Happy Librarian's Day jokes. Original congratulations to the librarian. Cool congratulations on Librarian's Day to colleagues in prose - in the words of great people

Cool congratulations Happy Librarian's Day 2020

P life flies by quickly
In our 21st century -
Nothing can replace
Quiet libraries.
Here are the lines of Russian geniuses,
Like a precious treasure
Priest Librarians
They keep it for our souls.
Your day is not for idle words
And not for loud phrases,
But all the people's love
Today - just for you!

B leafy people with a refined nature,
Well-read ladies with amazing figures,
Keepers of knowledge and book healers,
We congratulate you on Librarian's Day!
We wish you always in this bookish abyss,
How roses bloom, grow above themselves,
To have romance in life and stuffing,
We will carry the fire of Prometheus forever!

X guardian of pearls of knowledge,
Spiritual values ​​of the country,
Librarian, let's admit it -
We are in love with you and books!
May he give life on your holiday
Fantastic miracles
So with a novel, and with love
To the mountains, to the flames, to the skies!

IN You are dedicated to your profession:
Doing good is a great calling.
Once you have chosen, do not change it,
Bring light, warmth and knowledge to people!

IN select a book, poem, article
Sometimes I, well, just can’t.
And then I go with a question
Only to him, only to him, only to him...
Choose an author or poet,
To find answers to questions,
He will help, he knows them all,
Best of all, best of all, best of all...
When I meet him I will wish him:
There is a lot of happiness, it heals the soul,
He is worthy of success and love:
Live like this, live like this, live like this!

IN On this amazing day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! We want to wish only the most sincere, warmest and kindest events in life! Let the book of your earthly journey be voluminous and excitingly interesting, and let there be no place for negative characters in it!

TO wise nigga do not gather dust on the shelves
And they will always find a reader,
If he can reach your heart
One whose work is greatly needed.
It is so important for you, librarians,
Find an answer to any question.
And sails like a paper boat
Precious light of enlightenment!

TO how to leaf through famous volumes,
To learn to speak beautifully -
In the words of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dumas?
Moreover, in such and such a team!
Everyone here is a real person,
And every world surprises with itself;
And you, library workers,
Today I sincerely congratulate you!

WITH Today is your holiday, book keepers!
Knowledge is placed in its place.
Here is a shelf of novels, where there is love and intrigue,
This place is famous among ladies who read.
Here is a childhood shelf - “teremok” and “about turnips”,
Where are Chukovsky, Barto, Mikhalkov and Marshak.
For historians, the bookcase here is very rare,
Take them and read them, because knowledge is just a step away!
There are books for schoolchildren - these are treasure troves of knowledge!
And all this is kept by you, fairies of book peaks,
We wish you happiness, fulfillment of desires,
May you find light for your soul in books!

ABOUT We sincerely congratulate you on this amazing event! Please accept our sincere wishes for goodness and immense happiness, mutual understanding and success in all your endeavors! Let words fill your soul with grace, and let your work bring true pleasure!

P Please accept congratulations and bows,
And wishes for joy forever!
Let columns of readers come to you
Sign up for Library Day!
Work tirelessly for many years,
Giving people food for the soul,
And be forever young, loved
And forever, like today - good!

P they say it's boring there,
And we will answer at the same moment:
The fate couldn't be better
What to live among good books -
What else does a person need?
To be happy every hour?
So happy holiday, librarian!
And this, enlighten us!

N on the shelves of the world's libraries
The great volumes are carefully preserved.
All these books cannot be counted forever,
Although, of course, you can try.

Although we live in an era of change,
When progress does not mark time.
But the wisdom of books does not dare to touch decay,
And their experience is still relevant.

Let the library treasury increase,
Once again feeling the support of the state,
So that every person has the opportunity
Experience literary wealth!

WITH amidst the world of chaos - in the silence of libraries
You are not going to work - to serve.
May success always accompany you,
Let them go day after day without regret.
For your choice on the path of life,
And for your high calling,
We would like to thank you
And wish that every day everything becomes more beautiful
And your life became more and more full!
I wish you success, health and goodness!


Congratulations on Librarian's Day

Oh, how do you live?
In the current moment of life -
At hectic work
Among a host of dusty books,
With a small salary -
What can I say? –
But with a pure soul
And what is burning in the heart?
You live wonderfully
Moreover, now
And it’s no coincidence that on a holiday
Everyone congratulates you!
... And time is the best healer,
And fate will return everything...
Hang in there, librarian!
And happy holiday to you!

