Group speech therapy lesson on the topic “Sounds, Letter M”. Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Sound and letter M" Summary of a lesson on speech development letter m

Development of phonemic hearing.

Frontal lesson. Senior group ONR-III

First year of study (I period)

Topic: Sounds “M” - “M”. Letter M. Second lesson.


  • Development of phonemic processes.


  1. Further differentiation of the concepts “sound-word”, “sound-letter”
  2. Clarification of auditory perception.
  3. Formation of phonemic representations.
  4. Development of phonemic analysis.
  5. Development of auditory-verbal memory.


  • Object pictures, signals (symbols), ball, magnetic letters, chips

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational moment.

2.​ Game “Count the vowel sounds.”

Raise as many fingers as you can hear vowel sounds (AU O AUI).

What sounds were counted? (vowels)

Clarification of articulation of vowel sounds.

3. - What consonant sounds do we learn to distinguish?

Comparative characteristics of M - Mb according to articulatory-acoustic properties.

What is the difference?

How are they similar?

What kind of “houses” do they live in?

What letter do we denote? Clarifying the image of the letter M

4.​ Game “Whose ears hear better?”

Example words:

ball, poppy, mouse, bear, washes, cute, house, brave, wet, funny.

What will I do? (say words)

- And you? (raise the desired signal)

What signal will you make when you hear the sound M? (blue)

Sound M? (green)

Children raise the necessary signals.

5.​ Ball game “Remember and repeat.”

Speaking “chains” of words. Three words each with the sounds M Мь.

What sounds or words did you say? (words)

6.​ Game “Who can remember the most words?”

With sound M.

With the sound M

Colored chips (stripes) are distributed.

What did you remember? Words)

Who did win?

7.​ Game “Don’t yawn, choose the right picture.”

The pictures are laid out on the carpet. Boys choose the sound M, girls choose the sound Mb. One by one they are carried to their places. The game begins and ends at the speech therapist's signal. Examination.

Who has won?

8.​ Game "Wizards".

Analysis of syllables AM MA MI.

How many sounds do you hear?

Which one is the first?

We work on a marker board. First, we designate the sound with the desired signal. We draw with colored markers, then insert magnetic letters.

9. Reading syllables.


When reading the second column, instructions are given:

The letters are “friends.” First, look at the second one, it will tell you which vowel sound you should open your mouth to next, and how to read: softly or firmly. The letter I suggests that the letter M in front of it represents a soft sound. Here these “clothes” (M) were put on by the soft “brother” Mb.

10.​ Results of the lesson.

Soboleva Natalya Vladimirovna,
teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category,
GBDOU No. 73, Kirov district,
Saint Petersburg

Summary of GCD in senior group
compensating direction.
Topic: Sounds “m, m”, letter M.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher at MBDOU No. 41
highest qualification category

Topic: Sounds “m”, “m”. Letter M.

Correctional educational tasks:

Reinforce the pronunciation of vowel sounds, the concept of “consonant sound”. - Teach children to correctly pronounce and distinguish the sounds “m” and “m”, to highlight the desired consonant sound in syllables and words. - Learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds. - Learn to identify the first and last sound in a word, a vowel sound in the middle of the word. - Introduce the letter M. - Strengthen the skills of sound analysis, composition sound circuit reverse syllable, reading reverse syllables. - Develop children’s ability to divide words into syllables. - Practice using the accusative and instrumental cases of nouns, formation relative adjectives, agreement of numerals with nouns.

Corrective and developmental tasks:

Develop auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, phonemic awareness, fine motor skills, coherence of statements, creative imagination.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Cultivate interest in cognitive activity, initiative, independence, ability to interact with each other.

Equipment: toys - mouse and little mice, bear cub, monkey; subject pictures depicting a house, clouds, sun, cow and calf in a meadow; symbols of sounds (chips), houses for sounds, to determine the sound in a word; items: milk, sour cream, butter, honey; card with the image of the letter M.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time. The children stand in the center of the hall.

