Cardinal gray meaning. "Gray cardinal": meaning of phraseological units and examples of use. What does the expression or phrase cardinal gray mean?

The phrase " gray cardinal" is a mystery to many people who have not encountered this term. What does it mean? A high-ranking Catholic clergyman who wears all grey? But the “princes of the church” wear red vestments... This means that a literal interpretation of the term is unacceptable here. So who is this then?

Understand this issue, find out the meaning of these words and get acquainted with specific examples from world history and everyday life This article will help the reader.

How did the expression come about?

The roots of the phrase go back to medieval France, at a time when religion and politics were still siblings and not stepsisters. One of the most famous characters in 17th-century France is Armand Jean du Plessis, better known as Cardinal Richelieu. According to historians, this figure actually led the foreign and domestic policies of the French crown and had enormous influence on King Za scarlet colors vestments appropriate for a clergyman of his rank; one of Richelieu’s nicknames was the “Red Cardinal.”

But very few people know who directed Richelieu himself. This person is known under the name Francois Leclerc du Tremblay. This is a man of noble blood who chose for himself the path of a monk of the Capuchin Order, forever donning a gray cassock and taking the monastic name Father Joseph. It was he who led the “Office of Richelieu,” an organization that kept all of France in fear. It was this man who carried out the most subtle and dark assignments for his patron, while caring about the end result, and not about the ways to achieve it. Father Joseph is the “gray cardinal”, or “gray reverence”. He was so called for the color of his Capuchin attire and his outstanding ability to conduct the political process without attracting attention to himself. The paradox is that the real cardinal catholic church du Tremblay became only in the year of his death.

“The Gray Cardinal” in the paintings of artists

The painting by French artist Jean-Léon Gérôme shows Father Joseph, dressed in modest gray, calmly descending the palace stairs, immersed in reading. The reaction of the courtiers to his presence is surprising. Absolutely everyone, even the wealthiest people, bowed their heads in unison before the monk and tore their hats off their heads. The monk did not honor the people bowing before him with even a fleeting glance, without paying any attention to their respect. So great was the importance of the “gray eminence” at the French court.

Another canvas depicting Father Joseph is by Charles Delo and is called “Richelieu and His Cats.” In addition to the red cardinal and his favorites, in a dark corner, behind a table littered with papers, you can make out a man in a gray robe with a surprisingly concentrated and intelligent face. This is how the artist depicted the “gray eminence”.

What does "gray cardinal" mean?

Many years have passed since the life of Father Joseph, but this expression has gained such popularity that it is still used today. The cassock has been replaced by a business suit, religion has ceased to play one of the main roles in politics, but “gray cardinals” still exist.

Who is called the “gray eminence”? This is an influential person of greater intelligence, usually from the category of high-ranking politicians. The “gray cardinal” is a strategist who prefers to solve his problems not directly, but with the help of other people, while remaining in the shadows, without going on stage. This is a master puppeteer who skillfully pulls the strings of his puppets, forcing them to do his will.

A “gray cardinal” is a person who masterfully masters a number of skills, such as compromising evidence, PR, black PR, brute force influence through third parties, financial influence, and so on.

Examples from history

"Grey cardinal" is an expression widely used during the period of the new and modern history. Let's look at a few examples.

Adolf Frederic Munch, Swedish politician XVIII century, enjoyed the unconditional trust of King Gustav III. On his wise advice, the Swedish monarch, in confrontation with Russian Empire established the production of high-quality counterfeit Russian coins. Economic superiority allowed the Swedes to begin military operations, which at that time brought positive results.

Who was called the “gray eminence” in China? Son of shoemaker Li Lianying. But how did a simple poor man manage to become a “gray eminence”? Having heard that eunuchs - castrated men - had the greatest influence at the emperor's court, the young man performed the operation on himself. While in the emperor's service, a young servant entered into a conspiracy with one of his rejected concubines, eventually making her his favorite wife and the last empress of China.

Joseph Fouché, the French minister of police at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, was a classic “gray eminence.” By collecting dirt on every significant figure, Fouche achieved enormous influence while remaining in the shadows. This man's unique ability was the ability to change patrons with such ease and naturalness, as some people take off and put on gloves. Five times he managed to survive the transfer of power from the royalists to Napoleon and all five times remained in his high position, and, moreover, one of the ruler’s favorites.

