What is professional IC competence? ICT competence is a current requirement for a teacher. The concept of ICT competence in modern pedagogy

Tatyana Ryndina
Article “ICT - the competence of teachers in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher”

Article “ICT – competence of teachers in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher”

The strategy for informatization of the preschool education system is defined by the state concept as one of the priority areas in the development of modern society. Informatization contributes to the integration and amplification of various areas educational process, increases its efficiency and quality. The problem of ICT development has acquired particular relevance with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the Professional Standard for Teachers. Because the modern requirements to staffing implementation educational program include the presence of basic competencies among teachers related to the development of ICT and the ability to use them in teaching practice. The competence of a teacher in the field of information and communication technologies is, on the one hand, a condition that determines the creation of this environment, and on the other hand, it is a significant factor that determines professional pedagogical competence.

Creating conditions for teachers to master ICT competencies by the head of a kindergarten is one of the main tasks in the process of implementing the federal state educational standard for preschool education. And the main task of a modern educator is to master ICT technologies as a space in which professional teaching activities are carried out, to include them in their own activities, using them as necessary. Components of modern information and communication technologies should be used by preschool teachers when interacting with students, colleagues, administration and parents. To increase the ICT competence of teachers, various forms are used. The most effective, from our point of view, are pair work, mentoring, master classes, workshops, and a week of pedagogical excellence.

IN " Professional standard teacher" ICT competence is considered according to three components:

General user ICT competence;

General pedagogical ICT competence;

Subject-pedagogical competence.

General user competence includes the simplest skills: photo and video shooting, working with text editors, as well as skills in searching for information on the Internet and using electronic media and mail.

The general pedagogical component includes the skills necessary for the work of a teacher. Including planning and analysis of their activities, organizing the educational process, writing child development programs, creating electronic didactic materials, preparing and conducting consultations for both colleagues and parents.

Requirements for the subject-pedagogical component are put forward depending on the tasks that the teacher sets for himself in the process of educational activities, the ability to find information on a particular problem and use it efficiently.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions expands the possibilities of implementation in teaching practice new methodological developments, contributes to the targeted development of children’s information culture, and allows to increase the level of interaction between teachers and parents.

ICT technologies are an innovative resource, which ensures accessibility and variety of education for preschool children.

In the system of activities of preschool educational institutions, ICT can be used:

In organizing the educational process with children;

Organization of methodological work with teachers;

In the process of interaction with parents.

Use of ICT:

Allows you to model various situations and environments, including those with which the child is in real life cannot meet;

Promotes better assimilation of the material, since all channels of perception of the material are involved;

The acquired knowledge remains in memory for a longer period and is easily restored for practical use after a short repetition;

Cognitive activity is activated.

1. Areas of application of ICT for interaction with children

Using the Internet:

Additional information that for some reason is not in the printed publication;

A variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animation, video materials);

Exchange of experience, dissemination of ideas and manuals.

Multimedia presentations allow you to present material as an algorithmic system of structured images. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which allows children to master information not only in factual, but also in associative form. Presentations are used to indicate a topic or illustrate the teacher's explanations; accompaniment of small theatrical skits, holidays, concerts, parent meetings.

Video clips, diagrams and models make it possible to show children those phenomena, facts and events of the surrounding world that are difficult or impossible to observe in real life.

The use of developmental and educational programs helps to optimize the child’s transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking(through the ability to operate with symbols); increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently, helps overcome self-doubt, removes and prevents the fear of mistakes.

The use of ICT in organizing the educational process with children is aimed at transforming the subject-development environment; creation of new means for the development of children; using new visualizations that visualize the problems to be solved. Wherein educational activities becomes dynamic and visual, as a result, cognitive interest increases, which in turn leads to increased activity, reduced fatigue, and preservation of performance. GCD using ICT encourages children to search and cognitive activity, including searching the Internet, independently or together with parents. Children not only see the results of their activities, but also realize the actions that led to these results, as well as the significance of the information, without which the result cannot be achieved. At the same time, the child begins to understand the importance of information and communication resources as a source of information. Thus, the prerequisites for information culture are formed.

2. When organizing methodological work with teaching staff ICTs allow disseminate and implement advanced pedagogical experience, get acquainted with the professional experience of not only Russian but also foreign teachers, participate in all-Russian and international Internet competitions, projects and conferences, increasing your social and professional status.

Discussing pedagogical topics with colleagues and consulting with experts on forums in online pedagogical communities allows you to effectively and quickly expand your own professional horizons. An effective form of self-education is to participate in webinars, where you can communicate with many leading experts in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology, authors of programs and technologies, and receive modern materials for use in your work. In addition, participating in the webinar online gives you the opportunity to ask specialists current issues and get a response in real time. Network communication technologies give teachers the opportunity to communicate professionally with a wide audience of Internet users.

The use of ICT helps the teacher in selecting illustrative material for GCD, designing stands, albums, groups, classrooms, and allows diversifying the spatial development environment. Creation didactic games, familiarity with the scenarios of holidays and other events, with periodicals, and preparation of group documentation using ICT make the teacher’s work more effective. Using a computer to prepare group documentation simplifies the teacher’s activities and saves time and effort.

