The procedure for attaching persons to prepare a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences without mastering programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct studies). The procedure for attaching persons to prepare a dissertation for academic competition

Competition is one of the forms of training scientific personnel. Various employees of universities and research institutes often resort to it.

The reason for choosing this particular form, as a rule, is this: the person prepared his thesis during his work, and therefore does not need postgraduate training.

Competence implies that a person personally conducts work on a dissertation research.

If the results are sufficiently acceptable, then he can subsequently apply for a Ph.D. degree.

Differences from graduate school

The main difference from graduate school is that the applicant, in principle, does not undergo any course of study, nor does he participate in pedagogical work at the department and other activities that are typical for graduate students. He is just preparing his dissertation research - that’s all.

Typically, this approach is used by already experienced researchers and employees of scientific/educational institutions who have sufficient knowledge and experience to prepare a dissertation, but who do not require training on the topic of the dissertation they have chosen.

Also, the applicant, when compared with graduate school, is not required to pass any entrance exams. It is simply enrolled by order of the head of the institution based on the results of a positive conclusion from the department to which the applicant is attached, also based on the results of an interview with the future scientific supervisor.

Expert opinion

Why is the job application system bad today? First of all, if you do not enroll in graduate school, you will not receive a diploma with the mark “teacher-researcher”. Since 2014, postgraduate study is the third level of education after bachelor's and master's degrees. Most likely, this kind of diploma will become a “pass” to teaching in the future.”

Nina Kuznetsova

Project Expert


In order to become an applicant, you must meet several requirements.

If a person is assigned to a scientific or educational institution, it is important that he has a higher professional education, or a candidate of science degree if he is a candidate for a doctorate degree.

It is also necessary to meet certain qualification requirements that are established by the Higher Attestation Commission.

How to become a job seeker?

For the preparation of PhD thesis, the applicant must submit an application addressed to the supervisor and attach to it a copy of a diploma of higher professional education, as well as optionally a certificate of passing candidate exams.

If a person is assigned to prepare a doctoral dissertation, then he must submit an application addressed to the supervisor and attach a copy of his PhD diploma.

If, by order of the supervisor, a person was assigned as an applicant, then within 3 months he must provide the department with a dissertation topic and individual plan on its preparation. They must be approved by the leadership of the educational institution. Periodically, the applicant must also report to the department and be certified every year. Otherwise, the person may simply be expelled.

Opinions and reviews

To be honest, I started writing the paper without going to graduate school. And, of course, I deeply regretted it. Since at my university there was no council for protection and there is still no one to this day. As a result, I need to go to another city, where, of course, they can help me with protection, but all this, to be honest, is more like a battle or battle. And also to play Russian roulette. Last years They made the application process very difficult.

For the applicant scientific degree this will be needed...

So, it makes sense to clarify who this applicant is? A " the applicant is a person with a higher professional education attached to an organization or institution that has a postgraduate degree […] and preparing a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences without training [highlighted by me] in graduate school ..." In addition, " competition is a form of work on dissertations of specialists attached to higher educational institutions or scientific institutions, organizations without enrollment [highlighted by me] to […] graduate school …”

« Applicants enjoy [highlighted by me] necessary equipment, offices, libraries, etc. at the place of attachment. Heads of higher educational institutions, scientific institutions, organizations and enterprises where applicants work provide them with assistance in creating necessary conditions for work on dissertations».

Regarding the terms of application: the assignment of applicants for preparing and passing candidate exams and for preparing a candidate's dissertation is carried out for a period of three years. Accordingly, a future candidate of XXX sciences can formally apply for no more than 3 years. However, in practice, this pleasure for some “Einsteins” of this country and our time stretches even longer... Well, what can we say: “Einsteins” they are “Einsteins”...

Everyone knows that there is such a type as « eternal student» . However, there is also "eternal applicants".

However, despite this, "eternal applicants" are listed as such for much longer, because candidate exams have no expiration dates.

However, those wishing to obtain the prestigious status of an applicant should take into account the important fact that in most universities, universities and research institutes free applicants are provided only for employees of these institutions and their relatives. However, competition can also be carried out under agreements concluded by individuals and (or) legal entities with senior educational institutions, at the expense of physical and (or) legal entities. So count out your money...

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated March 28, 2014 N 247 Moscow “On approval of the Procedure for assigning persons to pass candidate exams, pass candidate exams and their list”

Registration No. 32577

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated September 24, 2013 N 842 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 40, Art. 5074), I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for attaching persons to take candidate exams, pass candidate exams and their list.

