Cruel treatment of people. What is cruelty - the reasons for its occurrence, can it be justified and how to protect yourself from cruelty. Women's cruelty is more sophisticated


Cruelty - a moral and psychological personality trait that manifests itself in an inhumane, rude, offensive attitude towards other living beings, causing them pain and encroaching on their lives. It is also believed that this is a socio-psychological phenomenon, expressed in obtaining pleasure from the conscious infliction of suffering on a living being in a way that is unacceptable in a given culture.

Legal assessment

The term "cruelty" is often used in law and criminology to refer to the treatment of animals and children. Currently, cruelty to animals is a source of controversy among lawyers, philosophers and clergy.

In the UKRF there is article 105, part 2, paragraph “e” - brutal murder, employee a clear example definitions of cruelty, that is, before the murder, torture, mockery, infliction of a large number of bodily harm.

Reasons for cruelty

Psychologists note that usually cruel people are mentally unhealthy people. Typically, this deviation is caused by trauma in the psyche (after a critical moment; long-term abuse of the subject or due to other mental trauma) or temporary insanity (drug use; shock, etc.).

see also

Films related to "Cruelty"



  • // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg. , 1906-1913.


  • Cruelty. // Archived from the original on May 25, 2012. Retrieved February 16, 2012.

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    See what “Cruelty” is in other dictionaries: cruelty - Cruelty...

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms Ruthlessness, heartlessness, inhumanity, bestiality, fanaticism, bloodthirstiness, fury, ferocity; bitterness, bitterness. Prot. mercy... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russians... ...

    Synonym dictionary- Cruelty ♦ Cruauté The desire to cause suffering to others while receiving pleasure. In this way, cruelty is close to sadism, but even more reprehensible. Sadism is a form of perversion, while cruelty is a vice. In my opinion,… … Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    CRUELTY, cruelty, wives. 1. units only distracted noun to cruel in 1 value. Human cruelty. 2. Cruel treatment, cruel act. The disobedient were pacified by cruelty. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Cruelty, like any evil, does not need motivation; she just needs a reason. George Eliot The thirst for pleasure makes one cruel. Pierre Boist Cowardice is the mother of cruelty. Michel Montaigne Are you thirsty for blood? Become a nit. Stanislav Jerzy Lec Disgust for... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    In art. In the 20th century under the influence of the philosophy of Nietzsche and the research of Freud and Freudians in the artistic space and especially in POST culture (see: POST), the representation and aestheticization of life, violence, terror, wars, disasters and them took a prominent place... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    CRUELTY, and, female. 1. see cruel. 2. Cruel act, treatment. Allow f. Cruelty is not forgiven. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “CRUELTY”, USSR, MOSFILM, 1959, b/w, 92 min. Criminal psychological drama. Based on the story of the same name by Pavel Nilin. The first years of Soviet power Far East. Workers of the criminal investigation department of the small county town of Dudari... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

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    See what “Cruelty” is in other dictionaries:- CRUELTY1, inhumanity, ruthlessness, mercilessness, heartlessness, heartlessness, inhumanity, cruelty, bloodthirstiness, cruelty, sadism, ferocity, obsolete. blood drinking, obsolete ferocity CRUEL, soulless, merciless... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    Synonym dictionary- Cruelty shown to you in a dream foreshadows anxiety and grief. If someone else was subjected to cruelty, you will present your loved ones with some unsolvable task... Large universal dream book

Cruelty and its most dangerous form - special cruelty, cause the harshest condemnation of society. To understand and adequately evaluate cruelty, it is necessary to find out how it differs from aggression and aggressiveness. These concepts are often confused, which leads to ethical, political and legal errors. However, they have a lot in common and, first of all, that cruelty is always realized through aggression, i.e. without it there is no cruelty. Therefore, it is impossible to understand the nature, causes and mechanisms of cruelty if you ignore the essence, content and all the main forms of aggression and belligerence, if you do not study these two complex phenomena in their close intertwining and mutual influence.

