Analysis of Unified State Exam results in Russian. Analysis of Unified State Exam results in Russian language and literature. Punctuation marks for homogeneous members

Analysis of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2016.

A total of 12 students took part in the Unified State Examination 2016 in the Russian language.

Academic success – 100%

Average score at school was 80.33%;

The target was not lower than 69.42%, and was exceeded by 10.91%.

Number of students who received the highest scores:

maximum 100 points – 1 (Adeliya Fazlieva), which amounted to 8.33% of the total number of those who passed;

high-scoring (90 and above) – 1 (Ivanova Tatyana);

(more than 80) – 4 (Angelina Solovyova, Alexander Shilov, Sergey Petrov, Nadezhda Lyaplina).

The lowest score is 67 for Evgeniya Kuchinskaya.

Teacher: Pavlova G. L.

Part Execution Analysis

received points 2 points-12 academic.

100 %

Syntactic norms (use of conjunction)

Lexical norms (the use of a word in accordance with the exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility)

Orthoepic norms (stress placement)

3 lessons

25 %

Morphological norms (formation of word forms). Paronyms.

2 lessons

16, 67 %

Spelling standards

Syntactic norms. Approval standards. Management standards. Constructing sentences with homogeneous members. Construction of complex sentences

Received points 5b-9 academic.

4b-3 school

75 %

25 %

Find the vowel being tested

3 lessons

25 %

Spelling of prefixes

Choose a word without a mistake

1 lesson

8,33 %

Conjugation of verbs

3 lessons

25 %

Continuous writing words with no

Continuous writing of conjunctions

2 lessons

16, 67 %

Spelling -n- and –nn-

2 studies

16, 67 %

Place one comma in simple sentences with homogeneous members or in complex sentences

Got points


2b. -12 school

100 %

Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members (definitions, circumstances, applications)

6 lessons

50 %

Punctuation in compound sentence And simple sentence with homogeneous members

1 lesson

8,33 %

Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence

Punctuation marks in the non-union complex sentence

Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text

4 lessons

33,33 %

Information processing of written texts of various styles and genres

7 lessons

58,33 %

Lexical meaning of the word. Dividing the vocabulary of the Russian language into groups depending on the semantic connections between words

Means of connecting sentences in the text

2 lessons

16,67 %

Speech. Language means of expression

1b. - 2 hours

2 b. - 1 hour

3 b. – 3 lessons

4 b. – 6 lessons

16,67 %

8,33 %

25 %

50 %

More detailed information about completing tasks 1,7,15,24

Task 1 on text knowledge, maximum score – 2, was completed by all students, 100% completion.

Task 7 on grammatical errors. Maximum score– 9 students received 5 points, which is 75%, 4 points – 3 students (25%), none received 0.1 or 2 points, which indicates a high level of knowledge of the syntactic norm.

Task 15 was also completed by all students with a maximum score of 2 points, 100% knowledge of placing punctuation marks in a simple sentence with homogeneous members and a complex sentence.

Maximum assignment score 24 – 4 points

As we can see, out of 12 students who made mistakes while completing the task, they did not receive 0 points. The overwhelming majority of those who took the test completed the task with 3 - 4 points, but there were also 1 and 2 points, although in the trial exam papers the children coped with this task better.

Tasks 16 and 21 became the falling topics.

Task 16 tests knowledge on the topic “Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members: definitions, circumstances, applications.” 6 students failed this task, which is 50% of those who completed it.

Task 21 is aimed at information processing of written texts of various styles and genres; 7 students failed this task, which is 58.33%.

Analysis of the implementation of part 2

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee gave at least 2 examples from the text read that are important for understanding the problem.

3 b.

41,67 %

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee gave 1 example from the text read, important for understanding the problem.

There are no factual errors related to understanding the source text problem in the commentary

2 b.

50 %

The text problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text,But

the examinee did not give a single example from the read text that was important for understanding the problem,


There was 1 factual error in the comment related to understanding the source text

1 b.

8,33 %

The problem formulated by the examinee was not commented on,

or commented without reference to the source text,

or there were more than 1 factual errors in the comments related to understanding the source text,

or another problem not formulated by the examinee was commented on,

or a simple retelling of the text or its fragment is given as comments,

or in A large fragment is quoted as comments

0 b.


The examinee correctly formulated the position of the author (narrator) of the source text on the commented problem. There are no factual errors related to understanding the position of the author of the source text

1 b.



0 b.


Argumentation by the examinee of his own opinion on the problem

The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave at least 2 arguments, one of which was taken from artistic, journalistic or scientific

literature )

3 b.

66,67 %

at least 2 arguments based on knowledge and life experience),


brought only 1 argument from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature

2 b.

25 %

The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave1 argument), based on knowledge, life experience

1 b.

8,33 %

The examinee formulated his opinion on the problem posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author),but didn't give any arguments ,

or the examinee’s opinion is stated only formally (for example: “I agree / disagree with the author”),

or the examinee's opinion is not reflected in the work at all

0 b.


Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:

there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;

there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work

2 b.

91,67 %

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,

But 1 logical error was made,

and/or there is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work

1 b.

8,33 %

The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent,But

more than 1 logical error was made,

and/or there are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text

0 b.


Accuracy and expressiveness of speech

The work of the examinee is characterized by accuracy of expression of thoughts, variety of grammatical structure of speech.

*The examinee receives the highest score for this criterion only if the highest score is obtained for the K10 criterion

2 b.


The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts,But

the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech can be traced,


the work of the examinee is characterized by a variety of grammatical structure of speech,But there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thoughts

1 b.

58,33 %

The work of the examinee is characterized by a poor vocabulary and monotony of grammatical structure of speech

0 b.



Compliance spelling standards

no spelling errors (or 1 minor error)

3 b.

66,67 %

no more than 2 mistakes were made

2 b.

25 %

3–4 mistakes were made

1 b.


more than 4 mistakes were made

0 b.


Compliance with punctuation standards

no punctuation errors (or 1 minor error)

3 b.


1–3 mistakes were made

2 b.

58,33 %

4–5 mistakes were made

1 b.

8,33 %

more than 5 mistakes were made

0 b.


Compliance with language norms

no grammatical errors

2 b.

50 %

1–2 mistakes were made

1 b.

50 %

more than 2 mistakes were made

0 b.


Compliance speech norms

no more than 1 speech error was made

2 b.

41,67 %

2–3 mistakes were made

1 b.

41,67 %

more than 3 mistakes were made

0 b.

16,67 %


Compliance ethical standards

there are no ethical errors in the work

1 b.


ethical mistakes were made (1 or more)

0 b.


Maintain factual accuracy in background material

there are no factual errors in the background material

1 b.

91. 67%

there were factual errors (1 or more) in the background material

0 b.