Eyelashes droop

The eyes are closing,

Let's fall asleep in a magical sleep

We are flying to the land of fairy tales.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 —

Let's look again with our eyes.

Speech therapist: There is a house in a clearing. Now you guys will find out who lives here. Listen to the riddle and find the answer picture among the pictures.

These little babies

Even a bread crumb is welcome. (Mice)

Who lives in the house? (Children's answers) The speech therapist puts out toys - a mother mouse and baby mice.

II. Psycho-gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Every morning the little mice got up early, looked out the window and greeted the sun. And today it hid behind the clouds, and the little mice became sad. Show, guys, how sad the little mice were (Children's actions).

But soon the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, the little mice smiled at him and were happy. Show how happy the little mice were (Children's actions).

III. Articulation gymnastics, voice development.

The kids smiled and sang their songs: u - a - i; u - a - o;

Repeat the little mouse songs (children sing combinations of sounds);

What sounds did the little mice sing? (Children's answers)

What sounds are these? (Children's answers)

Why are they called vowels? (Children's answers)

In which house do vowel sounds live? (Children's answers)

IV. Introducing the sound "m".

1. Guessing the riddle.

Early in the morning, having sung their songs, the little mice ran out into the meadow to collect grains (they were preparing supplies for the winter), and saw... a huge animal (the little mice had never seen it). Who is this, guys, help the little mice, guess the riddle.

The hungry one moos, the well-fed one chews,

He gives milk to all the kids.

Who is this? (Children's answers)

That's right, guys, this is Martha the cow.

What are you doing, cow, long horns,

"Mmm!" - Martha the cow moos, “I’m grazing in the meadows.”

2. Pronunciation of sound, characteristics, development of the voice.

How did the cow moo? (Children answer in chorus)

What sound will we be familiar with today? (Children's answers)

When we pronounce the sound “m”, the lips close, air cannot pass through the mouth, the lips get in the way. The air found another way - through the nose. "M" is a nasal sound.

Guys, let's hum like Martha. (Children: “M-mm-mm-mm...”)

Did you get the song? (Answers)

So what is the sound of “m”? (Answers)

Why is "m" a consonant sound? (Answers)

- If the neck trembles, then a ringing sound sounds.

- » Mmmm,” the cow mooed,

She was looking for Milka the heifer.

And the chick answered her: “Mmm-mm-mm.”

The cow mooed sternly: mm-mm-mm; and the heifer answered tenderly, affectionately: m-m-m-m.

How did Martha moo? (Children answer) How did Milka answer? (Answers)

The sound “m” is a consonant, voiced, hard, nasal, denoted by a blue chip with a bell, lives in a blue house (the chip is placed in the blue house).

The sound “m” is a consonant, voiced, soft, nasal, denoted by a green chip with a bell, lives in a green house (the chip is placed in a green house).

V. Development of phonemic hearing.

Game "Who's Mooing?"

The little mice sit in the grass and listen to who is mooing, Martha or Milka. Let's help them, guys: if Martha hums, we raise the symbol for the sound "m", if Milka - the symbol for the sound "m".

1. Isolating a sound from a number of consonant sounds:

v, m, n, m, v, m, f, m, w, m, n, m….

2. From a series of syllables: am, ap, mi, va, pe, mu, mya, ma, fo, shi, we, mi...

VI. Development of speech breathing, speech memory, voice.

Speech therapist: We listen, remember, and clearly repeat the phrases.

Ma - ma - ma - it's winter outside,

Ma - ma - ma - cold winter,

We - we - we - we are not afraid of winter,

Meh - meh - meh - we are happy about winter.

VII. Gymnastics for fingers

1. Game “Count” (matching numerals 1 - 5 with nouns)

The little mice collected seeds in the meadow and ran home, their mother praised them: “There will be a supply of food for the winter.” Let's help the little mice count the seeds.