Aggression and cruelty are manifestations of violence, but compared to cruelty, aggressiveness is a broader and largely morally neutral concept, since aggressive actions are not always cruel in nature, at the same time, any cruelty is aggressive. Therefore, we can say that cruelty is a special quality of aggressiveness. If aggression and aggressiveness (as well as altruism) natural character, then cruelty is purely human, of social origin, a product of precisely human contradictions and passions, conditioned by upbringing and living conditions. Having arisen on a biological basis, aggressiveness manifests itself in a qualitatively different area - social.

Many animals are aggressive, and this is their way of existence, but they are never cruel, and in general cruelty as a moral category is not applicable to them. However, the behavior of many animals, in human eyes, can appear cruel, even very cruel, and therefore cause a sharply negative attitude. However, this does not give grounds to consider animals cruel.

Aggression is an integral feature of many types of activities, an essential requirement for them; accordingly, people engaged in such activities, for example, a warrior, a football player, should be aggressive. Many aggressive actions are morally neutral and not only not punishable, but also socially approved. But aggressiveness immediately ceases to be such as soon as it reaches another quality - cruelty. In it, depending on the specific damage and other important circumstances, it is usually punished - from moral condemnation and a yellow card from a football referee to death penalty. But in some, relatively rare cases, even special cruelty is encouraged, more often by the state, less often by society, for example, during torture. Even from national history It is known that in the 1930s torture was prescribed. Cruelty is an aversion to life and the most complete embodiment of hatred, very often unaddressed hatred, hatred in general, hatred of everyone, and it is the stronger the more a person or a system is alienated from constructive values. Therefore, hatred acts as a way of compensation and destruction of what demonstrates to it its own insufficiency and inferiority.

Prominent German psychologist X. Heckhausen reveals the concept of the word “aggression”, explaining that in everyday language it means many different actions that violate the physical or mental integrity of another person (or group of people), cause him material damage, interfere with the implementation of his intentions, counteract his interests or lead to its destruction.

This kind of antisocial connotation forces such diverse phenomena as children's quarrels and wars, reproaches and murder, punishment and bandit attacks to be classified in the same category. A person, when committing an aggressive action, as a rule, does not simply react to some feature of the situation, but finds himself included in the complex background of the development of events, which forces him to evaluate the intentions of other people and the consequences of his own actions. Since many (though not all) types of aggressive actions are also subject to regulation by moral norms and social sanctions, the researcher still has to take into account the various inhibited and veiled forms of aggressive action.

X. Heckhausen considers aggression to be intentional actions with the aim of causing harm, and cases of aggression are also possible that are not a reaction to frustration, but arise “spontaneously” from the desire to hinder, harm someone, treat someone unfairly, someone insult. Therefore, one should distinguish between reactive (as a reaction to a situation) and spontaneous aggression.

In its most general form, aggression and cruelty can be understood as a demonstration of force, threats to use it, or the use of force against an individual or group of individuals. Both phenomena can be individual and collective in nature, and are always aimed at causing physical, psychological, moral or other harm to someone; often the purpose of violence is the destruction of a person or group of people. Therefore, we can say that violent actions, including cruel ones, always have their own internal meaning, are committed for the sake of something, some kind of benefit, gain, which is not always obvious and clearly understood by others and the actor himself. Thus, with the help of cruelty, causing suffering and torment to others, a person can achieve a special psychological state, not always realizing his need for it, as well as the connection between his action and his experiences. Therefore, manifestations of cruelty, as well as aggressiveness, from the subjective, personal side are never meaningless.