3. The use of ICT in the process of interaction with parents allows:

Ensure dialogue between communication partners regardless of location through e-mail, forum; expand information flows; demonstrate photos and video materials; conduct online consultations with specialists for parents of frequently ill children. An effective form of organizing interaction with parents is a group website on the preschool educational institution website, which allows you to receive up-to-date information about the life of the group, find out the details of the past day, and receive recommendations from teachers. Forms such as online communication with parents through a website, presentation of the organization of work in a group, presentation of children’s achievements, creation of electronic pages for parents on the Internet not only enrich, but also transform interaction with parents.

Modern preschool education can no longer do without ICT technologies. Information and communication technologies increase the level of professionalism of a teacher, create additional opportunities for self-realization, help improve the quality of the educational process, and make its development much more interesting and varied.


1. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. – M., Sfera, 2008

2. Gorvits Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, No. 5

3. Ksenzova G. Yu. Promising school technologies: educational and methodological manual. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000

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On modern stage development for Russian education, priority has been established in the progressive development of society as such, along with its informatization. It is against this background that the concept of ICT competence of the teacher, as well as students, acquires special significance. Therefore, the use of IR technologies is being actively studied and implemented in the educational sphere.


The life of a person of any age is closely intertwined with information technology. They are necessary for both students and teachers. In the modern world, it is extremely difficult to realize oneself without basic computer skills, since such technology is now actively used in any field of activity.

The use of information technology in the educational sphere has great prospects. The concept, as well as the features of the development of ICT competence, were described in their works by many specialists.

In general terms, ICT competence today means the ability to practical application communication information technologies that provide access to this or that information or its search, processing, organization of the dissemination process. Its level should be sufficient for living and working in the modern information society.

Basic structure

Part modern concept ICT competence includes several different components, due to which it is one of the main indicators of teacher competence according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The main aspects of the concept of ICT competence are:

  • sufficient functional literacy in ICT as an area of ​​life;
  • justified introduction of ICT both in the processes of solving professional problems and within the framework of educational work;
  • ICT as the basis of a new educational paradigm, which is aimed at the active development of students.

Teacher's goals

By increasing the ICT competence of the teacher, the following will be gradually implemented:

  • New educational goals.
  • Ability to use information and communication technologies at a high level.
  • New forms within the framework of the organization of the educational process.
  • Content within the framework of modern educational activities.

Concepts of literacy and competence

It is important to distinguish between concepts such as ICT literacy and ICT competence of a teacher.

Thus, ICT literacy means only knowledge of the basics of working with software products and computers as such, their basic functionality, general concept about working on the Internet.

At the same time, within the framework of ICT competence, knowledge alone is not enough. It involves the actual use of certain information tools and their implementation in the educational process. At the present stage of development, they can be used in solving cognitive and communicative issues and when conducting experiments.


One of the main elements of a modern teacher’s qualification is ICT competence. Every year the level of teaching of any discipline increases. Through the introduction of ICT, the educational process itself becomes individual and more effective. Thanks to the teacher's ability to use information and communication technologies, it is possible to really increase the degree of student interest along with the assimilation of information.

Teachers are constantly being improved in accordance with the needs of the information society. To increase professionalism, several successive stages are required.

If at the first stage the teacher masters basic information and communication skills, then at the second stage the teacher’s ICT competence is formed. This ensures continuous improvement of the current educational process against the backdrop of pedagogical network interaction.

In modern educational schools When organizing the educational process, societies are certainly taken into account. The process of informatization is underway along with the active development and improvement of the ICT competence of teachers themselves.

The need to improve the competence of teaching staff

Professional improvement is now impossible without taking into account modern information technologies, since the ICT competence of a teacher is its most important component. Modern world characterizes dynamic development and the presence of extensive information flows. It is especially important for teachers to pay attention to improving academic work, while also educating themselves in other areas of social life. Without this, it is impossible to change the ICT competence of students for the better.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the process of developing ICT competence involves the active use of existing information tools along with their effective implementation in the educational process.

Real structure

A detailed examination of the structure of ICT competence of a modern teacher reveals the presence of the following components in it:

  • understanding the need to introduce ICT in the educational sphere;
  • introduction of ICT capabilities into the educational process;
  • management and organization of the learning process using ICT;
  • continuous professional improvement in this area.

Components of teacher competence

To assess the levels of ICT competence of a teacher, it is necessary to consider the presence of the following components:

  1. Knowledge of basic electronic aids, based on the specifics of the subject, including electronic atlases and textbooks, educational resources located on the Internet.
  2. The ability to install the necessary program on a computer used in the educational process, the ability to practically use and create didactic electronic materials, the active use of projection technology in work.
  3. Ability to use and select appropriate software to provide students with materials in a form that is most convenient and understandable to them.
  4. Active use of tools during the organization of the educational process, including software testing, electronic workbooks, etc.
  5. The ability to determine the optimal form for conveying the necessary information to students, as well as parents, teaching staff and even administration educational institution- this can be e-mail, a website and its sections, forums, blogs, school network opportunities, social networks, mailing lists, etc.
  6. The ability to find, process, evaluate and competently demonstrate information collected in educational digital resources, based on the assigned tasks, within the framework of the educational process.
  7. The ability to competently transform incoming information to solve educational problems during the preparation of educational material.
  8. The ability to practically use the capabilities of information technology, including Internet tools, to prepare and conduct lessons.
  9. Formation of a digital portfolio.
  10. Organization of student work in network communication projects such as quizzes, which provide for remote conduct and control, and evaluation of results.