The library is simply heaven!
Read any book
For book lovers, this is the reward,
And nothing else is needed.
We would like to wish you happiness,
And carry out your work clearly,
You educate people
We wish you loyal friends!

A librarian's work is not immediately visible
They, like a seed, sprout after many years
And with a wise thought they clear the dark mind,
Carrying with you a bright light of enlightenment.
Thank you for your modesty and attention
For much needed, not always noticeable work!
May I have enough strength to reveal to you the secret of the universe
To those generations that will come after us!

The book is joy and wealth,
You've been on first-name terms with them for a long time!
On the glorious Librarian's Day
I’m in a hurry to buy flowers for you!
In your intelligent, wondrous eyes
There lives a beautiful soul.
I admire you among the books...
Oh, how good you are!

Fairies of light in the dark kingdom -
Knights of the libraries,
The Joy of Book Medicine
Gave it to us forever.
We wish you to shine with beauty,
Sing with happiness and fly,
From love in seventh heaven
Light up and look younger!

No unnecessary words will be said here,
But the words are lovingly guarded.
Here they will find a partner for the soul,
And they will create comfort in your soul.
There are no clients in libraries.
There are only old friends here.
We will not regret the compliments
For those who have devoted themselves to books!

In our computer age
Still libraries
Don't displace the Internet
Thank you for this!
Glory to the librarians!
Praise and honor to them!
May our power
Gives them their due!
May your work make you happy
And worries do not sadden you!

Happy Librarian's Day, I congratulate you.
I don’t know anyone more affectionate and courteous.
Like a priestess in an educational temple,
So much knowledge in a charming lady.

I bow my head low before you,
I wish you health and happiness.
I would like to send you a message from a poet,
But I hope this will suddenly make you happy.

“The library has been and will be
The sacred temple of living printed words.
Young Bunin was one of its priests,
And for thirty whole years – the sage Krylov.”
V. Cherkesov

“If, as a result of some devastating catastrophe, all centers of education and culture disappear from the face of the earth, if there is nothing left in the world except libraries, the world and humanity will have the opportunity to be reborn” Dmitry Likhachev
Library (Greek “book” and “place of storage”) is an institution that collects and stores printed and written works for public use, as well as carries out reference and bibliographic work.
The activities of libraries to serve readers are carried out in two main forms. A library subscription gives the reader the right to receive a publication from the library at his or her disposal for a certain period of time. In another case, the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with the book only in the library premises (usually in a specially designated reading room). Some libraries operate only a subscription service or only a reading room; in others, these forms of service are combined, although not both are possible for all storage units.

May 27, 1995 A decree “On the establishment of an all-Russian library day” was signed in Russia.
According to the decree, the all-Russian Day of Libraries was declared on May 27. The date coincides with the founding in 1795 of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library.

On this day, traditionally, libraries hold events aimed at increasing interest in reading and the role of books in life. modern man, children's rooms are arranged literary quizzes, book presentations, and also by tradition, all debtors can return books to libraries without penalties.

Libraries appeared first on ancient East. Usually the first library is called a collection of clay tablets, approximately 2500 BC. e., found in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur. The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient books. In the Middle Ages, centers of book learning were monastery libraries, which operated scriptoria. Not only the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers, but also the works of ancient authors were copied there. It is believed that the very first library in Rus' was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

Today is your holiday, book keepers!
Knowledge is placed in its place.
Here is a shelf of novels, where there is love and intrigue,
This place is famous among ladies who read.
Here is a childhood shelf - “teremok” and “about turnips”,
Where are Chukovsky, Barto, Mikhalkov and Marshak.
For historians, the bookcase here is very rare,
Take them and read them, because knowledge is just a step away!
There are books for schoolchildren - they are treasure troves of knowledge!
And all this is kept by you, fairies of book peaks,
We wish you happiness, fulfillment of desires,
May you find light for your soul in books! ©

In Russia, library day -
Tribute to books!
A man leans towards them
In the Great Warehouse.
On indelible lines
Finds meaning, knowledge.
We wish in future centuries
Glory and prosperity to you. ©

Please accept congratulations and bows,
And wishes for joy forever!
Let columns of readers come to you
Sign up for Library Day!
Work tirelessly for many years,
Giving people food for the soul,
And be forever young, loved
And forever, like today - good! ©

Today is a holiday only for the initiated,
What matches the animals from the Red Book...
I want to unite us, separated,
My wish is that we read more,
And, illuminated with secret knowledge,
Every person will live better!
I want to congratulate you, Russians,
On All-Russian Library Day! ©