Cruel behavior can be defined as the intentional and meaningful infliction of pain and suffering on another for its own sake or for the achievement of other goals, or as a threat of such infliction, as well as actions in which the subject accepted or should have foreseen that such consequences would occur. If aggressiveness is a personality trait, and aggression is a manifestation of this trait, then cruelty can also be considered as a personal trait that is realized in cruel actions. A cruel person can be called one who is characterized by ruthlessness, inhumanity, lack of empathy and compassion, and at the same time a tendency to commit cruel acts, preferring them to resolve emerging life problems. Cruelty should be classified as a personality trait only if it is stable and fundamental to this person, is inherent in him.

Thus, we can conclude that cruelty is always aggressive, i.e. without aggression, attack, violence, it cannot take place. At the same time, not every aggression is cruel and not every aggressive person cruel. But everyone who is cruel is aggressive, if we also keep in mind that cruelty can be verbal, i.e. take place only in words, and also be of an imaginary nature. In the latter case, for example, a person seeking revenge or harming another is able to vividly imagine how an enemy or someone who arouses hostility, anger or antipathy in him is tormented by his cruel actions. Therefore, it is quite possible that cruelty as a fundamental personal trait that largely determines a given person’s worldview will never be embodied in his actions.

It is always necessary to distinguish personality from its behavior. If you don't do this, it will be difficult to understand both. An action is always something external to the individual, and what it seems to say exhaustively about a person is not always true. Many people who, in defending themselves against violence, inflict serious injuries on the attacker, are not aggressive. The criminal law punishes not because a person is aggressive or cruel, but because he has committed aggressive or cruel acts. Negative characteristics inherent in a criminal personality traits(the same cruelty) in no case can be considered as circumstances aggravating criminal liability, although they can affect the nature of criminal punishment.

Violence can comply with the law, or it can contradict it and morality too. Cruelty, with the exception of masochism, is always immoral, but, like aggression, not all violence is cruel. In general, aggression and violence are so close to each other, so often merge, that it is quite legitimate to use them as synonyms.

In different societies, at different stages of development of the same society, the level of violence will be different, which depends on the nature of the existing given time public relations. Therefore, knowledge of such relationships is a necessary condition understanding the roots of violence and violent crime, among other things.

Cruelty is the worst quality of violence, but in cruelty itself one can distinguish special layers, different degrees of its social danger. Life practice and the criminal code distinguish between simple and special cruelty, the latter being assessed by law as an aggravating circumstance. By general rule a person who has committed such actions causes the greatest damage to a person and society and poses an exceptional threat to basic social values, although the proportion of such acts in the total mass of crimes is small. It is no coincidence that it is the acts that cause the most acute reaction among the population and the public, and those responsible for their commission are severely punished.

Particularly cruel acts themselves do not necessarily have to be committed against a person. An exceptionally powerful emotional blow can be inflicted by severe torture of an animal, for example a beloved dog, or by the destruction of spiritually valuable things for a given person, associated with dear memories, desecration of the memory of the deceased, etc. In addition, particular cruelty can manifest itself in inaction, and not only in physical actions, but also in words.

Cruelty in general and special cruelty in particular are evaluative ethical and legal, as well as psychological categories. Classifying an act as “simply” or especially cruel or not cruel at all depends not only on the assessments of the subject, his social affiliation and social status, moral principles and views, intelligence, culture, etc. The solution to this question also depends on the moral and psychological atmosphere in society and its values, on the level of morality and ideas about good and evil, the limits of violence in the social group to which the official who must answer it belongs.

In general, especially cruel crimes may include actions or inactions committed through physical and/or mental violence, when the victim(s) are subjected to special torture and suffering for the sake of the torture and suffering itself, for selfish reasons and for other reasons, or in cases when their real infliction is obvious, but is ignored by the perpetrator. In many cases, it is not possible to determine in advance which acts are “merely” cruel and which are particularly cruel. This depends on the specific circumstances of the case, including the physical and mental vulnerability of the victim, and the evaluative position of the investigator and the court to which it belongs. exclusive right

The most difficult for psychological understanding are those cases when the type of cruelty in question takes place only with the goal of causing special torment and suffering to the victim, especially if this is intertwined with selfish motivation and sexual moments.

