Where is the Sirius Educational Center located? An Amnesty International employee sued MTS over an attempt to hack Telegram. Who works with gifted children?

The Sirius Educational Center (Sochi) did not appear by chance. The President of the Russian Federation understands perfectly well that for economic growth the country needs young and talented people. It is necessary to promptly identify gifted children, create the most comfortable conditions for them, and assign senior mentors to them. An individual development path must be developed for each such child. Only in this case can we count on the fact that in the future these talented guys will work in their country, help solve various problems, and promptly prevent crisis situations that arise in the domestic economy.

The need to create a center

The Sirius educational center for talented children has become one of the points of a large-scale state program to support talented youth of Russia. The place for creation was not chosen by chance. After the Winter Olympics were held in Sochi, excellent infrastructure remained. Already at the stage of construction of the Olympic Park, the government was thinking about the subsequent operation of the constructed sports grounds and buildings.

History of the center

In 2014, the “Talent and Success” fund was created, its initiator was the President of the countries V. Putin. He brought together the most talented and gifted children Education Centre"Sirius". Sochi is considered a real forge of young talents. On the basis of the Olympic venues, unique conditions have been created for children for individual personal growth, the formation of team spirit, and education true patriots great Russia.

Features of the activity

The Sirius Children's Educational Center operates on the basis of the Foundation's charter. The Center has a license to conduct educational activities under the leadership and with the full support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

How do schoolchildren themselves evaluate the Sirius educational center (Sochi)? Reviews indicate that this platform for unique Russian children fully justifies its existence.

The main purpose of this amazing “city of smart children” is early diagnosis of giftedness, subsequent development of talented children, and assistance in career guidance.

The Sirius Educational Center (Sochi) supports schoolchildren who, despite their young age, have already demonstrated their amazing abilities in natural scientific disciplines ah, they have certain achievements in technical creativity.

Specifics of the educational center's work

Reviews from the children who were lucky enough to get to the Sirius educational center (Sochi) confirm the uniqueness of such a project. The center operates all year round, and all expenses for schoolchildren staying there are covered by the state. Every month, the educational center for gifted children “Sirius” welcomes about 600 schoolchildren aged 10 to 17 years. Children come to Sochi from different parts of our country. The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that there are no “random” children in the center. All the guys already have certain achievements in their fields of knowledge and have proven themselves in sports or creative activities.

Organization of the educational process

In order for talented schoolchildren who come to the center from different Russian regions to develop according to individual educational trajectories, the best coaches, teachers, musicians, and psychologists in the country work with them.

Coaches and teachers have special selection and many criteria that they must meet. Teachers who come with the students have the opportunity to take advanced courses professional qualifications, they do not waste time in Sirius.

What does the Sirius educational center offer? Literary creativity, research in chemistry, academic music, classical ballet, fine arts, master classes in various types applied arts, all this is presented in this educational center. The program of stay at the center is designed for four weeks. In addition to classes in the main specialty (area of ​​activity), creative meetings are held for the children, leisure time is organized, and attention is paid to health procedures.

The terms of participation

How to get to Sirius - an educational center for gifted and talented Russian children? Schoolchildren who have already become participants in this unique educational project say that they did not take part in any special Olympiads or competitions. Applications for participation were submitted by their teachers or coaches; the schoolchildren themselves were only required to provide certificates and diplomas confirming their victory at all-Russian and international conferences, competitions, competitions.

The main condition for submitting an application is that the child has Russian citizenship. The age of children ranges from 10 to 7 years depending on the profile. For example, the “Science” shift is designed for children from 12 to 16 years old. The “literary creativity” direction is intended for talented Russians from 14 to 17 years old.

The guys tell how painful it was for them to wait for the result, and how happy they were when they learned that they were invited to a specialized shift.

In order to fill out an application for participation in a specific shift at the Sirius center, a certain list of documents is required. The child must have a SNILS (individual insurance number for a personal account).

In addition, scans of all documents must be sent along with the application, which is a direct confirmation of the candidate’s victories in olympiads, competitions, and conferences. Such documents can be copies of diplomas, certificates.


There are additional requirements for musicians. Along with the application, video recordings must be sent, which are posted on the Internet no later than six months before the date of submission of documents.

Artists who dream of being at the Sirius Center send up to 10 photos of their works.

Athletes provide protocols of sports achievements over the past two years. After the results of the qualifying round are summed up, a shift list is formed, and each participant is personally notified that he will be invited to a specialized shift at the center for the development of gifted children in Russia.


Where is Sirius - educational center (Sochi) located? The address of this educational complex: Krasnodar region, Sochi, Olimpiysky Prospekt, building 40.

You can get here by bus from railway station or from the airport.

Each child is unique: he has his own talents and hobbies, a certain way of thinking and acquiring knowledge. The Sirius Educational Center is designed to unlock the potential of gifted children and help them achieve new victories in various fields of science, art and sports. For more than two years now, the modern children's camp "Sirius" in Sochi has been welcoming children aged 10 to 17 years from all over Russia, offering original training programs that contribute to the harmonious development of young talents.

We will help you figure out how to get to Sirius, the educational center of Sochi, which is rightfully considered one of the best camps for gifted children.

Location of the Sirius center and living conditions

"Sirius" is a camp for gifted children, located on the territory of the Sochi Olympic Park, not far from the Fisht stadium and the Big Ice Palace.

The center's territory includes a spacious and well-kept park with swimming pools and sports grounds, well-equipped classrooms, as well as ice arenas for hockey and figure skating classes.

Accommodation is provided in modern, comfortable rooms for 2–4 people with all amenities. "Sirius" camp in Sochi which provides six meals a day on a buffet basis. If there are special medical indications, children are provided with special nutrition. There is Wi-Fi throughout the complex, which allows children to always stay in touch with their parents and school friends.