8.33 %

Analysis of the fulfillment of the content of the essay (criteria 1 – 4) indicates that the majority of students adequately perceive the text they read, are able to identify and formulate its problem, and identify the author’s position.

Most examinees do not have any difficulty commenting on the problem of the source text: 5 students were able to comment on 3 maximum points, 6 received 2 points, 1 student - 1 point out of 3 possible, 0 points - 0.

The students had some difficulty arguing their own opinion: 8 students were able to get a maximum of 3 points, 3 students - 2 points each, 1 student - 1 point, gave one argument.

When writing an essay, students demonstrated a fairly high level of spelling literacy: 3 points - 8 students, 2 points - 3 students, that is, 11 students received 2-3 points according to this criterion - 91.67%. The same percentage was obtained according to criterion K 8 for punctuation skills: those who made more than five mistakes - 0; 3 points were received by 4 students, 2 points by 7 students, 1 point by 1 student. They performed very well on the K9 criterion for grammatical errors: 6 students received the maximum 2 points and another 6 students received 1 point. There are 0 points for factual error for 1 student and for accuracy and expressiveness of speech.

You should pay attention to K10 speech skills: 5 students received the maximum 2 points, another 5 received 1 point and 0 points - 2 students.

The average score for completing the essay is 19.58 points out of a maximum possible 24 points. Of the 12 students, the most high score for the essay they received 2 (maximum 24 points Adeliya Fazlieva, 23 points Tatyana Ivanova); 22 points – 2 students, 21 points – 1 student, 20 points – 1 student, 18 points – 2 students; 17 points – 3 academic points, 16 points. –1 school

It can be assumed that some miscalculations in teaching the Russian language are associated with ignoring the key role of systematic work on development and improvementall types of speech activityin their interrelation throughout all years of teaching the Russian language. The activity approach should become the leading one in the lesson. At the same time, in the process of teaching the Russian language, it is necessary to purposefully develop the dialogical and monological speech of students (oral and written); develop the ability to reason on the proposed topic, bringing various ways reasoning one’s own thoughts, the ability to draw conclusions; learn to conduct any dialogue ethically correctly. With this approach, the focus is on the interests and creative potential of the student, his personal and reading experience, which meets the requirements of implementationpersonality-oriented approach to teaching the Russian language.

You should pay attention to common topics when preparing for exams, speech errors, expressive means of language, information processing of text, text types.


1 Analysis of the Unified State Examination results in Russian language and literature academic year, Sukhikh E.V., methodologist of the Odintsovo educational center “Development of Education” SUMMARY STATISTICS ON THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE USE IN SUBJECTS EARLY AND MAIN STAGES

2 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Moscow region people. Odintsovo district 1552 people. (total) Odintsovo district 1508 people (current year graduates) Average score for the Moscow region 69.06 Average score for the Odintsovo district 68.56 1st place in the Moscow Region in the number of graduates who received 100 points (11 people) 2 people did not pass the threshold score . (current year graduates)

3 Medium test score according to Moscow region (early and main stages) Indicator Russian language Moscow region Odintsovo municipal district Moscow region Odintsovo municipal district 65.68 65.22 69.06 67.06 65.8 68.56 Literature 65.83 57.35 59.93 67.35 56.95 59.48

4 Participants who did not confirm completion of the programs (graduates of the current year) Number of participants Number of those who did not confirm completion of the programs % of the number MO district MO district MO district Russian language Literature, 24 0.38 1.92

5 11 people scored 100 points in the region (graduates of the current year) Unified State Exam in Russian. (0.7%) Unified State Examination in Literature 1 person. (0.96%)

6 1 MBOU Odintsovo Secondary School 1 2 MBOU Odintsovo Secondary School 5 3 MAOU Odintsovo Lyceum 6 named after. A.S. Pushkin 4 MBOU Odintsovo Gymnasium 13 5 MBOU Barvikha Secondary School 6 MBOU Dubkovskaya Secondary School "Friendship" 7 Private institution of general education and additional education"Intersectoral Institute of Technology» "Boarding Lyceum "Podmoskovny" 8 Autonomous non-profit educational organization "Gymnasium of St. Basil the Great" 9 MBOU Odintsovo Lyceum 10

7 10 Gymnasium of the Autonomous Non-Profit educational organization higher education"Odintsovo Humanities University» 11 Autonomous non-profit organization General educational organization "SCHOOL "PRESIDENT" Institutions in which graduates scored 100 points

8 Characteristics of Unified State Examination tasks in the Russian language in 2015 In 2015, the following changes were made to the testing and measuring materials: - the number of CMM parts and the number of tasks changed; - the format of tasks has been changed; - changed primary score completing tasks; - when checking understanding of the lexical meaning of a word, KIM includes work with a dictionary entry.

9 Formulation of task A4 A6 A7 A9 A10 Specify the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. In which sentence can the subordinate part of the joint clause of the sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase? Which of the following should come first in this sentence? What combination of words is the grammatical basis of the sentence? Please indicate the correct characteristics of the proposal. A11 Indicate a sentence that contains a passive participle. A20 Explain the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence.

10 A24 How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence. Characteristics of Unified State Examination tasks in the Russian language in 2015 The following tasks in Part 1 have been excluded:

11 Characteristics of Unified State Examination tasks in the Russian language in 2015 Formulation of task B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Indicate the method of word formation. Write out the passive participle. Specify type subordinating connection in a sentence. Among the proposals. find a simple one-part impersonal sentence. Among the sentences, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Among the sentences...find a sentence that includes a subordinate clause of reason.

12 Changes in KIMakh Unified State Examination in 2015 Each option exam paper consists of 2 parts and includes 25 tasks, differing in form and level of difficulty. Part 1 -24 tasks with short answer; - the answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word, phrase, number or sequence of numbers written without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Part 2 1 open-ended task with a detailed answer (essay), testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text you read.