Significant damage to society is caused when a minor is incited to commit a crime or is recruited to participate in a crime. This damage is even greater if the teenager is recruited to commit particularly violent acts. Thus, considerable psychological and moral damage can be caused to him, but here, first of all, you need to think about what the victim suffered. It should be noted that some young people, due to emotional dullness, coldness and lack of empathy may not perceive their behavior as exceptionally cruel. A young man who commits particularly cruel acts takes the path of complete disregard for human life and health, dignity and honor of the individual, his special attitude towards other people, his antisocial position towards them is formed, a general coarsening and “brutality” of the teenager occurs.

The minor receives a lesson in cynicism and cruelty, which he learns well because he is in a sensitive state, i.e. age that is most “receptive” to external influences and lessons. Naturally, a relapse of such and similar actions becomes very possible.

Synonym dictionary– a set of components of behavioral logic, characterized by the purposeful infliction of suffering on a living or non-living being.
Dictionary of Succubi

Cruelty (inhumane, rude and offensive attitude towards other living beings) is a moral and mental personality trait, which manifests itself in causing moral or physical damage, in a rude and despotic attitude, as well as in receiving internal pleasure from the suffering of people or animals. Cruelty is a concept close to aggression, but it is a more stable personality structure. Cruelty involves complete indifference to the needs and suffering of another person or living being. She does not allow the thought that he might be hurt, bad, sad, offended, annoyed. A person who shows cruelty “does not hurt for another.” Cruelty is accompanied by insensitivity, emotional coldness, indifference, and lack of mercy. Downside cruelty is excessive vulnerability. Often this destructive moral and psychological trait appears as a result of psychological trauma or under the influence of prolonged exposure to a traumatic situation. A person is shackled in cruelty, as if in armor, but inside him remains the suffering Self. It is ambivalent. On the one hand, it is completely not ready to recognize the importance of another person, and on the other hand, it wants to be loved, pitied and caressed. That is, cruelty is a kind of cover from fear, the contradiction between the feeling of one’s own inferiority and the high aspirations of society.

Showing mercy, love for people and animals, recognizing the value of human life, sympathy and empathy - these are the main ways to overcome cruelty. If you look even deeper, then this is in-depth work on your own fears and complexes.

  • Cruelty is unmercifulness, insensitivity, inhumanity.
  • Cruelty is a manifestation of extreme dissatisfaction with life and oneself.
  • Cruelty is an unsuccessful attempt to hide one’s complexes and personal vulnerability.
  • Cruelty is a false way of demonstrating one's own strength and greatness.
  • Cruelty is disrespect multiplied by pride.

Disadvantages of Cruelty

  • Cruelty makes a person a monster.
  • Cruelty is difficult to stop; it can cause a crime.
  • Cruelty grows like a snowball and leads to even greater cruelty.
  • Cruelty brings harm to the person himself, his family and friends, as well as society.
  • Cruelty is an unreliable and destructive cover for one's own inferiority.

Manifestations of cruelty in everyday life

  • Social advertisement. The social advertising project “New Space of Russia” released a poster “We can only overcome cruelty together.” It is designed to cultivate the eternal cultural and family values ​​of the Russian people and fight social cruelty.
  • Film "Cruelty". In 2007, a new product of Russian cinema called “Cruelty” appeared in film distribution. This is a story about a teenage girl with a difficult childhood and a broken fate, and about a woman Zoya, successful in life, but a failure in love. The slogan of the film is “This is not love, this is cruelty.” The picture tells about anger, aggression, feelings of revenge, and the cruelty of the heart. Is it possible to transcend love and friendship? Can! But what happens next? To answer this question, it is worth watching the film.
  • Child cruelty as a phenomenon. Child cruelty on at a certain stage is normal age psychological education. After all, a growing baby is still learning to control his emotions, and this mechanism has not yet been adjusted. Understanding and correct behavior on the part of parents is important here. You need to give vent to your emotions. Active games, sports, walks, animals, pillow fights - these are helpers in the fight against aggression. However, today social workers and psychologists are concerned about uncontrollable, increasing violence in children and adolescents. What motivates these children?
  • Cult of cruelty. Some religions or sports even have a cult of cruelty. It is believed that the manifestation of cruelty is a demonstration of one’s own strength and power. The moral and ethical side of the issue remains outside the brackets.