Children have seeds on their plates, they count and voice their actions.

2. Game “Mice wash their paws”

Speech therapist: We prepared food for the winter, now it’s not scary. We need to wash the mice's paws, friends will come soon. Let's help them, guys.

The mice washed their paws with soap,

Each finger in order:

Here they soaped up a big one,

Sprinkling it with water.

Don't forget about the pointer

Wash off both dirt and paint.

The middle one was washed diligently,

It was probably very dirty.

The nameless one was rubbed with paste -

Immediately the skin turned red.

And the little finger was quickly washed

He was very afraid of soap.

VIII. Determining the position of the sounds “m”, “m” in words.

1. Use of the accusative case of nouns.

Friends came to visit the mice. Who do we see visiting the little mice?

(Children's answers)

What is the first sound we hear in the word “monkey”? (Answer)

And in the word “bear”? (Answer)

Game "Who brought what?"

Friends brought toys for the mice. The speech therapist places them on the table.

Let's try to guess who brought what?

(Answers: The monkey brought a matryoshka doll and a typewriter.

The bear brought a pyramid and a ball.)

2. Use of the instrumental case of nouns.

What did the little mice treat their friends with? There are objects on the table (products - milk, butter, sour cream, honey). Children answer with suggestions.

(Answers: The mice treated their friends with milk.)

3. Formation of relative adjectives

Mama Mouse prepared a treat for the guests:

She made porridge from milk (what kind?)…. (dairy),

I baked a cake from honey (what kind?) ... (honey),

I made cream for the cake from the butter (what kind?)…. (oil)

IX. Development of phonemic hearing.

1. Game “Which syllable is extra”

The monkey invited her friends to play a game, and we will play with them. The speech therapist pronounces a number of syllables, the children highlight the extra one:

Ma-ma-pa mu-mu-well

Mi - mi - pi mo - mo - but

2. Game “What vowel is hidden in the word?”

Mishka invites us to play with words that contain vowel sounds. Which? Listen and say. (According to individual pictures: poppy, bridge, goose, whale, cat, tail, steam).

3. Game “What sound ran to the end of the word?” (based on subject pictures)

The speech therapist pronounces the word, the children name the last sound.

4. Game “Walking Words”

Children divide words into syllables and lay out syllable patterns.


The little mice invite their friends to move, and we guys are with them.

One, two - everyone get up,

Three, four - squat,

Five, six - turn around,

Seven, eight - bend over,

Turn left and right

And smile at each other.

X. Sound analysis of backward and forward syllables.

(noise is heard outside the door)

Speech therapist: Guys, someone is scratching behind the door, do you hear?

The group includes the cat Murzik.

Murzik: I can often wash myself not with water, but with my tongue.

And mmm I often dream of a saucer with warm mmmilk and smmmethane, and there’s also the smell of mmmouse.

Speech therapist: Who is this? (Answer) Murzik the cat is a hooligan and prankster. We recognized you.

Murzik: How many guys are you celebrating?

Speech therapist: Guys, what are we doing? (Children's answers) You wander the streets, and the children study and are very good at distinguishing sounds. Do you, Mmmurzik, know what the first sound is in your name?

Murzik: No, I don’t know. Which?

Speech therapist: The guys will tell you now (the children answer).

Have you come to visit us?

Murzik: Mmmmice here - mmmy favorite delicacy, ummm - ummm, so tasty.

Speech therapist (in a whisper): Guys, let's quickly complete the tasks and then the cat will become kind, fabulous and will not touch our little mice.

Sound analysis of back syllables:

How many sounds did Murzik make: aaammm (answer),

What sound do we hear - (“a” is a vowel),

Which 2nd - (“m” - consonant, voiced, hard),

Say it. What happened (aaaammm)

Children transform the syllables: am - um - im - om.

What did we do? (Children's answers)

We... (hear, pronounce) sounds. Sounds live in letters.