What problems does the Sirius Center solve for gifted children?

The Sirius Children's Educational Center in Sochi was created on the basis of the Talent and Success educational foundation, established on the basis of the Olympic infrastructure at the proposal of the President of Russia. The main goal of the camp is the implementation of in-depth educational programs for children who have extraordinary talents in various fields of science, art and sports.

The camp training program is absolutely free and includes travel, meals and accommodation.. Thus, regardless of the financial capabilities of the family, a child can be included in the list of participants solely due to his talents.

The Sirius Children's Center operates all year round, receiving 600 children from different regions of Russia every month.

The educational program consists of classes in basic areas of training, developmental activities, health procedures and master classes from recognized specialists. Thus, the Sirius project for gifted children solves several important problems at once: developing the child’s talent, encouraging his success, developing leadership qualities and full physical development.

What destinations does Camp Sirius offer and how to get there?

The Sirius Educational Center offers three basic directions, each of which contains several educational programs corresponding to certain talents and skills. One of the most popular questions that arises among parents who learn about the existence of the Sirius camp in Sochi: how to get to this center and what are the selection criteria? Children of certain ages who can confirm their achievements in various fields can become participants in the project.

Let's take a closer look at each of the available areas of study and figure out how to get into Sirius, an educational center created for gifted children from all over our country.

"The science"

Children's camp in Sochi "Sirius" offers in-depth study subjects for schoolchildren who demonstrate success in mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry and biology. Science programs include a detailed study of specialized disciplines under the guidance of the best teachers leading Russian universities, thematic master classes, production scientific experiments and development of own projects.

The selection of participants is carried out by the foundation’s expert council based on the following achievements:

  • prizes at All-Russian and some regional Olympiads;
  • successful implementation of your own projects with confirmation of intellectual property rights to the result of project activities;
  • publications in scientific journals.

Required age is from 10 to 17 years.


The Sirius camp for gifted children in Sochi offers several programs for young talents in the field of art.

  • Academic music for children from 12 to 16 years old. Programs are available for children playing almost any musical instrument: strings, winds, percussion, and piano. In addition to classes in the main profile, the children will get acquainted with the history of art, theoretical foundations music, will be able to practice artistic skills. High-quality musical instruments are provided free of charge during your stay at the camp.
    To participate in the program, you must go through a competitive selection process, which is carried out by the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Selection is carried out on the basis of video recordings of performances, which must be attached to the online application.
  • Painting for children from 12 to 16 years old. Just like in the music program, it is expected not only to teach professional painting, but also to conduct classes in related areas, knowledge of which is necessary for the full development of a real artist.
    The Education Center selects participants for the Painting program by evaluating photographs of works that must be submitted along with the online application.
  • Ballet art for children from 10 to 17 years old. Camp "Sirius" has spacious halls with special coverings and ballet bars. The best choreography teachers from all over the country teach the art of ballroom dancing, and famous dancers give master classes.
    The selection of program participants is made by evaluating video recordings of performances by an expert council. Links to videos must be attached to the online application.

"Literary creativity"

As the name suggests, the program was created specifically for young poets and writers. It involves an in-depth study of the Russian language (primarily its lexical and stylistic features), as well as lessons practical application acquired knowledge to create real literary masterpieces.

Teenagers aged 14 to 17 years can take part in the Literary Creativity program. Selection is carried out based on the following criteria:

  • availability of prizes at All-Russian and some university Olympiads in Russian language and literature;
  • publication of creative works;
  • recommendations from creative workers (poets, writers, literary editors, critics).


Children who have achieved success in hockey and figure skating are invited to participate in the “Sports” program. Classes are held at the Shayba stadium and training ice arena. Professional trainers conduct classes aimed at improving their own physical capabilities, tactical and leadership skills.

On this moment Prize-winners and winners of youth competitions, as well as gifted students are allowed to participate in the program sports schools who have received appropriate recommendations.

Project shift 2017

"Sirius" is a children's educational center that for the second year in a row has been implementing a special program "Project Shift". In 2017 it will take place from July 1 to July 24.

400 students in grades 8–10 who have presented the most interesting projects in one of 13 areas will be allowed to participate in the program:

  • agriculture and biotechnology;
  • unmanned control systems and logistics;
  • bionic robots;
  • BigData;
  • IT security;
  • cognitive research;
  • microworld research;
  • nanotechnology;
  • study of promising materials;
  • exploration of the world's oceans;
  • personalized medicine;
  • energy research;
  • satellites and manned space flights.

Thus, the creators of the program managed to cover most scientific disciplines related to promising developments. Shift participants will have the opportunity to improve their own projects, propose useful modern science and solution techniques, listen to more than 50 lectures by recognized experts.

Documents for a trip to Sirius - children's camp in Sochi

In order to get to Sirius Camp Sochi, you must prepare a complete package of documents in advance:

  • medical card F No. 159/u-02 (issued at the clinic at the place of residence);
  • certificate for visiting the pool F No. 083/4-89;
  • parents' application for enrollment in "Sirius" - a camp in Sochi for gifted children;
  • agreement with the conditions of stay in the camp;
  • passport (upon reaching 14 years of age) or birth certificate;
  • a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • certificate of no contact with infected people;
  • application for travel to the camp territory without an escort (if necessary).


  • Official website of the Sirius educational center in Sochi - https://sochisirius.ru/
  • Official VKontakte page of the Sirius educational center ―


Putin Lyceum

How to send a child to Sirius? We explain and instruct

The Sirius educational center in Sochi is not even three years old, but today it is on the lips of many parents - especially now, when it is important that children have a good and useful time summer holidays. the site tells why Sirius is called “Putin’s Lyceum”, and is it true that “ordinary” children cannot get there?

What is Sirius?