This list of the main components of the ICT competence of a modern teacher will be gradually supplemented over time as the information community develops and improves and new achievements in scientific and technological progress appear.

The importance of the competence of participants in the educational process

At the present stage of development of society, special importance is given to both the ICT competence of students and teachers. The fact is that information technology has now become one of the main components of life modern man. Possession of them becomes a necessity, just like the ability to read, write and count. But as ICT adoption increases in daily life, a corresponding increase in information and communication awareness is required for participants in the educational process.

Not long ago, a new standard was introduced that is relevant for general and primary education. It requires the creation of one information and educational environment for each educational institution. But for this, students must understand the intricacies of the practical use of ICT in solving both educational and professional problems.

Therefore, the main task of a modern teacher is to introduce students to IC technologies along with teaching them the reasonable and correct use of the capabilities of information systems in practice. This is necessary for the full formation of competence, awareness and understanding of this area. Now computer literacy alone is not enough - something more is needed.

It is important to be able to create such conditions for the educational process when, from the very initial stages To learn about the world around them, children will get acquainted with high-tech processes and equipment. Therefore, among the priority areas for improving the educational process is the work on its informatization.


As noted above, ICT competence is understood as the ability to collect, evaluate, transfer, search, analyze information, model processes and objects through full use of the capabilities of available tools within the framework of communication and information technologies.

In order for each lesson to arouse real interest on the part of students, it is important to choose the right techniques and methods for the learning process. They should be as varied as possible and used as needed.

Due to the high ICT competence of the teaching staff, the following opportunities have emerged:

  1. Presentation of information during the educational process in a variety of forms - it can be audio, animation, text or video form.
  2. Distribution of significant amounts of information over the same period of time in parts, which greatly facilitates the assimilation of the material.
  3. Mobilizing students' attention.
  4. Reproduction and commenting on the flow of information.
  5. Formation of cognitive interest along with increased motivation for learning.
  6. Obtaining basic skills in working with a computer, becoming familiar with the capabilities of the global Internet.
  7. Activation of thinking, memory, perception and imagination during learning.
  8. Clarifying and increasing the objectivity of assessing acquired knowledge.
  9. Increasing student motivation.

ICT competence refers to the competent use of the capabilities of computer technology that works with both a local network and the Internet.

Features of competence

In the early stages, when information technologies were just beginning to be introduced into the life of modern society, ICT competence was nothing more than a component of human computer literacy. It came down to a certain set of technical skills and abilities within the so-called standard set.

Now information technologies have become ubiquitous in modern life. Therefore, they are actively used in a variety of areas, including in the effective educational process. This is how the concept of ICT competence of a teacher and student appeared.

It is important to understand that behind a teacher’s ICT competence lies a complex concept - the ability to practically implement communication and information technologies in the educational process. This indicator cannot stand still. Due to constant development, they should also be regular.

ICT competence of a teacher includes not only theoretical knowledge, but also its real application. A modern teacher must be confident in all basic computer programs, freely use the Internet, and at the same time use modern equipment such as a printer, scanner, etc.

Within the framework of the activity level, the systematic use of functional literacy is assumed in organizing the educational process, when it gives real positive results. This level consists of two sublevels - implementation and creative. Introduction involves the inclusion in the educational process of modern media resources that are created taking into account the specifics of a particular subject. In turn, creative presupposes the independent development of electronic means various types, which can be used during the educational process.

Experts have noticed that the active use of IR technologies in the modern educational process can significantly change the usual approach to learning. By creating an open environment for the educational sphere, the teacher has the opportunity to use a variety of resources and forms of learning.



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ICT competence Russian education at the present stage of its development requires the teacher to make significant changes in educational and extracurricular activities. ICT competence of a teacher is: - one of the main indicators of professionalism. - key competence for solving modern educational problems - new opportunities for improving the educational process, for obtaining new knowledge for both students and teachers. ICT competence of a modern teacher is knowledge of new information technologies and the ability to use them.

Requirements for a teacher The level of a modern teacher should not lag behind the level of a modern student. To do this, the teacher needs: - the ability to use a computer and other digital means; - ability to use the Internet and software; - apply modern educational technologies in practice. A teacher who knows a computer keeps up with the times, and a modern teacher must be able to talk to a student in a language he understands. ICT is the knowledge of information technologies and the ability to use them. It is one of the key competencies of a modern person.

Competence-based approach The competency-based approach is one of those approaches that is opposed to the translation of ready-made knowledge, one of those in which an attempt is made to bring personal meaning to the educational process. The competency-based approach is an approach that focuses on the result of education, and the result is not the sum of acquired information, but a person’s ability to act in various problem situations. (Ivanov D.A., Mitrofanov K.G., Sokolova O.V. Competence-based approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools. Educational manual. - M.: APK and PRO, 2003.)