2. The results of candidate examinations received before the entry into force of this order, confirmed by a certificate of completion issued in the prescribed manner before the entry into force of this order, shall be considered valid.

3. To recognize as invalid:

Section VI. Candidate examinations Regulations on the training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in the postgraduate system vocational education in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 1998 N 814 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 5, 1998, registration N 1582), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 16 2000 N 780 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 6, 2000, registration N 2181), dated November 27, 2000 N 3410 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 8, 2000, registration N 2490);

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2004 N 696 “On approval of the list of candidate exams” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 9, 2004, registration N 5612).

Minister D. Livanov


The procedure for attaching persons to pass candidate exams, passing candidate exams and their list

1. This Procedure establishes the rules for attaching persons to educational organization higher education, educational organization of additional professional education, scientific organization (hereinafter referred to as the organization) for passing candidate exams without mastering the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct), the period of attachment, rules for passing candidate exams and their list.

2. The list of candidate exams includes:

History and philosophy of science; foreign language;

a special discipline in accordance with the topic of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of science (hereinafter referred to as the special discipline, dissertation).

3. Candidate examinations are a form of intermediate certification during the development of training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies).

Attachment to the organization of persons for passing candidate examinations is carried out by their enrollment in the organization (hereinafter referred to as attachment for passing candidate examinations) as external students for passing intermediate certification.

4. To pass candidate exams, persons with higher education confirmed by a specialist or master’s diploma (hereinafter referred to as the attached person) are assigned to the organization.

5. Attachment of a person to pass candidate exams in the field of higher education preparation - training of highly qualified personnel in postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel (hereinafter referred to as the direction of training), corresponding to the scientific specialty provided for by the nomenclature of scientific specialties approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 1 (hereinafter referred to as the scientific specialty, nomenclature), for which the dissertation is being prepared, is admitted to an organization that has state accreditation for the relevant program for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies).

6. Attachment to take candidate exams is carried out for a period of no more than six months.

7. The attached person, within the time frame established by the organization for receiving the documents necessary to consider the issue of attachment for passing candidate exams, submits to the head of the organization an application for attachment for passing candidate exams (in Russian), indicating in it the name of the relevant area of ​​training , in which candidate exams will be taken, and the name of the scientific specialty, branch of science in which the dissertation is being prepared.

The application for attachment to take candidate exams also records:

fact of familiarization with a copy of the certificate of state accreditation educational activities and applications thereto;

the fact of the consent of the attached person to the processing of his personal data contained in the documents and materials submitted by him for consideration of the issue of attachment for passing candidate exams, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data 2.

These facts are certified by the personal signature of the attached person.

8. Attached to the application for attachment to take candidate exams are the documents specified by the local act of the organization, including a copy of the identity document of the person being attached; a copy of the document on higher education, the owner of which is the attached person, and its attachments.

In the case of a personal appeal, the attached person has the right to present the originals of the above documents; in this case, their copies are made by the organization independently.

9. When submitting documents necessary to consider the issue of attachment to take candidate exams, charging fees from the attached persons is prohibited.

10. If the attached person submits an application that does not contain all the information provided for in paragraph 7 of this Procedure, and (or) does not submit the documents necessary to consider the issue of attachment to take candidate exams in full, the organization returns the documents to the attached person.

11. Candidate examination programs are developed and approved by organizations based on sample programs candidate examinations approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 3.

12. To administer candidate examinations, commissions for taking candidate examinations (hereinafter referred to as examination commissions) are created, the composition of which is approved by the head of the organization.

13. The composition of the examination commission is formed from among scientific and pedagogical workers (including part-time workers) of the organization where candidate examinations are administered, in the amount of no more than 5 people, and includes the chairman, deputy chairman and members of the examination commission.

The examination committee may include scientific and pedagogical workers from other organizations.

The rules of work of examination commissions are determined by the local act of the organization.

14. Examination committee for taking the candidate exam in special discipline is entitled to take a candidate's examination in a special discipline if at least 3 specialists who have an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science in a scientific specialty corresponding to the special discipline, including 1 doctor of science, participate in its meeting.

15. The examination commission for the candidate examination in the history and philosophy of science is authorized to take the candidate examination in the history and philosophy of science if at least 3 specialists with the academic degree of candidate or doctor of philosophical sciences participate in its meeting, including 1 doctor of philosophical, historical , political or sociological sciences.