This is an educational center operating in Sochi year-round since the end of 2014. Every month 600 children aged 10-17 years come to Sirius. Their stay lasts 24 days and is absolutely free for children, as is travel from any region of the country to Sochi and back. In addition, Sirius provides educational programs for adults: we're talking about about teachers who want to improve their qualifications. More than a hundred people come to the center every month.

Children are taught by leading teachers from schools with different specializations: physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology, and sports. Classes are also taught by invited “stars”, but these are representatives of high art: academic music, classical ballet, painting. All this allows children to focus on those areas in which they show special abilities. Well, since we are talking about schoolchildren, no one has canceled their obligation to master general education program during the school year.

So, is this about studying or about relaxation?

Of course, more about the first than the second. Sirius is an educational center. But along with educational material children receive a range of health treatments here. They are also prepared for various excursions, creative meetings, cultural and sporting events - in a word, the same recreational and educational leisure that allows the child to have a good rest. After all, Sirius is located not just anywhere, but in Sochi! And if we are also talking about the summer months, when schoolchildren have legal holidays, it’s absolutely beautiful.

And how to send your child there?

We are afraid that many will be disappointed by our answer. The statutory documents of Sirius state that the purpose of its work is the early identification, development and further professional support of children who “have demonstrated outstanding abilities in the field of arts, sports, natural sciences, as well as those who have achieved success in technical creativity.”

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That is, as the center’s press service explained, in order to become a participant in the educational program at Sirius, you need not just have talent in a particular field of knowledge, in sports or in the arts. It is also important to be a participant in various creative and scientific competitions, subject school competitions or sports competitions. Moreover, it is obvious that the higher the level of these events, the better.

So Sirius is not a place for everyone?

Yes it is. You can’t just go and buy a ticket there for one or two shifts, like to a regular summer camp. Moreover, in principle they do not sell any vouchers there - as already mentioned, staying in the center is free. If a child does not meet the selection criteria, he will not get into Sirius.

What if we try anyway?

On the Sirius website (by the way, it should be noted that the site is really very informative and useful) there is a section indicating the selection criteria. What is convenient, they are given separately for each of the areas in which the child may have talents. Have you carefully studied the section and think there are chances? Then apply there, on the website. Each application is reviewed by an expert council, which makes a decision based on the child’s personal (or team, if the sport requires) achievements. If you manage to convince the experts that the future student of the educational center is gifted, you will soon receive a corresponding notification along with further instructions. The wait usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. This is the period from the closing date for accepting applications until the decision of the expert council is announced.

The refusal came...

Do not despair! First, it's worth trying again - say, in a year. And use the time to add to your “track record” with something that will really impress experts. Secondly, there is very good news: about 20 regions have already expressed a desire to create their centers according to the Sirius model, having signed appropriate agreements with the Talent and Success Foundation, which established the educational center in Sochi.

The Ural center “Sirius” for thousands of students can be built on Shartash

This means that many children who will not yet be able to qualify for studies at Sirius itself have a chance to undergo similar educational programs in their regions. And perhaps these sites will become a springboard for them to jump to Sochi.

The foundation signed the first agreement on the creation of a regional center with the Sverdlovsk region in December 2016; later similar agreements were signed with the Republic of Dagestan, the Tomsk region, the Komi Republic, the Primorsky Territory, Ulyanovsk region. The Sverdlovsk Center will begin work in 2017; preparation of educational programs, a campus, and laboratories is currently underway. Teachers from Yekaterinburg study at Sirius, who will then work with gifted students in their region.

It's clear. Well, what does Putin have to do with it?

The President of Russia is the initiator of the creation of Sirius as another permanent facility based on the Olympic infrastructure in Sochi, which, by the way, is also mentioned on the official website of the educational center. Vladimir Putin also heads the board of trustees of Sirius. Besides him, there are many more people there who are in one way or another associated with the head of state. For example, the presidium of the board of trustees is headed by the ex-Minister of Education, and now presidential aide, Alexei Fursenko. The members of the council are Anton Vaino, Dmitry Kozak, Igor Levitin, Vitaly Mutko, Vladimir Medinsky and Sergey Roldugin. Is it any wonder that Sirius works with the support and coordination of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Culture?

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In the summer of 2017, I had the opportunity to visit such a wonderful place as Nanograd - a nomadic city where every resident is given the chance to realize their ideas, which will soon be used by real Russian companies.

When I first entered the building of the Sirius educational center in Sochi, on the basis of which Nanograd-2017 was located, extraordinary excitement awoke in me, and then genuine interest: long glass corridors, original armchairs, an extensive library located in the hall, a designer chandelier , picturesque views of the center - I wanted to explore everything, go everywhere, capture the sights of Sirius in photos and show it to everyone I knew. But everything must be done in order and according to the rules established by the educational center.

Upon arrival, I was immediately placed in a triple room, from where I could see the luxurious Bogatyr castle hotel, where my parents were staying, and the alluring Sochi Park, which amazed me with its abundance of exciting attractions. On the way to dinner, I just had time to think that nothing here would surprise me anymore, when a huge bright dining room appeared in front of me with a wide variety of dishes to choose from and a chocolate fountain for dessert. My eyes were wide open, but it was impossible to hold up the line.

I was briefly told about the next day: the grand opening of the city, the distribution of corporations and the selection of workshops. Not everything was completely clear, but the people in green T-shirts, the curators of Sirius, assured me that the morning is wiser than the evening and everything will soon become clear.

My first acquaintances were my roommates. One of them arrived in the morning and has already been distributed. According to her, every resident of Nanocity can choose to work in one of the twelve represented corporations, that is, become an intern at a real company. For each corporation, a task has been prepared, a special case, which residents will have to deal with within 10 days. I got acquainted with all the companies and the proposed tasks from my friend’s booklet, and also took note of a couple of workshops that were interesting, in my opinion. The second neighbor came to Nanograd for the second time and gladly told us about life in the nomadic city, and also answered our questions.