"Grey cardinals" of the Kremlin

In the modern history of Russia there are also figures who received such a nickname. So, who were called the “gray cardinals” of the Kremlin?

In the first years of the third millennium, this nickname was attached to Alexander Stalyevich Voloshin, who headed the Administration of the President of Russia. In the photo taken on December 31, 1999, Voloshin is symbolically captured behind the backs of two leaders - Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin.

In the second decade of the 21st century, Vladislav Surkov began to be called this expression. The “gray cardinal” of the Kremlin, holding the position of assistant to the President, plays vital role in the country's political processes. Extensive experience in media mass media and in the field of public relations allows this person to subtly sense the mood of people and skillfully manage it.

Expression in music and films

The album of the domestic rock band “Prince” contains a song with the same name. The first quatrain reveals the essence of the “shadow ruler” in the best possible way.

Secret power is the business of the smart,

And in any game you need to be able to

Get to the point, quietly and silently,

Subdue and take possession.

In the cult series “The X-Files”, the role of “shadow power” is not just one person, but an entire secret government, the existence of which is unknown ordinary people.

And in board games

There are several board games that use the expression "eminence grise". For example, in the game of the same name from Russian authors Alexander Nevsky and Oleg Sidorenko, the player will have to feel himself in this difficult role. In the card game, you need to draw cards from the deck of the inhabitants of the palace: jester, general, seer, bard, alchemist, assassin, judge, king and queen. With their help, it is necessary to gain political influence at court. The winner of the game is the one who has the most “weight” at the end of the game.

Another mention occurs in another board game- Runebound. One of the skills in this game is called “Eminence Gray” and allows you to remove any enemy combat token, significantly weakening him with such an action.

Origin of the phraseological unit “gray cardinal”

The expression “gray cardinal” appeared in France in the 17th century during the reign of King Louis XIII the Just (1601 - 1643).

Having become king of France and Navarre at the age of eight, Louis needed guardianship and mentors to accept right decisions V state issues. Such a mentor and advisor for Louis was Armand Jean du Plessis, Duke de Richelieu or, as is more common, Cardinal Richelieu (1585 -1642), who became the head of the royal council in 1624. In fact, power was in the hands of Richelieu, by the way, nicknamed the “red cardinal” because of the red cap that he was obliged to wear according to etiquette. Louis XIII was mainly interested in balls, ballet, performances, hunting, and love affairs, and he was partly involved in politics and government affairs.

In turn, Cardinal Richelieu had his faithful adviser, a monk of the Capuchin Order, a certain Father Joseph, or in the world Francois Leclerc du Tremblay (1577 - 1638), who was actually nicknamed the “gray cardinal.”

Father Joseph - "Grey Cardinal"

Born into a noble family, Francois initially chose the path of a military man, but in 1599 he dramatically changed his life and joined the Capuchin Order, where he proved himself to be an excellent speaker and preacher, which contributed to his fame, and after the death of Henry IV, to his growing influence at the French court. Soon Father Joseph was noticed by Richelieu and gradually became his “right hand,” his closest assistant and comrade-in-arms. Having become the head of the chancellery of Richelieu in 1624 (not the highest position), Father Joseph, together with four brothers in the order, began to carry out particularly important and secret tasks for his benefactor. He achieved the result without particularly worrying about the choice of means, but always with imagination and invention; Richelieu himself could envy his ability to conduct intrigue.

Father Joseph was an excellent politician, a skillful and flexible diplomat, and possessed a resourceful mind and excellent intuition. Undoubtedly, he enjoyed the full confidence of the cardinal, which is why he had great influence on Richelieu, advising and directing his patron in one or another political direction, he could implement some decisions beneficial for himself and the Capuchin Order at the highest state level, which he did with success.

As for ideology, it was higher than that of Richelieu himself and was imbued with the spirit of Catholicism and the fight against the Protestant faith, widespread at that time in France, Spain and especially in England, where he surpassed even Richelieu and was considered enemy number one. With all this, he was immensely devoted to his benefactor.