How to overcome cruelty

  • Acceptance and awareness. The most important stage in the fight against cruelty is awareness of the problem and its acceptance. Only understanding that cruelty is the greatest evil can help get rid of it.
  • Self-love and recognition of universal human values. Since cruelty is based on dislike, disrespect and self-denial, then work on this quality should begin with restoring self-love and getting rid of deep-seated fears. It is very important to understand and accept the value of human life as such. The value of your life and the lives of other people.
  • Compassion and mercy. If you have discovered manifestations of cruelty in yourself and want to get rid of them, then try to train in mercy. Try to think about the suffering of other people, feel sorry for and feed homeless animals, and give alms. Don't miss a moment to help another person by performing an act of mercy.
  • Formation of your strength and successful style. Typically, cruelty is shown by people who feel inferior in one area or another of life. These are people whose internal self-esteem is either underestimated or overestimated. And these are opposite sides of the same coin. Therefore, the fight against cruelty is facilitated by equalizing self-esteem, creating success and pleasure from social acceptance and approval. Try to achieve success and public recognition. Positivity from other people will make you a more tolerant person.

Golden mean

Synonym dictionary



Catchphrases about cruelty

The more worthy a person is, the more he sympathizes with living beings. - Francis Bacon - All cruelty comes from weakness.- Lucius Seneca - Uncertainty breeds anger. - Vyacheslav Bucharsky - Cruelty and fear shake hands with each other.- Honore de Balzac - Aria Neyer / War crimes: cruelty, genocide, terror and the fight for justice The book is interesting for its specific examples and analysis of the problem of cruelty at the social level. Here are the facts regarding the fight against cruelty in different countries and at different levels of government.

William Golding /

At one time I worked as a criminal psychologist and dealt with very cruel people, or rather, with the actions that they committed. This allowed me to look at the world from the dark side, so to speak. And I realized that the world can be very cruel, especially to weak people. And since the world can be cruel, then the person in it should also be cruel - when necessary. Cruelty is considered a sign of weakness and cowardice, but let's think harder - is this really so? Does a cruel person who knows how to subjugate the will of other people seem weak? Is he like that? As a rule, no. Although, due to weakness and fear, a person can indeed commit cruel acts to intimidate other people, thus suppressing his fear at the expense of their fear, but even in this case, thanks to his aggressive actions, a person achieves results, and does not remain inactive and does not run away from danger. Therefore, a person needs cruelty, especially in situations where a person’s life depends on its presence or absence. He needs to be cruel in order to resist cruelty, for I have never seen a case in my life when cruelty and violence were successfully opposed by kindness. I do not take the story of Mahatma Gandhi as an example, because I do not consider his philosophy of nonviolence to be nonviolent. But that’s not what we’re talking about now. If you found this article, it means that you have already become acquainted with life - with that side of it that does not pat you on the head, but stings very strongly and painfully. Therefore, why should you become cruel, you yourself know very well. I just want to say that we develop cruelty in ourselves not in order to use it to commit violence against other people, but in order to protect ourselves from this violence.