The first day, indeed, was one of the most difficult of the entire shift. I learned that I would have to get up early every morning for a run and then take a bus to the Business Center, equipped with various modern technologies, equipped with real laboratories and new lecture halls. On that day, the grand opening of the city was held, all residents were told about the rules of Nanocity, what would be done during the shift, T-shirts with the symbols of the city were distributed and sent for distribution.

Since the previous evening, I had noticed the pharmaceutical company “R-PHARM”, where it was necessary to develop a new medicine. But this corporation turned out to be too popular, and enrollment in it was closed. Then I decided to have an interview at the StroyLab company, which needed to solve the problem of the short service life of environmentally effective bioconcrete that filters water and adsorbs harmful substances from it. I was asked to tell about myself, where I go to study outside of school, and also write two chemical equations.

Based on the results of the interview, I was accepted into the corporation to solve the company’s technical task (there was also a marketing task in which I had to come up with ways to sell bio-bridges). I made the right choice in choosing the corporation, because it had wonderful Nanograd curators, as well as kind and smart guys. Then all the teams received a three-dimensional figure of a dodecahedron (this year the mayor’s office decided to provide stands in the form of a model of the Universe), on which we had to display the key points of solving the case and decorate our stand in an original way.

We started completing tasks from the very first day, no one was left without work. The “techies” could spend hours searching for the necessary information, thinking through the steps to solve a problem, creating models of bioconcrete in the laboratory, while the guys in charge of the marketing part drew sales diagrams for the product and worked out a plan for presenting the solution to the case. During the interview, I mentioned my creative abilities, so I was largely responsible for the design of the stand, however, being also a “techie”, I studied scientific sites, translated foreign articles on this topic, in general, I did not have a single free minutes, like every resident of Nanocity.

And now a little about the daily routine. Every day upon arrival in the Business Center, everyone gathered in the hall for an informational lecture, where they could see all the events of the previous day in the form of a film, edited overnight by an experienced team of operators. Then came the main lecture, which was given by teachers from various universities, people working in well-known Russian companies, or honorary guests of Nanograd.

Then all the residents went to elective lectures, where they could get information that would help trainees solve a case in the future, or simply learn something new. After the lectures, residents went to the offices allocated to the corporations. There, the guys discussed with the curators issues that should be resolved today, then divided into a technical and marketing team and continued to move towards their goal. After a break for lunch, work in teams began again, and then it was time for workshops.

I ended up in a wonderful workshop called “Photo-Cat”, where guys from a variety of corporations gathered to learn how to take high-quality photographs, understand the camera settings and create a photograph without it. I learned how to develop photographs from film, mastered techniques such as cyanotype and freezelighting, and also walked throughout the Business Center in search of a good shot.

Then everyone left the center and moved back to Sirius. There we were expected to visit the pool, the sea or even the SPA center. You could also play sports, watch the confrontation between the mayor's office and city residents in games such as basketball, volleyball, football, and place bets on your favorite team with a chance of winning local currency - nanocats.

Nanocats were distributed every evening as wages, winning a grant, and could be obtained by participating in competitions. To increase the total amount of the team, the corporation appointed two brokers who bought shares of other companies and sold them at a higher price, which increased depending on the corporation's success in solving the case. Everything is just like in real life! For nanokits you could buy various things from the Nanomarket: from a book and a T-shirt to a microscope and water-repellent spray for clothes. Sometimes in the evenings there were auctions, where one of the most valuable lots was a ticket to the next Nanocity.

In the evening, various events were held, for example, “Dance Your Case”, “Scientific Stand-Up”, “Film Festival” and others. At the end of the day, the results were summed up, residents watched a slide show of photographs taken during the day, and sang the anthem of Nanocity 2017, which by the end of the shift was involuntarily learned by absolutely everyone.

On the tenth day of our stay in Nanograd, the cases were defended. The experts asked tricky questions, clarified almost every word of the speaker and gave well-deserved marks to each project. Of the twelve corporations, only five were selected for re-defense before A.B. Chubais, who specially visited Nanograd to listen to the best speeches and give a lecture to the guys himself. I am proud to announce that our project was not only selected for presentation to the general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, but was also mentioned during the discussion by Anatoly Borisovich himself as a “good master’s thesis.”

In conclusion, I will say that, undoubtedly, Nanograd became the highlight of my summer, if not the whole year. These 10 days gave me so many new acquaintances, positive emotions and warm memories!

Nika Petrova, 11th grade student at the Kurchatov School


Nika, you wrote that from the window of your room you could see the Bogatyr Hotel, where your parents were staying. Did you have the opportunity to see them? The information on the website says that children are prohibited from leaving the Sirius territory, just as parent days are prohibited.

Comment on the article "Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd-2017"

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. About the Sirius camp in Sochi - in detail from a participant in the summer session. When I first entered the building of the Sirius educational center in Sochi, on the basis of which...

Sirius. Education, development. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with teenage children: transitional age to the experts question: how can a child of 12 years old, 6th grade, get into Sirius? Olympiads only at the school level are held in 6th grade. child athlete...

How do you get to Sirius? How do you get to Sirius? Holidays, leisure. Teenagers. Education and relationships with We must admit that now children in different regions do not have equal educational opportunities.

About Sirius, annual estimates, n/a. 1. Do schools not receive any preferences because children go to Sirius? Well, except for knowledge that could potentially be useful for the school in the future, etc. The teacher is indicated in the application. 2. How is a grade given if in one of...

Sirius. Literary creativity.. Education, development. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance How do you get to Sirius? Hello! I'm interested in the mechanism itself.

Sirius medicine. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with teenage children: adolescence You can refuse vaccinations and the child will be taken to Sirius. Refusals can be written in any medical institution for children...