Many considered Father Joseph to be Richelieu's successor. By the way, Richelieu himself tried for a long time to knock out a cardinal’s cap for him, but the Roman Curia did its best to prevent this, considering Father Joseph to be their rival and adversary in some way. He nevertheless became a cardinal shortly before his death, never having survived Richelieu, who was greatly worried about the death of his faithful comrade-in-arms and friend. His historical phrase is known:

“I have lost my support, I have lost my consolation, my only help and support, my most trusted person.”

This man was given the nickname “gray cardinal” because of his gray cloak, which he always wore. Well, his position in society became a characteristic of this nickname.

The life of Father Joseph, by nature secretive, inconspicuous and unsociable, was shrouded in mystery and has many blind spots. Despite this, everyone knew perfectly well who Father Joseph was and were afraid of him.

The famous German historian Leopold von Ranke (1795 - 1886) discovered in the Paris National Library many acts and documents compiled directly under the supervision of Father Joseph.

The English writer and philosopher Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894 - 1963) described the life of Father Joseph in his book “The Gray Eminence: A Study of Religion and Politics.”

The expression “gray cardinal” was popularized by A. Dumas’s novel “The Three Musketeers,” where there is only one phrase, but it is very accurate for the time described in the novel:

“This threat completely intimidated the owner. After the king and the cardinal, the name of M. de Treville was perhaps most often mentioned not only by the military, but also by the townspeople. There was also, it is true, Father Joseph, but his name was pronounced only in a whisper: so great was the fear of "Gray Eminence", friend of Cardinal Richelieu."

In the novel “Twenty Years Later” A. Dumas also only slightly mentioned Father Joseph:

“The commandant of the Bastille at that time was Monsieur du Tremblay, the brother of Richelieu’s formidable favorite, the famous Capuchin Joseph, nicknamed “ eminence grise».

The meaning of the phraseological unit “gray cardinal”

Thanks to the nickname of Father Joseph, the expression “gray eminence” or “gray eminence” began to be used in the sense of some inconspicuous person who, remaining in the shadows, like a skilled puppeteer manages important and significant affairs. But the “gray eminence”, who occupies a not so high position or has no official status, you just need your own “red cardinal”, who has official power in his hands. It is through him that the “gray cardinal,” being behind the scenes and being a kind of conductor, in one way or another directs the “red cardinal” along the path that is beneficial to him or the interests of both cardinals, more often than not, coincide.

By the way, the “red cardinal” himself very often needs “ right hand”, a trusted person, a “gray eminence” (call it what you want), who he needs for not the most plausible matters, when it is not possible to go directly and honestly and requires not entirely legal actions that must remain secret. That’s when the “gray cardinals” come into play, inconspicuous, smart, resourceful schemers with excellent intuition and flexible business. And sometimes in these relationships it is not clear who is manipulating whom, who is leading whom, and who actually has real power in their hands.

The main components of the phraseological unit “gray cardinal” are the possession of significant power and the absence of a high official position of leadership. And among the qualities of the “gray eminence” one can single out mystery, secrecy, inconspicuousness, the presence of intelligence and intuition. In modern times, the expression “gray cardinal” is used mainly in politics and business, although now the boundaries of these concepts are so mixed that sometimes it is not clear which of them is which, a politician in business or a businessman in politics.

Both in Russian and foreign history there are many examples of the existence of “gray generals,” some of whom stood out and were truly powerful.

The phrase "gray cardinal".

Regularly throughout life, it is common for a person to encounter incomprehensible phraseological units, phrases and expressions. And often people, having learned the meaning and meaning of an expression of interest, are little interested in its origin and meaning in former times. So is gray cardinal expression

And so let’s look at who is commonly called “gray cardinals” in society and where did this expression come from?

The expression "gray cardinal" originated during the reign of the monarch Louis 13 in France. But in fact, Richelieu ruled at that time, wearing the red cap that cardinals are supposed to wear, as a result of which he was nicknamed the “red cardinal.” But Father Joseph, who did not have an official post, was called a gray cardinal, because he wore a gray cassock intended to be worn by the monks of the Capuchin Order, in which he was a member.

Currently, the expression “gray cardinal” can be heard in several meanings:

1. Possession of significant power;
2. Lack of high official status;

From this we can conclude that no matter what meaning the expression is used at the present time, it came from people who did not have official power, but managed it through other persons holding official positions.