13 Distribution of tasks according to main content sections academic subject“Russian language” Content sections Number of tasks Number of tasks Vocabulary and phraseology 2 3.22 Spelling Punctuation Speech. Text 5 1,2,20,21,23 Speech. Language norms Expressiveness of Russian speech 1 24 Speech development. Essay 1 25

14 The level of development of a particular competence can be determined by the results of completing groups of tasks Competence Linguistic (knowledge of the language system, mastery of basic language concepts) Linguistic (knowledge of basic language norms) Numbers of tasks Average % of completion 2014 Average % of completion, 23.24 72.4 % 82.6% 4-19, K7, K8, K9, K10, K11, K12 (in part C) 68.3% 79.9%

15 Communicative (speech skills) 1-3,20,21,22 K1-K6 65.95% 85% Model of task 1 involves choosing from 5 options for such an answer, where the text is shortened while preserving the full amount of information, where the main information is expressed as much as possible at minimal cost speech means. Test takers find it difficult to identify sentences that convey in detail Additional information and is secondary to understanding the main idea. Managed: MO 97.6

16 Odintsovo district 95.47% Task 2 It is necessary to insert the missing word, which must meet two criteria: not violate the main features of the text, and also emphasize the semantic relationships between sentences. Successful: Municipal District 92% Odintsovo District 92.96%

17 Task 3 This task appears in this form for the first time. Previously, students were asked to determine the meaning of a word from a specific sentence and were given 4 answer options. This year it was necessary to determine the meaning of a word based on a fragment of a dictionary entry. Successful: Moscow region - 87% Odintsovo district 85.15%

18 Task 4 When completing task 4, the ability to evaluate speech was tested in terms of compliance with the basic spelling standards Russian literary language. The success of completing the task depended on how well the examinee knows the basic norms of pronunciation of words and individual forms of words, as well as on knowledge of the most common words in the Russian language and their use in preparing for the exam spelling dictionary. Success: Moscow region - 74% Odintsovo district 72%

19 Task 5 In task 5 you need to find an incorrectly used highlighted word in the sentences and correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Successful: Moscow Region 52% Odintsovo District 51.42%

20 Task 6 This task reflects mastery of morphological norms. The graduate must not only find an error in the formation of the word form, but also correct it by writing it correctly. Successful: Municipal District 81% Odintsovo District 78.95%

21 Task 7 The task determines the nature of a grammatical error in speech. Task 7 is a task of a high level of complexity, as it requires the ability to establish a correspondence between an error and a rule. Errors were most easily identified in the incorrect construction of sentences with adverbial and participial phrases, with indirect speech, inconsistent definition. Successful: Municipal District 95% Odintsovo District 86.13%

22 Tasks Spelling standards Task 8. Spelling roots Achieved by: Moscow Region 85% Odintsovo district 83.27% Task 9. Spelling prefixes. Successful: Municipal District 88% Odintsovo District 87.31%

23 Task 10. Spelling suffixes. Achieved: Moscow region 93% Odintsovo district 92.47% Tasks Spelling standards Task 11. Spelling personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles. Successful: Municipal District 66% Odintsovo District 64.6%

24 Task 12. Spelling NOT and NI. Achieved by: Moscow Region 68% Odintsovo District 68.36% Task Spelling standards Task 13. Integrated, separate, hyphenated spelling words Successful: Municipal District 77% Odintsovo District 77%

25 Task 14. Spelling N- and NN- in various parts speech. Achieved by: Moscow Region 68% Odintsovo District 68.22% Tasks Punctuation norms Task 15. Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members). Successful: Moscow region 93.68% Odintsovo district 83.34%

26 Task 16. Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members of the sentence (definitions, circumstances, applications). Achieved by: Moscow Region 78.01% Odintsovo District 74.84% Tasks Punctuation norms Task 17. Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence. Success: MO 67%

27 Odintsovo district 66.27% Task 18. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence. Achieved: Moscow Region 74.34% Odintsovo District 70.8% Assignments Punctuation norms.

28 Task 19. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with a conjunction and a non-conjunction. Complex sentence with different types communications. Achieved by: Moscow Region 56.35% Odintsovo District 58.81% Tasks Semantic and speech analysis of the text Task 20. Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. Ability to use basic reading skills. Success: MO 68.41%

29 Odintsovo district 67.31% Task 21. Functional and semantic types of speech. Ability to carry out different kinds analysis of linguistic units, linguistic phenomena and facts. Achieved: Moscow Region 47.75% Odintsovo District 50.24% Assignments Semantic and speech analysis of the text. Task 22. Lexical meaning of the word. Synonyms. Antonyms. Homonyms. Phraseological phrases. Success: MO 71.55%

30 Odintsovo district 67.66% Task 23. Means of communication of sentences in the text. Achieved: Moscow Region 61.72% Odintsovo District 63.20% Assignments Semantic and speech analysis of the text.

31 Task 24. Speech. Analysis of means of expression. The ability to exercise language self-control, evaluate written statements from the point of view of linguistic design. Successful: Moscow Region 95.52% Odintsovo District 81.25%

32 Diagram1. Completing multiple-choice tasks (part 1)

34 9 6 79% % % Completing tasks with a detailed answer (part 2) Task criteria Maximum score Municipal district Odintsovo district

35 1. Formulation of the problem 1 point 96.74% 94.85% 2. Commentary on the formulated problem 3. Reflection of the author’s position 4. Argumentation of one’s own opinion 5. Semantic value, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation 2 points 56.18% 62.14 % 1 point 92.15% 90.68% 3 points 44.15% 51.32% 2 points 56.78% 61.16%

36 Completing tasks with a detailed answer (part 2) Criteria for the task Maximum score MO Odintsovo district

37 6. Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 7. Compliance with spelling norms 8. Compliance with punctuation norms 9. Compliance with language norms 10. Compliance with speech norms 11. Compliance with ethical standards 12. Compliance with factual accuracy in background material 2 points 31.27% 43.3% 3 points 34.94% 44.43% 3 points 19.74% 30.20% 2 points 35.12% 44.96% 2 points 33.23% 42.54% 1 point 98.76% 97.78% 1 point 89.43% 87.35%

38 Diagram 2. Completing tasks with a detailed answer (part 2)


40 EARLY AND MAIN STAGES LITERATURE Moscow region 2097 people. Odintsovo district 104 people. (total) Odintsovo district 90 people (current year graduates) Average score for the Moscow region 59.93 Average score for the Odintsovo district 59.48 1 person (current year graduate) did not pass the threshold score Peculiarities of changes in control tests measuring materials Unified State Exam in Literature

41 1. There are 2 parts of the examination paper. 2. Continuous numbering of tasks is accepted, without letters designations B, C. 3. Testing and measuring materials consist of 17 tasks, differing in form and level of complexity. Part 1 Part 1 analysis literary works. The ability to determine the main elements of the content and artistic structure of works (themes, issues, characters and events, artistic techniques etc.)

42 First set of tasks Second set of tasks 1 set refers to a fragment of an epic, lyric epic, dramatic work: - 7 tasks with a short answer (1-7); - 2 tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences (8.9). 2 set of tasks relates to a lyrical work: - 5 tasks with a short answer (10-14); - 2 tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences (15.16).

43 Part 2 Part 2 - writing a full-length, extended essay on a literary topic. The graduate is offered 3 questions (), covering the most important stages of the domestic historical and literary process: on works of ancient Russian literature, classics of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century; based on works of the second half of the 19th century; based on works of the 20th century.