What is “competence” Competence translated from Latin means a range of issues in which a person is knowledgeable, has knowledge and experience. A person competent in a particular area has the appropriate knowledge and abilities to enable him to make informed judgments about that area and to act effectively in it. Competence includes a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), specified in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them. Competence is the possession or possession by a person of the relevant competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity. (A.V. Khutorsky) Competentia

ICT competence ICT competence is the ability of a teacher to solve educational, everyday, and professional problems using information and communication technologies.

ICT – teacher competence In order for a teacher to become competent in the field of ICT, he needs: transformation (transformation) pedagogical activity; revision of traditional teaching settings, search and selection pedagogical technologies, adequate ICT, systematic self-education; exchange of teaching experience; creation and accumulation of developments for lessons using ICT; ensuring the continuity of the process of advanced training in the field of ICT, including with the involvement of remote educational technologies and network services; formation of a new type of thinking (self-organizing, social, type of thinking).

Advantages of ICT technologies Experience has shown that the use of modern ICT technologies in the classroom: activates the cognitive activity of students; increases students' motivation for the subject being studied; saves time on explaining material; allows you to go beyond school textbooks, supplement and deepen their content; allows you to differentiate and individualize the work of students; makes it possible to increase the accumulation of grades; creates comfort in the classroom

Cognitive activity Activation of students' cognitive activity when using ICT is achieved due to: high illustrative and information richness in the lesson; differentiation of questions for the same task; selection of interesting material; faster pace of student work.

Increasing motivation for the subject Increasing students' motivation for the subject being studied occurs due to: the feasibility of tasks for each student; opportunities to discuss assignments and express your own opinions; introducing a dialogue form of work when performing a task; simultaneous auditory and visual perception of material; involving students’ personal experience when working on assignments.

Saving teaching time Saving time on explaining material is achieved by: increasing the level of lesson structuring (from general to specific; from cause to effect; from simple to complex; from known to unknown; from interesting to even more interesting); increasing the pace of work; increasing the illustrative nature of educational material (it’s better to see once than...); intensifying the work of students in the classroom and increasing the level of their personal interest.

Accumulation of grades The increase in the accumulation of grades in a subject occurs due to: - the hard work of all students in the lesson; - students’ use of ICT in homework; - students completing creative tasks; - independent initiative of students in preparing reports, messages, illustrations, etc.

Comfort in lessons Comfort in lessons increases due to: - accounting age characteristics students; - creating a creative atmosphere; - creating situations of success; - use in a collective lesson mental activity(problem assignments, brainstorming, collective creative tasks etc.) - use in the lesson to establish connections between the material being studied and personal experience students; - attracting the emotional attitude of students to the content of the lesson; - establishing connections between the lesson and lessons in other subjects.

Psychological factor A variety of illustrative material raises the learning process to a qualitatively new level and arouses the interest of children. We cannot discount psychological factor: modern child It is much more interesting to perceive information in this form, and not just with the help of a textbook, diagrams and tables.

Diagnostics of knowledge Information and communication technologies expand the possibilities of diagnosing the level of mastery of subject information when conducting: - control and generalization lessons, - frontal surveys, - lesson surveys, - programmed surveys.

I wish you further success in your teaching career! Thank you for your attention!


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Information and communication technologies (ICT) - the use of a computer to search, transmit, store, structure and process information. The concept of “information processing” also includes the creation of new information based on (using) existing information

The subject teacher - Teacher-tutor - uses ICT as an auxiliary tool in his teaching activities, but his competence in the field of ICT does not allow him (for now) to be a mentor (tutor) for other teachers in this field. owns IR technologies not only to a greater extent than a subject teacher, but also uses them more flexibly and diversified.

ICT literacy - simple mastery of basic skills in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) ICT competence - the ability to creatively apply skills in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) The professional orientation of education and self-education of a subject teacher stimulates the development of his pedagogical competence and allows for practical activities to form a subject-oriented level of ICT competence, so necessary in the educational process

Information processes influence all components of the educational system: the content of education and upbringing, the activities of teaching and support personnel, the solution of financial and economic issues, and determine the system of guidelines and growth points for the educational system as a whole. This is due to the fact that the educational process, which is a pedagogically organized interaction of its participants, is also an information process associated with the production, storage, exchange and consumption of various information. Due to this circumstance, it is necessary to organize a unified information space educational institution, that is, the environment in which it will flow.

Information space of an educational institution, general principles of its construction

The unified information space of an educational institution is a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level.

The goals of creating a unified information space: organizing the delivery of information received from external sources within the educational institution; integration of internal processes (educational, organizational) and information technologies.