The meaning of the expression “gray cardinal” on Wikipedia

The most famous image of a cardinal in the post-Soviet space is, of course, Richelieu - thanks to Alexandre Dumas with his “The Three Musketeers”. According to historians, this hero of Dumas is almost identically copied from the Richelieu who was in life, but, without a doubt, very much in the literary image is still fiction...

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan distinguishes people according to their innate properties - vectors. For certain reasons, many myths and legends have been formed around one of the vectors. Not often, but it happens that life collides with those whom rumor calls gray cardinals. Moreover, “puppeteers” are found in a variety of positions. Mysterious and powerful. Frightening and powerful. Shrouded in dark glory, but often remaining in the shadows. Who are they, gray cardinals? How to behave with them? Why are they in our lives? What makes them so omnipotent?

The most famous image of a cardinal in the post-Soviet space is, of course, Richelieu - thanks to Alexandre Dumas with his “The Three Musketeers”. According to historians, this hero of Dumas is almost identically copied from the Richelieu who was in life, but, without a doubt, very much in the literary image is still fiction.

It’s a pity that in Dumas’s time there was no access to the knowledge provided by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan - perhaps Richelieu would have turned out completely different in the book. Or maybe Dumas would have made the main intriguer a completely different person - Father Joseph, the man in the gray cassock, Richelieu's secret adviser, who, in fact, is worth thanking for the well-known term. However, this personality that evokes fear and reverence in people was incomprehensible to the novelist. His name was pronounced in a whisper - it seemed that the head of Richelieu’s office had an omnipresent and all-seeing eye. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan designates such people as endowed with an olfactory vector.

And only thanks to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan did mere mortals have the opportunity to look into the unknown inner world olfactory specialist, who undoubtedly was the mysterious and powerful Father Joseph, who, according to contemporaries, surpassed his famous patron in resourcefulness of mind and influence.

Chief's Shadow

The classic “gray cardinal” is a shadow of his leader. A shadow that weaves intrigues and plots. Advisor. Prompter. Puppeteer. I remember a whole series of flattering and unflattering epithets. On the one hand, Richelieu as an example of a literary “influential shadow” is indicative - intrigues, traps, squabbles, incitement, persecution of “good” musketeers, intrigues... However, a real “gray cardinal” will never become an obvious instigator - he knows how not only to remain in shadows, but also masterfully avoid conflicts. Even if he is the real initiator conflict situation, he will not be personally involved in it, and one can only guess about his true role.

All actions of an “influential advisor” have hidden meaning, the background, clearly verified goals of the intriguing spider. Romantic Dumas, in his bestseller, explained the ungentlemanly behavior of the cardinal with his tender feelings for Queen Anne, because of which, in fact, the main plot mess brewed. IN real life“gray cardinals” are driven by other reasons that are easy to reveal by understanding the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan - and in particular, the nature of the olfactory vector.

But let’s leave Richelieu for a moment and descend from the literary clouds to the sinful earth. A friend once told me about a chance meeting with the father of a friend of his, whose place of work is vaguely but succinctly designated by the word “organs.” I quote the story verbatim: “I went to see her, we sat and chatted. Then the front door slammed. She jumped: “Oh, daddy has come!” We go out into the corridor. A stocky man stands under a lamp, his face in the shadow. I extended my hand to him. He swung towards me and just shot me with his eyes! What a look! It was as if he saw right through me. There was a tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach! But I still didn’t shake my hand... I’m not a coward, but for some reason a chill ran through my skin.”

What kind of look is this? Congenital feature? Trained eye sensitivity? The look of a hypnotist, practiced to suppress someone else's will? As it turned out later, “dad” made a good career, moving from rank to rank without any obvious patronage. Moreover, in a field where they are taught to suspect everyone and everything, including their own reflection in the mirror, he managed to acquire such connections and acquaintances that even the minister would envy. At the same time, as his unreasonable daughter chatted in confidence, he calmly survived several internal “cleansings”, emerging unscathed from the streams of dirt that poured on his colleagues.