44 Part 2 - advanced level task. The graduate selects only one of the questions and answers it in the form of an essay. Tasks 1-7 test students’ knowledge in the field of theory and history of literature, knowledge of the content of the work from which the fragment was taken for analysis. Tested skills MO Odintsovo district 1. Determination of the content elements of the text related to the place 77.33% 72.09% 78.8% 2. of this fragment in the structure of the work, the chronology of the episode, its correlation of the work with the system of images 86.59% 74.41% 85.5% 3. 77.46% 67.44% 80%

45 4. Determination of types and functions 55.18% 44.18% 48.8% 5. author's expressive 84.29% 72.09% 86.66% 6. means, elements of artistic form. 93.05% 79.06% 91% 7. 88.41% 80.23% 93%

46 The tasks relate to the analysis of a lyrical work. These assignments test students' knowledge of the subject literary trends and currents, Tested skills MO Odintsovo district 10. Identification of the features of the author’s poetics, types and functions of author’s expressive means, elements of artistic form. 89.96% 73.25% 94.44% % 69.76% 85.5% .47% 76.74% 81.1% .71% 56.97% 58.88% .72% 61.62% 67% poetry, visual and expressive means.

47 The results of completing tasks with expanded Tasks 8,15 are associated with the meaningful answer (8,9,15,16) aspect of the work Task Criterion Max. score MO Max. point area 8. The question about the role and place of the fragment of an epic, dramatic lyric epic work proposed for analysis, its themes and issues. or Depth of judgments made and persuasiveness of arguments 3 points 29.54% 26.6%

48 15. Analysis of the ideological and thematic content of the poem, its plot and images, emotional impact poetic text on the reader. 3 points 30.29% 27.7%

49 Results of completing tasks with a detailed answer (8,9,15,16) Tasks 9,16 require the inclusion of the analyzed material in a literary context Assignment Max.score MO Max.score Odintsovo district 9. Detailed reasoning about the problematic and thematic connections of this epic , dramatic, lyrical 4 points 12.97% 4 points 18.8%

50 16. works with works of other domestic writers and poets 9.94% 15.55% Results of tasks with a detailed answer Criterion Max. score MO Odintsovo district 1. Depth of disclosure of the topic of the essay and persuasiveness of judgments 3 points 16.08% 17.7%

51 2. Level of proficiency in theoretical and literary concepts 2 points 35.07% 32.2% 3. Validity of using the text of the work 3 points 20.57% 20% 4. Compositional integrity and consistency of presentation 3 points 25.58% 25.55% 5. Following speech norms 3 points 16.51% 11.11%

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Punctuation text analysis

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Task formulation:

Find sentences in which dash is placed in accordance with the same punctuation rule. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

(1) The Chegem Gorge is one of the real pearls of Kabardino-Balkaria. (2) It stretches from the northeast to the northwest, piercing the Rocky, Lesisty, Bokovoy and Pastschichny ridges. (3) In the place where the gorge passes through the Rocky Range, there is a gorge - its narrowest part, 5 km long. (4) The bottom of the gorge narrows in places to 15-20 m, sandwiched on the sides by sheer walls that rise 100-200 m and hang over the path and the Chegem rushing nearby. (5) The river washed out the limestone ridge here, so the walls of the gorge are painted in beautiful shades: from white and cream to orange. (6) Behind the Rocky Ridge, ancient towers have been preserved, and at the very end of the gorge rises, perhaps, the most picturesque mountain of the Main Caucasian ridge- Tikhtengen (4611 m), to the west of which is the Tviber pass (3780 m). (7) Here the journey of ordinary tourists ends: the road is blocked by a powerful glacier - movement along it is very dangerous.

Correct answer: 36<ИЛИ> 63

A comment:

In sentences 3 and 6, a dash is used to highlight the application: the gorge (which one?) is its narrowest part, 5 km long. and mountain (what?) Tikhtengen

What you need to know:

  • Punctuation at the end of a sentence
  • Dash between clauses
  • Punctuation marks for homogeneous members
  • Punctuation marks for repeated words
  • Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated sentence members
  • Clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence
  • Punctuation marks for comparative phrases
  • Punctuation marks for introductory words and phrases
  • Punctuation marks for addresses
  • Punctuation marks for interjections, affirmative and negative words
  • Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
  • Punctuation marks for direct speech and quotation
  • Combination of punctuation marks, author's use of punctuation marks

PUNCTUATION- this is a set of rules for setting punctuation marks and the system of punctuation marks itself.

Punctuation at the end of a sentence

    The period is placed at the end of narrative and motivating non-exclamatory sentences ( The sun was shining brightly outside.);

Note: if at the end of a sentence there is a period indicating an abbreviated word, then the second period indicating the end of the sentence is not placed: In the store you can buy pens, notebooks, pencils, etc.

    A question mark is placed at the end of a question sentence ( Can you tell me what time it is?);

    An exclamation point is placed at the end of an exclamation sentence ( How I love summer!);

    An ellipsis is placed at the end of a sentence when the statement is incomplete ( Dubrovsky was silent... Suddenly he raised his head, his eyes sparkled.);

Note: An ellipsis can also be placed in the middle of a sentence when there is a break in speech. (I don’t want... like this.)

Dash between clauses

Dash between subject and predicate

1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate:

    in the absence of a linking verb, while the subject and predicate are expressed by a noun or cardinal number in nominative case, infinitive. ( My dad is a doctor.);

    if the predicate is preceded by the words this, that means this means ( Education is the true value!).

2. There is no dash between the subject and the predicate:

    if comparative conjunctions are used as connectives like, as if, as if, exactly, like, etc. ( Lips like velvet.);

    if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun (the dash in this case is considered as the author’s) ( He is a scientist.);

    if it comes before the predicate negative particle Not ( Poverty is not a vice.);

    if the predicate is preceded by a secondary member of the sentence that is not agreed with it ( Plato is my friend but the truth is dearer.);

    if between the main members of the sentence there is an introductory word, adverb or particle ( Ivan Same student. His father, apparently, engineer.);

    in sentences conversational style (His brother is a student.).

Dash in an incomplete sentence

    Dash in incomplete sentence is put if a predicate (most often) or some other part of the sentence is missing, but it can be easily restored from the context or from the situation ( The first time he forgot his notebook, the second time he forgot his pen.);

    If for a sentence the absence of a predicate is the norm, then a dash is not placed (the predicate is implied and can be easily guessed from the content of the sentence itself): Again at the hour of the night clouds above the ground.

Intonation dash

An intonation dash is placed in order to emphasize the semantic relationships between the members of the sentence and help the reader to correctly connect words in meaning ( Children need to be explained.)

Connecting dash

    Between words to denote a certain space ( train Vladivostok - Moscow), quantity ( buy two or three packs of tea) or period of time ( Revolution of 1905-1907), if it replaces the meaning of the construction "from to";

    Between proper names, the totality of which is some name (of a teaching, scientific institution, etc.): Boyle-Marriott law, match "CSKA - Lokomotiv".