How do you get to Sirius? Hello! I'm interested in the mechanism itself. We were invited to Sirius twice based on the ratings of certain Olympiads. The first time was a physical session, which was held in April (as the final stage of the Olympiad...

How do you get to Sirius? It's sad, everything is as always. But what about the Moscow MM circles? Do we also want these in our region? Or do you only need tutors from 5th grade? Tenth graders could get into the June shift based on the All-Russian results (difficult, but possible).

Questions about Sirius. Holidays, leisure. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams, Olympiads, Unified State Examination Section: Vacations, leisure (I know, there are mothers here whose children went to Sirius.

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. About the Sirius camp in Sochi - in detail from a participant in the summer session. Tickets to the Armory Chamber are sold at the museum box office 45 minutes before the start of the show. They are sold only on the day of visiting the chamber.

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. About the Sirius camp in Sochi - in detail from a participant in the summer session. 7ya.ru - information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, raising children, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty...

Nanograd - 2017. About the Sirius camp in Sochi - in detail from a participant in the summer session. Since the previous evening, I have noted the pharmaceutical company for myself. Celebrate March 8 in Sochi - super price! 13.08. 2017 03:02:31. 7ya.ru - information project on family issues...

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. Sirius. project change of Sirius, but the final decision remains with Sirius,” then it’s hit or there still needs to be some kind of final approval?

How do you get to Sirius? Euler was replaced by a clear pass, based on points at the final stage, and this year it was not only the winners, prize-winners and holders of certificates of commendation who passed, the pass rate was lower.

All-Russian Olympiad 2017: who benefits from leaking assignments. Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. Nika Petrova, 11th grade student at the Kurchatov School. All-Russian Olympiads: subject geography.

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. The best time for fishing is summer, when there is practically no sun. Leave a review about TSARGRAD. What hotel is in Sochi? I was in Constantinople over the weekend. Don’t let the road scare you - I go to my dacha every week...

Sochi, educational center "Sirius", review. Nanograd - 2017. Since there are many mothers here whose children have already been to Sirius, I would like to ask them: the summer shifts in the Science area are the same... Sukhovey Irina. Summer camp "Dubravushka - The Hero's Path": review of children's recreation.

Nanograd - 2017. About the Sirius camp in Sochi - in detail from a participant in the summer session. The eldest son was invited in the 9th grade after winning the regional stage of the Higher School of Shipping in physics, they had an Olympiad the whole shift. Children, important: you register for shifts at Sirius yourself.

Camp Sirius. Study, school. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams Tell me, has anyone sent a child to the Sirius center in Sochi? What should you pay attention to?

Against the general background of declining funding for science and education in Russia, the new educational center in Sochi stands out brightly, on which large businessmen, leading universities, teachers and scientists of the country spare no resources or time. The director of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence told TrV-Nauka about it. InterviewedNatalia Demina .

— The story has already become apocryphal. They say that you and Stas Smirnov came to see the president for 10-15 minutes, and suddenly he became so interested in your project that you discussed it for an hour and a half.

- These are stories. Any interesting stories are surrounded by a huge number of different rumors.

— How did “Sirius” appear then, tell us...

— I can tell you without any colorful details. In fact, this was Vladimir Vladimirovich’s idea.
Co-authors of the creation of the educational center for gifted children “Sirius”. Sochi, July 19, 2016. From the site kremlin.ru — Isn’t the idea of ​​creating an educational mathematical center on the site of one of the Olympic hotels yours?

- No. This is the president's personal idea. He invited Stas and me to discuss mathematics education. And we had the feeling that there was an understanding...

- It turns out there are two versions. One is that the idea for “Sirius” came from you and Stas. You adhere to a different version - this is the idea of ​​Putin himself.

— Yes, this is Vladimir Vladimirovich’s idea. It is clear that both Stas and I had and still have many different ideas that we express and do a lot in the field of mathematics education. I think that we were called precisely because our activities fell in line with what V.V. was thinking about.

And indeed, Sirius is very cool. There are some shortcomings, because everything is just being created... These are children. It’s not “Welcome, or No Trespassing,” but still.

— “Artek” of the 21st century?

- Still not Artek. The main idea of ​​Sirius is education. “Artek” was more about relaxation and entertainment, plus there were some activities. Our starting point is the education of top schoolchildren with first-class teachers. Naturally, we try to squeeze in some cultural programs, sports, and excursions there. But we must understand that this is an addition to the main thing. The organizers of Sirius sometimes wage a kind of war with teachers, because they are ready to teach children around the clock, and not even let them go to lunch and rest.

— They called you and said: “We want to build such a camp for mathematicians”?

- Yes. We discussed with the president how the idea could be implemented. I want to emphasize that this is not a project where they say: “Here, guys, here are the resources for you and do as you want,” V.V. is really involved in this.

— And now he’s participating?

— He is the chairman of the board of trustees of our Talent and Success foundation. And council meetings are not some kind of formality. This is a real meaningful conversation, sometimes lasting more than one hour, in absolute specifics.

— Do you discuss housing and communal services problems there?

- What housing and communal services?! We discuss how and what to do, and this is often combined with conversations with children who are in Sirius. V.V. comes and talks with teachers and children. Not for the press, not for PR, but just like that, asking them about life and studies.

— Does this look like the Pushkin Lyceum to him? How under Alexander I?

- You know, I don’t know. A good thing is being done, and it’s very great that it is being done. Moreover, his idea is to combine three elements. Firstly, mathematics and related sciences: physics, chemistry and biology. Secondly, sports. And thirdly, culture and art.

The idea of ​​Sirius is to join forces and develop in those areas where Russia is a leader. It was and remains. But it is not about raising areas where Russia is not in first place. For example, we don't have much football. Of course, it happens that the hockey team loses at world tournaments, but anyone in the world will say that Russia has strong hockey. This year they lost, but next year they will win.