Are you lucky? Or maybe a person has a powerful analytical mind that, like a computer, calculates all situations in advance? Or a professional instinct trained over years of specific work? Or maybe just good innate intuition? You can guess and make assumptions for a long time, but why? After all, there is already an answer to these questions, proven by years of successful practice. The answer is in two words: .

What kind of vector is this?

In short, this is a force that in a social unit (a human pack) is capable of balancing the impulses of the leader with its cold snake instinct. The living embodiment and bearer of this power is the emotionless eminence grise. A person who is able to see the essence of everyone who is nearby. A person who senses the slightest danger before it becomes a threat. The only one who subconsciously knows how to use the laws of system-vector psychology, being unfamiliar with it.

The theoretical justification for olfactory superpowers is extremely interesting, but those interested in the theory should listen directly to Yuri Burlan, since no one can explain this complex issue in a fascinating and accessible way better than he. And we will return to Richelieu, whom we abandoned.

The main question – why he is plotting against everyone’s favorite book heroes, handsome men and brave fellows, alas, is never revealed by the book. Unrequited love for the queen driving force book intrigues against a beautiful lady are an excellent reason to write a novel. But knowing that the characteristic property of the olfactory vector is cold unemotionality, we understand that Richelieu is not an olfactory specialist. He's just an ordinary cardinal. A simple man in a cardinal's robe, endowed with other vectors. The real olfactory observer remained behind the scenes. This is how it happens in life. Ah, if only Dumas knew at least the basics of system-vector psychology! Perhaps he would have changed the plot of his most popular novel...

In life, the main reason for the olfactory cardinal (as well as the olfactory advisor, boss, president, etc.) is to preserve himself by preserving the flock. This subtle point provides deep insight into the secret recesses of the olfactory personality. Why does he never live as a hermit? How he manages to see right through people. Why is he able to influence the leader? Why doesn't he smell? Why there are no secrets and closed doors for him. What is the secret of his power. Why does he inspire people with awe? Why is he never “involved” in anything? And many more “whys”.

To be or not to be. A victim.

What relation does the gray eminence standing behind the leader, who, it would seem, can never be reached from the sinful earth, have to do with us, mere mortals? The most direct.

“People are trash to him,” says one movie character about his offender. He speaks rashly and in vain. But this phrase itself ideally describes the sensations of the olfactory observer regarding the human mass. Having no scent of his own, he is endowed with the ability to sense the slightest nuances of human “flavors”. And he feels, sensing that people are full of stench. He can smell fear. By elusive emissions of specific unconscious odors, he can unmistakably understand that a person is lying. No, the olfactory observer does not at all look like some serial sniffer. He dispenses with cheap external effects, drawing his conclusions instantly, on a subconscious level, and not after demonstratively sniffing.

The olfactory observer is not the only one in the whole country behind the leader’s back. There are few people with the olfactory vector, but they still exist. Civilization has instilled in them the task of preserving the flock - even if it is for the sake of preserving themselves. And therefore, in any human community they are fairly evenly distributed. Having lived long life, you can meet more than one “gray eminence,” especially if there is a temptation or opportunity to “go into power.” And even without touching power, you can encounter an olfactory person - at least while visiting a “friend.”

What can be opposed to the olfactory sense? Deduction a la Sherlock Holmes? So the famous detective used to cheat, not relying on his method. One day, sitting with his back to Watson, he began to describe his cane in detail. He was taken aback by such insight, but Mrs. Hudson immediately handed Holmes over: “He sees your reflection in the coffee pot!” Such things do not work with the olfactory sense - he instantly senses any trick or falsehood. Don't even try to play on an equal footing with him. Not the case. Without knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, only an olfactory observer can accurately draw such conclusions. Everyone else runs the risk of making a big mistake.

So how to behave with the owner of the olfactory vector? Is it possible to somehow protect yourself if you suddenly end up on his “black list”? And if you can’t count on your own strengths, then what can you count on? There cannot be two answers here: you can only count on systemic knowledge and understanding of the essence of the olfactory vector. The less useful you are to the flock, the more active and effective the attacks and intrigues from the olfactory observer will be. A paradoxical but primitively simple conclusion: be needed by the pack so that you don’t get eaten. This simple conclusion is due to the main goal of the olfactory life, which we mentioned above. No more, no less.