There is always silence in the library,
That world was completely given over to books.
Instead of a map there is a card index,
Its magical book world recreated there.
Let the fires not befall you,
And let the reader not forget the path to you.
On library day, let the fanfare
Great knowledge will be replaced by sadness. ©

Libraries are always quiet.
This is a world knowledge country!
Librarians are very smart
They often dream about books!
We sincerely congratulate you now!
New ideas for you for our class hour.
Be healthy, glow with happiness.
Enjoy life even in bad weather! ©

Guardian of books and their connoisseur,
A living guide to them:
Nature, people, cities -
Librarian without difficulty
It will help you understand the topic.
He is friends with books with everyone:
From antiquity to the present day.
For adults or for children
Will create any exhibition,
The new book will be encrypted,
The event will be held
And will carry you along
Readers on a long journey.
Check out the library
It’s useful to put things aside -
Kudos to its workers! ©

Today the holiday is celebrated
Libraries all over the country
They keep a lot of books,
And we really need them
We sincerely want to congratulate
Librarians now
We wish them great luck,
Let them work for us
Let them smile more often
They always give us books,
Live without troubles, insults and grief
And they never get tired!

Thoughts of generations on the bookshelves.
And you just have to stretch out your hand,
A great genius will speak to you,
That I could look into other people's souls.

Books will show the life of the past century,
They will teach you to distinguish truth from lies,
The ancient Egyptians had a library
It’s not for nothing that it’s called a “pharmacy for the soul.”

Yes, books are so important in our lives,
After all, since childhood, books and I have been friends.
And All-Russian Library Day
Every person should check it out.

Congratulations on professional holiday, All-Russian Library Day! Let the contribution to the development of science, culture and education be gratefully appreciated by society, let the popularity grow, and the need for a role in the consciousness of modernity intensifies. Thank you to the employees for their careful storage and attitude towards the storehouse of knowledge, an inexhaustible source of enlightenment, the kingdom of wisdom. I wish that in the age of rapid flow of information, every person has time for a classic pleasant pastime with a book in his hands.

All Russia celebrates
Happy Library Day.
This is great, because it means
Intelligence wins!

A storehouse of wisdom and intelligence
The library will save:
And scientific volumes
And ditties for fun.

Librarians, you today
Congratulations from my heart,
Enjoy your work
And I wish you happiness.

Bring enlightenment
You are among the masses and good,
May your calling give you
The shower is very warm.

Happy World Library Day!
May your life be happy forever.
May work always be a joy
And good, sympathetic people.

Let the world of books bring you impressions,
Amazing, bright moments.
And, of course, good luck to you always
Mood, respect and patience.

Your work is among prose writers, poets,
Among hundreds of thousands of different books,
The source of knowledge is books, we know this,
We draw education from them.

On All-Russian Library Day,
Librarians, salute to you today!
Let the wise from the printed words flow
They will bring you to the shores happy!

Today few people read -
Libraries know this.
But what can you do - progress -
It's harder to generate interest.
However, loyal people
Books will always go to church.
There is an atmosphere here, the smell of books -
You need to remember this moment
And honor the most beautiful place,
Where the soul can warm itself.
Truly libraries
For our thoughts as a pharmacy.

Today is an interesting holiday,
Russian Library Day.
We congratulate you and wish you
Be in trend for many, many years!

We also want to develop
Don't stand still, change.
So that the circle of readers only grows,
There would be a demand for books again!

I congratulate you with all my heart
Happy Russian Library Day!
They are cultural treasures,
Man cannot live without them!

After all, a book is a reliable, faithful friend,
It will teach us and entertain us.
Thanks to all libraries
What wisdom the book gives us!

Who instilled in us a love for books -
For this, honor and praise to you!
You decorate our world
We are always grateful to you!

Let the path in life be easy,
May all your dreams come true,
And as if in a fairy tale, let it be
Full of love and beauty!

Today, in the age of digital technology and technical progress, unfortunately, you can notice that books appear in your hands less and less often. All-Russian Library Day is celebrated on May 27; in fact, it is a very important and necessary holiday. The library opens up to every person the magical world of fairy tales, science fiction, science or love. Nothing can compare with the smell that bookshelves give. Every book is whole life not only the writer who put his soul into it, but also the readers who took it in their hands, made notes in the margins with a pencil, or simply touched the beauty. The road to a successful life must begin with the road to the library, because no e-books will not be able to replace the knowledge and wisdom that the rustling pages of a book give.