It's the same with mathematics. One can argue for a long time whether mathematics has become worse or, conversely, is improving. But no one denies that Russia is a leading mathematical power. There are many Russian mathematicians - maybe some in the West, some in Russia, but they are really included in the mathematical life of the planet, this is a fact.

You were in Dubna, at the Summer Mathematical School. So does Sirius.

Very important story that in areas of Russian leadership, guys get the opportunity to learn from top people. And also communicate with each other.

- So you mix them? How?

— It’s great when a future great hockey player meets a future great mathematician, or at a disco, wonderful figure skaters try to make our physicists dance. Great skaters make the “First Ice” program for mathematicians, put them on the ice, teach them to skate. Sergei Andriyaka teaches them to draw. When Yuri Bashmet played at concerts, physicists came running to listen to him. There, at Sirius, there is a completely unique atmosphere. His idea, as it were, complements the idea of ​​SUNC (specialized educational and scientific center. - Ed.). The idea of ​​SUNC is to find and move a gifted child to a place of study. Sirius helps develop local education.

— How does Sirius develop local education?

- Very simple. The child studies at his school. Comes to Sirius for a while, there is a lot there

different programs. Some of them include the arrival of the child with a teacher. After the end of the shift, children and teachers return home, but then they can return for other types of shifts. It is clear that we do not really want the same children to be in Sirius, as we strive for greater coverage. But if the child shows himself brightly, then he can return to some other project.

We create new possible trajectories in their lives for talented children. We understand that not every gifted child should attend a highly competitive school. Just like now in Moscow, a child has the opportunity not only to go to a top school, but also to continue studying at his school, going to clubs, and attending away camps.

Sirius has a program to support regional math clubs; a shift for math schools will be held in May. Top math schools bring a certain number of their students; teachers from math schools of the next echelon, from the regions, come on the same shift, and they watch how the best teachers work, work with them and learn from each other. And then they continue to work together.

Now an electronic environment is being created so that both children and teachers do not lose touch with Sirius. For now it is only at the launch stage. And Sirius itself is operating in pilot mode. After all, less than a year passed from the idea to the launch of the project.

In a sense, for me “Sirius” is a continuation of what I have been doing all my life. First the Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education, and now the Center for Pedagogical Excellence. By the way, the center where we are now has achieved a lot in just a few years. Behind last years 214 Moscow schools produced winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads. This is three times more than a few years ago. That is, ordinary neighborhood schools are beginning to give students the opportunity to win Olympiads. Of course, top teachers did not fall out of the sky into ordinary schools. But the teachers of these schools begin to work with us, exchange experiences, and they begin to succeed.

Where they are missing own knowledge or skills, they involve us and leading universities, children go to training camps, summer schools. The child learns without breaking away from his environment. After all, some people need to transfer to a top school, because in their own child the child is head and shoulders above everyone else and “kicks the fool”; healthy competition will help him. And the other, on the contrary, likes to be a leader, they love him there, it is more interesting for him to study there. Children can have very different trajectories, and now they have a choice.

It's the same in Russia. The child has the opportunity to come to the SUSC, there are four of them in the country: at Moscow, Novosibirsk, Ural and North-Eastern universities federal universities. A boarding school also appeared in St. Petersburg at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239.

However, now you can continue to study at home, in your own environment, with loving parents, with friends, play football in the evening and come to Sirius from time to time. And soon remote support will begin, where the child can, upon returning home, continue to communicate with leading mathematicians, biologists, etc.

Now we are actively launching the “Biology” and “Chemistry” directions. Sirius attracts not only leading scientists, but also leading companies and universities. In the summer, absolutely superb, world-class laboratories were built. The guys see that Russia needs them, they see where they can go to work later. They see successful people. After all, if they like to show Perelman on TV, then Stas Smirnov is somehow not particularly present, because there are no sensations around him for the yellow press.

- He is a very modest person.

- First of all, modest. Secondly, the press is interested in negativity. The great mathematician did not take the million dollar prize and walks around all overgrown - this is interesting. And Smirnov is not only a talented mathematician, but also successful, looks good, which is something they don’t like to show on TV. The children then come home and talk about their impressions. In addition, this, of course, is also a powerful message for teachers; they understand that they are doing an important and necessary job.

A year ago, a presidential grant for students appeared. 20 thousand rubles. per month for the entire duration of study. And the young man understands that he went to Sirius, then won the All-Russian School Olympiad, received the right to a scholarship, therefore, he can study quite calmly, and plus, he has already met leading universities and representatives of innovative companies. He understands that Russia needs his talent.

— If a university graduate then goes to graduate school at Harvard, he likes it there and never returns to Russia, how will you feel? Do you enter into an agreement with him that he must work in Russia for some time?

— Of course, this is a condition for submitting a grant. This scholarship, as well as a number of scholarships in Europe, has a condition that if you take money from the state or somewhere else, you undertake the obligation to work for several years in Russia. From my point of view, this is a completely normal arrangement.

— And if he decides that he still wants to leave, will he have to return the money back? I wonder if there is some degree of freedom?

— When did the project start?

— When did you talk to Putin?

— About six months before that.

— How does a shift work at Sirius?

— Typical shift — 24 days. 200 people come in each direction: sports, art, science.

— Are there about 600 children in the stream?

- Children may intersect, or they may not. Each direction has its own schedule, not like everyone has a race from the 1st to the 24th. Plus there are shorter shifts or targeted ones. For example, the national team's training camp is held there; this year it was held at Sirius, more than once, and I am sure that the gold medals at the international Olympics are partly due to Sirius. The guys have been to Sirius several times. Not only members of national teams, but also candidates.

— Don’t take physics and chemistry yet?