16. The examination commission for taking a candidate exam in a foreign language is authorized to take a candidate exam in a foreign language if its meeting is attended by at least 2 specialists who have a higher education in the field of linguistics, confirmed by a specialist or master’s diploma, and who are proficient in this foreign language, including 1 candidate philological sciences, as well as 1 specialist in the problems of a scientific specialty in which the person taking the candidate’s exam (hereinafter referred to as the external student) has prepared or is preparing a dissertation, who has an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science and speaks this foreign language.

17. The assessment of the external student’s level of knowledge is determined by the examination commissions in the manner established by the local act of the organization.

18. The decision of the examination commissions is documented in a protocol, which indicates, among other things, the code and name of the area of ​​training in which the candidate exams were taken; code and name of the scientific specialty, name of the branch of science on which the dissertation is being prepared; assessment of the external knowledge level for each candidate exam; last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if available), academic degree (if absent - level of professional education and qualifications) of each member of the examination committee.

19. Passing candidate exams is confirmed by a certificate of study or period of study issued based on the decision of the examination commissions, the validity of which is unlimited. A sample certificate of training or the period of training is established by the organization independently.

1 Clause 3 of the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2013 N 842 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 40, Art. 5074).

2 Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3451; 2009, N 48, Art. 5716; N 52, Art. 6439; 2010 , N 27, Art. 4173, Art. 6409, Art. 3263; ; N 30, art. 4038).

3 Clause 3 of the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2013 N 842 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 40, Art. 5074).

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 2014 N 248 “On the Procedure and deadline for attaching persons to prepare a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences without mastering programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct studies)”


A procedure has been established for assigning individuals to write a Ph.D. dissertation without mastering the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies).

Persons with higher education, confirmed by a specialist or master’s diploma, are assigned to universities, organizations of additional professional education and scientific organizations for a period of no more than 3 years.

These universities and organizations must have a dissertation council, which is granted the right by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to conduct the defense of dissertations in the relevant scientific specialty.

A special commission is created to consider issues related to attachment for the preparation of a dissertation. It is formed from among scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers. Its composition is approved by the head of the university (organization).

A person submits a personal application for attachment to the head of the university (organization) for the preparation of a dissertation. It must indicate the scientific specialty in which the dissertation is supposed to be written, contact information, method of notification of the progress of consideration of the issue of attachment (by mail or electronically). Attached are copies of the passport and diploma, as well as a list of publications published by the applicant (including those co-authored) scientific works and (or) patents (certificates) received by him. The person’s consent to the processing of his personal data is recorded. A personal matter is opened.

The commission selects the most capable and prepared individuals for independent scientific (scientific and technical) activities. The decision is made within 30 working days.

An agreement is concluded with the person who has passed the selection. It specifies the conditions and deadline for preparing the dissertation, and other conditions that do not contradict Russian legislation. Next, an administrative act is issued on attaching the person to the university (organization), which is posted on the official website of the latter.

Previous provisions on the preparation of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the form of a competitive application have been declared no longer in force.

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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated March 28, 2014 N 248 “On the Procedure and deadline for attaching persons to prepare a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences without mastering the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies) »

"On the procedure and deadline for attaching persons forpreparation of a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences without mastering the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate study)" established the procedure for assigning persons to write a candidate's dissertation without mastering the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct studies).
Persons with higher education, confirmed by a specialist or master’s diploma, are assigned to universities,organizations of additional professional education and scientific organizations for a period of no more than 3 years.

These universities and organizations must have a dissertation council, which is granted the right by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to conduct the defense of dissertations in the relevant scientific specialty.
A special commission is created to consider issues related to attachment for the preparation of a dissertation. It is formed from among scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers. Its composition is approved by the head of the university (organization).
A person who wishes to be attached to prepare a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences without mastering the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, submits a personal application to the head of the university for attachment to prepare a dissertation. It must indicate the scientific specialty in which the dissertation is expected to be written, contact information, and the method of notification of the progress of consideration of the issue of attachment (by mail or electronically). Attached are copies of the passport and diploma, as well as a list of scientific works published by the applicant (including co-authored ones) and (or) patents (certificates) received by him.
Attachment of persons to prepare a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences without mastering the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school is carried out twice a year from November 1 and March 1 of the current year.
The commission selects the most capable and prepared individuals for independent scientific (scientific and technical) activities. The decision is made within 10 working days after the deadline for accepting documents.
An agreement is concluded with the person who has passed the selection. It specifies the conditions and deadline for preparing the dissertation, and other conditions that do not contradict Russian legislation. Next, an administrative act is issued on attaching the person to the university (organization), which is posted on the official website of the latter.
Graduate students, doctoral students and applicants for admission from previous years will be trained according to the old rules prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 27, 1998 No. 814.

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