Quotes from Mother Teresa. Best Mother Teresa Quotes Mother Teresa War Quotes

Mother Teresa Quotes. Mother Teresa Sayings. Commandments of Mother Teresa.

Life is Happiness.
Life is a chance, don't miss it.
Life is beauty, marvel at it.
Life is a dream, make it come true.
Life is a duty, fulfill it.
Life is a game, so play it.
Life is love, so love.
Life is a mystery, solve it.
Life is a tragedy, endure it.
Life is an adventure, take it on.
Life is life, save it!
Life is happiness, create it yourself.
Life is worth living.
Don't destroy your Life!
Mother Teresa

Peace begins with a smile.

God sends us trials so that, overcoming them, we become stronger and not despair!

If you judge someone, then you have no time to love him.

The most important medicine is tender love and care.

Debt is a very personal thing. It stems from a sense of need to do something, and not just from the need to motivate other people to do something.

When Mother Teresa was asked how she managed to look young despite life’s difficulties, she replied: “There is no better beautician than peace in the soul.”

Hell is a place where it smells bad and no one loves anyone.

It’s not difficult to say kind words, but their echo lives long in human hearts.

I know only one thing for sure: if people loved each other more, our lives would become much better.

If you want to make the whole world happy, go home and love your family.
Loneliness and the feeling that no one needs you is the most terrible type of poverty.

God doesn't expect you to succeed, God expects you to try.
In order for the lamp to shine, you need to constantly add oil to it.
Create small things, but with great love.

Kind words are short, easy to say, but their echo continues to sound in eternity.

Joy is a net of love for catching souls.

If you are successful, you may have many imaginary friends and real enemies; Succeed anyway.

It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not so easy to love those close to you.

Words of encouragement and greetings may be short, but they have an endless echo.

I will never join the anti-war movement. Call me when there is a peace movement.

We cannot do great things - only small things with great love.

I feel like a pencil in the hand of God. God writes with us, and writes well, even if we are an imperfect instrument.

Love should not and cannot be an end in itself, because in this case it loses its meaning and significance.

These lines belong to Mother Teresa. They are engraved on the wall of the orphanage she donated in Calcutta:

People are often irrational, illogical and selfish.
In any case, forgive them.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfishness and hidden agendas.
Either way, stay kind.

If you are successful, you will not win real friends and real enemies.
In any case, be successful.

What you have been building for years, someone can destroy in one night.
Anyway, keep building.

If you have found peace and happiness, they may envy you.
Either way, be happy.

The good you do today will most likely be forgotten by people tomorrow.
Either way, do good.

Give the world the best you have and it will never be enough.
In any case, give the world the best you have.

And ultimately, you will understand that all this happened between you and God.
And it was never a relationship between you and them.


Mother Teresa has gone far beyond her earthly existence, becoming a legend and symbol today. The late humanist still calls for compassion and endless generosity. She dedicated her entire life to helping the poor and needy. For all her good deeds, John Paul II canonized Mother Teresa in 2003, although only six years have passed since her death. In honor of the 105th anniversary of Mother Teresa’s birth, we bring to your attention her statements on how to live your life in harmony with yourself and the world.

The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.

I will never join the anti-war movement. Call me when there is a peace movement.

From a material point of view, you have everything in this world, but your heart is sad; don’t worry about what you don’t have - just go and serve people: hold their hands in yours and express love; if you follow this advice, you will shine like a beacon.

If you judge someone, then you have no time to love him.

To create a family, it is enough to love. And to save, you need to learn to endure and forgive.

Loneliness and the feeling that no one needs you is the most terrible type of poverty.

Joy is a net of love for catching souls.

Give the world the best of what you have, and the world will ask for more - still give the best.

It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not so easy to love those close to you.

It doesn’t matter who says what about you - accept it all with a smile and continue doing your job.

Love, and let love be as natural to you as breathing. Don't demand anything. Don't expect anything. If something comes to you, be grateful. If nothing comes, then it doesn’t need to come.

Words of encouragement and greetings may be short, but they have an endless echo.

In order for the lamp to shine, you need to constantly add oil to it.

The proud are always offended. The proud seeks special love for himself.

If you have achieved serene happiness, people will envy you - still be happy.

If you are honest and frank, people will deceive you - still be honest and frank.

Suffering can become a path to great love and great mercy.

We cannot do Great Things - only small things with great love.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow hasn't come yet. We only have today. So let's get started.

What you have been building for years can be destroyed overnight - build anyway.

My friend! In the end, what you do is not what people need anyway. Only you and God need this.

People can be unreasonable, illogical and selfish - still forgive them.

May everyone who comes to you leave feeling better and happier.

In December 2012, the General Assembly UN adopted a resolution according to which September 5 was declared International Day of Charity. This date was not chosen by members of the organization by chance: it coincides with the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

In 1979, for helping the poor and dying in India, Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize, was beatified in 2003, and was canonized on September 4, 2016.