— Physics started last year. Chemistry and biology are starting now because they need laboratories. It’s easy to refurbish a hotel for mathematics: hang boards and create classrooms. Chemistry and biology classes are a separate process. The guys are in a very good conditions, a real 4+ hotel that has not lost its class. Adapted for children, with special safety requirements. Double rooms. The pool is open, closed, its own beach, transferred to Sirius.

— Each room has a toilet and bath, do children eat in the dining room with a buffet?

- Well, of course.

— Are you trying to help people who could establish their own centers for the development of mathematical education?

- Yes. They already work on their own. But, firstly, they had the opportunity to pass on their experience and show their students the best. To travel to Moscow or St. Petersburg with children, you need to find money, but at Sirius everything is free. They pay for everything: travel, accommodation, and food.

One of the most important things is absolutely fair and transparent selection. There are people on the board of trustees of our foundation and among the founders who are responsible for this, including their reputation. Among the founders of the “Talent and Success” foundation in the field of science are Stanislav Smirnov and me. The expert council includes Maxim Pratusevich, Nazar Agakhanov and others. If shifts are held based on the results of the Olympiads, then the children come precisely based on the results of the Olympiads. If a selection is carried out, then we send observers, bring the works, and check them ourselves.

- But it turns out that if you are not there, then everything will collapse? Everything depends on personalities...

— An honest examination is based on transparent principles and honest independent experts. Here you are right. But this does not mean that everything rests on Van Yashchenko or Stas Smirnov. Let's find another person, no less independent, honest and transparent...

— Are you the most important at Sirius?

- No. I'm only one of the founders.

— Who can be called the most important in Sirius, besides Putin?

- There's no such thing! V.V. proposed the idea, and then our task is to launch life on this site. We do not have a vertical structure. Selected the best people in the country, those who come to spend shifts, promote original projects, they are not competitors to each other. We sometimes do pair shifts: for example, the 2007th Moscow school comes together with the FTS from St. Petersburg. Teachers teach other teachers, and this exchange of experience is very important.

The administrative head of Sirius, its director is Elena Shmeleva. A bright, absolutely fantastic person who gives her all to the cause. Deputy Director for Science - Mikhail Sluch, we persuaded him to move there.

Unlike a regular school, where the director determines everything, the basis here is requests the best teachers. The task of our expert board of trustees is to look for people who are ready to teach children. The current shift in biology was led by Sergei Lukyanov. The greatest scientist, biologist, laureate of the 2016 State Prize, a truly super-bright person.

— Why does Sirius need Sergei Roldugin, who has become widely known recently?

— I’m not involved in politics. I don't care what the newspapers write. I'm interested in how people do things. I see how well Sergey organizes the “Music” department, personally examines the guys’ recordings, and invites wonderful musicians to Sirius. I don’t undertake to evaluate this direction as a specialist, I see it from the outside. By the way, I don’t know if there is a recording on the Sirius website, but once S. Smirnov and I gave a lecture simultaneously for the departments of sports, music and art. A lecture “What is mathematics” was given through two microphones. It was great.

— Do they often talk about Sirius on central TV channels?

— And Channel One, and RTR, and newspapers. The appearance of Sirius is important for the status of teachers who work to develop talent, including in the regions. After all, Moscow already has everything. The head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina, and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin support gifted teachers, support schools, give grants for success in school rankings, and there is targeted support for math classes. It was just distributed according to absolutely objective criteria developed by the Moscow Mathematical Society and the Association of Mathematics Teachers. There are clear formulas that were not invented by officials. At one time there was a commission that included Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Vasiliev, Alexander Muzykantsky,

Alexander Blinkov, Boris Davidovich and other mathematics teachers who developed evaluation criteria determined how much money was needed for a math class. And Moscow gives grants to teachers and children, but different people they approach this differently. Moscow is the only region so far that, in addition to Olympic champions, also gives money for winning international subject Olympiads schoolchildren. By decision of Sergei Sobyanin, grants were issued: 1 million rubles. for gold, 500 thousand for silver, 250 thousand for bronze. And in regions where there is no such attention to talent development, Sirius has become a powerful message to local authorities. Many of my colleagues had financial and other problems; we had to find money for the guys to go to the All-Russian Olympics.

- Sirius has become the center national olympiads? Do you coordinate math olympiads?

- No no.

- You are conducting training camps. It turns out that the Olympic athletes need to accommodate your shifts?

— On the contrary, we work together on candidates for the team, adapting to the national team’s training schedule. In addition to shifts that develop specific children, schools, clubs that improve weak regions, we have separate streams dedicated to national teams. These flows, naturally, are built together with the national team coaches. They tell you when and what is right to teach these children. You can ask Nazar Agakhanov how now, thanks to Sirius, he can invite not just a narrow segment of children to training camps, but a very large reserve of grades 8-9, prepare a powerful shift, which is important from the regions, and finally set up a long-term an ambitious task - to catch up and overtake China at the Mathematical Olympiads.

With Sirius, a talented child from the region has the opportunity to develop his abilities. Usually the best guys appear at the All-Russian Competition only in the 9th grade. But for the international level it is often simply too late. And if he didn’t have a good circle nearby, a good school, and there was no mathematical life in the region, then it’s already too late.

Winners of the Euler Olympiad, of sorts All-Russian Olympiad for 8th grade, invented by Igor Rubanov (he, I and Nazar Agakhanov are part of its coordinating council), are invited to Sirius during the race of the mathematics team as a junior squad. This gives a talented child the opportunity to equalize the chances.

Sirius significantly increases the chances of a schoolchild from the provinces to succeed in the Olympiad. But it does not tear children out of their familiar environment. Not every talented child has a good time at SUNC. It is more correct not to gather the best in the center, but to improve education in the regions. We see how mathematical life is beginning to rise in Khabarovsk or Kamchatka, including thanks to Sirius, after training in which contacts are not lost. Children get to know each other, see bright guys and the fact that this is not only mathematics, but also sports.