Punctuation marks for homogeneous members

Homogeneous members connected by intonation

If homogeneous members of a sentence are not connected by conjunctions, but only by intonation, then a comma is placed between them ( They gave me flowers, a book, and a construction set.).
Note. If homogeneous members of a sentence are common and there are commas inside them, then they can be separated by a semicolon ( I walked around the squares and parks; went to visit Katerina, Peter, Matvey; called Anna, Andrey, Inna.)

Homogeneous members of a sentence connected by non-repeating conjunctions

    If homogeneous members of a sentence are connected by non-repeating adversative conjunctions, then a comma is placed between them ( It wasn't me who did it, he did it.).

    E If homogeneous members of a sentence are connected by non-repeating connecting or disjunctive conjunctions, then a comma is not placed between them ( Maria and Oksana entered the class. Was this written by Pushkin or Lermontov?).

    There is no comma before the conjunction yes and ( I'll take it and leave.) and before the conjunction and, if it is followed by the demonstrative pronoun that, that, then, those ( Children can cope with this task too.).

​​​Homogeneous members of a sentence connected by repeating conjunctions

    A comma is placed before repeated conjunctions and...and, yes...yes, neither...nor, or...or,, either...either, then...then, etc. . (In this store you can buy notebooks, pens, and books.)Note. Comma at homogeneous members sentences connected by repeating conjunctions are placed after each homogeneous member (Teachers, students, and their parents came to the concert.).

    If homogeneous members are closely related in meaning, then a comma is not placed between them ( Both summer and autumn were rainy.),

    A comma is also not placed if homogeneous members of the sentence are included in whole expressions (neither fish nor meat, neither this nor that, neither light nor dawn).

    A coordinating conjunction can connect homogeneous members of a sentence in pairs, and then the pairs are separated from each other by commas, and no comma is placed inside the pairs ( Adults and children, birds and animals - everyone rejoiced at the arrival of spring!).

    A comma is placed before the second part of the double conjunction (I am the same age as you); double conjunctions are and, not, not so, not only...but also, although and...but, if not...then, as much. much, much.

Generalizing words for homogeneous sentence members (main cases)

    [Oh: oh, oh, oh] Everyone came to the meeting: teachers and students.

    [oh, oh, oh - oh] Children, old people, women - everything mixed in a living stream.

    [O: oh, oh, oh -...] And all this: the river, the willow twigs, and this boy - reminded me of the distant days of childhood.

    [o, o, o - introductory word, O] Children, old people, women - in a word, everything mixed up in a living stream.

    [Oh, introductory word: oh, oh, oh] Everyone came to the meeting, namely: teachers and students.

Punctuation marks for repeated words

The comma is placed:

  1. If the same word is repeated in a sentence to convey the duration or intensity of an action, then a comma is added ( I'm driving, I'm driving home across the field.);
  2. If repeated words represent a lexical formation, which are, as it were, one compound word, then they are written with a hyphen ( Far, far beyond the sea.);

The comma is not used if:

    The predicates are repeated, and between them there is a particle like this ( Go like this.);

  1. The same word is repeated (possibly in different forms) and the second word is used with the negative particle not ( I saw a bush not a bush, a tree not a tree).

Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated clause members

Separation of definitions

​​​​​​​a) Separated:

common definitions expressed by participial phrases or adjectives with dependent words, standing after the word being defined (I saw an old woman carrying a large bag and decided to help her.);

two or more single definitions standing after the word being defined (Spring has come, sunny, bright.);

a single definition, standing after the word being defined, if it has an additional adverbial meaning (usually causal or concessions) (Mom, tired, sat down in a chair.);

common or single definitions, standing immediately before the word being defined, if they have additional adverbial meaning (Barely alive, they reached the city.);

a common or single definition, if it is separated from the word being defined by other members of the sentence (Drenched in the sun, buckwheat and wheat fields lay across the river.);

definition, if the word being defined is a personal pronoun (She ran out into the yard, flushed.)

inconsistent definitions, in order to tear them away from the neighboring member of the sentence or if it is necessary to emphasize the meaning they convey (Boys, in black suits, with bouquets of flowers, went to congratulate their teachers on March 8.).

b) Not separated:

common definitions, expressed by participial phrases or adjectives with dependent words and has no meaning, standing in front of the word being defined (The boy who entered the class is our new student.);

common definitions expressed by participial phrases or dependent adjectives, depending on and following an indefinite pronoun (I saw something like a barn.).

Segregation of applications

a) commas

common applications expressed by a noun with dependent words that come after the word being defined (less often - before) (The old woman, Grishka’s mother, died, but the old people, father and father-in-law, were still alive.);

applications depending on personal pronouns (I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, declare...);

single applications that refer to a common noun with explanatory words (Here on a wide street they met General Zhukov’s cook, an old man.);

applications depending on proper names if they come after the word being defined (Yesterday Ivan Petrovich, the school director, gathered us in the assembly hall.);

applications expressed by a proper name, if they can be preceded without changing the meaning, namely, that is (The next one on the list, Silin, turned out to be a tall and broad-shouldered man.);

applications that are joined by the union as or words by name, by surname, etc. and which have additional circumstantial meaning (As an honest man, he must now marry her.);

applications that can be preceded by words, namely (He broke the tree - oak.); - common applications at the end of a sentence (The sun was shining high in the sky - a very clear and hot sun of the Kyiv summer.);

applications relating only to one of the homogeneous members (I met my cousin, Misha - my fiancé, Pavel and Oksana.).

Separating add-ons

Additions may or may not be isolated depending on the semantic load that the author has put into the sentence.

Usually, phrases are isolated, conventionally called additions, which are expressed by nouns with prepositions except, except, instead of, besides, excluding, etc. and which have a restrictive or expansive meaning (I really liked the story, except for some details.).

Isolation of circumstances

​​​​​​​a) Separated:

common circumstances, expressed by participial phrases, and single circumstances, expressed by gerunds (Entering the room, he greeted everyone present. When I woke up, for a long time I could not understand where I was.);

circumstances expressed by adverbs or nouns are isolated if they explain or clarify other circumstances (place and time); usually the structure is: before? (circumstance that is the main one) where exactly? (dependent circumstance); When? (circumstance that is the main one) when exactly? (dependent circumstance): In the room, in the corner, there is a closet. Later, in ten years, you will regret your words.

circumstances introduced by words besides, despite, somehow, not counting, despite, etc., which clarify or limit the meaning of the words being defined (it is mandatory to isolate only the construction starting with despite): Despite the frost, they let's go to the forest.

stable expressions expressed by participial phrases, which act as introductory expressions (To be honest, I don’t like this.)

b) Not separated:

single gerunds that do not denote an additional action and are close to adverbs (The sister slowly opened her bag.);

circumstances expressed by gerunds with dependent words, if they represent a stable combination (They worked with their sleeves rolled up.)

Clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence


words that clarify the content of the sentence, but are not connected with the previous expression by any special words (words can be placed before the clarifying expression, namely, without changing the meaning): Five houses, two on main street and three in the alley, put into use.

Note. Sometimes a dash is used instead of a comma.

most often, the clarifying members of a sentence are circumstances of place and time, as well as definitions (He went to the right, along the road. This is a large work, five hundred pages.)

connecting phrases introduced by the words even, especially, including, etc., which introduce additional comments and explanations (He wrote a large essay, and a good one at that.)

Punctuation marks for comparative phrases

1. Comparative turnover, starting with words as if, as if, rather than, exactly, etc. separated by commas (I like cinema more than/than theater.)
2. Revolutions with a conjunction are separated by commas:

    if they denote simile and do not contain any additional shades of meaning (The night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud.);

    if before the phrase there are demonstrative words so, such, that, so (His facial features were the same as his sister’s.);

    if the phrase is introduced into the sentence with the combination like and (I have been to London, as well as to other European cities.);

    if this combination is like none other than and nothing other than (None other than a tall palace rose in front.).

3. Revolutions with conjunctions are not separated by commas:

    if the adverbial meaning is in the foreground (The ring burns like heat - can be replaced with the combination burns with heat),

    if the meaning of equating or identifying is in the foreground (I’m telling you this as a doctor.),

    if the turnover is part of a complex predicate or is closely related to it in meaning (Work as work.),

    if the turnover is stable expression(Things went swimmingly.),

    if there is a negative particle not before the phrase (I did not act like a patriot.).

Punctuation marks for introductory words and phrases

Introductory words and phrases.
- introductory words and phrases are separated by commas (you, apparently, do not share our views.),

if the introductory phrase forms an incomplete construction, i.e. if any word is missing that can be restored from the context, then a dash is placed instead of a comma (On the one hand, she does not know how to cook, on the other, she wants to learn it.).

punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence with a generalized word in the presence of an introductory word or phrase:

[Oh, cc. el.: o, o, o] Everyone came to the meeting, namely: teachers and students.

[o, o, o - vv. ate., O] Children, old people, women - in a word, everything mixed up in a living stream.
some words can be both introductory and separated by commas, and parts of a sentence:

is introductory words

is not an introductory word

Indicates the connection of thoughts, the order of presentation
- gives an assessment of the fact from the point of view. speaker (Come in, finally!)

Equal in meaning to after all, finally, as a result of everything

in the end

Same function as “finally” (Shut up, after all!)

- (We walked and walked and finally arrived.) - the same function as “finally”. (They argued for a long time and eventually made a decision that suited everyone.)

Stands in the middle or at the end of a sentence (Look at how he spoke, though!)

It stands at the beginning of a sentence or between homogeneous members of a sentence and is adversarial union(I didn’t want to see her anymore, but I had to.)
Exception: in sentences like: “However, it’s a cold spring today!” the word “however” is at the beginning of the sentence, acts as an interjection and is separated by a comma

Usually acts as a water word (Of course, I will help you.)

Can act as a particle
(Of course I would go there...)

If equal in meaning to the words therefore, therefore
(I didn’t see her at school today, which means she was really sick.)

If the sentence plays the role of a predicate (the meaning is close to the word means)
(She means too much to me to deceive her.)

If the combination is equal in value generally speaking
(Actually, this is very interesting)

In other meanings
(He generally forbade going out after twelve)


If the combination is equal in value, the most important thing is
(To prepare for the lesson, you need to read the theory and, mainly, complete the assignments.)

If equal in meaning to the words predominantly, basically, most of all
(He survived mainly thanks to his friends.)


If it has a restrictive value
(At least I didn't say that.)

If it matters under any circumstances
([In any case, he will never leave his former pet.)

In my

If used in figurative meaning. (The following minor members are distinguished: definition, addition and circumstance, in the group of the latter, in turn, by the circumstance of place).

If used in a meaning close to direct
(“And you?” I asked Lena in turn.)

if the introductory word is at the beginning or end of a separate common member of a sentence, then it is not separated from it by a comma, and if it is in the middle, then it is separated by commas (The young man, apparently having recently graduated from college, made many mistakes when answering. The young man the man, who had apparently recently graduated from college, made many mistakes in his answers.)

if the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged, then it is separated by a comma from the preceding coordinating conjunction; if this is impossible, then a comma is placed only after the introductory word, and on the border between the conjunction and the introductory word is placed (Firstly, he is very busy and, secondly, he does not want to see you. The misfortune did not change him at all, but on the contrary, it made it even stronger.)

introductory sentences are highlighted: with commas, if they are small in volume (For me, you know, everything has always worked out.) or if they are introduced using conjunctions like, how many, if (Today, as the newspapers report, a rally will take place in the center of Moscow.) ;

dashes if they are common (They - I noticed this right away - wanted to get rid of me as quickly as possible.);

Inserted constructions are highlighted in brackets (unlike introductory sentences, they do not express the speaker’s attitude to what was said, but contain some kind of incidental or additional remarks): One evening (this was in the fall of 1912)...

Punctuation marks for addresses

addresses are separated from other members of the sentence by commas (Alyosha, come to me, please.),

sometimes an exclamation point is placed after the address at the beginning of the sentence (Kirill! Why are you taking so long there?),

the particle o standing before the address is not separated from it by a comma (Oh Moscow, you are so beautiful!),

between repeated addresses connected by the conjunction a, a comma is placed, and after the conjunction itself, it is not placed (Fal, but fallen, buy me this toy.),

if two addresses are connected by a non-repeating connecting conjunction, then a comma is not placed between them (Hello, sun and merry morning).

Punctuation marks for interjections, affirmative and negative words

interjections from sentence members are separated by commas (Life, alas, is not an eternal gift.),

if the interjection is pronounced with an exclamatory intonation, then an exclamation mark is placed instead of a comma (Hurray! Our team wins the match)),

particles o, well, ah, oh, which are used to enhance the semantic connotation, are not distinguished by commas (Oh yes, you are absolutely right. Oh, that’s what you are! Well, no, that’s too much.),

the word yes (expresses an affirmation) and the word no (expresses a negation) are separated from the sentence by a comma or exclamation mark (Yes, that is exactly what I want to say. No, you are mistaken.)

Punctuation marks in complex sentences

Punctuation in complex sentence.

A comma is placed between simple sentences in the Compound, regardless of what kind of conjunction they are connected with: connective, adversative, disjunctive, adjunctive or explanatory (The sky frowned, and soon a thunderstorm broke out. He had already forgotten everything, but she could not forgive him. Either the sun is shining very brightly, or my eyesight has become completely bad.).