XI. Introducing the letter M.

A card with a picture of the letter M is shown.

Speech therapist: We see the letter and read it.

1. Children write the letter in the air, trace the outline of the letter on the board, and fold it out of sticks.

2. Game “Let’s draw a letter”

We quickly stood up in pairs

They look like the letter M.- Children draw the letter in pairs.

3. Game "Windows"

The guys play with the “Windows” manual, match the sounds “a, u, i, o, m” and their letters, and read the syllables.

Murzik praises the guys.

Murzik: Guys, forgive me, I won’t offend mice anymore and I want to be as kind as you.

Children: Well done, Murzik!

Speech therapist: What can we treat the cat, guys?

(Sour cream. Here's a bowl of sour cream for you, pussy)

Cat: Delicious smmmetana. Guys, you are so good, you know a lot, you know a lot. I also want to learn and will no longer hunt for mmmice. Now I will treat you.

Murzik treats the guys to Puss in Boots candies and leaves.

Did you like it in fairyland? What sound did we meet today? (Children's answers)

And now it’s time for us to return from the fairy tale:

One two three four five,

Turn around yourself

Return from the fairy tale.

Well done boys. You tried very hard and did a good job.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the senior group Sound “M”, letter “M”

Program content:

1. Develop the skill of clearly pronouncing the sound “m”.

2. Form the concept of “consonant sound”.

3. Develop auditory attention.

4. Introduce the letter “M”.

5. Develop fine motor skills, visual attention, memory, thinking.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational point:

White snow lies all around

Snowflakes are falling

Oh! Frost is behind the tree

Sit down, children, hide your nose.

Guys! Do you like to solve riddles?

It's getting cold

The water turned to ice.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? That's right, guys, this happens in winter.

2. Main part:

Game “What do the words have in common?”

Fly – soap – raspberry – skein 3 – 4 chain options

Let's remember what sounds are? (This is what we hear and say).

Let's pronounce the sounds [m], [m].

How did we pronounce these sounds?

Articulation of sounds (position of lips, teeth, tongue, passage of air, voice).

Let us denote the sound [m] with a sound circle.

We denote the sound [m] with a sound circle.

We put our finger on the blue circle – we “revitalized” this sound, now on the green circle – we “revitalized” it.

Characteristics of sounds by acoustic characteristics.

Guys, what can we tell you about these sounds?

The sound [m] is a consonant, hard, sonorous, denoted in blue.

The sound [m] is a consonant, soft, voiced, denoted in green.

How are these sounds different?

How are they similar?

Guys, how is a sound different from a letter? That's right, we hear and pronounce the sound, but we write and see the letter.

Listen to the syllables and

Repeat after me

I sewed the dress myself


It just went into the closet


I don't understand anything


Maybe I'm dreaming


No, it's hanging, look


Game “Sit down when you hear the sound [m]” p, n, m, k, l, m, pa, na, ma, po, mo, mi.

Ball game “call it affectionately” (finch, tit, pigeon, sparrow, starling, crow, swallow)

Game “Stone and Cotton Wool” (Sea, world, monkey, ant, subway, bowl, March, car, soap)

Introducing the letter m.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know that the sounds [m], [m"] are denoted by one letter?

Children: No.

Speech therapist: They are denoted by the letter m (I show it on the board: m).

Speech therapist: Guys, how many elements does the letter M consist of?

Children: The letter M consists of 4 sticks.

Speech therapist: What size are the sticks?

Children: Two long and one short.

Speech therapist: Take the sticks and lay out the letter M. (Children lay out the letter).

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What new sounds and letters did we meet?

Children: We got acquainted with the sounds [m], [m"] and the letter M.

Literacy lesson notes

Sounds M-M. Letter M” in the preparatory group

Topic: M-M sounds. Letter M.