Mother Teresa is one of the most quoted historical figures on the planet. In her often laconic speeches, people often found answers to their questions and advice for all occasions. Quotes from Teresa of Calcutta have been translated into dozens of languages ​​around the world, rewritten and passed on from mouth to mouth to this day.

About the importance of a smile

Peace begins with a smile.

Smiling is the main act of love.

Smile at each other. Smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other, no matter who, it will help to cultivate greater love for that person.

When you receive another blow from life, tell yourself: “Everything could have been much worse,” and smile!

About family

What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.

To create a family, it is enough to love. And in order to preserve it, you need to learn to endure and forgive.

About love

It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not so easy to love those close to you.

Love is a fruit that ripens at any time and that any hand can reach.

If you judge someone, then you will not have time to love them.

Love is the only thing in the world that becomes greater when shared with someone.

Love is an art, it requires training, just like acquiring any skill. Good doctors, musicians, artists, and athletes practice for hours to improve their skills and abilities. It's the same with love.

About loneliness

The hunger for love is much more difficult to satisfy than the hunger for bread.

Loneliness and the feeling of being useless is the most terrible type of poverty.

The worst disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but the feeling of worthlessness.

If you suffer from loneliness, don't be passive. Instead of sitting in the corner, self-criticism and waiting for attention from others, take the first step - go to people.

About helping people

There is great joy in devoting yourself to the service of others.

It doesn't matter how much we do, what matters is how much love we put into what we do. There is a big difference between these concepts.

Man's greatest sin is not hatred, but indifference to his brothers.

Everything we do is just a drop in the ocean. But without this drop the ocean would be smaller.

About death

A beautiful death is when people who lived like animals can die like angels.

There are many people in the world who die from hunger, but there are even more who die from lack of love.

I don’t know exactly what awaits us after death, but I am convinced that the Lord will not ask how many good deeds you have done in life. He will ask how much love you put into what you did.

Oh happiness

I asked God to give me happiness, and God said: “No.” He gave me a blessing, and whether I am happy or not depends on me.

If you find happiness, people will envy you. Still stay happy.

There are no keys to happiness - the door is always open.

Photo: Manfredo Ferrari (CC BY-SA 4.0) / commons.wikimedia.org

The name Mother Teresa has long been a household name. We associate love, mercy, kindness with him. Who was she and why is she revered all over the world?

Who is Mother Teresa?

Calcutta is a Catholic nun, known throughout the world for her missionary service. She was born in the Ottoman Empire in the city of Uskub in 1910 on August 26. From birth she had the name Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.

At the age of 18, she moved to Ireland, where she became a member of the monastic order “Irish Sisters of Loreto”, and in 1931 she took monastic vows and took the name Teresa, after which the order sent her to Calcutta. In 1948, she founded the “Sisters of the Missionaries of Love” community, which was engaged in opening shelters, schools, and hospitals for the seriously ill. For more than 50 years, Mother Teresa served people around the world.

For her, the main thing was that people could look into each other’s eyes, smile at each other, be able to accept each other and forgive. Mother Teresa believed that both the poor and the powerful have equal human value. Photos with presidents and ordinary poor people are clear evidence of this.

She had a lot of friends who could call her at any time and talk.

Mother Teresa's heart stopped beating in 1997. The whole world mourned its saint. For her services, she was awarded many awards. The most outstanding are the Nobel Peace Prize and the US Congressional Gold Medal.

In 2003 she was beatified by the Catholic Church.

Famous Mother Teresa Quotes

She owns the phrase that if life was not lived for the sake of other people, it cannot be considered life. Many sayings have spread around the world as quotes from Mother Teresa. She said that if you cannot feed a hundred people, feed one.

When asked what could be done to save her, her answer was simple: “Go home and love your family.” In her statements, she noted that not everyone can do great things, but everyone can do small things with great love.

Sayings about life

Mother Teresa said a lot about life:

  • Life is an opportunity that must be seized.
  • Life is a beauty to be admired.
  • Life is something to be experienced.
  • Life is a dream that needs to be realized.
  • Life is a duty that must be fulfilled.
  • Life is a game to be played.
  • Life is health that must be protected.
  • Life is love and should be enjoyed
  • Life is a mystery that needs to be known
  • Life is a wealth that should be treasured.
  • Life is a chance that needs to be taken.
  • Life is a sorrow that must be overcome.
  • Life is a struggle that must be endured.
  • Life is an adventure that you have to take on.
  • Life is a tragedy that is important to overcome.
  • Life is happiness that needs to be created.

  • Life is a challenge that must be accepted.
  • Life is too wonderful, it is not worth ruining.
  • Life is life, and you need to fight for it!