EOIP (single educational and information space) of an educational institution is a system that: includes material, technical, information and human resources; provides automation of management and pedagogical processes, coordinated processing and use of information, full-fledged information exchange; assumes the presence of a regulatory and organizational framework, technical and methodological support

Participants in the information space Administration Teachers Students Parents TOP LEVEL MANAGERS ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS TEACHERS PARENTS Diagram of information connections between participants in the educational process

Information infrastructure that unites various informational resources structural divisions of the institution and ensuring their uniform use includes: general-purpose software (text and graphic editors, spreadsheets, etc.); software for automating the activities of various services (for accounting for students and parents, for personnel records, for scheduling, for analyzing academic performance, for library automation, etc.); software and methodological support for organizing the educational process (educational and developmental computer programs, electronic reference books, multimedia encyclopedias, etc.); information resources of an educational institution (unified database, educational and methodological data banks, multimedia educational developments, document storage, website).

General principles of forming an information space Before attempting to form an information space, it is necessary to solve the following problems: Determine the circle of participants in the information space from among the participants in the educational process, the degree of their interest and forms of interaction inside and outside the information field of the educational institution. Identify the most common flows of basic or basic information, which are the easiest to formalize and, as a result, are already formalized in any (or almost any) educational institution. Clearly describe the structure of the information space and all its information levels and sublevels.

The school must create its own model of informatization and the information and educational space of the school in the information space of the region, have a team with information culture and proficient in design information technologies

The model for constructing an information space can consist of several levels: The first level is the presence in an educational institution of one computer (or several that are not interconnected). The common base and applications are installed on this computer. The second level is Intranet (internal network), or the presence of several computers united into one network. The third level is the Internet, which provides for the creation and opening of access to the educational institution’s website for all direct participants in the educational process and external visitors

The website of an educational institution must provide the following features: interactive communication of participants in the educational process; posting information for public viewing; placement of service information, access to which is provided only after entering the appropriate code or password; placement of individual information fields of participants containing personalized information.

Model of the information space of an educational institution Teachers Students Educational process Director Educational institution administration Accountant, caretaker Administrative and financial support Public information Librarian, psychologist, etc. Ensuring the Educational Process Head Teacher Planning and Organization of the Educational Process

The means that make up the unified information space of an educational institution: means of organization and management; means of communication; means of education

Main groups of information flows, features of their formation Analysis of the main directions of work of an educational institution and the tasks it solves allows us to divide the main production processes of the institution into three large groups: Planning, organization and operational management of the educational process, as the basic production process of an educational institution. Administrative management of the functioning of an educational institution and the provision of the educational process in compliance with all necessary external and internal reporting forms. Organization and provision of content of the educational process. Planning and management of the educational process Administration of an educational institution Organization of content

Stages of formation of the information space of the educational institution Formation of basic information of the educational institution Processing and specification of basic information in the system of planning and management of the educational process Transfer of information from the planning system to the system for administering the activities of the educational institution and the system for ensuring the content of the educational process. Processing, archiving, storage Transfer and processing of information in additional software modules. Generation of reporting documentation

Internal information space school teacher Organization of the teacher’s information space on an interschool server or personal computer. But in addition to a computer, a subject teacher’s workplace should include a printer and scanner, as well as a multimedia projector.

Organization of the teacher’s personal information space One of the main competencies of a subject teacher in the field of ICT is the ability to organize his computerized workplace. To do this, you need to have an understanding of the basic elements of a computer, system and peripheral devices (printer, scanner, etc.).

The correct organization of the workplace is a file system convenient for you plus application software used in professional activity. In order to be able to work with software, you need to learn how to work with a special environment for their work - the operating system.

All software products are divided into certain classes: Operating systems (coordinate the interaction of programs and devices). Application software products (applications): general purpose applications (MS Word, MS Excel MS, Power Point, graphic, text and web editors): applications special purpose, for example “1C: Chronograph School”.

A personal computer is a universal technical system. Its configuration (equipment composition) can be flexibly changed as needed. However, there is a concept of a basic configuration that is considered typical. The computer usually comes with this kit. The concept of a basic configuration may vary. Currently, four devices are considered in the basic configuration: system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse

The advantages of a PC are: low cost, within the reach of an individual buyer; autonomy of operation without special requirements for conditions environment; flexibility of architecture, ensuring its adaptability to a variety of applications in the field of management, science, education, and everyday life; "friendliness" of the operating system and other software, which makes it possible for the user to work with it without special vocational training; high operational reliability

A special unit of measurement has been introduced to measure the amount of information. It is called a bit (from the English phrase binary digit). So the capacity of storage devices can be measured in bits. However, practice has shown that a bit is too small. Therefore, another value is used, which is called a byte. A byte is equal (as it was defined!) to 8 bits. 1 byte=8 bits

But a byte is not a large quantity. Therefore, just as we enter kilograms (that is, thousands of grams), we need to enter kilobytes (that is, thousands of bytes). 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes

Computer devices

System unit The following is installed in the system unit: a hard drive, which is connected to the motherboard with a special cable; special power supply for supply electrical energy all devices of the system unit; devices for working with external media. On the front panel of the system unit you can see the following buttons: turning on the unit (labeled Power), rebooting the computer (Reset), a hard disk access indicator (with a cylinder), and a power supply indicator.

Monitor The results of the computer are displayed on the monitor. Externally, the monitor resembles a TV. Monitors differ in many ways, in particular, screen size (like televisions). The most common monitors now have a screen diagonal of 17 inches (approximately 43 cm). In this case, the visible area of ​​the monitor screen is approximately 40 cm. Currently, monitors with liquid crystal screens are becoming increasingly common.