If the phenomena spoken of in parts (of a complex sentence) quickly follow each other or are opposed to each other, then a dash is placed (A rocket fired - and everything around rumbled.).

There is no comma:

if parts of a compound sentence have a common member of a sentence or a common subordinate clause and if they are connected by connecting conjunctions and, yes (in the meaning and) or separating conjunctions or, or, then a comma is not placed between them (Cars raced through the streets and trams thundered. When did it start rain, the game stopped and everyone went queen.).

between noun clauses connected by connecting conjunctions and, yes (meaning and) or disjunctive conjunctions or, or (Walking in the park and riding a bicycle.),

between interrogative sentences connected by connecting conjunctions and, yes (meaning and) or disjunctive conjunctions or, or (When are we leaving and what time does the train leave?)

Two impersonal sentences in a complex sentence are separated by a comma (It got dark and it became cool.), BUT if the predicates are homogeneous in meaning, then a comma is not placed (You need to wash the floor and then you should wipe it dry.)

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

, (),().

, (), () And ().

And (), and (), and (). (after the main clause there is no comma before the first subordinate clause)

, (), and (), and ().

, () and (), () and ().

He said that the weather would improve and (that) we would go on a picnic.
Slavik behaves equally evenly both when he is angry and when he is very happy.

If the subordinate clause comes before or after the main clause, then it is separated by a comma (When I came home, everyone was already asleep. The glory of those who die for the fatherland does not die.). If the subordinate clause is in the middle of the main clause, then it is separated by commas on both sides (In the evening, when I no longer had the strength to work, I went to the embankment.).

If a subordinate clause is attached to the main clause using conjunctions because, because, since, in order to, despite the fact that, etc., then the comma is placed only once either before the entire complex conjunction or before its second partly (I didn’t come because I had a lot to do. I came to express my condolences to you.)

If subordinate clauses depend on the same member of the main clause, then the rules for placing punctuation marks between them are the same as for homogeneous members of the sentence:

At the junction of two subordinating conjunctions or subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, a comma is placed between them only if the omission subordinate clause will not require a complete restructuring of the proposal (Masha said that when she comes next time, she will bring her fiance.); if the second part of the subordinate clause begins with the words how, but, then a comma is not placed (Masha said that when she comes next time, she will bring her fiance.)

Sometimes, when underlining intonation, before explanatory and conditional clauses with a conjunction, not a comma is placed, but a dash (I was sent some books, but I don’t know which ones yet.)

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

Between the parts of a non-union complex sentence the following can be placed:

a comma if the parts are independent of each other, but united in meaning (The horses started moving, the bell rang, the carriage flew.),

semicolon, if there are commas inside one or both parts or if the sentences are far apart in meaning (the sentence splits into two semantic parts): Gerasim grabbed Mumu. squeezed her in his arms; in an instant she licked his nose, eyes, mustache and beard.

colon if

the second sentence explains the reason or tells about the consequences of what is said in the first sentence (They were silent the whole way: the noise of the engine prevented them from talking.),

if in the first sentence there are words see, hear, know, etc., which prompt the reader that a statement of some facts will follow (I understood: she wanted me to leave.),

dash if

the first sentence denotes a condition or time ( More lessons- more knowledge. The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying);

when the second sentence has the meaning of comparison (If he looks, he will give him a ruble.);

the second part contains some unexpected information or an indication of a rapid change of events (Lightning flashed - it began.);

if in the second part there is a sharp contrast in relation to the first part (We wanted the best - it turned out as always.).

Punctuation marks for direct speech and quotation

P - direct speech

“P...”-ah. .

She asked, “Where have you been?”

“Where have you been?” she asked.


“P!-a. -P".


“I don’t even know his name,” she said, “or where he lives.”

“I don’t want to go there,” she said and asked: “What have you been doing all day today?”

A: “P” - a.

A: “P!” - A. A: “P...”-ah.

He said, “I’m very tired,” and immediately fell silent.
Punctuation marks when quoting.

If a quotation consists of several paragraphs, then quotation marks are placed at the beginning and at the end of the entire passage.

If a quotation is syntactically related to the text, then it is enclosed in quotation marks, but written with a small letter (Pushkin wrote that “the habit has been given to us from above.”)

Quoting can be framed as direct speech. (Pushkin said: “The habit has been given to us from above.”)

If the quotation is not taken in full, then an ellipsis is placed at the gap, either at the beginning or at the end (Depending on where the text is trimmed). If the sentence in this case begins with a quotation, then it is formatted as follows: “...Quoting” the text itself. (A capital letter is written even if the original is written in lowercase).

Combination of punctuation marks, author's use of punctuation marks

When a comma and a dash meet, both a comma and a dash are written (The woman performing on stage is my mother.),

When encountering quotation marks:

with a dot, quotes are written first, and then a dot. She said: “Come in.”),

with a question mark, exclamation mark or ellipsis, in direct speech the question mark, exclamation mark or ellipsis is written first, then the quotation marks. Even if this is the end of the entire sentence, there is no period after the quotation marks (She asked: “What do you think about this issue?”),

with the same signs, but when only certain members of the sentence are enclosed in quotation marks, an exclamation mark, a question mark and an ellipsis are placed depending on the construction of the entire sentence (Have you ever watched “White Sun of the Desert”?),

If the comma appears before the closing or opening parenthesis, then it is skipped; if after the closing one, it remains.

Analysis of the results of the Unified State Examination 2016 in the Russian language in grades 11a and 11b

date conducting the Unified State Exam in Russian: 05/30/2016

Number of students in 11th grade: 47

Number of students who passed the Unified State Exam in Russian: 47

Performing the test part of the work:

Job No.

Checkable Content Elements

Maximum points for a task

Points received by students

Number of students who have not started


Information processing of written texts of various styles and genres

Lexical meaning of the word

Orthoepic norms (stress placement)

Lexical norms

Morphological norms

Syntactic norms

Spelling of roots

Spelling of prefixes

Spelling suffixes of various parts of speech

(except -N-/-NN-)

Spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes

Spelling NOT and NOR

Merged, hyphenated, separate writing words

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech

Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence (with homogeneous members) Punctuation in a complex sentence and a simple sentence with homogeneous members

Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members (definitions, circumstances, applications, additions)

Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connections

Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text

Functional and semantic types of speech

Lexical meaning of the word. Synonyms. Antonyms. Homonyms. Phraseological phrases. Groups of words by origin and use

Means of connecting sentences in the text

Speech. Language means of expression

Task 25. Essay.