Today is library day!
I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
All of you comrades, colleagues,
Who serves for many years in a row
Holy work of communion
People to world culture,
We serve the cause of enlightenment,
And we have no other destiny.
I wish you a lot of impressions,
So that the book fund does not become scarce,
Smiles, happiness and luck.
May our work be rewarded.

All-Russian Library Day -
A celebration of respect for books!
A man reaches out to them
In your great knowledge.
Good luck and creation to you,
And constant attention!
The libraries were so cozy,
So that the morning greets you joyfully,
So that you always drink sweet tea,
So that you never get bored.
Give everyone your tender gaze,
Let the reader be happy!

May, twenty-seventh – Library Day,
I congratulate you on this now!
A person learns everything in a book,
With the book we will answer all your questions!
You are a librarian with a kind soul,
In the world of books, keep it clean,
In your establishment there is peace, tranquility,
Every visitor is grateful
To you for your good nature and for searching for books,
For kindness, every moment of life!

I wish you high feelings,
Success in difficult matters.
And so that the light of a distant star
Reminded me of miracles in an instant.
I wish to be friends with books,
From them you can draw a full cup of wisdom,
Love culture sincerely,
Live in eternal, real love.
May the temple of the mind flourish,
A person will be happy in it.
I wish you well.
Happy All-Russian Library Day!

Happy Librarian's Day to you!
Notice, fate itself dictates -
I'm eager to get everyone involved in books,
After all, a wonderful paradise lurks in them.
They can inspire
The answers are difficult to give,
Give peace, love,
So that they can be read again and again.
Keep the rows of books,
Repair old pages,
Successfully prolong their life,
Don't forget to read them all.

In our fast-paced computer age,
Let people not forget books!
Happy Librarian's Day I want
Congratulate and say that you can handle it
You have tons of volumes to sort through,
Forget nothing, sign everything,
At the same time, tell me when it is necessary:
What's new and what's the author's name?
Therefore, I wish you good mood
Good, still - a bag of patience.
More health so that it does not decrease,
But the salary increased sharply!

Health to you - librarian from God,
Your path among the shelves is beautiful and long,
In addition to us, you have pages in your friends,
With whom you will be related throughout your life!
And in books is all of life, and in books is all of you,
They contain superheroes, victories, dreams!
But remember one thing, beyond the books,
There is a life that is not simple, and lasts only a moment,
A moment and a year rush in the same way,
And it’s important for you to remain the same in them,
Carry through life the ideals from books,
And we will be nearby, remember, old man!

In the midst of a world of chaos - in the silence of libraries
You are not going to work - to serve.
May success always accompany you,
Let them go day after day without regret.
For your choice on the path of life,
And for your high calling,
We would like to thank you
And wish that every day everything becomes more beautiful
And your life became more and more full!
I wish you success, health and goodness!

Someone is looking for answers in books,
And someone - beauty.
Someone reads sonnets
And someone how to make a braid.
Someone is learning from experience there,
Some people are just busy
exciting and interesting,
And the third one is all songs
Popular with books teaches...
Everyone has their own case
And my own book too...
But still the world is so wonderfully complex,
That the books are all from the library
One...Information river,
Wisdom and magic
She gives... She collected everything!

Don’t complain about the low salary
Appreciate the work you love.
Talking with world classics
You open the funds to the people.
Let the shelves be filled with books,
New, lively, interesting
Hearts are filled with feelings.
High verbal forms.

Librarian is a modest profession,
And, alas, I’m not generous with my salary,
But your mission is huge,
And the soul is both kind and wise.
From childhood you instill a love for books,
A thirst for knowledge in all areas,
Develop our intellect and mind,
And the need for earthly news.
Everyone associated with bookshelves,
Holds knowledge in fragile hands,
Today we are obliged to congratulate:
Let your Parnassus soar in the clouds!

To the heights of human knowledge,
There are paths through the pages of books,
And for people of high daring
The librarian is the necessary guide.
Library work,
Seemingly simple and quiet work,
Far from pompous honor
Librarians always perform their service!

Today is library day.
Today we congratulate everyone!
A person wants to be smart
We only wish good things.
We wish knowledge to be the light
Always attracted good people.
We wish you joyful victories,
And we wish you kind faces too.

In the quiet of the library among books and file cabinets
A wonderful, sincere person works here.
Will find any book, give useful advice,
There is always a smile in the eyes, and greetings in the words.
Our reader interest has not waned at all.
We hasten to congratulate you on Librarian's Day!

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