Keyboard A keyboard is a keyboard control device for a personal computer. Serves to enter alphanumeric (character) data, as well as control commands. The monitor and keyboard combination provides the simplest user interface. Control using the keyboard computer system, and using the monitor they receive a response. Inside the keyboard housing are key sensors, decoding circuits, and the keyboard microcontroller.

Mouse A mouse is a special kind of manipulator that allows you to optimize work with a large category of computer programs. Based on the method of movement, mice are divided into optical-mechanical and optical. Based on the method of transmitting data to the computer, mice are divided into wired and wireless.

The data that the processor will process must be taken from somewhere. Thus, we should move on to the concept of computer memory (memory), which we will talk about separately. Next, we need to provide communication channels between the processor and memory. These communication channels are called buses. Processor Processor - a device that processes information

Motherboard You need to somehow place the processor, memory, and buses “in space.” Therefore, a special motherboard is made, which provides places for mounting the processor and memory. At the same time, the board itself is made of PCB, and the buses are metal conductors deposited on this PCB.

Computer memory But now the problem arises of how to ensure high speed data transfer from memory to the processor and back. The point is that the processor can add and subtract (and multiply and divide) very quickly. I would like to give him information as quickly as he can process it. Consequently, the processes of reading from memory and writing to memory must also proceed very quickly. And here the question arises - how to ensure this technically? The creators of computers decided that the problem should be solved in two stages (in accordance with modern technical capabilities) and divided memory into two complexes - RAM and long-term memory. Let's look at them.

RAM RAM responds very quickly to all demands of the processor and supplies it with the requested data for processing. RAM communicates with both the processor and long-term memory. This memory is made on special chips that can very quickly exchange data with the processor.

Long-term memory. HDD. Externally, the hard drive is a closed box. It often happens that the hard drive at the bottom is also closed, and you will not see any chips at all. If we remove the bottom cover, we will see that there is actually a disk inside this box. This disk rotates at high speed (7200 rpm). Information is written (read) onto its surface using electromagnetic pulses. This is done by a read-write head mounted on a rod. In general, the device resembles a gramophone record player, which some still remember, but others know only from movies. Usually, when they talk about long-term memory, they mean the so-called hard drives (they are often called hard drives)

Why are two types of memory needed? Why can’t you get by with just one RAM, since it’s so fast and good? There are two reasons for this. RAM requires constant power supply. As they say, RAM is volatile. When you turn off your computer, everything will be erased from it. You can, of course, not turn it off. But if there is a power outage, the fate of your information will be tragic.

Video card As a rule, modern video cards intended for games have their own specialized processor, as well as their own RAM. If the computer does not have a video card, then you cannot connect a monitor to it even just physically: the connector for connecting the monitor is located on the video card. Other cards can be installed in the computer, for example, a sound card (for playing sounds, music), a network card (for connecting to a local computer network), and so on. There are special connectors on the motherboard for connecting external devices. A monitor is used to “communicate” the computer with us. The monitor should also be connected to the motherboard. To interface them with each other, modern computers use a special bus. In addition, an additional device is used that relieves the processor of the need to remember and process information about the brightness and color of points on the monitor. This device is called a video card.

Cooler and other devices In addition to expansion cards, the computer uses many other devices. For example, a fan for cooling a processor, a cooler.

Documents and Programs You use your computer to view, edit, and create a variety of materials. All didactic and methodological notes, task cards, descriptions of laboratory work, etc., as well as reports, photographs, drawings, videos, sound recordings, tables, diagrams - they all constitute documents. All the tools with which you perform some actions on these documents are called programs.

To work with a document, you must use an appropriate program that can process documents of the appropriate type. It is clear that for drawing you need to use different programs than those used to write the text of the textbook. Therefore, there are many programs on your computer that can work with various types of documents.

Operating System In order for you to be able to work with these programs, you need another special program that will make sure that all other programs work correctly so that they do not interfere with each other. Roughly speaking, such a program must link together programs, documents, and must also correctly distribute access to various computer resources, such as the processor, memory, space in long-term memory, etc. and so on. We can say that this should be a kind of NAD program that brings everything together into a system and allows you to perform operations on the elements of this system. This program is called the operating system.

The operating system exists on any computer (it is installed on the computer before you are allowed to work on this computer). Without an operating system, it is impossible to communicate with a computer. It is also impossible to add (install) new programs to a computer if some operating system is not pre-installed on the computer. You will work with an operating system developed by Microsoft f. This operating system is called Windows (windows). There are several modifications of this operating system. We will consider the Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system.

About other programs that run on a computer, they say that they run in the Windows “environment”. These programs are not simply copied onto the computer, but installed (installed) in a certain simple but special way. Programs are integrated into the operating system. Therefore, programs are often called Windows applications. Since they are included as a kind of autonomous objects (they organize a kind of federal state), these programs can only be removed using a special procedure called uninstallation.