So, if you haven’t directly crossed the path of the “gray eminence” anywhere, then in case of troubles on his part, you don’t need to look for those to blame - envious people, spiteful critics, slanderers, etc. – we need to change our own need for the pack (society). That's all it's all about and that's all main reason, according to which the olfactory puppeteer gnaws at you with alien teeth.

Lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan talk about how to find your place in society and understand yourself, learn to identify vectors and their states. You can start getting acquainted with this science at free introductory online lectures. Registration can be found at the link: See you!

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

You are honest, hardworking, principled. But he doesn't. You act openly, and he acts on the sly. You want to be on everyone's minds and lips. And he prefers the shade. Which one of you will climb the career ladder faster and take the first prize? Don't rush to answer, it's not so obvious. After all, you are just a top manager. And he is a gray eminence.

How to calculate SC?

As you know, it is very difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there. The cardinal gray is gray for that reason, so that he can easily hide against any background, pretend to be a rag in any situation, and only then... But then it will be too late, so if there is the slightest suspicion that there is a gray cardinal at work in the company, he needs to be identified immediately. And to do this, we first need to determine who exactly we are looking for, and from whom the potential danger may come.

Psychological portrait of the UK

We immediately exclude bright, emotional employees and pronounced extroverts from the list of suspects.

We draw attention to those who avoid publicity, do not strive to get into the forefront, but are not devoid of ambition.

Most often, phlegmatic people with a hidden thirst for power or people with strong character, nose a large number complexes.

Reasonable people who love to draw up schemes, plans, and develop strategies are suitable for such a role.

The gray cardinal is at the same time a poor communicator, but a good psychologist, an “expert in human souls.”

In addition, this is a person who does not value people, has no friends and does not strive to acquire them.

The greatest satisfaction for such a “character” comes from a situation about which he can say, “I did it, but no one knows about it.”

Often a gray cardinal is an employee who is close to the manager by mutual consent. In this case, he can play the role of his antipode according to the principle “A bad investigator is a good investigator”

If you do not feel psychological talent in yourself and cannot distinguish a phlegmatic person from a choleric person, then the “360 degree” technique will help you detect a shadow figure. Although, according to Svetlana Chumakova, most often there is no need for such a serious and expensive study, since usually everyone in the company knows the gray cardinal very well, even if they hide it.

Another clue to finding our character could be the position he holds or the role he plays in the company.

Most often the SC becomes:

HR director or one of his deputies
Consultant, advisor or personal executive coach
Secretary or personal assistant to the manager
One of the deputy managers
Leader's wife or mistress
Astrologer, fortune teller or other "spiritual guide"

It is much more difficult for all other members of the team to occupy this position, due to the distance from the holder of power. But difficult does not mean impossible. As practice shows, almost any employee can become an eminence grise.

When the subject is detected, it is time to move on to solving the second, much more complex problem.

How to get rid of SC?

In order to free herself from the influence of favorites and gray cardinals who brought her to power, Empress Catherine the Great launched an expensive and adventurous project, which went down in history as the “division of Poland.” And although its goal was achieved: both the Potemkins and the Orlovs were removed from the throne, this method can hardly be considered particularly effective. How can we part with the gray figure behind our back today with minimal losses?

Anastasia Kulikova, leading consultant of the Step Consulting Center: - The presence of such a “character” in a company is a certain element of corporate culture. Probably, you can fight him: collect incriminating evidence, look for allies and “make friends against him.” But it’s hardly worth wasting energy on this, unless you yourself plan to take his place. The reason is simple: “Mr. Richelieu” appears in the company not so much through his own efforts, but because the general manager has a need for such a figure.

Marina Knyazeva, consulting psychologist, Lambre company: - Getting rid of someone does not mean expelling you from the company. The eminence grise, or informal leader, needs to highlight his own sphere of activity, and he may even have to be promoted. If the influence of an informal leader is positive, then his appointment to a leadership position will benefit both him: he will switch his energy into a peaceful channel, and the team: people will be drawn to him. If the influence was negative, then, having become one of those in power, he will lose the authority of the oppositionist in the eyes of the people. But the most important thing in this situation is to learn how to control the gray eminence, and for this you need to understand what control levers he himself uses. A “controlled” eminence grise can be very useful to the company, but an expelled informal leader can cause enormous harm, especially if he is a truly valuable figure. Your competitors may shelter him, but a person with such a character does not forgive offenses and does not forget for a long time. So, before you get into a fight, think about how it might end.