Formulation of source text problems

Commentary on the stated problem

Argumentation by the examinee of his own opinion

Semantic integrity, speech coherence

Accuracy and expressiveness of speech

Compliance with spelling standards

Compliance with punctuation standards

Compliance with language norms


Compliance with speech norms


Compliance with ethical standards


Maintain factual accuracy

All 11th grade students scored a passing grade on the Unified State Examination.

2 students (4.25%) completed the work with 100 points:Dobrokhotov N., Romanova K.

The number of students who completed work from 80 to 100 points is 35 (out of 47) or 74.46%:

100 points – 2 students: Dobrokhotov N., Romanova K.;

98 points – 4 students: Galieva A., Grishanov O., Sergeeva A., Khairutdinov R.;

96 points – 2 students: Batyrshina K., Gasishvili V.;

93 points – 4 students:Andreev P., Zakirova Z., Sorokina N., Shagieva A..

91 points – 5 students:Bochkova V., Galantseva A., Zakirova D., Kuzmin M., Shigaev V..

88 points – 2 students:Komarova O., Naumov D.;

86 points – 5 students:Butyakov S., Egorova E., Kirillova M., Novikov Y., Shilova A.;

83 points – 6 students:Gafiyatullina E., Gerasimova V., Zubkov A., Plotnikov A., Feoktistova K., Shilova An.;

81 points – 5 students: Bulusheva A., Polyakova E., Tukhvatullin B., Khabibulina I., Khisamova L.

Students who completed work below 80 points:

78 points – 2 students:Kalimullina D., Kolpakova A.;

76 points – 1 student: Rakhmatullina G.

73 points – 1 student: Knyazeva A.

72 points – 2 students:Nerobov K., Okruzhnov T.

71 points – 1 student: Cheredov M.

70 points – 1 student: Ksenofontov N.

66 points - 1 student: Speshilova M.

65 points – 1 student: Tolkien D.

64 points – 1 student: Alexandrov K.

61 points – 1 student: Potasev D.

Completed the test part of the exam without errors– 12 students (25.53%)

The most problematic tasks for students to complete were:

No. 21 (Functional and semantic types of speech)– mistakes were made by 12 students (25.5%);

No. 20 (Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text)– 9 students (19.1%);

No. 13 (Contiguous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words)– 8 students (17%);

No. 5 (Lexical norms)– 7 students (14.8%);

No. 17 (Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence)– 7 students (14.8%).

Task No. 25 (essay) was completed by all students, and everyone did a good job.

Wrote for full points– 5 students (10.63%).

Teacher: Semenova T.A.

Analysis of Unified State Examination results in the Russian language

in 2013, graduates of MBOU Samagaltai secondary school No. 1.

In 2013, in the state final certification in the Russian language in Unified State Examination form 23 school graduates participated. Analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude that the exam results are stable and confirms the average achieved in previous years.

level of training of graduates of MBOU Samagaltai secondary school No. 1.

The average test score of the unified state exam in the Russian language at school is 62%, compared to last year increased by 9% (53%).

This year, all graduates exceeded the minimum threshold of -36 points.

Bolat-ool Diana received the maximum score - 82.

Based on the results of the Unified State Examination, three levels of examination performance can be distinguished: minimal, satisfactory, good. In accordance with these levels, three groups of students with different levels of preparation in the subject are formed.

Quality of knowledge - 64%

% of success - 100%

Execution level

Unified State Exam test assignments






















Results of multiple-choice tasks (A).

The tasks of part A were almost completely completed by 8 strong students (1-2 errors each) - Balgan A.-Kh, Bolat-ool D., Davaa K., Doktuut K., Mogush A., Sanchat-ool S, Uvangur A. Tas B. (35%).

Two students made a lot of mistakes in this part - Deleg D.-B., Soyan K.

The rest completed about 75%.

Completing short answer tasks (Part B).

Part 2 (B) consists of 8 open-ended tasks with a short answer. All tasks in the second part of the work (B1–B8) belong to a high level of complexity.

10 students (43.4%) completed task B8 (Language means of expression) 100%. This task was completely failed by 2 students. The remaining 11 students completed 60%.

The most difficult tasks turned out to be B4, B5, B6 (B4 Sentence. Grammatical (predicative) basis of a sentence. Types of sentences based on the presence of main members: two-part and one-part. B5 Simple complicated sentence. B6 Complex sentence).

Kuular S.-B., Soyan K., Sanchat-ool O., Choodu Ayalga - did not cope well with part B.

Type B short answer questions are primarily aimed at testing the linguistic competence of examinees. The difficulty in tasks of this type is that for analysis, more complex linguistic material is offered than in tasks with a choice of answers, and it is not presented in the form of isolated linguistic examples (words, phrases,

sentences), but on the material of the text.

Completing tasks with a detailed answer (part C)

The third part of the examination paper checks the state of practical

speech skills and gives an idea of ​​whether school graduates are proficient in monologue speech, whether they are able to cogently and competently express their point of view, which is important not only for successful educational activities, but also for further vocational education graduate.

Main results of Part C.

Results of completing part C with graduates with different backgrounds

Only 19 out of 23 students completed Part C.

Examinees perform task C1 of part 3 of the examination paper differently,

demonstrate different levels of development of communicative and linguistic competencies:

mastering skills related to semantic analysis of text and creation

own speech utterance a given type of speech in accordance with

grammatical and lexical norms, as well as spelling and punctuation rules.

The examinees to a greater extent mastered the ability to formulate the problem posed by the author of the text and determine the author’s position in relation to this problem than the ability to comment on the problem posed and express their point of view in a reasoned manner. There were few factual errors in the background material.

Level of practical literacyExaminations this year turned out to be high. Punctuation and spelling preparation of examinees is higher (compared to last year).

Thus, analysis of the results of completing part 3 of the examination allows us to conclude that the level of argumentation of their own opinion is insufficient: students find it difficult to find an argument - their level of education and general outlook do not always allow this.


The sections of speech science related to the interpretation of the content of the text, commentary on the problems of the text, and clarification of the ways and means of connecting sentences remain insufficiently mastered.

When preparing graduates to complete the tasks of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, it is necessary to prepare students to complete all the work in full.

  1. Use the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2013 when preparing for the exam in the next academic year.
  2. It is important to ensure that tasks basic level All schoolchildren could do it.
  3. News in the system research work with texts usingcompetency-based approach to learning.
  4. Use a block-modular presentation of material in the lesson, ensuring comprehensive repetition.
  5. Regularly conduct online testing and rehearsal testing and provide an open record of knowledge so that the student sees the dynamics of learning results.
  6. N Despite the fact that complex tasks are performed mainly by strong students, these tasks should be used in educational process, be discussed collectively, as they develop the thinking of schoolchildren and contribute to the formation of the ability to apply knowledge in non-standard situations.

Head of the School of Education for Teachers of Russian Language and Literature Ondar M.S./____________/

June 2013

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