Programs are a set of specific instructions that describe how the computer should react to certain actions of a person using the computer. (This person is called the user). The instructions are coded in numbers. Therefore, the programs are said to be presented in digital form. Likewise, all documents are presented in digital form. Documents and programs are stored on the computer (digitally) as separate blocks. File - a volume of information that has a name and is recorded on a hard drive, called a file.

All documents and programs are stored as files. Programs can contain several files (several tens or even hundreds). Documents are typically stored in one file each, but there may be more a difficult situation, when the document consists of several files. The files are placed on the computer's hard drive in an order convenient to the operating system. In order for files to be found, each file has a specific name, which consists of two parts separated by a dot: the actual file name and the file name extension. For example: Mydrawing.bmp, My_drawing.bmp, Mydrawing.bmp

The file name can be written in English and/or Russian letters and numbers. Spaces, dashes, underscores, etc. are allowed. The file name must not contain the following characters: forward slash (/), backslash (\), greater than sign (>), less than sign (

The file name extension indicates the type of document (in fact, the method of converting it into digital form and the method of restoring it from this form and displaying it on a computer screen). Some extensions are uniquely linked to the program in which it was created this document. For example: Instructions. doc – The document was created using Microsoft Word. Instructions. ppt – The document was created in Microsoft PowerPoint. Such documents are said to be of a certain type. Thus, files created in Word are generally represented as: *. doc And they talk about them as “Word” type files. The fact is that files created in one program can often be read not only in the parent program, but also in another program specially “trained” for this.

Folders Your computer can give you a list of all the files that are on your hard drive so you can find the file you need and start working with it. However, if your computer contains thousands or even tens of thousands of files, it will be difficult to find the file you need. The situation will become even more complicated if you need to work with some group of files related to the topic you are currently working on. You not only need to find each file, but also remember which files you need and what they were called. Practice shows that this is a rather difficult task. To make it easier to work with files, you can collect them into groups called folders.

The principle of selecting files into groups is determined only by you. Files with different file name extensions, that is, files created by different programs, can peacefully coexist in the same folder. The same file can be copied from different folders. In this case, of course, there is no physical change in the location of the file. They don't take up any real disk space, but they do help a lot in navigating the file list because you can tell the computer to only display the folder names.

The file system is the general structure that determines how the operating system names, stores, and places files. For Windows XP, the file system is called NTFS. When dealing with a file system, you are actually working with a kind of address table where file location data is entered. Moreover, if the full address of a person includes the region, district, city, street, house, apartment, last name and initials of the person, then the full address of the file includes the “path” to it through a set of folders. For example: Kursk region, Zolotukhinsky district, village of Second Vorobyovka, estate of A.A. Feta, director. The file location is indicated in the same way: C:\Documents and Settings\ivanovps\My Documents\Book\Chapter -1\Working with the Windows program.doc Here the names of the folders are listed through oblique dashes, which are called “slashes”. This indication is called the "full filename". A file system can be schematically represented in this form.

Important: The maximum number of characters in the full file address is no more than 255. And if you created a file with a name of, say, 240 characters in a folder named “Preparation”, then this full name acceptable. But if you wanted to name this folder differently, for example, “Preparation for the lesson,” then the operating system may refuse to perform such a renaming. So be careful not to give too long file names.

Icons are graphic images that allow you to quickly find and launch the required program. The program is launched by double-clicking the corresponding icon. Below the icon is its name. If the title is too long, it is interrupted by an ellipsis; as soon as you left-click the icon once, the title will be displayed in full.

If there is an arrow in the lower left corner of the icon, then it is a shortcut. A shortcut is a link to the program. When you delete a shortcut, the program it points to is not deleted.

Information and communication competence of a teacher

as part of a modern lesson

(Reflections on the topic...)


Deputy Director for IT

Today everyone knows what informatization is.

· There are many programs, electronic textbooks, websites, publications written and developed for teachers and by teachers.

· A huge number of various IT courses offer their services to teachers.

· New equipment (computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards) is being supplied to the school.

But, unfortunately, we have to admit that work Not everyone with IT training can use this equipment.

Teachers often get carried away with presentations; this comes down to the obligatory accompaniment of a lesson or extracurricular activity with pictures-slides, often even unformatted, of low quality, overloaded with animation or sound effects. They could well be replaced, and have been replaced before, by tables and other visual aids.

The work of supporters of “chalk” technology, who do not use a computer at all, can be much more effective than such “innovations.”

The situation is no better with the use of media resources. Because for a specific lesson, the teacher needs a specific (only for a given class and lesson) development.

The teacher needs the ability to “change”, “correct”, “correct” existing product, or even create your own. And it is then that the use of information and communication technologies opens up unlimited possibilities.

BUT only for those who really know ICT!!!

There is an opinion that

· computer science teachers and IT staff should help subject teachers prepare for lessons;

· Computer science and IT classrooms must be open until 5 p.m. so that subject teachers have access to computers.

This indicates that many subject teachers have already understood the benefits of ICT and felt the need to translate their ideas into concrete teaching aids and development, as well as their helplessness, lack of competence, lack of knowledge and skills in the field of ICT.

But, dear colleagues, as long as we put someone’s debt at the forefront, things will not move forward. dead center. Nobody owes us anything!