Correctional educational : teach children to characterize the sounds M and Mb based on various types of control, read both forward and backward syllables;

Correctional and developmental : develop phonemic awareness, attention, memory, thinking, graphic skills;

Develop gross, fine and articulatory motor skills;

Expand and clarify the vocabulary.

Correctional and educational :

Develop self-control of speech in children.

Material: mirrors according to the number of children, symbols of sounds, pictures with the sounds M, M, envelopes - 2 pcs., blue and green chips according to the number of children, ball

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part

- Guys, today the postman brought 2 letters to our kindergarten. And who they are from, you will find out if you guess my riddles.Listen to the first riddle:

Loves cheese and crumbs.
It's a cat? No, not a cat.
Knocked a testicle with her tail.
Is this a bird? No, not a bird.
Pencil chews books too.
Did you guess it? This …(mouse)

And now the second riddle:

Loves raspberries, loves honey,
In winter, he only sucks his paw.
By spring he wants to lose weight.
Sleeping in his den...(bear). Well done!

- Well done! You quickly guessed who sent us the letters. We will find out what Mouse and Bear wrote to us a little later.

Main part

What sounds do we hear first in the words Mouse and Bear?

That's right, today in class we will work with the sounds M, M.

Characteristics of sound by articulatory and acoustic characteristics. Working with mirrors.

- Look in the mirror and say the sound M. Lips are pressed together, they do not let in Air. But he found a way: The air goes through the Nose. When we say the sound M, the nose gets angry, “buzzes,” and the lips “buzz.” You can feel it if you touch them with your fingers.

- What is the sound of M? (consonant, hard, voiced) how is it indicated? (chip of blue color) how are the lips positioned? (close tightly) - lay out the symbols on the board.

The sound M has a brother, the sound M. Let's say it.

What is the sound of M? (consonant, voiced, soft) how is it indicated? (green chip) in what position are the lips? (lips close in a smile) - lay out the symbols on the board.

Development of phonemic hearing. Game “Signalers”

The speech therapist pronounces sounds, syllables and words with the sounds M, M. Children must determine whether the sound is hard or soft and show a blue or green chip.

Sound analysis of the syllables WE and MI

- Name the first sound in the word WE. Name the second sound (the word MI is analyzed in the same way). Well done!

Well done! Now I invite you to play with the ball. Come out to me and sit down on the carpet.

Differentiation of hard and soft sounds in syllables. Didactic game with the ball “On the contrary”.

The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and says the syllable MA, for example, and the child throws the ball back and says MY.

MA - ... (m i) AM - ... (am) Mo - ... (m e) OM - ... (om)

M u - ... (mu) UM - ... (um) We - ... (mi) YM - ... (ym)

Me -... (me) EM -... (um). – Let’s play the game: “Say the word”: MA – raspberry, car, ……, MO – milk, moth, ……. Etc.

Today is our friends Masha and Misha’s birthday, let us congratulate them and give them gifts (pictures).

Introducing the letter “M”

- Let's remember how letters differ from sounds? You and I know that each sound has its own sign by which it is designated. Let's get acquainted with the letter “M”: -A stick and a stick, with a tick between them. And it’s clear to everyone right away that the result is the letter M.

“Holding hands, we stood up and looked like M” (two children depict the letter M), and the rest lay it out using counting sticks, then depict it with their hands.

Let's now move the letter M into the house and read the syllable rows: MA, MO, MU, WE, MI.

Getting to know catchphrases:

a) disservice - a service that brings harm or nuisance instead of help;

b) give up - stop paying attention to something, stop doing something with someone;

c) muddy the waters - deliberately confuse some matter, create confusion.

Now let's see what Mouse and Bear sent us?

Mouse (labyrinth) Task: go through the labyrinth and get cheese.

Make a bear using colored pencils sound analysis words: HONEY, RASPBERRY.


Well done! You guys did a great job today.

What sounds did we study? - What was the most interesting thing in the lesson? - What was the most difficult?