Relationship with God

God chose Mother Teresa to serve people not because she had special qualities. Studying Mother Teresa's quotes, it is clear that she could not imagine her life without God. She emphasized how much she needed God's help and grace. Mother Teresa often felt weak and unprotected, and could not cope on her own, this is what gave God the opportunity to use her. Realizing the inadequacy of her strength, she always turned to God for help and mercy and believed that all people need to have a connection with God through prayer. Quotes from Mother Teresa are relevant at all times; she believed that a person lives to love the world and share light. Praying should not be for a new experience or experience, but in order to do ordinary things with an unusual impulse.

Mother Teresa said about her ministry that it was based on her faith in Jesus Christ. She believed that it was difficult for people to express their love for God without seeing him. They can always show their love for their neighbors and behave with them as they would behave with God if they could see him.

Mother Teresa constantly showed her love and care for the poor, sick, orphans, lepers, and the dying. Her teacher was Jesus, who called to love one another; she knew that God would not demand the impossible.

About love

It is very difficult for a person if he feels rejected, lonely, sick, forgotten, unloved. Mother Teresa took care of such people and advised simple things. She believed that you need to remember that you are of great value in the eyes of God, He loves you, and it is necessary to show love to others. Mother Teresa constantly spoke about the love of God, how the Lord loves her tenderly and regularly teaches lessons of love.

In order to spread love, it is necessary not to notice the negative sides in a person, but to try to discern the good and beautiful in the people and the world around us. This is what Mother Teresa taught. Photos of her serving people confirm her boundless love and devotion to service.

Other statements of Mother Teresa about love are also known:

  • It is easy to love someone in another part of the world, but it is very difficult to love someone who is nearby.
  • Love, to be real and all-consuming, does not have to be miraculous. She needs a constant desire to love. Sometimes this requires great effort, sometimes time and prayers, but if this desire is in us, we receive love.

It doesn't matter if the one you love loves you. For love is a constant movement, it passes from one person to another, it is received and it is given. Whatever you give to the people you love, they give to the people they love. In this way, a vicious circle is created, and your love, having passed through thousands of hearts, will return to you.

The one who truly loves does not expect anything in return. He gives selflessly. Giving itself becomes a joy. All actions of such a person are guided only by the dictates of the heart and the desire to live for the sake of others.

When you feel unhappy and abandoned, try to respond. Instead of beating yourself up and torturing those around you, do something with love. Say at least one word with love, just think lovingly about someone. To love a person means to wish him well.

Don't be afraid to love. Open your heart and try to awaken love in it. To do this, you need to stop seeing only flaws and mistakes in others and yourself.

Look for and find the beautiful and kind in people. It inspires both ourselves and others to be their best selves. People who really know how to love do not set any conditions. They are free to express love for all people and even love their enemies.

Learn to love. Love takes effort. It doesn't come on its own. Love is an art, and it requires training, just like acquiring any skill. Good doctors, musicians, artists, and athletes practice for hours to improve their skills and abilities. Also with love. If we stop loving someone at the first complication in a relationship, we will not develop the ability to love. If we don't make an effort to love, we will be lonely and unhappy.

To love means to forget yourself, it means to always ask yourself not what others can do for us, but only what we can do for them. To truly love means to seek happiness and fullness of life not for yourself, but for those you love.

True love causes suffering to the one who loves. Saying “I love” is not enough. Love speaks for itself. She is louder than any words. We must transform our love into actions. To love is to give until you feel pain.

We may like some people and not others. It's easy to like people we like. Loving your neighbor does not mean admiring him. It's hard to admire a murderer or a thief. It is not easy to feel sympathy for a mentally disabled person. But you can wish them well. To love your neighbor means to wish him well.

If you do a good deed not to please God and fulfill the law of love, but to show others what a good person you are, you will be disappointed. After all people are not stupid. They immediately see when something is done out of calculation and for show.

Try to solve your problems with family and colleagues, friends and enemies, showing love. By acting this way, you will force them to respond to you in kind.

By contrasting anger with anger, hatred with hatred, violence with violence, you are following a very old path that has never given good results. Anger must be countered with kindness, hatred must be countered with love, and anger must be overcome with tenderness and patience.

Only good can fight evil. Good is strong and evil is weak. Evil can be compared to a stone thrown upward: the lifting force weakens over time. Whereas good can be compared to a stone thrown from the top of a tower: its movement accelerates over time. This is the secret of goodness: it is weak in the beginning, but omnipotent in the end. Evil, on the contrary, is omnipotent at the beginning, but weakens over time.

Try to always work with love. Love gives strength, revives, revives. A person who works without love, just for the sake of earning money, will never get good results. You can work for many hours with love for your work and not feel tired. And you can become exhausted after a few minutes of work if you do it with a cold heart, without love.

Whatever you do, do it with love or don’t do it at all. People ask themselves how to become tireless. The secret is simple: love what you do and those for whom you do it.

Put your soul, love and faith into your work. Otherwise, your work will be joyless, like the work of a slave who works for his master.

Important not how much you do, but how much how much love you put into your work.

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