A computer is just a tool, the use of which should fit organically into the teaching system and contribute to the achievement of the set goals and objectives of the lesson.

Until the subject teacher realizes the need self-study the basics of computer literacy he needs, and will not begin to study and apply them, he will not learn to use this tool at the proper level.

It is impossible to assign a specialist to every teacher who will implement his plans.

Therefore, there is only one way out - learn it yourself!

IN It is important to distinguish between ICT literacy and ICT competence of a teacher.

ICT literacy – knowledge of what a personal computer is, software products, what their functions and capabilities are, this is the ability to “press the right buttons”, knowledge of the existence of computer networks (including the Internet).

ICT competence - Not only use of various information tools(ICT literacy), but also effective application them in teaching activities.

An approximate list of the content of ICT competence of a teacher:

(as competence develops from basic to advanced level).

· Know the list of the main existing electronic (digital) manuals on the subject (on disks and on the Internet): electronic textbooks, atlases, collections of digital educational resources on the Internet, etc.

· Be able to find, evaluate, select and display information from the CRC (for example, use materials electronic textbooks and other manuals on disks and on the Internet) in accordance with the assigned educational objectives.

· Install the program used on a demo computer, use projection technology, and master techniques for creating your own electronic teaching material.

· Be able to transform and present information in a form that is effective for solving educational problems, and compose your own educational material from available sources, summarizing, comparing, contrasting, transforming various data.

· Be able to select and use software (text and spreadsheet editors, programs for creating booklets, websites, presentation programs (Power Point, Flash)) for the optimal presentation of various types of materials necessary for the educational process:

o lesson materials,

o thematic planning,

o monitoring on their subject,

o various reports on the subject,

o analysis of the learning process, etc.

· Be able to use NITI methods (New Information Technologies and the Internet) - these are methods of conducting lessons united by one topic using ICT. They contain links to electronic materials and websites that are useful when teaching lessons on a given topic.

· Effectively use organizational tools educational activities student (testing programs, electronic workbooks, systems for organizing student educational activities, etc.).

· Be able to create your own digital portfolio and the student’s portfolio.

· Be able to competently choose the form of transmitting information to students, parents, colleagues, and school administration:

o school network,

o Email,

o website (section of the website),

o forum,

o W iki-environment (Wiki ( Wiki) - hypertext Wednesday for collective editing, accumulation and structuring of written information),

o blog (online journal or event diary),

o RSS feed (intended to describe news feeds, newsletter);

o podcast (newsletter with audio or video content).

· Organize the work of students within the framework of network communication projects (olympiads, competitions, quizzes...), remotely support the educational process (as necessary).

In order for a teacher to do all of the above, organization is necessary. methodological, organizational, technical and motivational support.

On the portal "Network of Creative Teachers", created for educators who are interested in the possibilities of improving the quality of learning through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), was held survey:

“What do you think will become the main means of education in our country by 2020?”

Survey results

As you can see, opinions are divided...

It seems to me that ICT components can be used in lessons of any subject.

The whole point is in feasibility, availability of appropriate quality programs, terms of use.

As practice shows, teachers do not actively use ICT in the classroom, and this is due to a number of objective reasons:

· Not all teachers are psychologically ready to use ICT in the educational process.

· There is an insufficient number of electronic tools capable of adequately solving the pedagogical tasks of a teacher when studying a specific topic.
You can probably agree with the dean of the faculty teacher education Moscow State University N. Rozov, who noted: “We all understand perfectly well how far electronic learning products are from the ideal. There is a long way to go through understanding, searching and accumulating pedagogical experience before the computer component of the educational process becomes an equal partner to the textbook.”

· Lack of clear methodological recommendations on the use of electronic learning tools available on the domestic market.

· Low level of proficiency in software for creating your own electronic learning tools (presentations, electronic textbooks, simulators, etc.).

· Teacher's time limit to create your own electronic didactic material, as well as to study, develop and implement new computer teaching methods.
(In this regard, maybe reconsider the issue of the teacher’s workload? The requirements for teaching are growing, but the “load” has remained the same. Do you need a creative ICT-literate teacher? This means you need to give the teacher time to be creative.)

In the materials of the international conference held in November 2009. in Moscow and dedicated to the problems of introducing IT into education, it was noted “that a lesson using a computer will be more effective for the teacher who

· Maintains human priorities in learning.

· Has a kind, trusting attitude towards the machine and its teaching capabilities.

· Knows how to handle a personal computer carefully and at the same time safely.

· Intellectually developed, erudite, able to evaluate the pedagogical capabilities of computer programs.

· Methodologically flexible"

How do the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation see teachers in the Year of the Teacher?

On January 16, 2010, a meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation took place. The topic of the meeting was “How to teach teachers?”

It was noted that: It is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to information technology and distance learning.

The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A.A. Fursenko summed up the meeting of the Public Council: “In order to do something, you need to know what it is good teacher. We have already introduced and agreed with trade unions on the requirements for certification of teachers. A teacher must meet certain qualification requirements.”

According to the Minister, it is obligatory for teachers to need to be given the opportunity to improve their skills.

Thus, one cannot do without professional growth in mastering information and communication technologies and the desire to use them in the educational process!

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