So, in order to become a cruel person, dear friends, you first need to reconsider your entire worldview. Kindness and cruelty are two sides of the same coin. You must understand and accept this, and stop considering cruelty as something that should not exist in our lives. Therefore, to be cruel, you need to become practical. What does it mean? This means that moral standards should be perceived by you only from the point of view of your interests. Simply put, you need to be kind when it benefits you. And when it is not beneficial for you, forget about kindness, decency, honor, honesty, and so on. Cruelty, as I became convinced by studying its origins, is, first of all, cold-blooded practicality, in which a person can step over anyone, for the sake of himself and his interests. Therefore, the development of cruelty requires a person to develop composure and indifference to other people, in which a person is able to control his emotions. There is no need to be a rabid sadist, a wild psychopath who terrifies people. Although this is also a manifestation of cruelty. But with an animal character you will not get far, you will either be put in a cage, more balanced, but no less strong people, or other wild psychopaths will kill you. It is better to be a cold-blooded and calculating cynic, quietly and effectively removing everyone who blocks it from his path. Such a person is cruel mainly due to his prudence and the absence of any moral brakes. He is neither bad nor good, he lives the way it suits him to live. To become such a person, it is necessary, as I already said, to completely reconsider your worldview, and make for yourself the norm of what you now regard with fear and hatred. Must be accepted into your inner world cruel and immoral acts, understanding their meaning. You should never judge other people and their actions for anything - you should just try to understand what you are afraid of and what you hate. Forget that there is anything good or bad in this world - try to see the meaning in everything, even in the most wild and immoral actions of people. And of course, look for your own benefit in everything. The one who invented this world and you and me knew what he was doing. He created us as we should be, at least in this world.

But you and I still must take into account the fact that people’s cruelty is an integral part of their lives, so we need not to fence ourselves off from it, but learn to live with it and show it as necessary. And therefore, the last way to become cruel, which I want to tell you about in this article, dear friends, is very simple - take the example of those who act cruelly, but not wildly, but rather cynically and effectively, achieving their goals with the help of cruelty. Study the behavior of these people, try to understand its origins, its meaning, characteristics, goals. And then, think about what actions you can use to adopt this behavior and reproduce it in situations where you need it. You can, say, not help people when you don’t need it, it’s not profitable and it’s disgusting, right? You can also learn to mercilessly destroy your enemies with the most different ways using all the means available to you. You just need to abandon the patterned behavior that you are now unconsciously adhering to, and begin to form a new, more correct pattern, by imitating those who behave more practically.

Cruelty requires from a person not only a certain understanding of life, but also determination. You need to start choosing the behavior model you need. Once upon a time you learned from someone to be a non-cruel person, right? Someone, by example, showed you how to and how not to act in this life, someone made you the way you are now, instilling in you certain attitudes? Well, now learn from other people how to be cruel - take an example from those who, you think, understand life better than you. Study the behavior and thinking of these people - learn to look at the world through their eyes. And then you too will become a cruel person - justifiably cruel.

Also keep in mind that an abusive person can beat other people in a variety of ways. For him, the end always justifies any means. Among in various ways In achieving goals, a special place is occupied by the ability to manipulate people, thanks to which many insidious rulers came to power and established their own strict and even cruel laws and rules for everyone. Manipulation is the most powerful weapon in the hands of any person. This is a weapon of both local and mass destruction. If you are physically and mentally weak person, if you need a strong weapon to protect yourself and defend your interests, then you need to learn how to manipulate people - this skill will give you great power. Good manipulators are able to outplay, outwit, and ultimately defeat anyone. Master the skills of manipulating people and they will help you cope with any enemies, rivals, competitors.

Friends, do not forget that we develop cruelty in ourselves not in order to purposefully harm other people, but in order to prevent them from harming us. And also so that they do not interfere with us achieving our goals and do not get in our way. When nothing else helps in such cases, you can resort to competent cruelty.

Manifestations and properties of cruelty

At the beginning of the article, it should be noted that the manifestation of cruelty is characteristic only of humans. Yes, you read that right. Man considers himself the highest being in the entire Universe, but the entire history of mankind is riddled with examples that are chilling and shocking in their cruelty.

Human manifestations of Cruelty are characteristic in almost all time periods of human existence. These are wartime and peacetime, these are fat pre-crisis times and very difficult crisis years.

