knowledge and abilities in combination with the skills and abilities of creative individual and collective activity through the systematic solution of cognitive-search, communicative-cognitive, communicative- speech tasks in the generation of oral and written text. Problematic tasks contribute to the intensification of the educational process of teaching a foreign language both at the individual psychological and at the collective psychological levels. Intensification of students' educational activities in the context of the implementation of a problem-based approach involves the introduction of group forms of learning into the educational process, which make it possible to offer a group of students problem-searching, personally significant joint activities. The intensification of students' educational activities at the individual psychological level and at the collective psychological level contributes to the combination of communicative activity, sociocultural and problem approaches in the development of communicative culture and sociocultural education of students in the conditions of foreign language educational communication. The use of problem-search technology in the study of such theoretical disciplines as “General Linguistics”, “Theoretical Grammar”, “Lexicology”, “Functional Semantics” makes it possible to introduce students to the methods of scientific analysis of linguistic phenomena and to form a competent linguistic personality, and also contributes to the development of professional linguistic thinking in students.

Socio-game technology involves mastering academic subject through the game and thereby makes it possible to give the educational process an active, problematic character. The game, being one of the forms of group activity, contributes to the creation and cohesion of the team. Playing in a foreign language class simulates situations of real communication and develops the ability to navigate situations of intercultural communication by playing them repeatedly in a fictional world. In the context of teaching a foreign language, a game can be considered as a situationally variable exercise, where an opportunity is created for repeated repetition of a speech pattern in conditions that are as close as possible to real speech communication with its inherent characteristics: emotionality, purposefulness of speech influence.

Socio-game technology is implemented through such methodological techniques as language games, role-playing games, dramatizations, simulations, scenarios, etc. Entertaining didactically games, built on the reproductive foreign language communicative activities of students, provide training in the operational aspects of mastering a foreign language in an involuntary form in a gaming context. In order to increase the motivation for mastering a foreign language, the student is given a certain social-role status, which contributes to the student’s personal involvement in the educational process, organized on the basis of the game. At the same time, collective role-playing games are a search and creative activity, during which diverse foreign language communicative interaction of the game participants occurs, the necessary language material is automated, socially significant qualities, communication skills and abilities, and the ability to conduct intercultural dialogue are formed. Gaming activities provide a situation of success, the disclosure of one’s inner potential, and the possibility of adequate self-esteem. Socio-game technology can be effectively used in the context of studying such practical disciplines, as “Foreign language”, “Practical course of a foreign language”, “Workshop on culture verbal communication" Mastery of these disciplines within the framework of the variable use of game techniques ensures the development in students of the skills of adequate interpretation of specific manifestations of communicative behavior in various linguistic cultures, as well as the formation of intercultural tolerance, readiness to recognize alternative values ​​and behavior patterns.

The technology of activity-reflective mastery of foreign languages ​​ensures the targeted formation of general educational, as well as linguistic and methodological professional competence in this subject area. We proceed from the well-known thesis about the stage-by-stage nature of mastering an activity. The mandatory basic minimum of mastery of activities includes elementary actions, operations, and means performed at the reproductive level. In addition, reproductive-productive (heuristic) and productive (creative) levels of activity are distinguished. For the successful formation of particular skills and abilities and generalized educational and cognitive skills, a certain indicative basis for actions is necessary, i.e. algorithm.

Consequently, the organization of educational and cognitive activities for mastering a foreign language at the reproductive (reproducing) level should provide for the use of all types of algorithms, reminders, instructions, logical-semantic schemes, individualized supports of a verbal-illustrative or verbal-schematic nature, which clearly represent rational teaching methods and ensure the formation of solid knowledge, skills and abilities of foreign language communication and generalized cognitive skills.

Self-education skills are associated with reflection, the ability to rationally organize one’s educational and cognitive activities, the ability to analyze one’s actions, and adequately evaluate oneself and the results of one’s activities. In this regard, the active use of language portfolio technology in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​contributes to the implementation of reflexive aspects of mastering a foreign language. The language portfolio is used as a tool for forming a student’s reflective self-esteem in the field of learning foreign languages. The objects of control and assessment of proficiency in the target language in all aspects and types of speech activity offered to the student ensure a more accurate understanding by the student of the goals and situations of practical use of a foreign language, the nomenclature of basic communication skills, indicators of speech quality, etc. This promotes awareness of the needs and goals of language learning, the formation of goal setting and motivation, i.e. ultimately improving students' practical knowledge of a foreign language.

Project technology is based on the joint performance by students of tasks of various nature related to the study of language and culture and the functional use of language. Our practical experience shows that the project method creates the most favorable educational situation for mastering and productive use of a foreign language in the process of students constructing a personal educational product, thereby ensuring students’ ability for autonomous, creative activity, for active equal interaction with other subjects of the educational process. Some of the projects offered to students - future linguists are related to program topics, and are final activities that complete work on the topic (for example, 1st year - “Family”, “Holidays”, “Customs and Traditions”). Others relate to global problems facing humanity (for example, 3rd year - “Ecology”, “ Scientific progress"), and require the use of research methods. Some projects are related to general cultural and universal values ​​(4th year - “Independent Court”, “Means mass media”, 5th year - “Moral aspects of cloning”, etc.), and their implementation is associated with the ability to analyze and creatively interpret information, with the development of constructive creative activity of students. Telecommunication projects, such as free correspondence, global class, telecommunication excursions, etc., are extremely effective, providing increased motivation for learning a foreign language and recreating the atmosphere of genuine foreign language communication.

The emergence of mobile learning technologies for foreign languages ​​that are fundamentally new in their technical and didactic characteristics, such as multimedia, hypertext, telecommunications, and podcasts, has opened up new opportunities in teaching foreign languages. In the process of using multimedia programs, podcasts and other information resources a number of important methodological problems are solved that sometimes cannot be solved in traditional teaching: adaptation to an authentic language environment; formation in students of a living visual image of the country of the language they are learning; modeling of the natural language environment and direct communication, the ability to combine the skills of all four types of speech activity in one task, dynamic access to information, allowing you to almost instantly move from one type of educational information to another, etc.

Hypertext technologies provide convenient opportunities for working with texts, which in their form of organization resemble “an encyclopedia that allows you to freely navigate through the text, present information concisely, and use cross-references.” A number of technical features of hypertext determine its following didactic capabilities: structuring and classification of educational information; search for information of a diverse nature; structure and hierarchy of presentation educational material etc. Modern electronic educational products, in particular didactic ones, are widely used in the practice of teaching foreign languages. computer systems. These computer programs have a block structure and consist of training, reinforcement, monitoring, service and statistical blocks. Students have access to such systems both in classrooms practical grammar, phonetics and a practical course of the first foreign language, as well as outside class time doing independent work. In addition, students have at their disposal electronic dictionaries (MultiLex, Linguo, etc.), electronic multimedia libraries (Multipedia, Infopedia, Grolier Encyclopedia) and computer translator programs (Propt, Stylus), which are widely used in educational and educational settings. research work, facilitating semantic perception, unloading students’ working memory, activating learning motivation.

Thus, the use of productive, personally developing technologies in teaching foreign languages ​​at a university enhances the practical orientation of the content training courses in a foreign language, creates optimal conditions for the intellectual development of students by reducing the share of reproductive activity, ensures the formation of competencies set by the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, promotes the development of an individual ready to carry out professional activities and independently study language and culture for various purposes and contexts throughout life.

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