Goal: to create conditions for consolidating children’s knowledge about the sounds M and M, the letter M.


Correctional and educational:

  • teach children to characterize sounds [m], [m’] based on different kinds control
  • consolidate children's knowledge on the topic "Vegetables and fruits"

Correctional and developmental:

  • improve skills sound-letter analysis words
  • develop in children phonemic awareness and perception
  • develop gross and fine motor skills and articulatory motor skills
  • expand and refine the vocabulary
  • develop facial muscles

Correctional and educational:

  • cultivate feelings of empathy and mutual assistance, interest in activities.

Equipment and materials: -projector, computer, multimedia presentation "Masha and Misha the Bear" ; -blue and green squares, pictures with the sound M, pictures of vegetables and fruits, object pictures (honey, tangerine, raspberries, milk, ice cream, carrots); - cash registers of letters, chips in blue, red, green for individual work; - Pictures "Tree" And "Bed"

Org. Moment.

The soundtrack of the play is playing "October" P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons" . Children enter the hall

Speech therapist: Children, guess what time of year I’m talking about:

Will wash the roof of the hut

He will take Misha to the den.

The peasant's work will be completed,

And then the leaves rustle.

We will ask her quietly:

"Who are you?" - and we will hear... (Autumn)

Speech therapist: Guys. Today we were invited to visit Masha and the bear Misha. The bear has not gone into hibernation yet. Today he will show what kind of crop he has produced.

(Showing the bear Misha and the girl Masha). Let's go.

Doing the exercises

1. General relaxation.

Come to the garden Steps in place

See how everything grows, raise your hands up

Everything grows, everything blooms, shaking hands

No one is cramped. Arms spread to the sides

Come to the garden! Jerky movements

Very interesting Forward lean

2. Development of gross motor skills "Harvest"

Let's go to the garden

Let's reap the harvest Steps on the spot.

We'll drag carrots "Drag" ..

And we'll dig up some potatoes. "Dig" ..

We will cut a head of cabbage, Round, juicy, very tasty! "Cutting off"

Round, juicy, very tasty! (Nishcheva). Show a circle with your hands three times

3. Development of fine motor skills.

Let's show what vegetables have grown.

At Lariska's -

Two radishes.

Alyosha's -

Two potatoes.

Seryozhka has a tomboy -

Two green cucumbers.

And Vovka’s -

Two carrots.

And even at Petka’s -

Two tailed radishes. Take turns extending the fingers from the fists.

starting with the big one on both hands

4. Facial massage.

Stroking, tapping, circular movements, stroking.

5. Development of facial muscles.

Performing actions on text.

It's so good when you smile

It's so good when you're surprised

But how can we not have fun?

When you are angry and sad.

6. Development of articulatory motor skills.

For the jaw: close your teeth, open - close your mouth;

For lips: "smack" lips; "spank" lips;

For the tongue: hold the tongue against the lower teeth while counting from 1 to 5;

bite your tongue with your teeth.

For cheeks: fat tomatoes, thin cucumbers.

7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice:

Speech therapist: -Masha and Misha were playing. And we got lost. They started calling each other

Hand on the diaphragm.

Speech therapist: So they found each other.

8. Making riddles, sound analysis of riddles

Misha and Masha prepared a treat. We need to solve riddles to find out what they want to treat us with.

The basket contains guessing pictures. If we guess correctly, these pictures will appear on the screen.

I'll tell you a riddle.

It is tasty and very sweet.

Being healthy helps

Bees collect it... (Honey)

He's orange's brother,

But smaller fruit baby.

It is also divided into slices.

But they are only smaller. (mandarin).

Curly braid

And the dew glistens on it!

Whose braid is lying in the garden bed?

Where are the orange heels?

The cheat hid it in the ground,

Vitamin... (carrot)

Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (Milk)

The bears love her so much

And no wonder:

Fragrant, sweet

Very beautiful. (Raspberries)

Children love it very much

Chill in a bag.