Cruelty is the denial of life and the embodiment of hatred towards all living things.

In the society of virtues, her presence has become irrelevant, although from time to time she visits and closely communicates with the group of virtues. In a word, the nature of rigidity depends on whose manifested personality quality it is - for a vicious person it turns into a serious personal flaw, for a decent person it turns into a virtue.

There are situations in life when rigor and harshness do not work, and there is nothing left to do but resort to the services of harshness.

When it is necessary to restore order and discipline, to immediately stop indecent actions, harshness is taken into account. Rigidity is inappropriate if the person did not know the requirements that he was obliged to fulfill if they were not specified possible consequences or the requirements themselves are inadequate and unrealistic to fulfill.

Rigidity is perceived by people as a forced necessity if they see that the person himself lives by the same rules and follows the same principles that he strictly demands to observe from others.

Cruelty arose simultaneously with the appearance of man. There is no cruelty in the animal world.
Cruelty for the purpose of satisfying one's feelings of inferiority or for the purpose of revenge does not exist. A wolf will not kill a hare to amuse his importance or to watch with a sadistic grin as he pees himself from fear. The boa constrictor hypnotizes the rabbit not for the sake of enjoying its severe suffering, but only for the sake of food. Lionesses hunting antelope do not have hatred for it, but only hunger.
Indeed, many animals are characterized by aggressiveness. This is their way of survival, but they never kill for the sake of killing, for the sake of obtaining pleasure from the torment of another living being. Animal behavior is governed by instincts. Cruelty as a moral category has no relation to animals.

Value scale extreme manifestations: Strictness> > > > > > > > Leniency > > > >

Cruelty is on the opposite side of the scale of values ​​from Pity at the same distance.
Origin of Cruelty
Selfishness and the desire to define oneself are the origin of Cruelty. The false ego identifies itself with the human body and with the things of the external world. Egoism needs a feeling of possession, which always remains in the form of deep dissatisfaction with something or someone.

Two insatiable feelings - incompleteness and insufficiency are the basis of Cruelty

The powerful human brain and thought process, combined with insatiable feelings, are the basis for the origin of this terrible manifestation - Cruelty. The feeling of Superiority and the desire to satisfy this feeling is the beginning of Cruelty.
As soon as a person saw his reflection in the mirror, from that moment Cruelty begins his life.

In rigidity, only loyalty to the established rules and a sense of duty remained. Deprived of love, cruelty I immediately made new vicious “friends.”

In this situation, rigidity will be respected. The right to be tough must be earned through personal responsibility, integrity, organization, justification and discipline. Toughness towards others begins with toughness towards oneself.

Principles and some forms of manifestation of rigidity: - Never force your subordinates to do something that you do not understand or that you do not want to do. This suggests that if you are a leader, then show how to act by example. Who can blame you after this? A man is nothing without his word. Your word must be like a rock. Always keep your promises, never promise, I know your inner clowns are pushing you to make a promise. A minute of another person’s disbelief in you is a minute of him moving away from you.

Origins of Cruelty in Childhood

The source of cruelty is very often the result of the upbringing of children, where a weak, strong or suppressive ego in relation to children is manifested in childhood.
It only seems to us that we are raising our child. In fact, we are nurturing his false Ego.
Cruelty is cultivated if too strict, exorbitant and impossible demands were placed on the child, and the punishments were cruel and humiliating. The child was constantly blamed, he was always guilty, not good and not loved.
The child becomes merciless to himself and to all living things, considering this to be correct behavior. He endures the humiliations and cruel punishments of childhood into adult life, becoming a performer of Cruelty in his own right. The child's life was mutilated, turning him into a cruel monster.
Cruelty is not only internal ugliness in upbringing or in the family. The stream of violence poured on the child by the surrounding world or by restrictions on communication provokes indifference to the pain of others and develops the habit of looking at the world aggressively.