— Is there any fear that this is beautiful, but for show? Like, there is something for the president to see and show to foreigners. And in Russia there are so many problems with science and education. The situation in Sirius may be very good, but with science and education in Russia everything is complicated.

— Firstly, I don’t remember that there was at least one Westerner in Sirius. No one is interested in PR, everyone is interested in business. Second: I see what kind of movement has now started in regions where there is nothing at all. In November there was a shift for the Southern Federal District and North Caucasus, this already happened last year. We selected the children with great difficulty.

In addition to working with top children, we, in particular, conduct shifts from regions where there were no Olympic medalists at all. We hold mass mathematical events locally, a qualifying Olympiad, we select children, they and their teachers come to Sirius, return to their homes, and some kind of mathematical life begins in these regions.

You can already see how in a year life has been revived in a bunch of regions where mathematics was generally bad. Sirius is a free opportunity to go and work with top teachers. You can talk to Oleg Yuzhakov from Kurgan or Leonid Samoilov from Ulyanovsk. These are enthusiasts who had almost no support, and now they come to us at Sirius with children or to teach, and the attitude towards them in the regions is changing. It’s good for Igor Solomonovich Rubanov from Kirov, he is self-sufficient, he has an excellent job, he is involved to the maximum. And, no one supported Yuzhakov in Kurgan before Sirius.

Interviewed by Natalia Demina

head Department of Discrete Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Research at Yandex:

1, 2. We gather wonderful schoolchildren, the place is wonderful, and we often manage to attract those who would otherwise be difficult to attract. There are bureaucratic problems, but they are being resolved.

3. About the oasis. Well, there are still mathematical centers, and they are active in many regions. And there are many schools outside Sirius. So it's not that bad.

astronomer, laureate of the Enlightenment Prize:

1, 2. I've been to Sirius twice and loved it. Excellent life (hotel of good European level), excellent food (a varied buffet with “delicacies”), comfortable classrooms, a good open access library, exotic nature (mountains on one side, the sea on the other), a strong selection of teachers (I would say unique, but modesty gets in the way) .

I think this is the first time most children experience such conditions. And this is very important. They take away from Sirius not only knowledge and skills (not only young intellectuals, but also athletes and artists gather there), but, more importantly, respect for work and talent, an idea of ​​​​an environment in which you can completely surrender doing what you love, without thinking about everyday life and other life circumstances. Such a little communism.

The working conditions for teachers are also good: modern office equipment, computers, projectors, cozy classrooms. There were even quite decent telescopes for my studies. The center staff is generally friendly, but not always efficient and organized. One feels that for them this is still a hotel (the main thing is that it is clean and satisfying), and a busy life training center still new. But they get used to it too. In general, problems with classrooms and technology were resolved quickly.

teacher of mathematics, teacher of the southern mathematical shift (November 2016, direction “Science”):

1. I have already been to Sirius twice, but the total number of my trips to different “children’s scientific shifts” exceeded four dozen, so there is something to compare with. In general, I am very pleased with the careful thought out of some basic things - everyday life, the children’s daily routine, a reasonable combination of activities and rest.

As a mathematician, I am very pleased that this wonderful base is not just given over to the recreation of just any children, but is divided between talented representatives of completely different areas - sports, creative and scientific. Here, every child is a bright individual, and this is especially evident when, for example, “athletes” and “mathematicians” free time are engaged in creating their own videos under the guidance of wonderful teachers in the “Art” direction.

2. Of course, there are some disadvantages. The organization of any serious business is never without mistakes, and it is necessary to publicly scold for mistakes only when the organizers do not admit them and, therefore, are unable to correct them. This is definitely not the case here, so I won’t talk about specifics.

3. The word “crisis” has many meanings. It seems to me appropriate in its medical meaning - this is a moment after which the patient’s condition can either sharply improve or sharply worsen. Yes, now education has already entered a crisis phase, or is about to enter it; what will happen next is completely unclear. However, as Leo Tolstoy liked to repeat after the French, “do what you must, and come what may.”

The secret to improving after a crisis is always approximately the same: during a crisis you need not to scatter your forces, but concentrate them.

The appearance of Sirius, in my opinion, can become a point of concentration, which will fully manifest itself later. In Soviet times, about which many are now nostalgic, including because of the supposed good education, “Sirius” were impossible, because the slogan “All the best goes to children” meant investing energy exclusively in “Artek” for everyone. This does not mean that “Arteks” are obviously worse, we just didn’t have “Siriuses” before. Moreover, it seems that they did not exist anywhere in the world. How can Sirius change the overall landscape? educational processes, it will be possible to judge only after a generation.

Head of the Russian national team at the International Mathematical Olympiad:

1. I and many of my colleagues like the idea of ​​Sirius, especially in the part that concerns working with “backward regions” - in which there are no strong teachers capable of “discovering and lighting stars.” This will not directly help the development of mathematics in the regions (systematic work is needed), but support and the possible formation of a successful trajectory for gifted children from the regions is YES.

2. The problems are mainly related to “internal sabotage of the regions” when selecting children: local officials often invite far from the best children to the qualifying Olympiad at Sirius (are they afraid that they will go somewhere else?). In some ways they can be understood: the country has educational establishments, sometimes enjoying the support of the regional leadership, recruiting “legionnaires”, thereby destroying the sprouts of work with gifted children in other regions. It is clear that Sirius does not engage in such banditry - this contradicts its main concept of finding talented children and supporting them.

3. VDNKh in the field of working with talents... The Sirius Educational Center is going through a period of formation, and the management of the Talent and Success Foundation is looking for new areas of work and trying to expand the scope of Sirius’ activities. Sometimes the results are not entirely successful projects, which can create the illusion of window dressing. But right decisions- become fixed, unsuccessful ideas die out. The center is developing quite meaningfully.

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