Vasily Pigin, managing partner of Dialog Management Consulting: - The easiest way to identify the gray cardinal is to determine who is endowed with the maximum amount of “undeserved” privileges. This means that in order to get rid of such an informal leader, you just need to make the secret obvious. Change the decision-making process and the distribution of benefits so that they become transparent, and the cardinal will leave... But in this case, could the cardinal grise become the official leader? Perhaps yes, but it will be very difficult for him to overcome the habit of manipulating others, since this problem is from the area of ​​internal beliefs.

How to become an SK?

But perhaps you are faced with a different task. You intend to put on the gray suit of an “underground worker” yourself. Andrey N., Deputy HR Director, talks about how this is done: “Every company, even the most prosperous one, has its own pitfalls, currents, and sometimes there are even sunken submarines. Ours was no exception, I realized this almost immediately. And I decided to take a risk and embark on this underwater adventure full of dangers in search of, if not the treasures of the dead captains, then at least a better position, salary, and in the future... But more on that later.

After a month of work, I realized that none of the department heads, deputy chiefs and their deputies were going to retire, die, or look for another job in the near future, and, therefore, there was no point in thinking about moving up the career ladder by doing your job honestly. There was only one thing left - to become an informal leader. But how? Having applied all the knowledge acquired at the institute and the experience of previous places of work, I developed an action plan, which I began to strictly implement. If you are in a similar situation, and you have no other opportunity to realize your ambitions, you can take it into use. As time has shown, I chose the absolutely correct tactics.

Strategic plan to seize power:

Finding a current informal leader (this is not difficult) or a gray eminence (much more difficult). And gain his favor or at least attract his attention. How: To do this, you just need to encounter him more often in a variety of situations, always provide him with small services, volunteer to carry out assignments.

Become an indispensable employee not only for your immediate superior, but also for his boss. How: Do a little more work than assigned, anticipate what else might be assigned, always be aware of what is happening in the team, clients, competitors, etc.

Gradually but regularly expand your powers, first capturing some of the capabilities of your colleagues, and then your boss. How: Replace someone who is sick or has gone on vacation, and after returning, keep some of his most important powers to himself.

Make friends with people who enter the boss’s office and have influence on him. How: Find out what they are interested in, hobbies, where they go, and begin to be interested in the same things, visit the same places.

Copy your boss's working style. How to: Work when the boss is working, maintain the same dress code, and treat all other employees the same way as possible.

Become a member and soul of an informal organization or association existing in the office. How: Actively participate in all their events, offer your ideas on this topic.

Under no circumstances:

*get involved in the struggle between various bosses, in the most acute cases, take sick leave or vacation;
*show off your real opportunities and power until the time comes;
*tell no one anything incriminating about yourself, preferably nothing specific at all;
*show how you really feel about your boss, and especially his boss;
*argue on important issues, while you can defend your opinion on small things so as not to seem like a person,
completely without an opinion.

I can guarantee that if you strictly follow these rules, then at most in six months your position in your favorite office will change: regardless of your position, they will treat you first with caution, then attentively, then respectfully, then with caution, and then... It all depends only on you: if you want to take power into your hands, you will. As for me personally, I did not miss such a pleasant opportunity. But most importantly, never take the struggle for informal leadership too seriously. It's just a game. Otherwise, instead of the robe of a gray eminence, you may end up with a straitjacket.

Literature “on topic”: D. McGovern “Martin Bormann. Gray cardinal in a brown uniform", 2000, "Phoenix";
V. Kraskova “Grey Cardinals of the Kremlin”, 1999, “Modern Writer”

So, the gray cardinal is exposed, exposed and expelled from the company. Now you can finally work in peace. Unless, during the righteous struggle, you forgot how to do this, and a new gray guard did not arise around you, helping you in the struggle for sole leadership... Although this is also not so scary, because now you know how to identify the gray cardinal and how to get rid of him . And this activity, as practice shows, is very exciting.

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