What is a Strong Ego?

Most people have a weak and a strong Ego. Take, for example, a strong ego. When the requirements for a child in childhood were strict, but clear, fair and feasible, and when they did not humiliate his human dignity, his Ego will become strong and correct.
The child grows up with a sense of responsibility for his actions. He is able to independently and correctly overcome life's difficulties.

Cruelty breeds cruelty

Being under the enormous influence of the false Ego, a person tries to prove his importance, to assert himself in all possible ways. He explores new spaces, resources and habitats, fighting with all his might for his social status, regardless of the people around him.
The more harshly or cruelly circumstances influence a Man, the more cruelly he reacts to conditions that are intolerable and threaten his existence.

Cruelty is inherent in all people, for some it appears in a manifest form, and for most people it appears in a hidden form.

Cruelty is not synonymous with Ruthlessness and Ruthlessness

Cruelty is accompanied by the need to derive pleasure and satisfaction from the torment and suffering of living beings. Torture and Cruelty are synonyms!
When Cruelty develops from a quality of a person’s character into mental pathology and receives the name Sadism. These are really serious deviations!

Pity for cruel killers turns into betrayal and cruelty towards their victims. When the noose wrapped around the necks of Goering, Goebbels, Rosenberg, who were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people, hardly anyone dared to accuse the Nuremberg Tribunal of cruelty.
Democracy and the false idea of ​​the correctness of the laws of democracy, partly finding justification in the fact that our country, Russia, is a legal State, encourages the manifestation of Cruelty. This is manifested in the absence of a consistent rule of history - Cruelty gives birth to cruelty.
When a maniac who has killed dozens of innocent people is sent to life imprisonment, this is precisely what is called betrayal, and in relation to the victims, this is repeated Cruelty.
Why is life imprisonment cruelty to the victim?
A maniac who is sentenced to life sees the sun and blue sky. He eats, dreams, can enjoy masturbation and memories of the past and live in hope for the future. He can relive the voluptuous moments of murder hundreds of times more. Keeping such monsters alive means showing Cruelty. A fact that is difficult to hide, but today we live in a very cruel state.

True Cruelty stems from the weakness of the Personality

Historical examples of Cruelty. History shows that force and lack of concepts are sometimes merciless and merciless, cruel.
There are many historical documented examples.

Julius Caesar was cruel to a resisting enemy. After the victory, they whispered to him to carry out mass reprisals against his enemies. Caesar flatly refused—showing Mercy.
The actions of cruel politicians make a different impression. Caesar Augustus, after the capture of Perusia, killed 300 people like sacrificial cattle who tried to beg for mercy or justify themselves. Caligula ordered criminals to be thrown to feed wild animals as Sacrifice. The cruelty of our time is the second World War, cruelty has already stirred modern man. How and how to justify such a manifestation of Cruelty?

Women's cruelty is more sophisticated

Cruelty does not greatly depend on gender, however, just as in nature females are superior to males in their poisonousness, so in life some women will significantly surpass any man in Cruelty. How and how to explain this fact is quite difficult, but I have an assumption that this is a manifestation of and.
The cruelty of women recorded as historical fact- there are a lot. These are facts, both in Russia and abroad. Cruelty of women in modern society more sophisticated. Currently, it manifests itself at the everyday level, usually as bullying of their ex-husbands using laws and lawyers. IN war time - such people are called Fanatics

. Some individuals even decide to carry out contract killings. All this is the lack of Love in raising a child. Under certain circumstances, the secret side of the personality can be revealed in all the terrifying ugliness of Cruelty.
Cruelty always stems from Heartlessness, Weakness and Fear

Kiselev V.A.

Selfishness in its extreme right form pushes a person to display Cruelty. Cruelty, in turn, consists of betrayal, indifference, humiliation of others, fear, ruthlessness, mercilessness, bullying, causeless aggression, violence, selfishness, intolerance, despair, .

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