Chill, chill,

Let me lick you once! (Ice cream)

Look how good it is!

Red polka dot hat

Lace collar -

He's not new to the forest!


Speech therapist: Guys. We won't eat fly agaric. It's poisonous. Some wild animals are treated with fly agaric.

Look at the pictures of treats. These are raspberries, milk, tangerine, ice cream, carrots, honey.

The speech therapist gets pictures from Masha (pictures with the sound M in the title), then pictures from Mishka (With soft sound M). Children name the objects depicted on them. The speech therapist pronounces words with exaggeratedly pronounced sounds being studied.

Speech therapist: Guys, you named different pictures. What sounds did you hear most often? That's right, we hear the “sounds M and M”.

(Characteristics of sound based on articulatory and acoustic characteristics. Working with mirrors)

Speech therapist: Look in the mirror and say the sound M. The lips are pressed together, they do not let in Air. But he found a way: The air goes through the nose. When we say the sound M, the nose gets angry, “buzzes,” and the lips “buzz.” You can feel it if you touch them with your fingers.

Speech therapist: What sound is M? (consonant, hard, voiced) how is it designated? (blue chip) how are the lips positioned? (close tightly)

What is the sound of M? (consonant, voiced, soft) how is it designated? (green chip) in what position are the lips? (lips close in a smile)

Development of phonemic hearing.

Now we'll play a game “Who is attentive?” . Raise the blue circle if you hear a sound in a word [m], green - if the word has a sound [my]: ball, mouse, raspberry, house, fly, bear, car, house, family, smoke.

Sound analysis of the syllables WE and MI using chips.

We place blue and red chips. Mi chips are green and red.

9. Pure sayings for differentiating sounds

The bear found honey in the forest

Not enough honey, too many bees.

10. "Say it the other way around"





11. Physical education minute.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's play with Misha

The bear was walking through the forest, (we waddle)

The bear was looking for berries.

Like this, like this (we put one hand on the side - this is "basket" )

The bear was looking for berries.

Sweet raspberry

Put everything in the basket

Like this, like this. (we collect the berries and put them in "basket" )

I put everything in the basket.

How we treated ourselves to raspberries,

Everyone was sprawled out on the grass.

Like this, like this (pat ourselves on the tummy)

Everyone was sprawled out on the grass.

And then Mishka danced

Paws raised up

Like this, like this. (put your feet on your heels, raise your arms up)

12. Introducing the letter.

Speech therapist shows a letter "M" .

Speech therapist:

Friends held hands.

And they said: “You and I are us!”


The result is the letter M.

Speech therapist: Let's write the letter M in the air.

Lay out the letter from the counting sticks.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys.

13. "The letters are hidden" - prevention of dysgraphia.

Speech therapist: Look at the sheet of paper with the letters. Bear and Masha cannot find the letter M among the letters. Let's help them.

Find the letter that represents the sounds [m], [my]. Paint it over.

14. Exercise to develop the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. “Where does it grow?”

Speech therapist: Guys. In the fall, Misha had a rich harvest. Masha and Misha ask us to determine what grows in the garden bed and what on the tree.

We will put fruits to "tree" . We will put vegetables in the picture with "bed" .

(Children distribute pictures)

Speech therapist: Well done. Masha and Misha thank you for your help.

Summary of the lesson.

What sounds did you encounter today? (with M-M)

What was difficult for you? (Puzzles, …)

What else did you learn? (Sounds mi mi. We got acquainted with the letter M)

Thanks everyone. And now we say goodbye to Masha and Misha. They prepared gifts for us. - (Apples that grew in their garden)

We are returning to our kindergarten. Guys. Did you enjoy playing?


  1. Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly at 6-7 years old. Notes of frontal classes in the preparatory logogroup for school. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2017.
  2. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmic exercises in kindergarten. Method. manual - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2004.
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